Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

2014: Awesome Year of the Kangkung

The Ministry of Youth got billions

Can do “awesome projects”

Twitter - reginalah- Loads of meetings awesome

Najib Razak’s favourite Minister

given awesome budget

to enjoy an “awesome year”

Twitter - reginalah- @Zhengguan year awesome

Youth Minister not interested in kangkung

Khairy say “Tak yah kecoh psl kangkung”

“bukan semua benda naik harga”

KJ not gonna eat kangkung

Twitter - Khairykj- Tak yah kecoh psl kangkung

KJ and Regina eat caviar

“Rasional sket la”

Takpe, you and me eat kangkung … jimat

Kangkung is an awesome vegetable

Visit Malaysia 2014: The Year of the Kangkung


Sports Ministry giving away

free Chinese Vegetable Zodiac calendar

To get your free calendar

Contact the Kangkung Minister

Or call his Secretary Regina Lee


(94 words)


Balik kampung tanam kangkung


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

23 thoughts on “2014: Awesome Year of the Kangkung

        1. Cerita itu saya tahu. Ingatkan Sepang Ronggeng ada cerita sebalik tabir tentang ucapan PM di Kemaman semalam itu.

          1. hahahaha.. no la, ramai yg seolah perlekehkan kangkung. but at least kangkung pernah jadi hiadangan istana maharaja China..

  1. The whole day, my fb’s feed have been about kangkung. Most of them comes from malays. None of the non-malays bothered to touch the subject. As much as I hate to admit it, the malays seemed into trivial things and take words or sentences in it’s literal form.

    I noticed from any earlier comment made from your previous posting someone touched about ‘syirik’ when you wrote something about sacrifice to/for the gods. It must be my Bangsarism creeping in that I resorted to laughing for I know and understand what you’re trying to say Helen and where’s that sentence coming from.

    Malays have got to learn to not take things/words literally but I know it’s a wishful thinking or else PAS would have bungkus a long time ago: Vote for PAS is a vote for Islam (sigh!).

    Though Najib or his speechwriter made a mistake using kangkung as a reference, but I believe that at the end of that he talks about bersyukur.

    I just lost a friend that I’ve known for donkey years over cancer today but I still go feed the stray puppy that I found recently. Though this may sound confusing, what I am getting at is life’s too short to ponder on trivial things. Being compassionate and understanding to read between the lines is far more beneficial.

    In a way, the non malay has their priority right in choosing what they want to project while sadly, the malays doesn’t. In the Allah fiasco, no malay friends of mine touched the subject but today, they go to town with kangkung. If that’s not tragic, I don’t know what is.

    1. Re. I noticed from any earlier comment made from your previous posting someone touched about ‘syirik’ when you wrote something about sacrifice to/for the gods.

      Syirik bukan sahaja datang perbuatan, tapi juga dengan perkataan dan niat, samaada kamu sedari atau tidak. Itu sebabnya setiap hari Rasulullah berdoa:

      اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ أَنْ نُشْرِكَ بِكَ شَيْئًا نَعْلَمُهُ وَنَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِمَا لَا نَعْلَمُ

      Allaahumma Innaa Na’udzu bika min an Nusyrika bika wa Anaa A’lamuhuu wa Nastaghfiruka Limaa Laa A’lamuhu

      “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami berlindung kepada-Mu dari perbuatan syirik (menyekutukan-Mu) sedangkan aku mengetahuinya. Dan kami memohon ampun kepada-Mu terhadap kesyirikan yang tidak aku ketahui.” (HR. Ahmad IV/403 dari Abu Musa al Asy’ari. Dihasankan oleh Syaikh al Albani dalam Shahih al Targhib wa al Tarhib I/121-122 no. 36)

      – See more at:

      Re. It must be my Bangsarism

      Wow so high class…..

      Re. creeping in that I resorted to laughing

      Quote “Apabila kurang ilmu, akal turun menjadi kurang. Kepekaanterhadap akhirat juga menurun.

