Posted in DAPster

Johor dilanggar todak

Bersambung dari ‘Lagi-lagi pemerintah dituduh oleh Kristian sebagai “evil”.’

Rakan-rakan blogger Mymassa, Din Turtle dan Tenggara is Southeast membincangkan percaturan Pakatan di Johor.

(1) Posting Mymassa membentangkan, ‘Wikileaks: Pertemuan Sulit Anwar Dengan Masyarakat Kristian Di Skudai Semalam‘:

Kata Mymassa:

“Maklumat dari sumber dalaman PKR bahawa Anwar Ibrahim telah bertemu dengan masyarakat Kristian di Pulai Spring Resort, Skudai, Johor. Selain daripada Anwar Ibrahim, tokoh lain yang ada di situ adalah Dr Chua Jui Meng.”

***   ***   ***

(2) Posting Din Turtle kelmarin bertajuk, ‘Melayu PR Kulai diperbodohkan Chua Jui Meng‘.

Dalam posting susulannya, ‘Orang Melayu 1969 dan Orang Melayu 2012’, Pak Din juga menceritakan tentang provokasi ketika Mei 13 di mana sekelompok yang bermulut celupar telah mencaci kaum majoriti. Mereka-mereka itu tidak sedar

“bahawa walaupun orang Melayu miskin dan jauh ketinggalan dari segi ekonomi berbanding mereka, tidak bermakna orang Melayu itu juga miskin maruah dan boleh di hina sedemikian rupa”.

***   ***   ***

(3) Sementara itu, blogger Tenggara is Southeast (TiSE) yang menghadiri ceramah Anwar Ibrahim dan Chua Jui Meng di Kulai petang semalam telah memblog ‘Benarkah Pakatan semakin kuat di Johor?

TiSE memerhatikan bahawa puak Pakatan sekarang mempunyai semangat berkobar-kobar untuk menakluki Johor.

Blogger tersebut berkata:

“Cuba buat program di Kulai dengan hanya menampilkan Din Pudu yang kononnya bakal jadi MB Johor dan Dr Boo. Berapa ramai agaknya yang hadir?”

Din Pudu yang disebutkannya itu ialah Ahli Parlimen PAS Kelantan Salahuddin Ayub dan Dr Boo ialah Boo Cheng Hau, pengerusi DAP Johor serta ketua pembangkang negeri.

Ulasan saya

Dengan izin, saya ingin memperhalusi hujah-hujah para blogger yang dirujuk di atas.

(1) Chua Jui Meng seorang born-again Christian

Chua Jui Meng meninggalkan kapal karam MCA pada Julai 2009. Sungguhpun beliau pernah menerima banyak faedah daripada parti Cina itu dan BN, namun budi tidak dikenang.

Chua berkempen politik gereja. Contohnya semasa ‘An Evening with Christian Pakatan Leaders’ di pilihanraya kecil Sibu, beliau bersama politikus-politikus evangelis yang lain dari semenanjung – Teresa Kok, James Ngeh Koo Ham dan Dr Tan Kee Kwong – telah menjelajah Sarawak untuk siri ceramah.

“They said the 2008 general election was a result of “the hand of God” and addressed the audience as “my fellow Christian brothers and sisters” — laporan Joceline Tan, sini.

(2) DAPster berlatar Kristian dan Anglophile

Contohnya lihat komen (screenshot) perempuan keturunanan India dan bersekolah convent ini yang mengatakan “Hindraf is crap”.

Di atas pula ialah komen dari seorang keturunan India bernama ‘Paul Warren’ (rakan karib Haris Ibrahim) yang membayangkan Uthaya harus menjual dirinya kepada BN – rujuk “if you did not get something from BN for doing them this favour” – bersangkut hasrat Uthaya untuk bertanding di kerusi DUN Seri Andalas dan kerusi Parlimen Kota Raja dalam PRU akan datang.

(sumber: Malaysiakini / ‘Hindraf to field Uthayakumar for GE13‘)

Seperti juga Paul Warren, seorang lagi blogger etnik India yang menggelar dirinya ‘Toffee’ pun melemparkan tuduhan bahawa Uthaya adalah juak Najib yang telah menjual harga dirinya kepada Umno (baca sini).

