Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Apa Cina mahu di PRU14

Pada masa ini Pakatan lebih menyerlah sebagai wajah gabungan politik yang berbilang kaum berbanding prestasi BN di semenanjung.

Mustahil untuk mana-mana kerusi yang mempunyai pemilih Cina melebihi 50 peratus untuk ditawan BN. Ini hakikat (lihat jadual bawah).

Kerusi-kerusi yang pemilih Cinanya lebih 60 peratus pun kesemuanya dimenangi DAP dan apalagi kerusi melebihi 70 peratus Cina.

Tak payah cakaplah kerusi-kerusi yang 80-90% pemilih Cina.

Statistik PRU13 mengesahkan apa yang sudah lama diketahui umum, yakni DAP adalah parti cap naga.


Nota: Kerusi-kerusi yang kurang 20 peratus pemilih Cina adalah sama ada diwakili Umno, PAS ataupun pribumi Sabah-Sarawak.


Yang paling layak sekali mencanangkan dirinya sebagai parti majmuk ialah PKR.

Kejayaan parti tersebut di 13 kawasan yang mempunyai 30-40% pemilih Cina bermakna ia parti yang mampu diterima pemilih yang komposisi mereka mirip kepada komposisi penduduk Malaysia (majoriti Melayu kira-kira 55 peratus yang hidup berjiran dengan minoriti Cina).


Yang agak di luar jangkaan ialah kebertahanan Umno. Parti induk BN ini telah menang 12 kerusi di kawasan-kawasan 30-40% pemilih Cina.

Paling menonjol dan ianya perlu kita beri tumpuan ialah faktor kejayaan PKR atas sokongan kuat masyarakat Cina. Manakala Umno masih tidak tumbang meskipun ia ditolak sekeras-kerasnya oleh orang Tionghua beserta ramai orang India, khususnya  golongan profesional, kelas pertengahan dan yang menganut agama Kristian.

Bermakna sokongan bagi Umno meningkat dalam PRU13 hasil daripada tindak balas kaum Melayu terhadap asakan Cina.

JADUAL di atas menyenaraikan 123 buah kerusi di seluruh negara yang mempunyai nisbah pemilih Cina 20 peratus ke atas.

Daripada jumlah itu, Pakatan menggenggam 73 dan BN 50 buah kerusi.

Sabah & Sarawak

Kerusi-kerusi majmuk yang ramai Cina di Sabah dan Sarawak adalah milik Pakatan.

Namun begitu, prestasi Pakatan amat hambar di kerusi-kerusi majmuk yang ramai pribumi sungguhpun kedua-dua PKR dan DAP ada menampilkan barisan calon pribumi atau Muslim.

Kerusi 60% ke atas Melayu

Lihat jadual pada jalur 20-30% pemilih Cina. Ia merujuk kepada kawasan-kawasan yang lebih 60 peratus Melayu.

Umno berjaya memenangi 15 buah kerusi dalam jalur ini berbanding 7 untuk PKR dan 4 untuk PAS — sekali kira PKR+PAS (11).

Fakta ini membayangkan Umno lebih disenangi / dipercayai orang Melayu pantai barat (kebanyakan kerusi-kerusi tersebut terletak di Perak, Selangor dan Negeri Sembilan).


Jalur 30-40% Cina

Kerusi-kerusi yang mana pemilih mereka lebih separuh Cina pasti tidak akan berganjak sama sekali.

Maka pertarungan yang paling sengit PRU14 akan berlaku di jalur bawah 50% pemilih Cina.

Kerusi-kerusi dalam jalur 30-40% pemilih Cina berpihak 15 buah kepada Pakatan dan 17 buah kepada BN — PKR (13), Umno (12) dan PAS (2). Persaingan yang bakal dijalankan di jalur ini akan bersandarkan tonggak Umno di belah BN.

Persoalannya adakah Umno akan diberi sokongan yang mengatasi ataupun kurang 10 peratus daripada kaum Cina kelak? Sebenarnya ada baik Umno bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi worst case scenario, yakni perhitungan yang paling mundur — langsung tidak mendapat sokongan Cina.

