Posted in BIAWAK

Dong Jiao Zong diperalatkan oleh DAP

MUTAKHIR: Eh, Guan Eng belum ajar Dong Jiao Zong lagi ke?

Apa agenda tersirat yang dicerminkan oleh tajuk berita berikut? — ‘325 protest rally may set off new waves against BN‘ (Malaysiakini, Mac 23)

Rencana tersebut juga berkata:

“The event at the private college owned by Dong Zong also aims to unite the Chinese community in demanding that the government transfers out hundreds of teachers who do not have Chinese language qualification out of Chinese primary schools.”

MUTAKHIR (1.10pm, Mac 27):
DAP mengadakan sidang akhbar hari ini (cerita di sini)

325 itu rapat umum DJZ atau DAP?

Diberitakan bahawa kira-kira 7,000 orang menyertai ‘Perhimpunan 325 menyelamatkan pendidikan Cina’ di ibu pejabat Dong Zong pagi tadi. Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Wee Ka Siong yang turut hadir diejek (di’boo’) dan diberikan ‘thumbs down’ oleh orang ramai serta ditunjukkan buku lima.

Seorang awam juga dilaporkan telah cuba menumbuknya tetapi dia mujur sempat dihalang oleh pegawai polis yang membentuk benteng manusia untuk melindungi timbalan menteri MCA itu.

Wee kemudian dipetik sebagai berkata bahawa cemuhan-cemuhan terhadap beliau hasil daripada “hasutan oleh pihak tertentu pembangkang”.

Wee diusir oleh "hostile crowd". Gambar 'Malaysian Insider'

Permintaan Dong Jiao Zong supaya “beratus-ratus” guru dipindah keluar adalah atas alasan mereka tidak mempunyai kelulusan SPM dalam bahasa Cina.

Yang memilih kerjaya guru pada lazimnya majoriti orang Melayu, seperti juga di lain-lain cabang perkhidmatan awam umpamanya kakitangan pejabat kerajaan, polis, bomba, dsb.

Memang ada Melayu yang bersekolahkan SRJK (C). Akan tetapi 90 peratus lepasan sekolah rendah Cina akan menyambung pelajaran ke SMK.

Lantaran itu, walaupun budak Melayu mungkin pernah belajar bahasa Cina sampai UPSR namun sebenarnya tidak ramai yang akan mengambil Bahasa Cina pada peringkat Tingkatan 5. Yang menduduki kertas Bahasa Cina-SPM adalah penuntut sekolah menengah swasta Cina dan SMJK (C).

Umum tidak dimaklumkan senarai nama guru yang terbabit untuk kita mengetahui pecahan etnik mereka. Yang kita tahu hanya mereka adalah guru-guru bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris.

Sekadar bertanya:

Kalau ianya cikgu yang England mali – katakan di bawah skim MBMMBI – adakah anda menjangka bahawa ibubapa Cina akan menimbulkan sebarang bantahan? Agaknya pendidik orang putih itu pun tidak mampu berbahasa Cina tahap O-Level (bersamaan SPM), bukan?

Lepas kemeja hijau Lynas, ini gerakan T-shirt merah pula? Gambar 'Malaysian Insider'

Semalam Wee Ka Siong telah merayu supaya masalah kekurangan tenaga pengajar dibincangkan secara rasional.

Malah kemelut ini telah mendapat perhatian perdana menteri yang memberi jaminan bahawa kerajaan akan mengambil langkah-langkah yang sewajarnya untuk mengatasi masalah. Timbalan perdana menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran Muhyiddin Yassin juga berjanji kementeriannya akan mencari penyelesaian.

Setakat ini sudah tertubuh sebuah jawantankuasa kerja khas untuk menangani kesulitan serta diadakan dua rundingan meja bulat. Namun pendemo-pendemo 325 diperlihatkan bukan ingin menyokong usaha-usaha untuk membaiki keadaan tetapi lebih kepada bertindak mengikut nafsu.

Mereka tidak kisah bahawa perlu dijaga agar ‘ditarik rambut dalam tepung, rambut tak putus, tepung tak berselerak’ gara-gara kewujudan SRJK (C) bukannya disenangi semua.

Mantan perdana menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamed pernah mendakwa DJK suatu “kumpulan ekstremis” serta berkata, “Chinese schools in Malaysia are Malaysian schools although they use Chinese language as medium of instruction”.

Meskipun saya tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan Dr M tentang DJZ, saya sangsi kenapa pula DJZ mahu merelakan diri mereka sekarang dijadikan modal politik bagi DAP.

Andaikata sebuah kerajaan majoriti Melayu – diramalkan akan berlaku selepas PRU13 ditentukan – mahu berkeras untuk menutup semua SRJK (C), tidak ada apa-apa sebenarnya yang boleh dibuat oleh kaum Cina.

Dahlah sudah tiada lagi MCA dan Gerakan – yang bakal dilingkupkan oleh DAP – untuk memainkan peranan sebagai pengantara di dalam rundingan.

Segala birokrasi dikuasai Melayu (semua Pengarah Pelajaran negeri adalah Melayu) manakala gaji guru SRJK (C) pun dibayar kerajaan juga. Kalau ada orang Cina yang berfikir hendak memberontak, mereka mesti berani berdepan dengan polis (yang Melayu) dan kemungkinan tentera (juga Melayu).

Polis bertugas menjaga keamanan di perhimpunan 325. Gambar 'Malaysiakini'

Saban hari MCA kelihatan kian tertekan angkara menjadi mangsa percaturan DAP yang kini mengharapkan rapat umum 325 itu boleh mencetuskan gelombang protes rakyat. (Begitu juga pembangkang yang mengugut hendak mengadakan Bersih 3.0 serta meneruskan demo anti-Lynas.)

DAP yang mengaut untung daripada kemarahan masyarakat Cina tidak mengambil endah bahawa nyawa SRJK (C) terletak di hujung tanduk ekoran kesabaran masyarakat Melayu diuji. Bagi parti itu, aliran pendidikan Cina dijadikan semata-mata bahan pertaruhan dan pertarungan politik mereka untuk menawan Putrajaya.



I have no Faceook or Twitter.