DAPster bersikap selalu menyombong, suka memfitnah dan sering menghina.

Penyokong pembangkang yang high class memang jauh terasing dari gerakan akar umbi kaum India miskin.

Seorang pengomen keturunan India bernama Vivian Fernandez (screenshot bawah) – yang berada dalam jaringan ‘College of Surgeons’ dan dulu bersekolah di St Michael’s Ipoh – mahukan DAP bertanding di Jelapang.

Beliau juga menolak pencalonan M. Sarasvathy, iaitu timbalan pengerusi Parti Sosialis Malaysia di Jelapang. (PSM ialah parti yang kebanyakan ahlinya kaum India golongan kelas pekerja).

Uthaya sendiri pernah berkata:


“Accusing us of fighting the racism that victimizes Indians with our own brand of Hindraf racism is just about the most convenient but lamest excuse used by shallow, unthinking Malaysians.

This particularly applies to the English-speaking groups who love to sound magnanimous. They are usually the Indian elites priding themselves that their best friends are Malay and Chinese, and patting themselves on the back for their liberal credentials because they move in social circles not exclusive to their own kind (i.e. the dark-skinned).

Some of them may profess to have a multi-racial mindset but my own analysis differs, even if they have not attained this self-awareness as yet.

I believe their trapped mentality (of seeking approval and to please others with proof of their apparent broadmindedness) arises out of a minority and inferiority complex. Such a type of personality is the one most prone to denying the real problems Indians face here because of racial discrimination.”


(sumber: FMT)

Din Turtle telah menghuraikan tentang golongan Melayu miskin sekitar tahun 1969 (Mei 13).

Pada masa sekarang, golongan yang dihina dan dicaci DAPster termasuklah orang Tamil Hindu.

Cuba teliti komen-komen kesat yang dilemparkan mereka ketika kemelut Kg Buah Pala.

Walaupun sesetengah golongan orang India miskin dan jauh ketinggalan dari segi ekonomi berbanding DAPster yang Anglophile, tidak bermakna orang India itu juga miskin maruah dan boleh dihina sedemikian rupa.

Tengoklah cara si DAPster menghina Uthaya.

(3) Bidan terjun DAP di Johor

Yang bersemangat menawan Johor ialah orang luar.

Sebagai bandingan, sila imbas kembali bagaimana orang kanan Kim Guan Eng telah dipayung terjunkan ke Pulau Pinang.

P. Ramasamy Timbalan Ketua Menteri II, iaitu Ahli Parlimen Batu Kawan dan Adun Prai di Pulau Pinang, bukannya orang Penang.

Jeff Ooi Ahli Parlimen Jelutong juga bukan asal Penang.

Liew Chin Tong Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera ialah orang Selangor. Chin Tong ialah bekas setpol Teresa Kok (dan Teresa adalah bekas setpol Lim Kit Siang). Chin Tong juga mantan pengarah eksekutif Penang Institute.

Semua mereka dibawa masuk ke Pulau Pinang oleh Guan Eng.

Malah adik perempuannya Lim Hui Ying pun menjadi exco dan penolong setiausaha DAP Pulau Pinang.

Orang baru DAP orang Kristian

Cuba kita teliti tarikh bilanya orang Guan Eng menyertai parti.

  1. Hannah Yeoh, Adun Subang Jaya: January 2007
  2. Tony Pua, YB Petaling Jaya Utara: February 2007
  3. Jeff Ooi, YB Jelutong: July 2007
  4. Teo Nie Ching, YB Serdang: January 2008
  5. Charles Santiago, YB Klang: February 2008

PRU diadakan Mac 2008.

Ini bermakna apabila mereka dicalonkan untuk bertanding, YB-YB orang Guan Eng ini hanya beberapa bulan menjadi ahli DAP:

Hannah Yeoh: 14 bulan

Tony Pua: 13 bulan

Jeff Ooi: 8 bulan

Teo Nie Ching: 2 bulan

Charles Santiago: 1 bulan

Mendiang Edward Lee, Adun Kristian DAP di Bukit Gasing, Selangor pun masuk DAP pada masa yang sama dengan Charles Santiago.

