Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Dilema MCA: Di antara hayat politik dan untung niaga

Tak nampak muka Melayu pun …

Di bawah ialah gambar yang dicedok dari Buletin Mutiara edisi Mei 2012. Ia menunjukkan Kim Guan Eng meraikan Hari Kebebasan Akhbar Sedunia awal bulan lepas bersama orangnya.

Pakaian serba hitam serta riben kuning yang dikenakan mereka adalah tanda sokongan Pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang kepada protes yang dikelolakan media Cina. Media cetak Cina membantah kekangan ke atas para wartawan yang menjalankan tugas, terutamanya pemberita Cina tatkala Bersih 3.0 (April 28) beberapa hari sebelum itu.

Memang Guan Eng begitu bersungguh-sungguh dalam usaha meminang kelompok wartawan Cina. Sebab itulah ramai Pegawai-Pegawai Khasnya yang berlatarbelakangkan media Cina.

Malah setpolnya Ng Wei Aik dulu pun seorang wartawan kanan Nanyang Siang Pau.

The Star sebenarnya berkiblatkan Barat dan sebab itulah namanya pun bukan 中 国 報 (China Press) atau 南 洋 商 报 (Nanyang Siang Pau).

Star Bangsar

Ada 30 nama dalam senarai sidang pengarang Star.

Lebih separuh (53.3%) daripada mereka Cina. Namun Cina yang memakai nama Barat/Kristian ada 10 orang berbanding Cina yang memakai nama Cina 6 orang sahaja.

Pengarang berketurunan India ada 11 orang. Yang memakai nama Barat/Kristian ada 7 orang berbanding yang memakai nama tradisi India 4 orang sahaja.

Sidang pengarang Star.


  1. Wong Chun Wai
  2. Wong Sai Wan
  3. Soo Ewe Jin
  4. Lim Cheng Hoe
  5. Tan Cheng Li
  6. Yap Leng Kuen
  7. David PL Yeoh
  8. Leanne LY Goh
  9. June HL Wong
  10. Errol Oh Boon Peng
  11. Tommy Lee
  12. Paul Yeo
  13. William KC Kee
  14. Ivy Soon
  15. Niki Cheong
  16. Chelsea Ng
  17. P. Gunasegaram
  18. Dorairaj Nadason
  19. T. Selva
  20. Manogaran Rethinam
  21. Lourdes Joseph Charles
  22. Devid Rajah
  23. Ann Marie Chandy
  24. Risen Jaya Seelan Dennis
  25. Anita Gabriel
  26. Brian Martin
  27. Joseph Raj
  28. Sharifah Intan Syed Hussein
  29. Rozaid Abdul Rahman
  30. Agatha Matayun

Mereka yang berketurunan India membentuk 36.7% daripada sidang pengarang Star. Nisbah ini berkali ganda melebihi 7.3% jumlah penduduk Malaysia yang etnik India — kadar over-represented tetapi apapun, Syabas diucapkan.

Pengarang Star (klik 2x untuk besarkan)

Pengarang berbangsa Melayu hanya 6.7% di Star.

Butir menarik: Sebanyak 60% daripada pengarang-pengarang Star memakai nama Barat atau Kristian.

Tambah lagi, ada yang Kristian tetapi tidak memakai nama barat, misalnya Wong Chun Wai dan Soo Ewe Jin. (Sebaliknya, ada yang memakai nama Barat tetapi mungkin bukan Kristian).

Kakitangan Star bukan Cina totok serta mereka tidak membawa budaya keCinaan yang menebal.

Sebab itulah Star nampak amat sayang pada propaganda Malaysian First yang dilaung-laungkan DAP serta ia melayan MCA dengan dingin.

Pasaran Star bukannya di kalangan Cina yang lazimnya akan membeli akhbar Sin Chew, Guang Ming atau Kwong Wah.

Pasaran Star adalah Cina yang duduk di Subang Jaya atau yang mendirikan sembahyang di DUMC (Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama) dan jenis lepasan sekolah mubaligh Pulau Pinang yang mendakwa bahawa bahasa ibunda mereka ialah bahasa Inggeris.

Sebab itulah politikus evangelis DAP 2.0 didakap begitu erat dan mesra sekali sebagai high class oleh The Star.

Manakala politikus MCA – jenis yang merayakan qing ming – macam tidak dipandang langsung suratkhabar tersebut sejak kebelakangan ini.

