Gara-gara DAP takbur, BN menang S’gor

Selangor mempunyai 56 kawasan DUN. Pada PRU12, Pakatan menang 36 kerusi dan BN 20.

Untuk memperolehi majoriti mudah di Selangor, sesebuah gagasan itu sama ada Pakatan atau BN memerlukan 29 kerusi.

Bandingkan juga keputusan DUN Kelantan PRU11 (tahun 2004) di mana PAS menang 24 kerusi, BN 21. Jikalau waktu itu dua orang sahaja Adun PAS melompat, parti Islam tersebut akan tinggal 22 kerusi dan BN 23!

Pada tahun 2008, Adun-Adun Selangor ada yang menang dengan hanya majoriti tipis.

Contohnya DUN Teluk Datuk di mana Phillip Tan (DAP) mendapat 7,584 undi dan lawannya Ei Kim Hock (MCA) 6,886 undi. Calon DAP itu menang dengan kelebihan 698 undi sahaja. Namun undi rosak ialah 493.

Yang keluar mengundi di Teluk Datuk ialah 82.2 peratus daripada pemilih berdaftar. Pecahan pemilih mengikut kaum ialah Melayu: 33.2%, Cina: 44.6%, India: 22.0%, Lain-lain: 0.2%.

Teluk Datuk adalah di antara 10  kerusi — yang lainnya Bukit Melawati, Cempaka, Sekinchan, Damansara, Hulu Kelang, Bukit Antarabangsa, Kota Anggerik, Lembah Jaya dan Selat Klang — yang mana Pakatan menang dengan majoriti kurang 10 peratus.

Tidak mustahil BN dapat merampas semula kerusi-kerusi goyah di Selangor jika boleh dipertingkatkan prestasi mereka. Untuk MCA tawan balik Teluk Datuk, misal kata, calon parti tersebut harus mengaut sekerat sahaja undi tambahan kaum Melayu atau India. ‘Swing’/ayunan kecil ini sebenarnya bisa diusahakan.

Para pemilih India telah pun mengisyaratkan rasa tawar hati mereka terhadap pembangkang. Antara punca Pakatan kalah pilihanraya-pilihanraya kecil Hulu Selangor, Bagan Pinang, Tenang dan Merlimau ialah faktor sokongan India kembali kepada BN. Atau pemilih India sengaja tidak keluar undi.

Kalau kaum India sudah celik mata, bagaimana pula dengan kaum Melayu, khususnya yang duduk di luar bandar dan pedalaman? Biar kita tinjau sikap kerajaan Selangor dan menilai sama ada pentadbiran Khalid Ibrahim mesra rakyat.

Mengikut banci tahun 2010, Selangor mencatatkan sejumlah 5,462,141 penduduk. Daripada angka itu, Bumiputera dikira sebanyak 57.1%, Cina 28.6%, India 13.5% dan lain-lain 0.8%.

Orang Cina Selangor pada hakikatnya kurang 30 peratus tetapi tampak angkuh serta rakus membolot kuasa dan pengaruh.

Cuba kita tengok perangai puak Hosanna di Selangor Times yang semua wartawannya Cina.

Analisa ‘Selangor Times’

Dalam posting yang lepas, saya mengatakan Selangor Times sedang giat mempromosi personality cult pemimpin-pemimpin DAP kesayangan mereka.

Di bawah ialah peta negeri Selangor mengikut sempadan DUN. Daerah Subang Jaya ditandakan dalam petak merah.

Saya telah mendedahkan bahawa setiap edisi Selangor Times pasti akan mempamerkan gambar Adun Subang Jaya DAP iaitu Hannah Yeoh.

Pada muka depan Selangor Times jilid 60 bertarikh Feb 10 terpampang gambar besar Hannah. Dalam jilid 61 bertarikh Feb 17, cerita utama di muka depan pun berulang kali menyebut nama Hannah — “Yeoh is influential and she knows how important this issue is”.

