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Brunei tidak memberi kerakyatan kepada pemastautin Cina

Masih ingat lagi ruangan Tinta Pengarang Buletin Mutiara yang tidak lama dahulu menggelar mamak sebagai “Melayu celup kopi”. Sekarang ini, timbul tweet kontroversi oleh Senator DAP pula.

Serangan DAP ke atas golongan mamak mengandaikan bahawa pemimpin dan pengikut parti itu tidak merestui usaha mengasimilasi bahasa, budaya setempat dan adab Melayu.

Memandangkan DAP memperli golongan mamak, maka wajar kita persoalkan kaum minoriti bukan-Islam tersebut menganggap diri mereka Malay-sian First berdasarkan kriteria apa?

Kenapa Cina ditolak?

Negara jiran kita Brunei tidak menerima sebahagian penduduknya yang berketurunan Cina sebagai warga. Orang Cina ini hanya diberikan taraf pemastautin tetap (PR).

Sungguhpun golongan orang Cina ini sudah generasi kedua atau ketiga lahir di Brunei, mereka masih lagi PR sahaja (bermakna tidak memegang paspot Brunei).

Brunei agak luarbiasa. Ia mempunyai sistem pemerintahan beraja di mana Sultan Brunei adalah Muslim dan Brunei ialah sebuah negara Islam yang agama rasminya Islam. Akan tetapi taburan penduduk Muslimnya sekadar 51.9 peratus sahaja, mengikut anggaran oleh Pew Research Center pada tahun 2008.

Hampir separuh (kira-kira 48 peratus) daripada penduduk di Brunei bukan Muslim kerana mereka kaum minoriti yang berstatus ‘stateless people’.

Kebanyakan penduduk bukan warga di Brunei adalah etnik Cina yang tidak mempunyai hak-hak penuh dan faedah yang dinikmati seorang warga biasa. — laporan tahun 2012 oleh badan hak asasi Freedom House

Penduduk bukan warga (stateless people) tidak dibenarkan untuk memiliki tanah di Brunei. Mereka tidak mendapat rawatan kesihatan yang dibiayai penuh oleh kesultanan kaya-raya itu. Mereka tidak layak mendapat pendidikan percuma tahap pengajian tinggi. — laporan amalan hak asasi oleh Jabatan Negeri Amerika Syarikat (24 Mei 2012).

Brunei adalah sebuah negara kecil yang jumlah penduduknya pun kecil, iaitu 390,000 orang: Melayu (67%), Cina (15%), pribumi (6%) and Lain-lain (12%).

Jumlah stateless people 21,000 orang (5.4%) dan seperti yang disebut tadi, kebanyakan mereka Cina. Kewarganegaraan tidak diberikan secara automatik.

Sesiapa yang ingin memohon untuk menjadi warga Brunei dikehendaki lulus ujian yang mana calon tersebut wajib menunjukkan bahawa dia memahami budaya dan bahasa Melayu.

Jus sanguinis

Kewarganegaraan Brunei ditentukan melalui prinsip jus sanguinis (mengikut kerakyatan ibubapa). Istilah tersebut adalah bahasa Latin dan bermaksud “right of blood” atau hak keturunan.

Talian ‘darah’ amat mustahak bagi banyak negara bangsa.

In Brunei, seorang menjadi warga mengikut operasi undang-undang sekiranya dia Melayu — merangkumi Belait, Bisaya, Dusun, Kedayan, Murut dan Melayu Tutong (sumber sini).

Pada lumrahnya, manusia mementingkan etnik.

Ambil contoh United Kingdom yang terdiri daripada Ireland Utara, Scotland, England dan Wales.

Orang British menggelar diri mereka orang Irish, orang Scot, orang English dan orang Welsh, lebih kurang macam orang Malaysia menggelar diri kita Melayu, Cina, India dan sebagainya.

Kita di Malaysia berlainan agama dan berbeza warna kulit.