Tamak kuasa

Gerakan #Black 505 masih lagi mahu berhimpun, kali ini pada Jun 15 nanti di ibukota.

#Black 505 menolak keputusan-keputusan PRU13 yang tidak menguntungkan mereka, misalnya di Bentong yang didakwa telah berlaku “blackout” semasa kiraan undi (sungguhpun ia berita palsu).

Penyokong-penyokong DAP yang mendokong #Black 505 mahukan kerusi-kerusi yang dipertikaikan untuk diserahkan kepada mereka.

Mereka mahukan para wakil DAP lah menjadi Yang Berhormat di kawasan-kawasan tersebut. Pendek kata mereka mahukan kuasa.


Kemaruk kuasa

Laungan “Ubah” merupakan sebuah seruan untuk tukar kerajaan. Bermaksud tendang keluar BN, ganti dengan Pakatan.

Laungan “Ini Kali Lah” berupa gesaan untuk meletakkan Pakatan di Putrajaya untuk ganti BN. Bermaksud Pakatan lah yang memerintah negara.

Pakatan dikuasai DAP yang mempunyai paling banyak kerusi di peringkat Parlimen mahupun di peringkat DUN. Taiko Pakatan ialah DAP yang mempunyai 38 orang Ahli Parlimen berbanding dengan PAS yang mempunyai 21 orang MP.

Pakatan mempunyai 50 orang MP bukan Melayu berbanding 38+1 (Zairil) MP bangsa Melayu.

DAP dikuasai puak evangelista yang sanggup membuat segala apa sahaja asalkan mereka mendapat kuasa.

Do big numbers equate great strength?
Sanggup menyamar
pjjbotak 28 gl
Sanggup bermuka-muka

TwitterhannahyeohWickedness of UMNO-BN

Apa Cina mahu





I have no Faceook or Twitter.

67 thoughts on “Apa Cina mahu di PRU14

  1. Tuntutan DAP terhadap KL diserah kepada Selangor rasanya mudah saja nak ketahui motifnya.

    Pertamanya persempadanan negeri di bawah kuasa kerajaaan negeri. Jadi jika KL diserah kembali kepada Selangor saya ingat DAP ada kelebihan untuk jadi lebih dominan. Semua parlimen KL akan wujud DUN di bawahnya.

    Ada berapa banyak parlimen untuk KL? Dan berapa banyak DUN boleh diadakan di bawah setiap parlimen itu? Rata-ratanya DUn akan jadi jalur 80% pengundi Cina. Dan DAP pasti akan sapu bersih DUN tersebut nanti.

    Kalau kini DAP ada 15 kerusi DUN. Lain kali mungkin DAP akan ada lebih lagi. Letak saja calon Zairil atau Sak akan dapatlah pegang jadi MB.

    1. Helen,

      Perubahan sempadan negeri (bagi yang ada raja) adalah hak mutlak Raja yang berkenaan. KL dikeluarkan dari Selangor untuk elakkan Selangor dikuasai oleh orang Cina.

      Walaupun kenyataan rasmi bahawa Malaysia perlukan ibukota yang tidak sama dengan Selangor.

      Dalam hal ini, yang layak buat keputusan adalah Majlis Raja Raja.

      1. re: “KL dikeluarkan dari Selangor untuk elakkan Selangor dikuasai oleh orang Cina.”

        Agak-agaknya begitu lah.

      2. Sebab UMNO di kuasai oleh pendatang India mereka tiada perancangan untuk mengurangkan orang Cina di malaysia seperti kerajaan Cina Singapura mengurangkan populasi Melayu. Mereka bawa masuk 1 juta komunis cina dan 1 juta india dan filipino.

        tapi JPM bawah Nor yakub, India bawa balik Cina pandai melalui konon talentcorp, CEO India juga.

