Posted in Evangelis

DUMC, Khalid dan exco hal-ehwal agama

Gambar: Tiga sekawan menunjukkan semangat muhibah — Menteri Besar Selangor Khalid Ibrahim bersama rakan taulan India dan Cina.

Ini pula gambar yang mencuit hati dengan MB berlagak India Celup. Rakan exco wanita beliau yang Cina pun berpakaian India juga.

Gambar MB yang berikut membayangkan hubungan mesra antara dua kaum utama di semenanjung– Melayu Islam yang majoriti dan Cina Kristian yang minoriti.

Lagi satu gambar muhibah kaum. Bagus juga wakil-wakil Pakatan terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa, bukan? Di kiri sekali ialah Ahli Parlimen Kelana Jaya Loh Gwo Burne sementara Adun Bukit Lanjan ialah Elizabeth Wong.

Sebenarnya MB Selangor menunjukkan kepimpinan melalui teladan dalam isu perpaduan kaum.

Beliau sering menyambut hari kebesaran bersama kaum-kaum lain, misalnya Tahun Baru Cina dengan para exco dan wakil-wakil Pakatan yang berbangsa Cina.

Berdiri di sebelah kanan MB ialah exco Selangor Elizabeth Wong (gambar bawah) untuk bersama-sama menyepit Yee Sang.

Berdiri di sebelah kiri MB ialah exco Selangor Elizabeth Wong untuk bersama-sama menyepit Yee Sang.

Malah seluruh barisan exco Selangor pun mengambil gambar dengan berpakaian perayaan Tahun Baru Cina. Duduk di sebelah kiri MB ialah exco Selangor Elizabeth Wong.

Exco kerajaan negeri tekun bekerja. Duduk di sebelah kanan MB ialah ahli exco Elizabeth Wong.

Barisan exco Selangor memang menampakkan wajah muhibah — ada Cina, ada India. Berdiri di sebelah kanan MB ialah Teresa Kok dan Xavier Jayakumar manakala di kiri beliau ialah Elizabeth Wong.

Di bawah ialah sekeping gambar yang membayangkan keunikan kaum di Malaysia. MB sedang memotong kek dalam suatu upacara sambutan berwarna-warni bersama sekumpulan Orang Asli. Bersamanya ialah exco Elizabeth Wong.

Inilah dikatakan exco bekerjasama dengan bergandingan bahu.

Di mana ada Khalid, di situ ada Eli.

Di mana ada Eli, di situ ada Khalid.

Selangor betul-betul mengorak langkah dalam memupuk hubungan erat antara kaum. Mujurlah MB bukannya seorang pemimpin Melayu yang hanya diapit orang sebangsanya sahaja.

Exco Selangor Elizabeth Wong, mahupun bukan Muslim, menunjukkan hormatnya kepada Islam dengan bertudung. MB sendiri pun bergaya tradisional dengan memakai songkok.

Barangkali Elizabeth Wong boleh diberi portfolio exco agama Kristian untuk menjalankan fungsi memupuk ‘inter-faith’.

Khalid sekarang pun memegang portfolio exco hal-ehwal agama Islam setelah Dr Hasan Ali dipecat.

Baru-baru ini, Hasan mengadakan sidang media berhubung isu Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC) serta membongkor cerita tentang kegiatan mendakwah orang Melayu yang dilakukan secara sulit oleh puak evangelis Kristian.

Baca blog SeaDemon (14 Ogos) yang mengisahkan:

“When the proselytization issue surfaced exactly a year ago today, we all learnt that around 13 people were interviewed by JAIS for attending a berbuka puasa event at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church. What we did not know until tonight was the fact that there were in fact more than 100 Muslims/former Muslims who managed to get away from the church when the raid commenced.”

Khalid memikul tanggungjawab berat sebagai exco hal-ehwal agama Islam memandangkan bahawa Hasan Ali telah mendedahkan perkara yang amat serius.

Mengikut bekas exco hal-ehwal agama Islam tersebut, kegiatan memurtadkan orang Melayu sedang dijalankan di kawasan-kawasan bandar berpenduduk majmuk seperti Damansara Utama.

Tambahan lagi, Christian Fellowship of Subang Jaya juga pernah menyeru “Rise up it’s time to take Subang for Jesus!” (screenshot sini).