60 thoughts on “Dong Jiao Zong diperalatkan oleh DAP

  1. When it comes to PERKASA, they call it racist. When it comes to Dong Zong, they call it a champion of human right.
    The root of the problem is simple. Chinese themselves refuse to sacrifice to become teachers because of their low pay and now everybody else is to blame except these Dong Zong supporters with its Chinese First mentality.

    1. The truth is many Chinese applicants have been rejected by the Ministry of Education to become teachers. Ministry of Education has made the situation worse by sending many Chinese teachers who can teach Chinese language to national schools instead of Chinese primary schools. The right to learn one’s mother language has to be respected. Unlike Perkasa, the people who learn their mother languages do not hate or dislike other races. That is the difference between Dong Zong and Perkasa.

  2. hai Helen,

    Mereka berhaluan kiri ke? Apa yang saya nampak dari situasi tersebut adalah rumusan bahawa suara-suara moderate sudah makin tenggelam. Sikap sebegini seolah satu cabaran bagi bangsa Melayu. Kebelakangan ini gerakan haluan kanan sangat popular di kalangan bangsa Melayu. Bukan pertubuhan politik, tapi NGO seperti JATI mampu menarik belasan malah puluhan ribu penyokong tanpa batasan parti pada setiap rapat umum yang mereka adakan di seluruh negara, malah mendapat “restu tak rasmi” dari kalangan pemimpin UMNO sendiri. Itu yang dekat dan mahu keluar, yang jauh pula mengikuti ceramah malalui youtube dan media cetak. Pertubuhan PERKASA pula mendapat sokongan rasmi kerajaan dengan kehadiran Isteri Perdana Menteri pada acara rasmi mereka.. Pertubuhan-pertubuhan silat menyarungkan selendang panglima kepada Perdana Menteri, tanda sokongan tak berbelah bagi.

    Saya bimbang dengan situasi kita masakini. Tak ada lagikah suara suara rasional yang mahu didengar? Setiap kehadiran wakil moderate disambut dengan ejekan, malah ugutan, dan mutakhir tumbukan . Wakil MCA disalak dengan panggilan “ayam tua” dan ditakutkan hingga memaksa beliau diiring keluar oleh pihak keselamatan. Tiada lagikah suara rasional dari kalangan mereka?

    Saya berdoa semoga kita semua dapat hidup dengan aman sejahtera tanpa rasa takut di negara keramat ini.


    “Ayam betina tua” memang satu ejekan amat pedih dalam bahasa Hokkien (dalam BM kurang dirasakan penghinaan yang diajukan).

    Malah saya dilemparkan komen berikut — “All these hags [Joceline Tan, Helen Ang, et al] must have been poked by CSL one time or another in order for them to come out with such silly trivial non-issues”, sini.

    1. Helen, I felt sorry for this, I don’t agree with this. How can those people condemn CSL like this. What! they think CSL so cheap ka?

      1. Dear readers,

        Say welcome to a DAPster Contoh who has landed in this blog.

        I hope that you will all read Pala Richie’s 4:50pm comment above carefully to GET HIS MEANING, which is related to the earlier comment about CSL “poking” me & fellow “hag” Joceline Tan.

        I’m glad actually you’re here Pala Richie, so that you can show everyone how a typical DAPster behaves.

      2. Yes Helen, I’d like to talk to this Pala fellow a bit. If he said he’s DAP, he surely is being cynical when he says the above. But his words are tolerable up to this point. Let’s see his other comments.

      3. see , helen didnit i say shit coming your way in my earler posting now you know what king of shit ………….. DAPshit

  3. I have admiration with wee ka siong guts to attend this chauvinist event..thumbs up for him.

  4. Sudah beratus kali saya sarankan supaya DAP diharamkan. Jika tiada DAP, 50 peratus masalah politik di Malaysia akan lenyap serta merta. Tanpa DAP untuk mengancam keharmonian kaum, majoriti rakyat Malaysia akan fokus kepada kerja dan tanggungjawab masing-masing dan Malaysia akan segera mencapai taraf negara maju. DAP sebuah parti yang lebih jahat daripada Nazi.

  5. tahun ini masalah guru yang tak boleh berbahasa manderin dan kekurangan guru dijadikan isu.

    so macammana tahun hadapan 2013.Pada tahun 2000 terdapat lebih kurang 126000 kelahiran orang cina dimalaysia dimana dengan andaian kesemua mereka kesekolah sjkc dan sekarang berada di tahun 6 dan tahun depan akan meninggalkan sjkc.manakala tahun 2006 pula terdapat lebih kurang 85000 kelahiran orang cina dan andaikan juga semua akan masuk tahun 1 sekolah sjkc tahun keluar dari sjkc 126000 manakala gantiannya 85000 ini bermakna terdapat kekurangan 41000 orang calon murid cina di sjkc pada tahun hadapan dan perkara ini juga akan berlaku pada tahun seterusnya.tentu pada tahun hadapan terdapat lebihan kelas,guru dan adakah dong zong akan berhimpun disebabkan masalah sekolah kurang murid dan lebihan guru pulak yang membawa unsur pembaziran wang rakyat.

  6. Em, saya menyokong jika CSL tidak mahukan sebarang kerusi untuk pilihanraya akan datang jika MCA tidak menang di mana2 kawasan. Ini mungkin last resort CSL untuk beri amaran kepada orang2 Cina yang lain bahawa tidak akan ada lagi wakil untuk mendengar masalah kaum Cina. Jika semua orang Cina menyokong DAP pun, takkan mungkin dapat memerintah Malaysia kerana orang Melayu tidak akan duduk diam kerana mereka boleh mengagak style DAPster berpolitik jalanan dan politik kampung. Kalau orang2 Cina tidak sedar juga saya tidak tahu la nak cakap apa. Tunggu dan lihat sahaja PRU 13 nanti. Saya hanya tidak sabar mahu senyum-senyum sampai ke telinga 44 hari 44 malam sahaja.;p

  7. the next time YB Wee meets with Najib, it will be with a sad face pleading with the PM to give more leeway to these DJZ terrorists… at the end of the meeting, the Chinese will get what they want in view of the coming PRU… these events will happen every PRU for the next decades, and the situation will not get better… gap between the different races will continue to widen… and eventually bloodshed between races will repeat itself once again… that it is history and humans are so forgetful… to Najib, please don’t give in to these hypocrites and save the nation from these bloodsucking Chinese… mind you, not all Chinese are bastards like DJZ… most Chinese I know are positive minded and all towards building a peaceful and prosperous nation…

    1. Encik pusing,

      // …these DJZ terrorists… bloodshed between races will repeat ….. bloodsucking Chinese… not all Chinese are bastards like DJZ…//

      Manyat power punya bahasa, dari Perkasa ka bro..?

