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Bishop Paul Tan menyelar Hasan Ali sekali lagi

Laporan di Malaysian Digest semalam bertajuk ‘Catholic Bishop Slams Hasan Ali‘:

“Hasan Ali is in a man in search of a justification for his vaulting ambition – the classic recipe for the making of a charlatan,” opined the bishop. Hasan, the former PAS chief of Selangor and member of the state executive council, had been raising the alarm over Christian proselytisation of Muslims since controversy broke out over a fundraising dinner held at the Damansara Utama Methodist Centre a year ago.

Kata-kata bishop Paul Tan yang dipetik Malaysian Digest (sumber Malaysiakini):

“I don’t want to have to respond to someone [who] has been seen to be a public liar on the non-issue of Christian proselytisation of Muslims.”

Adakah Hasan Ali sebenarnya membohong seperti yang didakwa Bishop Paul Tan?

Adakah mubaligh Kristian tidak mendakwah kepada orang Melayu walhal mereka begitu giat mendakwah kepada orang Cina, India, pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak serta Orang Asal di semenanjung?

Di bawah ialah screenshot komen seorang pembaca Malaysiakini kepada rencana tentang Bishop Paul dan Hasan itu.

Orang ini yang menggelar dirinya ‘anak,bangsa,malaysia’ turut menuduh Ustaz Nasharudin Mat Isa bersama Hasan sebagai “kafirs of the highest order since they have abused and misrepresented Islam.”

Orang ini yang bukan Muslim juga yakin, “The wrath of Allah will befall them [Hasan dan Nasha] on this holy month of Ramadhan.”

Berkaitan: Bishop Paul Tan tertawakan Hasan Ali

‘Bastard’, ‘pariah, ‘low class’

Kalau si DAPster yang bergelar ‘anak,bangsa,malaysia’ berkata Hasan, Ustaz Nasha dan Ibrahim Ali “have made themselves bastardation of the highest order”, DAPster yang seorang lagi pula melontarkan cemuhan ‘pariah’ semalam juga.

Tweet yang menyebut “Cina pariah” (screenshot bawah) dikeluarkan oleh Leong Yook Kong, setiausaha cawangan DAP Kubang Buaya di Pulau Pinang. Ia ditujukan kepada ketua Pemuda Gerakan Kedah Tan Keng Liang.

Ia adalah respons kepada kenyataan Tan Keng Liang yang mengakui dirinya seorang “Malaysian Chinese” berbanding (beliau Tan Keng Liang bukan) “DAP Chinese”.

Leong Yook Kong bukannya belum pernah mengundang kontroversi di alam Twitterjaya. Blogger Dhanyaraam mencatat bahawa Leong Yook Kong “sering menggunakan kata-kata kesat terhadap kebanyakan orang yang beliau tidak sukai”.

Melempar kata-kata nista adalah salah satu ciri DAPsterisme.

The Mole (25 Okt 2012) memetik Leong Yook Kong yang menepis tuduhan bahawa dia seorang rasis. Bagi DAPster, mesti hanya orang lain yang rasis.

“Pariah” merujuk kepada kasta bawahan.

Pariah ini macam “low class” lah.

Leong Yook Kong bukan seorang-seorang sahaja orang DAP yang melontarkan kata-kata tersebut.

Leong Yook Kong mencetuskan kontroversi malah di Facebook juga.

The Star (1 Okt 2011) melaporkan:

“A retiree has been ordered by a High Court here to pay a total of RM100,000 in damages and costs to a private automotive technology training centre where his son had studied over three defamatory postings on Facebook.”

Satu lagi ciri DAPsterisme ialah mereka tidak segan silu untuk memfitnah.

Terbaru: Klik 2x untuk besarkan

Tidak kenal serik

Seorang DAPster akan terus mengulangi perbuatan yang batil walaupun sudah berkali-kali ditegur.

Malangnya setelah PRU12, si DAPster diberikan kuasa ke atas banyak jentera-jentera kerajaan (yang mereka sendiri wujudkan selepas memerintah di negeri-negeri Pakatan).

Misalnya Buletin Mutiara. Majalah negeri Pulau Pinang itu ditegur dua kali oleh ahli politik pembangkang (BN) dan akhbar-akhbar The Star dan NST.

