Posted in Dosa Umno

Najib’s desperation is showing

BN today announced that they are accepting two mosquito parties – Persatuan India Malaysia and Parti Punjabi Malaysia – as their new associate members. Read the rest of the report in Umno Online.


The parties already sheltering under the BN associate umbrella are as below:

Ahli Bergabung Barisan Nasional

So the induction of today’s toothy twosome into the BN Hall of Fame brings the ruling coalition’s various Indian components to a grand total of seven.

  1. Persatuan India Malaysia (new)
  2. Parti Punjabi Malaysia (new)
  3. Malaysian Indian United Party (headed by Anwar’s erstwhile tennis buddy S. Nallakaruppan)
  4. Indian Progressive Front / IPF (an MIC splinter party)
  5. Parti Makkal Sakti (founded by a breakaway Hindraf-ian)
  6. MIC
  7. PPP (a full member party, “multiracial” but dominated by Indians)

laughing cat


Nonetheless this “the more the merrier” joining of the club is no laughing matter to BN chairman Najib Razak.

The Umno president and his men are taking the entry of Persatuan India Malaysia and Parti Punjabi Malaysia into BN with deadly seriousness. Look at their faces in the photo below, during the important announcement.

With this, more senatorships and Datukships will be rolled out to the Indian bit players. MIUP’s Nalla is a Datuk cum Senator, while Makkal Sakti’s Thanenthiran was given a Datuk title.



Heh heh heh heh …

Does anyone doubt that the current development is an attempt at damage control in the wake of Waytha Moorthy’s departure from the Najib administration?

In the first place, Najib lacked wisdom in allowing the Hindraf MoU to break down.

Sorry to say this but the PM reminds me of a pinball machine.

He’s like the gleaming silver ball that boings from one spot to another on the pinball console in his dealing with the crises that keep cropping up.

The problem is Najib has too many consultants, advisors and gatekeepers. Worst of all, he has Dapster Khairy on his back*.


To understand the “Khairy on Najib’s back allusion”, please read Kadir Jasin’s recent blog posting ‘A monkey on my back‘ which talks about KJ.

POSTSCRIPT: Connection to Datuk Kadir’s blog appears to be still problematic. If so, please use a proxy server or other alternative routes. 

(330 words)


Dapster Khairy challenged to show what good he’s ever done


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

69 thoughts on “Najib’s desperation is showing

  1. attempt at damage control in the wake of Waytha Moorthy’s departure ? wasn’t the damage done when Waytha Moorty join the BN cabinet? Punjabi also prays to Allah but no controversy. Najib what says you?

    1. re: “wasn’t the damage done when Waytha Moorty join the BN cabinet?”

      I thought it was a bold stroke.

      His father Tun Razak similarly did the unexpected when he flew to Beijing to meet Mao Zedong, and following which the BN (newly replacing the disbanded Alliance) won handsomely in the 1974 general election, obviously through securing enough Chinese support that was earlier lost in the 10th May, 1969 election. In the 1974 election, MCA won 19 Parliament seats to the DAP’s 9.

      Unfortunately, while Tun Razak managed to successfully pull off his out-of-the box manoeuvre, the son floundered.

      Najib should have adopted the alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan approach. Against much internal objections, he offered the olive branch to Hindraf which was accepted. Thereafter he should have gone all out to make the Blueprint a success and prove all the detractors wrong.

      Waytha was correct to say that Najib lacked the political will to see it through. If we want to see a demonstration of political will, then look at the way Dr M imposed the currency peg in defiance of the entire international community. Even world renowned economists like Joseph Stiglitz eventually came around to Dr M’s view that it was the ‘correct’ measure to take at the time.

      If the Hindraf MoU had been signed under the Mahathir stewardship, Dr M would have seen to it that the follow-through was carried out regardless of all the critics heckling, jeering and putting obstacles in the path.

      1. Blueprint a success? The blueprint is just to endorsed billion ringgits to Wathya plans, it also disaster in the first place.

        There are many Indians successful in Malaysia and why many of them also lagged behind? Why Chinese so successful? Why many Malays also lagged behind.

        Honestly, not taking religions in the context, Chinese work hard to change to be successful. There are many successful Chinese where their ancestor earn a living kutip botol, beli paper lama and so on when the malays be happy go lucky and Indians with the todi syndrome. Blame the government as they never do anything good.

        Also Dong Zhong defend Chinese school because of Quality education even its medium is in Chinese while what do Sekolah Pondok, Tamil or even kebangsaan generates beside those ustazs and Estates worker? I am for one Malaysian school and closed down others but it must be of high quality. Tun Razak is a brainy and not dependent on so many foreign and local consultants not like his bellowed son Ah Gib Gor or Najib as he is known.

        1. re: “Blueprint a success?”

          The Blueprint was never given a chance to take off. Before it can grow legs, already so many detractors swinging their axes.

          re: “The blueprint is just to endorsed billion ringgits to Wathya plans, it also disaster in the first place.”

          Waytha’s plans are to uplift the poorest of the Indians. Are they invisible to you? It was agreed that their budget for 2014 was to be RM750 million but if you deduct the allocations for Tamil schools and Tekun separately announced, then the Hindraf budget comes to RM585 million.

          Khairy’s Ministry has a budget of RM754 million this year enabling the Minister to holiday in Manchester-Dublin-Wembley-London at the current moment, and not to mention taking his secretary Regina Lee to the Sea Games.