Sebenarnya mengikut Fasal XXX (10) (c) perlembagaan DAP, seseorang ahli yang menyertai parti untuk tempoh kurang daripada dua tahun tidak berkelayakan untuk dilantik sebagai calon parti bagi pemilihan sebagai Adun dan/atau Ahli Parlimen (butir-butir di sini).

Nasib bukan Kristian, bukan Anglophile

Hee Yit Foong, yang dicerca DAPster sebagai “pelacur” dan “katak” telah menjadi ahli DAP selama 22 tahun apabila beliau keluar parti pada 2009.

Bandingkan dengan rekod orang terpilih Guan Eng, iaitu Hannah Yeoh serta Teo Nie Ching — dua orang evangelis Kristian yang kontroversi kerana masuk masjid.

Pada tahun 2004, DAP mempunyai 7 orang Adun di Perak berbanding 19 orang dalam 2008. PRU11 ialah pilihanraya di bawah pimpinan Pak Lah yang amat popular ketika itu dengan imej ‘Mr Clean’nya. BN berjaya memperolehi 90 peratus kerusi pada tahun 2004.

BN menang besar bermaksud pembangkang kalah teruk. Akan tetapi meskipun prestasi DAP merudum dalam PRU11, namun Hee Yit Foong masih lagi mampu menang kerusi DUN Jelapang pada tahun 2004. Fikir-fikir lah.

Lihatlah cara parti itu melayan orang lamanya.

Apa yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang dengan orang luar DAP masuk dan menguasai segala-galanya mungkin akan berulang di Johor.


Umno dan MCA ditikam belakang


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

30 thoughts on “Johor dilanggar todak

  1. Helen,

    di bawah ini adalah pandangan ikhlas saya sendiri:

    orang bukan kristian masuk Islam tak nampak menyalahgunakan ego.

    orang kristian masuk Islam, ego mereka lebih rendah dari ego pihak yang telah lama peluk Islam.

    orang bukan bukan hindu peluk agama hindu, tidak nampak menyalahgunakan ego

    orang hindu bertukar jadi kristian, pelik semacam egonya

    Sekadar pandangan.

    1. Common knowledge that new-born Christians are the most evangelistic. Not all, but I’ve seen quite a few during my estate days (where they used to come and attempt to convert poor Indian workers by offering them money and rice)

      And you don’t have to convert into Hinduism, it’s hardly a religion (in my opinion), just a collection of cultures and faiths.

      Helen, have you read my piece on Indians and why they will never be united?

      1. Telugu “sounds like Tamil amidst crunching murukkus”, hahaha.

        Tamil is such a difficult language (more difficult complex structurally than English, BM & Chinese). Is it grammatically like Latin, would you say?

        How far is book Tamil spoken among the local community in M’sia compared with conversational Tamil, and is casual Tamil considered bahasa pasar standard?

  2. You go online, pick up random comments and attempt to paint pictures with them. Consistent with the intellectual capabilities of a stapler.

    1. The 4 comments by Indians which I’ve cited are hardly random (with the one exception of Vivian Fernandez’s).

      I wonder why it is the Indians with such names as Irene Fernandez (Tenaganita), Cynthia Gabriel (Suaram) and Ivy Josiah, etc, are the ones who are in the international news.

      Whatever happened to the Letchumis and the Selvaranis?

      I see a pattern, don’t you?

      And btw, why do you keep reading “a stapler”?

      1. Dear Helen,

        tell them now we don’t use stapler anymore. we use “cut and paste.”

        Hahaha …

        – Hantu Siber –

    2. Not sure where to balas your question. Book Tamil (usually spelled Tamizh, the “zha” sound you must be familiar) is usually mentioned as “chaste Tamil”, and are not used in conversation.

      Casual Tamil here is indeed bahasa pasar with loads of Malay words and English (sometimes even Chinese) words thrown in. Chaste Tamil is often used for speeches, TV/radio news reading and other official sessions. And those who never went to Tamil school or picked up Tamil reading and writing (like me, my brothers who went to Sekolah Kebangsaan that never offer Tamil classes) would definitely be baffled with chaste Tamil, much less speak one (like some of the DAP Indian leaders).