        Orang Melayu dan ahli UMNO perlu peka. Anak-anak pendatang India dalam UMNO tiada pemikiran dan jiwa melayu. Meraka hanya mahukan kuasa yang ada dalam UMNO yang diberi oleh orang Melayu.

        Sebab itu TalentCorp mesti dihapuskan. [edited]

        Program untuk self deportation atau voluntary migration perlu diperhebatkan kerana ini melibatkan sekurity masa depan anak-anak Melayu.

        1. I think Kurangkan Cina has a valid point (albeit for different reasons).

          At a practical level, I believe many Malaysians would support a government department/agency that assists Malaysians to look for work overseas.

          In fact it could be a good policy initiative.

          Just like many labour exporting countries that has a dedicated government agency that takes care of its citizens working overseas, Malaysia would do well with this initiative.

          Current discussions on this area:
 (read comment # 8)

    2. Agaknya LGE will go berserk again kalau ada org UMNO tuntut Penang diserahkan balik kepada Kedah.

      That will be the day.

        1. That would be cool. A good entertainment Tapi biasalah Ketua Pemuda sibuk sekarang ni.

      1. Setem,

        Legally, Pulau Pinang is under the Sultan of Kedah’s sovereignty.

  2. Apa Cina Beng Penang mahu? Penang menjadi Putrajaya. Itu jugak apa yang Anwar mahu.

  3. to be precise, you should ask

    what is it that the Chinese of the DAP want i.e the Anglophiles/Evangelists. those Chinese who voted for the PR may believe that they know what they were doing but do they know what the Anglophiles/Evangelists want ?

    on a personal level, I firmly believe that the Chinese have been taken for a ride by PR. and they still do. looking at the rallies, most of the participants were, are Chinese. what’s most disturbing, at least from my point of view, is that its Chinese youth, those below the age 40, these people are the majority attendees of these anti government rallies.

    if we believe that these are the Chinese who will one day play a prominent role in our nation’s political landscape, then we have every reason to be worried. they are a very polarized group. their way of doing things, their mentality, is eerily similar to that of George W Bush’s Its My Way or the Highway.

    as for the UMNO, its high time that it becomes the United Malaysia National Organization. frankly, I don’t believe in Chang Ko Youn’s assertion that BN component parties should all disband and merge into one single multiracial party. instead I would suggest that the other 12 component parties disband themselves and let their members join UMNO, the United Malaysia National Organization.

    1. re: “instead I would suggest that the other 12 component parties disband themselves and let their members join UMNO, the United Malaysia National Organization.”

      Start with hidup segan mati tak mahu MCA and Gerakan. Might as well.

      Other components like PBB no prob. They’re rock solid.

    2. I asked a few of my Chinese staff who voted the first time who they voted for & why.

      Everyone of the 9 said they voted for DAP/PKR.

      Main reason for doing so is “replace corrupt/evil/incompetent government/BN/UMNO”.

      When asked what are the so called acts of corruption/evil/incompetency virtually everyone failed to answer coherently.

      So I asked what exactly are the real reasons for them voting for the opposition. Their response are strangely similar. Among others abolition of PTPTN, lowering of car prices, lower tax rates & increased household/disposable income.

      So I concluded that the younger ones are to naive to understand real economics thus gullible enough to be taken in by the lies peddled to them by the opposition. And the demonization of BN/UMNO seems to be SOP in their propaganda.

      1. Star Goebbels SOP to put BN on the defensive.


        Really The Star is Musang Berbulu Ayam Api Dalam Sekam.

      2. “Among others abolition of PTPTN, lowering of car prices, lower tax rates & increased household/disposable income.”

        in other words, they too want the government to provide them with crutches or as Malays say “tongkat”. see now why I called these people Cina Celop. they are not real Chinese. they are fakes.

        I m not going to pretend that I know a lot of Chinese, but if you ask the older generation of Chinese, the real Chinese, they will tell you, straight in your face, that its a disgrace for them, the older generation of Chinese, the real Chinese to ask for the things that you mentioned i.e abolition of PTPTN, lowering of car prices, lower tax rates & increased household/disposable income.