Kali pertama tatkala Buletin Mutiara menyiarkan 51 keping gambar Kim Guan Eng dan keluarganya dalam satu cetakan yang hanya berjumlah 28 halaman.

Kali kedua Buletin Mutiara ditegur oleh The Star dan NST ialah apabila ia mengulangi perbuatan tersebut walaupun yang kali pertama itu didakwa suatu “kesilapan teknikal” konon.

Laporan The Star bertajuk ‘Penang Govt rapped for using bulletin as political tool‘ (7 Julai 2012) manakala laporan NST sehari awal menyebut:

“GEORGE TOWN: It looks like the embarrassment caused by the publication of 51 pictures of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in the May edition of the state government’s official newsletter, Buletin Mutiara, has not deterred its editorial team from continuing to glorify the DAP politician.

The latest issue of the publicly-funded newsletter is filled with 28 pictures of the chief minister unabashedly splashed across almost every page of the 28-page newsletter.”

Walaupun ditegur dua kali, Buletin Mutiara masih tidak mengambil iktibar. Ia terus mahu menjadikan Buletin Mutiara macam album foto keluarga Kim.

Masih lagi mempropaganda

Dalam posting 4 Ogos ‘Rebranding Betty 2.0 in Buletin Mutiara photo spread‘, saya telah memerinci bahawa gambar Kim Guan Eng ada di muka depan Buletin Mutiara cetakan 7-1 dan gambar-gambar isterinya Betty Chew – yang bergaya fesyen mengalahkan Mak Datin – dibentangkan pada mukasurat 2 dan 3.

Gambar suami-isteri Kim satu pasangan dipaparkan pada mukasurat 4 dan mengisi banyak halaman seterusnya, termasuk sebuah gambar besar Guan Eng minum kopi (klik sini). Minum air pun hendak diberi publisiti.

Dalam screenshot di atas pula dikumpulkan gambar-gambar Kim Guan Eng beserta isterinya yang disiarkan dalam Buletin Mutiara cetakan 7-2, iaitu edisi terbaru yang dimuat-turun ke Internet oleh Chan Lilian, Pegawai Khas kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.

Chan Lilian ini ada mempunyai sebuah kolum dalam Buletin Mutiara. Dia pengarang majalah tersebut yang membayangkan dirinya seorang “intellectual”.

Buletin Mutiara ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris, Cina dan Tamil. Ia tidak mempunyai kakitangan Melayu sama ada pengarang atau penulis.

Keadaan yang serupa juga di Selangor Times yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Cina.

Selangor Times warta Hannah

Seseorang yang membaca suratkhabar negeri ini tidak akan disedarkan bahawa Selangor mempunyai barisan pembangkang, iaitu Adun-Adun Umno dan MCA yang seolah-olah ghaib di kacamata Selangor Times.

Yang galak dipaparkan di Selangor Times ialah politikus-politikus Cina DAP dan PKR, dan kalaupun ada orang India yang diberi ruang, mereka adalah Kristian seperti Xavier Jayakumar dan Charles Santiago ataupun kroni seperti Rajiv Rishyakaran, iaitu kaunsilor MPSJ yang juga Pembantu Khas Hannah Yeoh.

Jilid Selangor Times 20-22 Mei tahun lepas memaparkan dua gambar Hannah Yeoh dan gambar-gambar orang Kristian lain walaupun ia diterbitkan seraya sambutan Hari Wesak dan Hannah bukan penganut agama Buddha.

Jilid Selangor Times Feb 10-12 tahun ini seraya sambutan Thaipusam tetapi tidak dapat lari daripada memaparkan Hannah Yeoh seperti yang lazimnya meskipun Adun Subang Jaya itu bukan beragama Hindu.

Selangor mempunyai Adun-Adun keturunan India yang merayakan hari kebesaran tersebut tetapi akhbar negerinya umpama kacukan Chinatown Express dengan The Rocket dalam tumpuan rencana.

Sebuah rencana yang dikarang oleh Lisa Ng di Selangor Times (17 Feb 2012) menceritakan bagaimana dia telah memeluk agama Kristian pada tahun 2005.

Orang Cina Malaysia ada masuk Kristian tetapi orang Melayu tidak ada yang disasarkan mubaligh? Boleh percaya?