      Nabi saw pernah bersabda: “Barangsiapa tertawa-tawanescaya melaknat akan dia oleh Allah (Al-Jabbar). Mereka yang banyak tertawadi dunia nescaya banyak menangis di akhirat.” Unquote

      Re. for I know and understand what you’re trying to say Helen and where’s that sentence coming from.

      Don’t we all know that SWEETIE..

      But let’s see what Helen wrote. Yes is an idiomatic expression which figuratively speaking means that our PM Najib has to sacrifice one or two Ministers (or maybe more) in order to improve his current standing and UMNO/BN in general.

      Fair right? Well let’s the phrase that Helen used:

      “If Najib makes a sacrifice of ‘The Minister’ to appease the gods, ”

      1. a sacrifice…… to appease….. the gods

      Dalam Islam cuma ada satu aja Ibadah Kurban yang dituntut pada Umat Islam yang mampu pada Aidil Adha, selain dari aqiqah sempena menyamput kelahiran bayi.

      2. In Islam there is one and only God i.e. Allah swt, in the case Helen uses “GODs” referring to many Gods.

      Which Gods is Helen referring too?

      Next time if you want to say it something say it to my face, I can take it, and you “Encik AnakJamil” is not the first one.


      Tak tahu tak apa, tapi jangan memandai-mandai; tak setuju tak apa, itu hak masing-masing, yang dikesalkan dah lah tak tahu dan tak belajar tapi nak GELAK SAKAN pada pendapat orang lain yang dah belajar dan sekadar memberi peringatan. Even then, I have put a disclaimer at the beginning of my sentence “I am not trying to be Petty” (the word “not” was missing therre.

      And for all of MUSLIMs further benefits, as where the idiomatic expression come from basically, please read here:

      Appease the Volcano God

      The Practice of Human Sacrifice

      1. Meantime why did you go ballistic in the other by calling someone a “BITCH” when she/he was merely giving her/his opinion about your posting/comment about “the Christian being prosecuted in China” ?

        I don’t think that she/he was making fun of your comment or Islam and term Allah. Do revisit that entry and read her/his comment.

      2. There are two common comments or replies whenever I share or posted my unsolicited information/advice; first being “why” and second “Biarlah Kubur Masing Masing” ( though not directly in this blog but the tone and intention are almost similar).

        a. Why?

        I learned and try to hold steadfast on Surah Al-`Aşr (The Declining Day – 103) :


        1. By the essence of all time.

        2. Verily, all humankind is in deep loss.

        3. Except those who believed (in the oneness of Allah) and performed good work and reminded each other of the truth and reminded each other to be patient.

        b. “Kubur Masing Masing”

        While the above is in fact very true, as Muslims, we have the obligation to educate/inform/share good news and information with, or remind when something said/done is wrong to our fellow Muslim Brothers and Sisters. For failing to do so, those in the know are considered equally guilty or a party to it. However, there is no compulsion in Islam, where one can discharge his/her religious communal obligation in this regards as follows:

        Kalau tak boleh/sanggup halang dengan perbuatan, halanglah dengan perkataan, kalau tak boleh/sanggup juga cukuplah sekadar halang dalam hati.

      3. Human sacrifice to appease the gods was a very common practice around the world among the religions predating the Abrahamic faiths.

        1. I got no problem with you statement about appease the gods.. but surely understand LOL reaction..

          1. Re. I got no problem with you statement about appease the gods

            Her point of reference is Najib. That’s the issue in contention.

            Berhati-hati, kerana banyak syirik yang kita tak nampak dan tak ketahui. Bila dah diberitahu, cuba elakkan.

    2. Anakjamil, yes, I agree with you on this. Most of my friends in FB made a big deal over the kangkung issue. When it comes to the kalimah Allah issue, my Malay friends feel that it is no big deal for Christians to use Allah. They even said that ‘Are we Muslims’ imaan really that weak until we can’t differentiate between Islam’s Allah and Allah in the bible?’

      The thing is, didn’t they realize that as it is, many Malays are already involved in social problems? Those who are brought up with a strong foundation of Islam may not be influenced by the use of Allah in the Bible, but what about those without? However, the fact is, none of my Christian friends refer to their God as Allah. They call ‘Lord Jesus’.