        1. I paid my student loans in full, have no issues with the tax rates I’m paying nor do I bitch about car prices as I buy what I can afford. Compared to my parents, I’m extremely lucky with the “limited” opportunities afforded me as a Chinese to have an education & build a career.

          All I can say is that too many are crybabies today. When a department manager banned Facebook in the office, she faced a revolt. Needless to say all the other managers closed ranks & did the same despite the dissatisfaction. It left me wondering if these Gen Y kiddos have their priorities right.

                1. It takes one rat to write about the rat infestation in Klang Valley.

                  Based on their Twitter feed, they’ll probably be having a report tomorrow on Malaysians preferring local to imported ones, porn that is.

      3. UMNO leadership is utterly incompetent. For that reason, I will vote PAS. Baru crazies against crazies. That would be good entertainment.

  4. Helen,

    Saya rasa Melayu (dan yang penting UMNO) sudah sedar bahawa orang Cina sudah menolak BN. berilah apa saja. mereka akan ambil tetapi tetap sokong DAP.

    Jadi tak perlu UMNO bersusah payah ambil hati orang Cina lagi. Semoga Najib dah faham. Kalau tak faham, tak jadi masalah. Dia sendiri akan hilang jawatan Presiden UMNO.

    Masalah UMNO ialah ia terlalu berlembut. sekarang DAP berlagak seolah olah dia menang 88 kerusi dan sebaliknya UMNO 38 kerusi.

    Orang melayu tertanya tanya apasal perlu jumpa Dong Zong yang anti melayu sebelum pilihanraya.

    Masalah Najib ialah ia tak faham Melayu. Dia masih tak sedar betapa meluatnya melayu tengok Najib terhegeh hegeh cari dana sekolah Cina di Kuantan. Apa Najib dapat?

    Susu dibalas tuba?

    Sudah sudahlah jatuhkan maruah diri sendiri demi undi cina. Terimalah hakikat yang undi dari tempat seperti Padang benggali (Teluk Air Tawar), Telok Bahang, Pondok Labu (Kulim), Pya Ladang (Chenor), yang pertahankan UMNO dan BN. Bukan yang dari Mont Kiara, Ipoh.

    Orang yang menyokong dipandang sepi. Betul orang cakap. Beri saja jawatan Menteri Pengangkutan pada wakil sarawak. Ambil hati Iban yang sokong BN.

    Mesej yang sama untuk PAS. Lihat betapa kerusi PAS berkurangan. Terus tumbang di Kedah. Orang Melayu tak suka PAS “menyembah” DAP.

    1. re: “Sekarang DAP berlagak seolah olah dia menang 88 kerusi dan sebaliknya UMNO 38 kerusi.”

      Good one.

      Does anyone have any idea what picture we can use to illustrate a poster for the Shamshul’s line?

      1. I don’t know what pic we should use but the analogy would be :

        Arsenal FC finished 4th in the English Premier League yet their players celebrated as if they’ve won the Premiership.

        oh wait, I just found a pic of Arsenal FC players celebrating their 4th place finish. here, take a look.

        I would like to remind people that The Star’s WCW is an Arsenal FC fan. oops ! ha ha ha !

          1. Even though I am Chinese, I would say, stop supporting chinese school. Go for the 1malaysia school. If you see all these ungrateful chinese people, perhimpunan,insulting the kIng? Is this what they learn in school? It’s moral decay and shameful.

            1. The suspect who insulted the Agong commented in English and according to her Twitter profile had studied in Inti private college in Penang (note: Not a uni in Taiwan).

              If they (i.e. the suspect and her friends in the FB thread) were from Chinese school, they’ve have been communicating/writing their FB conversation in hanzi.

        1. He’s probably one of those prawn sandwich brigade kind of fans. Pretend fans more intent on being seen as one rather than actually being one.