Gereja yang skandal itu – City Harvest Church – juga terletak di Subang Jaya.

Hannah Yeoh atas pentas bersama paderi skandal Rev. Kong Hee di Gereja City Harvest di Subang Jaya

Adakah Khalid sebagai exco hal-ehwal agama Islam akan menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dengan teliti memandangkan perkembangan-perkembangan terbaru ini?

Juga apa ketetapan Khalid atas penggunaan logo Hari Merdeka yang berbentuk burung merpati yang melambangkan Roh Kudus tuhan Triniti agama Kristian?

Anda mungkin juga meminati:


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

22 thoughts on “DUMC, Khalid dan exco hal-ehwal agama

  1. 1= Perpaduan kaum dah lama dibuat sejak Merdeka oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tun Sambathan . Di segi ugama Islam pula sudah ada Garispanduan menghadiri Upacara Keugamaan Ugama Lain yg diterbitkan oleh JAKIM- PKR dan PAS bukan yg pertama -pemimpin Barisan dan UMNO dah lama amalkan perpaduan antara kaum.

    2-Khalid jelas bukti pluralisme dan liberalisme ugama Islam yg cuba disebarkan di Malaysia-kepimpinan PKR dan PAS telah musnah gara gara polisi yg diterbitkan dan dibuktikan melalui tingkahlaku mereka-atas sebab itu ulama pondok menyeru semua umat Islam agar menentang kroni Pakatan dan DAP…

  2. Just looking at the pics, these Pakatan hacks all look like the Mat/Minah Celop types. Not Malay, not Chinese, Not Indian, Not Malaysian. All of them are the opposite of what Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tun Sambathan and all the Founding Fathers had in mind of what Malaysia should be. No wonder they call themselves Malaysian First, beyond racial politics. Their definition of Malaysian First, beyond racial politics demands that all the races in this country abandon, reject their racial heritage and adopt the Celop culture of the you know who.

  3. I must say i find it weird that these days those Pakatan leaders dress up like a MGR ( Indian Hero), Mao Tse Tung to appease the Non Malay voters or shall I say prospective voters. Seriously are these guys wasped. Every malaysian should cherish his/her own racial heritage.This has nothing to do with the politics of the day for how it is played out. These PR politicians are becoming such a chameleon for political greed and side track real issues that those concerns of the regular Malaysians (No One(1) Malaysia/Malaysia First). Seriously do you think we need them to teach us common sense for how we have been between us when it is just and fair or what is politically expedient as and when it fits their own agenda?

    1. MiNY,

      re: “Pakatan leaders dress up like a MGR (Indian Hero), Mao Tse Tung to appease the Non Malay voters”

      Sekurang-kurangnya berpakaian ala India tak memperolokkan agama.

      What about dressing up in tudung and occupying mosques while carrying an evangelist agenda?

      1. Helen, do you want us be the bounty hunter or the hunted bounty. I can speak on a perspective of being a Non Malay as I am one. I have no qualms with my Malay Muslim brother/sisters in Malaysia minus the politics. I am sure my Muslim brethren are equally humane to ensure that the their fellow brothers/sisters are able to profess their believes without an agenda as after all we make peace with the creator for our own deed without harming or transgressing into one’s own moral and principle for their own belief.

        Helen, you are being naughty here with “What about dressing up in tudung and occupying mosques while carrying an evangelist agenda? This is something your commentors need to ensure beyond their own needs (political or otherwise) that beyond religion lies humanity and reality that they are able, ready and willing to comprehend genuine grievances. It is not a solution of political affiances, but rather our own individual experiences for a fellow Malaysian irrespective of our origin.

      2. apek phui diam lah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tak habis2 cakap benda yang sama saja !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Recently some Chinese ladies begging at mosques while dressed up as Muslims were arrested.

    But *** in selendang visiting suraus and mosques to give out donations is spared. Chinese Christian Taliban lady in tudung giving talks in surau while promoting evangelism, religious-conversions and Malays Bible is also left alone by JAIS.

    Forget about the bowler who got it light for rape.. this is a real gross miscarriage of justice. JAIS should arrest these imposters. Since the Chinese Pakatoons think Hudud’s a fair and effective law, let’s apply Hudud to Eli and Hannah. If I am not mistaken their crime under Hudud calls for public stoning to death.

