Posted in Papa DAPster

Guan Eng tuduh Utusan mahu meraikan pembunuhan 13 Mei

“… Utusan Malaysia wanting to celebrate the murder of innocent Malaysians in the May 13 racial riots” — Lim Guan Eng

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Ucapan oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang merangkap Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng kepada 40 Ahli Parlimen dan Adun DAP seluruh Malaysia sempena lawatan sambil belajar mereka ke Pulau Pinang, disiarkan di Kuala Lumpur pada 13 Jun 2013.

Oleh Lim Guan Eng

Filsuf Greek, Aristotle adalah antara yang pertama memperkenalkan perkataan ‘catharsis’ yang telah diertikan sebagai ‘PEMBERSIHAN ATAU PENYUCIAN yang membawa kepada pembaharuan rohani serta kelegaan daripada tekanan’. Rakyat Malaysia juga mesti melalui proses pembersihan ini untuk membawa pembaharuan rohani ke arah menuju kerajaan mesra rakyat yang menghormati demokrasi, kebenaran, kebebasan, keadilan, integriti dan kebajikan sosial.

“DAP parti paling suci kerana ada tokong di dalamnya.” — I.D.Assingkiri

Tentangan BN terhadap pembaharuan rohani untuk semua rakyat Malaysia ini dirintangi oleh kuasa-kuasa ekstrem dan regresif yang diketuai mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad serta Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Hayat politik Malaysia dikuasai oleh orang Melayu dan DAP tidak pernah langsung menuntut posisi Perdana Menteri mahupun Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Begitu pun Mahathir masih boleh memutar belit keputusan pilihan raya umum 2013 kononnya menunjukkan ‘perkauman Cina’ yang dimarakkan oleh DAP bagi memastikan dominasi komuniti tersebut dalam politik Malaysia.

Mahathir dan Umno sedang cuba mengalih perhatian bahawa BN telah kalah undi popular untuk pertama kali dalam sejarah dengan hanya mendapat 47% undi popular berbanding 51% yang dimenangi Pakatan Rakyat; dengan hanya membingkai keputusan dengan bingkai perkauman Cina lawan Melayu. Ini sebenarnya bukanlah sangat keterbahagian demografik tetapi lebih kepada pecahan ruang atau gografi antara bandar dan desa; di mana Pakatan Rakyat menang undi bandar tetapi tewas di luar bandar; merangkumi semua kaum tanpa mengira Melayu, India, Cina, Iban atau Kadazan.

Puak pelampau dalam Umno tidak menghiraukan fakta bahawa masyarakat Cina hanyalah 25% daripada jumlah populasi negara. Kalau pun setiap seorang Cina menyokong Pakatan Rakyat, dari mana datangnya baki 26% undi popular itu? Di Terengganu dengan kurang daripada 5% pengundi Cina, apakah pengundi Cina juga penyebab Umno hampir kehilangan negeri tersebut yang dimenanginya dengan hanya dua kerusi dengan nisbah 17 kepada 15?

Dan kemudian apabila Mahathir mendakwa bahawa hanya Karpal Singh yang dilantik ke Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Pusat (CEC) DAP, adakah Sdr M Kulasegaran, Gobind Singh Deo dan Zairil Khir Johari yang juga dilantik ke dalam CEC juga berketurunan Cina? UMNO sekali lagi menipu bahawa DAP memenangi undi di kawasan majoriti Cina sambil tidak mempedulikan keputusan bersejarah calon Melayu dan Cina DAP yang menang di kawasan majoriti Melayu dengan jumlah majoriti selesa seperti di:

1. Seremban Kerusi Parlimen di Negeri Sembilan dimenangi Sdr Anthony Loke dengan majoriti 12,553 undi atau 53% undi popular di kawasan 44% pengundi Melayu, 14% pengundi India dan 41% pengundi Cina,

2. Raub kerusi Parlimen di Pahang dengan 50% Melayu, 40% Cina 6% India dan 4% lain-lain;

3. Duyong kerusi DUN di Melaka, dengan 50% pengundi Melayu,

4. Mentakab kerusi DUN di Pahang dengan 52% Melayu, 40% Cina, 6% India dan 2% lain-lain; dan

5. Derga kerusi DUN di Kedah dimenangi Tan Kok Yew dengan 1,156 undi, kawasan yang mempunyai 56% Melayu, 39% Cina, 4% India dan 1% kaum lain.

DAP lebih mewakili Malaysia berbanding Umno atau MCA atau MIC dengan mempunyai wakil rakyat dari kalangan Cina, India, Melayu dan Kadazan. Apa yang pasti ialah Mahathir malah rela membunuh Bangsa Malaysia Wawasan 2020 nya demi menurut agenda perkaumannya. Malang sekali, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak rela melihat timbalannya Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin pula membunuh slogan 1Malaysia nya demi menyokong Mahathir.

Umno menggunakan rasisme untuk melepaskan diri daripada menangani punca sebenar BN kehilangan 51% undi popular rakyat Malaysia, sebagai petanda jelas penolakkan terhadap korupsi, kronisme dan salahguna kuasa BN. Rakyat Malaysia dengan tabah berdepan dan mengatasi tindakan-tindakan provokatif seperti boikot yang rasis terhadap produk yang dihasilkan perniagaan orang Cina, memburuk-burukkan orang Cina sebagai musuh orang Melayu, Tan Sri Muhyidin secara terbuka mengancam untuk tidak membantu masyarakat Cina malahan Utusan Malaysia mahu meraikan pembunuhan rakyat Malaysia yang tidak bersalah di dalam rusuhan 13 Mei.