          Btw, kesian lah Arsenal FC. Let’s not rub it in too much. I actually feel sorry for them seeing how they seem to self destruct at inopportune times during the season. Then again WCW loves being seen with their jersey, which must be original replica jerseys as he earns to much to degrade himself buying fake ones in Petaling Street.

  5. One thing DAP memang rajin mendaftar ahli dan pengundi baru. MCA dan Gerakan paling malas sekali. Orang Cina MCA dan Gerakan paling malas. UMNO pun rajin daftar pengundi baru.

    Buat malu saja MCA dan Gerakan. Kerusi menang pun kat kawasan Melayu. Subsidi daripada orang Melayu tu pun mahu cakap banyak. Ketua MIC menang lebih 400 undi pun lagi mau langsi.

    Apapun kena tabik Cina DAP rajin daftar ahli dan pengundi. Kita malu tapi apa boleh buat MCA, Gerakan dan MIC tak malu!

    1. Sebenarnya MCA dan Gerakan bukan malas tetapi pasrah. Tahu pun bahawa kalau mereka lah yang tolong mendaftarkan pemilih Cina, undi masih akan diberi kepada DAP.

      Tak beza dengan MCA bagi makan busat. Dema yang menghadiri Mega Dinner lepas makan percuma pankah roket juga.

      Masalah MCA ialah tiada semangat perjuangan yang kental manakala Gerakan terlalu sombong dan bermegah diri.

      Juga MCA terlalu mengejar wang dan sanggup membiar Si Guntingnya buat apa sahaja asal keuntungan tetap ada.

      1. Setuju Gerakan memang terlalu sombong dan bermegah diri, sebelum PRU12, kecoh dua puak dok gaduh kat penang, sapa yang nak jadi CM, tup-tup DAP yang menang! LGE senyap2 curi itu kerusi.

        I was having a great laugh with my mualaf pengyu who is by the way ahli PAS seumur hidup at their follies. Belum bertanding sudah gaduh, tapi DAP cakap tak payah susah kitaorang ambik itu CM. I happens to vote for the Tokong at the time for various reasons.

        Padan muka! Bickering lagi!

        Sama macam PAS sekarang sudah kalah kat Kedah sebelum PRU13 bickering sesama sendiri. Tidak tahu nak pegang amanah rakyat dengan baik dan buat kerja untuk rakyat. Ini nak berebut pangkat.

        Sekarang dah kalah baru nak menangis lepas tu macam Mat Sabu nak tuduh pengundi hantu orang Siam yang dapat wang undi mengundi. Walaupun sememangnya orang Siam tu layak mengundi. Memang pengkhianat bangsa betul geng-geng ni!

        1. re: “kecoh dua puak dok gaduh kat penang, sapa yang nak jadi CM”

          Teng Hock Nan vs Chia Kwang Chye.

          Dalam PRU13, DAP dapat 273,994 undi DUN berbanding Gerakan 66,461 undi.

          Baik Gerakan cepat-cepat bubar. Dah lah presiden dan setiausaha agung diorang pun dah tahu untuk mengundur.

          Sebenarnya kehadiran MCA dan Gerakan menyekat (bukan membantu) usaha BN memerangi DAP.

          1. Dalam PRU13, DAP dapat 273,994 undi DUN berbanding Gerakan 66,461 undi … di Pulau Pinang.

  6. Because the Opposition failed to take power from the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties in JUST ONE EASY STEP, it is very unlikely that the Opposition will succeed in their quest in 2018 the 14th General Elecions. The Opposition failures.

    1997 The DPM could have taken his family to Disneyland and returned in 1998 as the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia. JUST ONE EASY STEP.
    2008 The fun-loving BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties since 2003, was asking to be kicked out. Nothing happened. The billions of ringgits in the foreign financiers. accounts could have bought up 32 seats before the 12th General Elections and repayment could have come out of the wash. It would have cost only RM3.2 Billions (US$1.6 Billions). It would have been cheap by any standards. And written guarantees to all NEMESES. JUST ONE EASY STEP.