DAPster-DAPster boleh begitu kuat melontarkan tohmahan ke atas Hasan Ali dan Ustaz Nasha. Kedua-dua politikus bekas orang kuat PAS ini dikatakan mereka sebagai penipu.


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

24 thoughts on “Bishop Paul Tan menyelar Hasan Ali sekali lagi

  1. Langkah “paling bijak” DAPter ialah menyerang Hassan Ali dan Nasha sbab hanya mereka mempunyai kredibility setelah apa yg PAS buat dgn AKUR kepada DAP.

    Oleh sebab serangan terhadap ILMUAN UGAMA tersebut dan beberapa langkah DAP yg anti Islam maka layaklah digelar KAFIR HARBI.

    Medina Charter dan Andalusian Charter yg diambil rujukan oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan menggalakkan wujud masyarakat majmuk yg boleh hiduo dgn AMAN. Orang bukan Islam dalam masyarakat majmuk di bawah kepimpinan Islam dipanggil kafir zimmi. Di zaman Andalusian jasa dan kepakaran mereka ini diiktiraf – usaha penyelidikan mereka bersama saintis Islam berjaya melahirkan Zaman Emas utk Islam dan Europe – setelah Andalusia diambil oleh Kristian, ilmu yang didapati pada zaman Emas Andalusia Islam yang digunakan utk Renaisance seluruh Europe.

    Bagaimanapon formula yg digunapakai di Andalusia (dan Malaysia) cuba disabotaj oleh kepingan sektor racist yang bertopengkan ugama Kristian – sesungguhnya orang Kristian yang sebenar – dan ahli kitab (people Of The Old Book) tidak akan bertindak seperti Bishop dan beberapa DAPter.

  2. One might hypothesize that Hasan Ali and Nasha Mat Isa are potentially among the biggest obstacles to Project Crossover. Hence the DAPster treatment?

    1. Nah, I don’t think they are the only ones that are regarded as potential threats to Project Crossover. Don’t you think The Old School Politician Mr Karpal Singh is also against crossover ? I bet this whole vendetta against Hasan Ali and Nasha Mat Isa is a subtle warning to Karpal that if he continues to oppose politicians crossing over, he too will not be spared.

      “Hello Ahmad Ibrahim. It’s not just 20-30 year olds Chinese leading the charge. 20-30 year old Malays are in it as well.

      “The conflict is more generational than racial. Those below the 40 year age gap are more pro opposition.”

      Jonny boy, for Dapsters like you, it is a very convenient answer. But to most thinking people, the real answer can be found in S Thayaparan’s ‘The years of living racially‘:

      “If anything, Chinese and Indian support of Pakatan is not really based on any egalitarian foundation but rather that their racialist expectations would be better served by an alliance which is not as corrupt and (here’s the hilarious part) racist, as Umno.”

      “Nobody in Pakatan (with a few exceptions) dares put forward the idea that a non-Malay could ever lead this country but Pakatan supporters make the appropriate noise when it comes to meritocracy and race blindness when it is politically expedient to do so.”

      “The usual justification is that the Malay community is the majority and only they can decide if and when it is palatable for a Malaysian regardless of his or her race to ascend by popular will to the highest office in the land. So don’t rock the boat. The goal is to be led by a forward-thinking Malay and banish the hated BN from Putrajaya.

      Yup, and once there, we can still play the same racial game with ideas of the sort espoused by Niat but coming from Pakatan no doubt it would be more palatable. And once this happens we will unfortunately once again, get the government we deserve.”

      The Pakatan hacks, as always, love to say their politics is beyond race, clash of generations, blah blah blah. But as S Thayaparan said, they are all hacks, when it is expedient for they to say so, they will say it.

      1. Minta maaf bro, Project Crossover tak ada kena-mengena dengan politicians.

        Ia lebih kepada aktiviti CHC, DUMC dan yang sewaktu dengan-nya. Dengar cerita, Subang Rally nanti menandakn perpindahan rasmi CHC dari Singapura (tutup atas tindakan polis) ke Subang Jaya.

      2. Sorry brother, lewat sedikit reply. Kalau nak kata project crossover tak ada kaitan langsung dengan politicians tak tepat jugak. Memang ada kaitan sebab politicians DAP Christians i.e The Yeo Yeo Hannah terlibat dalam gereja yang brother sebut tadi. Jadi link tu tetap ada, walaupun tak begitu visible.