      As in other languages, those with command of this chaste Tamil are often seen as intellect by the lesser privileged and many ascended to the level of leadership purely by their command of the language and oratory skill (one such fellow was Samy Velu who was a news reader back then).

      How is your Tamil coming along by the way…

      ….and sorry for the digression. Thanks for reading my post.

      Was told even the simple (basic vocab) words I use were pasar Tamil & I should aspire to the higher standard of ‘chaste Tamil’. I think the alphabets are beautiful (love them!) But I find intonation difficult and feel perhaps the language should be learned like in kindergarten class by saying aloud ‘ah’, ‘aa’, ‘e, ‘ee’, ‘uh’, ‘uu’ even tho’ we’re adults. — Helen

  3. Helen,

    That’s wat dogs do ‘jilat taik tuan’ dan ‘menyalak tak tentu hala

  4. These born-again evangelists seem to think their favorite religion also makes them white as snow… literally and metaphoically.

    I call this the “more christian than Jesus” syndrome. With the PAS equivalent being “more Muslim than Prophet Mohamad”. Politicians, eh? If I ruled the world, I would outlaw politics and condemn politicians for crimes against common sense and decency.

    1. Joe,

      Helen said the truth about these people. They are no different from European colonialists who think they monopolize the wisdom or idea in this world,

      Their way is confrontational. Irene Fernandez as an example commited treason I believe with his slanderous remark in Jakarta. In short, Malaysia being ruled by Muslim must be bad.

      And i notice how these people who lean on DAP like to mock other dark skinned people( meaning non chinese). No less than the person in Dr Mahathir was insulted with remarks such as “mamak kuti” . Dr Zamri was chided as being “hitam metalik” and worse still “haram jadah” meaning illegitimate son.

      I told off one DAP member what Kit siang and DAP did on may 1969. Not that I want to bring old story or agitate Chinese but he made it as if Tun razak( meaning a Malay) started
      the racial clash.

      1. The folks who say Tun Razak started May 1969 are probably the same folks who reckon PKM were noble “freedom fighters”… even though PKM persisted with violence well into the 80s.

  5. Oh my, what can i say, these evangelists, they are living in Wonderland if they think they can make inroads in Johor.

    For Indians and those planning to vote for the DAP, whether in Johor or other states, think about what DAP Taman Saga branch Chairman V Thulasi Das said regarding Boo Cheng Hau

    “Dr Boo has never wanted to help the Indians” and “But if I brought people from the Indian community to seek help, he would complain about why the Indians had so many problems. He would not offer any help”.

    Now folks, draw your own conclusion.

    1. Oh dear.

      You referred to the NST news item today.

      Dr Boo studied medicine in Jamaica where he lived many years among dark-skinned communities. I would be hesitant to attribute skin colour as the reason for Thulasi Das’ complaint against him.

      I admit I have sangka baik for Dr Boo hence my caution in crediting the report :)

        1. A general dictionary definition: “any system or practice that separates people according to race”.

          I’m aware that it’s an emotive term, esp. when levelled at Umno (by extension, Melayu kena tempias) and the connotation of its practice with the S.African regime. I can understand that Malays take offence at being compared obliquely to white Afrikaners.

          But let’s look at the symptoms of apartheid. From Britannica:

          (1) Meaning of the word in Afrikaans (their language): “apartness”

          (2) It is a social policy

          (3) The implementation of apartheid, often called “separate development” [think the race composition in our own civil service vs private sector employment]

          (4) Population Registration Act of 1950, which classified all South Africans as either Bantu, Coloured or white. A fourth category — Asian (Indian and Pakistani) — was later added

          Aren’t we also classified as Bumi and non-Bumi, and the Bumi category sub-divided into Malay and non-Muslim Bumi?

          (5) Racial segregation, sanctioned by law

          We don’t have any law that says non-Bumi can’t board buses or are not permitted to live in certain neighbourhoods.

          However, Shamshul Anwar (arguing with I-hate-In-Sync) is insistent in this blog that the law stipulates there must be 4 Malay civil servants to every single non-Malay civil servant according to legal quota.

