Cina cari penyakit

Tak pasal-pasal Grandpapa Dapster menggelar pertubuhan yang mempunyai tiga juta orang ahli Melayu sebagai “United MORONS National Organization”.

Berulang-ulang Kit Siang mengumpat Umno dengan nama rekaannya yang menghina – lihat kenyataan Mursyidul Am DAP itu dua hari lepas di mana dia telah menyebut “morons” sebanyak lima kali.

Anaknya Papa Dapster pula tak semena-mena mahu langgar Menteri Pertahanan beserta Menteri Pendidikan. Dipanggilnya Hishammuddin Hussein and Mahdzir Khalid sebagai “tidak matang“.

Guan Eng juga mendakwa kedua-dua menteri tersebut telah “menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka untuk menafikan hak [Pulau Pinang] untuk sama-sama meraikan kemerdekaan negara ini” walhal ia pentadbiran negerinya yang tidak sewaktu dengan tema kebangsaan tahun ini.

Untuk mengelak daripada bertanggungjawab ke atas kemelut ‘Bersih’ ciptaannya sendiri, Guan Eng cuba mengalih dengan mencari salah orang lain (yang sebenarnya tidak ada kena-mengena).

Gelagat Guan Eng yang suka menafi memang tak ubah dengan perangai Mama Dapster.



Sneaky bastards

Hannah Yeoh juga sama licik dengan Papa Dapster dalam hal menepis.

Apabila Adun evangelista DAP itu dirakam kamera litar (CCTV) asyik bermain Facebook tatkala mesyuarat DUN sedang berjalan, dia menangkis dengan dolak-dalih yang cukup lucu.

Lihat tweetnya di bawah – “U hv a problem with fb, ask @NajibRazak what he thinks of it”.

Hannah thats my official fb page linked to twitter which I update regularly

Sukatan pelajaran di Sekolah Demokrasi DAP

Alahai! Apa lah kaitan Perdana Menteri dengan kealpaan YB Jerusubang yang enggan menumpu perhatian ketika DUN Selangor bersidang. Nota: Waktu itu Hannah Yeoh belum lagi dilantik jadi Puan Speaker.

Orang yang mengajukan soalan “I was asking abt a photo circulating in blogs… Of an Adun on PC ‘FB’ing during assembly…” kepada si Hannah seterusnya disekat oleh @hannahyeoh daripada garis masa Twitternya.

Inilah kebebasan suara yang diajar Sekolah Demokrasi DAP – tanya saja sesuatu benda yang mendedahkan perilaku lakonan mereka, akan digam serta-merta.

Nota: Azizi Safar yang “dah kena block dengan Ratu Twitter” – lihat tweet atas – adalah Setiausaha Kerja BN Pulau Pinang.

hannah For the freedom to speak freely in the House

@hannahyeoh really angry

Pengikut-pengikut taksub dihasut untuk mengambil risiko

Para pemimpin evangelista DAP (lihat gambar atas) selalu menggesa awam agar bawa sepanduk dan berdemo sana sini.

Selang empat hari nanti, macai-macai mereka akan berguling-guling di atas jalanraya.

Inilah kaedah licik pembangkang beroperasi. Naikkan amarah di kalangan penyokong mereka untuk jatuhkan kerajaan supaya DAP boleh memerintah kelak.

Hannah really angry

Anwat demo angry 1
Pendemo dekat kawasan Masjid India, KL


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

43 thoughts on “Cina cari penyakit

  1. Cik Helen,

    Dalam Islam, setiap penyakit ada ubatnya KECUALI mati….tau kan?

    See? See?

    1. re: “See? See?”

      Cakap Hokkien ke? Dalam bahasa Kantonis ‘sei’. Maksudnya ’empat’.

      Di bawah ialah poster yang diorang reka untuk Bersih 4.0.


      1. Ms Ang,

        see ( sei)

        As (like) in sei lor….maksud 4, betul, tapi juga maksud nya juga mati..

        Bersih 4 is LAST Bersih??.

        Lepas tu mati…no interest from any parties (political and NGO included)….orang mungkin dah tak minat lagi…sebab semua dah kotor …dan kami semua pun dah jemu, bosan dan fed-up

        1. ok la, jadik u org takder benda nak risau pasal Bersih 4.0 kan?? kan u org dah conclude hala tujuan Bersih 4.0?

          1. Fine with me, go ahead and have your fun “bersihkan” diri sendiri. We will just watch from the sidedlines…to each his own

  2. mungkin itu strategi lks untuk menggeletek orang melayu umumnya dan umno khasnya. itu namanya strategi politik, nak tengok respon @ tindak balas melayu. orang bodoh makanan orang bijak. tengoklah sama ada melayu itu moron @ bodoh untuk dimakan oleh lks & dap, atau lks terpaksa minta maaf. biasanya melayu akan menggelupur dan melatah. itu yang dia nak, helen.