          So the RM754 million to be spent on KJ’s many “awesome projects” (according to his secretary’s tweets) this year are all marvellous, excellent plans is it, compared to helping the most marginalized Indians get out of the poverty trap?

          re: “There are many Indians successful in Malaysia and why many of them also lagged behind?”

          There are also many Malays successful in Malaysia. So why you all still insisting on ‘NEP’ for Malays? And all the preferential policies and protection?

          re: “Indians with the todi syndrome. Blame the government as they never do anything good.”

          I’m not saying that todi is not a problem but nonetheless it serves as a convenient excuse for the government’s criminal neglect. Blame the victim.

          You can see a parallel in the Aborigines of Australia who also fill the jails. Remember that former Australian PM Kevin Rudd APOLOGIZED to the aboriginal people, meaning that the government of White Australia acknowledged that it (successive administrations) had historically wronged its minority.

          Najib apologized too.

          I believe he was sincere in his intentions on the Blueprint. But he did not have the “testicular fortitude” to see it through.

          1. ‘I believe he was sincere in his intentions on the Blueprint. But he did not have the “testicular fortitude” to see it through.’

            Bukannya Najib yang tak menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan (dalam kes Waytha saja la…) tapi Waytha yang tidak mengenggam bara biar sampai jadi abu!

        2. …Dong Zhong defend Chinese school because of Quality education..

          My younger siblings all from SJKC, tak quality macam mana pon compared to us from Missionary schools or even the National schools. Lucky for them they got good coaching from home so they caught up very fast when they joined the SMKs.

          Ini semua Dong Zhong dongeng tok kaduk.. once their kids join SMK their PMR or SPM results, tak ke mana owh, majority are fit only to enter Chinese based Unis in Singapore or Taiwan!

          Yg lain2 sekadar tahap Teresa Kok aje..

          1. Re Ini semua Dong Zhong dongeng tok kaduk.. once their kids join SMK their PMR or SPM results, tak ke mana owh, majority are fit only to enter Chinese based Unis in Singapore or Taiwan!

            Singapore and Taiwan universities accept only the best among these kids, which means only a small percentage of them, not more than 1% are accepted yearly. That really says a lot of what Singapore and Taiwan universities think of these kids.

            Those who cannot get into Singapore and Taiwan universities, they look for ways to get into local private colleges. If even these local colleges reject them, that’s it for them. So that’s why nowadays many of these kids end up selling counterfeits while the lucky few can fall back on their parents’ family business i.e working at the family owned grocery stores.

            1. Met some Malay parents who send their kids to SJKC.. From our family experience I advised them to pull their kids out and revert to SK – merugikan kecuali kalau sekadar nak belajar Malaysian Mandarin.. kids can easily learn (other language) when the enter colleges.

              Yg dari SJKC like my younger siblings, peluang nak masuk sekolah2 terpilih sangat tipis sekali..

              1. Helen my final comment. Najib in the first place should not emulate Hishamuddin apologetic manner. Why want to copy the Australian Minister? BN have done so much to all races in Malaysia especially during DR M era, yes there are room for improvement.

                Hindraf Wathya is not sincere, you know the Hindraf guy who ran away to London and leave his colleague to face the price. Indians now should look at ways on how to drink the quality red wine rather than todi.

                As for the Dong Zhong to my surprise on the quality of the Chinese School as commented by some then why is Government still kow tow to Dong Zhong? Agree with Helen testicular fortitude remarks. Malaysia should go for one education systems!. KJ sports allocation 753Million is questionable and not one minister object to such big amount even DAP quietness, because of Regina?

                1. re: “Hindraf Wathya is not sincere, you know the Hindraf guy who ran away to London and leave his colleague to face the price. Indians now should look at ways on how to drink the quality red wine rather than todi.”

                  From the very beginning Waytha had said that he would resign the very minute he thought that the Blueprint delivery wasn’t going materialize.

                  As for his political asylum in London, it was the correct decision. What good would it have done the Hindraf cause if Waytha had to spend 1-and-1/2 years in Kamunting? At least being free and at large, he could bring up at international fora the detention of his Hindraf colleagues.

                  He lobbied in the House of Lords, UK, in Congress, US and in Brussels, EU. I believe the international awareness that he created brought pressure to bear upon the BN government and thus securing the earlier release of his compatriots.

                  1. ‘He lobbied in the House of Lords, UK, in Congress, US and in Brussels, EU.’

                    With what? With hasutan berniat jahat tentang Malay Gomen genocide on Indians? And they bought it at every hook. line and sinker?

                    Did the Queen made him a Knight? He must be kidding himself then. The British Crooks started his life long misery la! The same can be said about each and every pendatangs that were brought in for trade. We are a victims as much as you are. We take ownership of the land that was robbed from us for hundreds of years. Trying very hard to fix, whatever that can be fix and yet we are the EVIL MALAY GOMEN?

                    Give me a break, its not that the Malays that are trading hambas from India at the ports of Goa to ports of Melaka! It is the British, Monarch and the British East Hindia Company that should be sued for!

                    1. (1) re: “With hasutan berniat jahat tentang Malay Gomen genocide on Indians?”

                      Did you hear Waytha say this? Or have you ever come across any report of Waytha saying this? Or do you have any intelligence/Special Branch knowledge that he said this?

                      (2) re: “its not that the Malays that are trading hambas from India at the ports of Goa to ports of Melaka!”

                      The Malays did trade in slaves. It was one of the reasons JWW Birch got into a fight with the pembesar Melayu. See

                    2. White Man’s Burden at work!

                      Right. As if the Whites needed any reason to masuk campur, kan? They have colonized the country la. Jangan percaya sangat Helen cakap-cakap (or tulisan) Orang Putih yang datang for Gospel, Gold & Glory tu!