Orang asal Irish, Scot, English dan Welsh sama agama (Kristian) dan sama warna kulit (putih). Namun mereka masih lagi nekad untuk membeza-bezakan diri mereka.

Seorang Irish, misalan kata, enggan dikenali sebagai orang English.

Dua tahun kelak, Scotland akan mengadakan referendum untuk menentukan sama ada orang Scot mahu keluar daripada UK dan seterusnya negeri tersebut menjadi sebuah republik berdikari.

Perkembangan ini membayangkan betapa kuatnya jatidiri orang Scot, yang lebih Scot daripada British.

Untuk sekian lama, gerila IRA telah berperang saudara berhasrat akan pemisahan Ireland Utara daripada Great Britain – pulau besar terdiri England, Scotland dan Wales – supaya boleh bergabung semula dengan Ireland kerana jati diri mereka ialah sebagai orang Irish.

Di serata dunia, pengenalan diri mengikut etnik adalah begitu mendalam. Contohnya orang Kurd mahu menubuhkan sebuah negara Kurdistan khusus untuk etnik mereka.

Hanya DAP di Malaysia yang mendabik dada serta beriya-iya mengaku ahli-ahli Firstersnya tidak mempunyai pengenalan diri berlandaskan kaum. Meskipun demikian, mereka tidak boleh duduk diam tengok golongan mamak.

Bersambung: Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (Mamak)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

58 thoughts on “Brunei tidak memberi kerakyatan kepada pemastautin Cina

  1. Helen,

    Betulkah kalau saya simpulkan bahawa orang India adalah bangsa yang mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran?

  2. “Meskipun demikian, mereka tidak boleh duduk diam tengok golongan mamak”


    Depa bukan saja ‘gatal mulut’ tetapi juga ‘gatal tangan’ untuk menaip twitter berkenaan keburukan orang lain. Dalam kata lain memang Dapster tak boleh duduk diam. Cumanya, apa rangsangannya? Mungkinkah kerana golongan mamak tidak memihak kepada Dapster dalam hal politik makanya timbul perasaan cemburu, irihati dan sakithati?

  3. Ms Ang,

    In your opinion, what’s the plausible action(s) needs to be taken by the government esp. MCA & BN to rectify all this mess made by DAP? To blame DAP wholly is not fair as they only gain strength via a parasite named Anwar. Anyway, on a different note, as gay as I am .. and not to offend the female species, I shudder at the thought of ‘Republic of Malaysia’ plus having a Queen as the president. Just so you and the rest know, pink is not my colour!

    1. Anak Jamil, I think you are providing more answers and justification rather than the questions. What exactly are you seeking in this platform? Are you testing the water whether to engage or not?

      1. MiNY,

        Pray tell what answers am I providing when all I did was asking a generic question? I sincerely would like to know Ms. Ang’s POV on this matter – being a chinese I think everyone would appreciate her feedback on this matter.

        I find it rather strange as well on the usage of the word ‘justification’ – what exactly am I justifying? As I can see you’re all out replying to various comments in here, I respect your effort though I do not agree to some of what you’re saying.

        What exactly that triggers these emotional responses? What part of Ms. Ang’s articles that hit your sensitive button?

    2. “What’s the plausible action(s) needs to be taken by the government esp. MCA & BN to rectify all this mess made by DAP?”

      Such a big question lah :) Where’s the blueprint by MCA think-tank on this?

      If I could narrow my answer to one small area where I have working experience, i.e. media, I would recommend MCA assert control over its renegade Gunting dalam Lipatan that keeps stabbing the party in the back.

      Although it is scissors and not samural sword, nonetheless MCA will eventually bleed to death from the unceasing multiple wounds.

  4. Maybe they want what the Mamaks have, i.e. same privileges as the Malays, but they want it on their own terms without having to give-up anything that they have, i.e. make any sacrifice to assimilate? Maybe that’s why the mamaks annoy them to no end as the group have shown that if you assimilate with the locals, you are seen as one too?

