Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Dakyah? Krismas ialah sambutan hari kelahiran “Anak Allah”

Allah tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan.

Hannah Yeoh (hannahyeoh) on Twitter

Namun sekiranya si evangelista dibenar untuk terus mengguna kalimah Allah, maka istilah-istilah Kristian akan diterjemahkan seperti berikut:

Jesus, Son of God = Yesus, Anak Allah


“Born in a manger”

Nativity Story1

Nativity Story2

Nativity Story3


Mary, Mother of God = Siti Maryam, Ibu Allah

Sekiranya Yesus Anak Allah, adakah ini bererti bahawa Siti Maryam Ibu Allah sememangnya bersuamikan Bapa Allah?

Utusan Malaysia

“Keluarga Allah”

(God’s Family)

Baru-baru ini, satu majlis keagamaan tertutup dianjurkan oleh penganut Kristian di sebuah hotel di Klang, Selangor yang dihadiri kira-kira 200 orang.

Latar pentas dewan di mana berlangsungnya majlis tersebut ada tertera dengan perkataan “International Full Gospel Fellowship Keluarga Allah Satelit Nilai dan Satelit Puchong, Dari dalam gelap akan terbit terang”.

Ustaz Fauzi Asmuni, naib presiden (II) Isma, berkata provokasi demi provokasi yang dilakukan evangelista hanya akan mengundang ketegangan.

“Apabila mereka menuntut sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan konsep negara dan sensitiviti umat Islam, mereka bertindak melakukan sesuatu yang mengguris dan mencetuskan satu suasana yang tidak harmoni,” ulas Ustaz Fauzi Asmuni ketika diminta reaksinya semalam oleh Antarapos.

“Sekiranya ada tindak balas dari umat Islam, mereka tak boleh salahkan umat Islam,” tambah beliau lagi.

“Jika ia berlaku, orang-orang Kristian kena bertanggungjawab sebab mereka yang memulakannya,” jelasnya. — disusun daripada rencana Antarapos bertajuk Kalimah Allah: Penganut Kristian perlu sensitif hak orang Islam’.

Mengikut sebuah laporan Utusan, nyanyian-nyanyian yang menyebut kalimah Allah di dalam lirik juga turut diselitkan dalam program ‘Keluarga Allah’ itu (suratkhabar tersebut difahamkan).

Disyorkan baca:

Evangelista licik memurtadkan orang Islam


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

113 thoughts on “Dakyah? Krismas ialah sambutan hari kelahiran “Anak Allah”

  1. Please link to oxford definition of Jesus Christ.
    Now the europeans themselves have exposed its all a Jewish hoax.
    Jesus Christ was a Jew. Imagine all the europeans praying to Jew muahaha.

    Even those Christians who think the Jews are their enemies didnt know until recently that their own God was a Jew..

    1. The anglophiles can feel superior adding Anthony and Peter in front of their hangzhi names and dye their hair blonde while eating pork in front of chrismas trees(yet another german tradition, all those ketuanan cina at SJKC killed off by fake made in china trees and turkey), but what kind of superior religion fail to protect its holy sites from the Zionist savages and at the same time cheer on the Zionists.

      christians until today are discriminated in the Holy land, with permits to restore churches and sites banned as the Zionists tries to hide Israel’s christian past. Bethlehem where the church of nativity is still under siege, with tourists and pilgrims deliberately turned away under pretext of security situation in bethlehem, Nazareth where jesus grew up is gradually being obliterated by a neighbouring jewish city, and until Jordan opened a baptism site on the River $ordan, israel bans christians from performing baptism rites on the River Jordan and called it the river the Palace of the Jews as an insult and impose restrictions despite the baptism site is in West bank territory.

      Even when the Pope visited israel much to their contempt they tried to prevent him from delivering sermon in Nazareth(they propose yahudi city haifa as alternative) as the Zionist does not want to put prominence on Nazareth where Jesus grew up.

      Christians control the world, yeah right, please rebuild your Church of Nativity if you can and support your christian brethrens… dont let the Muslim suicide bombers do all the holy work and martyrdom for you just like the Arabs killed off the Soviets for you by playing with oil price.

      BtW, muslims and Christians in palestine co-celebrate each others religious celebrations as a sign of solidarity against the Zionist treachery. Unfortunately, many christians have unlocked their hands from the Malays muslims in nation building and work towards breaking the federation into a christian and a muslim half, just like Sudan.. u think we dunno what you preach, it aints muslims only who want world domination.

      1. Santa Claus was a Turk!

        ‘Jesus had been taken care of, but Santa Claus was not so easily forgotten. Tracing his roots to St. Nicholas of Myra, a fourth-century Greek Christian bishop from Turkey…’

        ‘Unfortunately, many christians have unlocked their hands from the Malays muslims in nation building and work towards breaking the federation into a christian and a muslim half, just like Sudan.. ‘

        Apa Boleh Buat, Anything But the Malay Gomen Goes!!!

        1. Re: Santa Claus was a Turk!

          The Jews of Israel have another version of Santa Claus;

          The Shocking Pagan Origin of CHRISTMAS!