        Berhubung dengan perpindahan CHC dari Singapura ke Subang Jaya, saya tertanya-tanya, mengapa pilih Subang Jaya? Barangkali di Subang Jaya, ada protection dari the powers that be. Kan Selangor under Pakatan. Kalau massage parlors boleh beroperasi berleluasa tanpa permit, gereja-gereja pun boleh berbuat sedemikian.

  3. Wow, this Bishop Paul speaks like some deluded Crusader from the Dark Ages.

    BTW, Helen, I have my friends and relatives in Klang Valley and this is what they tell me. You might want to check this out.

    One of the first thing happened in Klang was the massive expansion of a Church supported by Xavier. Apparently the church broke every rules in books and more.

    My relatives also say that there are churches and Christian organizations setting up branches everywhere in shop houses and housing estates. High profile foreign Christian preachers are also apparently visiting Selangor in droves….may be to support Visit Selangor Year kot…

    An uncle of mine was relating how Gopinand gave a speech at his church in Puchong, not unsurprisingly on politics and to demonise BN. Wonder why churches even allow non Christians to take the pulpit and abuse it for political purposes. Isn’t having DAP Christian Right politicians and Crusaders Bishops like Paul Tan abusing Churches not enough ?

      1. Helen, may I add one slogan regarding Pakatan’s election promises ?

        It’s called “Diberi Mandat, Pengundi DiKhianati”. Need proof ?

        Look at Pakatan ruled states.

    1. Seriously better than dah ada paip tapi selalu takder air. Lagi menyusahkan orang. Ego punya pasal.

      Be realistic la. Kawasan Sabah and Sarawak perlu lebih penyelidikan kalau nak pasang paip, tiang api, pencawang semua. Tak boleh main tarah saja. Geografi kat sana tak sama mcm di Semenanjung yg ada tulang belakang eg. banjaran2. Tanah di Borneo pun lebih kepada tanah gambut dan tanah mineral. Rawatan air pun kena mantap. Air kat sana warna hitam kalau di bahagian tanah gambut. Nak minum pun tak lalu. Payau.

      Lagipun, sebanyak penduduk mahukan pembangunan, sebanyak itu jugalah mereka mahu kemudahan itu dimasukkan tanpa merosakkan banyak sumber semula jadi. Mereka yg tinggal di kawasan tengah2 hutan memerlukan jaringan kemudahan yg lebih efisyen. Bukan main tarah dan gali letak paip saja. 4 tahun sempat ke nak bagi kemudahan 100% kepada semua? At least mereka ada mula buat dan ke arah itu.

      Saya bercakap bukan cakap2 saje. Been there for nearly 10 years until finished my study in Sarawak. Regularly went to Sabah for holiday, students activities eg bakti siswa. Bila ada jalan raya dibesarkan untuk sambung ke pedalaman, selalu ada yg runtuh sebab tanah mendap dan sebagainya. Sama halnya dengan Empangan Bako. Ambil masa lama nak siapkan. sebab apa? antaranya sebab kononnya taknak alam semulajadi tercemar. Mcm mana nk ada bekalan air terawat yg cukup?

      Pandangan peribadi, saya lebih suka negeri Borneo tersebut kekal begitu. The places are superb and I totally dont want any damages there. Cultures, natures and etc are priceless. Tapi adalah tidak adil bagi natives di sana. Tapi, jgn tak percaya di kawasan pedalaman pun boleh ada piring2 Astro di setiap rumah.

      To Mohd Aziz, please la pegi Sabah Sarawak dulu before tiba2 tukar topik.

  4. And they (DAPsters) wonder why we see them as kafir harbi. Need we say anything more? Their very action and arrogance justify the label kafir harbi.

  5. Memang benar orang church ramai yang cuba menariik masuk orang bukan Kristian..tetapi,,

    benarkan mereka cuba berbuat demikian dgn orang melayu/islam? I selalu dengar cerita ini, tapi susah nak percaya…

    I think its another Konspirasi teori or Propaganda.

    Kenapa takde orang melayu/islam tampil untuk mengaku pernah dicuba tarik masuk ugama kristian?