Selangor Times edisi minggu ini

Edisi terkini Selangor Times, iaitu jilid 62 bertarikh Feb 24, mengandungi 24 halaman termasuk 5 halaman iklan mukasurat penuh dan 2 halaman iklan separuh mukasurat. Ini bermakna halaman bercetak ialah (24-6=) 18 helai.

Daripada 18 halaman berita ini, sejumlah tiga rencana membawa ‘dateline’ (yakni tempat cerita dilaporkan) Subang Jaya dan seperti biasa Hannah Yeoh mesti dipetik pemberita Selangor Times.

Sejak permulaan tahun dari jilid 55 ke 62, iaitu selama lapan minggu berturut-turut, Selangor Times tak ubah-ubah memaparkan gambar serta rencana berkenaan Hannah Yeoh.

Selangor Times seolah-olah takut sangat penangan Yang Berhormat itu jika sekiranya ada satu minggu berlalu di mana Hannah Yeoh tidak mendapat tempat dalam suratkhabar negeri. Pengarang, penyunting dan pemberita begitu menggeruni serta mentaati wala Sang Hannah Utama.

Selain penulis-penulis Hosanna yang lazim di Selangor Times, personaliti terkenal Patrick Teoh juga diundang sebagai penulis tamu untuk terbitan Feb 24.

Patrick yang terkenal sikap pro-DAPnya pernah memblog tentang Lim Guan Eng seperti berikut:

“Damn best speech I’ve heard from a politician in years la. He spoke about Penang and the people’s collective efforts in building a great place to live and work and bring up family all. And he never once highlighted any one particular community for praise. All are Penangites and all contribute and share. I tell you ah, after listening to him and enjoying Penang for 2 days I really felt like moving there to live la.”

Seorang lagi penulis jemputan Selangor Times Feb 24 ialah Tricia Yeoh yang mengulas perbahasan hangat presiden MCA dengan setiausaha agung DAP.

Beliau mengujar:

“The DAP leader [Lim Guan Eng] also scoffed at MCA for not being able to stand up to the corrupt ways of Umno. To be fair, the Penang Chief Minister did articulate a host of policy successes of his state, to prove that Pakatan Rakyat’s policies would be viable.”

Tricia Yeoh berpendapat Guan Eng berjaya menyampaikan kepada hadirin tentang sukses dasar-dasar yang dilaksanakan di Pulau Pinang. Sebaliknya Tricia tidak mempunyai apa-apa kata pujian bagi Soi Lek.

Selangor Times hanya untuk Hannah

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh siapa yang diberi ruang dalam Selangor Times meskipun 5.4 juta anak watan Selangor tidak semestinya semua pro-Pakatan.

Adakah sebuah jentera kerajaan seperti Selangor Times – yang sepatutnya berfungsi sebagai media rakyat – telah berlaku adil?

Cuba teliti sekali lagi gambar-gambar 56 orang Adun Selangor (scroll atas). Siapa di kalangan mereka yang mampu anda cam? Adun-Adun Cina umpamanya Ronnie, Teresa, Hannah dan Elizabeth Wong, bukan?

Ramai Adun BN yang mungkin kurang dikenali. Adakah kepincangan ini hasil kesan daripada golongan BN dipinggirkan oleh media dan aktiviti rasmi negeri Selangor (contohnya memanfaatkan peruntukan RM300 juta ‘Selangorku’)?

Mengapakah Selangor Times mahu melaporkan bahawa Hannah Yeoh seorang polikus yang memiliki pengaruh besar? Adakah pengaruhnya nescaya publisiti meluas yang selalu disalurkan oleh perkakas kerajaan negeri?

Kenapa Selangor Times asyik memberi tumpuan kepada Subang Jaya? Kalau sebut Shah Alam masuk akal kerana ibukota tersebut pusat negeri.

