Posted in UGly gomen

Weakening Bersatu will only make PAS stronger

Bersatu president Muhyiddin was charged for corruption this morning.

So now, there is a new Bersatu court cluster which includes the party’s erstwhile info chief Wan Saiful.

There is the old Harapan court cluster too with Guan Eng and Syed Saddiq among the YBs indicted.

Unlike the other parties, PAS remains free of a court cluster. As an unintended consequence, PAS will benefit from Bersatu’s image getting tarnished.

Meanwhile, Umno is unable to shake off the label “parti perompak” bestowed upon it by the Dapster mob.

BELOW: Anwar’s Deputy Finance Minister Steven Sim (DAP) alluded to Umno as “Parti Mat Sakau” in his 17 Aug 2022 tweet

PAS is lynchpin in Muslim oppo

The Unity Government gets its stability from Umno’s 26 Muslim MPs. These Umno reps make up roughly one-third of the UG’s Muslim parliamentarians.

Without them, Anwar’s umbrella coalition will be dominated by non-Muslim MPs.

Harapan itself has a mere 31 Muslim MPs vs 50 non-Muslim MPs, according to the PAS president — see Hadi Awang’s Feb 13 tweet below.

Harapan on its own represents a non-Muslim majority in the Dewan. It is Umno, GPS and GRS which give UG its Muslim anchor.

Broadly speaking, the UG Muslim MPs fall under three blocs:

  1. Umno
  2. PH
  3. GPS, GRS, Warisan & others

Among the Harapan parties, PKR has the most number of Muslim MPs, followed by Amanah’s eight and DAP’s three.

Together with their other UG counterparts, DAP’s three ‘S’es (Syahredzan, Syerleena and Syefura) make up a total of 77 Muslim MPs — going by Guan Eng’s headcount.

UG has 71 non-Muslim MPs compared to the mere two non-Muslim MPs in PN, according to the DAP chairman’s March 1 press statement (see below).

The two non-Muslim MPs in PN are Bersatu’s indigenous Sarawakians.

Let’s say 3 Muslim MPs defect from UG

The Dewan Rakyat religious composition – to the best of our knowledge – is as follows:

No. of Muslim MPs

  • Government: 77
  • Opposition: 72

Now imagine a scenario where three UG Muslim MPs might cross the floor because they buy into the PN narrative that Muhyiddin is a victim of selective and “political persecution”.

BELOW: Sembahyang hajat in Taman Melewar last night by the ummah to pray against “kezaliman” kerajaan

Granted that the anti-hopping law is a deterrent for any MP desiring to switch parties but still, it can be done. A parliament seat could be legally vacated for a by-election to be held.

If three Muslim MPs defected from UG (77-3=74), Anwar would have 74 Muslim MPs left in his ruling coalition.

If these three MPs subsequently joined PN (72+3=75), the oppo would then have 75 Muslim MPs.

In short, following a putative crossover of three MPs, there would be 75 Muslim MPs in PN and 74 Muslim MPs in UG.

All it takes is for three Muslim MPs to jump ship to tilt the balance.

A crossover by three Muslim MPs can by no means topple Anwar who would still retain his near supermajority in parliament.

Nonetheless, such a crossing of the aisle can provide PN a ‘moral’ boost by altering the Muslim balance. Small though this three-MP shift may be, it changes the Dewan’s religious equation.

Having 74 Muslim MPs in the Anwar government outnumbered by 75 Muslim MPs in the opposition is rocking PMX’s boat. If such a hypothetical scenario were to really happen, Anwar’s (potential) loss of his Muslim MP majority would certainly spook the Malays.

Spooking the Malays would above all else further strengthen PAS.


Never forget Newton’s Third Law of Motion: ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’.

Charging Muhyiddin today is a strong action. Its equal and opposite reaction must surely follow.


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

14 thoughts on “Weakening Bersatu will only make PAS stronger

  1. Pas is the spiritual scion of Umno that exists as an alternate force. The more corrupt Umno is perceived to have become, the stronger Pas grows – the evidence for this is unfolding as we speak. The rising global phenomenon in conservatism (violent rejection of wokism) coupled with entrenched demographics dictate that Pas / Pas-like entity will eventually rule Malaysia. The current political environment is artificially created to merely forestall the inevitable.