Kita berasa terharu dengan tindakan-tindakan berani ramai orang Melayu yang telah menolak agenda perkauman Umno dan Utusan Malaysia. Kita tidak boleh putus harapan tetapi perlu meneruskan perjuangan menuju semangat pembaharuan untuk Malaysia baru. Ingatlah apa yang filsuf Amerika Eric Hoffer telah katakan, “Tidak kira betapa mulia matlamat sesuatu kerajaan, sekiranya ia mengelamkan tatasusila dan kebaikan, merendahkan nilai nyawa manusia dan membiakkan rasa benci dan saling curiga – itu merupakan kerajaan yang zalim”.

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Malaysian “catharsis” Towards A People-centric Government

Malaysian “catharsis” Towards A People-centric Government That Respects Democracy, Truth, Freedom, Justice, Integrity And Social Welfare.(en/bm/cn)


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62 thoughts on “Guan Eng tuduh Utusan mahu meraikan pembunuhan 13 Mei

  1. Nota:

    Kawasan-kawasan majoriti Melayu yang disebut oleh Guan Eng, iaitu Seremban, Raub, Mentakab dan Duyong adalah kerusi-kerusi di mana MCA telah dikalahkan oleh DAP.

    Di kerusi majoriti Melayu Derga, calon BN-Gerakan ditewaskan oleh calon DAP dalam pertandingan tiga penjuru. Tan Kok Yew (DAP) mengalahkan Cheah Soon Hai (Gerakan) dengan majoriti 1,156 undi.

    Calon ketiga Abdul Fisol Mohd Isa menyertai perlawanan untuk tujuan memecah undi dan beliau berjaya mendapat sebanyak 2,061 undi — jumlah yang mengatasi majoriti kemenangan DAP.

    Baca juga ‘Pecah undi Melayu: Berjasa lwn MCA, Perkasa lwn Gerakan’ dan ‘ISMA akan berjasa melingkupkan MCA ini kali’.

    1. Helen,

      So typical of DAP. So it is not surprising. If 40 years ago, Kit siang blamed Tun Razak on May 13, 1969, Tday his son blames present UMNO leaders on racial tension.

      DAP’s modus operandi is similar to that of PAS. PAS has planted the ideas that it is self appointed Allah’s envoy on this planet. Challenging PAS is deemed as rejecting Islam.

      DAP too plants the idea that only DAP is the genuine voice of Chinese. Other parties (namely MCA) “submits’ to UMNO.

      And DAP is selective. It never ventures outside Chinese majority areas. It never bother to explain why despite claiming to be multiracial, almost all leaders of DAP is Chinese. Karpal is mere a public figure. The real power is with “lim Dynasty”.

      ON ANOTHER NOTE, I can understand why the call for Najib to resign from Ma lay community. Najib is deemed as “tak ambil berat” on slanders thrown at UMNO and Malays,.

      How can Guan eng can say such nonsense with impunity. Reason? As i said earlier, something is not right in AG’s office. Or rather “someone’.

    2. Abdul Fisol Mohd Isa dari BERJASA tiba menonjol dengan kempen sahari sabelu mengundi. Semua Mesjid di tabur risalah mempersoalkan khidmat Dr Cheah Soon Hai selama menjadi ADUN Derga tanpa pertikai DAP yang turut sama bertanding yang mana calunnya tidak dikenali langsung oleh masyarakat Derga. Begitu juga Abdul Fisol. Tiba-tiba dia timbul sebagai calun parti BERJASA yang dikira parti ini sudah mati.

      Kita percaya BERJASA dibeli oleh DAP untuk pecah undi. Jumlah 2,061 adalah undi yang harus diperolehi BN/Dr Cheah. Disini bukan undi populer saperti kata Guan Eng yang diperolehi DAP di Derga, tapi tektik untuk kalahkan calun BN.

      Kemenangan DAP di Derga, Kedah tak perlu dibangga Guan Eng yang kononnya DAP ada juga yang menang dikawasan mejoriti Melayu.Undi Melayu disitu lari kapada BERJASA, parti yang dijual kapada DAP. 2008, kenapa DAP kalah disitu?.

      1. Calon adalah orang Isma yang bertanding atas tiket Berjasa.

        Apapun nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

    3. Trend pengundian orang cina 95% kepada DAP menunjukan DAP hanya mendapat sokongan orang Cina. Its that simple. Undi kepada MCA datang dari Melayu/UMNO yang setia kepada BN.
      Perbezaan majoriti DAP adalah Melayu yang tidak keluar mengundi atau mengundi parti lain seperti Berjasa.

      Ini hanyalah penipuan pemimpin DAP kepada orang cina yang terpinga-pinga bila mereka cuma menang kawasan Cina. Majoriti Melayu masih dengan UMNO dan serpihan sedikit kepada homoseks dengan PKR dan gila zikir dgn PAS.