Tempat-tempat lain seperti Batang Berjuntai, Jeram, Langat dan Tanjong Karang langsung tidak mendapat liputan sebab Selangor Times ini Subang-centric siut.

Nampaknya Selangor Times ingatkan cakerawala berpaksi di Subang Jaya. Dalam sangkaan Selangor Times juga Adun-Adun BN berupa makhluk ghaib. Dan Selangor Times jarang nampak kelibat Melayu dan India.

Maka ada baiknya jika kita boleh khabarkan sikap riak Selangor Times ini kepada pakcik-pakcik dan makcik-makcik di kampung.

Pada PRU11 yang lepas, PKR telah bertanding 21 kerusi, PAS 20 dan DAP 15. Justeru status quo ini dikekalkan di Selangor, DAP boleh meraih tahap maksimum 15 kerusi.

Lantaran itu, kerajaan negeri akan ditentukan di gelanggang PKR lawan Umno. PAS lawan Umno. PKR dan PAS tidak jamin menang.

Kerenah Selangor Times – sebuah penerbitan yang berada di bawah kawalan pejabat menteri besar – boleh sedikit sebanyak membuka mata orang Melayu kepada situasi lidah Roket dibenarkan bermaharajalela.

Harap agar rakan-rakan blogger boleh tolong sebarkan. Terima kasih.

Anda mungkin juga meminati:

Hannah Yeoh 56, Umno 0

Why Hindraf Indians won’t vote Pakatan next election

Peruntukan berjuta-juta bagi Adun, majlis perbandaran S’gor tapi …

Kg Buah Pala: Pagar makan padi


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

31 thoughts on “Gara-gara DAP takbur, BN menang S’gor

  1. Bukan sahaka selangor times, selangorkini juga wajib ada gambar hannah yeoh, ini taktik efektif sebab setiap jumaat selepas solat jumaat org2 PAS akan agih suratkhabar selangorkini dan selangortimes,dua2 pasti ada gambar hannah yeoh dan betul,semua berita hanya berkenaan Subang Jaya dan PJ,kawasan seperti Bernam,Shah Alam seolah2 tidak wujud.

    selangorkini saya tengok pengarangnya melayu, apa komen cik Helen?

    1. There has been a seismic shift in the heartland. Many not aware of this yet. BN will take back Selangor.

    2. Talk is cheap, lets see after PRU 13 la , the results will speak for it’s self.

      And them we will see which as#ho$e will complain about’Pengudi hantu’, let joe public decide .

  2. “Tempat-tempat lain seperti Batang Berjuntai, Jeram, Langat dan Tanjong Karang langsung tidak mendapat liputan sebab Selangor Times ini Subang-centric siut.”

    Ayat ini menghiburkan saya di pagi sabtu, dengan, di tambah lagi bila di akhiri dengan “siut”

  3. Baik pihak gomen atau opposition, ada KPI untuk media coverage tak?

    Senang jee..tak payah kerja keras untuk rakyat
    Kuasai media maya/bercetak both local and international dan masukkan issue issue baik celup atau betul

    Mungkin site visit 2 jam sekali dalam sebulan, dipamerkan dan diulang2.

    1. “Kuasai media maya/bercetak ….”

      Wikipedia describes the meaning of the Sanskrit word “maya”:-

      Maya (Sanskrit माया māyaa[›]), in Indian religions, has multiple meanings, usually quoted as “illusion”, centered on the fact that we do not experience the environment itself but rather a projection of it, created by us. Maya is the principal deity that manifests, perpetuates and governs the illusion and dream of duality in the phenomenal Universe. For some mystics, this manifestation is real.[1] Each person, each physical object, from the perspective of eternity, is like a brief, disturbed drop of water from an unbounded ocean. The goal of enlightenment is to understand this — more precisely, to experience this: to see intuitively that the distinction between the self and the Universe is a false dichotomy. The distinction between consciousness and physical matter, between mind and body (refer bodymind), is the result of an unenlightened perspective.