                      At the other Malay Archipelago, they invaded simply to save us from our long practice Orang Makan Orang Budaya! And some say Australia was a No Man’s Land before the Whites menjajah dan menjarah!

                      Ikut cakap-cakap the Whites, Australia pun No Man’s Land, of course sekarang they can’t sustain the lies anymore!

                      ‘Aboriginal Australians are thought to have first arrived on the Australian mainland by boat from the Malay Archipelago between 40,000 and 60,000 years ago’

                      Read more:
                      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

                    3. Helen, my ‘White Man’s Burden!’ headlines are not referring to Sabri Zain at all. Not at all. I can’t say the same about the references nor the sources. Not that I in anyway felt that the author had malice in mind. Never.

                      According to the Penjajah Whites, the Malay princes are a bunch of lanuns!

                      Pot calling kettle black, Helen?

                    4. ‘Did you hear Waytha say this? Or have you ever come across any report of Waytha saying this? Or do you have any intelligence/Special Branch knowledge that he said this?’

                      I bagi link memorandum Hindraf dulu suruh awak komen, awak tak komen-komen sampai sekarang. Bila saya cakap pasal tuduhan jahat Hindraf, awak tanya lagi, nampak sangat awak tak baca.

                      Kali baca K.





                      here read some more

                      ‘Today, almost every Malaysian official is alerted to the HINDRAF’s cause even if the words used by lawyer Uthayakumar, the HINDRAF Legal Advisor is not only not right, it can be a source of racial and religious unrest amongst the Malaysian Malays majority population.

                      Words such as ‘racist, Malay extremists and Islamic terrorists’ are an unwise choice of words by a learned legal practitioner.

                      Maybe by being so controversial, Lawyer Uthayakumar seeks to garner the Malaysian Government’s attention even though he stands the risk of being arrested by the law for usage of inciting words and statements that are sure bound to hurt and inflame the Muslims here in Malaysia.’


                      This Mahaguru58 who prefer to dialogue and dakwah, as can be seen here,


                      has in turn been threatened death by ‘an anonymous Hindraf supporter. His or her ID is vengadeswary.’


                      Helen, tolong tanya Waytha yer, saya tak tuduh, ini bukan saya ok…

                    5. Aiyoh, Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy are two different people lah.

                      Your own copypaste above said “even if the words used by lawyer Uthayakumar, the HINDRAF Legal Advisor is not only not right, it can be a source of racial and religious unrest amongst the Malaysian Malays majority population”.

                      How many times already I’ve repeated that Uthaya was detained 1-and-1/2 years in Kamunting and is serving 2-and-1/2 years in Kajang prison for the phrases that you’ve quoted above.

                      Four years punishment still not enough for you, meh?

                    6. ‘Aiyoh, Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy are two different people lah.’

                      Waytha tak terlibat sama ke Helen? Uthaya sorang saja ke? Habis tu yang dia lari sampai ke London bagai tu kenapa? Takut dengan bayang-bayang dia sendiri ke?

                      Habis tu apa ni?

                      Hindu Rights Action Force
                      No. 135-3-A, Jalan Toman 7,
                      Kemayan Square,
                      70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
                      Malaysia. Tel : 06-7672995/6
                      Fax: 06-7672997 Email

                      The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown
                      Prime Minister of the United Kindom
                      10 Downing Street, Fax: +442079250918
                      London, URGENT
                      SW1A 2AA

                      Dear Sirs,




                      WAYTHA@HOTMAIL.COM, cer Helen tengok kat atas tu, kolum akhir selepas alamat Hindraf.

                      Helen, by all means, defend the crooks, but I simply won’t call them otherwise than what they actually are!

                      And the hasutan berniat jahat reaches far and wide. What 4 1/2
                      tahun again, Helen?

                      Your Excellency Mr.Banki Mon,
                      Secretary General of the United Nations
                      United Nations New York N.Y. Fax:0012129634879/4360
                      10017 USA

                      Paul Hauch Fenger
                      Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
                      CH-1211, Geneva 10 Email:

                      Petitions Team
                      Office of the United Nations
                      High Commissioner for Human Rights Fax:+41 22 917 9022
                      1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

                      Human Rights Committee
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                      75291 PARIS Cedex 06
                      Standard: +33 (0) 1 42 34 20 00
                      Telex: 205-773 F SENAT PARIS
                      Telecopie: + 33 (0) 1 42 34 26 77

                      Human Rights Council of Australia Inc.
                      PO B ox 1071 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9957 5200
                      North Sydney NSW 2059 Fax: +61 (02) 9957 4063
                      Australia Email: Patrick Earle

                      Human Rights Commission
                      135 State Street, Drawer 33
                      Montpelier, Vermont 05633-6301

                      American Civil Liberties Union
                      125 Broad Street
                      18th Floor New York
                      NY 10004

                      Commissioner for Human Rights
                      Council of Europe
                      21 Tabard Street Tel: 0207403 3888
                      London SE1 4LA Fax: 020 7407 5354

                      H.E.William boyd Mccleary
                      High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Malaysia
                      No.185, Jalan Ampang Fax: 21702370
                      50450 Kuala Lumpur

                      Movement Against Racism and For Friendship
                      Between Peoples
                      MRAP, 43 Boulevard Magenta Tel: 01 53 38 99 99
                      75010 Paris Fax: 01 40 40 90 98