    1. True. Whatever, a mass of good people cannot be pressed down like in South Africa, India and China. Eventually, their inherent characteristics will hold sway ! History is the finest arbiter of the Truth. Hence with a beautiful hindsight, we see the futility of those in Power grabbing so so much ! Not only did they devalue themselves but where are they going to run ?

    2. if pas want to replace umno to become a real force and not a alternate one, they must learn how to become govt through winning election, not topple.

      1. Harapan, which is now ensconced in Putrajaya, did not win GE15 either.

        They won 81 seats (if we exclude Muda) which is far short of the 112 simple majority in parliament.

        Anwar became head of govt through his collusion with Zahid (secret pact made before polling day). The Umno president ‘cheated’ BN voters of our votes.

        If I’d known that Umno was going to propel PH to become the gomen, I would not have pangkah dacing on my ballot paper.

        Umno repeatedly promised its general assembly ‘No Anwar, No DAP’ and even had a resolution passed by the party delegates.

        Umno cheated the BN base on 20 Nov 2022.

        UG is an ugly gomen build on major campaign lies of ‘No Anwar, No DAP’ as well as ‘A vote for BN (Khairy, WKS, etc) is a vote for Zahid.

        1. if you put it this way, then pn aka pas also didnt achieve the 112 simple majority, and there will be no end who shd become the govt like in the past. seriously you and pas cant wait for another 5 years?

          1. Agree that PN also missed the 112 mark.

            On the issue of instability, it’s a matter of which coalition pissed off M’sians the most.

            Pissed at BN … because we were fobbed off with Ismail Sabri as our ‘poster boy’ when Zahid was all the time plotting with Anwar?

            Pissed at PH … because Anwar’s Reformasi is as worthless as the 2018 manifesto?

            Pissed at PN … because they campaigned on anti-corruption platform?

            For my GE15 mandate, it would be acceptable to me if BN took a step back and allowed PH to became a minority govt ruling as long as their stitched-up C & S agreement can hold.

            But a minority govt without Umno participation in cabinet, and ‘No’ to Zahid as DPM. Currently MCA & MIC left out in the cold by Umno backstabbers.

            1. in the past i am also a fool to perceive anwar 916 is fine, simply because i believe there is no way one can defeat umno in any election, and i really didnt realise it could be in such chaos when this happened. however the recent elections show that malaysian are generally quite decency towards how democracy work, and the one party state can be considered a history of the last in our pursue of a more democratic msia. and the only problem left fixing now is the politician. i think we shouldn’t promote this kind of undemocratic albeit not against law practice of topple govt. i dont see any benefit at all.

  2. The separation of powers between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches are supposedly there to ensure balance and integrity to our democratic process.

    Muhyiddin’s court process would take at least another 2 to 3 years before a verdict is rendered. Muhyiddin would have his day in court and evidence submitted would clear or indict Muhyiddin. Until then, party supporters would always allege selective persecution because of the distrust and divisiveness currently plaguing the nation.

    Alleged weaponization of the different legislative branches has been around for ages though in the past, it has been one sided. After 2018, the constant changing of power structure has made everyone fair game.

    Is that a bad thing?

    Unless fabrication and manufactured evidences are used to ensure a certain outcome, if not, it is better to hold crooked politicians from all parties answerable to the public. Selected persecution or not, it is a better scenario than all political parties scratching each other’s back.

    PAS won 43 seats – Bersatu 31 seats.

    Will Muhyiddin’s corruption case benefit PAS?

    PAS is the stronger party in PN. Like DAP in PH.

    PN currently is campaigning on moral superiority ground against a corrupt UMNO /UG. Indicting Muhyiddin meant PN no longer has the superiority edge. Unfortunately Zahid is so unpopular and disliked, little wonder if their (PN) supporters really care.

