Posted in Menteri Kangkung, Musuh dalam Selimut

Pembocoran maklumat sensitif daripada pejabat menteri Umno?

Kawan blogger ‘A Brick in the Wall’ mendedahkan baru-baru ini:

“A little bird alerted that the comments by Khairy [Jamaluddin] was at the initiative of his press secretary, Regina Lee. She manoeuvred to leak a sensitive information still at cabinet discussion level.”

Regina Lee

ABITW juga menonjolkan bahawa suami Regina Lee, iaitu wartawan The J-Star Teh Eng Hock telah membongkarkan tiga cerita:

yang telah disiarkan di akhbar Jerusubang itu pada 23 & 24 Jan 2014.


Gambar: Di belah kiri ialah Chin Peng, di kanan ialah Encik Regina Lee

Perkasa menegur KJ kenapa selaku Menteri Belia dan Sukan dia menyibuk perkara yang berada di bawah bidang kuasa Menteri menjaga hal ehwal agama Islam — lihat ‘Isu kalimah Allah: Perkasa minta KJ jaga kementerian sendiri‘ (Antarapos, 24 Jan 2014).

Adakah Khairy campurtangan demi membela evangelista? (Regina ialah BFF Hannah)

Kalau Menteri Umno masih mahu menyimpan Musuh Dalam Selimut dan itupun seekor Scissorati, bukankah wajar Perdana Menteri mengambil keputusan membuang sahaja Gunting Dalam Lipatan?

Bak kata tweet KJ, ‘Cikgu Lembu’ patut dibuang dari perkhidmatan. Bagaimana pula dengan Menteri Kangkung?

Twitter - Khairykj- 'Cikgu Lembu' patut dibuang


(198 patah perkataan)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

17 thoughts on “Pembocoran maklumat sensitif daripada pejabat menteri Umno?

  1. I’m all for freedom of speech and the press. But I think you take way too far, particularly when you attack family members. What does Regina’s husband have to do with anything, and why draw the parallel with Chin Peng? Heinous and ridiculous, personal attacks shouldn’t be part of proper reporting.

    1. Regina Lee’s husband is Teh Eng Hock. It says so in my article. He’s a J-Star senior reporter.

      KJ was the first to speak to the press about the Cabinet discussion on the ‘Allah’ issue even before Najib did. (Side note: Perkasa ticked him off as he’s the Youth and Sports Minister. There is a Minister in charge of Islamic Affairs — Jamil Khir Baharom.)

      The J-Star published KJ’s disclosure before the other media, so the blogger ABITW credited Teh Eng Hock for “breaking the story” (journo jargon). Now isn’t it a coincidence that his wife is KJ’s press sec?

      Should KJ have spoken publicly on such a sensitive matter preceding even the PM himself touched on it, and secondly when Religion is not his (KJ’s) portfolio?

      You sound ridiculous making comments attacking me without first reading properly. It is precisely b’cos Teh Eng Hock aka Mr Regina Lee is a family member that this “insider [info] trading” arises.

    2. Re. But I think you take way too far, particularly when you attack family members

      Btw, where were you when the Dapaters and Pakatoon Troupers attack Najib’s wife and family?


    3. “….But I think you take way too far, particularly when you attack family members. What does Najib’s wife have to do with anything,.”

      Heck, if you ever say same thing like this before, i will agree with you.

  2. I also believe his tweet regarding the teacher issue is uncouth, just like Ku Nan opened his fat lips over the fuel price thingy and then called people stupid on tweeter when he got kangkonged…. the ministers should restrain from commenting on issue beyond their jurisdiction.

    its pretty sad that KJ despite being Oxford tutored cannot get it… only want to become hero, maybe he can go on a vigilante patrol around the churches. koh3.

    Anyway, all this is just cliche as the battle for Selangor MBship heats up, its getting exciting.

    1. Agree with you, his tweet is unbecoming of a Federal minister. He also tagged the DPM and Minister of Education II. What for? He can’t express his opinion on the matter through proper channels, like the Cabinet meeting? Why must tweet about it and also tagged other ministers? Nak tunjuk hero la tu! Tak puas setakat dapat Shout Award kot, maybe he also want ‘Pelakon Filem Terbaik’ Award.

      The public should stop banking on the fact that KJ went to Oxford, hence he is intellectually superior to those who went to Universiti Malaya, for example. It’s a total hyped-up bullshit and there is nothing good that Malaysian youths can learn from this KJ guy.

        1. Helen, when I looked at the picture of the guy you’d placed next to the commy idolised by Mat Sapu of PAS, strangely I found him kinda hot. I’ve started to imagine what it would be like to get very intimate with him whilst Regina ‘dumb-fuck’ Lee watching us, live. I bet it’ll be a really ‘good-fuck’ show.

          KJ can also watch us if he wants. This is what a progressive and liberal DNA looks like.

          1. re: “kinda hot”

            eeeeuw !! Tonight is Chinese big dinner and you’re making me lose my appetite.

  3. Helen… to RBA personal attacks shouldn’t be part of proper reporting….. so all this time their reporting tak proper and full of lies and stirring hatred among malaysian!!

  4. It is a very long stretch to claim that a leak of “sensitive information” has occurred when the information was actually mentioned by a minister during a session with journalists. The blogger ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ is certainly exaggerating.

    Khairy has also not been censured by the government for the statements to the media. I know that Perkasa receives covert government support, but since when did Perkasa become a government body?

    1. re: “the information was actually mentioned by a minister during a session with journalists”

      ABITW blogged that Mr Regina was tipped off to ask his wife’s boss on the Bible topic. Don’t forget that KJ is the “Youth” and “Sports” minister. He’s not the minister for religious affairs or Home Minister.

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