Bak seperti kata Joe (seorang pembaca blog), bagi sesetengah penyokong pembangkang, sejarah negara dikira bermula dari detik gemilang 8 Mac 2008.

Jarang sekali Star akan bersikap kritikal terhadap DAP tetapi baru-baru ini – atas arahan – ia menerbitkan beberapa rencana negatif tentang pembangunan pangsapuri mewah di Pulau Pinang.

Kelakar betul! Untuk sekian lama The Star enggan mengkritik DAP serta ghairah membelai evangelis. Akan tetapi dengan tiba-tiba pula, ia menyiarkan sejumlah lapan! rencana sekaligus dalam tempoh masa dua hari.

Ini menampakkan ‘wild mood swing’ ala perangai Dr Jekyll dan Mr Hyde.

Penyakit bipolar disorder (dwi-alam) suratkhabar ini timbul kerana terpaksa. MCA mestilah telah merasai bahang dari ketidakpuasan hati masyarakat Melayu (blogger-blogger otai dan berpengaruh Melayu sudah mula sound dekat The Star itu).

Maka bos-bos MCA agaknya terdesak lalu mereka menelefon Si Gunting Dalam Lipatan untuk diberi kata dua.

Itulah dilema MCA.

Akhbar milik mereka tamakkan keuntungan.

Para pemaju hartanah dan towkay-towkay Cina sudah terang-terang beralih kepada DAP. The Star tidak mahu kehilangan pendapatan iklan dan tajaan korporat golongan peniaga Cina. Cuba lihat bahagian Bisnes dan Hartanah (Property) suratkhbar tersebut.

Dalam masa yang sama, nyawa politik MCA tergadai kerana sikap Star (dan media Cina) terhadap BN.

Yang kes timbalan menteri MCA dituduh menyalahgunakan kuasa itu bagaimana? The Star masih belum lagi membuat laporan susulan — Menteri yang tercemar ini akan memudaratkan kempen Najib


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

37 thoughts on “Dilema MCA: Di antara hayat politik dan untung niaga

    1. the loud crashing sound you heard was helen’s arguement falling down to pieces…

      Really? I thought it was your fart. — Helen

      1. looks like you need to get your hearing checked

        And you between the ears? — Helen

      2. <>

        well helen im not the one who’s writing bizzare, illogical, far fetch articles here


        Nope, you’re writing bizarre, illogical, far-fetched comments. Articles require a longer word count. — Helen

  1. Camelot,there is no problem with Helen,just read and digest her posting and make ur own conclusion.

    1. There actually is a lot that is wrong here. This person has continuously disaggregated malaysians. Now she tries with names based on how they sound? Wake up and welcome to the 21 st century woman!

  2. Thank you for exposing this. Don’t be surprised if you hear the chinese editors make the stereotypical claim that there are no qualified malays to fill the positions. This is not just happening in the newspaper biz — other private sector industries are experiencing the same problem!

    People used to say that women encountered a glass ceiling that prevented them from reaching managerial status. Now i think scandinavian countries force companies to have at least one female senior manager or director on the board.

    If given free rein, the chinese would make malays enter any organisation at clerk, assistant, technician or office boy level and would keep the glass ceiling below middle management.

    Recall that Selangor Times is 90% Chinese, 5% Indian, 5% Lain-lain and zilch Malay. — Helen

    1. can have more equal represntation at utusan & berita harian & govmen bodies?

      everyone knows what happened when that chinese lady was promoted to lead pkns. double glass ceiling

      1. Dave, have you personally applied for any organisation with a Malay majority? I bet you haven’t because :-

        -those organisations don’t pay as much as chinese companies
        -you don’t like working with malays
        -you think it won’t look good on your resume.
        -you are afraid you’d get the same treatment as a malay working in an indian or chinese dominated company
        -you can’t speak/write in malay
        -you think it is ‘low class’ to work in the government, unless you are given unlimited facebook and twitter access, even during important meetings…
        -you have no sense of civil duty

        the list goes on and on…

        Oh and about that ol’ news on the Chinese lady for PKNS… Read this:

        Orang Melayu dipergunakan sebagai puppet (patung) untuk mendapatkan keuntungan berjuta dan berbilion ringgit. Sedangkan kita tahu, orang Melayu yang dilantik sebagai pengerusi dalam syarikat tersebut itu hanya dibayar elaun beberapa ribu ringgit sahaja.