          “Santa Claus,” then, is not so innocent and cherubic a figure after all! Why do parents take their young children, sit them on “Santa’s lap,” and insist on teaching them Santa Claus myths? The word “Santa,” rearranged, spells “S-A-T-A-N,” and “Claus” is reminiscent of “Claws” — in other words, “SATAN’S CLAWS”! Do you want Satan, the arch-enemy of mankind, to get his “claws” into your children? By teaching them Santa Claus myths, and taking them to “Christmas parties,” with “Santa Claus” handing out “gifts,” you are subtly teaching your children to worship Satan the devil, the great impostor!

  2. Some of my African-American friends think that Jesus was a Black and the White men’s version of Jesus resembled a White man complete with light colored-hair, blue eyes and white skin. Maybe Malaysian Chinese who are Christians think their Jesus had sepet eyes as we have seen idols of Buddha, who we know was an Indian, resembled a Chinese, hehehe.

    1. Then the evangelistas will “confuse” Muslims because they (the evangelistas) insist “we’re brothers and sisters”, “we belong to the same faith family” and “your Allah is my Allah too”, and “we have to BUILD BRIDGES from my church to your House of God/Allah” and have you also noticed that the Chinese non-Muslims are increasingly using the ‘Allah’ word with abandon?



      1. Kisah kejadian Nabi Isa dalam Al Quran

        (Ingatlah) ketika malaikat berkata: “Wahai Maryam! Bahawasanya Allah memberikan khabar yang mengembirakanmu, dengan (mengurniakan seorang anak yang engkau akan kandungkan semata-mata dengan) Kalimah daripada Allah, nama anak itu: Al-Masih, Isa Ibni Maryam, seorang yang terkemuka di dunia dan di akhirat, dan ia juga dari orang-orang yang didampingkan (diberi kemuliaan di sisi Allah). (A-li’Imraan 3:45)

        “Dan ia akan berkata-kata kepada orang ramai semasa ia masih kecil dalam buaian, dan semasa ia dewasa, dan ia adalah dari orang-orang yang soleh.”
        (A-li’Imraan 3:46)

        Maryam berkata:” Wahai Tuhanku! Bagaimanakah aku akan beroleh seorang anak, padahal aku tidak pernah disentuh oleh seorang lelaki pun?” Allah berfirman; “Demikianlah keadaannya, Allah menjadikan apa yang dikehendakiNya; apabila Ia berkehendak melaksanakan sesuatu perkara, maka Ia hanyalah berfirman kepadanya: ` Jadilah engkau ‘, lalu menjadilah ia.”
        (A-li’Imraan 3:47)

      2. Kisah Nabi Isa diangkat ke Langit (Diselamatkan Allah dari kaumnya)

        Dan juga (disebabkan) dakwaan mereka dengan mengatakan: “Sesungguhnya kami telah membunuh Al-Masih Isa Ibni Maryam, Rasul Allah”. Padahal mereka tidak membunuhnya dan tidak memalangnya (di kayu palang – salib), tetapi diserupakan bagi mereka (orang yang mereka bunuh itu seperti Nabi Isa). Dan Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang telah berselisih faham, mengenai Nabi Isa, sebenarnya mereka berada dalam keadaan syak (ragu-ragu) tentang menentukan (pembunuhannya). Tiada sesuatu pengetahuan pun bagi mereka mengenainya selain daripada mengikut sangkaan semata-mata; dan mereka tidak membunuhnya dengan yakin. (An-Nisaa’ 4:157)

        Bahkan Allah telah mengangkat Nabi Isa kepadaNya; dan adalah Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana. (An-Nisaa’ 4:158)

            1. There is a Malay word for that “Gila ISIM”… please google there are many version of that.

              I normally will state my point and leave it at that, no point to further discussing it. The info. is for the benefit of others as this “mental case” like to twist fact, if we leave it alone, others may believe so to…


              Do you know that AYAH PIN and his Wife once studied in Egypt?

          1. tiap2 yg hidup pasti mati. kalau tak mau mati jgn hidup. semua orang harap nak masuk sorga, 1st step kena mati dulu la tapi banyak orang tak mau mati.

            “The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a messenger; messengers before him had indeed passed away.” (5:75)

            “And Muhammad is only a messenger — messengers have already passed away before him. If, then, he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels?” (3:143)

            “Therein (i.e. on the earth or physical world) shall you live, and therein shall you die, and therefrom shall you be raised.” (7:25)

            1. Cerita Nabi Isa masih hidup & akan kembali cuma fantasi. Kristian & ramai org Islam hidup dlm fantasi ini. Tambah pula dgn fantasi Imam Mahdi. Wow.

              1. Semasa zaman Arab Jahiliyah di Timur-Tengah.., cerita & kisah akan munculnya seorang Rasul Allah buat seluruh umat manusia telah berlegar dikalangan kaum Arab, puak Yahudi mahupun Nasrani.

                Tidak kurang pula pada ketika itu menganggap cerita & kisah sedemikian adalah suatu fantasi. Kini.., bagaimana pula..? Wow..!!

                Agaknya si Husin Lempoyang (watak fantasi) lebih cerdik berbanding Pedang (watak nyata).., kan..? Macam mana boleh jadi begitu..? Sekali lagi.., Wow..!!