      Ini pemninat Helen Ang la.. kita tak cakap macam itu kat BN. Paling teruk kita marah ‘ ayam betina tua’ itu punya cukup tak patut la.

      1. Bagus lah kamu tak buat macam itu, Encik buah pala. Selalunya so’al stimulus and response, brada. Sapa mula dulu tak payah cerita. But I’d like to be watching you if I have the time. Not quite Big Brader on the Wall like PAP and Singapore. Though I suspect Lim Guan Eng and tutup mulut, endless gag orders are the same.

  8. Permintaan Dong Zong terhadap Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia adalah amat pelik dan juga tidak konstruktif. Pihak Kementerian bukannya langsung tidak ambil peduli mengenai kekurangan guru, malah menghantar guru sementara untuk membantu sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan ini. Adakah Kementerian Pelajaran perlu membuat kerahan tenaga untuk kaum cina dan memaksa mereka mengajar di sekolah terbabit? Tidakkah mereka fikir, guru-guru sementara yang dihantar itu lebih selesa mengajar ditempat lain?

    Ramai orang tidak sedar ataupun buat-buat tidak tahu mengenai kedaiffan sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan di luar bandar. Berbillion ringgit dibelanjakan (majoriti di Sabah dan Sarawak) untuk meningkatkan taraf sekolah. Namun sekolah di kampung-kampung melayu masih daif, kekurangan guru dan juga tidak mempunyai peralatan yang lengkap. Cuba lihat apabila ada pertandingan robotik ke atau pertandingan F1, adakah sekolah-sekolah luar bandar ini mampu menghantar pelajarnya ke pertandingan seumpama itu? Kalau ditaja mungkinlah namun hanya berapa sekolah yang ditaja? Adakah sekolah-sekolah luar bandar ini terlibat, jika kita lihat di laman web mereka banyak sekolah jenis kebangsaan mampu menaja pelajar mereka tanpa perlu bantuan Kementerian.

    Realiti sebenar ialah kebanyakkan insfrastruktur sekolah kebangsaan ini jauh ketinggalan berbanding sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Keperluan seperti makmal sains dan kemahiran hidup juga tidak lengkap dan daif. Guru yang mengajar subjek ini juga ada yang bersifat sementara dan selaku ‘bidan terjun’ berbanding di sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Yang paling pelik ialah tiada satu parti atau NGO yang turun membela nasib mereka. Masing-masing samada sibuk menjatuhkan kerajaan atau sibuk membodek kerajaan. Sila tanya murid-murid ini adakah mereka belajar sains dan kemahiran hidup melalui buku atau betul-betul menjalankan eksperimen? Tahap pemahaman bidang sains dan teknikal bagi mereka di luar bandar adalah amat minimal kalau dibandingkan dengan pelajar-pelajar di sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Namun orang melayu terlalu lemah dan berjuang pada landasan yang tidak logik dan terlalu mengikut emosi. Perkara seperti pelajaran dipandang remeh.

    Tetapi seperti sedia maklum apabila NGO atau persatuan berunsur kaum membuat tuntutan, kerajaan akan akur dan mengikut mereka, tidak apalah jika pelajar-pelajar melayu luar bandar masih tidak dapat akses seperti disekolah jenis kebangsaan, biarlah mereka menjadi juruwang atau kitchen helper bagi KFC dan Mcdonald ataupun jadi ‘despatch’ pun ok sebab ibu-bapa dan persatuan guru atau sekolah tidak bising dan undi mereka tidaklah begitu penting berbanding kaum lain. Persatuan Dong Zong juga harus sedar bahawa mengikut teori:- ‘Newton’s Third law: The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear’. Jika pihak kementerian tunduk akan desakan ini, saya merasakan ramai orang melayu akan terluka dan akan bertindakbalas. Action = Opposite Reaction.


    1. azrthink;

      Kenapa sekolah kampong tidak maju? baik bacalah apa yang M Bakri Musa tulis, teliti penulisan and pemikiran seorang yang tidak terpesong.

      Janganlah baca Helen Ang, ini politik punya kaki.

      1. Aiyyo, amacam mau ikut apa the fellow in US says? Dia tak balik kampong berpuluh tahun. Cakap takut Dollah Badawi’s Police accost him. Tapi bukan AB’s time pun tak tahu dia ada balik ka tidak. Mana dia tau fasal kampong lagi. That’s why you DAP people get misled always using the wrong info as basis of arguments.

      2. @pala

        because they are not good enough to be Malaysian….but they are good to DAPsters since they share the same idiocy…

  9. SJKC telah melahirkan penyokong DAP yg Ultra Kiasu. Padan muka BN kerana membenarkan DAP dan DJ wujud di muka bumi ini. Sebuah negara yg nampak aman tetapi perkauman dipendamkan menjadi api dalam sekam (SJKC takkan faham peribahasa ni)

    Cina Bangsar & evangelis merupakan DAPster yang paling lantang. — Helen

    1. //Sebuah negara yg nampak aman tetapi perkauman dipendamkan menjadi api dalam sekam (SJKC takkan faham peribahasa ni)//

      Saya SJKC, malah saya DAP juga, tetapi saya faham peribahasa ini, jadi nampaknya anda mempunyai banyak persepsi yang silap.

      Yang saya tak faham, siapakah yang memupuk sentimen perkauman selama ini? siapakah yang tidak upaya untuk mengubah masalah ini selam lebih 50 tahun? DAP lagi!.

      Senang sikit untuk soalan sekolah rendah, parti manakah yang sifat perkauman, yakni parti untuk satu bangsa sahaja?

      1. Wo brada, yang memupuk sentimen perkauman selama ini DAP lah. Sejak di tubuhkan dan memiikul sepandok Malaysian Malaysia kononnya. Itu subversif kpd Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak. Maukan sama rata dengan tidak akui Kedudukan Istimewa itu. Nyata itu akan menyentuh hak dan kepentingan Melayu dan Bumiputera.