    BTW Eli can’t be the person for “inter-faith” portfolio for she’s an atheist. Saint Hannah’s a Christian Taliban. Teresa Kok another Christian Sister-wannabe orders surau to tone down the azans. Liu is Chinese racist who refuses to wear songkok. Xavier’s an Indian Christian fanatic who looks down upon Hindus and poor Indians. Such a colourful and diverse bunch of exco Khalid has. No wonder he never gets anything done and Selangor’s on auto-pilot.

    There are reasons for Eli to be always by Khalid’s side. It is well known that both of them are outsiders to PKR. They both are parachuted candidates without a track record in politics and have zero grass-root support. Khalid’s a corporate guy while Eli’s from NGO.

    Eli has no support whatsover in PKR and only due to Khalid’s support she survives and keeps her exco post. If you notice she has piled on more than 10kg after becoming an exco. Whether PR wins in Selangor or not, surely both of them will be out.

    Loh is another odd guy out. He too a parachuted candidate, apparently his papa *** to get his son elected. But no one in PKR likes him and in Kelana Jaya, nobody has seen him either. He’s another one-term law maker. The same goes to Khalid Samad the PAS MP for Shah Alam. An outsider who’s on his way out.

    However, Khalid and Eli have strong support from DAP. As such, it is no surprise that these DAP leaders tag along Khalid. They know Khalid is weak and easily manipulated to their agenda as compared to Azmin.

    1. Calvin,

      (1) They were begging at pasar ramadan.

      (2) “in tudung giving talks in surau” – the DAP politikus caught red-handed and given warning by Mais was Teo Nie Ching, not HY. Don’t think they would be openly promoting religious conversions – that would be foolhardy and these chameleons are political animals to the core. Having the survival instinct, they would not be THAT foolhardy.

      (3) As for public stoning to death under hudud, can’t see how it would apply to HY unless a ‘crime’ can be pinned on her. However I do think the M’sian authorities should follow-up on the fraud trail implicating the City Harvest Church Subang Jaya exposed by the S’pore court cases & our local media (like Scissors) should pursue the story.

      (4) Read some biodata somewhere that Eli is Christian.

      (5) Teresa Kok was cleared of the (unproven) charge that she ordered surau to tone down the azans.

      1. You have an excellent memory Helen… hahahaa. Thanks for the correction.

        Anyway Teo gets caught but Hasnah who pulls the selendang trick far more than the others, goes scot free, thanks to her powerbase.

        By the way, this selendang squad reminds of the movie Kill Bill where there is a group of women assassins called the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.

        As for Eli, she’s Christian officially but I do remember reading somewhere that she’s in fact an atheist. I could be wrong though. Let me see if I can find the source.

        As for Teresa, you are right to point out that she was cleared by the courts. But absence of evidence is not an evidence of absence. Heard that she is indeed gave the instruction but it was covered up by the mosque commitee in order to protect her and Pakatan govt. You can probably dig the background in the blogs somewhere.

        :D “excellent memory” is part of the reporter training! Each story we filed had to bear in mind what happened before, and then we’d be tasked to do follow-up, i.e. what happens after. Reporters usually go on assignments paired with photographers who record on film whereas journos store the factoids in our heads. — Helen

  5. So NECF will at least control the exco seat for religious affairs, even if they don’t get JAIS.

    Saya sokong 114A.

      1. would that be ‘ttepek macang lekak ppunggung’, joe?

        *rofl.. rofl! tergolek2 gelak mcm nak sawan saya kat joke sendiri. :D *

  6. Khalid pun dah nampak macam Dear Leader. Senyum dari telinga ke telinga kalau Eli berada disamping. Harap-harap pada hari raya nanti plaster elastoplast tak ditampal didahi.

    Jangan marah Lid, bergurau saja. Teruskan bergaul dengan pelbagai kaum. Kan ada tiga lagi jawatan kosong!

  7. I thought I should share this with our felllow malaysian who are not 1 Malaysian or Malaysia First driven. If you have the time in this rat race, please take a peep at the video. No! i am not promoting it but what acceptance can be when there is an understanding especially in our social fabric in Malaysia.

    1. peep ? tak sangka apek buat kerja macam ni. apek tak malu ke ? apek tak habis2 agenda apek ni !

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