      Kerana mempercayai Guan Eng, konon Melayu sokong DAP, mereka sekarang keluar ke stadium setiap minggu hehe… sedangkan rakyat duduk rumah tenguk bola.
      Melayu takdenya nak bagi kuasa kepada orang gila homoseks, gila jilat. Takde dia..

      Guan Eng perlu memberi gambaran yang betul kepada orang Cina supaya mereka mencapai kebahagian dalam hidup ini. Jika orang Melyau dn Utusan tak suka orang Cina dan meraikan pembunuhan orang cina maka bukan lebih baik lah Guan Eng menncari jalan untuk orang cina berhijrah. Bukan kah itu leibh positif?

      Perasaan Utusan dan orang melayu kepada pendatang Cina tidak akan berubah tetapi negeri Cina telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang membanggakan. Guan Eng patut mengadakan kelas-kelas menjalani kehidupan semula di PRC bagi orang Cina yang berminat. ini langkah positif. Ini bukan diskriminasi. Ini adalah
      memenuhi naluri Dong Zong yang hendak bertutur Mandarin setiap hari . Apa lagi DAP mahu?

  2. Here we go again. Like always, LGE want to be seen as the greatest leader for all and everyone else was not as per par. What can you say to someone like him is,

    1. Telunjuk lurus kelingkeng bertaut
    2. Kuman di seberang laut nampak gajah didepan mata tidak nampak
    3. Bertanam tebu ditepi bibir

    After all he already

    1. dayung sudah ditangan, perahu sudah di air
    2. dituba sajakah ikan, dijala di jaring bukankah ikan?

    So, it ook likes we will see this type of behaviour for another 5 years. Gosh, another long drama series or telenovela in malaysia politic for another 5 years. New plot everyday it seems.

    :s sarah

    1. Lim guan eng seems to be hailed as ” the leader” by the new generation. Even botak betty chew – the hypocrite catholic who went bald in a buddhist temple is seen as beautiful as jlo nowadays. Oh my, these people they don’t have tastes. Everybody knows dap is behind 13 may. Now they blame umno, tun m and bn.

  3. Why is he cherry picking the seats won by DAP? 5 out of the 40 odd seats won is merely 12.5% & is hardly representative of the big picture. Why not talk about say Chong Chien Jen’s win in Bandar Kuching of which Chinese make up over 90% of the electorate?

    Anyway, are you sure DAP is the holiest of holies due to the presence of an inhouse Tokong? Seems to me the CM in Penang is more Tin Kosong than Tokong. What’s that correlation between noise & an empty can again?

    1. Seremban and Raub are Parliament seats, out of which DAP won 38.

      Mentakab, Duyong and Derga are state seats, out of which DAP won 95.

      The salient feature of all the seats mentioned above is that they are Malay-majority seats (DAP brags winning Malay seats) but they were lost by MCA (4) and Gerakan (1).

      Derga, as mentioned, was affected due to the Malay third candidate deliberately contesting to play spoiler. (Much like Dr Nasir’s predicament in Kota Damansara.)

      The Malay third candidate also contested in Seremban and drew away a lot of votes — 6,866.

      In Duyong, the number of spolit votes (212) was greater than the majority won by DAP (205).

      The entry of the Malay spoiler candidates to draw away votes from the Chinese BN candidate facing off the DAP Chinese candidate is a message to Umno to desist from coddling its non-performing Chinese partners. It signals the ‘silent’ Malay revolt (swingback) which happened in tandem with the Chinese revolt.

      The deliberate creation of three-corner fights also convey a dissatisfaction which is either an anti-Chinese sentiment or a dissatisfaction with Najib’s election strategy and the BN consociational formula.

      Bottomline is that the BN formula will be dead by GE14. It’s hard to imagine that the Umno hardliners will allow Malay-majority seats to be ‘given away’ just to keep MCA and Gerakan afloat.

      1. Since MCA, Gerakan, SUPP & to a certain extent PPP failed miserably, they are theoretically in no position to make any demands the next time round.

        Najib, or whoever leads BN into the next GE must seriously consider giving UMNO a lion share of the seats in WM. The crutches used to prop up the Chinese based parties must be taken off them. With an ever expanding electorate; first timers, those under 40 & urbanites will be expected to vote for PR, thus making the seats in Malay majority areas & rural ones even more important.

        Without tangible reform in governance as well as within the coalition, Guan Eng & co will be preparing to plonk their behinds in their spanking offices in Putrajaya after GE14.

        1. Precisely. In GE14, Umno can no longer afford to bleed Malay seats like the ones LGE listed above lest Tokong & Co get to successfully plonk their behinds in the spanking offices of Putrajaya.

          Thus from now until GE14, no Chinese representation bar Paul & Mary, and from (let’s say) 2018 until 2023, it’ll be a further 5 years of no Chinese representation.

          This whole schematic goes beyond the MCA’s 4 or thereabouts Ministerial positions in Cabinet. We’re talking here about Chinese being shut out for the next decade.

          Being left out in the cold will normalize the public idea that Chinese are not (or no longer) part of the national mainstream.

          1. I’m still keen for a Peter from somewhere, anywhere to join the cabinet so we can have Peter, Paul & Mary. Guitar playing skills would be nice but if unable to, still OK as long as can pretend to strum the guitar.

            Jokes aside, I felt back then that CSL was a good war leader for MCA. He seemed bullish & made the right noises. He even took on LGE on 2 debates which I honestly can’t see OTK or OKT doing. Even his threat (or some say promise) to sit out of the admin if they did worse struck the right chords for me.