                      Peace Brigades International France
                      21 ter, rue Voltaire
                      75011 Paris

                      T. Kumar
                      Advocacy Director
                      Asia and Pacific
                      Amnesty International USA
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                      5th Floor, Washington DC 20003 Fax:202.546.7142

                      Veena Siddharth
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                      Suite 500 Fax: 202-612-4333
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                      Matthew Easton
                      Senior Associate
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                      333 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor Fax: (212)-845-5299
                      New York, NY 10001 Email:

                      David Geer
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                      High Street London Direct Line:44 20 7843 0485
                      N1 9LH UK Email:

                      Yuval Ginbar
                      Legal Adviser
                      International and Legal Organizations Program
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                      Shelina Thawer
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                      Programme Coordinator Tel: 44 020 7422 4215
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                      London E1 6LT, UK Email:

                      Iain Byrne
                      Commonwealth Law Officer
                      Interights Tel: 44 20 7278 3230
                      Lancaster House 33 Islington Fax: 44 20 7278 4334
                      High Street London
                      N1 9LH UK Email:

                      Ryan Schlief
                      Amnesty International
                      Asia-Pacific Programme
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                      United Kingdom Email:

                      Greg Mayne
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                      Matthew A. Cenzer
                      Country Officer for Malaysia
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                      Telephone: (202) 736-7056
                      Fax: (202) 736-4559

                      Karin T. Finkler
                      Senior Foreign Relations Advisor
                      Congressman Joseph R. Pitts
                      16th District, Pennsylvania
                      221 Cannon Building
                      Washington, DC 20515
                      (202) 225-2411
                      (202) 225-2013 fax

                      Lisa Williams, PH.D.
                      Chief of Staff
                      Congressman Eni F.H. Faleomavaega
                      American Samoa
                      2422 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
                      U.S. House of Representatives
                      Washington, D.C. 20515
                      Tel: (202) 226-4421
                      Fax: (202) 225-8757 Email: Lisa.Willaims@Mail.House.Gov

                      Hans-Joachim Hogrefe
                      Democratic Professional Staff
                      International Relations Committee
                      U.S. House of Representatives
                      Human Rights Issues
                      Director, Human Rights Caucus
                      2413 Rayburn Building
                      Washington, D.C. 20515
                      (202) 225-3531

                      Charles E. Dujon
                      Legislative Director
                      U.S. House of Representatives
                      Jesse L. Jackson, JR
                      Member of Congress
                      Second District, Illinois
                      2419 Rayburn Building
                      Washington, D.C. 20515
                      (202) 225-0773
                      Fax: (202)-225-0899 E-Mail: Charles.Dujon@Mail.House.Gov

                      Douglas C. Anderson
                      U.S. House of Representatives
                      Committee On International Relations
                      Subcommittee On Asia And The Pacific
                      B358 Rayburn Building
                      Washington, DC 20515
                      Telephone: (202) 226-7825
                      Facsimile: (202) 226-7829

                      Dennis L. Curry
                      Foreign Affairs Fellow
                      Subcommittee On Africa
                      Global Human Rights
                      And International Operations
                      Congressman Christopher H. Smith
                      255 Ford Hob
                      3rd & D Street SW
                      Washington, DC 20515
                      Phone: 202-226-1745
                      Fax: 202-225-7491

                      W. Keith Luse
                      Senior Professional Staff Member
                      Committee On Foreign Relations
                      United States Senate
                      Washington, D.C. 20510-6225
                      Tel: (202)-224-4651
                      Fax: (202)

                      Emilie Kao
                      Foreign Affairs Officer
                      Office Of International Religious Freedom
                      U.S. Department Of State
                      2201 C Street N.W.
                      Washington, DC 20520
                      Phone (202) 647-0352
                      Fax (202) 647-3209 KaoEL@State.Gov

                      Scott Flipse, Ph.D.
                      Senior Policy bannedbannedbannedbannedyst
                      United States Commission On
                      International Religious Freedom
                      800 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 790
                      Washington, DC 20002
                      202-523-3240 ext. 23
                      202-523-5020 (fax)

                      Yuval Ginbar
                      Legal Adviser
                      International and Legal Organizations Program
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                      1 Easton Street
                      London WC1X 0DW
                      United Kingdom
                      Telephone: +44 (0)20 7413 5739
                      Fax: +44 (0)20 7956 1157 E-mail:

                      Shelina Thawer
                      Minority Rights International
                      Asia & Pacific
                      Programme Coordinator
                      54 Commercial Street
                      London E1 6LT, UK
                      +44 (0)20 7422 4215
                      fax +44 (0)20 7422 4201

                      Jolyon Ford
                      Commonwealth Secretariet
                      Human Rights Officer
                      Human Rights Unit
                      Marlborough House Pall Mall London SW1Y 5HX
                      Telephone: +44 (0)20 7747 6408 Fax: +44 (0)20 7747 6418 e-mail:

                      Her Excellency Mrs. Sonia Gandhi
                      Indian National Congress
                      24, Akbar Road
                      New Delhi – 110011

                      Your Excellency Mr.Manmohan Singh
                      Prime Minister of India
                      Prime Minister’s Office
                      Fax: 91-11-23019545/91-11-23016857
                      South Block, Raisina Hill
                      New Delhi

                      Dr. Kalaignar M.Karunanidhi Tel: 91-44-25670132
                      Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Fax: 91-44-25671441/25671276
                      Chief Minister’s Office email: email:
                      Secretariat,Chennai 600 009

                      The Right Honorable Selvi J Jayalalithaa
                      Opposition Leader of Tamil Nadu Phone: 044-24670125/044-25672345
                      “Veda Nilayam”, 81/36 Poes Garden
                      Chennai – 600 086

                      Shri. Vayalar Ravi
                      Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Phone: 91-11-24676837/24676839
                      9th Floor, Akbar Bhawan Fax: 91-11-24197900
                      Chanakya Puri
                      New Delhi-110021

                    7. I dunno where you copypasted from but I was informed that the authorities charged Uthaya based on the letter that appeared in his (now banned) website ‘Policewatch’.