        Pengalaman saya juga berurusan dengan Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) dalam sektor hartanah dan perumahan menunjukkan bahawa PKNS tidak pernah terlibat langsung dalam membangunkan sektor tersebut secara langsung. Semua tanah dan projek yang diperolehi diswastakan kepada syarikat-syarikat Cina seperti kontraktor, arkitek dan juruteranya. Hanya vendornya sahaja yang mungkin ada beberapa syarikat bumiputera. Justeru, saya tidak hairan jika isu PKNS hari ini menjadi perbincangan hangat. Hakikatnya, memang PKNS ambil untung atas angin. Yang kaya raya ialah syarikat-syarikat Cina yang mendapat projek penswastaan tersebut. Kalau tidak percaya tanyalah pemangku Pengurus besar PKNS ini iaitu Low Siew Moi dan bekas pengurus besarnya sebelum ini.

        Saya hairan kenapa selama ini PKNS tidak menggunakan peluang-peluang sepenuhnya yang disediakan oleh kerajaan untuk membangunkan umat Islam (Melayu)? Saya menyeru kepada PKNS supaya bertaubat. Jangan asyik melenting apabila ada bukan Melayu dilantik menjawat jawatan tinggi di sana, tetapi muhasabahlah terhadap diri sendiri, apakah yang telah dilakukan selama ini untuk membangun dan menyelamatkan umat Islam?

        Justeru, bagi saya, penurunan peratus bukan Melayu dalam sektor awam tidaklah mengejutkan kerana memang sudah menjadi budaya Cina mereka tidak berminat menyertai sektor awam, apatah lagi sektor keselamatan seperti polis dan tentera. Kerana ia sudah menjadi budaya orang Cina bukan sahaja kiasu (takut kalah) tetapi juga kiasi (takut mati). Justeru, bagi saya tuntutan DAP yang akan disokong oleh MCA dan Gerakan tidak lama lagi, sekadar untuk mengaburi mata masyarakat agar tuntutan mereka yang lain sebenarnya dipenuhi, bukan kerana jumlah bilangan bukan Melayu yang tidak diproses.

        Khalid was just trying to appease his Chinese paymasters.

        Dave, you are an obtuse troglodyte with a bad case of intellectual constipation.

      2. amat kelakar bila org seperti overseasbumi membuat pelbagai jenis anggapan & bet salah. mari kita sangkalkannya…

        -those organisations don’t pay as much as chinese companies
        saya kerja dalam mnc. stereotaip ialah syarikat tempatan baikpun cina ke melayu ke tak bayar banyak, malah ada banyak kerja bawah meja

        -you don’t like working with malays
        tim sekerja saya 1/3-1/2 melayu. saya pernah bekerja dalam projek dikepalai pengurus melayu

        -you think it won’t look good on your resume.
        aku pernah apply utk sertai petronas, tapi sudah dapat kerja di mnc bila mereka menelefon aku

        -you are afraid you’d get the same treatment as a malay working in an indian or chinese dominated company
        ye ke? so apasal aku apply kat petronas?

        -you can’t speak/write in malay
        woit brader, apa bahasa yang saya guna ini?

        -you think it is ‘low class’ to work in the government, unless you are given unlimited facebook and twitter access, even during important meetings…
        facebook diharamkan oleh software websense kat company saya. saya takde twitter pun. myspace pun jangan haraplah… hehehe

        -you have no sense of civil duty
        habis? semua melayu sekerja kat company saya ini takde semangat kenegaraan ke?

      3. Dave, stop using google translate. Your pidgin malay sucks. “Aku pernah apply utk sertai petronas”. I bet you would have failed the Petronas interview.
        Anyhow, you have given me cause to look into your background. I will call up a friend if he can find any “dave” in Petronas HR database. I will also call up the local agent of “websense” software and see what oil and gas MNC uses their software. Then i will call those companies to see if there is any with a name like “dave”. Or push comes to shove i will call my relative who is in special branch to put a track on you.

      4. en. overseasbumi,

        sekarang kamu pula nak tuduh aku menggunakan google translate?

        nampaknya anda tidak mengetahui tentang bm singkatan internet yang digunakan budak dan dewasa muda melayu, seperti di facebook, lowyat forum, atau cari malay forum.

        aku terketawa bila anda kata hendak menjadi macam dick tracey. apalah ini? perdebatan di internet pun nak marah sangat ke?