          The practice of residential colleges schools and MRSMs segregate even tho’ they’re not 100% Malay (i.e. a very small number of non-Malays admitted).

          Same accusation against SRJK (C)s, i.e. that they segregate, but there’s no ostensible block against Malay/Indian students applying while the same cannot be said of Mara. Remember when Khalid Ibrahim suggested opening the UiTM door just a crack, and there were the demos objecting to the admission of non-Bumis to that predominantly one-race uni?

          Most interesting factoid: While I was aware that some Malays live in S. Africa, I hadn’t known this:

          “Afrikaners — the Dutch settlers of South Africa — who enjoyed both slavery (generally of imported Chinese and Malays) and a system of law that granted no standing to nonwhites … “

          This article says that apartheid is a “cruelly oppressive economic system was socialism with a racist face”.

          I will continue discussion in a following comment.

        2. Reply to Iqraq (Part 2):

          I don’t see that Malays are ‘racist’ in the way that DAPsters keep slamming “Umnoputras” (just another way of avoiding to say whom it is they really mean, i.e. Malays).

          After all, the Perak Menteri Besar is accepted as wakil Umno despite his looks.

          On the other hand, it is the Christian evangelists who call him “hitam metalik” and “haram jadah”. This name-calling and the sentiment behind it extend to other dark-skinned Malaysians besides Zambry.

          However, there is an implicit acceptance of club ‘membership’ (i.e. how Zambry and others qualify as members; in Zambry’s case, he says he cannot speak Tamil).

          e.g. Let’s say someone is a member of Acme Hybermarket. B’cos he’s a regular and faithful customer, he collects bonus points on his purchases. There are also members’ sales day and other special promotions where he can get discounted prices when he shops.

          So to this guy, it’s only fair that he is given these benefits for his loyalty to the business. If other guys want to enjoy the same privileges, that other guy can sign up to be a member too.

          It doesn’t cross the mind of our frequent shopper that it’s unfair why he can buy a kilogram of onions for RM4 (just an example, I don’t know the exact price of onions) whereas the non-member of Acme has to pay RM5 at the same hypermart.

          It’s not like our Acme member is deliberately discriminating against the non-members or that he’s enjoying the fact that the other guys have to pay one ringgit extra for the onions. It’s just not a consideration to him at all.

          I think Malays would welcome almost anyone (Bosnian ke, Mongolian ke) to become a Malay as long as the person shows an appreciation of the local culture, is willing to speak Malay and as our Constitution now demands, embraces Islam.

          Hence my hypermarket analogy of membership. In my opinion, the average Malay is not adamant on restricting membership to others not belonging to rumpun Nusantara if the terms are met to enable the applicant enjoying the same perks, i.e. after collecting loyalty points.

          From the other side, do Chinese want to emulate Zambry and end up being unable to speak Mandarin or our dialects?

          Have Chinese shown even a remote empathy with local culture? I was thinking of the Najib kitten. And I thought, heck, a Malay guy has probably had more cats in his house throughout his lifetime than he has had girlfriends in his house.

          Therefore, Najib liking the kitten and wanting to adopt it is nothing out of the ordinary at all. Yet look at the flap his adoption caused and how DAPsters made out as if Najib was a raw-meat-eating ogre who could not have possibly liked the kitten on its own merit but it must all be only a cheap publicity stunt.

          The belligerent responses to that episode goes to show how detached and divorced Firsters are despite their strident claims of being more Malaysian than anyone else.

          Maybe we do really chose apartness out of our own volition except that most Firsters would not want to honestly admit.

      1. Legal terminology notwithstanding, I believe apartheid connotates an extension of colonialism committed against a disadvantaged native population.

        In 2012, the most obvious existing example is Occupied Palestine as seen in the following UN report. Calling the situation in Malaysia ‘apartheid’ seems very disingenuous and overly emotional to me. I don’t think we can compare the state of non-Bumis in this country to the state of Palestinians or of pre-1994 black South Africans who are actually natives of their own lands.