                1. Rasul lahir tak menyalahi sunatullah. Tapi rasul tak mati menyalahi sunatullah. Tak logic = tak betul = gila. Org ribuan tahun tak mati cuma fantasi. Terkedu bila ada soalan. Baik tengok Chinese Ghost Story.

                  1. Memang betul agaknya awak dah putus sikit ‘wayar’ kat atas tu.., sebab yang tak logik, tak betul & gila yang awak cuba nak buat lawak bengong kat sini.., sambil nak mempersenda aqidah orang lain.., memang langsung tak lucu.

                    Re., “Orang ribuan tahun tak mati cuma fantasi..”

                    Ohh.., iye ke? Kalau jinn yang tak mati ribuan tahun macam mana pula..?

                    Maka.., memang awak sendiri yang patut tengok bukan saja Chinese Ghost Story tapi lebih baik tengok kisah Dua Dunia secaman kat video YouTube kat sini:- [YouTube]

                    Mahupun kisah interview dengan jinn kat sini:- [YouTube]

                    So, where is the logic in the above videos.., or are those mere hoax to you..?

                    You’d be well advised that logic is where your LIMITED mind can comprehend. Do you think your limited mind can comprehend all that is in between the heavens and the earth with mere logic..?

                    Apparently.., fools with your kind of mentality shall never even scratch the surface of knowledge. Pity..!

                    1. Jin – sesuatu berkaitan fikiran/minda/etc. Makhluk halus cuma khayalan. Tahyul. Halau jin dgn ruqyah (jampi) serupa dlm Chinese Ghost Story.

                  2. Re. Tak logic = tak betul = gila. Org ribuan tahun tak mati cuma fantasi.

                    Sesungguhnya Allah Swt maha berkuasa terhadap sesuatu.

                    Re. Baik tengok Chinese Ghost Story.

                    Elok tu, daripada nak memandai-mandai tentang agama orang lain.

              2. Cerita ko akan mati fantasi ke? Mana tau kemalangan..jatuh bangunan…nanti masuk kubur ko akan tau fantasi ke tidak..

          2. Re. Apa Nabi Isa buat sekarang?

            Hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui tentang dimana baginda berada sekarang.

        1. The DAP supporters of the evangelista politicians have also claimed that Christian women wear the hijab too.

          1. One of their women also shaved her head at a temple. I wonder how long before they openly declare that shaving bald is also a form of evangelism.

            1. If they’re capable of saying that Alvivi’s Bak Kut Teh might have been an “organic vegetarian” dish, they’re quite capable of saying anything.

            1. Re. They shall show Bible’s verse asking for hair cover.

              Aren’t you the one who commented that hair cover @ Tudung was “ajaran bible” in other posting?

      3. ini wakil tuhan depa yg kata:

        ‘from crossing the threshold of hope’ by john paul ll

        ‘Some of the most beautiful names in the human language are given to the God of the Koran, but He is ultimately a God outside of the world, a God who is only Majesty, never Emmanuel, God-with-us. Islam is not a religion of redemption.
        There is no room for the Cross and the Resurrection. Jesus is
        mentioned, but only as a prophet who prepares for the last prophet, Muhammad. There is also mention of Mary, His Virgin Mother, but the tragedy of redemption is completely absent. For this reason not only the theology but also the anthropology of Islam is very distant from Christianity”

        dia hanya sebut god of the koran. jadi tuhan islam (allah) cuma majesty tak sama dgn tuhan katholik (emmanuel = jesus christ). m’sian catholics masih ketegaq nak sembah allah jugak? tak takut syirik ka? why have they been saying and doing something that contradicts their belief, isn’t it amusing? ini cuma lakonan & highly likely outcome will be that they continue to worship the trinity and the converts also continue to worship allah tapi di dlm gereja.

        apapun pastikan makanan berada di atas meja (cost of foods & other basic needs is always in one direction) kerana keFAKIRan menjurus kepada keKUFURan. kepercayaan sesiapun pasti akan tergugat sekiranya perut kosong.

        wishing you all a great gallop year 2014 year of Horse. cheers!

    2. She said: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?” The Angel replied: “So shall it be: Thy Lord says, “That is easy for Me, and We wish to appoint him (Jesus) as a Sign unto men and as a Mercy from Us’: It is a matter decreed.” So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place.
      (Quran: chap. Maryam: verses 20-22)

      1. The verse never said son without father. Mariam can had husband later. Girl cannot pregnant without boy. Otherwise unmarried girls also can claim giving birth the son of god.

        1. hukum rejam ada dlm torah. mariam was a jew, kenapa dia tak direjam.

          ikut hukum hudud versi pas perempuan yg tak bersuami, bila mengandung bukti zina. (hukum rejam tiada dlm quran). isa -almasih was also a jew, wajib bersunat & sudah tentu dia disunat, kenapa lelaki kristian tak ikut apa yg anak tuhan depa buat?

