Posted in Evangelis

Boleh Pakatan tolong bagi tahu logo itu burung apa

Seorang pembaca blog ini berkata dalam komennya:

“To me the logo just looks like a fairly generic bird, but people will see what they want to see I guess.”

Kenyataan beliau adalah meleset sekali kerana sesebuah logo itu bukannya Ujian Rorschach yang mengkehendaki pelbagai tafsiran secara bebas atas tompok dakwat berdasarkan imaginasi seseorang itu.

Logo berciri kabur – iaitu boleh diberi intepretasi berbeza-beza mengikut selera si pemandang – bukan sebuah logo yang dianggap berjaya.

Logo mestilah jelas dan mudah dikenali ramai. Sebaik-baiknya ia harus senang dilakar semula (reproduced) dengan tepat.

Ambil satu contoh logo yang mampu dicam oleh mana-mana penduduk di serata dunia maju, yakni Apple — syarikat terkenal komputer dan peralatan elektronik yang diasaskan oleh Steve Jobs. Takkan pula akan ada orang yang berkeras mempertikaikan bahawa buah itu bukan epal tetapi sebiji anggur sebenarnya.

Ataupun ambil logo Firefox. Binatang itu seekor rubah. Ia bukan tupai.

Logo juga berfungsi sebagai identiti produk, misalnya logo Mercedes-Benz / Ferrari, Adidas / Nike atau Gucci / Louis Vuitton.

Jadi apa identiti negara atau ke’Malaysia’an yang dibayangkan logo Hari Merdeka Pakatan? Dan bagaimana ide “kebebasan” yang dibawa oleh imej burung terbang bertepatan dengan cogankata “Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa”?

Spesi burung apa?

Pereka-cipta menjelaskan bahawa logo menggambarkan “seekor burung yang sedang terbang”.

Dengan itu, untuk meneka ia burung apa, kita boleh singkirkan sahaja dari senarai jenis burung-burung yang tidak boleh terbang.

Maka burung yang dijadikan logo Pakatan itu BUKAN:

  • penguin
  • burung unta
  • kasuari / emu
  • kiwi

Ia BUKAN burung yang berkaki dan berleher panjang:

  • bangau
  • kuntul
  • burung jenjang
  • burung pucung

Ia BUKAN burung yang berparuh panjang atau besar:

  • pelatuk
  • kolibri
  • burung undan
  • burung kakaktua

Ia BUKAN burung berkaki renang:

  • itik
  • angsa (goose)
  • angsa putih (swan)
  • burung toucan

Kerana bentuknya tidak sepadan (misalnya dari segi susuk badan, sayap, kepala, dsb), ia juga BUKAN:

  • burung hantu
  • burung pipit
  • burung helang
  • burung camar

Rasa-rasanya ia bukan burung gagak yang berwarna serba hitam ataupun burung layang-layang yang mempunyai ekor menggarpu.

Jadi burung apakah yang digambarkan logo Pakatan?

Seorang pembaca blog ini berkata burung logo tersebut mempunyai “bulu ekor besar cantik“.

Iakah? Adakan logo itu menyerupai burung merak?

Ayam serama? Ayam serama ada terbang di langit dan melambangkan “kebebasan”?

Atau burung kenyalang yang dijadikan maskot ‘Jom Ubah’?

Phoenix bangkit, Yesus hidup semula

Ada seorang pembaca lain pula melihatnya sebagai burung phoenix, yang mengikut cerita dongeng, hidup beratus tahun serta akan lahir semula daripada abu-abunya.

Sejauh pengetahuan saya, phoenix pada lazimnya muncul dalam mitos Cina.

Namun apabila saya membuat penyelidikan dengan lebih lanjut, saya mendapati bahawa phoenix adalah perlambangan Kristian bagi fahaman ‘resurrection’ (Yesus hidup semula / bangkit pada Easter Sunday selepas mati disalib pada Good Friday).

“The phoenix Christian symbol represents the Resurrection and of eternity.”

Petikan dari buku berjudul ‘Signs and Symbols in Christian Art’:

“In Early Christian art, the phoenix constantly appears on funeral stones, its particular meaning being the resurrection of the dead and the triumph of eternal life over death. The phoenix later became the symbol of the resurrection of Christ and commonly appears in connection with the Crucifixion.”

