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NGO-NGO Islam mengecam keras Majlis Perunding Perpaduan Negara

Bersambung dari ‘Lagi konsultan Najib mengeruhkan keadaan

Sebanyak 21 NGO Islam pada Ahad mengecam keras MPPN ekoran kritikan yang dibuat majlis perunding (konsultan perpaduan Najib) itu terhadap Jais.

NGO-NGO tersebut ialah Perkasa, Isma, Jati, Muafakat, Pembela, Aswaja, Peguam Pembela Islam (PPI), Institut Pemikiran Tradisional Islam (IPTI) dan Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) — baca seterusnya di

NGO-NGO lain yang mengeluarkan kenyataan bersama berhubung kenyataan yang dibuat oleh majlis perunding (konsultan perpaduan Najib) berkaitan rampasan bible ialah Pembina, Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM), Persatuan Angkatan Islamiah Malaysia, Pertubuhan Professional Muslim (Pro-Muslim), Persatuan Nur Alamiyyah, International Muslim Consumer Association (IMCA), Pertubuhan Kebajikan Darul Islah Malaysia (PERKID), Persatuan Jaringan Kaseh Ixora Putrajaya (JKIP), Gabungan Bela Hak Insan Pinang, Badan Anti IFC (Badai), Sekreteriat Dakwah Pulau Pinang dan Raudhatul Huda Pulau Pinang. — Baca seterusnya di blog Tun Faisal

Kenyataan akhbar Perkasa, SINI.

Jati mahukan majlis perunding (konsultan perpaduan Najib) itu dibubarkan — kenyataan Dr Hasan Ali, SINI

Manakala itu, Isma menyeru agar badan-badan Kristian “berhenti daripada berterusan melakukan provokasi ke atas sensitiviti agama umat Islam”.

Isma juga menegur segelintir umat Islam yang berotak celaru sehinggakan mereka itu sanggup bersekongkol serta memihak kepada anasir-anasir yang cuba mengancam agama Islam. Kenyataan akhbar Isma, SINI.

Mujahid bergambar dengan Uskup Agung Emeritus Murphy Pakiam

Mujahid: “Setiap rakyat pasti menikmati perUBAHan”

Kalau evangelista DAP ada projek ‘Impian Sabah’ dan ‘Impian Sarawak’, Mujahid PAS pula mempunyai ‘Impian Malaysia‘nya.

Mujahid Yusof Rawa ialah seorang daripada ahli Majlis Perunding Perpaduan Negara yang suka sangat untuk “membina jambatan” ke pintu gereja.


Dikemaskini: 10.30 malam


Ahli Parlimen evangelista DAP fitnah JAIS

Rujukan yang disyorkan:

Blog Karim (6 Jan 2014) — “Puak-puak Kristian di Malaysia yang nak guna sangat nama suci Allah tu mereka bercakap dalam bahasa Arab atau bahasa Melayu?”


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24 thoughts on “NGO-NGO Islam mengecam keras Majlis Perunding Perpaduan Negara

  1. All this while the Christian God is ‘God’ in bahasa is’Tuhan’. When ask who they pray to, they said God. When asked who’s their god, they answer God or Jesus.

    In Bahasa, Awak sembah siapa, Christian will says Tuhan and Malays will says Tuhan or Allah. Siapa tuhan awak? Malays will says Tuhan kami Allah maha esa, while Christian will says Tuhan kami ialah Tuhan or Yesus? I am a confused!.

    It doesn’t sound good to them and now since east Malaysia Christian used Indonesian Al kitab and they used ‘Allah’, now West Malaysia Christian sees an opportunity by using ‘Sabahan’ Christian in Malaysia to legalized ‘Allah’ so that when they says it in Bahasa Tuhan kami Allah and not Tuhan kami ‘Tuhan’ because it sounds no good..

    I don’t see anything wrong as in Indonesia and Arabs countries churches used Allah but base on history and cultural Allah is synonym with the Malays and its sensitive to Malays and now the Christian want to rob it from the Malays,

    that is unwarranted, their intention is BAD and that is wrong. especially when liberal malays likes Marina, KJ and the reformist Anwar with Pas set asides history and sensitivity to fight side by side with the Christian for their right to used ‘Allah’ and ‘look down” or simply ignorance of the Malay history and sensitivity.

    Thus these Christian is becoming more arrogant. I do pray this all will end soon and the nation need to move forward and not let such issues to escalates. The government of the day should be firm as when freedom is being misused then it time to say bye bye to each other.