            1. Kisah kejadian Nabi Isa dalam Al Quran

              (Ingatlah) ketika malaikat berkata: “Wahai Maryam! Bahawasanya Allah memberikan khabar yang mengembirakanmu, dengan (mengurniakan seorang anak yang engkau akan kandungkan semata-mata dengan) Kalimah daripada Allah, nama anak itu: Al-Masih, Isa Ibni Maryam, seorang yang terkemuka di dunia dan di akhirat, dan ia juga dari orang-orang yang didampingkan (diberi kemuliaan di sisi Allah). (A-li’Imraan 3:45)

              “Dan ia akan berkata-kata kepada orang ramai semasa ia masih kecil dalam buaian, dan semasa ia dewasa, dan ia adalah dari orang-orang yang soleh.”
              (A-li’Imraan 3:46)

              Maryam berkata:” Wahai Tuhanku! Bagaimanakah aku akan beroleh seorang anak, padahal aku tidak pernah disentuh oleh seorang lelaki pun?” Allah berfirman; “Demikianlah keadaannya, Allah menjadikan apa yang dikehendakiNya; apabila Ia berkehendak melaksanakan sesuatu perkara, maka Ia hanyalah berfirman kepadanya: ` Jadilah engkau ‘, lalu menjadilah ia.”
              (A-li’Imraan 3:47)

              Follow the program will you, jangan jadi PAMBU suka putar belit…

              1. Ali-Imran 3.46 – Dan dia akan berkata kepada manusia dalam panduan dan matang dan dari orang soleh.

                Bukan cakap dlm buaian.

            2. ‘Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, “Be,” and he was’. (3:59)

                  1. “Be and he was” is not meaning magical process. All creation follow sunatullah or natural law. There is no creation suddenly appear.

                    1. ‘All creation follow sunatullah or natural law’

                      adam also had parents, therefore he was not the first man on earth, right?

        2. Re: The verse never said son without father.

          19:18-21 and 19:35; 3:45-47 indicate that she bear a child without a father.

          1. Ali-Imran 19.19 – He said only I am a messenger your Lord that I bestow on you a pure son.

            Who was the messenger that bestow a son?

            1. Surah Maryam 19: 16-26


              And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east.

              And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man.

              She said, “Indeed, I seek refuge in the Most Merciful from you, [so leave me], if you should be fearing of Allah .”

              ‘He said, “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a pure boy.”

              She said, “How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?”

              He said, “Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’ ”

              So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.

              And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, “Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.”

              But he called her from below her, “Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream.

              And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.

              So eat and drink and be contented. And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, ‘Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today to [any] man.’

              Pedang tolong bawa ajaran sesat kau kat tempat lain boleh?

              1. Aku Berlindung Dengan Nama Allah Daripada Syaitan Yang Direjam.

                Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyanyang.

                Pedang, The context of the ayat.

                Surah Maryam 19:19 Sahih International

                ‘He said, “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a pure boy.”

                Who was sent?

                ‘And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man.’

                Pedang, obviously the Surah was wrong. Intentionally? Sure, why not?! The translation was lost too. Surprised. Surprised!

                1. 19.17 – ruhana = our inspiration (not our angel). Inspiration sent to the messenger & he inform Mariam.
                  19.19 – He said only I am a messenger your Lord that I bestow (li-ahaba) on you (laki) a pure son (ghulaman zakiyyan) .

                  li-ahaba – that I bestow
                  >>> the messenger is Mariam’s husband

                  The important: Quran never said virgin birth.

                    1. Islam1st,

                      Don’t waste your time and energy to explain to this Mental Case. I am beginning to see the pattern of argument from the likes of Ali Karim, King David, Raja Daud, etc who are basically the same person. He is neither a Muslim nor a Christian, long before in AIDC.COM when confronted he claimed that he is an AGNOSTIC, I know that you wouldn’t like my choice of word, this PEDANG as in other monikers that mentioned earlier is just a “Frustrated Keling Pariah” that likes to “mempersendakan” Islam. He is making a come back….

                      The minute I used the term “KELING” in the other entry, he just went berserk.

                      That’s all to it.

                    2. Other Indians would not be happy that you use the word ‘pariah’. Or anyone for that matter.

                    3. Oh btw, when he was “Ali Karim” in this blog and cornered, he claimed that he is an Indian Muslim from somewhere in Negeri Sembilan.

                    4. I don’t think pedang is Ali Karim. As far as I can recall, pedang only comments on Islam whereas Ali Karim was pro-Pakatan.

                  1. re: 19.17 – ruhana = our inspiration (not our angel). Inspiration sent to the messenger & he inform Mariam.

                    I did not find any resemblance of ‘inspiration’ from the root r-w-h which form the noun ruh. At least not from the Arabic English dictionary of Quranic Usage (AEDQU) and google translate.

                    Literally, ‘ruhana’ translates to ‘Our Spirit’.

                    “Our Spirit” is The Archangel Gabriel (Jibril) (AEDQU p. 388).

                    Moreover, right after ‘ruhana’ is “fatamaththala laha basharan sawiyyan”.

                    fatamaththala: to appears as, to resemble, to take the appearance, the form or shape of someone/ something, to assume the likeness of (AEDQU p. 867)

                    This is how the ayat is translated by the same person who wrote the AEDQU:

                    19: 17: “and secluded herself away; We sent Our Spirit to appear before her in the form of a perfected man.”.


