Posted in Evangelis

Lagi politikus Kristian Occupy Masjid! Jais tak pantau ke?

Diulang-siar posting yang pernah dipaparkan di blog Gerakan Anti-PKR (GAP) pada 24 Julai 2012.

Gambar menunjukkan Xavier Jeyakumar, wakil PKR dalam exco Selangor.

Nampaknya dia sedang menyampaikan tazkirah.

Adakah orang Kristian mempunyai tauliah untuk berkhutbah di masjid?


Sudah berulang kali Sultan mengingatkan supaya masjid jangan dipolitikkan.

Bukan itu sahaja, mengikut blogger GAP, Si Xavier ini – yang tidak mengambil wuduk (?) – telah meninggalkan bekas tapak kaki di ruang solat. Betulkah?

Gambar ehsan GAP

Para politikus pembangkang Kristian terlalu gemar naik turun rumah ibadah kaum Muslim seolah-olah masjid dan surau itu markas untuk mereka berceramah dan memancing undi.

Pasti politikus evangelis ini tidak menjejak masuk ke masjid untuk memanjatkan solat kepada Yesu. Atau ya?!

Selain itu, mereka memperlekehkan pula agama-agama kaum minoriti.

Semalam dilaporkan Dr Xavier telah berkata rumah berhala di kediaman seorang penganut Hindu tidak layak dianggap sebagai tempat sembahyang dan dengan itu patut dirobohkan sahaja oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan.

Sebenarnya sudah lama evangelis Kristian membuli pengikut-pengikut agama Hindu dan Buddha.




I have no Faceook or Twitter.

11 thoughts on “Lagi politikus Kristian Occupy Masjid! Jais tak pantau ke?

  1. So Xavier Jeyakumar is not just an authority on Hinduism practices but also a qualified khatib?

    #Pakatoons & DAPsters are a form of social cancer. We must eradicate them.

      1. Chemotherapy is the usual prescription for cancer. Dry them out and be rid of it.

        I have no problems being harsh with #Pakatoons; their cause is to fulfil the ambition of one man at the expense of 28 million Malaysians. DAPsters do the same, except it is a different man they champion.

    1. Tamil can be Hindu, Xtian or Islam.
      Samy Vellu, Ananda Krishnan, tony fernandes, xavies or mahathir , anwar ibrahim, subahan kamal, maya karin etc.
      just google subahan kamal and you get him and bro Rajagobal like brothers..hehe.

      Ever wondered why Samy Velly regard Mahathir his brother? They are sekampung muahaha.

      Their father all speak tamil as mother tonque so dont be surprised if ai speak tamil, subahan etc. The STAR reported Maya speak tamil at home.

      The poor kampung Malays have lost their way and confused by Mahathir for 30 years. Instead of building Malay society he build a cincai society as long as his sons become directors of chinese companies. It was revealed on UMNO website during Pak Lah time the combine companies run to nearly 300.

      That is why we Malays have to start a fresh. Why that bilal in black allows a Hindu to stand before the mimbar is very disturbing. He obviously dont understand the religion. JAIS was suap with peeping young men and women fornicating couldnt careless about the theological side. Their mind is too small anyway as evidenced by the photos.

      I would say gilakah? haha..

      But who was responsible for his education? Mahathir! The education minister than the PM. Mahahtir really didnt know what he was doing. UMNO trust was carte blanched for him to stumble here and there. But when the end came, he was villified and hated by the Malays.

      Crying at UMNo assembly didnt save him. No one bothered. UMNO is bigger than anyone.

      So in the spirit of UMNO assembly, the Malays in UMNO and outside must choose their leaders carefully. Not all have Malays interest first. Its the tender and contract first.

      Corner the supplier and introduce the policy like AES, LED, Education blueprint, water, petronas etc.

      Malays must realised we are a very rich nation and the Chinese and Indians have gotten too much.

      Retard like Muhyiddin is still trying to oppress the Malays saying 80 percent for Chinese/Indian is an achievement.

      Malays must be grateful if they achieved 30% in 2020! WTF.

      What this retard means, my family, the Presiden family, Pemuda, Puteri etc. got the 30 % you all balek Felda kutip oil palm lah dan bersyukur…hahaha.

      Tamil has a bloody history in Sri Langka.

  2. the problem is, He veni, vidi, vici-ed with invites from the pakciks/Abangs bersongkok.. perhaps, they want to hear ‘khabar gembira’ – for those not in the know, conversion to Christianity always have a feelgood label to it, such as ‘khabar gembira’ etc..

    How la JAIS nak pantau, like that?

    Tragedinya ialah yang duduk mengharap Abang X akan menerima Allah setelah keluar masuk masjid tapi Abang X mengharap yang duduk akan menerima ‘allah’ (versi roh kudus)

    Melayu sekarang dah banyak berbeza dengan melayu dulukala.. saya tengok yang malu mengaku melayu pun ramai. Kesian BN, kasik pendidikan bagus2 last2 yang mengkhianati bangsa sendiri!

  3. Sudah pasti penceramah memilikki high order thinking whereas the auidience memilikki low order thinking. Wise Man says “People with LOT mudah dibaham oleh orang HOT”. Religous authority should take inisiatif to produce more HOT penceramah yg lebih berinspirasi dan mampu menarik lebih ramai audience termasuk generasi muda belia melayu Islam focussing on cabaran yg bakal mendatang dlm abad 21.

  4. A Christian giving ceramah to muslims in a mosque…all we need now is a Pakatan muslim giving talks to Christians in a church telling them muslims are ready to convert to Christianity anytime.
    Or did that already happen?

  5. apa perlu bukan islam memberitahu orang islam apa yang orang islam berlu buat dalam agama islam?

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