        If anything, I would like to suggest that becoming victims of apartheid in their own land is what the Bumis fear from the non-Bumi or rather Chinese population hence why even ‘moderate’ people like myself find it very hard to back down from a pro-Bumi stance and embrace ‘humanity’ as MiNY would say (especially if you believe the Kayveas video one of your commenters supplied).

        Yahudi of the East and all that jazz…


        Kayveas attributing “support (our) Chinese govt” to the Pg mindset is quite believable to me. Agree that DAPster behaviour would make Malays think the worst. And there are so many Godfathers around, aren’t there?

        Re: “even ‘moderate’ people like myself find it very hard to back down from a pro-Bumi stance”; yes, I’m aware. I’ve met others like you.


      2. Actually kan Helen, even though I agree with you that Malays by and large are not racist and would feel much compassion for other ethnicities who make the effort to belong, there are actually some very virulent racists amongst Malays who think that any drop of foreign blood in the veins deserves their negative discrimination, forgetting completely that we are all Muslims and ignoring the reminders from the Prophet’s (pbuh) last sermon.

        Throws a spanner into the whole discussion, doesn’t it? If they think of us as ‘Mudbloods’ (I am of slightly mixed parentage but hati, jiwa dan raga Melayu) I don’t know what they will think of the Chinese/Indians.


        Then the “by and large” categories have to speak up louder :) — Helen

    2. Helen, when I said “draw your own conclusion”, I could also be saying that, with regards to Boo the Snake Oil Salesman, if you’re not of the same ilk as the Christians or the Anglophiles, you’re going to be sidelined, or worst still be consigned to the ghettos, as what we’re seeing with the Indian community today. Sorry for the late reply.

      1. IMPORTANT comment, please take note.

        As far as I’m aware, Dr Boo is not a Christian.

        He is an alumnus of Foon Yew High School, a famous Chinese school in Johor and not from the mission school background unlike the unelected DAP sec-gen.

        Also unlike that “failed accountant”, Dr Boo is highly accomplished. Apart from his medical degree, he’s also got a degree in law and a bachelor degree in Chemistry.

        Unlike the evangelists who are fond of masuk bakul, angkat sendiri (or they sucker ‘Sirim’, such as the inventor of the Integrity Meter, to stamp approval on their “excellent” product, konon), most people don’t know that Dr Boo holds 3 degrees or that he is effectively trilingual b’cos he doesn’t mendabik dada, mencanangkan propaganda like the Papas and the Mamas in DAP.

        And unlike the cmlimguaneng who rants (view YouTube):

        “Ini Utusan Malaysia macam Shit Bet tau, macam Mossad. Dia bertindakan macam Shin Bet dan Mossad nak bunuh, nak fitnah, nak bunuh sifat dan watak seseorang tanpa bukti. Ini Shit Bet Malaysia ini, Mossad Malaysia ini, Utusan-Shin Bet ataupun Utusan-Mossad ini nak menyatakan fitnah dan penipuan yang tidak berasas.”

        Dr Boo’s command of BM is fairly decent.

        As you may be aware, DAP has also got its factionalism, just as Umno and MCA do. And the factions sabo each other.

        The CSL video is reported to be an inside job and leaked by MCA’s own people. Ditto the Shahrizat family shenanigans and the rumour about Marcus Lim (Junior’s) antics.

        Now why I say this is an important comment, pls note the DAP-Pakatan ambitions on Johor and the outsiders moving in.

        Dr Boo is the Johor DAP chief. However, in Penang, the local guy got ousted by the Malacca import.

        Make an educated guess … what do you think is happening with DAP Johor currently and the jostling behind the scenes?

        Why the Thulasi guy suddenly coming out with his accusations?

        Dr Boo’s response:

        “The last time I saw Thulasi was five years ago. How could he have brought people to my office when I have not seen him since 2007?

        “I am giving him two weeks to come up with an apology, or else I will be forced to take legal action against him for defaming me and tarnishing my name and the party’s reputation,” he said.

        (source: here)

        As we know from DAP past history, any bright star in the party that threatens to shine brighter than the Crown Prince is cold storaged or kicked out, like Wee Choo Keong, Teng Chang Khim, Kerk Kim Hock and the rest.