        Lebih nyata lagi, DAP mencetuskan pergaduhan kaum 13 Mei 1969. Di nyatakan dengan butiran lanjut di buku “The May 13 Tragedy: A Report, by National Operations Council.” Quoting the words of Policemen and Police Officers who were on duty during the outbreak of the race riots. Of course the communists (before they were shooed to the Betong salient, south Thailand) and the subversives said they did not trust the Police. But then they did not trust even their own fathers and mothers. Like during the so-called Cultural Revolution in China.

        And no need to tell me about Kua ka Siong (whatever his name) who wrote trying to put the blame on Tun A Razak. Such a ridiculous and preposterous idea.

        Jangan kata DAP parti berbagai bangsa sebenarnya. Cuba bagi senarai berapa orang ahli selain dari Cina. Cuba buktikan siapa buat keputusan dalam DAP. Siapa control itu menunjukkan siapa punya parti.

      2. Kalau faham baguslah. mungkin anda 1 drpd 1 juta bekas SJKC yg faham. Parti perkauman? Mungkin anda merujuk kpd UMNO? Kalau tak kerana ‘rasis’ nya UMNO, kaum lain tidak akan diterima menjadi warganegara.

  10. kadang2 kita perlu ubat yang sangat pahit utk menyembuhkan sesuatu penyakit…!!! *** edited — Helen

  11. Kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan.

    Pelajar semua keturunan, baik Melayu, Cina, India, Bumiputera dan lain-lain di SK dan SMK merana dan dianaktiri, sementara pelajar di SRJK(C) dan SMJK(C) mendapat dana khas, dikenakan bayaran fi dan caj-caj tambahan, dan ada sumbangan fundraising. Kemudian ada kote nak tuntut KPM bagi guru yang “berkelulusan bahasa Mandarin”.

    Mamat ni semua tak sedar diri ke bodoh sombong? Masalah kekurangan guru untuk semua aliran sekolah itu realiti, gaji rendah, peluang naik pangkat tak cerah. Kenapa tak bincangkan soal kekurangan guru-guru bahasa Inggeris, kekurangan guru-guru lelaki, kawalan mutu guru-guru sekolah atau oversupply guru-guru sains dan matematik?

    Itulah perangai orang yang pendek akal, niatnya mungkin baik dan “suci”.

    1. //Pelajar semua keturunan, baik Melayu, Cina, India, Bumiputera dan lain-lain di SK dan SMK merana dan dianaktiri, sementara pelajar di SRJK(C) dan SMJK(C) mendapat dana khas, dikenakan bayaran fi dan caj-caj tambahan, dan ada sumbangan fundraising//

      Wow!, ini 1 malaysia kah?. Dana khas untuk SJKC and SMJKC, ini tidak adil, saya tak sokong kerajaan yag tak adil, GE13, kita ubah.

      1. I say man, kalau you kata you orang DAP, sampai dunia kiamat pun you tak sokong Kerajaan. Mesti you mau cuba ubah di PRU13. Tapi kita orang pun mau ubah you orang. Jadi, apa mau komen you punya statement yang lain dlm komen ini?

      2. //I say man, kalau you kata you orang DAP, sampai dunia kiamat pun you tak sokong Kerajaan.//

        Tak mestinya, manalah tahu, satu hari nanti PR jadi goverment, takan tak support goverment masa itu.. bro…

        //Mesti you mau cuba ubah di PRU13. Tapi kita orang pun mau ubah you orang.//

        Bagusla tu… sama-sama kita ubah!. Tapi kita ini semua M’sian..cuma pendirian kita beza, kita pun pangil hang brother… You boleh hantam dengan fakta tapi jangan fitnah.

  12. Say what you like, is good for you, you felt satisfied.

    So you think all those people in Dong Jiao Zong are stupid, only you are clever.

    1. No, they are not stupid. But they are ultra kiasu. They don’t respect the Constitution. Article 152 states that BM is the national language of this country. Mother tongue can be used only “FOR OTHER THAN OFFICIAL PURPOSE”. And schools are the official purpose of any country. Therefore Chinese schools should use BM as the medium of instruction.

      But if they persist in not accepting the above as facts, they may be stupid.

    2. //No, they are not stupid. But they are ultra kiasu….. Chinese schools should use BM as the medium of instruction. But if they persist in not accepting the above as facts, they may be stupid.//

      Say what you like, is a free country, I don’t agree with you, get Helen to agree with you.

      1. obviously you can’t argue with facts…. that is the problem when you are reading too much on Malaysiakini and TMI, the leading trash media in Malaysia.

  13. Tak payah la.. siok-siok sendiri. Kalau kata Dong Jioa Zong diperalatkan DAP, lebih baik kata Wee Ka Siong di peralatkan DAP, sama saja.. itu lagi memuaskan.. MCA and DAP pakat untuk musnahkan Umno, lagi sensasi!.

    Jangan pandang sendiri terlalu tinggi. Lebih baik minta Wee Ka Siong bawa Helen Ang tunjuk kepandaianny pada meeting akan datang…Helen Pandai.. Helen Pandai, pusa hatinya Helen.

    Kenapa ramai sangai Ms Tow Truck, Ms Equality? Sebab: ramai talah membaca Helen Ang..

    1. Wah, sampai 5 posting dalam 45 minit. Semua berapi-api. Bawa lagi budaya pembangkang, fitnah, inuendo dan serangan peribadi, dan kalau bersemuka, serangan fizikal. Ini terbukti dalam beberapa insiden. Dap takkan mendengar pandangan orang lain, semua yang tak setuju dengan mereka akan diserang, sampaikan serangan fizikal pun mereka sanggup lakukan. Dap ekstremis!!

      Dan kerana itulah Melayu menggelar Dap KOMUNIS!!!

      Semoga kita semua terlindung dari kejahatan mereka.

      1. Aiya Encik Penyokongketuanan, mana ada serangan, ini cuma pandangan, itu pun kita pakai balik apa dia orang kata, cuba tunjukan mana satu fitnah, boleh?.

        Kalau jumpa I belanja Kopi, encik! itu pun kalau encik tak anggap encik ‘tuan’, siap nak anggap sendiri ‘kuli’, tak elok macam itu. Cuba bagi controh DAP akstremis and serangan peribadi?