    Tu lah, Hasan Ali dah menampilkan saksi-saksi. Kan dia bekas exco hal-ehwal agama Islam negeri? — Helen

    1. Its like this. Someone stole something. He was caught. Instead of admitting he committed a crime, he said he was set up by the person who arrested him.

      Now we have these Opposition people coming here with Malay, Chinese, Indian names claiming they are such and such, but we all know, in reality, these people are not what they claim they are. As RPK said, most of the people posting comments on his site are Chinese masquerading as such and such.

      When they are exposed as such and such, they cry conspiracy, propaganda, set up etc. I m not surprised by all this. After all, I work with these people all the time. The difference between me and them is, I don’t hide behind excuses like conspiracy, propaganda, set up etc. I m an Illuminati Agent after all.

      1. Accusing someone of theft, getting caught for theft are 2 different things. If someone is not caught for theft (whether he did it or not, god knows) and you still accuse him, then you provide evidence (if any) to corroborate your accusation.

        Everyone who posts here uses nick, including yourself.

        Does the color of skin matters to you, to decide whether to read their comments? Does the substance of their argument only matters if you know their skin colour or political alliance?

        Again i am making my point, if there is an organised christian group going around spreading their teachings to Malay/muslims , logically there would be many (not 1 or 2) who would have been agitated by their approach, and come forward to complain. SO far i only see this Hassan fellow and few others who are the complainants not the victims themselves. What else to say if you say 1 plus 1 is 3.

        Helen, is ‘opposition’ people and views not welcomed here?

        If you’re saying that only 1 or 2 people have been agitated by the evangelizing, and only this Hasan fella and few others are complaining, then your views express your limited social circle and reading, and not mine. — Helen

      2. “Does the color of skin matters to you, to decide whether to read their comments? Does the substance of their argument only matters if you know their skin colour or political alliance?”

        Again you showed your hypocrisy. When you want to sell your snake oil i.e politics beyond race, you say stuff like “look beyond skin color” etc. One minute you say “skin color is not important” the next you say “does the color of skin matters to you”. It is obvious that you are indulging in DAPthink. If you indeed look beyond skin color, why would it matter if someone says explicitly/implicitly that race matters ? The man is just expressing his views.

        You don’t seemed to tolerate dissent, and you certainly can’t debate rationally. When you don’t agree with someone, you play the race card and the conspiracy card.

        But then again, me and most of the readers of this blog, those that are rational, most certainly welcome you and people like you to this blog not because you and people like you make me and the other loyal readers look good, but because the more you put your paranoid arguments/views on this blog, the more it reveals people like you to be truly hypocrites and paranoia at the same time. Funny but not surprised though, that hypocrisy and paranoia are bedfellows. But then again, the opposition is, as the ruling coalition say time and time again, a grouping of people sleeping on the same bed but dreaming different dreams.

        And if you don’t quite like what I’ve just said, then you can post derogatory replies on this blog. But at the same time, I also reserve the right not to respond to your “derogatory” statements. Cheers ! Phew !

  6. Time for journalists and reporters to ask point blank tough questions to hypocrites like Paul Tan & many christian pastors about their efforts in trying to evangelise Muslims.

    Hassan Ali has spoken the truth and christian leaders like Paul Tan are saying that it is a non-issue and demands for clear proof. To Paul Tan and the other Christians, I say the proof lies in your heart. Search your conscience and be sincere about this.

    Even NECF Chairman Rev Eu Hong Seng has admitted post DUMC incident: “I don’t think they share openly.” After being pressed further on whether such groups proselytised Muslims at all, he replied: “They always share. Anyone shares the message. They share the message.”

    So there it is-already an admission though Rev Eu is still trying to be cagey but the conclusion is clear. There were attempts to do so. Am sure there were conversions too but no pastor or Christian leader in Malaysia has got the courage and guts to openly admit it and face the consequence.

    None dare to pay the price. All of them wanna lift their hands to sign hallelujahs but scared to pay the price. Do they really believe that there is a crown without the cross? Is there glory without pain and sacrifice? These Christians should go and read about Bro Yun in “The Heavenly Man” and be really ashamed of their own deceit, lies and dishonesty.

    At the end of the day, if one dared not pay the price, then just don’t do it and keep quiet. I don’t expect them to be heroes but I do expect them not to be hypocrites. The Bible that I read and the God I worship preaches truth and love. But as a Christian, I’m ashamed that I’m not getting much of these from Christian leaders in Malaysia.