        Kerk Kim Hock even went to the extent of pointing the finger at Guan Eng’s faction for campaigning against him, 2004 story here.

        Hence, with the negative stories being leaked out about Dr Boo, I would think twice about the source. Somehow, I don’t think this one is another “Umno conspiracy” rephrase, don’t think Umno is behind this effort to tarnish Dr Boo’s image.

      2. Don’t you think its time for Dr Boo to rethink his involvement with the DAP now that you’ve said that a conspiracy is brewing in DAP Johor ? He he he !

        1. Nope. Johor is Dr Boo’s turf. Why should he let the opportunistic interlopers muscle in (like they did in Penang).

          As for Umno Johor, they’ve already got the measure of the man.

          Does Umno want a constructive opposition it can work with or have more outsiders like this (click to see photo) meragam in the Johor DUN?

      3. One more thing. With so many walking corpses i.e Wee Choo Keong, Kerk Kim Hock, Hee Yit Foong etc, any ambitious Chinese would have to think twice before getting into bed with the DAP. But alas the follies pile up. He he he ! Just like PKR.

        I kind of like to think that PKR is the Malay version of the DAP even though PKR loves to project this image of being a multiracial party he he he !

        LOL. Yeah, Anwar’s left a trail of former ‘friends’. — Helen

      4. Helen, from that photo, did you notice that Kim Guan Eng is looking more and more like the late Kim Jong Il ? Okay Kim Guan Eng has more hair while the late Kim Jong Il was a bit bald.

        Look at the photo.

        They look so alike, but seriously, the Kim in Penang can only dream of possessing the kind of power the late Real Kim used to wield in North Korea i.e nuclear bombs, million men army, etc. I m sure BN/UMNO would love to deal with Dr Boo but the question is would The Throne want someone like Dr Boo to deal with BN/UMNO ?

        KGE has got his army of terracotta warriors to terrorize cyberspace. — Helen

  6. There are plenty of proper Christians who are ‘keeping it real’. But there are also too many orang putih wannabes amongst them. Case in point, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid differently. Of course, solat Raya etc are all the same but the food, clothing etc are all different. The omputih wannabes however think that Christmas has something to do with snow, a tree in the house and eating turkey. It’s SO WEIRD that they don’t think it’s weird….

  7. Helen,

    Quite preposterous to compare Malaysia’s policy with aparteid in south africa.

    Apartheid dictated that non whites lives practically in slum areas. They got 3rd class treatment( if any treatment at all) in hospitals.They were unable to use toilets frequented by whites. Beaten by white police were normal state of affair.

    Malaysia is different. At strokes of 9 pens by nine sultans , literally “pendatang’ changed to be full fledged citizens.malay leaders in hallmark generosity allowed them to study in separate schools, win in Malay areas and do not protest on non malays controlling the economy once british left.

    And there are no such thing as separate toilet for different racial group. Their religious celebration accorded public holidays.

    Are Chinese really upset with Bumiputera status of malays? Really?

    Some Chinese ask for how long Malays want bumiputera status or UITM exclusively for bumiputera. I told them as long as Chinese insist insist on separate school, or put Mandarin is required or challenging Bahasa Malaysia status ( by insisting on Mandarin also on street sign), then malays will be firm on their rights or privileges.

    As long as chinese gives tacit approval to DAP that is ONLY known for slandering malays or UMNO,, then the Malays will insist on their provisions as enshrined in Constitution be protected.

    Which is why I’ve been saying all along that DAP’s Firster rhetoric is a threat to the continued existence of Chinese schools. What did your friends say when you suggested quid pro quo, i.e. open up UiTM in exchange for closing down SRJK(C)s? — Helen

  8. Helen,

    If the chinese shows willingness to accept reality and respect malay rights, then perhaps malays would not be so defensive with regards to relationship with Chinese.

    Separate school system separates us. Literally speaking. Let us not kid ourselves by believing otherwise. You and i know how divisive these kind of separate school system is.

    And before you can suggest opening of UITM to non Bumi, then please dismantke the massive discrimination against non chinese in private sector that insist on Mandarin when all employees speak Englis h, albeit broken english.

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