        Saya juga penyokong ketuanan juga, ketuanan rakyat, you pula, ketuanan apa?

      2. Ketuanan Sultan dan Raja-Raja Melayu

        Saya juga tahu Ms Tow Truck diugut untuk dipulaukan perniagaan keluarganya. Ini bukan saja serangan peribadi, malah keluarga juga diserang. Taktik sebegini digunapakai oleh Ah Long dan gangster. Dia tunduk dan memohon maaf secara terbuka kerana takut keluarganya diserang. Anda tanya sendiriah dengan Jessie Ooi. Bukan Dap ke yang buat semua tu?

      3. Ini Encik Buah Pala menyindir Ketuanan Melayu yang Setiausaha (Menteri) untuk Hal Hal Penjajahan Britain telah kata di Parlimen Britain telah ada “since day one”, Dia kata demikian dimasa membincangkan Malaya Independence Bill di tahun 1956. British telah menghormatkannya sejak British mula berhubung dengan negara ini di zaman Ratu Victoria lagi. Mereka berurus dengan Raja Raja Melayu untuk mendapatakan tempat berdagang.

        Jika British mengakui Ketuanan Melayu itu, DAP tidak. Ini lah yang di katakan DAP anti Melayu kerana tidak memperakuinya. DAP juga tidak menghormati apa yang di panggil Kontrak Sosial – bukan Melayu dapat hak kerakyatan dan balasannya Melayu dapat Kedudukan Istimewa itu (yang juga mencerminkan Ketuanan Melayu) di sergamkan di dalam Perlembagaan negara.

        Sebenarnya, Melayu tidak dapat apa pun, sebab Ketuanan Melayu itu telah ada “since day one, sebagaimana British telah kata di Parlimen mereka. Melayu hanya dapat Ketuanan Melayu itu di kanunkan di Perlembagaan. Walhal bangsa lain mendapat apa yang mereka tidak dapat dan menjadi “stateless” beratus tahun di negara ini, termasuk di seluruh tempoh British memerintah. DAP langsung tidak peduli, hanya mahu lagi, mahu lagi dan mahu lagi macam macam. Itu yang DAP di panggil ultra kiasu.

        Bila mereka mengungkit Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu itu, Melayu akan mengungkit kerakyatan mereka. Pendirian stimulus and response serupa ini yang mencetuskan pergaduhan kaum 13 Mei itu. Jaga jaga lah Encik Buah Pala. Elakkanlah supaya kita tidak terjerumus ke situ lagi. Ada Akta Hasutan baginya. Jangan kita melanggar Akta itu.

      4. Ini sensitive, saya mengaku kalah saja, saya kiasi, saya tak kiasu. You orang betul dan pandai, I takda comment. Bukan pasai apa, akta hasutan, cakap-cakap pandangan, nanti kena cekup.

        Tak mau main la…you orang main habis la dalam topic ini.

    2. Tak masuk akal Wee Ka Siong di katakan di peralatkan oleh DAP. Mengatakan MCA dan DAP berpakat memusnahkan UMNO itu stau instigasi. Tapi itu dah lama kerja DAP.

      Kami membaca Helen Ang sebab apa yang di katanya benar dan kebanyakannya kami persetujui. Dan dia biasanya berhujah dengan beradab. Kami langsung tak setju dengan cara Hannah Yeoh, Teresa Koh dsbnya berhujah. Di katakan sebagai cara DAP. Tahu saja lah apa maknanya.

  14. Helen, you wrote the following:

    Yang memilih kerjaya guru pada lazimnya majoriti orang Melayu, seperti juga di lain-lain cabang perkhidmatan awam umpamanya kakitangan pejabat kerajaan, polis, bomba, dsb.

    One of my Chinese colleague, whose wife is a teacher, claimed, on contrary, there is actually a lot of Chinese who wanted to become teacher but they were systemically blocked.

    I did not ask more but here is an example given by a commenter Cala, who commented in MalaysiaKini; I know you’re probably disgusted with Malaysiakini commenters nowadays, but I’ll quote part of it anyway:

    ….my understanding is that close to 2000 temporary teachers in the Chinese schools are having some problems with respect to their teaching tenure. They face uncertainty of enrolment in formal training before qualifying as competent teachers. But the Education Ministry appears oblivious of their predicament….

    Here is another issue regarding temporary teachers that I scoured from Internet:
    Temporary teachers deserve security of tenure, says Dong Zong

    ShuZheng also pointed out that the creation of PPSMI is another reason why Chinese schools were short of teachers (who could speak Mandarin), I quote here:

    Nine years of PPSMI and now abolished had decimated a population of teachers who could teach Maths or Science in hanyu. They had to move on – give up teaching and move to Singapore or Taiwan – or they would be starved dead today. There are only the English left.

    (ShuZheng has more points over there that I don’t want to quote)

    DJZ sleeping in the same bed with DAP is probably out of desperation because their relationship with MCA/Gerakan did not work out well. In fact DJZ has always been lobbying political parties from both sides of the fence all these years (even with PAS) in order to further their interest, see here. You claimed DJZ being used or manipulated (diperalatkan) but the current rally just doesn’t happen overnight. They have already been talking about rallying since last year after temporary teachers issue being in the spotlight.The pent up frustration has been built up all these years (including the demand for more Chinese schools), and it is just waiting to be unleashed. Just like what a commenter YS Tong wrote back in 2002, DJZ is just destined to be a dissident.

    PS: I really don’t know what you’re trying to suggest with so many posts on DJZ (other than taking the usual jab on DAP). So, should DJZ stop rallying altogether, butter up/ patch up with Wee Ka Siong and everything will be fine and dandy?

    1. Hi LE,

      (1) You wrote: “there is actually a lot of Chinese who wanted to become teacher but they were systemically blocked”. Okay, fair point. Since WKS is the deputy Ed minister, the opposition should pressure him to come clean on the data. Or for DJZ to provide hard stats.

      (2)(a) “close to 2000 temporary teachers in the Chinese schools are having some problems with respect to their teaching tenure” … Can you pls provide links & more info on the matter aside from the Komunitikini report which doesn’t explain much. Thereafter we can discuss this point further.