            But the way OTK was treated as well as the disciplinary action mooted against Tee Siew Keong & now the about turn on accepting positions has changed my views of him drastically. Whether or not he steps down immediately or at the party’s election is a moot point. The more pertinent issue is his perceived pettiness & wavering stance.

            As for Gerakan, the rot had well & truly set in. I can’t fathom why Tan Keng Liang was not even fielded. Seriously, try naming a higher profile Gerakan leader especially after his spirited defence of the country on Twitter during the Lahad Datu siege.

            SUPP’s reinvention lies in the hands of Richard Riot, a dayak since he’s currently a vice president, a federal minister & the only MP from the party. Getting the member’s support is a whole different ballgame though. Sadly, I suspect he will fail to gain the support of the overwhelmingly Chinese members. After all, SUPP has been in a leadership flux since George Chan lost his state seat in 2011.

            To summarize, every one of these parties have a vacuum of some sorts in their leadership hierarchy. Unless & until it is sorted, their heads will not be in the right place to join the administration. They would do well to sort their houses out first. After all, after the overwhelming rejection of the community, shouldn’t the people’s voice be respected? Consider this a time out to revamp, reinvent, refresh but don’t recycle. Maybe, just maybe, if done right, they’ll have an inkling of a chance in GE14.

            1. re: “now the about turn on accepting positions”

              CSL’s earlier statement on the reconsideration was apparently in response to Donald Lim. Methinks his personal stance is ‘No’, hence the action on Johor’s TSK.

              Since you have a head for business, pls do look into the Matang issue and help enlighten us. What’s going on there? It’ll give us a better pix of the Prez and what he’s up to.

              re: “I can’t fathom why Tan Keng Liang was not even fielded”

              Dunno about Gerakan at Kedah level but from the national candidates for Parliament, I’ve noticed that while the Gerakan 2008 slate was all Chinese, the party nominated a good number of Indians for 2013.

              The large(ish) number of Indian candidates that Gerakan put up to contest is disproportionate to the number of Indian high office holders in the party. My guess is that Gerakan had calculated that its Chinese leaders were not “winnable candidates”.

              A good option might be for Gerakan to gulung tikar so that 90 percent of its members can exodus to DAP where their heart is, and the remaining 10 percent such as TKL co-opted into the BN and given bigger roles to play. TKL would be formidable and I wish he could be given the chance to prove his mettle.

              1. Ah, the share swap. Yet another fire CSL is fighting.

                Well, the Scope-Matang issue was a share swap cum asset injection cum reverse takeover exercise. Here’s a brief explanation on the 3 elements.

                1. Share swap

                Matang shareholders will be granted 4833 Scope shares for every 1000 Matang shares they own. To accomodate this share swap, a new share issue is instituted with each Scope share being valued at RM0.25.

                2. Asset injection

                While Scope issues new shares, their shareholders will not get any shares in return from Matang. In order to settle the price considerations for these newly issued shares, Matang will inject their assets in the form of cash reserves of RM25m & their 1k+ hectares oil palm plantation into Scope.

                3. Reverse Takeover (RTO)

                As Huaren owns approximately 10.5% of Matang, they will eventually own around 5.5% of Scope with their newly issued shares. This exceeds Bursa’s threshold of 4.2% short term shareholding increase which immediately puts the onus on the shareholder to issue an RTO proposal. Thus, Matang will be expected to RTO Scope upon completion of the share swap.

                Just another tidbit on these two companies. Scope has been suffering losses in the last few years bleeding around RM1m annually. Matang on the other hand is debt free, has cash reserves of RM25m & has been declaring a small but steady operational profit annually.

                The reason why so many MCA members were taking umbrage with this proposal was because CSL went ahead with his support for the share swap without calling for an EGM.

                His logic was that while Huaren was a major shareholder, they only control a little over 10% of the company thus the need for other shareholders to vote for or against the proposal.

                This was then said to be an asset stripping exercise. How that can be is debatable of course since there’s no personal connection between MCA leaders & Scope. CSL’s reasons for supporting the deal is that Matang will then be a listed company & gain shares in another listed company without having to sell any of their shares.

                The EGM voted overwhelmingly against the proposal. That in turn has had a devastating effect on Scope. Scope was trading as high as RM0.45 is the last 6 months. Prior to the EGM, it traded around RM0.31-0.35. As a result of the resounding no to the proposal, it fell to around RM0.18 & is currently hovering at about RM0.20-0.22.

      2. helen,

        Precisely. What happened in Alor Setar serves as a reminder to UMNO. No doubt in Alor Setar, the Malay candidate was viewed not as a serious contender. But it shows that Malays too are not happy that the candidate in Malay area is from MCA.

        UMNO would have won the seat had it put UMNO candidate.

        No point in “bailing” dying party., Now is not the time to be charitable. especially when you are under relentless onslaught.

      3. The way ISMA voiced their campaign, it seems to me it was more about displeasure to MCA. Two big issues related to this is the way MCA ‘play’ the hudud issue and moral issue of DS CSL.

        They feel that in Muslim majority area, it should be represented by Muslim MP. While it is a fair argument, to me it is a polictically naive move. ISMA should understand the rationale, why BN is fielding Non-malay Muslim in those constituencies.