    Majlis Perunding Perpaduan Negara is not the answer.

    1. Dah berbuih mulut cakap God is Tuhan in Bahasa Melayu, tapi puak-puak ni ada udang di sebalik batu…

      Joshua Project Progress Scale on Malay

      ‘Joshua Project is a research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the fewest followers of Christ. Accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information is critical for understanding and completing the Great Commission. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Jesus directly links His return to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.’



      ‘The People of the Book is taking a unique approach to working with Muslims. We see the value of many principles from both the insider movement and the historical approach, when they are implemented in a biblical framework. We do not want to extract Muslims from their natural relational networks. We do want to extract them from a theology of works salvation. We want them to come to saving faith in Christ, but stay inside their personal networks to be able to share Christ with family, friends and the rest of the Muslim world. This extension of the Gospel has great potential, especially if it is able to move through the pre-existing local community in a way that conserves a genuine identity within that particular context. We must guard against any form of syncretism (a mixing of beliefs, principles and practices from different religions that results in a compromised message). Both the insider approach and the historical approach have made important contributions to world missions. We can learn both from their positive examples, as well as from their mistakes. Our foundation and roadmap, however, must always remain the Scriptures.’

      ‘A brief summary of each Christ-centered community described in the spectrum

      Missionaries establish a church that is basically identical to wherever they are from. Services are conducted in the language of the missionaries. They call themselves “Christians” and have very little cultural connection to the region where they plant the church.

      The same as C1, except the services are conducted in the language of the region.

      They have incorporated many non-religious cultural forms of the region into their community, such as dress, art, etc. They still reject any purely Islamic religious elements. They may meet in a traditional church building or in a more religiously neutral location. They call themselves “Christians” but try to have a more contextualized presence in the region.

      They are similar to C3, but they incorporate some Islamic religious elements into their community – like avoiding pork, praying in a more Islamic style, using Islamic dress and employing Islamic terminology. They call themselves “Followers of Isa” or something similar. Their meetings are usually not held in traditional church buildings. They are not considered to be Muslims by the Muslim community.

      They retain their legal and social identity within their Muslim community. They reject or reinterpret any part of Islamic practices and doctrine that contradict the Bible. They may or may not attend the mosque regularly, and they actively are involved in sharing their faith in Jesus with other Muslims. They may call themselves Muslims who follow Isa al-Masih, or just Muslims. They may be viewed by their community as Muslims that are a little unorthodox.

      They keep their faith secret because of an extreme threat of persecution, suffering or legal retaliation. They may worship secretly in small groups. They do not normally share their faith openly and have a 100% Muslim identity.’

      TQ Ibnismail for sharing the site above with all of us here…

      1. Re: TQ Ibnismail for sharing the site above with all of us here…

        Nope.. not me.. Anak Jamil, if I’m not mistaken..

  2. ‘Orang-orang Arab Kristian pun sebut “Allah” … itulah yang selalu kita dengar hujah mereka yang beriya sangat hendak memberi orang Kristian di Malaysia guna nama suci Allah.

    “Kenapa kita nak sekat?”, tanya mereka.

    Jawab saya mudah sahaja. Puak-puak Kristian di Malaysia yang nak guna sangat nama suci Allah tu mereka bercakap dalam bahasa Arab atau bahasa Melayu?

    Dalam bahasa Melayu, istilah yang puak Kristian nak guna kalimah Allah itu adalah terjemahan dari istilah Inggeris, iaitu “God” atau “Lord”. Maka dalam bahasa Melayu, terjemahan untuk istilah “God” ialah “Tuhan”. Bukan “Allah”.

    Selalunya hujah mereka kemudian merujuk pula kepada Indonesia. “Habis di Indonesia, mereka semua sebut Tuhan “Allah”. Tak ada masalah pun”

    Saya jawab:

    Betul. Memang tidak ada masalah … kalau di Indonesia. Tuan bercakap pasal nak guna kalimah Allah di Malaysia. Bukan di Indonesia.’

    1. Menurut Shah Kirit, kat Indonesia bukan tak ada orang yang bermasalah.

      Cuma mungkin Indonesia lebih liberal dari Malaysia dan mungkin pihak yang tak kisah penggunaan nama Allah dalam Bible lebih ramai dari yang ambil kisah.

  3. The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) may be issued a new standard operating procedure (SOP) that will include mandatory approval from the state executive council prior to raids on premises.