  5. helen,

    mungkin ini kerana dendam kesumat terhadap Tun M mantan PM yang berketurunan mamak sebelah bapanya…

    mamak terkenal pandai berniaga, berjimat cermat dan begitu menjaga saudara-mara mereka serta kuat agama. mereka ini tak ada yang miskin tegar. yang kaya-raya taukeh emas, permaidani, nasi kandar dan pengurup wang di penang siapa lagi kalau bukan mamak.

    mereka sekarang adalah generasi ke 4 atau 5 dari pendatang dari negeri tamil nadu, selatan india. kebanyakan generasi mamak sekarang memilih untuk mempraktikkan budaya dan bahasa melayu.

    jika nak dibandingkan dengan kaum india, mereka ini jauh lebih maju dari segi ekonomi. mungkin sebab ni mamat india DAPster tu jealous kut… yang hairan tu kenapa geng cina DAPster pun meluat kat mamak.


  6. kelantan which was a non-federated state in malaya in the past had a law where non-malay or non-kelantanese rakyat are to be repatriated outside of kelantan once the permits of non-malay workers have expired, hence the low non-malay population in kelantan. all the coolies brought by the british or towkays are shown out of kelantan once their work is done.

    Should kelantan become independent or did not join malaysia, they would have naturally followed brunei’s example.

    Myanmar today also deny citizenship rights to rohingyas who historically are natives to the arakan which in the past had sovereign rohingya kingdoms that has very little association to bangladesh. so, buddhists are not so compassionate after all and still have human prejudice.

    South east asia may seem peaceful but has had a bloody inter-ethnic strife, the cambodian khmer abhor the thais, thais hate burmese vice versa and vietnamese despite sino appearance actually hate the chinese which once colonized them.

    south east asian countries generally assumed along ethnic lines. Malaya and indonesia are possibly exception due to trade in the archipalego which allowed peaceful interactions between various peoples but still maintain cultural identities at specific areas hence indonesian ethnics like java, mendeleng and madura are concentrated on certain islands, same as malaysia with its negeris with distinct dialects by state despite the peninsular not that big.

    malaya was a backwater and not involved in bloody wars between empires, the people are sheltered from war or they just have short momories, hence the large ability of the malays to tolerate foreigners and even absorb foreigners of many descent such as bugis, mendeleng, boyan and recent mamak into a cohesive malay polity.

    However, other countries in the west also have strict citizenship.

    Switzerland in which my uncle is now a citizen imposed strict requirements on to be citizens. my uncle married a swiss but only become citizen after 25 years working hard for two degrees, learn french, german, and italian, become a certified programmer specialist — (many malaysian chinese in a malaysian company he worked for 6 months under government invitation to work on the mykad project disbelieved a malay specialist java programmer hired from switzerland, especialy since his face is so malay brown idiot by chinese standard) — and it took years before his employer decides to support his citizenship application.

    as of now, swiss population is only 8 million and even germany find it difficult to comply swiss citizenship requirement. swiss thinks italians are stupid and lazy and have stereotypes on other europeans which show how their distinct themselves because of their citizenship.

    To sum up, there is no such thing as free citizenship, and citizenship can be a powerful identity. Malays bumi rights may seem normal when considering many countries around us endow citizenship base on ethnic and religion but malaysia get the evil sign because unlike other countries, it does not hide the bumi policies.

    In the case of brunei, people never highlight the bumi rights as the chinese there do not or maybe disallowed to talk bad about the pro malay brunei citizenship out of fear of being expelled and they also are very prosperous in brunei operating in their insular socio-economic environment with symbiotic relationship with the cash rich sultanate who are their biggest customers.

    1. Can size have something to do with why Brunei is not highlighted? Our closest match to Brunei’s small 390,000 population size is the population in central Seberang Perai (Bukit Mertajam town) in Penang.

      Why do the Chinese accept non-citizenship to live in Brunei several generations? Here, the minorities complain about second-class citizenship but there they do not get citizenship at all, just identification papers and travel documents. Like you surmise, it could be that the Chinese in Brunei are “very prosperous”.