      (b) One of the 4 resolutions passed at the 325 rally yesterday was for ALL the non-Mandarin “qualified” teachers to be IMMEDIATELY transferred out. If that’s DJZ’s demand, and it’s met, wouldn’t that just exacerbate the problem of shortage they’re complaining about in the first place? Send away the temps & where to pluck SPM-standard Mandarin speaker-trained teachers from? Thin air?

      (3) Sz is not accurate on PPSMI. In the first place, DJZ did not fight hard enough against its implementation in the Mahathir years. Instead the Chinese schools compromised by duplicating, i.e. teaching double periods (meaning the kids spent longer hours in school) the subjects in both Eng. & Chinese.

      Following the above, I don’t see how Sz’s claim that PPSMI “decimated a population of teachers who could teach Maths or Science in hanyu” can hold water. As to his follow-on claim that “They had to move on – give up teaching and move to Singapore or Taiwan” to the extent of “decimation” — where’s the official data to back that? We don’t even have open data on outbound immigration which is a discernible fact.

      (4) “DJZ sleeping in the same bed with DAP”, ref. (2)(b). If the resolution they passed is impractical & self-defeating, then it does not indicate that DJZ is genuinely seeking solutions to the problems. The establishment – Najib, Muhyiddin, CSL, WKS – scrambled to contain the situation by quickly laying out several offers on the table.

      But it was clear that DJZ wanted to flex the Chinese muscle by going ahead with 325, i.e. their pronouncement that the rally was purposed to “unite” the Chinese behind their cause as well as for the show of strength to give them leverage when they conduct their next meeting with the authorities on March 30.

      (5) “[Helen] claimed DJZ being used or manipulated (diperalatkan) but the current rally just doesn’t happen overnight.” I’m looking at the cost-benefit analysis. DAP benefits by burnishing its credentials as ‘defender of Chinese interests’.

      I foresee that Chinese education is at the losing end of the tie-up b’cos now that DJZ is linked with DAP, it takes the issue from the domain of academia into the political arena with all the racial baggage (DAP vs Umno; DJZ being compared with Perkasa).

      Like Daim said about pressure and counter-pressure: DJZ is applying pressure. Don’t you see already that the larger body politic (i.e. Malays and parents whose kids are in SK) are reacting? Isn’t it Chinese education ultimately that suffers when brushed with accusations of chauvinism, racism & the DAP streetfighting credo? Proven by the rowdiness and scuffles yesterday.

      Do you think the 325 demo gained SRJK(C)s any general goodwill or lost some?

      (6) “The pent up frustration has been built up all these years (including the demand for more Chinese schools), and it is just waiting to be unleashed.” I understand the [stymied] development & the frustrations. But all the more reason for patience & perseverance in dealing with it when there’s a tightrope to be walked.

      Why I say DAP used DJZ (although it’s a ‘you scratch my back I scratch yours’ exchange between them) is b’cos DAP wanted to the floodgates to be opened for their [Pakatan’s] own political mileage.

      And how were the frustrations released? By assault & throwing water bottles. I saw one of the photographs of how a Malay policeman prevented the assailant’s fist from connecting with WKS’s face.

      And what was the reaction outside the venue? The opposition Chinese were gloating that WKS would have been lynched if not for the heavy security detail. Also another gloat that Saifuddin Nasution was welcomed at the rally with cheers.

      Aren’t all these machinations to bury MCA good & proper?

      (7) “PS: I really don’t know what you’re trying to suggest with so many posts on DJZ (other than taking the usual jab on DAP).”

      Remember the February Asli forum that incl. the CSL-LGE debate? The forum was themed “Chinese at the crossroads”. To me, 325 is a significant date b’cos it marks clearly that the Chinese have decidedly chosen which path they want to take.

      Try to see beyond GE12 (which is to take place in the next few months or so) & beyond the psychotic preoccupation of the DAPsters on squeezing out every last vote for themselves. Look into the horizon & make a diagnosis of where DAP is leading us (Chinese).

      SRJK (C) does not exist & operate in a vacuum. DJZ may have made 4 demands but the very act of the 325 gathering has already created a furore. Personally I’m in full support of Chinese schools. My Malay readership here is fully aware of that (I’m the minority view in my own blog).

      But DAP’s involvement is most detrimental to the continued survival of Chinese schools b’cos of the hypocrisy of their M’sian First sloganeering. Isn’t it a valid question to ask where is the “M’sian agenda” (LGE’s swaggering) vis-a-vis Article 152 & why non-Mandarin speaking teachers are seen as a cancer in the vernacular system that has to be excised?

      1. Helen, thanks for your rebuttal and analysis. At this moment I don’t have any other points to add, unless if I hear more grouses straight from the horse’s mouth (those from Chinese education circles, i.e. Chinese teachers teaching in Chinese schools), then I’ll put that into comment here.

        Regarding the temporary school teachers shortage, I’m unable to find any other data or numbers or past news from the net (other than the one from KomunitiKini). I guess this kind of issues are more likely debated or commented in Chinese medium domain (Chinese forums, Chinese news sites) than in English and being unfamiliar with that world, I guess I won’t be able to substantiate more information.

  15. Helen,

    I notice that Chinese community in general tolerates( in fact encourages DJZ) as a bargaining chip against UMNO. But what they fail to realise is that they( the chinese) will end up as losers.

    The impression that Chinese have is that UMNO ( and especially Najib) really hards up for their support. It is true to a certain point. But what they really forgot is that all Chinese based parties, be it MCA, Gerakan or DAP also want Malay support.

    By DAP instigating DJZ( or vice versa), It( DAP) actually bringing Malay closer to UMNO. An in case of BN, UMNO can stand on its own( meaning it has the largest pie in Malay votes). in comparison, MCA and gerakan ( if not for UMNO’s support) are to be seen in museum only.

    My point is that Chinese still refuse to see that malay community is seeing them as “kiasu” or “tak boleh dipercayai”. I mean no disrespect to Chinese. But must they wage war against BN or UMNO in order to get their rights. and what rights of the Chinese that have been denied?

    In fact, Malay feels that UMNO is too accomodating to the Chinese requests . I dare to say that UMNO’s treatment to non Malays is ia model of benevolence unheard or unsurpassed in this planet.

    Yes. Sir. i stand by what i said. Tell me where in this world a govt sponsors the vernacular schools without any attempt to close it down.

