Posted in Kristian

Suara ‘silent majority’ lemas

Komen yang dibuat Ahmad (lihat screenshot) telah diberikan 408 thumbs down setakat ini oleh para pembaca Malaysian Insider.

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Screenshot diambil pada 12.45 pagi (Sept 29)

Begini hangatnya ruang maya politik kita pasca-PRU bulan Mac 2008.

Maki hamun oleh political junkies yang berlegar di alam siber sebenarnya mencerminkan keteladanan pemimpin-pemimpin yang disokong gila mereka.

Suara ‘silent majority’ yang disebutkan Ahmad tidak kedengaran. Kelompok yang memberikan Ahmad 408 thumbs down (atau tanda tidak setuju) nampaknya jenis tidak bisa diajak berbicara. Ini dikatakan ‘groupthink’ yang tidak mampu dipujuk oleh hujah-hujah menentang.

Satu lagi contoh ‘silent majority’ ialah penganut Buddha.

(Banci Penduduk Malaysia 2010):

Taburan Peratus Penduduk Mengikut Agama (2010)

Orang Cina di Malaysia hampir suku daripada jumlah penduduk (24.6%).

Yang beragama Buddha, yang mengamalkan Taoisme, yang mengikut ajaran Kong Zi serta kepecayaan-kepercayaan tradisi Cina ialah 22.2%.

Sekiranya ditolak jumlah keseluruhan penduduk etnik Cina 24.6% dengan jumlah yang beragama seperti disenaraikan di atas iaitu 22.2%, maka tinggal hanya [anggaran] 2.4% orang Cina sahaja yang beragama Kristian.

Ramai penganut Kristian di Malaysia ialah pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak. Mereka yang aliran Roman Katholik ramai Serani keturunan kacukan Portugis serta orang India.

Walaupun lebih kurang 2.4% penduduk Malaysia yang Kristian-Cina tetapi amat lantang mereka bersuara.

Kita harus faham-fahamlah bahawa Cina bukan-Kristian yang silent majority senasib dengan Si Ahmad tadi yang diberikan (sekarang -729) thumbs down oleh para pembaca Malaysian Insider. Suara kami ditenggelami.

Mutakhir: 12 petang, Okt 1


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5 thoughts on “Suara ‘silent majority’ lemas

  1. I’ve to agreed. In fact the majority of the ‘silent majority’ came from Malay, and mostly lost confidence neither with UMNO nor PAS. Dan suara kami juga dipijak-pijak.
    Permintaan dan pendapat kami tidak dihormati.. Kedua-dua parti utama juga tidak memperdulikan lagi sensitiviti melayu islam, tetapi ghairah meraih sokongan dengan tunduk pada pendapat populis vocal minority.
    I’ve discussed this silent minority issues since last 2008 in my blog, and since then the situation just becoming worst if not the same.
    Again, i would like to remind the populist politicians, by letting vocal minority shape the political decisions, you are just letting this beloved country into ‘one way portal’ of destruction by smashing existing trust and mutual respect between communities.
    Why dont you all just learn from this kid

  2. Well, he did say that he has a mass comm degree. It is quite funny and somewhat seemed pathetic when this particular bastard is hopelessly trying to make his footing in this world, this country by being a satirical racist. It is all about the money la, kena kasi laku filem sendiri kan? There is this quote, someone who taught mass comm said to me before, sometimes there is no better publicity that a bad publicity.

  3. Hi Helen, I am amazed with you prowess in Bahasa Malaysia, it is even better than me, a Malay. However to compete in the international world, I have to abandon my language for a short while.
    Anyhow enough about me.

    About the article, Malaysian Insider reader is typically a bias sort. Group of people that could not think straight, and differentiate what is justifiable right and wrong. No offence to you and the rest, it is no surprise most of them are Chinese.

    Syed Akbar Ali just recently post an article about shop ads in One Utama. The title is Chinese Only!

    If you read the comments, there are a number of people actually say it justifiably right, and would do the same if it is their shop. Not only that, they are blaming the government, the policies which has been agreed by our forefathers. To me, this is not a valid argument, as we all know the main reason for the ads, it is not politically motivated, it is an individual preferences.

    So it is not about what you and I think is right, it is about what suit ourselves better. The is no common right here for everybody.

    The government already started discussion on removing all of the special privilege to bumiputra. If the day come, with the mindset like this, how are we going to live peacefully, let alone survive?

    You (not you in particular, more in general term) are expecting a lot, but not willing to give. This is reality, a sad one.

    So it is no suprise, Ahmad comments which only point out Namewee vulgar method in particular not even about the movie, is being given thumbs down. It is not about the content, it is about who said.

    Same goes with corruption in Malaysia. My Chinese colleagues always harping on bribery case from their own perspective. Most of the time the blame goes to policemen and politician. It is hard for them to admit, that it takes two to complete the equation. And the two are equally guilty.

    So all i can say is this, you can only understand what we felt all this years, if you are in our shoes.

  4. Mereka lebih menyukai komen-komen berunsur perasaan marah, benci, serta hinaan. Adakah mereka sendiri membaca artikel tersebut? Hanya kerana tuhan mereka, namewee berkata begitu, mereka semua mempercayainya, tanpa usul periksa.

    “Ironic” nya, namewee di dalam video maki hamun beliau ada berkata “You mawu kata itu orang filem baik ka tarak baik ka, u pigi tengok dulu”. Adakah namewee betul-betul membaca artikel tersebut sepenuhnya, kerana kelihatan seperti tiada kaitan pabila dia berkata artikel tersebut “review movie”nya, sedangkan tiada sedikit pun artikel itu mengutuk atau menghina Nasi Lemak 2.0, hanya penulis menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak menyukai namewee. Tidak menonton sesebuah filem kerana tidak menyukai pelakon/krew, kedengaran agak normal bagi saya.

    Rakyat malaysia yang bersembunyi di sebalik internet makin sukar menggunakan otak mereka sepenuhnya, sebaliknya lebih rela menyebarkan rasa benci tanpa usul periksa. Tidak lama lagi saya percaya, mereka akan mula memanggil “pemimpi” mereka, “Dear Leader!”

    1. Sememangnya Namewee seorang yg tidak profesional. Bagi saya, he just a mad person. Bercakap tidak tidak berfikir, saya tidak terkejut dia melatah sebab he’s not Malaysian enough. Bahasa Melayu SPM dia dapat berapa? Dia hanya nampak “kalau diberi tiket free pun saya takkan tengok” bukan “soalnya bukan nasi lemak 2.0 tapi Nawemee”.Dia sebenarnya tiada hak untuk melenting sekiranya dia rasa Fauziah tiada hak untuk kutuk dia. Namewee is NOT Malaysian enough.

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