Imajan burung adalah amat pekat perlambangan Kristiannya serta begitu sebati dengan rohani dan penghayatan seni para penganut agama tersebut.

Apa pula identiti Malaysia yang hendak disampaikan Pakatan melalui simbolisme burung?

Bersambung dari:

Logo Hari Merdeka Pakatan ada elemen-elemen Kristian

Merpati: Logo gereja yang paderinya dulu mahu bakar Quran


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

48 thoughts on “Boleh Pakatan tolong bagi tahu logo itu burung apa

  1. Pakatoons’ reactions to the topic thus far merely demonstrate their philosophy of kiasu, kiasi, kiaboh.

    And Vish will certainly vomit more latin phrases in response to this blog post. LOL!

      1. the KKK philosophy. Maybe Helen could write something about this KKK philosophy.

        1. Dear Illuminati Agent,

          Below is typical a drawing of a **** (sshsh, cannot say, taboo word). When kiasu people look at this, what bird do they see?


  2. spot on Helen. What’s the correlation of Merdeka with birds by the way? And why do they need to keep touching the sensitivity issue with other religions?

  3. Here we go again…baling batu, sembunyi tangan. When the PR born-again Christian membuat sesuatu yang mencurigakan, mereka akan deny, deny, deny and then menuding jari ke satu ribu satu orang, but never have the courage to admit what their master plan is. They think we are stupid and can’t think for ourselves.

    Too many incidents, e.g the Allah issue (until today i don’t see their point…their argument that the christians arab use Allah is argument kosong because their language is Arabic, so if they want to use it is fine by me. But for malaysians to want to use Allah in their malay bible, when in malay language God is Tuhan, then it reeks of something fishy. Why not fight for our first rukunegara to be changed from ‘kepercayaan kepada Tuhan’ to ‘kepercayaan kepada Allah’), the DUMC, the gathering of all the paderi malaysia where a malay DAP member made a police report, etc. And now this?

    Argue la itu burung merak, itu burung general, itu ini…you can fool people some of the time but you can’t fool people all of the time.

    I wonder what will happen if all the majlis agama Islam di Malaysia bangkit and say, two can play that game and use all their jentera and zakat money for massive missionary work? They are very lucky that so far, there is no big repercussions to what they are so obviously doing but too coward to admit it.

    If you are in the path of truth and righteousness, why so takut?

    1. ahem, the allah word is used by the bumiputera christians in sabah n sarawak n orang asli people. they have been using the word for hundreds of years

      sorry to repeat this, but other people keep repeating their ignorance so clarification is needed

      1. Ehem, they have been using Allah because the British Christian missionaries decided that that approach would be more ‘acceptable’ to the bumis of Sabah and Sarawak and the orang asli as that would seem more Islam friendly. They used it in order to potray that Islam and Christianity is the same.

        As what they did in the Middle East, they first tried to convert the local Muslim population, and when that failed, they tried other soft approaches to entice the non-muslim locals. Using Allah to refer to God in the local language bible is a past method used by christian missionaries, and is still being used as we can see today. Doesn’t mean it was used before or in the past means that the it is right and that the intention behind it was good and pure.

        And trying to win an argument by saying that since others have done it in the past, so why can’t we do it, is not an intelligent way of winning an argument. Why don’t you quote from the bible (the original one mind you, not the version that you are using) whereby God says to refer to Him as Allah?

        And just for your knowledge, God in Arabic is Illah, NOT Allah. Allah is the name of God as mentioned in the Quran. So, if you insist on using the arabic term for God in Malay bible, then by all means, use Illah.

      2. dave,
        if you don’t know, don’t speak la. the word is being coined by the british and the christian priest when they entered borneo to promote christianity. bodoh punya orang.

      3. And Dave, just out of curiosity, how come the Christians in majority white countries, i.e. UK, US, Australia, do not use Allah to refer to God in their bible, but only in Muslim countries do the Christians insist on using Allah for their missionary work? Is there a hidden agenda here, an ulterior motive?

      4. That is a big lie, sabah and sarawakian are not arabs…wtf should they call 3in 1 god allah…it would make sense they use tuhan or substitute god with kinihoringan ..why dun u teach them that krishnanis jesus and vishnu is the holy ghost

      5. 1. islam came 600 years after christianity to the middle east, so obviously christianity n judaism was there in the region first. if you want to win an arguement, please use facts. thank you.

        the word ‘allah’ was used before muhammad spread islam. so islam merely used the arabic word for god

        from wikipedia:

        The name was previously used by pagan Meccans as a reference to a creator deity, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[11][12] The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among religious traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters – a concept that was deleted under the process of Islamization.