    You says it nicely. Many chinese seems to forget that the Govt can close down the schools if it really wants it. And when it has decided to do it, no Chinese or any Chinese party can do anything.

    Sound arrogant? But that is the reality. Now Malay community is asking what the hell Najib is pampering the Chinese when majority of them rejects BN.

    Najib should take note. PERKASA is well received among Malays. Malays take PERKASA not as a tool to counterbalance DAP BUT RATHER as a warning to UMNO not to underestimate the feeling of Malays.

    The way forward is One school for all. It has been said for decades. Separate school EXACTLY does one thing:SEPARATE US.

    One school for all. All students mingle in one environment. Provision made to have Mandarin and tamil classes for Chinese and indian students.

    But funny is it not. DAP that cries for “malaysian Malaysia” insist on having separate school.

    Yet some Chinese are upset when they are reffered as “pendatang”. Yes. upset to be called “pendatang” AT THE VERY TIME some Chinese politicians wage war against the Malays.


    Hmm, let’s consider: Your analysis is that the DJZ rally will alienate Malays and thus drive away Malay support from Chinese parties (i.e. all Chinese without differentiation now viewed as hostile). If the Malays turn away from the Chinese in toto, i.e. a blanket reaction, and it is MCA that needs Malay votes – survival hinges on it – more than DAP does, could this Malay against Chinese sentiment (i) dent DAP but (ii) deliver the killer blow to MCA? What do you think? — Helen

  16. We must always understand the core of the struggle rather than turning it into a political forum that the politicians prefer.Many should revisit the Fenn- Wu report on vernacular education which is protected by the constitution.I will agree with Helen that DAP these days had caught on with the chameleon attitude of Anwar, lalang according to where the wind blows.Notwithstanding the political agenda of PR like UMNO, where is our concern as an individiual on this chinese education issue if it is a major concern for a segment of the society. Today the dissent by DJZ although genuine in nature is seen as a political tool. Whose fault is it? Of course DJZ itself, if not why should the Wee bloke be castigated.Aren’t they here to to talk of the society’s problem?So how does it matter whether it is BN or PR. What perpetuates these political parties and their agenda is our own individual fault as we continue to defend our position without digesting the problem & understanding the ethnic relationship that we had build over the years but rather taking a confrontational attitude.Wakeuplah Malaysians, we are not homogeneous but rich with such a conflux of ethnicity that the world envies.Whether a Malay,Chinese,Indian or lain-lain has an issue it should a community issue as Malaysian rather than allowing these stupid politicians glued to their seats and busy twitting for their own glory and create unrest between us,the regular folks.Vernacular education does not make anyone, any lesser Malaysian and we should all support it wholeheartedly without the politican equation.

  17. Saya sangat kesian dengan komen2 Pala Richie. Sgt tidak berasas dan sangat emosional. Kesian. Ketuanan Rakyat yg dipojok PKR dan DAP takkan wujud w/pun PR menang. Sebab Anwar dan LGE dah janji Akta 153 akan tetap dipelihara. Kalau diorang nak spin sekalipun, semua bumiputera akan rally satu Malaysia mcm DJZ tgh buat sekarang ni. Sangat tidak cerdik Pala menyatakan orang yg bijak adalah non-Malaysian. Well, now I can see why Mesir, Afghanistan, Syria sekarang dijajah dengan barat. Mungkin Pala lebih suka Malaysia dijajah oleh AS sebagaimana ketua umum PR sudah mendapatkan bantuan Yahudi dan Israel??? Pelik, cakap Malaysian First, tapi perlakuan lebih daripada Perkasa. Cakap BM bagi betul dulu la wei!

    I rasa memang DJZ diperalatkan DAP dan ultra kiasu. My aunt mengajar di SMJK Chong Hwa Kuala Lipis. Student dengan guru takde masalah pun malah sampai sekarang mereka masih baik dengan my aunt even dah habis belajar and still consult dengan my aunt ttg study diorang. DJZ dan DAP ni sebenarnya menggugat kesejahteraan hubungan guru dgn murid. Lebih2 lagi sehingga timbul tuduhan guru2 Melayu ni sebenarnya nak asimilasikan budak cina jadi “Melayu”. Hello. what happen to Malaysian First?? Tuduhan tak berasas.(read comments in TMI and MKini). Setakat cikgu mengajar BM tu dikatakan nak asimilasi budak2 buat ape? Perlembagaan takkan berubah pun.dah BM tu bahasa kebangsaan. Kalau ada guru melayu jadi guru kaunselor sekalipun, takkan la tak boleh bertutur bahasa kebangsaan? Bahasa Inggeris dibanggakan sangat tapi BM pun tak pass.

    Tetapi saya tertarik juga untuk tahu betul ke orang2 cina atau non-Malay semacam ada sekatan untuk menjadi guru. Sebab dulu saya belajar di SBP, guru cina and Indian ada je mengajar Sains and Chemistry.My friend, she’s Indian, baru habis KPLI and akan mengajar tak lama lagi. wait, indian teachers ramai juga di SJKC, kenapa tak bantah. and most indians pun tak tahu ckp mandarin.

    “belajar di SBP” mulai Ting.1? Boleh Darlyn berkongsi pengalaman (sekadar nak tahu)? :) — Helen

  18. I sometimes wonder…really, really wonder why there are still non-malays who do not understand the main purpose of BAHASA MALAYSIA. If I asked my cats..they will know better cos I use BAHASA MALAYSIA to give commands to my cats. I use BAHASA MALAYSIA to call the coconut plucking monkeys too @ my kampung.
    The malays of yesteryears wanted to communicate better with the arrivals of the chinese, indians, punjabis and hence they decided to install and SHARED Bahasa Malaysia as a common language for everyone. Those days, mana ada cikgu mengajar bahasa inggeris???
    In China, Japan and Germany…economic powerhouses…. they use their own languages for everything and they are economic powerhouses.
    No one is questioning what is in your heart if youre a loyal Malaysian or not…no one can see whats in your heart but if you take great pains to take BAHASA MALAYSIA seriously , learn and practise it.. it makes everything clearer and simpler.
    I salute the chinese in Malacca, Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah….
    theyre still chinese but its always nicer speaking BAHASA MALAYSIA with them.
    If you feel that you become a melayu by speaking BAHASA MALAYSIA – there’s only one ward to describe you – BODOH!#
    And Im also pretty sure that in every house owned by supporters of DAP..there is a dart board with the words MELAYU and BAHASA MALAYSIA printed on it for DAP members to throw darts.
    There is only one true blue racist party…run b a family dynasty that mirrors the brutal North Korean regime….
    Maybe LGE should have a hairstyle like he North Korean leader?
    The chinese in Malaysia are the luckiest chinese in the world.. they can retain their names and cultures and even their schools are partly funded by the ruling government.
    TV chinese channels pun ada….
    Mau apa lagi?
    Yang paling penting dan berharga ialah setia kawan…kawan2 like your fellow malaysian malays, indians, punjabis and manyn other ethnic groups.
    Please stop being the only noisy ethnic group…