    1. Fikrah LKS tak ubah-ubah sejak 1969 sampailah ke 1987 dan sekarang diulangtayang sekali lagi.

  3. Memang cari penyakit.

    They are planning to disrupt the Merdeka celebration. I hope the police will station FRU trucks and just haul them in as they arrive. Normally they have rehearsels for the parade 2-3 days before the event and attended by quite a number of school kids. What Bersih is planning is endangering the participants of the parade and should be deemed a criminal act.

      1. Kadang-kadang Polis DiRaja ni baik sangat. Ambil lah iktibar dari Singapore (Bersih loves Singapore) dan tangkap saja, tak payah soal tak perlu alasan.

        All it takes to create havoc is just one person to yell Fire! So tangkap sajalah.

          1. Oh, I mustn’t forget to mention – Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution was led by evangelical Christians.

            China has had past experience of bloody revolutions by these crazed Christians that directly cost tens of millions of lives.

            The word ‘crazed’ to describe the Christians is apt because Hong Xiuquan, the delusional leader of the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), believed that he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ.

      2. prdm asking for trouble if they used taser on Bersih participants. Just imagine if a Bersih participant died, and hell will break loose. Beware of People’s Power….

        1. Anything can make hell break loose among the Bersih participants. The poor sheep are being made use of by greedy politicians.

              1. Memang silly but that’s how they play it. First they decide to hold their demonstration in an area where the government has always, always held the Merdeka Day celebrations and on days prior to the celebrations when the rehearsals are done. Then they say it is their right to hold the demo because itms a free country, regardless of the majority’s right to enjoy the celebrations in peace or the traders there to trade in peace.

                Then they come out with all these little, little warnings that the government will do this, the police will do that and make it seem that they will be harrased and oppressed on that day. They get the into the hype and when they get what they wish for on the 29th, they will turn around and say “we told you so, the moronic Umno government is evil.”

                I say to Zahid, nip it in the bud. No permit right? So the minute the number of people turn up in yellow reach 5 (per definition of crowd), start rounding them up like cattle onto the police and FRU trucks. Tak cukup pakai parade floats. Tak cukup lagi herd them like sheep and make them walk to the nearest enclosure. They may make a lot of noise, but the rest of us will surely enjoy the sight.

                1. re: “Then they come out with all these little, little warnings that the government will do this, the police will do that and make it seem that they will be harrased and oppressed on that day.”

                  Dah buat pun.

                  Bersih committee member Thomas Fann wrote that the “game plan by the authorities” is to label Bersih as an opposition tool …

                  “… deny it the chosen venues, spin it as “kotor” or dirty, use opinion writers to divide the public, blackout news from Bersih and ultimately, on the day itself, attack the protesters and turn a peaceful rally, ugly.”

                  He’s accusing the authorities of planning to on the day itself “attack the protesters and turn a peaceful rally, ugly”.


            1. Btw, the Bersih 4.0 shepherds are the Adrians, the Thomas’s and the Joshua lookalikes.

              Below – Thomas Fann, Bersih steering committee member-cum-southern peninsula vice-chair … Anyone knows which church he belongs to?

                1. I’m amazed that there are enough Malaysians to form a rally in Rio, dekat Ipanema beach pulak tu. I’m definitely going to check out the pictures after. I wonder if these are the people the government sent in preparation for Olympics 2016?

        2. Kalau pdrm tak buat apa. Tengok saja. Tup ada orang mati kena pijak? All hell tak break loose ke Surhead? Masa tu siapa nak bertanggungjawab? DAP? GHB? PKR? Atau nak tangkap Maria Chin? Korang sanggup untuk bertanggungjawab ke?? Cerita sikit??

          1. re: “Tup ada orang mati kena pijak?”

            Ada juga peristiwa 36 orang mati, 49 orang cedera tatkala berlaku kejadian stampede di Shanghai Bund pada 31 Disember 2014 (hanya beberapa bulan lepas).

            Orang Cina ni, terutamanya yang Kristian evangelis, mudah histeria apabila bergesel-gesel dengan khalayak ramai.


          2. islam1st…prdm and dbkl hanya perlu facilitate para hadirin rally. tugas dia org untuk pastikan benda mcm tu tak berlaku. kalau ada keburukkan terjadi, itu mmg tanggungjawab dia org…kan dia org digajikan untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat

            1. nak facilitate apenyer kalau rally to haram!

              ‘tugas diorang memang utk pastikan benda mcm tu tak berlaku.’
              Exactly. Caranya, tangkap je troublemakers ni before ‘benda mcm tu’ berlaku.

              kalau ada keburukkan terjadi, itu ialah tanggungjawab orang yang ‘menjadikan’ keburukan tu lah! Bila masa pulak orang jahat yang buat hal tapi pdrm punya pasal. Pemikiran tak logik.

              Tanggungjawab pdrm adalah untuk tangkap mereka2x yang ‘menjadikan’ keburukan tu.

              Dia org digajikan untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat, bukan berkhidmat untuk pencari pasal dan pelanggar undang2 yang menyertai rally haram!