      1. Thanks Charles for defining

        but media maya was meant to be translated as “internet”


  4. Kebiasaannya, seorang ahli DUN yang menjadi MB akan memberi lebih tumpuan ke tempatnya sendiri. Sebagai contoh di Perak Ramli Ngah Talib banyak beri tumpuan di Pasir Salak. Tajul Rosli di Gerik, Zambri di Pangkor. Mungkin MB Selangor banyak beri perhatian di Ijok.
    Hannah Yeoh MB di Selangor. Sebab itu banyak tumpuan di Subang Jaya. MB = ‘Mem Besar”

    LOL, good one! — Helen

    1. Telahan saya: They’re hedging their bets (ada tak ungkapan atau peribahasa Melayu yang sepadan?) & mesti ada sudah ‘melabur’ dengan kedua-dua pihak, yakni not putting all their eggs in one basket.

      Bukankah bangsa Cina berupaya adaptasi, terutamanya dari segi memenuhi tuntutan peniagaan dan perdagangan? Kita tunggu dan tengok nanti kenyataan-kenyataan yang mereka buat menjelang PRU.

      World Chinese Economic Forum nampaknya condong kepada PM, boleh baca sini.

      Manakala presiden Dewan Perniagaan Cina Pulau Pinang pula menjadi BFF kepada LGE. Kesian cara bagaimana KSK KTK telah diselarnya (masih ingat lagi?)

      Bagi forum yang dianjur BUM (Bloggers United M’sia) pada 2010, pejabat Ketua Menteri S’gor taja 10k dan pejabat Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan taja 10k. ‘Cam tu lah nego … kenyit

      1. rupa2nya ada DUN2 kat selangor DAP menang tipis saja, kalau tak silap saya PRU12 dewan perniagaan cina selangor menyatakan sokongan kepada PR..dgn sokongan DPCS pon DAP menang tipis saja..kalau DPCS tarik balik sokongan PRU13 ni tak mustahil MCA dapat balik kerusi2 yg majoriti tipis tu…

        kalau kat penang saya rasa agak mustahil gerakan nak kalahkan DAP..daripada sembang2 dgn kontraktor cina kat penang ni mmg Tan Sri TKP dgn LGE kamceng habis..dan rasanya besar jugak habuan yg proksi Tan Sri TKP dah dapat…tapi ada jugak peniaga cina yg tak puas hati sbb kek ekonomi dibolot oleh puak mereka saja, maknanya tak distribute utk kaum cina yg bukan puak mereka

        bagi saya CAT ni wayang kulit DAP saja….senang cerita gerakan buat salah, bila DAP buat tak salah….mungkin kaum cina tak suka KTK(bukan KSK la Helen hehe) sbb pada pandangan saya KTK lebih tolerate dgn bangsa Melayu berbanding DAP…. kalau ikut sejarah peristiwa 13/5 pon sebelum tercetus pergaduhan parti Gerakan bertindak lebih rasional dari DAP utk kepentingan negara (sekadar rujukan sejarah bukan berniat provokasi)

        KTK (bukan KSK), saya silap & baru betulkan di atas, TQ. Rasa-rasanya ‘mereka’ akan lagi teruk. — Helen

      2. helen,

        suggestion for:

        hedging their bets => tunggu guruh di langit sebelum tadah tempayan

        [it’s a play on that other malay one abt not knowing how to hedge a bet: harapkan guruh dilangit, air di tempayan dicurahkan]. :D

        Thanks ,)

  5. what? BN will take back Selangor? Hahaha… what now helen? Khir Toyo pay you? Keep on dreaming. In fact, we will win BIGGER than the previous election. Everyone in Selangor are happy with the clean and progresive current PR state government. Im not surprise if PR win the Federal Government, Teresa Kok can be the next Selangor Chief Minister, since we are all equal as Malaysian.