      This present mamak flap is illuminating. A group of Indian origin have assimilated and are considered Melayu and hold Umno positions and get bumi privileges.

      Mamaks are noticeably the target of Chinese-DAP ire, not Malay ire.

      1. I don’t think so. I have heard from Umno Malays who gripe about the influence of Indian Muslims in Umno. Don’t get started with Pas or Keadilan who constantly referred to Mahathir as “you-know-what”

        1. You’re responding to my observation that “Mamaks are noticeably the target of Chinese-DAP ire, not Malay ire”?

          I’m aware that Malays do make snide remarks about mamaks. And Malays also grumble about mamaks, particularly about wrt the mamak business acumen and make jokes that they repatriate their profits back to India.

          But if we look at the bottomline, Zambry managed to become Perak MB whereas Shaik Hussein Mydin is treated with blanket hostility and greeted with racial slurs by DAP supporters in Penang.

      2. PAS & PKR Malays have also blasted Shaik Hussein Mydin and Umno, sometimes with the “Mamak menyamar Melayu” types of accusation. Mahathir has, and still is referred to as Kutty by Pas, Keadilan and even by rivals inside the Umno.

        Realize that this animosity strikes across race lines and has more to do with political faction.

    2. Forestcat said:

      “To sum up, there is no such thing as free citizenship, and citizenship can be a powerful identity”.

      There is. Nowhere else except your southern neighbour the tiny dot where even a tom,dick,or harry from PRC,India,Philippines and etc….are offered citizenship in a “silver platter”. They govt. has betrayed the local born and the country are actually in a mess.

      The reason many Malaysian doesn’t know many things about Singapore is that unlike Singapore who for many years had placed their news correspondence in KL whilst Malaysia has not done so. Why is that?

      The BN govt. are very tolerant to opposition and I find it astonishing. If the opposition in Malaysia did what they did in Singapore I think all of them will be ISDied. Najib is such a chum.

      1. You are right. The govt made a mess of their immigration policy and it is a crime what they have done. The quality of life in Singapore has dropped tremendously and it is hard to find a local these days.

        There were cases PRC folks given PR or citizenship within months of arrival. There was this case where this China gal with Singaporean citizenship singing Chinese national anthem and running down Singapore in the Chinese TV. Imagine the reactions of the Singaporeans!

        These days everywhere you go, you only see PRC nationals, the pinoys and the Indians from India. Finding a local Singaporean as a front line staff is almost impossible.

        Even a few years ago, Singapore is very selective in their PR/citizenship policies. It is very hard for the Malays to get into Singapore even for senior management positions.

        I remember in my company, Singapore’s MOM rejecting a few Malay senior managers to work in our regional office. But in the same week, a few Chinese girls from China and Indonesia were accepted to do administrative work as clerks.

  7. Helen

    Kalaulah orang Cina diMalaysia ini sedar dan mengakuai akan hakikat betapa beruntongnya mereka, kita tidaklah perlu membuang banyak masa dengan politik perkauman seperti yang berlaku sekian lama. dan mungkin UMNO, MCA, MIC sudah tidak perlu wujud.

    Malangnya kalau dilihat daripada apa dipupok dan didik dari kalangan masyarakat Cina disini, politik perkauman adalah mustahil dapat dihaposkan di Malaysia.

    Tiada kaum di dunia ini yang tada semagat perkaumanya, pebedeannya hanya seaju mana menebalnya semagat itu. Kalau orang Melayu bolih menerima kaum Cina dan India sebagai rakan senegaranya, mestikah mereka mempertikaikan pulak kelebihan yang diperuntokan kapada orang Melayu sebagai anak bumi.

    1. Really!!!, then make a pit stop here [YouTube]. Imagine even your King means nothing when we continue to spill venomous agenda against basic rights and humanity on a superficial kinship on who is better and who owes whom rather than coexisting for one another in present day. Give uplah with semua tahu Malaysians.