  3. You are correct. For every action there is a reaction ! The born again christians of the DAP began it all since 2008 with their foolish antics and actions. They plunged into Malaysian Politics without any basic historical knowledge of our beloved Malaysia – that we are dealing with human beings from disparate communities in an emerging country from colonialism. And they used FEAR as their weapon of choice on the CHINESE who still do not realize that they are labelled similarly as the BACs ! Stupid ! MCA seemed to be taking the 36th step ! Clever chinamen ! Money is NOT going to put the lid back on the Pandora’s box which the born again christians of the DAP have opened. These ignorant folks have hastened the rising inherent characteristics of humankind. They forgot in their zeal that others view them as CHINESE even though they look chinese outside but not inside. And that every community is ENTIRELY different from one another. In other words, in a country like Malaysia, our Leaders play a very important role in guiding the masses and also no effort to create a large pool of true Malay elites which bolster good governance.. It was exclusive since 1981. . Unlike the West where the masses guide the Leaders through Democracy ! Actually the rot began in 1981 when State assets were surreptitiously squirreled away. The 1MDB scandal and those that followed are only the open and ultimate manifestations of the rot since 1981 ! It’s actually incomparable and small compared with the past. Bad copycats ! No doubt, by their ignorance the born again christians of the DAP thought they had everything wrapped up by wrapping up the 97% Chinese. This is actually an exercise in futility because the revered CONSTITUTION holds sway. Pour le vouz francais ? Read and understand ! By taking the diametrically opposite approach, the born again christians of the DAP are stuck in perpetuity. Today, events have shown they have missed the mark altogether but up a greasy pole of no return ! The born again christians of the DAP by not being aware of the Realpolitik and the peoples in the country they live in, huddled in their artificial ghettos which they created themselves. In June 2018, I attempted to meet the four leaders of the DAP to impress upon them that they had in their hands, a Party which if truly MULTI-RACIAL, will be the paramount Party in Malaysia. There was silence. There was no humility in victory. No forward planning but believed in ‘ for every action, a reaction !’ So, today we have a situation which was actually created by those who had the Power to guide power to a satisfactory conclusion. As it is, the the Pandora’s Box is opened. The jury is out for the moment ! The story of King Canute and the tide holds sway ! Here is a true story. A few days ago, I had lunch with my born again christian nephew who began 20 years ago in Laos ! Then, 2% of 5 million Buddhists were born again christians. In 2023, the number of born again christians is still 2% ! He is uneducated and speaks as though he is almighty. I asked him,’ Have you got friends in the US ?’ He answered,’ Yes !’ He is 55 years old and have returned to Laos to pursue his Life’s devotion with his father’s inheritance of millions of Singapore dollars.. He just got married to a Laotian girl and is expecting a son this month. I wish him well ! Remember my true stories of my illiterate sister-in-law who established her own income tax free church and made millions of ringgits and my cousin who is a chief abbess, riding in a golden Mercedes long wheel base driven by a chauffeur ?

    1. Just as I was writing on the lack of understanding by the born again christians of the DAP leadership, there was a running battle on precisely this very point since 3 days ago ! That we Malaysians must learn to handle all issues with awareness, sensitivity and due consideration for the customs and practices of other communities. Surprisingly, there are some amongst us who still live in mental ghettos of their own making since 1957, – 66 years ago.

    2. As I was saying, the 97% Chinese who supported the born again christians DAP in General Elections have been labelled allegedly as ‘born again christian’ by two important Malay political sources ! The 97% Chinese without thought but out of alleged brainwashing by culprits using fear as a weapon of choice, are now trapped in a situation of their own making. IF THE 97% CHINESE ARE UNCERTAIN ABOUT THE TRUSTWORTHINESS OF ANY POLITICAL PARTY THEY SHOULD ABSTAIN FROM VOTING and not make fools of themselves being labelled as ‘two faced so and so !’ Stupid.

  4. correction : in the past (not last).

    btw i recall years back when i renting out my old house, i have a heated negotiation/argument with a malay parents who seek house for their attending university son, their requirements have nothing to do with rental but insist on something from religion pov, and i keep telling them i am a chinese hence i live a chinese life, i cant guarantee or to spend much to cater for their demand, i asked them to look for a malay owner house instead of all this unnecessary argument. the makcik tell me all this argument will stop for the next four years the moment we achieve an agreement, well, she is much wiser than me. and we reach a deal and they never come back for any request in the next four years. i always think this is the best adat as demonstrated which we chinese cant match, but it seem our politician are very diff.

  5. As we speak, Malaysian Politics changes everyday ! As of today, we see only two major groupings :-
    1. PAS + bersatu – Power = now running with the majority wave as per the Constitution. Awaiting the durians to drop in the State and the General Election
    2. PKR+ dap + miscellaneous – Power = Held together by intrinsic interests. There is a lot of pushing and pulling. PKR is financially weak.
    From now on every State or General election will be a game changer. Costs are uncontrollable now that Power is connected to money ! Reforms ? What reforms ?
    In practice, a Malaysian politician is like a Horn of Plenty in reverse. Plenty of promises at the mouth and nothing at the nozzle !

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