  4. Who’s in control of the dream machine that made 90% of the Chinese rose up early on May 5th to cast their vote in favour of DAP/Pakatan? None other than…

  5. Guan Eng is largely discredited as a politician and administrator except in the eyes of a mentally challenged, inferiority complexed ethnic whose ‘opium pedlar plus pimp and whore’ origins require no further intellectual elucidation.

    Discredited? Yeah, ask him 3 simple ones:

    a. the naked Bukit Relau in Penang : with no action one month after its balding. And have the gall some more to upbraid rescue efforts and the Utusan.

    b. ask him about the King of Tennis fiasco and Arianna Teoh in 2008 – the echoes of which are strongly redolent in (a). Yet again another NATO = No Action Talk only smoke and mirrors exercise

    c. Ask him about the 6 dead Chung Ling boys off the sea in Weld Quay who had to train in open waters when the Teluk Bahang dam had been gazetted as venue for boat races and practice and when RM850,000 been allotted for safety buffering as per the 2010 PBA report. Sounds crazy right, you allocate 850K for safety and yet shift the venue to the dangerous open seas. Why not call for a RCI with Guan Eng and Danny Law (ADUN Batu Lanchang) as star witnesses.

    and there are many other issues especially those spurious claims pertaining to FDIs, growth figures, hardcore poverty, housing etc etc etc.

    I wont waste time anymore on this thickskulled kaffir pig, though. Its soul is not worth redeeming and probably beyond redemption in any case as are many in the goddamn DAP

    But now I would like to turn my guns on you…yes on you..

    Any, blog worth its salt would know that freedom of expression is key to understanding issues, dissecting policy, analyzing data or proposing alternatives. And that freedom includes using obscenity as well as obscenity is very much part and parcel of our social fabric as nasi lemak, roti canai, or even a western breakfast is now. Thus to delete my comments on an earlier thread on the grounds of obscenity bespeaks lowly of your intellect.That the other side marshals obscenity as a tool is widely known and well tolerated. And it makes me laugh when some bloggers begin to take it upon themselves to behave like some social censor of a punkah wallah – no..that’s not obscene ;) – on grounds that kids will read the blog and by default social mores will crumble…..hahahahahaha (ROFLMAO). Kids have acres of cyberspace real estate to trawl and pick the choicest, and juiciest morsels of obscenity that catches their fancy. No well meaning person can police the net and to affect policing rights on one’s blog is laughable. Might as well shut down the comments section, if you cant stand the fire or better still activate restrictive access if you dont want this to be a public park where the elite and the riffraff and whoever and whatever in between can exchange intellectual smooches at their whimsy. For to pull the ‘my blog’ thingy would be a tad to lame when social media is what is…social not anti-social……

    I will leave you with this gem from Kurt Vonnegut about his brilliant ‘MF’ invention in ‘Slaughterhouse Five’:

    “Ever since that word was published, way back in 1969, children have been attempting to have intercourse with their mothers. When it will stop no one knows.” (‘Fates Worse than Death’).

    Contemplate that as you finger the ……….fried chicken….hahahahahahahahahahahaha

    1. re: “And that freedom includes using obscenity as well as obscenity is very much part and parcel of our social fabric as nasi lemak, roti canai, or even a western breakfast is now.”

      No. You do not have the freedom of your torrent of obscenities here.

      re: “Thus to delete my comments on an earlier thread on the grounds of obscenity bespeaks lowly of your intellect.”

      No. It bespeaks that my intellect is not amenable to your torrent of obscenities.

      re: “That the other side marshals obscenity as a tool is widely known and well tolerated.”

      Then let the other more tolerant side publish your torrent of obscenities.

      1. I support you for having both intellect and principles, Helen.

        I have voted for DAP in all the previous GEs, except the last one. The reason I did not do so was because it seems to me that they were prepared to abandon their principles, and sacrifice truthfulness in their blind lust for power.

        The obscenities spewing out from their hardcore supporters further reinforced my opinion of them as a party that has lost its way. Although they may say they have no control over the actions of their supporters, the kind of supporters you attract do serve to paint a picture of yourself.

        1. Dei stop munching lies in public for a change, will ya? Why not come out your dark closet and confess your darkest secrets……that you are a DAP fanboy.

          2008 DAP was only slightly better than the 2013 version. And 69 should have taught you better. So don’t give us blarney of having voted Barisan. As they say once a bin dipper, always a bin dipper…now jump off your high horse and let it gallop away free of its hypocritical load. Maybe, that act of kindness will set you free!

        2. Veritas….*sigh* Unfortunately, unlike you, most of the DAP voters are still blinded by the party’s lies and manipulation.
          These days, I don’t know who I detest more, Anwar or Guan Eng…

      2. “No. It bespeaks that my intellect is not amenable to your torrent of obscenities.”

        i think u r wrong helen, it bespeak u dont use unnecessary words to convey a simple message. It bespeak u dont use jargon and obscenities to conceal yr lack of good writing skills. it bespeak u dont partaking in such archaic and unnecessarily convoluted sentences to ‘sound good’. it bespeak u dont favour one whose stereotypical response is to launch into a shower of useless verbiage that says in 10 sentences what could have been said in 1.