                      Waytha Moorthy was not charged.

                      As for his sojourn in London, well obviously Whitehall thought he merited political asylum. As for arrest, remember that Aung San Su Kyi was arrested by the authorities in her home country too.

                      Sleepy Dollah had the Hindraf lawyers arrested because Umno was afraid of Makkal Sakti.

                  2. ‘I dunno where you copypasted from’

                    I have provided the links la. Sama, tengok upthread.

                    Tak pa I belanja you kali ni k.

                    Rocky Bru.


                    and here another one


                    Waytha kan si adik (thus the official email la, Helen) yang melarikan diri sampai ke London. Takkan la dia pegi sana nak beli susu lembu segar?!

                    And yet he was made a Menteri. He should bersyukur dia tidak dipenjarakan and by the look of the hasutan berniat jahat reaches far and wide, I believe, like a good adik, he should temankan his abang kat penjara!

                    I love the instrumental from this movie, the movie was good too!

                    This song I dedicated to you…baik untuk minda. [YouTube]

                    1. Aiyah, Rocky and Mahaguru are bloggers lah. And they published people’s private e-mail.

                      I’m also blogger but I provide the source from where I got the info — like in my latest posting, the sources are Pew Research (data all linked), World Methodist Council, and CIA Factbook, among others.

                      As for Waytha, if he was made a Minister that means he passed the National Security Council vetting lah.

                    2. ‘Aiyah, Rocky and Mahaguru are bloggers lah. And they published people’s private e-mail.’

                      Care to elaborate?

                      I thought you gonna ask Waytha about his keterlibatan ka? Ask him to release a Kenyataan Rasmi ka on this? Buat PC kat atas Anjappar Resturant kat Brickfield lagi ka? Did he get to treats you lunch at Anjappar, Helen, last sat?

                      Ini you dismiss macam tu saja. Insinuating holier than thou blogging practice than those two?

                      Helen, itu memorandum was not even private. It was Hindraf very own memo, that was sent far and wide, with Waytha name on it. Of course he can deny this and turn into a pambu even, the Malays won’t trust the man.

                      ‘’m also blogger but I provide the source from where I got the info — like in my latest posting, the sources are Pew Research (data all linked), World Methodist Council, and CIA Factbook, among others.’

                      So this is suppose to be better than those that simply publish private emails for a blogging? OK got it!

                      ‘As for Waytha, if he was made a Minister that means he passed the National Security Council vetting lah.’

                      So tell me, what is wrong with @Reginalah again Helen?

                    3. re: “So tell me, what is wrong with @Reginalah again Helen?”

                      Do you have any info whether she was subjected to security vetting? If you do, please share.

                      Waytha quite obviously passed.

                    4. The reason Uthaya was charged for the Gordon Brown letter that appeared in Policewatch was because its publication in the website made it a public document.

                2. 2323=Monyet,

                  I concur with yup. there is no such thing as “quality education” when it comes to SKJC.

                  That is just an excuse to prevent chinese student to study in Sekolah Kebangsaan. and in the process of studying in sekolah Kebangsaan will naturally mix with other races. Those Chinese who mix with Malays from childhoold are more difficult to be misled by DAP.

                  1. ‘Those Chinese who mix with Malays from childhoold are more difficult to be misled by DAP.’

                    Habislah nanti all the Cinas money will be spent on Malay artis. They will baca the Malay paper. They will go watch Malay movies! Habislah macam tu. Macam mana Cinas nak cari makan. Thus having polisi mencinakan bangsa-bangsa berpuak-puak yang sememangnya tidak pandai berbahasa Mantrin langsung adalah gerakan JAHAT new wave of Cinas from Tanah Besar.

                    Yup those were the days. Cinas yang dah lama daripada itu dah assimilated. My Toksu in Pantai Remis said Pangkor banyak Cina yang ‘masuk Melayu’, when we were talking about Mee Sua, my fav dish prepared by her, whenever we stop to visit.

          2. The days of the really hard working chinese are over. These days, they are lazy. Even in the universities there are those that are willing to copy during exams rather than study.

            1. 20 years ago it was some pusat tuisyen with soalan bocor. Its not a matter of how hard did you study for some, but which tuition center you went to!

  2. True or false

    Tokoh Wartawan Negara dan Bekas Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan The New Straits Times Press (NSTP), Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, meramalkan kemungkinan Anwar Ibrahim menyertai Kabinet Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abd Razak sebagai sebahagian percaturan politik dan pemulihan kebangsaan.

    Menurut beliau terdapat teori konspirasi yang tersebar luas sekarang bahawa Pilihan Raya Kecil DUN Kajang hanyalah satu pemesongan isu bagi membolehkan agenda kumpulan tertentu membawa masuk Anwar Ibrahim ke dalam kabinet berjalan lancar. Anwar dikatakan akan diberi jawatan penting dalam kabinet.