                    1. 2.97 – Whoever is enemy to Jibril then indeed He (Allah) brought it (Jibril) down on your heart by permission of Allah confirming what before it and guidance and glad tiding.

                      Verse 2.97 similar to 4.64
                      4.64 – And not We (Allah) sent any messenger except to be obeyed BY PERMISSION OF ALLAH …

                      Jibril = divine revelation
                      Wahyu sent down to messenger through aspiration not through angel in human form.

                  2. 19: 17: “and secluded herself away; We sent Our Spirit to appear before her in the form of a perfected man.”. (The Quran, a new translation (p. 192))

                    1. 16.2 – He sends down the malaikats with the inspiration (ruh) of His command …

                      16.2 – show malaikat & ruh is differ.
                      Ruh = soul / spirit / aspiration / etc.
                      Ruh qudus = holy aspiration.

                      “in the form of a perfected man” means God sent aspiration through messenger (perfected man).

                    2. Al-ruh (97:4) is one of the nickname of Jibril (upon him peace). He is also called ruhul qudus (2:87), ruhul amin (26:193), rasulin karim (82: 19), afaik.

                      While one of the meaning of the word ‘ruh’ is Revelation, decision on what it means in an ayat depends on article (definite or not), particle, preposition, pronouns, context, among others.

                      The appearance of the word malaikah and ruh in 16:2 have similarity with 70:4; 78: 38; 97:4. Differences in preposition and particle (among others) led to different interpretation. It is not confined to this two instances. The word ‘Ruh’ appears in 17 more times. Allahua’lam.

                      In relation to the discussion of 19:17, what is your understanding of the word “fatamaththala”?

                    3. 19.17 ….. We sent to her “ruhana”
                      21.91 ….. We breathed into her of “ruhina” …..

                      Imposibble “ruhina” = Jibril.
                      Most possible meaning = Our inspiration.
                      Quran never said Jibril is malaikat.

                      Malaikat – related to strength / etc.
                      Ruh – related to soul / etc.

                      19.17 – “fatamaththala”.
                      God sent inspiration through messenger then inform her.

                      3.45 – Isa birth was glad things.
                      Glad thing normally for married girl.

                      The main lesson of Mariam’s story is not virginity but single mother. She withdrew from family for unknown reason & giving birth without husband beside her for unknown reason. How shall we react in similar case. We can not accuse & punish or stoning to death like barbarian. We must sympathy. This is lack in us.

                    4. Re: 19.17 – “fatamaththala”.
                      “God sent inspiration through messenger then inform her.”

                      tamaththala: to appears as, to resemble, to take the appearance, the form or shape of someone/ something, to assume the likeness of (AEDQU p. 867)

                      Using ruh = Inspiration

                      Translation 19:17 become: …(truncated)… We sent Our inspiration (ruhana) to appear before her in the form of a perfected man.”.

                      Translation 21:91 become: …(truncated)… so We blew into her from Our Inspiration (ruhina), and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds.

                      Re: 3.45 – Isa birth was glad things.
                      Glad thing normally for married girl.

                      3:47 did not gives me the understanding you try to promote.


                    5. Ruh – intangible & belonging to something.
                      Angel – tangible & angel also have ruh.

                      Therefore ruh can’t be translated as angel.

                      “to appear before her in the form of a perfected man” means the aspiration was sent down through messenger (human form).

                      “We blew into her from Our inspiration” means God gave revelation divine to her.

                      3.47 didn’t say Mariam unmarried. Son is bad thing for unmarried. But 3.45 said son was glad thing for Mariam. Indicates Mariam had married but untouched.

                  3. He has the same tone, back in he/she uses the same lingo and tactic as King David, Raja Daud but different issues wrt to Islam…As Ali Karim, his/parting words in here…”I am Indian Muslim”, and if I am not mistaken the issue is wrt to religion as well.

                    Anyway, he crosses the line when he insulted our Prophet, which you gladly ignore but minus 10 points of me when I called him Mabuk Todi…

                    1. What did he say that was insulting of the Prophet? You guys traded hundreds of comments, you know.

                    2. Insulted the Hadith e.g. minum kencing Unta, Sex etc. which he can’t proved.

                      You see, never once that he admitted that he is actually a “Hindu Indian Mental case” who is trying to pit the Muslim vs Christian (which is not even his domain), but the lingo and tone tell it all. He went berserk when I used the term “Keling”.

                      On top of that, you gladly let MissSleepyHead @ KepalaNgantuk and now I think she has found new moniker as “Yesus” keep using the term “Meleis” but forbid us to retaliate/use Dapigs, Cinabeng, Chinky, Pariah etc.

                    3. In the first place, there are tens, if not, hundreds of thousands of hadith. The one about minum kencing unta was probably brought up as an example of those yang tak sahih lah.

                      Since you vouch that I forbid you and others to use “Dapigs, Cinabeng, Chinky”, it’s quite amazing – isn’t it? – that I can accused by the Dapsters of allowing Malays to bash Chinese in my blog.

                    4. Read Ali Karim in the Tun Daim thread. Sounds totally different. And as I’ve said, the Ali Karim comments were on politics (extremely pro-Pakatan). Pedang is very focused on Islam.