      1. That’s not true,the Chinese there could be wakil rakyat as well..

        And after Gus Dur’s relaxation of restrictive laws against Chinese, they could now adopt Chinese names. Although not many of them bother. I personally think we should have required the Chinese to have bumiputera names many years ago, so that Chinese Malaysian would have a more Malaysian identity. Seems to late now

  8. Pencerahan yang baik ttg keadaan kaum cina di Brunei. Baik juga Brunei tidak menyertai pembentukan Malaysia pada waktu dahulu. Sekurang-kurangnya dpt beri pengajaran buat kaum cina yg ada d Msia. Terutama kpd org yg terkaya di kalangan kaum Cina/ India supaya ingat akan keterbukaan org melayu merelakan negara ini dikongsi kekayaannya. Atau mungkin org melayu selalu di pihak yang mudah ‘digoreng’ oleh mereka..

  9. Melayu adalah kelompok yg terbesar dari berbagai etnik yg semuanya mengamalkan kebudayaan, agama & bahasa sejagat.
    Di dalam Melayu itu tergolong etnik2 seperti Banjar, Bugis, Jawa, Minangkabau, Aceh dan beberapa etnik di kepulauan Borneo, Sulu dan Selatan Siam.
    Akhir2 ini ada beberapa bangsa di terima sebagai Melayu seperti Arab, India, Pakistan, sekelumit Cina dan beberapa bangsa lagi.
    Akhir kata, bangsa Melayu ini definasinya agak universal hanya berlandaskan 3 perkara yakni 1. Berpegang kepada tali Allah 2. Berbahasa Melayu 3. Mengamalkan budaya Melayu

    1. Nak jadi me-layu? Senang saja. Kahwin gadis melayu ataupun masuk islam, keturunan seterusnya akan jadi me-layu secara otomatik.

      Contoh klasik, mamaks dan ridhuan tee. Biasanya spesis convert ni suara lebih lantang dan lebih melayu dari me-layu ori.

      Contohnya, mamak umno pulau pinang.

      1. Hello Ravin or whoever you are. Don’t run down the Malays. The system and policies that is prevalent is not their fault as the Non Malays have equally contributed to it. It is a fault of every Malaysian irrespective of our origin. As a Non Malay, I have the highest regard for the Malays in their compassion to do what is right and just unlike the remotely controlled scavenging Anglophile and Wahabish. Take your hate agenda against the Malays somewhere else.

    2. Khairul, wow I am impressed, the 8th wonder of the world, the BTN propoganda for the semua tahu Malaysians. Aisah Man!!!!, kalau nak kelentong, pun ada limitlah bukan sampai macan ini. Nobody is against the Malays but don’tlah cerita so much like UMNO and the present day anglophile DAP and the BTN concocted history means anything. Malaysian not so bodoh Mah!!!

      Eergh!! i understand your right to defend the Malays and trust me I will do the same for you, but not just for the sake of it when and how it fits us at the expense of the rest like how it seems convenient. No i am not picking a bone with you, but don’tlah wayang kulit so much without a consideration on the truth and reality and actual historic facts. Did you know that the world consist over 7 billion people not just the 27 Million (including your favored Bagla, Indon & Paki) in Malaysia.

      What you want to do with 27 million does not necessarily mean kita ini living in Malaysia like katak di bawah tempurung will absorb everything for our own convenience but rather ensure our common folk have a voice for and the truth reality amongst each other rather than what they face for the political mandated & manipulated obeisance.

      1. Apa kena mengena komen aku dgn umno bn? Utk makluman kamu majoriti Melayu masih berdarah dah sampai bernanah (dgn sikap tak mengenang budi bangsa kamu) dgn tindakan Tunku Abd Rahman

  10. Betulkah Khairul, tolong lampirkan sampai bila bernanah orang Melayu? In macam mana Khairul, [YouTube]. Please tell me siapa yang bernanah? Kalaulah tanpa mengira bangsa atau origin kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia boleh tak kita menyedari masalah sesama sendiri tanpa agama, ikutan tapi apa yang patut sebagai seorang Malaysian.