        1. HY

          Thanks for admitting that you are mentally challenged by simple English.

          re : “i think u r wrong helen, it bespeak u dont use unnecessary words to convey a simple message. It bespeak u dont use jargon and obscenities to conceal yr lack of good writing skills. it bespeak u dont partaking in such archaic and unnecessarily convoluted sentences to ‘sound good’. it bespeak u dont favour one whose stereotypical response is to launch into a shower of useless verbiage that says in 10 sentences what could have been said in 1.”

          Answer: Please avoid using bombast, jargon, obscenities, archaic-ism and gobbledegook to convey your opinions to avoid showing off or hide your lack of good writing skills.

          See HY, I said your 4 rants in 1!!! (4 flies in one blow!!!). Sure made it short and simple for morons, hahahahahahaha

  6. I give up. Its hard arguing against the moral police especially when they are so into stonewalling unpalatable aspects of life to shield themselves from the unpleasantness of it all. You know like turning the other cheek to placate your indignance. Temporary band aids for permanent psycho scars.

    Inadequate exposure to realia, a cocooned existence, penny wise and pound foolish, soft stomach for harsh realities, I dunno. But it is this holier than thou attitude and the one sided self disarmament that helped, to a certain extent, dismember the Barisan.

    Obscenity is a shock to the system, silly. It creates a response either it further engenders hatred or it starts the recipient thinking, ( hey why is he calling an ar#$*&^%$#). Trigger that in 2 0r 3 of 10 and you already making some headway in a gaggle of douches.

    The closest absurdity to this self defanging in the political world, I can recall, is Labour Party’s Michael Foot’s intransigent and indefatigable adherence to nuclear disarmament and cruise missile rejection during the height of the Cold War in early 80s Britain. Luckily, the Brits had Thatcher ( no fan of hers) in control.

    If one is engaged in an existentially political as well as moral war against a determined enemy, one needs to marshal every resource at hand not cut one’s arm off to mollify one’s face as face-saving gesture. The Yanks had no qualms at dropping their nukes on Japan as do the red Bean army on everything Malay. And we are supposed to disarm ourselves in this bunker and await a gentlemanly slaughter. What crap the BN side of the cyberwar must be preaching!!.

    Say what, its your blog and I respect that for I have no right to impose. But it would be good if you can take those blinkers off, smell the napalm and puke on your principles for a change. If you cant do that, get a pacifier and suck the angst away or even better hire Haris Ibrahim as obscenity watcher….hahahahaha.

    Fighting the cyberwar with sticks and arrows is not my game…I guess I will open my blog where everyone can frolic and hurl barbs at the other side, no hold barred. Sort of fight liberal hooey with liberal angst………. now thats something worth contemplating about…

    Finally, about this though:.

    “Then let the other more tolerant side publish your torrent of obscenities”

    Response: No, nutter, they wont do that simply because it is aimed at them!!!

    Thanks for the laughs though.

    1. His tactics are repetitive:

      1. Attack is the best defense.
      2. Everybody else not with me are ‘rascists’.
      3. I can do no wrong.

      1. His tactics are lame:

        1. Defend to death literally will I. I will hunker down underneath my bed and wait passively for the Huns to breakdown the door and drag me pliant to the bonfire.

        2. Everybody else not Chingkie are racists.

        3. I can do no right ( might as well give up my ghost and all pretense)

    2. I do concur with Warrior231 on the gutter-bit. Perhaps some people are turned off or distracted by obscenities. Not everyone enjoys that kind of banter.

      “fight liberal hooey with liberal angst” – good one!

  7. This is so should anything happens (spurred by their chauvinism, and the resulting response to it by hardliners malays), DAP already have a convenient scapegoat. Bersih sudah tangan diaorang.

  8. Hello warrior 231… you are talking cock man. Go speak to your fellow warriors, the read beans lah. I am sure they will tolerate and uphold your obscenities as they have this “rightheous than thou attitute” like you. Fly kite.

    Helen, you are doing a great job upholding the truth, unbiased, intelellligent, no-fear type of postings. Keep it up, Sis. Let not the keyboard warriors worry you.

    Kak Mar

    1. Re: you are talking cock man

      Spot the obscene word in there.

      Aw come on,give us a break will yah. Its a pussy like you pretending to be a tiger that makes me wanna laugh and puke in one go.

      And calling a clearly “partisan” blog “unbiased” is laughable. If you masquerade yourself as something you ain’t, do not expect credibility to fall heads in heels for you.

      This is not a war for kids, Sis Mar. If you don’t have the guts for it, stay in your playpen and fiddle with them toys instead of throwing them outta your pram here. Better, write a fantasy check to yourself and cash it out at reality bank to see whether it bounces.

      Kids spending their daylights and nightimes reading a so-po blog and picking up dirty words, now that”s a funny one.

      Do not ever blame circumstance if the cyber war is lost or worse bitch about the opposition’s unethical tactics when everyone knows full well that everything’s fair, foul and game in love and war, yeah any war.

      So Sis Mar and the rest of the hoightytoighty ‘principled moral ilk’, wrap yer selves in them blankets, draw them curtains close, and make sure the door is well sealed lest the cold draught gets in before you drift into your la la make believe puny world, where all things are warm, nice and peaceful with daddy and mummy up and about…….hahaha. What a load of bull from humbugs.