                    5. Re. The one about minum kencing unta was probably brought up as an example of those yang tak sahih lah.

                      ROTFL… Kencing itu najis mughalazah (najis berat) only a psycho will come up with such hadith or even call it as hadith.

                    6. I dunno lah about your theological debate. I approve the comments if they don’t sound seditious/liable to spark a religious riot.

  3. 25th December was the birth of the Roman Sun god if im not mistaken, whatever, it was a pagan holiday converted into christianity as the Roman empire transitioned into a christian theological govt… hahaha.. the last pagan Roman emperor who created the holiday to appease his fanatical Christian subjects sure bamboozled the christians for the past millenia… just as they think jesus is the blue eyed god son.. he’d probably looked more like Osama bin laden!!!

    1. I think debate is good and healthy. And your comments about Jesus is noted.

      Will you allow us to also debate the origins of Nabi Muhammad?

      1. I would certainly love a debate on the origins of the granting of citizenship to the immigrants by the Malay rulers. Anyone interested ?

  4. Re. 25th December was the birth of the Roman Sun god if im not mistaken, whatever, it was a pagan holiday converted into christianity as the Roman empire transitioned into a christian theological govt….

    Christmas according to Sheldon Cooper [YouTube]

  5. If Malays get confused so easily that means all the years in Sekolah Agama and sitting for Agama exams in school is downright useless and utter waste of time.

    If your faith is strong no one can confuse you. No matter what others say.

    By implying that Malays get confused so easily are you insinuating that the Islamic faith of Malays is so weak. This is all about politics and getting votes and nothing about religion. Surely even you can see this.


    Allah belongs to all mankind, The quran has verses addressed to the believers and verses addressed to the the common man. If one says that Allah is only for Muslims then one is admitting that there is more than one GOD and that is shirik.

    1. Dear GRA,

      re: “If Malays get confused so easily that means all the years in Sekolah Agama and sitting for Agama exams in school is downright useless and utter waste of time.”

      Please understand the kind of people they are. They are provocateurs who can earnestly declare, and with a straight face, that Bak Kut Teh is not pork after inviting you to berbuka puasa with the fragrant, tasty dish. Read, “Kepala hotak ingat bodo ke apa” nak ditipu bak kut teh itu bukan babi.

      re: “If your faith is strong no one can confuse you. No matter what others say. By implying that Malays get confused so easily are you insinuating that the Islamic faith of Malays is so weak.”

      No. I’m implying that the evangelistas are very strong as well as the worse kind of munafik who are capable of doing the most terrible things. They will stop at nothing and will carry out the most despicable fitnah. Please study the history of the Interregnum (1945-6) in Malaya. Read, ‘‘Chinese asked the Malays to pray on Sunday instead’.

      re: “This is all about politics and getting votes and nothing about religion. Surely even you can see this.”

      I can see that it is indeed about politics. The DAP evangelistas are manufacturing visceral hate to get the Sabah and Sarawak native Christian votes and break the BN safe deposit. For Pakatan to take over Putrajaya, they need those two states.

      re: “Finally, no one has HAK CIPTA TERPELIHARA ON THE NAME OF ALLAH.”

      Where in the English bible, any English bible, is the word ‘Allah’ used? Do the Pope and his cardinals in the Vatican use the word Allah? In the long history of Christendom and Christian scholarship, have the eminent Christian scholars, jurists and philosophers used the word Allah?

      Why are peninsular Christians who do not even speak Malay suddenly so keen in embracing the national language, and if it is true, why not translate to ‘Tuhan’? Or to “YHWH” which is mentioned 6,828 times in the Old Testament. “Elohim” occurs 2,570 times in the Old Testament. See, See,

      Or use “Jehovah”, “El Shaddai” or “Adonai” — names all of which ARE mentioned in the bible. Why the insistence on Allah?

      Are you aware that in the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, God says “My name is YHWH’.


      re: “Allah belongs to all mankind, The quran has verses addressed to the believers and verses addressed to the the common man.”

      Then all of the folks so determined to use ‘Allah’ can ucap dua kalimah syahadah, become Muslims and follow Islam the universal religion for all mankind.

      re: “If one says that Allah is only for Muslims then one is admitting that there is more than one GOD and that is shirik.”

      Allah does not beget and nor is He begotten. The Christians pray to the Father in Heaven, and Jesus the Son of God. In their holy trinity, there is the THIRD godhead the Holy Ghost. Many Christians also pray to Mary the Mother of God. So if the Muslim terikut-ikut and addresses his prayers to 3-in-1 +1 elements, that is not syirik?

            1. Of course GRA has proven time and again, dumbing down is Dapster Evangelistas favourite past-time.

              The issue was not whether the hours spent in Sekolah Agama are useless nor that we are so lemah iman and thus, we need some politicians to protect us from masuk kristians, but we rather tak sanggup in the name of the father, the holy ghost, the anak tuhan or whatever batu dan kayu asal boleh belief system, that Allah SWT disyirikkan, just as you have cleverly pointed!

              Helen boleh faham, why can’t they faham? Simply bodoh or saja nak cari pasal?!

