Posted in Umdap

A good thing if history repeats itself

Kongres Maruah Melayu was initiated by the federal government on 6 Oct 2019.

Beloved Atuk, a nonagenarian PM elected mostly by the hopeful Nons, resigned his premiership on 24 Feb 2020 and collapsing the Harapan 1.0 administration.

The timeline of events is instructive: Four-and-a-half months after Mahathir 2.0’s Malay Dignity Congress, the Sheraton Move was set in motion.

There’s an old saying about “history repeating itself”. Harapan 2.0 have found themselves back again in Putrajaya helming a unity government.

This UG will be initiating a lookalike and possibly ill-omened conclave called Bumiputera Economic Congress some time in 2024.

Cina-Cina DAP must be wondering if such a congress next year could be a harbinger of Sheraton 2.0.

Cina MCA seems to be a tad superstitious and reluctant for the congress redux to take place. On the other hand, the DAP Yang Berhormats are – most predictably – as silent as church mice.

BELOW: Umno warlord Puad Zarkashi is today a new BFF who has taken over the reins of DAP’s favourite bloodsport, i.e. kicking MCA

Umno is behaving according to script and slapping down the complaint raised by a senator from the BN Chinese party, YB Ti Lian Ker, about the congress — this time apparently the PMX’s brainchild.

Such typical Umno behaviour (beating down complaints by the Nons) was a source of angst to the DAP for many decades but nonetheless ever since November 2022 following GE15, Dapsters have been the loudest cheerleaders of Zahid and his depleted party.

In any case, Umno threatening MCA is like flogging a dead horse because the latter party has only got a small and inconsequential voice – two MPs – in the UG.

It’s DAP that is the most powerful party in the UG with the highest number of MPs — 40. And DAP had/has no grouses at all about either Malay Dignity Congress 2019 or Bumiputera Economic Congress 2024.

On the contrary, DAP today is most kamcheng (bagai pinang dibelah dua) with Umno — their Umdap collaboration now intertwining our country’s two biggest ethnics (Malay and Chinese).

Therefore a bigger and better repeat of the Malay congress is most welcome, also bearing in mind that the historical timeline is a cyclic affair.

The opposition have much glad tidings to be anticipated in the four to five months after the 2024 congress.


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

5 thoughts on “A good thing if history repeats itself

  1. The born again christians of Hainanese origin of the Christian DAP Leadership who look Chinese but NO Chinese inside are determined to be as quiet as church mice to keep the tiny vestige of POWER which they gained with their 40 Dewan seats. This is lopsided POWER at its worst and showed how submissive these Nons are in their political strategy due to poor Vision and Intellect. They once walked proud and tall in the Opposition giving all sorts of advice and hurled all sorts of abuses and insults which have returned to haunt them. Fresh ideas are important tools in the political arena which these DAP members have none. This explains why they are silent as church mice and have become the followers of any Pied Piper of Hamelin who comes along. It’s another Malaysian Fairy Tale in history for you and me. History is the Finest Arbiter of the Truth which these submissive DAP mice cannot escape ! OMG !

  2. I must keep reminding all our good citizens that our beloved Malaysia had achieved much despite of her weak Prime Minister Leaderships between 1981-2022. The huge and bountiful goodwill which still exists between the different communities is the valuable ballast which had stabilized our politics and wherewithal of our existence well before our Merdeka on 1957. It is us the Rakyat who must not lose our senses and sanity in the face of mischief created by those who have an ax to grind for selfish reasons, not National Interest. If these personalities with the gift of the Gab were so very good as they claimed to be, our beloved Malaysia would not be in any purported problems like an official RM 1.5 trillion debt overhanging us with the unofficial GLCs debt excluded ! And so it is, we the Rakyat must realize our own goodwill which have engendered inside us through the centuries under the rule of the wise, caring and compassionate Royal Sultans. Without them, there would have been no beloved Malaysia today ! We must be sensible and be aware of our fortunate circumstances in the fact that Malaysia is but a whisper away being one of 4 most important small countries in the World, the United Kingdom, Japan, Switzerland and Malaysia. Singapore is too small because it just fits into Lake Geneva, 25 miles long. Now, with the Leadership of our learned Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, hopefully, our beloved Malaysia returns to a normal and even keel to navigate through uncertain waters in the future under his firm Leadership. With the right Leadership and circumstances. our beloved Malaysia and her Rakyat’s well-being is assured. The fakes will be lessened by a dime a dozen ! OMG !