    2013. This would have been the easiest of all with a World hungry for excitement without the violence. THE OPPOSITION LEADERSHIP GO ON A 100 DAY HUNGER STRIKE WITH THE 51% POPULAR VOTE BOYCOTTING THE GE AND THE 13TH GENERAL ELECTIONS. The BN would have won 100% of the seats with a 49% vote. The whole World condemned. The Opposition walks into power seamlessly. JUST ONE EASY STEP.

    2018. A landslide victory for the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties. There will be high unemployment in Pulau Pinang and Selangor.

  7. Billionaire cina ratusan orang boleh kumpul bnyk wang beli RM1 ribu ataupun RM5 ribu beli 1 undi melayu kerana org melayu mudah di sogok dgn wan tak kira Pemimpin-Pemimpin cthnya YB-YB kita bnyak berhutang dgn tokey-tokey cina semasa pilihanraya, peg2 kerajaan menyeleweng n menerima rasuah dpd tokey2 cina ma PRU 14 cina akan memerintah Malaysia.

    1. Kerusi Pakatan 15 buah (14 PAS, 1 PKR-Azmin-Gombak) — boleh rujuk

      Juga kerusi-kerusi Umno dan kerusi-kerusi pribumi di Sabah dan Sarawak.

      Kerusi-kerusi yang ada di (margin) sempadan jalur sila tolong plus-minus sedikit. Mungkin ada perbezaan kecil bergantung kepada sumber perangkaan. Saya gunakan perangkaan Utusan dan

      Sesetengahnya – yakni butir pecahan etnik – belum dikemaskinikan kepada statistik 2013 dan masih lagi carry forward pecahan tahun 2008.

  8. re :Statistik PRU13 mengesahkan apa yang sudah lama diketahui umum, yakni DAP adalah parti cap naga

    Helen, macam beras je… betullah, kalau pergi pasaraya beras cap nagalah yang menjadi pilihan kaum China. Patutlah ramai pangkah DAP, makan banyak beras cap naga hihihi

    :D sarah

    1. Beras pun macam roti Gardenia lawan Massimo ke?

      Kalu gitu, orang Melayu suka beli jenama apa?

      1. Melayu suka beli jenama cap yang ada nama malaysia jati, ketupat, udang, masjid, jasmin??? hahaha. Tak kiralah siam ke tak. Kalu tak caya helen, gi pasaraya tengok…. ini bukan BBC or BCL tapi tendency pembelian awal bulan…. Lihat jenama yang melayu dan cina beli, berbeza sekali. Jenama yang ada dalam troli orang cina dan melayu nampak bezanya. Tengok beras dah tahu troli siapa,,,,, Kalau cap tu gambar tokong atau Naga, trolli orang cina. kalau brand tu nama banyak melayu dan campur-campur, trolli orang melayu…hehehe

        :D sarah

  9. Macam macam nak mengdiamkan Dong Zong

    Ambil cikgu/pensyarah dari negeri Cina untuk mengajar Mandarin di MRSM and UiTM. Pastikan mereka beragama Islam – khasnya dari XinJiang. Mudah untuk asimilasi kerana agama mereka Islam.

    Macam macam untuk mertabatkan bahasa Cina di sekolah Cina. Ambil cikgu dari negeri Cina kerana mereka “native speakers”. Kalau mereka taat pada Malaysia berikan mereka kewarganegaraan Malaysia.

    Dong Zong dakwa kerajaan mengabaikan pengajian Cina. Mengambil cikgu dari luar negeri memang memertabatkan bahasa sebab cikgu tadi “native speakers”. Cikgu tempatan yang tak taat ditukar sekolah. Hurray!

    Buat pertukaran pelajar and pensyarah dengan UiTM dengan univeristi di XinJiang untuk semua disiplin. Tak ada masalah asimilasi sebab semua Islam.