        2. nk, the first bahasa bible with ‘allah’ was in 17-18 century, long before british came. sebelum tuduh orang lain bodoh, engko tengok muka bengap awak dulu, ok?

  4. Penchachai BN ni memang kuat spin la.. aku yg tak amik art pun dah boleh baca kat logo tu.. dari kacamata saya..

    Burung Merpati – simbol kebebasan.. (jgn sambungkan dengan logo hati & bunga raya diatas tu.. )
    Then lambang hati tu bermaksud kasih sayang.. seluruh rakyat (kerana hati digabung dgn bunga raya.. bunga kebangsaan)
    Warna biru dengan bulan sabit dan bintang tu adalah tanjak.. melambangkan institusi diraja.. Kan negara kita sistem Demokrasi beraja..
    Last sekali huruf 55 tu.. melambangkan hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-55..


    1. Sesiapa pun boleh guna gelaran haji dalam dunia cyber ni. Satu perangai pencacai pakatan yang bukan Islam, dia orang suka gunakan nama (nic) Melayu, untuk menunjukkan seolah-olah ramai orang Melayu sokong pakatan sesat lagi menyesatkan tu..

  5. since when did doves have head crest (heart +bunga raya) n big tail feathers? aha !

    anyway, lets use helen’s ‘omg christian conspiracy’ logic to look at past merdeka logo:

    1976 & 1978: christian prayer circle. laying of hands

    1980 & 1984: pentagon. secret usa domination

    1986, 1991: triangles. freemason illuminati

    1983: tree with 3 branches. trinity

    1988 & 1990: jesus crucified. again, obvious reference to holy trinity

    1989: cross. christian cross

    1994: heart.

    1998 & 2000: 3 birds. doves. or jesus with outstreched arms on the cross

  6. Intel writing Helen! this is why I follow your blog & recommend it to my friends as well.


  7. Ini bukan benda yang patut di hairankan sangat. Hakikatnya Islam PAS dan Kristian DAP adalah sama maka tidak timbul sebarang percanggahan ‘akidah’ di antara kedua-duanya. Cuba kita perhatikan persamaan kedua-dua “agama” rekaan tersebut dan buat kesimpulan yang berkaitan:

    1. Islam PAS dikuasai dan ditafsir oleh segolongan tertentu yang diberi tempelan ‘ulamak’ dan pengikutnya hanya mengikut secara membabi buta atas dasar taksub


    Kristian DAP dikuasai dan ditafsir melalui kaca mata evangelikal oleh golongan paderi tertentu dan pengikutnya cuma mengikut secara buta tuli atas dasar ‘blind faith’

    2. Islam PAS mencerca orang Islam yang tidak sehaluan dengan mereka dengan penglebelan “kaffir”; “munafik” ; “sesat”; “fasik” dsbnya.


    Kristian DAP mencerca orang yang tidak sehaluan sebagai “pagan”; “lost souls” ; ‘heathens” ; “unenlightened” etc

    3. Kedua-dua Islam PAS dan Kristian DAP bergerak atas dasar “righteousness” atau dasar “kebenaran”. Yang bukan sehaluan semuanya di kategorikan sebagai “thaghut”(Islam PAS) or the “Force of Darkness/Evil (oleh Kristian DAP)

    4. Kedua-dua Islam PAS dan Kristian DAP menjanjikan keselamatan abadi bagi para pengikut. Bagi Islam PAS: ini dimaksudkan sebagai mengecapi syurga manakala Kristian DAP pula mengutarakan “rapture” dan janji “resurrection dan redemption”.

    5. Perjuangan kedua-dua Islam PAS dan Kristian DAP adalah berlandaskan pada pemerkasaan konsep ‘holier than thou’ dalam mana kayu ukur yang diguna pakai adalah ketakwaan atau kewarkan diri pada pandangan kaca mata kendiri (self-affirmation of piety).