    Menurut sumber Kadir Jasin, penyertaan Anwar di dalam kabinet ini merupakan keperluan kedua-dua tokoh. Mohd Najib dilihat cuba mengimbangi kritikan Tun Mahathir dan Tun Daim terhadap pentadbirannya. Manakala Anwar mencari jalan melepaskan diri dari kemelut kepimpinan PKR antara Azmin dan Khalid yang kian melemahkan parti tersebut.

    Menurut sumber yang dipetik Kadir lagi, usaha ini dilakukan oleh seseorang yang sangat berpengaruh dalam kumpulan Mohd Najib. [berikutan petikan dari blog:

    The KKA Version of Conspiracy Theory
    A Kadir Jasin

    THE Kedai Kopi Assembly (KKA) continues to sit. But since many of the matters discussed were mostly “sensitive” and the risk associated with publishing them is a tat too high, let us KIV them for a while.
    I thank all the participants for their contribution and for reminding me to be careful and not take unnecessary risk.
    However, one subject from the KKA sessions that we may be able to discuss and do some crystal-balling is the reconciliation. To keep our brain connections active, our creativity going and to take our mind away from the heat wave, let us weave a conspiracy theory not unlike the plot in the movie of the same name that starred Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts.[Received this from a reader. Open burning is illegal and adds to the haze. Books and magazines being burnt. Thank you sender.]
    The 1997 movie told the story of a taxi driver who was obsessed with conspiracy theories and became a real target when one of his theories turned out to be true. In order to save himself, he had to figure out which theory it was.
    Our theory revolves around the much talked about reconciliation talk that, according to some pundits, will bring together two former friends turned foes – the Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak and the Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim.
    Kajang By-election A Red Herring?
    What if all the hogwash about Anwar’s candidacy in Kajang State Legislative Assembly by-election and his taking over the Selangor Menteri Besar post are in fact a red herring intended to hide the backroom manoeuvring involving his camp and the PM’s operators?
    What if a very influential aide to the PKR’s General Leader had already called on an equally influential member of the PM’s inner chamber to work out a deal whereby the “Ketua Umum” will join the Cabinet and be given a portfolio that makes him very powerful?
    So powerful that it sends the shiver (in this dry burning weather) down the spine of his enemies and the PM’s critics or even gotten rid of them for good.
    With the problem in the Selangor Government continuing to fester, Anwar knows the risk of his own people jumping ship. It’s a mistake to underestimate Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s resources and resourcefulness.
    He was a business and a manager. He knows merger and acquisition better than Anwar and Mohd Azmin Ali. He could apply his M&A skills to politics.
    He has the ability to swing Selangor away from PR if he feels that he is on the losing end. So entering into a deal with the PM is a good way for Anwar to checkmate Abdul Khalid if he harbours such an idea.
    The picture of Abdul Khalid, Mohd Najib and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin beaming away during the signing of the memorandum of understanding on the Langat 2 water supply project on Wednesday could be telling a thousand words.
    The Way To Fight Dr M and Daim
    For the PM and members of his inner circle, if they believe that the criticisms by (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad and (Tun) Daim Zainuddin can hurt them, a merger with Anwar is a grand strategy. They can count on Anwar to do battle with Dr Mahathir and Daim.
    In one brilliant stroke, the PM strengthens his position, destroys the Pakatan Rakyat and rids himself of his critics. Anwar gets to enjoy the privileges and protection as a member of the government. And they can live happily ever after.
    Think of this. Has Anwar ever attacked the PM directly and has the PM done the same to Anwar? Yes, Anwar viciously attacked the government, the Barisan Nasional and Umno. Yes he attacked Dr Mahathir and Daim. Dr Mahathir and Daim in turn attacked him and criticized the PM.
    Think also of the animosity between Anwar and Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra and Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. How Anwar led a series of demonstrations against them and was incarcerated under the ISA during Abdul Razak’s and (Tun) Hussein Onn’s administrations.
    Remember he was freed from detention when Dr Mahathir became PM in 1981 and, in early 1982 Dr Mahathir proudly paraded him before the Press and the newest member of Umno.
    I was there covering the event and foolishly demanded that he proved his membership of Umno by citing his membership number and, for the next 16 years, promoted him as the crown prince of Umno and the successor to Dr Mahathir.

    Remember also that many Umno rebels left the party but later came back to the fold and some went on to be appointed to the cabinet despite having burnt the bridges. So why not Anwar?
    But has the DAP got wind of this so as to prompt its supremo, Lim Kit Siang, to ask in his blog: “Who drafted this national reconciliation plan and who had been consulted? This is still a great mystery up to now.”
    So, I will be the last person to dismiss the reconciliation talk and of seeing Anwar being mainstream and politically correct once again. Politics, according to German Prussian politician, Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898), is the art of the possible.
    FOOT NOTE: The PM is believed to have appointed a new media adviser to replace Jalaluddin Bahaudin who left last year. The new man is believed to be a journalist and former MP, Abdul Rahman Sulaiman, among whose tasks is to “pujuk” Dr Mahathir to be friendly towards Mohd Najib. This is what Mubarak people told me. Wallahuaklam.

    1. Remember that Khairy is Anwar 2.0 and the urban legend is that he was the go-between for his Father-in-Law and Anwar plus the famous story that KJ delivered Anwar’s passport.

      1. Helen,

        I am never comfortable with Khairy playing “postman” part.

        But should Najib want to bring anwar into his government, then Najib must be prepared for him and UMNO to be rejected by the very community that defends UMNO until now: Malays.