  11. Khairul says ” Boleh tak kamu menyerahkan hak kerakyatan kamu balik?. Khairul seriously are you for real? What is there to surrender when I am born Malaysian. Do you have a problem with that? What Kerakyatan are you talking about whether I am a Malay, Chinese or Indian or lain-lain in the operation of the law or in your bigoted head it has only to be what you as a katak di bawah tempurung needs needs to dictate to ensure your survival. What a pity!!!

  12. Malaysian in New York,

    Let us get real. The Govt (meaning the UMNO led govt) is too accomodating to the point that it is making Malays feel upset. That is real. Just that UMNO is lucky that Malays have no other choices to represent them.

    PAS already “kowtows” to DAP while PKR represents the interests of Anwar and anybody that clashes with the malays.

    As for the chinese, realising their votes is crucial make many demands that would have been thrown out if asked in other countries. But there is a catch. as much as UMNO needs Chinese votes, the reverse is much more true.

  13. In a way, Khairul is right. I for one thinks that our country took the wrong path since day-one (or masih berdarah as he puts it).

    No point being coy about it. We are living the mistake our founding father made. Nak buat macam mana. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

    Jus soli was a mistake. I think even the non-Malays would be better off if citizenship was not granted so wantonly. Having to earn citizenship makes one cherish it more. So what if we fall back 30 years economically. At least we would’ve been better as a society.

  14. Malaysian in New York,

    What is it with BTN that really riles you. i attended the course. It does not promote racism. It does not deny the existence of non malays or their contributions.

    But of course, it has more to say on the malays for a very simple reason. This land was previously known as “Tanah Melayu’. as such, much of the history centers on Malays.

    What really riles DAP( with regards to BTN) is that BTN tells why Malaysia as it today is mainly due to its colourful history. BTN tells exactly why for example there are provisions for Malays in the Constitution.

    Why for example the word “Malays” are mentioned 54 times in the Constitution but not a word for “Chinese” or “Indians’. Not because Malays are more intelligent than the non Malays. Also not because the Colonial ruler(British) loves Malays so much.

    Rather, they (the Malays) are mentioned numerous times in recognition that the whole world accepts the fact that Malaya is their land.

    It is as simple as that. Of course, telling DAP that today will automatically made the Malays as racist (from DAP’s viewpoint).

    Because of the BTN, I am able to answer any question from my Chinese friends with regards to Malay specific provision. They posed genuine questions. They do not know that the Malay Rulers consented to more than 1 million citizenships, something that no other countries are known to be willing to do.

    They do not know. Just like their Malays counterpart. Suddenly after hearing the explaination, they seems to be less angry. That is the power of “facts”. The truth finally prevails.

    BTN does not “concoct” stories. It simply tells the truth. The truth that people like you are not willing to accept.

    Which part of BTN course that you are upset so much?

    1. Excellent. I’ve been telling this to some people including the malays. Some people especially those from pas camp dont understand this simple fact. The privilege is there not because the word ‘malay’ but because they are the origins. Thats why we have bumiputera from east Malaysia getting the same privilege.

      Some people argue why not Islam privilege (guess from where this argument originated), the answer is because the privilege is given to the origins and not because of the religion.

      I’m surprised why it is hard to comprehend this simple fact.

    2. Shamsul, a simple answer, please go and check the directors, middle management & executives in BTN. Does this reflect the multicultural and multi enthnicity Malaysia today? Are you telling me that the Non Malays are so unqualified to be absorbed into a governmental org that suppose to enhance patriotism amongst us.

      Please spare me the lecture on the private sector. It is our own doing for the superficial truth that we want to see and hear. Please go ahead and defend what you think is right as that is your prerogative, but I always hope that common sense and rationality for one another should prevail to be the bedrock of a multifaceted society like Malaysia even when we disagree.