    What’s the problem if Hannah Yeoh always appear in the Selangor Times? She has a cute face & good looking. Jelaous meh? Look at Malay newspaper Utusan. It shows picture & news about Rosmah Najib EVERYDAY!!! Why dont you highlight this as an issue?

    1. Pakatan no longer holds 36 seats in S’gor btw. Badrul Hisham Abdullah (Adun Pelabuhan Klang, formerly PKR) is now independent. Edward Lee (DAP) recently passed away. Hasan Ali (Adun Gombak Setia, formerly PAS) also independent. Have I left out anybody?

  6. Jika BN menag di Selangor siapa akan jadi Mem Besar ? Noh Omar ?

    Ni kena tanya orang Umno lah. Saya sekadar pantau DAP. — Helen

  7. We can assume that PKR and PAS will be soundly thrashed by UMNO in Selangor for sure. The Malay sentiment has turned to UMNO long ago after what had happened there the GE. The only question is the majority of the win since UMNO’s biggest enemy is UMNO itself (meaning the old timer warlords). But I believe Najib is far smarter and he will sort this out before the GE.

    DAP looks to be stronger but without the support of non Chinese they are in danger of losing some seats too.

    Helen, the matter of how Selangor Times is the Rocket in sheep’s clothing is just one example of how Selangor has been Ali Baba-ed by DAP. In fact DAP has been running the state on most policy related matters due to the politically weak MB and PKR’s focus on making money via corruption. PAS never been strong in Selangor and with Hassan Ali out they are worse off.

    I suggest Selangor Times to be renamed Warta Hannah.

      1. The weekend also brought more ideas to my mind…HannahKini, Berita Hannah….Hannahkah….

        ‘Hannahkah’ is funny, her Malay fan club newsletter. — Helen

      2. Helen,

        Indeed I agree…Hannahkah would be perfect with her tudung-clad, kebaya-donning, self righteous, moralizing and religious posturing. If we have Khalifah Umar at Penang, why not Ustazah Hajjah Hasnah Bte Yeop ?

    1. Calvinsankaran,

      You may be right on the alibaba thing on Selangor.
      Is it happening in Kedah as well?
      Did Perak pre-BN time had that alibaba element?

      Now are they going for a big alibaba country idea(for the oil, water mixture join venture to work)?

    2. @calvinsankaran “…UMNO’s biggest enemy is UMNO itself (meaning the old timer warlords). But I believe Najib is far smarter and he will sort this out before the GE.

      you may have a point there.

      many have been wondering why najib has not made any move to kick out the obvious slags who definitely will threaten UMNO/BN’s performance come GE13.

      your remark made me think that perhaps najib realizes that if he acts too soon to kick these elements out, he would have to deal with the repercussions [such as potential frogging or more subtle sabotages], much earlier and much longer.

      but if he shows them the door when the election itself is almost at the door and name more worthy replacements in their stead, then any contrary actions that lot take may well be seen by the electorates as based on their vindictiveness and the problem would more or less takes care of itself.

      if that is the case, then maybe najib may be wilier than thought… :)

  8. Gratitude,

    Not too sure about the Kedah scenes though some of my friends are from Kulim and they say DAP is quite frustrated as they are not as easy to deal with as compared to PKR, who are only interested in money and power and give DAP license to rape and plunder.

    But surely Perak was an Ali Baba state, even more than Selangor. Do you know that such was the control of Perak by DAP that they even told the Speaker on what to say and do during the State Assembly was in session. Apparently Nga and Ngeh gave real time instruction to the Speaker via some communication device.

    DAP had a total control of Perak despite the PAS MB (he was a mere puppet since PAS was not as strong politically in Perak), As such the MB was even weaker than Khalid of Selangor. I heard DAP only approved Nizar as MB since he had Chinese blood.

    1. DAP racist party had no choice but to accept a ‘malay’ Nizar as MB because of the State’s law and because this racist to the core party had no malay aduns to show. They are all non-malay aduns in racist Dap Perak, as the case in all other states. Why? Because this so called multi racial party is hypocrite racists.