  10. Good analysis. I was for one voted not because I fancied Najib or BN in particular UMNO but more to defend the status quo. Malay-Chinese-Indian-Sabahan-Sarawakian relationship is better under BN than PR. I never buy Utusan but The Star (the talam 2 muka newspaper). I befriend Chinese who once a top echelon of Kedah MCA, those lend my understanding of chinese voting trends. Hence, my vote for UMNO and Gerakan in Taiping.

    But I am worried about the polarisation. No more unity in diversity. Only self purpose policy for particular party. But I dream for a strong 2 party system but not the one led by Tokoh Peliwat Negara and Bapa Cina Rasis Malaysia.

    Now I am asking what I could do for this nation? Maybe I will active again in UMNO since I now can cast my vote to elect party’s top positions. This will be my small step initially.

    1. re: “Now I am asking what I could do for this nation?”

      Tolong pantau The Star.

      1. I am not boycotting the Star as a service to the nation. By buying the Scissorati’s mouthpiece I will be able to keep tabs on their conniving & subtle ways to indoctrinate their readers with their Hallelujah messages.

        1. Agree. Special monitors need to buy the paper :) and profit the Star Publications (M) Bhd.

  11. Looking at Turkey now, entah ada entah tidak PRU14. How can we be so sure that the external powers & the power hungry traitors in country will not turn this country into another egypt. Destroyed and then left defenceless to fend for itself in the interest of some bigger political agenda. Who knows if maybe by then China & America dah fed-up with all the backbiting and behind the scene sparring and decide to take it one level up. Who knows!

      1. I read read somewhere that in 1969 the DAP won big and took to the streets to gloat and celebrate. This time DAP won big and their young Chinese supporters also taking to the streets and FB to taunt and insult. There is certainly an ugly pattern here. Is this the DAP culture? Can’t imagine what they will be like when they win federal power.

        The Star Scissoratis fall in the same DAP category of agitators. Stir stir stir until everything erupts in fury and chaos. Their Cafe Latte should be renamed Red Bean Bubble Tea.

        1. re: “Their Cafe Latte should be renamed Red Bean Bubble Tea.”


  12. Thanks. 13 is my lucky number. It is obvious the Opposition will end up with the same number of seats all round in 2018 the 14th General Elections. We are generations away from the next. However, the Opposition lost big simply because they did not wrest power from the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties, and the Opposition has been trying since 1997 ! It is no use for the Opposition digits or cohorts to blow their trumpets. The fact is they lost with the present leadership of 6 distinguished gentlemen and had used up all their cards including the Star and its anti-MCA adherents. How far can the bongo bongo voodoo choral and dancing troupes of Subang Jaya go ? These folks have been unregulated since the mid-1970s after a heathen tycoon had ideas. The forthcoming events of the World and our beloved Malaysia will determine the outcome of the next General Elections in 2018. But the biggest hurdle was the 13th General Elections when the Opposition was in an ‘all balls out’ (a common English saying) situation which got them nowhere. EASY STEPS TO POWER WERE NOT CONSIDERED. The good thing about our beloved Malaysia is that all participants have not descended into violence yet. Hopefully, this will never happen.

    1. re: ” The fact is they lost with the present leadership of 6 distinguished gentlemen and had used up all their cards including the Star and its anti-MCA adherents.”

      Not sure. The Star is now scissoring openly and appears to have dispensed with the subtlety.

  13. Kl kpd selangor.penang kepada kedah. Dong Zong.. diorang ni org malaysia ke. ada sp2 tau asal usul diorang ni. citer skit

  14. Another interpretation of the big loss by the Opposition is that the 6 distinguished gentlemen of the Opposition cannot wait. They missed the last bus home to the land of power, Putrajaya. Time and tide wait for no Man or Woman.

    All the more so that anything the Opposition says sucks because they fail to kick-out the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties legitimately through the ballot box with all the combined fire-power they could gather for the final putsch.

    Mayb it now dawns on some Malaysian politicians that it is better to spend more time at home and tend to the home fires rather than minding other business if any overseas.

  15. good analysis. Hope someone from the BN think-tank (not sure whether there is one) looks into this and create strategies to capture some of this seats and retain existing ones.

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