            2. Kepala hotak puak pembangkang ni memang seriously twisted and corrupted. You think it is trending to behave like hooligans. Old school la cara korang. Kita orang semua dah muak la…free show yang tak laku2. Dari 1998, masa si nuor hingga sekarang. Merosakkan norma dan tata susila rakyat tempatan. Semenjak kedatangan puak PENDATANG ke tanah air kami ni, nothing is ever the same again. Gone are the serene and peaceful surrounding associated with the MALAY Peninsular and Borneo at that time. When will we have such peacefulness again, free of these hooligans and CRAZY bershit.

        3. No, it doesn’t have to be someone being tased. All hell will break lose if one idiot yell Fire! Api!
          Tak percaya, pi cuba

            1. Helen dulu ada satu lenglui amoi penang I kawan dia cukup tak suka panas matahari. Kalau nak ajak pi cuti kat pulau2 dia awai2 lagi tolak wor. Tak mau pi. Dia kata panas. Takut hitam. Dia nak pi tempat2 sejuk saja. Macam Korea ka (masa tu korea tengah femes). So bersih kali ni, betul ke Cina2 nak keluaq berlori? Bagi duit belum tentu mahu keluaq demo maa! Hoh?

              1. lu naik lrt, turun masjid jamek…pastu jalan keluar sikit, lu boleh nampak la ada 10-20 org sana pakai baju kuning

    1. Itis just came out with the notice like 32 min ago –
      Itis Dbkl
      32 mins ·
      Bersih planned like weeks/months ago…itis dbkl saja nak kacau Bersih event….bo layan

      1. And Merdeka celebrations have been there since as far back as I can remember except for a very few times when it was done outside of KL. Itu sebab Bersih pilih tarikh dan tempat itu. Bersih yang memang pengacau.

        You not from Malaysia ke? Itu pun tak tahu.

  4. I noticed it is quite hazy today. I don’t think the Cina Cina will turn up for Bersih. The Bersihans will spin and say that the low turnout of Bersih is because health concerns bla bla bla.

    1. The honorary Cina like Dyana Samad and her gang, the Cina-tapi-Malaysian1st-Melayu2nd Christopher Zairil & the Roketkini Boys may turn up?

      1. They will turn up…puppets kan but only for selfies and photoshoots…

        Lepas tu gi kat hotel room yang prebooked, take a couple pf pictures and then declare to the world “I WOZ there”

        And led by their Mama Daps of Glorious SJ

    2. Health reason maybe Mulan Malaysia.

      As is ramai dok ketaq2 lutut dah.
      By Friday should situation worsen
      Mungkin ramai dah masuk ICU.

      Pagi tadi member I naik bus fm KUL to SIN
      Whole journey satu executive coach
      Hanya dia sorang saja pax ALL THE WAY..

      So I asked him pasai apa takde oghang pi Singapore?
      Katanya…. BLACK MONDAY,
      ramai malaysian malaysia dah coma masuk ICU kut!


    Church pun kalut nak ikut serta? Turut serta pasai duit ke atau pasai Agama ni? Awat, hangpa risau ke satni payah nak kutip ‘sedekah’ dari mereka2 yang dah nak lingkop sabit China stock crash?

    Hello MCA, dok tanya2 pasai Bersih lagi ke?
    Smlm 8.5% arini 7.6%
    esok esok taktau macam mana lagi kan?
    Mujuq I takde invest atau labur ape2 kat sana tau!
    Kalo cidak siang malam ketaq lutut!

    Enjoy dan buat hal lain tempat dah terkantoi takleh enjoy sana jangan jadi hipokrit mai balik bokbuat kalut nak apply pressure kat Moron2 di Malaysia pula boleh tak?

    Hannah and her Church buddies seharusnya pray pray 24/7, mana tau satni ramai kawan2 lingkop dan tinggal hanya seluaq dalam.Rithmatist dan HH mana pi senyap aje. Dok nganga depan KLSE score boards pagi petang ke?

    Saturday aritu kat Singapore bole dapat RM3.2 tau, tapi I nak tukaq ringgit depa kata out of stock! Rugi 3sen pasai kena pi JB tukaq dapat hanya RM2.99. Siapa pakat dok sembunyi ringgit kat sana owh?

  6. In the past, China’s central bank has regularly intervened in an effort to revive markets. The People’s Bank of China has spent more than $200 billion buying Chinese stocks since early July.

    ……In August, China prohibited traders from borrowing and repaying stocks on the same day, making it difficult to benefit from hourly price fluctuations in the stumbling market.

    The state-run China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) announced in July that any shareholder with more than a 5 percent stake in any Shanghai- or Shenzhen-listed company, including foreign investors, should not reduce its holdings over the next six months…….

    …..including foreign investors, should not reduce its holdings over the next six months…….

    Apa la nak jadi after the six months wait? Agaknya lamai tak Malaysian Malaysia turut terkandas? Sekarang pun dah mula terdesak sampai panggil Malays Moron, by next 6months entah apa nama lain pulak depa ni nak bagi. Mai kita ikuti perkembangan mereka dengan lebih rapi.

    Alamak macam ni by next 6months pasti another BERSIH5 rally pulak dah!

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