      Proof?during the early stage, racist Lim kit siang had demanded for Dap to be given MB post on ground that his racist party have the most numbers of racist aduns. He even threaten to boycott swearing-in ceremony, only later to realise that the law would not allow so, more so due to his own racial blunder. Racial blunder, or aptly sheer racist, coz there was not a single malay Dap adun to qualify as MB.

      Nonetheless, Lim kit siang will not repeat the same racist mistake in GE13. At least one malay Dap will contest in chinese majority in Perak and certainly if Pakatan wins again and has a malay adun, this time Nizar Pas or any Pkr wanabe will eat humble pie. Potong kepala ayam, the malay adun will be the puppet MB for Dap.

      The guess is, Perak would be 50-50 and either side could win by only slim majority with racist Dap winning all chinese majority constituents. If Pakatan wins, crisis looms as disgrunted Pas and pkr feel robbed of MB, ending with kataks jumping here and there, or Bn forming state government with Pas at worse.

      Pkr?sumua sedia mahlum lah pensudahan parti lompat sana terjun sini parti ini. Mungkin dato Zaid Ibrahim bole jadi MB Kita kerana sudah dapat ampun dato Anwar.

      The Perak constitution says that the MB should be a Malay & Muslim but there is also a clause (caveat) that the ruler can use his discretion to over-ride the above stipulations. — Helen

      1. Yes, if the ruler is a Chinese sultan or an Indian raja, he would probably use his discretion to over-ride. Imagine his Malay rakyat’s rebellion if the Sultan ever use such discretion when Perak Malays are the majority in population and state seats.

        Will Lim Kit Siang ever use his discretion to appoint a Malay adun as CM of Penang? Imagine his Chinese rakyat’s rebellion if the Comrade ever use such discretion even if the Penang Chinese are the minority.

        Can you see DAP sheer hypocracy here?

        Agree that if the Sultan had appointed Chinese MB, the Perak Pakatan govt would have fallen even earlier. So what’s in the first class citizenship promise that DAP is dangling to its supporters? — Helen

      2. Haha. You accuse Dap of racism while not addressing the law restricting MB post to one race only. What a hypocrite.

        anyway i prefer Nizar as he’s a better leader than that current fella.

      3. The Rulers Council and the Conference of Rulers, which is held on a regular basis, plays a role. I think especially on touchy issues, the average Ruler acts in consultation with one another and in accordance with the decisions taken at the Conference of Rulers. The Rulers have been having qualified, experienced and sound legal advice from a brother Ruler since Raja Azlan, a former Lord President (now called Chief Justice) ascended the Perak throne.

        Since then, more Rulers have become pro-active in the affairs of state compared to before. Examples are the Sultan of Trengganu (the previous YDP Agong), the Sultan of Kedah (the current YDP Agong), and the Sultan of Selangor.

        The makan malam at Istana Trengganu in December last year was, to my mind, aimed at bringing Hadi Awang and Nik Aziz to talk with Najib and Muhyiddin, who were said to be present. Irrespective of whether it was Pak Lah who arranged it. The Sultan of Selangor’s statement to resolve the case involving the Methodist Church, Damansara Utama, despite appearing forced on him by MB Khalid’s abandonment of his role, was an attempt to sort out problems not resolved by the politicians.

        The Sultans officially have direct access to, and may at any time call for the opinion and advice of, the State Legal Advisers, senior legal officers on the Federal Government payroll and who also can get advice from official legal minds in KL (maybe they are part of the Attorney General’s outfit) as and when necessary. Such State Legal Advisers are also members of the State Executive Council or Exco, just like the State Secretaries and the State Financial Officers are. But the Sultans also have lawyers they associate with as friends who they may consult when they like, except that confidential matters are always referred to the State Legal Advisers. So, whatever decisions the Sultans make in the affairs of state are well thought out and have legal basis.

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