              1. re: “Simply bodoh or saja nak cari pasal?!”

                What kind of people are they? Dema terlalu tamak haloba akan Gold and Glory. Itu sahaja.

    2. Yes.., for sure Allah SWT belong to all mankind.., in fact for all the djinns as well,., as this Quranic message states:-

      “Tidak Aku ciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan hanya untuk beribadah kepada Ku” – (surah Adz Dzariyat: ayat 56)

      And yes.., for sure no one has any copyright reserve for the name of Allah. But be mindful that one does not ABUSE the name of Allah.., because Allah is a Precise & Specific name for One & Only God Almighty that has been terminology used in the Quran. Furthermore, the word Allah cannot be made into a plural word whereas the word god can be made into the plural of gods.

      Previous terminology for God in earlier religious scriptures such as Elohim, Yahweh, Yahshua are also terminology for the Lord (God) but the name of ‘Allah’ has not been recorded in such said scriptures. Why so..?

      And.., why is that only now Christians are making such a huge fuss over the issue of the name of Allah..? Isn’t the term Elohim, Yahweh & Yahshua not sufficient for them..? Isn’t the Lord or God sufficient enough for them. The Quran has other words for God.., which is ilah or Rob.., but the precise & specific name of Allah is uniquely for The One & Only God.

      Ibn Abbas once said: ‘If you ask them, ‘Who created the sky and the earth?’ They answer.., “Allah..!” However they still pray to others beside Allah Almighty.’

      Thus.., Muslims must beware of the wiles of the unbelievers in uttering the name of Allah.., unless one dares to challenge them to utter:-

      “There is no God but Allah..”

      but wait and see whether they dare to finish-off the Kalimah by uttering:-

      “…Muhammad is the messenger of Allah..”

      It is not encouraged but go try try that.., for some sort of ‘Acid Test’.., huh..!

      For we would shudder and surely do want to see the name of Allah being abused & ridiculed with phrases uttered such as:-

      “International Full Gospel Fellowship Keluarga Allah”

      The question is, since when did Allah SWT had a family bond with the International Full Gospel Fellowship..? It is so sickening to observe that such abuse is so evident for sake of some political end by adopting devious wiles & trickery. How low-life can some of these creatures be..?

      P.S.> If there are some Malays who used the term ‘Kalimat’ Allah for certain ‘exclusivity’.., then they are themselves fools because the word kalimat itself means a sentence made up of a combination of two or more words to make some meaning. Thus, kalimat Allah are actually the words, message & text of the Quran and not the name of Allah itself. They should be moreful careful by saying that.., nama panggilan or istilah khusus bagi Tuhan adalah Allah..!

      1. re: “How low-life can some of these creatures be..?”

        You’ll be surprised.

        But then again, they’re the ones who go around calling other folks “low class”.

      2. 1. kalimah means statement in english. thus 2 kalimah syahadah simply mean 2 statements of testimony. depa sedang curi NAMA bukan statement. bukankah cerdik pandai islam sendiri yg ‘coin’ istilah kalimah allah? sebab itu depa berani play-play kerana so-called ulamak2 (ular dlm semak?) pun tak faham apa itu kalimah. have mentioned this many times oledi mah.

        2.’why is that only now Christians are making such a huge fuss over the issue of the name of Allah..?’

        senang saja sebab depa baru sedar without invoking allah, segala ibadah (solat, khutbah, puasa etc) selama ini tak sah & sia2. sekarang berebut2 & cukup berahi (very enthusiastic konon2) nak cari pahala. baru sedar dari syirik kot? time to score. haha

      3. Not all Christians but only these so called Christians from Malaysia. These Jurusubang-like Christians would be laughed off if they were to preach their faith in places like England, for example.

  6. This is not a new video clip. I m sure some of you have seen this.


    Look at the Chinese man hitting his head on the car.

    Speaking of Chinese culture, this Chinese man sure demonstrated what Chinese culture really is.

    We must thank the DAP though. Thanks to them, this uncouth behavior is becoming more and more common among the Chinese, especially among Chinese youth.

    You spoke about Chinese educated people being beradab. Yeah, sure memang beradab indeed, just look at the Chinese hitting himself on the car.

    I have said this many times, if your community continues to behave like this, with the DAP’s urging and pumping all the way, your community in getting into serious trouble.

    Or is getting into serious trouble no longer a taboo for your community Helen ?

    1. re: “You spoke about Chinese educated people being beradab. Yeah, sure memang beradab indeed, just look at the Chinese hitting himself on the car.”

      How do you know that he is Chinese educated? Since this is Subang Jaya, the Chinese man could have gone to the same Sekolah Kebangsaan as their Puan Speaker.

      1. Come on la. Look at how he dressed himself. T Shirt, short pants. The SJ type all high class like their Madame Speaker. But people like the Chinese man is useful, doing the things the SJ high class people would not do, like confronting the authority openly.

        1. The Madame Speaker is “high class” because of the way she dresses?

          She also got wear T-shirt what.


          1. Hai ya ! hers are of the high class variety. Those worn by the Chinese in the clip are of the lower class type. Hai ya ! How could you associate Her Highness with those low class Chinese ?