  3. ‘A good thing if history repeats itself’. A searching title which reminds me that the born again christians of Hainanese origin of the Christian DAP Leadership serve themselves better than MCA I.0 ! Just short of being part of the official belief engraved in the Constitution as well. They have proved that there is nothing to fear from the Majority even though they look Chinese on the outside and NO Chinese inside. This is contrary to the fear instilled in the Chinese which they have concocted GE after GE ! Have the DAPs successfully broke down the age old community barriers of our beloved Malaysia like zooming through the sound barrier in aeronautics ? Is this a one off wayang to impress the naive and the gullible Chinese ? Loud noises could be heard from the Opposition Front, their once ex-camaraderie ! Are we seeing the clownish antics of the DAP as better performers than the MCA 1.0 ? Like scooping up honours en masse ? How do the 97% naive and gullible Han and Lao Chinese feel about this volte-face of the once solid as a rock in Opposition DAP 1966-2008 which have become soft like Swiss cheese ? These folks even dream of the possession of the Top Post, in London of all places ! OMG ! No doubt many questions arise in the minds of the 100% Chinamen and many questions asked as to why the 180 degree turn by the proponents of the DAP in the lap of POWER and MONEY ! Who now dares say THAT THERE ARE NO OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE NON_MALAY DAP IN OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA ? As for the GE promises on vernacular schools, UCE etc, never heard of them ? I strip myself down to my loin cloth if a born again christian of Hainanese origin of the Christian DAP Leadership sacrifices himself or herself like Gandhi ! OMG !

  4. In Malaysia, we must always expect the unexpected ! No one could have foreseen that the born again christians of Hainanese origin of the Christian DAP Leadership could out do the MCA 1.0 and went further to please the ‘powers in situ.’ Now we have a humongous team of 60 souls in the Unity Cabinet as led by our learned Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim all set to go and serve the Rakyat. Good fortune may yet smile on this latest 60 souls Cabinet to deliver in the Year of the Wooden Dragon in 2024. 2023 was a rough year for all and sundry. For the very first time, a chinaman was appointed to look after workers. Good luck to him ! Strange to observe, a diplomat is now more suitable to be in defence and vice versa. We Malaysians without true Malay elites have to make do with whatever we got in hand.
    Mother India is one nation which built up her elites through iconic institutions in Dehra Dun, Bangalore and New Delhi since her Independence with the English language enhanced ! Such is her strength today. Her bulwark of 350 millions English speaking Indians. The US and the UK may learn about Democracy from Mother India these days ! OMG ! As for our beloved Malaysia, hopefully the 60 ministers strong Unity Cabinet will take the first step on a journey of 1,000 batu-batu soon in the National Interest. Our best wishes and blessings to them all !

  5. Indeed, history is repeating itself in Malaysia 66 years after Merdeka. For the lack of ideas and ideals, the citizens are now faced with issues which should have been raised decades ago or buried in our short memories. However, significant issues like inflation and the rising cost of living do not rank with the issues at hand like the tussle of Power in different sectors of the Kingdom. Are we too well-endowed in our equable environment or what is it which aspires a person to want more and more of the same ? Like 500 watches, Greed has no bounds. The greed for Power as now exemplified in our Courts by those who were already well-ensconced in Money and Power certainly raises more questions than answers. Where have we Malaysians with our Asian values and background gone wrong ? Now even political parties which have kept their heads and sanity intact for decades, lose their senses and descended down to the filthy lucre level to be part of the increasing maddening throng ! How this could have happened in our beloved Malaysia which was once well-known for being stable and boring is beyond my wildest imagination ? This sort of scenario is now cut out for our learned Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to put our great ship, Malaysia back on an even keel as he navigates through stormy waters in the years ahead with his disparate crew of indeterminate quality. Our future and destiny now depends on his HELMSMAN-SHIP in home waters ! Take it or leave it !

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