      P/s : virtual quiz: the good folks of the Church of Our Sister Helen, can you spot two dirty words in my response.

      1. warrior – what’s your true agenda in helen’s blog? has it become your life mission to tell people in here that they should use vulgar words in their war against their nemesis in the cyberworld?

        you have good points in your comments to the topics being discussed and you should continue to do just that. but i dont understand why it ticks you so much when helen refuses to allow extreme obscenities in your comments.

        does posting vulgar, obscene words excite you so much? that you could not produce good comments unless you drop vulgar words here and there in your comments?

        you tell people to grow up, but i think you should look at yourself first.

          1. Warrior whatever sounded pussy pretending to be a tiger to me. better attempt next time though some digression once in a while i can partake. Once a while only Helen.

            1. Folks the virtual Quiz is over per my 9.44am comment.

              The answers start with p—- and b—- (if your soft, sensitive, socially deformed minds consider them obscenities. What weaklings, nak perang DA’Pig konon!! hahahahaha)

              1. Yeah Warrior, it is rather unfortunate that Helen avoids answering some relevant questions. She is also showing her true Malaysian colours when she rejects 1Sekolah.

                1. re: “She is also showing her true Malaysian colours when she rejects 1Sekolah.”

                  Look to your right in the sidebar — see the “Aku Cina” tag.

                  I’ve got a year-and-a-half’s worth of postings in this blog. You can check out for yourself if ever I have draped myself in loud Malaysian colours like the Firsters are addicted to doing.

                  But unlike them, I endeavour to use BM and I unwaveringly promote the martabat of bahasa kebangsaan.

                  You asked me: “So are you on board for national reconciliation vis-a-vis 1Sekolah?”

                  And I replied to you: “Nope. I want Chinese school to continue.” Isn’t it a clear enough answer? :)

                    1. I gave you a smiley what.

                      Tun Daim in an interview said:

                      “Many a time, governing a country such as multi-ethnic Malaysia is akin to walking the tightrope, almost half the time is spent on maintaining balance on the wire,” he said.

                      Can you see that I’m also walking a tightrope in this blog? I’m maintaining my balance on the wire engaging with a largely Malay readership while trying to put across the things that are closest to our Chinese hearts, like the SRJK (C).

                  1. Hehe

                    I was referring to the request for your justification of why the MCA chinese (Buddhist) voted for DAP (evangelists) – which you politely refused.

                    And also the role of vernacular schools in modern Malaysia. In pre-merdeka days, the British had the aim of sending BACK these imported labour to their countries of origin.

                    Then when the Malays granted FOC citizenship to a million stateless peoples, they became Malaysians overnight. That was a loooooong time ago.

                    Why still the need for PASSAGE OF RETURN?

                    Jangan marah lah.

                    1. :) Indeed, two excellent questions.

                      Actually, I do have my own personal opinion with regard to them. However as one single individual, I can’t answer for 7.5 million Chinese.

                      Your question on why MCA Chinese (Buddhist) voted for DAP (evangelists) should be directed at the source themselves, and we should try to push this question at a public level and hold the MCA accountable.

                      And no lah, why ever would I marah a smart commenter? There’s no sarcasm when I say this. We both know and acknowledge that your questions cut to the chase ,)

        1. Its simple, Setem

          As Simple Simon would say ” If people don’t wanna use obscenities, its their right as it is their right too if they want to”

          So I am simply saying ‘ don’t ban valid comments on silly grounds simply because they contain obscenities when you are purportedly for freedom of expression. The two don’t gel unless you are a hypocrite.

          See that is a simple summation of my simple argument. Hope the simple folks here get that.

          1. Ini contoh tipikal orang PKR, nak tuntut keadilan bagi diri dia tapi tak tau nak beri keadilan pada orang lain.

            Ataupun mungkin juga tipikal orang DAP… Angkuh, sombong dan bongkak. Hanya tahu fikir tentang diri sendiri, tak tau fikir perasaan orang lain.

            Kamu nak masuk rumah Helen, respect le sikit kat dia. Tak payah le nak mencarut2 kalau dia tak suka. Takkan yang tu pun tak boleh fikir?

            1. Woi, kalau tak nak oghe carutmarut, senang aje, tutup blog ini kepada khalayak. Letak tanda ‘penceroboh akan ditembak” atau seumpama itu.

              Ini tidak, wat ala2 open house, tak dak pun dasar anti carut, tuptup aku mulakan, melenting pulak.ini dasar apa? Cina bukit yang pelihara babi pun tahu letak tanda penembak apakan daya seorang blogger picisan tak leh wat gitu.

              Kebebasan bersuara maksudnya itu jugak lah. Dan media sosial pun maksudnya itulah, sosial. Kalau nak dok tepi pantai, jangan komplen pasai ombaklah. Dan kalau nak berperang dengan palat DAP etc, mesti lengkap senjata. Kelak jangan pulak komplen kalah perang siber, kerana pihak lain main kotoq. Itu alasan oghe bengap.

                1. Dah fikiran pun kelam kabut macam nicknya, susahlah manusia bahlol faham bahasa mudah

          2. Helen’s message to you is simple, mr warrior; “When in Gelang Patah, do what the Gelang Patahan does!”.

            Simple enough for you, eh?