  3. so you are just looking at whether they have english name or not to make them pro christian/evangelist/west/jew? Helen is also a western name (greek origin). so there goes that theory down the drain.

    can we come with conspiracy theory that you are double agent for team pro pakatan to discredit the bn?

    its like a reverse straw man arguement;
    – team A vs team B
    – someone claims to be pro team B. creates issues claimed to be anti-team A, but fact n logic is purposely so shallow n ridiculous. only loony pro team B supporters eat it
    – public mean while look at the “fact”, shakes head, n say… “these people from team B are nuts”
    – epic win for team A

    Thanks for the ‘Loony’ show & tell. — Helen

    1. -you can’t speak/write in malay
      woit brader, apa bahasa yang saya guna ini?

      Jawapan: Bahasa Pasar

  4. Rencana Saudari Helen berkisar tentang polar sidang pengarang akhbar The Star dan mengupas bagaimana ketidak-seimbangan sidang tersebut mewarnai susunan berita dan bersikap condong terhadap DAP.

    Ini persoalan wajar kerana ia mencerminkan kebolehan MCA untuk membentuk wacana semasa. Berdasarkan bukti yang dibentang Saudari Helen, ia menunjukkan MCA gagal mengawali wacana tersebut.

    Yang dikesalkan ialah maklum balas dari Camelot, Dave serta Sshsn yang menyimpang dari rencana asal Saudari Helen. Tidak lain tidak bukan bertujuan mengaburi isu yang dipersoalkan.

    Can we keep the discussion on the core premise of the article, i.e. the DAP bias of The Star’s editorial, and debate it thoroughly, rather than raise a bogeyman to obviously sidetrack it.

    It is a very interesting “sleeper agent” story ala The Manchurian Candidate, and brings forth the question, “What is the MCA leadership thinking, how can it lose influence over the tenor of The Star’s editorial”.

    I believe that the loss of control accrued from the recent leadership tussle within the MCA. I believe it has to do with a President of a major component party of Barisan being allowed to stay out of the Cabinet and not having to tow the party line. Ultimately, Najib has to answer for this lapse in control.

    You raise an interesting perspective. Can BN rest assured that during the GE campaign and on the eve of election, The Star will not stab Umno in the back? — Helen

    1. Helen,

      The Star’s recalcitrance is not unprecedented and there exist’s in the current climate similar conditions as in 1987.

      Though the decibel hasn’t risen to the same level yet, I won’t be surprised if UMNO steps in, sanctions The Star and changes the editorship. Going by your “Bubar MCA, gabung” proposition this would certainly have to be on the “to do” list if the merge is to occur. The Star is by construct a party organ. Its is currently an organ which is playing off-key to the rest of the Barisan band.

      However, such maneuvers will be challenged by liberal voices whom are pushing for changes to Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan on the wings of press freedom. They blindly point to the western media as the ideal, ignoring the reality that the western press is themselves oligopolistic and lacks plurality. In America, the popular press is largely liberal, or rabidly conservative. In the UK the editorial is decided on which party kow-tow’s lower to Murdoch. But i digress…

      The key issue here is the loss of control by the political master’s of The Star. If MCA can’t rein them in UMNO must. Considering the limp leadership of both, I have my reservations as to when this will happen.

      Oh woe is the day when Mahathir retired……

      1. Once more a good discussion, Khairul.

        If The Star is an MCA party organ as ‘everyone’ claims, then it’s certainly not jiving with BN!

        In comparison, Utusan – although the paper has suffered its sales plummeting and ad profits taken a battering post-2008 – remains yet steadfast in character. But then again, Utusan‘s history is steeped in nationalism.

        (for the information of DAPsters who are buta sejarah)

        It was Yusof Ishak – the first President of Singapore – who founded Utusan Melayu.

        Nationalist luminaries such as Pak Sako, Abdul Rahim Kajai, A. Samad Ismail, Ahmad Boestamam have all been Utusan reporters/editors.

        It is beyond the New Media-reading opposition supporters to grasp why Utusan has not capitulated to pro-opposition readership market demands (profit motive) like Star has. Albeit there in truth is what Dave cited about the federal government propping up the paper’s circulation through institutional subscription.

        (Note: Penang cancelled its order of Utusan for government offices. Selangor not only terminated subscription of the paper but went even further by banning sale of the paper in government premises).

        It is painful to see The Star‘s bipolar disorder. Other publications in the world are not entities in conflict with itself. Most publications have a clear editorial direction as well as consistent image and character.