    DAP’s Klang MP Charles Santiago said the state government will propose the revision after JAIS hands over its report on last Thursday’s raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) in Damansara Kim here where it seized 351 Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia and Iban on grounds that they contained the word “Allah”.

    Santiago said he had met state executive councillor in charge of Islamic affairs Sallehen Mukhyi this morning together with the editor of Catholic weekly Herald, Father Lawrence Andrew and PKR’s Seri Andalas assemblyman Dr Xavier Jayakumar.

    I wonder if DAP is the one who running Selangor. It seems like only DAP is making all the statements and giving instructions while PAS & PKR or even the MB have pressed the mute button.

    And I also wonder why Charles is making all these statements when he’s not even an ADUN or an exco. Also why a Christian is imposing such rules on JAIS when it is a body that is answerable to the HRH Sultan ?

    Does this mean that Selangor now ruled by a Christian King & Queen than a Muslim Sultan ?

  4. MPPN menjadi jururcakap Kristian dan Gereja. Mereka yg memulakan semua huru-hara ini, baling batu sembunyi tangan, kemudian menuduh Islam dan umatnya menekan, ganas, brutal, tidak toleran, menghalang kebebasan beragama dan sebagainya.

    Ibarat Israel yg mengebom rakyat palestin kemudian menuduh palestin sbg pengganas.

    Satu lagi produk 1Malaysia. patutlah beria2 benar kempen utk menghapuskan ISA didokong oleh puak ini. Skg Najib sudah makan abu…. api dlm sekam semakin marak nampaknya.

  5. Kalau nak sgt ikut Indonesia, baik kita semua tukar bahasa kebangsaan kpd bahasa indonesia. DAPster nak ckp Indon ke?

  6. Sebenarnya puak gereja ni dah jadi badut yg jadikan agama mereka macam rojak basi. Nama tuhan mereka boleh ditukar tukar, rupa ‘Jesus’ pun mereka tukar2 ikut bangsa, kitab mereka diubah suai ikut nafsu mereka.

    Bagilah semua bukti atau keterangan, mereka tetap degil tak mahu terima. Lebih dari itu mereka dah berani lawan titah Sultan, dah berani langgar undang2, tapi apa peliknya, orang yg mereka panggil anak tuhan pun mereka sanggup bunuh, yg lain apa lagi lah.

    Kat tv ketua mereka kata “we cannot tell other relegion what to do” tapi tau kah dia bahawa sekarang puak gereja mahu Islam ikut kehendak mereka dlm guna nama Allah sebab itu mereka berkeras sangat dlm isu ini walaupun tindakan mereka spt menegakkan benang basah.

    Kita tengok sejauh mana mereka mahu berdegil, adakah sampai mahu mencetuskan “perang salib” di negara ini? Kita tidak mahu isu ini diambil kesempatan dan peluang oleh pihak2 (sama ada dalam atau luar) yg mahu negara ini musnah dan kacau bilau mencapai matlamat mereka.

    Kita berharap pihak gereja bersyukur dgn nikmat kebebasan agama yg diamalkan di negara ini. Bukan semua negara dlm dunia ni boleh berbuat demikian contohnya Angola, Myanmar.

    1. re: “Bagilah semua bukti atau keterangan, mereka tetap degil tak mahu terima.”

      Bukan sekadar itu tetapi orang yang memberi bukti dan pencerahan pasti akan difitnah habis-habis oleh mereka.

      What kind of people are they?

      1. “Bukan sekadar itu tetapi orang yang memberi bukti dan pencerahan pasti akan difitnah habis-habis oleh mereka.
        What kind of people are they?”

        Macam Marina dan Yusof Rawa yang dicemuh habis-habisan kerana aktiviti memperkukuhkan hubungan seantara kaum dan agama. Dicemuh oleh jenis orang busuk hati yang ingin “membakar jambatan”.

        1. Marina dan Yusof dicemuh rata-rata oleh orang Melayu. Sampai 21 NGO Muslim yang ungkitkan.

            1. LOL kau ingat mamat ODIKAL tu faham ke ‘tikus baiki labu’? Bila cakap ngan diaorang, kita kena rendahkah sikit level penguasaan bahasa kita.

        2. Andai kata esok lusa Marina dan Mujahid buat U-turn dan suruh orang Kristian beralah, agak-agak yang sekarang ni menyanjung mereka berdua ni akan terus menyokong tak kedua-dua orang ni?

          Mungkin PAS patut buat solat hajat bagi dua orang ni berubah hati dan tukar pendirian.

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