  15. Excellently put, Shamsul Anuar. Many non bumis hate BTN just because they do not like to be reminded of the truth.

  16. Anak jamil, you say “Pray tell what answers am I providing when all I did was asking a generic question? Are you a Chinese Christian? Then you say “I find it rather strange as well on the usage of the word ‘justification’ – what exactly am I justifying?

    Well this is what you wrote

    “To blame DAP wholly is not fair as they only gain strength via a parasite named Anwar. Anyway, on a different note, as gay as I am .. and not to offend the female species, I shudder at the thought of ‘Republic of Malaysia’ plus having a Queen as the president”.

    If this is not justification, i don’t know what are you trying to tell. Please forgive me if I judged you.

    And for you last sentence “What exactly that triggers these emotional responses? What part of Ms. Ang’s articles that hit your sensitive button?”

    Easy friend, sensitivity is not the article but issues for being a blinkered horse without acknowledging the grievances of fellow Malaysians besides how it is politically charted as oppose to a humane need.

  17. MiNY,

    1. Are you a Chinese Christian?
    I am a Malay but I read religious texts (Bible, Torah, Quran, etc) for fun sake.

    2. To blame DAP wholly is not fair as they only gain strength via a parasite named Anwar.
    This is just a statement as I sort of sense some animosity and channeled to the Chinese support for DAP.

    3. Anyway, on a different note, as gay as I am .. and not to offend the female species, I shudder at the thought of ‘Republic of Malaysia’ plus having a Queen as the president
    This is me trying to be witty..adding some comic-relief statement. Though the homosexual part of me is true!

    on a subject of Grievances
    MiNY, if only you’d be able to walk in my shoes. I am a poster boy for grievances with whoever/whatever I am.

    1. I must say it takes guts to admit and I applaud you for that under the predicament that you would face in Malaysia. I have many friends within your fraternity without concern of their origin and it does not bother me nor your personal life should be subject for others to scrutinize it for their falsified agendas.

      I really don’t care if the religious zealots can accept this but I couldn’t care less if you a a good human being. Please continue to voice your concern as a citizen and trust me for most fair minded and rationalized Malaysians, religion, politics, dogmatic practices is the last thing in our mind but to ensure everyone of us have a fair share of the cake without infringing onto another in the pretext of what suits us without a concern for the grievances like what you face.

  18. Sorry to say, I were Tunku Abd Rahman at that time, i will decided as what Brunei did.Maybe they can be Chinese ethnic can be a citizen but with all terms and condition.

    Just say I am Tunku Abd Rahman, my suggestion to British may as follow

    1. All Chines and Indian are not automatic to be legalise as citizen of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

    2. Can be a citizen but only after 50 years of age

    3. They (the Chinese and Indian) are not allowed to vote or to decide the country leader.

    Sad to say to all Malays , Chinese now trying to provoke and get more than they suppose to have.

    For Malays, my advice just unite , give your vote to the right people and ensur your Malay still run the country.

      1. anakjamil,

        Seriously there are people in Umno & Perkasa with this mentality. There are even those who think we need to have a second May 13 so the “minorities and young people will be grateful to the peace brought by Umno”. What irony.

        In the scenario of citizenship being denied to non Malays during Merdeka, the economy of Malaya would be severely stagnant from the lack of a professional, technical, agricultural, and business workforce. There may be no Malaysia, as Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore would decide not to join a “backward” federation.

        Singapore would benefit, from an influx of non Malay manpower and less competition from a social and economically regressive neighbour.

        Brunei has managed to survive due to its small population of 400k people and vast oil and gas deposits. Even then, it has not developed much compared to Singapore, another small nation. The Brunei Ringgit is pegged to the Singapore dollar.

    1. melayubaru,
      what if doesn’t work here… we have to face reality. what tunku did is suitable at that time, only God knows how hard it was to decide things back then. the social contract, the law and everything accompanied has not been well kept by the malays. the malays keep on dividing with more and more political segments…we are weaker each day.