        But I do not believe Kadir Jasin’s theory. If Najib (as per Kadir’s assumption) think that he can “checkmate” Tun Dr mahathir, he(Najib) is making big mistake.

        Tun is not UMNO’s adversary. Tun is not Najib’s political enemy. Anwar Is. Tun, being a PM for 22 years are much sought after personality. His personal comments are much waited for. Mainly due to his ability to understand Malaysians, especially the Malays.

        Tun did not make the mistake that Najib continously make. Tun is obliging, benign, merciful. Not ‘terhegeh hegeh”. Tun is firm on principle. He is much hated. HATED BUT RESPECTED.

        Whatever said and done, political arena under Tun is more civil, peaceful. That because people like Kit siang, Guan Eng know Tun would simply throw them into ISA if they are inciting the public.

        1. Raja Petra has taken Kadir’s conspiracy theory up another notch.

          It is amusing to see the feathers fly among the pigeons (i.e. the Pakatan supporters) after RPK throws the cat into their midst.

          1. Helen,

            It is amusing too to see how moronic some people can be by think about Najib trying to checkmate Tun. Najib does not have to checkmate .

            Najib just have to accord respects to Tun. Only a moron would want to wage war against a premier who ruled for 22 years.

            1. re: “Only a moron would want to wage war against a premier who ruled for 22 years.”

              You talking about KJ?

              1. Helen,

                Actually i am referring to Tun Dr Mahathir’s successor for being “silently elegant” when Khairi went on bashing Tun.

                He (i mean Tun Abdullah) suddenly was no longer perceived as “elegant’ for his failure to stop Khairy’s antic.

    2. The scribe is being too simplistic in his conspiracy theory. It reminds me of tamil movies, especially rajnikant’s, making the impossible not only possible but also very easily possible.

      If anwar does join najib’s messy cabinet, the despicable anwar will also be despised by his present idolators. Is he prepared for the backlash?

      The spineless najib will not be able to provide him any shield or support. Anwar will end up being another waythamoorthy or perhaps, well, well, well, najib being usurped by him.

      1. ‘Anwar will end up being another waythamoorthy or perhaps, well, well, well, najib being usurped by him.’

        Whom will Zahid go for?

    3. Bagus juga idea bwk masuk g@yboy bangka ke kabinet. Boleh checkmate semua parti komponen PR esp dap. Jgn main politik sama org melayu ya ! lepas kita neutralize semua yg patut, kita hantar bang non jadi duta besar ke san francisco Hahah

      1. Duta!!! Kan dia nak jadi pm. Him ursurping najib is more probable.

        Tamil movie – bantai2 lepas tu ambil jadi dpm. For money, i think anwar is willing to do anything. At least in the eyes of his benefactors, he may not have taken over the country but at least he has his foot in.

        Najib, i hope the article by kadir jasin remains on paper only.

  3. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit. Tak sabar nak tenguk peratusan BN dalam PRK Kajang nanti.

    1. Kalau kali ini MCA masih tidak lagi berjaya meraih undi Cina baik PM jangan lantik pemimpin parti itu untuk menyandang jawatan menteri kabinet.

      MCA must EARN its Cabinet positions. No free lunch!

      1. “MCA must EARN its Cabinet positions. No free lunch!”- Helen

        Tetapi MCA pun berusaha juga, walaupun tidak berjaya – contohnya semasa Pru13 perhimpunan-perhimpunan makan malam bersama PM, berpuluh-puluj ribu Cina yang datang, siapa yang arrangekan semua tu? DAP? Umno? TV3? Utusan?

        Cuma masalahnya dari segi ethical, MCA tak boleh suka-suka buat janji bulan dan bintang atau buat cerita dongengan sandiwara hiburan. Tentang ini hanya orang-orang Cina yang boleh membuat keputusan – apakah yang mereka mahukan.

        1. Saya rasa kerusi kabinet mesti diikat kepada prestasi parti yang menuntut.

          MCA membiarkan media miliknya menikam belakang BN. Dari ini kita sudah boleh nampak kiblat MCA yang sebenarnya.

          1. UMNO success is at the expense of MCA. The game of racism is a zero sum game.

            1. Malaysian,

              You must be from Pluto, I guess.

              UMNO’s success is by winning the lion share of Malay votes. UMNO earns the place as supremo in local political landscape simply by earning the trust of the vast majority of the largest etnic group in Malaysia.

              And MCA . for refusing to tell point blank to chinese that hostility against Malays will not work to their advantage, was almost entirely routed by DAP. This is the price paid for being “another DAP”.

              Had not for malay support, MCA’s proper place is now is museum

  4. Remember that Khairy is Anwar 2.0 with pemuda at his beck and call, gunting dalam lipatan not only exist at star, umno has a few too.

    khairy is and going to be the biggest mistake that najib has done. damage control by najib…. already the indians so marginalised now you want politicise the indians into minor factions to paint a picture that your championing the indians…… please lar najib you and your machais come up with this…… did you consult other component parties about this…..

    najib is a magician with his magic show pulling a rabbit out of the hat….. sooner or later his hats going to run out rabbits…… then the real show will start

  5. Malay silat experts and hawkers on one side and Indian MIC, MIUP, IPF, MMSP PIM and PPM on the other? Hooah!

    ROLFLMAO…what a retard!

      1. re: Me laughing too, Indians where art thou?

        Methinks you’ll be asking the same question after GE14.

        I reckon you won’t be laughing then. :)

        1. All the best Macha!!! Hope you guys won’t be conned again post GE14 k.

          I like this song so much…quite sad actually caused the husband (in the kollywood movie la) tries to kill himself and becomes dumb instead, selepas kena tipu!