            1. Not that class should be measured in monetary value (it isn’t) but both the T-shirts – Hannah Yeoh’s and the guy in the video clip – cost in the same range. His is probably RM15 and hers RM10. Hence sartorially, both of them have something in common.

              Back to our original argument, to reiterate: I don’t think that you should assume he is Chinese-school educated. As I’ve said upthread, he and Madama Speaker could just as likely have been alumni of the same Sekolah Kebangsaan in Subang Jaya.

              1. Re As I’ve said upthread, he and Madama Speaker could just as likely have been alumni of the same Sekolah Kebangsaan in Subang Jaya.

                But you cannot teach Malays to differentiate the Sekolah Aliran from the Sekolah Kebangsaan right ? :)

                Like I said, these people are leading your community to a perfect storm situation.

                1. re: “But you cannot teach Malays to differentiate the Sekolah Aliran from the Sekolah Kebangsaan right ? :)”

                  :) But I’ve been indefatigable in my efforts thus far, right?

                  Malays should realise who the ringleaders are, that’s all. When you wanna tumpaskan a mafia, you go after the Godfather, not the runners.

                  Just be more AWARE. Now it’s no longer the language factor but the RELIGION factor. Yeo Bee Yin, Teresa Kok and other evangelistas come from Chinese school.

                  The confrontational element is NOT those speak Chinese and want to uphold language and cultural rights but the Greedy evangelistas seeking Gold and Glory by riding on Gospel.

                  1. Re :) But I’ve been indefatigable in my efforts thus far, right?

                    L O L ! Yeah I must admit you’re one brave soul but with the crooks messing up your efforts with their constant attacks on Malays in your blog, I must say, you win and lose at the same time.

                    Re Malays should realise who the ringleaders are, that’s all. When you wanna tumpaskan a mafia, you go after the Godfather, not the runners.

                    Now even when we took on the ringleaders, the runners willingly stood up for the crooks, which is different from what you would normally expect, like when the runners get caught, they would cooperate with the cops. In our context, the runners did the opposite.

                    Re Just be more AWARE. Now it’s no longer the language factor but the RELIGION factor. Yeo Bee Yin, Teresa Kok and other evangelistas come from Chinese school.

                    Now it gets really sticky, more difficult to counter them. With more Chinese youth getting hooked with Holy Water i.e going to Church at the urging of their Christian friends and family members who have embraced “Christianity, embracing fake Christianity, the Chinese community, sooner or later, will be associated with Chinese = Christianity.

                    1. re: “their constant attacks on Malays in your blog”

                      It works both ways. The Dapsters are demonizing me b’cos Chinese get attacked by Malay readers too in my blog. I certainly do not condone either but race politics is in the nature of this country, and I’m a true democrat, so both sides get the freedom of their views being aired.

                      re: “the runners willingly stood up for the crooks, which is different from what you would normally expect, like when the runners get caught, they would cooperate with the cops. In our context, the runners did the opposite”

                      This should tell you how far DAP has succeeded in cultivating the deep and hysterical hatred against Umno.

                      Re: “the Chinese community, sooner or later, will be associated with Chinese = Christianity”

                      I blame the MCA for this. Instead of countering the trend, MCA has allowed its media apparatus (aside from J-Star, MCA owns Chinese radio stations) to promote DAP Christian politicians and further entrench the evangelistas. Not to mention that the Star Group this year pumped tens of million of ringgit to boost its online operations.

  7. Melayu bukan bodoh tak dapak bezakan Allah Christian dan Allah yang maha esa. Setakat ni merea bersabar dengan kerenah ‘Christian’ ni yang cuba menuang minyak dalam bara. Mereka mencuba kesabaran Melayu. Mereka sebenar nya menghina melayu dengan mengambarkan Melayu itu Bodoh tidak tahu membezakan Allah Christian yang mepunyai anak mereka dengan yang Allah yang Maha Esa dan sikap mereka sebenarnya adalah Provokasi.

    Sebelum ini pun Melayu tahu di Christian Sabah mengunakan ‘Allah’ cuma sekarang dengan DAP, PKR, PAS pegang Selangor maka mahu dihalalkan Allah Christian mereka. Mereka sanggup Mengubah apa yang selama ini mereka sembah the trinity God and Jesus son of God kepada Trinity Allah dan Isa anak Allah.

    Tujuan nya Satu saja dan orang Melayu faham dan sedar. CUma masa akan menentukan. Lalang tak bergerak jika tak de angin meniup. Pikir piker lah wahai puak evangilista.

    1. Evagenlista not true believers of Jesus. They are like the fake knock offs of Christianiaty like Petaling Street fake goods.

  8. Do you think the Christian’s “Allah” is powerful (Almighty) when He only watched his son’s crucifixion by the Romans?

    Do you think the son of Allah is powerful when he himself could not stop them from doing so upon him?

    Are the Christians gods depicting the chars of Sadists & Masochists in Themselves?

    The Moslems had ONE but only ONE thing to say to the Christians that they are heresy. But the Christians have so much bad accusations about the Moslems.

    The Moslem Allah is God Almighty.

    (Hercules the son of Zeus was not a gym goer. I love his muscles).
    Orr Mee Tor For…

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