      1. Re. Those who are brought up with a strong foundation of Islam may not be influenced by the use of Allah in the Bible, but what about those without?

        Not to forget the young children who are easily influenced for most are still learning.

      2. Re. The thing is, didn’t they realize that as it is, many Malays are already involved in social problems?

        Very true. In my neighborhood there is a restaurant/pub/club called Frangipani where every Friday evening the the “Hip”, “The High Class” and ” The Wannabe” in LGBT community (mostly gay male) congregate. This is basically a place where “who is who” in the community, many of them are Muslim males. Among their community they identify themselves as PLU (People Like Us) in Singapore they are known as AJs.

        Do I have issue with LGBT? Honestly NO. For several of my friends and clients are one.

        Do I condone the behaviour among Muslim males? NO.
        Yang HARAM tetap HARAM.

        At the gym that I used to frequent somewhere in Jalan Sultan Ismail, there are many PLUs cum Muscle Mary cum Steroid Queen. They move in pack, led by the most beautiful among them all and surrounded by his Ugly “Wannabe” stepsisters.

        Do I have issue with them being them? NO

        Then what’s the problem?

        i. Their annoying behaviour in the changing/locker room where at times is worst then a woman with PMS not to forget “tergedik-gedik” with their well-toned physic;

        ii. Their indiscreet atrocious behaviour making one has to think twice before entering the Jacuzzi or Sauna;

        So what’s your point?

        I understand “you are who you are”, but there is no need to announce to the whole world that “ONE” by acting SILLY, CUTE and BITCHY all at once, for that was SO YESTERDAY and nobody gives a hoot anymore, but do have some self-respect and respect others boundary, if any money can buy you a lot things but NEVER CLASS.

    3. “The whole day, my fb’s feed have been about kangkung. Most of them comes from malays. None of the non-malays bothered to touch the subject. As much as I hate to admit it, the malays seemed into trivial things and take words or sentences in it’s literal form.”

      Many of my non-Malay Facebook and Twitter friends have also been poking fun at the Prime Minister’s ‘kangkung’ statement. I was initially puzzled about all these kangkung-related posts. It certainly has become a viral meme.

      The rise of living costs is certainly not a trivial matter. Behind Najib’s statement is an indifferent attitude toward the plight of most Malaysians faced with higher food prices and taxes. That is why people are cynical.

      “In the Allah fiasco, no malay friends of mine touched the subject but today, they go to town with kangkung. If that’s not tragic, I don’t know what is.”

      Why are you surprised or upset? Most people, Malay or non-Malay, are more concerned about real issues; their wages being able to put food on their tables in the near future. Most are not bothered about whether some natives can or cannot continue using their preferred name for their God.

      The events in the last two weeks should have given a clue. The Sunday protest only attracted a hundred people. The protest in Dataran Merdeka about rising prices brought over ten thousand people to the streets.

  2. This nomenclature of “kangkung nomics” needs further research. Don’t just give it a denial and stop criticising something that you do not understand. There is a serious underline message and not just “balik kampung tanam kangkung, a rich vegetable but cheaper than other vegetables. It contains iron rich mineral and good for health. The Thais and Vietnamese eat raw kangkung as an anti-oxidant element to fight the the cancer cells in the body!

  3. Chicken vindaloo
    “However, the fact is, none of my Christian friends refer to their God as Allah. They call ‘Lord Jesus’.”

    Jadi kenapa mereka mendiamkan diri. Sepatutunya mereka bersuara yg mereka tidak menyokong gereja dlm isu kalimah Allah. Sepatutnya mereka berani menyatakan pendirian mereka.

    1. Re. Jadi kenapa mereka mendiamkan diri. Sepatutunya mereka bersuara yg mereka tidak menyokong gereja dlm isu kalimah Allah. Sepatutnya mereka berani menyatakan pendirian mereka.

      Silent “understanding” among the majority of Chinese regardless of their religious belief (with the exception of Muslim Chinese) to stick together.

      1. Agree with LOL.. mutual understanding among the chinese.. just ABU..

        Actually only minority of Christian (only catholic) in Malaysia that want to re-brand their God..

        This Chinese using this issue just to ensure all non malay behind them..

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