    Walhal, ketakwaan itu kayu ukur yang ditentukan yang Maha Esa bukan diri sendiri

    Pendekkata, kalau dilihat secara umum, tampak jelas kedua-dua Islam PAS dan Kristian DAP memiliki ciri-ciri persamaan yang ketara cuma menggunakan mantik dan nomenklatur (nomenclature) yang berbeza.Dan kedua2nya didokongi pengikut tegar lagi fanatik.

    Pokoknya, kedua-dua merasakan dirinya lengkap dan bebas dari dosa (maksum) dan ini didasari dengan kepercayaan diri masing-masing itu infallible atau bebas dari nodaan dosa

    Di Amerika, golongan evangelikal paling rapat cirinya dengan golongan Wahabis dalam Islam sebab itu sokongan kuat diberikan kepada Arab Saudi, Mesir, Bahrain, Yemen dsbnya yang rata2 di kuasai Wahabis. Orang Kristian tahu bagi melemahkan Islam tulin bawaan Nabi (SAW) adalah dengan memperkasakan Wahhabis. Dan apa perlunya sokongan pada Wahabbis ini, tidak lain tidak bukan menghancurkan umat Islam dari dalam berdasarkan fikrah sesat Ibnu Wahab yang bertunjangkan pegangan Kharijite awal. dan Wahabis merupakan benteng terhadap Syiah yang paling ampuh.

    Dan peri pentingnya Malaysia dalam semua ini? Tidak lain tidak bukan nilai strategik. Dalam usaha gilanya mewujudkan Armageddon dan seterusnya mengaktifkan ‘rapture’ yang diidamkan Kristian, perang ini perlu dan musuh yang ketara yang disabitkan ialah Republik Islam Iran (didokongi Syiah) yang mana dalam hadis dinyatakan bakal menegakkan panji-panji Islam.

    Zon Hormuz adalah tempat bahaya untuk parkir kapal perang Amerika. Alternatif terdekat adalah Singapura dengan persinggahan sementara di Pulau Pinang. Lebih penting lagi, Selat Melaka merupakan nadi laluan minyak untuk sekutunya di Jepun, Cina, Korea dsbnya . Anda buatlah telahan sendiri tentang sebab geopolitik dan keagamaan.

  8. It’s very interesting to know what PAS think of their ‘animal’ logo. Not too long ago, when they ruled Terengganu, they removed the Penyu ‘effigy’ near Batu Burok roundabout in Kuala Terengganu because it was deemed un-Islamic. The then MB Hadi Awang went to the extent of saying people might go and worship that Penyu.

    Now that they have another animal as their symbol, this may be an exception for them, why? Of course because DAP said so.

  9. Science calls this phenomenon pareidolia.

    It is funny how religious kooks see the ‘images of jesus and virgin mary’ in the most mundane things.

    Dave tell us what you see in this image?

    Where is your god now?

    1. They see Jesus everywhere, when good things happen to them, they say its the work of Jesus. To them, if its good, it is the work of Jesus.

      Funny really, these Evangelicals, they say they are the followers of Jesus, yet as we all know, Jesus did not teach them to worship idols. yet they……………….get what I mean ?

      1. yeah, as long as it is not our belief and our religion, we can always feel funny and hilarious.

      2. Very correct. While these people complain that other religions don’t respect them, they don’t hesitate to disrespect other religions.

        Imagine if links to Muhamad cartoons were posted in response. Hypocrites like overseas bumi will be making a police report and calling for blood.

    2. sorry dude, was away on holiday for the week. sorry to keep you waiting for reply

      anyway, why does your face look like a dogs ass?

      now we know why overseasbumi spouts out dogsh*t on this blog. its actually coming from his ‘mouth’ hahahaha!

      overseabumi, take a good look at yourself in the mirror. hahaha!

      ps. is it ok if i refer you as ‘dogarse’ in future?

  10. funny,,,,you see an image of bird,,,and bingo! paranoia,,,how you can creatively link it to what you dont like,,,…
    Very creative indeed Helen!

    All you guys wear pants and shirts?

    Its widely , the clothing of westerners,,infact its their creation…and they are mostly christians….

    WHy dont all of you guys wear the dress of arabs instead?

    1. Hullo, the dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit is not a part of my personal “creativity”. The Bible says so. Scriptures all quoted in the article above.

      And it was not me that conjured up the idea that there is an image of a bird in the logo. The logo designers themselves in explaining their ‘rationale’ explicitly stated the logo forms the image of a bird. Are you BM-illiterate that you cannot read the designer’s poster which has been reproduced on this page?