  7. Dato Hasan Ali now has no choice BUT to SAMAN MALU bishop paul tan for calling him a public liar. Malaysian Digest will be sued too for publishing it.

    Only then will Dato Hassan Ali will be able to defend his honour – in a open court.

    Based on a recent blog report, Dato Hassan Ali has names, IC numbers and addresses of over 300 proselytized Malay muslims who had returned to the Islamic faith.

    To call someone a public liar is a big thing. To call a public figure such as Dato Hassan Ali is a damn big thing.

    Let us hear it out in open court. I hope bishop tan can defend his claim that Dato Hassan had lied in public. I hate to see the bishop DAMMED for slander!!

  8. Economist kampung,

    Dr Hassan Ali said the truth. What he said is not surprising. All Malay Muslim leaders know about that. But being typical Malay, they have the tendency to underestimate the situation.

    Thanks to Dr Hassan for putting it point blank to our face. The insistence of sharing name ‘Allah’ is related to this “murtad’ issue. What better way to bring Christianity to Muslims other than making Muslims feel they are not sinful for leaving Islam By recognising a human mortal (Jesus) as ‘allah”.

    Aptly reminded by Quran that Christians will not be satisfied until Muslims follow their path.

    Also the Malay saying “lulus jarum, luluslah kelindan”. The “Allah” issue is not a linguistic dispute. Rather, it is about “akidah”.

    So, now we have a ultimate test to know who among Muslim Malay politicians (who believe they are Umat Nabi Muhammad SAW), are genuine or “fake”.

    The ‘munafik’ politicians will support Christians using “Allah” as they badly need Chinese votes towards Putrajaya. Just to satisfy their crave on power. Go to hell with akidah. Not that the name “Allah” is a big thing for Christians as all of them when asked reply that they worship Jesus, not ‘Allah”. Only a few pastors insists on that for reasons we all know.

    Their (the munafik Malay politicians) excuse is that Malay Muslims faith can’t be shaken simply because Christians use the same name for “god”. They will accuse UMNO as creating an issue out of nothing.

    The genuine leaders will reject outright the proposal. As they realise what that can shaken the faith WILL EVENTUALLY leads to just that: SHAKEN THE FAITH.

    The naked truth is that the way some of our Malay politicians (many of them seems pious) behave make me wonder are they actually leading Allah SWT to “turunkan bala” to all of us.

    Does the Quran describe sifat ‘bala’ yang bakal diturunkan? According to the bible, the wicked were punished by “plague of locusts”, great flood, cities destroyed (Sodom and Gomorrah). — Helen

      1. Joe, don’t forget, there’s also The High Priestess of Subang Jaya a.k.a The Yeo Yeo Hannah a.k.a Hannah Yeoh, the wife of Mr Hannah Yeoh, known formerly as Ramachandran Muniandy.

    1. Helen,

      on “Allah’ issue, the answer that Muslims should consider is found in several verses, …”we do not worship what you worship. Our religion is ours. Yours are yours…”

      Being wary of Jewish or Christians in no way imply Muslims can be cruel. A hadith (Prophet’s saying) says “Those who are cruel to non believers are cruel to Allah SWT and me (the Prophet)”.

      As for bala, it comes in many ways. And the effect is not limited to individuals who commit sin.

  9. ShahKumar says “Memang benar orang church ramai yang cuba menariik masuk orang bukan Kristian..tetapi, benarkan mereka cuba berbuat demikian dgn orang melayu/islam? I selalu dengar cerita ini, tapi susah nak percaya… “

    It is obvious; the name does not rhyme with the agenda. In the 1980’s thousands of Malaysian Indians indentured labors from the plantation were converted into Christianity for the sole reason as material help and material enhancement was provided for the impoverished society due to conversation of plantation into housing development. Naturally the fault lies in the government because they never catered for this community like what they did for the Malays and it was free fall of beliefs for survival then.

    It is very sad that most run an agenda as when it fits them without having an understanding or acceptance that no religion should be brought into equation if equality is all that is sought after for a nation to progress.

    Naturally people like Helen Ang needs to be there because to remind us to ponder agenda and notions of the lawmaker for the benefit of the people to ensure that we are not blindly hoodwinked with a false independence, freedom or whatever you call it.

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