      2. i would like to point out tokoh utusan like boestamam and the staff in utusan of old were left leaning. A.S. ismail was detained under isa for accusations of being a communist.

        but in the 1970s and 1980s, acquisition by umno n purges in the organization have turn it into the rightwing paper we know. the utusan today is in total contrast to the same newspaper back in 40s, 50s n 60s.

        and it knows it has to continue with the extremist pro umno stance n race+religious baiting despite thousands of readers dropping it every fin quarter; the top brass are answerable to umno, n it depends on govment fin support, for now.

        the star itself was also left leaning in the 80s. after acquisition by mca, it has become more pro business with a noticable pro mca bn slant. unsurprisingly.

        if star is changed to be fanaticly pro bn like some here suggest, rest assured its sales will drop to be as bad as new straits times n utusan.


        (1) How do you know that “the [Utusan] top brass are answerable to umno”?

        (2) If Chinese business is today pro-DAP, the does The Star then, being pro-business = (by extension) pro-DAP in pleasing its advertisers?

        I’ve mentioned the power of the advertisers before wrt how Yasmin Ahmad’s industry friends (offended at Kosmo! for revealing her sex change) brought the tabloid to heel.


    2. khairul, yang jadi masalah ialah anggapan helen star ialah pro dap. namun kebanyakan artikle n rencana star jelas menyebelahi mca n memberi publisiti positif kepd mca

      ini tidak diendahkan helen. dia cuba menjaja teori konspirasi star-nya dengan alasan x kukuh, sperti :-
      – artikel star tentang soi lek yg hanya terdapat di page 8,9,10 di google berbanding page 1,2 utk media alternatif ialah kesalahan star
      – satu dua cebis berita tentang wakil dap diguna bukti star ialah pro dap. frontpage yg diberi utk propaganda prokerajaan tak dilihat
      – orang di star yang ada nama barat. ironinya, ‘helen’ juga nama barat

      nampaknya isu star ini sengaja diciptanya utk agenda tertentu.

      1. Hullo Dave,

        Ko ni cakap biar betul sedikit: “artikel star tentang soi lek yg hanya terdapat di page 8,9,10 di google” – anda membuat kenyataan palsu, woi.

        Hasil carian Google menunjukkan Star Online (jangan kira video ya, sebab dengan FMT pun saya tidak mengira video dalam menyediakan jadual kekerapan) hanya muncul di mukasurat 10 (8 tak ada, 9 pun tak ada).

        Sila lihat screenshot mukasurat 2 ke mukasurat 10 yang saya baru muat-turunkan di halaman SCRNSH khusus untuk rujukan anda.

        Mukasurat 1 hasil carian Google sudah ada di halaman ini (tengok atas).

      2. helen, yang anda cuba canang sbg bukti star pro dap ialah: di enjin carian google, artikel star hanya muncul dibelakang media dan laman lain. itulah kesimpulannya

        ini dikatakan kononnya star x endahkan mca dan seolah2 ia salah the star. fakta yang anda cuba canang itu tak kukuh serta tak logik.

        kalau kena cari kambing hitam bagi tegak benang basah, sekurang2 boleh salahkan google

      3. Saudara Dave,

        Andain Saudari Helen berkenaan kecondongan akhbar The Star adalah tanggapan yang senang diuji hanya dengan menyemak laman webnya dan menyenaraikan jumlah kenyataan akhbar rasmi yang dikeluarkan oleh MCA. (

        Pada Jun 14, empat KA dikeluarkan MCA dan pada Jun 13, enam dikeluarkan. Dari penelitian saya, tiada satupun daripada KA ini dimuatkan di dalam akhbar The Star.

        Mungkin ia terlambat dan hanya akan muncul pada edisi esok.

        Sekali lagi saya persoalkan kebolehan partai MCA untuk menguasai akhbarnya sendiri, jika KAnya tidak diendahkan.

      4. hello sd. khairul,

        merujuk kpd ka 13-14 jun, kebanyakanya dilapur dlm star


        dari situs yg anda sebut

        “Lim Guan Eng’s boasting skills reach new heights, victory in struggle for press freedom an insult”

        “Safeguard our environment, keep water tariffs low, keep to your GE promises – MCA Penang to Penang & Kedah state govts”

        “Guan Eng, heed your own DAP rep’s objection against hillslope development”

        dalam star, laporan yg berkaitan dgn press statement mca tsebut:

        MCA: Stick to manifesto

        “BUKIT MERTAJAM: The Penang state government should stick to its 2008 general election manifesto which promised to keep the water tariff low, said an MCA leader.