      Since you ask “All you guys wear pants and shirts?”, I’m going to ask you in return: Korang yang bermati-matian menegakkan urat benang Pakatan ni pakai otak mung di kepala lutut ke?

    2. ShahKumar, maybe we should, because if by wearing the dress of Arab, we can get rid of pants and shirts. What is exactly your point? Do you want me to educate you on the origin of pants and shirts, or do you want me to educate you how pants and shirts is the agenda of the day besides everything else. Such hollow Anglophile, what more can you say other than “holier than thou” for the pants and shirts.

      1. “Such hollow Anglophile”

        agree with u miny, a chinese saw a phoenix and only a anglophile saw a dove. u will never get it bec u r most likely a anglophile albeit not a hollow one.

      2. There are illustrations of both dove and phoenix on this page. Readers can make their own conclusion in comparing shape-wise.

        As for the significance of “kebebasan” as stated by the logo designers themselves, it’s a practice to release doves to signify freedom. Not only the Westerners but the daoists do it too.

        I’ve not seen anyone catch a legendary phoenix to release to symbolize freedom. Phoenix has always signified rebirth.

      3. when i watch avatar, i saw a phoenix, don’t know about u people. however the operative word here is “I”, not phoenix or dove. whenever a chinese saw a drawing that look like a bird and sound like a bird, and no one mention the species, most probably we would see it as phoenix, especially if the theme is about “auspicious”, but what is the definition of “auspicious”? “kebebasan can be one if that is our wish, moreover the drawing have the “auspicious” color of red, while dove is basically white, but I am not saying it is not a dove, just my background and belief system doesn’t lead me to imagine that it is a dove, because a dove is a dove and shouldn’t require a second guess, hope you know by now the mindset of a chinese.

        resurrection and rebirth of phoenix are the folklore and myth of the west, greek, and even some islamic country, i have no idea pertaining to this topic. daoism is hilarious, and the chinese version of buddhism can be funny as well, i am a follower though, come on la, we eat dove or pigeon. so what kebebasan r u talking about?

      4. So HY, what you are saying is Helen is a closet Anglophille?

        Makes sense. Insecurity and paranoia rules a large portion of Helen and her supporters here, as seen in their comments.

      5. THX praises HuaYong to say he makes sense. And this is how HuaYong makes sense:

        Where others see a dove, he sees a phoenix. But a phoenix is a phoenix only if the context warrants it. And context is dependent on definition, in his case, the word auspicious. Similarly, his phoenix converts into a dove if, for example, it’s painted white. But this conversion is also caveated to other conditions such as his “background and belief system”.

        So what is HuaYong’s background and belief system that has led to his tortuous, convoluted reasoning?

        He alludes to this system as coming from the “mindset of a Chinese”. So, what is so Chinese about it?

        Here is a man who denies there exists any objective, verifiable or empirical truth. In essense, he is saying two and two may not add up to four; it depends on who is doing the counting. Why? Because, as he puts it, the operative word is “I” – HuaYong sees, HuaYong decides. Truth is what HuaYong says it is.

        This subjectivity is not new: Descartes, 400 years ago, had put it far more eloquently and clearly than HuaYong can ever do: I think therefore I am, says Descartes. In this Cartesian sense, therefore, HuaYong is the center of the universe.

        But this individualism, egocentricity and nihilism (HuaYong loves HuaYong) isn’t the only thing that is strikingly similar between HuaYong and the DAP Anglophiles. HuaYong is a basket case into the contorted Christian mind, which he passes off as Chinese however. More than that he is especially representative of Anglophiles: nuts.

        Is it any wonder HuaYong even encourages his son to take up Hannah Yeoh’s cudgels: become a Christian? Dumb Father, dumb Son.

        So, who is the Anglophile, THX? Now, does HuaYong truly make sense to you?

        And HuaYong, you need to go back to school. Try Hannah’s Sunday school; they have the kind of syllabus you talked about. And good for your kid too.