  19. Quote from Shamsul “In fact, Malay feels that UMNO is too accommodating to the Chinese requests . I dare to say that UMNO’s treatment to non Malays is ia model of benevolence unheard or unsurpassed in this planet”. Umno did this now for sake of “Perpaduan” even though it meant sacrificing Malay’s neck!…How.I wish Tun Mahathir is still be our beloved PM….he is the truly statesman of the world. He definitely will be able to settle this stupid issue and in the same time teach some manners to DJZ!

  20. saya rasa penulis terkeluar daripada isu sebenar yang dituntut djz. isu sebenar ialah selama lebih 40 tahun, masalah kekurangan guru di sjkc masih berlarutan sehingga kini. langsung tiada tindakan konkrit di ambil pihak kementerian. sebab itu, djz dan masyarakat cina berasa marah. dianaktirikan untuk lebih 40 tahun. padahal kerajaan mengakui hak orang bukan bumiputera untuk menerima pendidikan dalam bahasa ibunda iaitu sjkc dan sjkt (tamil). kalau dah akui hak ini, mengapa tak selesaikan isu kekurangan guru semenjak 40 tahun lepas. tak nafi kebanyakan guru adalah bukan melayu yang tidak mempunyai kelayakan bahasa cina. tetapi penyumbang cukai terbesar kepada kerajaan adalah rakyat cina. adalah wajar kerajaan berbelanja untuk sjkc juga. ingat bahawa sjkc seluruh malaysia ada 60000 pelajar bukan cina. kekurangan guru membawa masalah kepada mereka juga. majoriti pelajar sjkc adalah cina. ingat ini adalah pendidikan tahap rendah. guru perlu menjelaskan maksud sesuatu terma sama ada matematik, sains atau bahasa inggeris kepada murid-murid menggunakan bahasa cina. sama dengan logik kerajaan memansuhkan ppsmi kerana jika pelajar tak faham maksud terma sains dan matematik dalam bahasa melayu, apatah lagi dalam bahasa inggeris. kerajaan berhujah bahawa untuk pendidikan rendah, pengajaran dalam bahasa ibunda sama ada bahasa melayu, cina dan india membolehkan murid-murid lebih cepat memahami sesuatu matapelajaran.

  21. Biarlah sekolah aliran Cina ini ditukarkan sekolah2 Cina persendiran,gaji dibayar oleh tauke2 Cina.Selesai.Org2Melayu dan India kekal saja di sekolah2 kebangsaan.Itu yg DJZ /DAP hendak menyemai perassan KeCINAAN yg kuat di kalangan masyarakat CINA.Mereka dah lupa mereka kini hidup dlm kesenangan di Malaysia bebas buat apa2 termasuk perjudia,pelacuran,gangstersima,bagi mereka asal dapat duit itu saja undang2 tak perlu dihormati.Inilah satu BANGSA yg tak pandai mengenag budi dan tak pandai bersyukur.

  22. Alantyt,

    DJZ does not want teachers who are not proficient in Mandarin( meaning non Chinese teachers).

    And actually, Perlembagaan does not guarantee the existence of Chinese and tamil school. Perlembagaan GUARANTEES the right to learn, to practise one’s mother tounge.

    The biggest mistake Tunku made was allowing separate school system. It separates us. Literally speaking. attending Rumah Terbuka of the PM or tossing yee sang do not promote integration in true sense. The only way for integration is to mingle around. And nothing can replace the time tested method.

    DJZ choose a confrontational manner. and it adds a political falavour by courting DAP, a party which hallmark is waging war against the Malays.

    As for Malays, they repeatedly reminding Najib that whatever his gift to Chinese community, he must understand the fate that befell Sarawak CM. After doing so much for Chinese, he is still rejected.

    Najib must understand that there is limit in accomodating the Chinese . Or he wishes to aleanate the Malays, the very community that support him.

    As for MCA, it becomes harder to win in Malay majority areas s nowadays Malays see no reason in choosing MCA in Malay majority area.

    As for the Chinese, it is their choice who they will elect as their representatives. They can choose a voice in the Govt or they can be completely outside govt. The choice is in their hand.

  23. Everything will be fine if they win the coming election, DAP wish to be the dominant partner meaning they will reset policies. At the end of the day chinese speaking community will prevail in every aspect, social, economics, financial, etc. I agree with Alantyt, that chinese representation will completely alienated if they choose otherwise. The choice is theirs. If absolute power remains with the Malays then it is easier for the government to rescind SJKT. It is power sharing that saves SJKT, and if the Chinese feel that they can grab power go ahead. So again the choice is your our Chinese friends.

    1. mr. Saw, yes a big IF. what your view IF they lose and no MCA to ‘slow`talk ‘ the UMNO???

  24. If you “grab power” by anything less than constitutional means, the military might beat you to it. In Fiji, the immigrants form the majority of the population, won the General Elections, but could not have power – the military grabbed it and ruled by military decrees, until now.

    IF they win PRU13, DAP becomes “the dominant partner meaning they will reset policies. At the end of the day chinese speaking community will prevail in every aspect, social, economics, financial, etc”, the Malays will resent it, protest in more ways than one. I fear the collision that samshul spoke about earlier will take place.

    All responsible citizens should do their part by ensuring that doesn’t happen. Each citizen can be responsible – through the vote.

  25. DAP is the actual devil in Malaysia.
    They must talk the talk , not bullshitting
    The masses on their double edge tongue.
    What is DAP fighting for ?
    Why must DJZ and DJD fight ?
    All are for the power and money but they are
    Selling religion and race for their benefit .
    DAP must go …

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