        State MCA secretary Lau Chiek Tuan claimed that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had also promised on June 2 last year that the state would not raise the tariff after signing a deal with the Federal Government.”


        “n PETALING JAYA, MCA Selangor Public Services and Complaints chairman Datuk Theng Bok said Lim’s claim to have succeeded in achieving press freedom after a defamation suit against him was struck out was “disgraceful”.”


        Listen to critics within your party, MCA tells Guan Eng

        “PETALING JAYA: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng should take heed of criticisms made by a DAP state representative of the island’s hillside development projects, Penang MCA secretary Lau Chiek Tuan said.”

  5. Helen, unfortunately characters such as Dave needs an escapism in his/her boring life. All the arguments put forward by this imbecile shows nothing that adds value to your commentors but rather an attempt for character assasination.

    I don’t blame Dave or the comrades like Camelot, Sshsn etc but how DAP have driven the whole campaign amongst their supporters. Naturally, you are bound to face them and I am sure many commentors like me would just shake their head and say here comes a DAP supporter.

    In the same instance, I have come across many BN / UMNO supporters mainly Malays, but at least with them you can reason out but trust me it is not going to happen with these DAP goons that comment in your blog.

    This is a good test for the resolution that you have undertaken without an agenda and I am sure many of us in your blog appreciate what you are doing. Those characters who run you down will eventually wither away as they feint just like the “lalang” as there is no true conviction in their mind.

  6. malaysian in new york, why do you say all those things ? malaysian this malaysian that ? now i m starting to believe that you are the guy ranjit singh who is trolling in malaysiakini. at least be real, if you are ranjit singh, then use ranjit singh as your id. now here you are malaysian in new york. now i m starting to believe that man ahmad ibrahim, what he said about you being ranjit singh.

    1. AWM, one categorized me as a dish washing apek in NY, another assumes that I am ranjit singh, now I guess the only thing that is missing is someone to come and state that I am Azmin Ali. Go get a backbone for yourself not one that depends on what someone else says without facts that you are so used too.

  7. AWM, have you been to NY? Only the Indians, Banglas and Pakistanis drives taxi in NY. So your question is redundant. Apek don’t drive taxis in NY. Can you figure it out or are you out of your depth. Typical Malaysian, katak di bawah tempurung.

    1. jadi you ni apek dish washer ke ? only indians, banglas, pakistanis drive taxis……….atau kau ni ranjit singh ? kalau kau ranjit logik jugak. apek tak semestinya cina, india apek pun ada jugak. jadi you ni ranjit singh la !

  8. AWN, the message is important not the messenger. Can’t you figure it out rather being obsessed who or what I am. Get a whole on the issues on hand rather running your own agenda.

    I think this song will do you good Did you know Shakira is half Lebanese just like Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world. Think before you engage with me on a pseudo agenda. Do you know where Lebanon is or have you been there?

    I have and done more what as a Non Muslim for a muslim. Understand the rules of engagement before your splut out your Katak di bawah tempurung opinion.

    1. apek ni, kata dia pernah ke sana ke sini, kalau nak temberang pun biar betul. yang selalu kata orang tu orang ni ada agenda, apek ni tak habis2 asyik cakap agenda saje. apek oh apek, yang ada agenda tu siapa ? apek yang selalu sebut2 agenda la yang ada agenda.

  9. AWN, you are lost its okay, I accept it , what can I do with typical Malaysian specimen like you who thinks you know everything that did nothing but ikut what is only important for you and how it serves you. Sure I am just another BS, let it be because you seem to know how it dictates when you did jackshit all these while. This kinda sums up our conversation. Your are the best and I am just BS that serves you when and how it needs to fit your agenda.

  10. apek tak letih ke asyik cakap agenda tu agenda ni ? yang selalu lagak pandai tu siapa apek ? apek yang selalu ia ia nak ajar orang tu orang ni yang lagak pandai. apek tak penat ke ? apek tak letih tu pasal apek, orang lain letih penat jugak. kalau apek tak penat apek boleh langgan malaysiakini. kat sana tu ada ramai macam apek, suka lagak pandai macam apek. yang ada agenda tu apek, apek yang selalu kata tu kata ni.

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