      6. seem like this pseudo-anglo-descendant-of-descartes-french-fart-insipid-bore never give up eh?

        we see a bird and this pseudo-anglo-descendant-of-descartes-french-fart-insipid-bore see a dove, and only a dove because his virgin mum taught him dove denote peace and he expect everyone to have a virgin mum like him, behave exactly like the anglo that want to impose their pseudo values into everyone, by gun or by bomb regardless, and as usual, the pseudo-anglo would start their dialogue with jesus talk and brought up french shit like descartes to impress their audience, but we know this pseudo anglo could only resort to violence and war in the end when nobody buy his vapid and verbose fart.

        boy, come and join us in chinese school, we teach you how to respect, for instance zhuangzi “you’re not I, so how do you know I don’t know what fish enjoy?” and paima lun logic “when a white horse is not a horse”.


  11. ketua pembangkang yg sokong christians. semasa dia jadi TPM ini yg dibuatnya:

    Aside from Anwar’s continued ideological war on the Chinese and Christians – he had banned the singing of Christmas carols at shopping malls and public places, and rearranged the school holidays so Christmas did not fall during the long vacation period – his day-to-day doings did not significantly register for most of us.

  12. eh you stupid cunt….its a bird…dont use a bird to divide malaysians….fuck off with you and your divisive agenda….

    1. Warning!!! Warning!!! Well educated, nurtured and mannered Anglophiles on board to teach others how we should live our lives.

  13. Hua Yong, eergh!!!!

    I just happen to see your comment {“Such hollow Anglophile” agree with u miny, a chinese saw a phoenix and only a anglophile saw a dove. u will never get it bec u r most likely a anglophile albeit not a hollow one}.

    I would like to know why do you come to this conclusion? It is because of the pants and shirt, or the “I” factor. Please indulge me how you define Anglophile in your “I” term.

    I am sure we all know what the generic Anglophile means but in your “I” terms how and why do one become an Anglophile? Is it material driven, politics driven, “I” driven or is it just that is the only salvation for humans disregarding other beliefs. Let’s hear your thoughts.

    1. miny, i think everyone have their own definition of anglophile, and the amusing part is that we accuse each other as one while in fact we were greatly influenced by the anglo culture and values. i do not have any thought that is unique, my point is that only those that are well aware of the western ideology and values would know certain denotation which some of us may or may not know. “I” is as the pseudo-anglo-descendant-of-descartes-french-fart-insipid-bore claim, a sort of individualistic mind that assert my own view and opinion pertaining to a subject, it is not the ultimate “truth” but at least i think i am entitle to what i believe in, i never impose my view on you or anyone else and that is why i stress i am not saying it is not a dove, but who do you think were one that would perceive it as dove if not a “anglophile”?

      i uphold diversity but at the same time treasure a certain balance between individualism and collectivism. thus my advice is don’t ever learn from that pseudo-anglo-descendant-of-descartes-french-fart-insipid-bore that habitually nitpicking words out of context, and yet fail to convey a single message after writing so many words, that is a rare talent he learn from hannah and dap i guess, something he obsess to. btw, this fella cant even construct a proper chinese sentence but thick face enough to tell me what chinese is about.


      1. HY, I agree that most are influenced by the Anglo cultures and values but not all. Anglo cultures and values play a part and largely so since they had colonized and imbibed their teaching to most for how it should be. Nonetheless, cultures and values of the east still survive as we as individuals find a balance to weight culture and values beyond strict religious teaching when we delve with each other on humanity.

        Let’s take Malaysia as an example. In the 80’s there was a mass exodus of conversion from Hindus to Christianity due to poverty issues through displacement of the plantation workers. In the same instance, the government in Malaysia that it still does today in offering monetary compensation to whomsoever who is willing to convert into Islam. One is done privately and the other government induced.

        If we look closely both only means one thing, how do I enrich you materially not so concerned with the cultures or values that is manipulated for your own desire. Cultures and values is an acceptance of the community amongst each other and it really does not matter whether it is western or eastern.

        Today, after GE12, it appears that the Anglophiles have found new fangs to bite everything on a religious ground and are going head on with the majority Muslims with involvement of their churches and their pastors. The Muslims in Malaysia are fighting back, rightly so because they have not been unreasonable to the others. Please show me one Merdeka celebration, where Malaysia had portrayed itself as a Muslim driven nation?

        Sure, there are defects in the policies and system that needs realignment but we cannot be blinded on just religious based notion when humanity suffers.

        At the end of the of the day, the truth is one, but the paths may be many that is convoluted for various reasons, so we need to re-examine ourselves how much truth we are able to digest within us for the rest without the typical political, religion or what is the best concept like how the present day government practices or the anglophile in the private sector.

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