          Kesian, kan? [YouTube]

          Enjoy it sampai GE14, K and I pray that you ‘can last over 7 re-births’

          1. re: Hope you guys won’t be conned again post GE14 k.

            islam1st, In all honesty, I don’t think the larger Indian populace (the poor) will allow themselves to be conned again.

            We’ve seen the true colors of both BN and PR.

            Of course, there’ll still be stupid Indians leaning either way. There are the BN clowns shown by Helen upthread and there are the “I am not Indian (but Malaysian1st)” delusional morons with PR.

            But like I’ve been saying repeatedly here, the reality is that it really makes no difference to us who rules the country – we Indians will still be regarded as inconsequential to both the Malays and Chinese.

            Then again, we have always been inconsequential to them but have managed to survive and even flourish somehow.

            Being marginalised and/or even oppressed by whichever regime comes to power after GE14 is a foregone conclusion and its just a continuation of life as it is and always has been.

            We’ll continue to survive because we’re used to it.

            The way things are going, it looks like your precious Ketuanan is being ushered slowly but surely to the grave.

            I’m just interested to see how you flers come to terms with being treated like Indians by the Cina DAP and Cina Celops, sooner or later after GE14.

            The writing is on the wall and you know it.

            How thambi?

            1. the indian were con by shit like waytha, but as usual they blame it on malay and chinese.

              i oso can write rubbish.

  6. MCA must EARN its Cabinet positions. No free lunch!

    tiong lai and the band of failures from mca already demanding health and transport portfolio , which they dont deserve in the first place..why???

    1) it was not the chinese that delivered the votes for them, it was the malays

    2) why stay out of the cabinet from may 2013 they should have immediately returned to the cabinet

    3)mca was a lost cause since 2008 just winging it they knew they were screwed from then itself.

    4) even with representation in the cabinet chinese will still vote for dap and mca members still be mca members but vote for dap

    so hope najib and his machais think hard dont hand over their demands on silver platter ….give them some other portfolis apart from transport and health , precedence should not be set that a certain party are entited to a particular ministry.

    1. Belum sampai 1 tahun ramai Apek dah garu kepala takde bisness.. I am talking about ordinary Apek opportunist who were so bent that BN will tumbang the last election. LKS can only give them free ride to the moon naik roket dia dan terbang sekadar tinggi pokok nyioq aje.

      Reality bites.. 4yrs is a long time to have to suffer, so MCA lai lai give them some business..

  7. Helen, did you notice that all the old boss in BN components have retired from their post? New leaders had taking over. The last one was Taib of Sarawak. I’m waiting for PR to follow. They’re the ones who always championing changes. LKS and Karpal are there at the top since eons ago. ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin!’.

  8. Helen, aku suka tengok si kecil `meeow` tu smile sebiji macam muka Daim je dan si mata buntang burung hantu itu pula nampak macam Mahathir dalam terkejut. Bolih tahan juga pukulan si Najib `Boing Boing` tu, ha ha ha

  9. The Indian communities in M’sia should ask themselves, “why are we so fragmented?” Is it because of the caste system baggage?

  10. MCA muka tak malu, kata nak perjuangkan MERITOCRACY tapi tak perform pun masih nak JAWATAN MEH?

    MCA muka tak malu, kata nak perjuangkan BANGSA-LESS MALAYSIA, kenapa perlu Cina Menteri serve portfolio yang diminta, Malays and Indians Menteri tak boleh serve the Cinas any good ke? Kan semua Bangsa Malaysia?

    MCA lidah bercabang macam DAP!

  11. Wathya who? Oh…. the one who delivers million promises to the indian community but failed miserably? Get over it Helen. I believe budget is not a major concern.

    There are stories about his involvement with a number of gangsterism movement couple of months ago. Remember, some of ex-HINDRAF members has been convicted by the court under criminal charge.

    Maybe Wathya felt guilty, then he decided to quit any involvement with government as a protest. In this case, there is possibility he pushing the government beyond its limit.

    1. Dear Sambal Petai @ rumour monger,

      re: “There are stories about his involvement with a number of gangsterism movement couple of months ago.”

      Anyone can say the same about you.

      re: “Remember, some of ex-HINDRAF members has been convicted by the court under criminal charge.”

      Really, which ones? What are their names and what are the charges?

        1. Cina thamby ( I don’t know how old you are but you seems naive enough..)

          With all honesty, I seriously don’t think you can bet the Indians any better with Waytha and Hindraf.

          MIC just like UMNO are no angels. Sometimes bad managers are here to stay. Najib is one. The same can be said about MIC and some of its leaders. But Samy is no longer around (perhaps some of his men are) and I seriously want to have faith in Kamalanathan. I could be wrong. Humans are after all gullible.

          But the Malays has this saying to remind them not be really excited with any mulut manis that comes by.

          Have you heard the saying that says ‘mendengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan’? Please don’t do that.

          By Allah SWT wills, should the Cinas DAP were to rule this country, the Malays would be biasa-biasa saja. Not that they gonna run amoks due to the winning. Remembers the Malays had face hundred of years of occupation by the ferringhis. But the same can’t be said when these crooks decided to mock Islam and our way of life.

          OK ya?

          1. re: ‘By Allah SWT wills, should the Cinas DAP were to rule this country, the Malays would be biasa-biasa saja.’

            Yeah, right.

            ‘Not that they gonna run amoks due to the winning.’

            Ever heard of a day back in May, 1969?

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