      Melayuku IV

      pecah dan perintah
      strategi politik penjajah
      agar etnik berpecah
      koloni senang perintah

      bukan salah penjajah
      Melayuku kini berpecah
      bukan salah penjajah
      ketuanannya disanggah

      Melayuku kian terpecah
      semakin hari melemah
      diperkuda sahabat penjarah
      yang ingkar fakta sejarah

      ingin jadi pemerintah
      boneka dalang penjajah
      liberalisasi akan memusnah
      agama punah ranah

      senyum sahabat penjarah
      Melayuku pecah belah
      permainan semakin mudah
      menindas kaum lemah

      nampakkah di mana salah
      puncanya berpecah-belah
      sesama sendiri bertelagah
      hakmilik Melayuku dijarah


      fikir-fikirkanlah, selamat beramal!

      1. On Malays divided, it does not necessarily have to be something bad. Going into GE13, the Chinese are politically united as never before. Is this Chinese unity a good thing?

        Compare the behaviour of Chinese when disunited (during previous GEs) with the behaviour of Chinese now who are almost all united under the Pakatan banner. I’ve touched on this topic before, Jangan biar Umno sampai jadi macam DAP

  19. Getting back to DAP’s Malaysian First concept. As I understand it means using nationality as the sole / primary identity instead of ethnicity to promote unity.

    I would challenge why stop at ethnicity and why not also include religion as it is the most devisive factor in the world not just for today but for centuries. However, let’s put this argument aside and proceed.

    In essesence, DAP’s concept is similar to what Indonesia and Thailand models for national unity.

    However, if you say putting nationality first and discard the ethnicity then it would mean language, dress and other customs and practices too.

    It would mean, for example, LGE to change his name, wear songkok and baju Melayu, speak only in Malay and stop celebrating CNY. It would also mean closing down of all Chinese schools, TV/radio stations and newspapers.

    This is,the true meaning and implication of Malaysian First. DAP’s concept is mere ruse to do away with Malay special rights and privelages. They are hoping by doing away with ethnic classifications, then the practice of according special rights to Malay would end by default as everyone would be a Malay/Malaysian.

    But of course, DAP won’t support this for they are not interested in unity. What they are really after is the Ketuanan Cina – the Chinese economic dominance while enjoying all the fruits of the Social Contract.

    In effect,DAP’s Malaysian First is an Economic Vulture in the Dove of equality’s feathers.

  20. Ingatlah asal usul kedatangan kalian kalau tidak disebabkan penjajah yang bawa pekerja estet dari India dan kedatangan pedagang dari China, tiadanya pelbagai etnik, agama dan kaum di Malaysia kini kecuali peribumi masyarakat asli dan rakyat Melayu sahaja.

    Bersyukurlah demokrasi dan kemerdekaan Tgk Abd Rahman perjuangkan demi bebas dari kuasa penjajah. Jangan pertikaikan hak Melayu dan peribumi masyarakat asli di Malaysia kerana tiada lagi di negara asing mengiktiraf dan memberi hak sama rata rakyat Melayu dengan rakyat tempatan mereka. Contohnya di negara India sukar kita jumpa atau TERPERASAN akan rakyat cina di sana.

    Justeru itu, pemimpin tertinggi di Malaysia ialah DYMM Agong yang mengetuai majlis kesultanan Melayu di Malaysia atas sebab apa masih di kekalkan?.. mudah agar Hak-Hak Peribumi dan masyarakat Melayu terjaga dari di tindas dan di perlekehkan oleh bangsa lain dan kuasa asing sewenang-wenangnya tanpa keadilan.

    Perlembagaan dan sistem perundangan Malaysia di tubuhkan bertujuan agar penstrukturan pentadbiran negara selaras dengan sistem demokrasi yang di laksanakan di negara Malaysia ini. Kekalkan sikap dan semangat perpaduan, toleransi dan menghormati antara satu sama lain seterusnya keamanan negara terjamin dan secara tidak langsung mencerminkan imej baik negara dan menjadi contoh kepada negara luar.

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