      2. warrior231 ape la yang ko mengarut nih.. buang masa btui

        kindly please stop comment. (just dont leave any comment. yes. seriously. i mean it. just stop)

  9. Kak Helen… i shudder to think that such opposition leaders like LGE do exist… i like your political analysis better than LGE… BN should have you as their political consultant… :D

  10. people should stop blaming the Chinese. the Malays who have been going about saying that the Chinese are responsible for BN’s bad showing in GE13 should look at the mirror and ask themselves why the majority of Chinese, and an increasing number of the Malays as well as the Indians, are moving into the opposition’s camp.

    ask why those urban Malays voted for Pakatan. ask why those urban Indians voted for Pakatan. people are not interested in all this Aku Janji stuff anymore. as our citizens become better educated, as they have more platforms to access information, they know that it is not about what promises the government can, should make.

    issues like fighting corruption, urban planning, education, they can no longer be paddled around as goodies. promises to win votes. these are the responsibility of the government, it is what government exists to do. in other words it is the function of government.

    the BN must realize that it is losing the support of even the Malays, especially the urban Malays. even in states like Terengganu, where a lot of Malays still dwell in rural areas, BN is also losing support. I wonder this, after GE13, when will BN wake up to this reality ? I still ask this question today. when will BN wake up ? when ?

    as for Sabah and Sarawak, I see the same scenario. as they become ever more urbanized, BN is losing more support. to paint urban inhabitants as anti establishment is wrong. people ask questions, you provide them with answers. yet what did BN people do ? accuse people of being pro opposition for asking questions that bring discomfort to the government.

    my advice is, when people ask you questions, invite them over, explain the issues. is that too difficult to ask of this government, or any other government ?

    as for fighting the opposition’s lies and slander, its not too difficult. vigilance is the first step. be vigilant. if issues crop up, respond quickly, promptly. nip it in the bud as they say.

    if the issues continue to fester, invite people making the allegations to substantiate their claims. the government has control over the mainstream media’s various tools, organs.

    I believe that we should invite more opposition MPs, ADUNs to appear on national television. these people are known for making wild, baseless, unsubstantiated allegations, claims. invite them. provide them with a platform. put them under the spotlight, pressure them. they will crack. isn’t this a better way of rebuking, rebutting their lies and slander ?

    1. re: “the government has control over the mainstream media’s various tools, organs.”

      Heh-heh-heh. MCA is no longer a part of the government. The MCA-owned media left the Gomen House even earlier … some years ago.

      1. RTM and Media Prima. with regards to RTM, the government has mismanaged it big time. Media Prima, with its reach, too should have done better.

        I hope the stations under RTM, Media Prima would come up with shows where, as I have said, PR MPs and ADUNs are invited to present their case and let the people judge for themselves. a town hall like format would be great.

        so now I ask. RTM, Media Prima, are you up for it ?

        1. I think rtm especially come with PG rating. Thus political debate featuring fiction, fairytale, slander and verbosity bordering on vulgarity could only be shown after the babies are sleeping. If ever.

    2. International Jew,

      I m not so sure about UMNO losing urban Malay support. I live in Ampang. In the last election, BN(UMNO) I believe got approximately 70 to 80% of Malay votes.

      But as Ampang has approximately 45% non Malays, and they tilted in favour of PKR, BN lost.

      BN lost quite a number of urban seats although it was able to capture the lion share of Malay votes in urban area. To say it is losing urban Malay support is misleading.

  11. “people should stop blaming the Chinese. the Malays who have been going about saying that the Chinese are responsible for BN’s bad showing in GE13 should look at the mirror and ask themselves why the majority of Chinese, and an increasing number of the Malays as well as the Indians, are moving into the opposition’s camp.”

    Have you actually looked at the statistics?

    UMNO Won additional 10 seats showing that the Malays have moved their support to UMNO over PAS and PKR.

    In Areas where Malays are majority, MCA and Gerakan still gets the Malays support.

    PAS has lost a number of seats and so do PKR.

    In area where PAS and PKR have won, they actually have been supported by the Chinese not because they like them but that is their strategy to oust UMNO out.

    It is fair now to say that the Chinese has supported DAP whereas the Malays are with UMNO.

    The issue that really upsets everyone here (the pro UMNO/BN) is when the opposition and the CINA DAP claimed that they promote color blind politics yet in Gelang Patah the CINA DAP still voted for LKS (who has done ZILCH in Pasir Gudang and this country except his infamous May 13 involvement) over Ghani Othman (Who have supported the CINA DAP and the Johorean all this while).

    It has been said and discussed over and over again by many pre and post PRU13 that “the Battle of Gelang Patah” is the PH test of the CINA DAP sincerity about color blind politic. I have commented so many times and in various blogs over this issue that UMNO/BN has played smart by pitching Ghani Othman vs LKS in Gelang Patah i.e. there is no doubt that LKS will win but it is a win-win situation for UMNO; if Ghani win, it shows that yes that the CINA DAP is really color blind politics otherwise We the MALAY know ” SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK” .







    1. Dear lol

      Years of communism ingrained in the chinese the respect for tough authority which is why the Malays’ preference for soft approach (read that as lembik for Najib) is USELESS against them.

      The Malays must learn to handle them by their own rules. Ah Jib Gor’s (yukks) learning curve MUST be very steep. He just got slapped red by the chinese tsunami.

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