Posted in PAS

Majlis Syura, Dewan Ulama, ustaz-ustaz semua ditundukkan

PAS terpaksa terima MB wanita‘ (Sinar Harian, 22 Ogos 2014)

Setiausaha Majlis Syura, Nik Zawawi Nik Salleh (gambar bawah), berkata oleh kerana PAS menghormati tahaluf siyasi maka parti Islam itu akur kepada keputusan majoriti.

“Satu pertiga daripada PAS, satu pertiga daripada PKR dan satu pertiga DAP. Oleh sebab dua parti itu mencadangkan Dr Wan Azizah ini sebagai calon menteri besar maka dia jadi suara majoriti,” jelas Nik Zawawi.


Selangor mengorak langkah dalam mengetengahkan kuasa wanita.


PAS tunduk, jangan tak tunduk




Suara Jerusubang ialah suara

orang bandar berada

yang bijak pandai.


Acara-acara rasmi Pakatan pun semuanya sudah mula diadakan di hotel lokasi Subang Jaya.



Lepas ini, dalam bab agama bolehlah


PAS tunduk kepada evangelista pula.





Tentang Christians United For Israel (CUFI), baca sini

(122 patah perkataan)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

7 thoughts on “Majlis Syura, Dewan Ulama, ustaz-ustaz semua ditundukkan

  1. “Tahalluf siyasi” as defined by the PAS people implies their adoption of the political maxim: “the ends one seeks justifies the means one uses” does it not?

    This is where the “implicit moral value” to legitimize PAS’ political alliance with Zionist Christians has been “radically interpreted” by their people to cater to their political ambitions – that supersede the classical religious principles of right and wrong.

  2. ……PAS terpaksa terima MB perempuan.

    Its about time pon. From my observation in my kampung today, their womenfolk are the main bread winners of the family.

    The PAS ketayap men will be seen loafing about, breakfast, lunch and tea with their grp of friends then off to the mosque before the call for prayers.

    Kerja apa Wallahullam.

    Macam itu Anwar la.. Hari hari dok sibuk macam bola pingpong aje.

    1. If you will, embrace other people with your compassion and sense of justice, but justice consists of upholding principles to discriminate between right and wrong.

  3. BN is so stupid more so UMNO. And all because of their past due date political slogan Memperjuangkan Agama, Bangsa dan Negara. That Agama bit is the cause of all the problems when it is used as a cause. Why?

    Mixing religion with politics and governance is not going to get you anywhere and instead cause the collapse of nations and empires. History has shown the fall of The Holy Roman Empire, Islamic Caliphates, Ottoman Empire, Great British Empire, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Russian, Austrian, Italian empires etc.

    The minute religion are removed from politics and Govt. it would cause overnight a total change in the Malaysian political scenario. The ramifications will be :

    1. The collapse of PAS as a political party since it is heavily dependent upon religious fervour, sermons, speeches to spread it’s political ambitions.

    2. The collapse of the Evangelistas group in DAP and the rise of the Buddhists, Taoists, Confucianists, athiests group who are more moderates and secular. LGE cannot be called a Tokong since he belong to the evangelist group? Instead the honour should go to MCA Liow Tiong Lai?

    3. The collapse of the religious right wing group in UMNO and Govt. which are causing so much problems in the running of an inclusive Govt. and getting too much funds to prepare it’s citizens for the afterlife instead of the present.

    4. Malaysian citizens would focus more on how to improve their lives in this world rather than thinking so much of the afterworld. Less people would join extremists and spend their time trying to become missionaries, priests, ustaz, ustazah, ulamaks or holy men.

    5. The main stream media of TVs, newspapers would be more entertaining and all inclusive instead of listening all the time to religious preachings, talks and sermons.

    6. And bloggers and social media practitioners and commenters will have less issues to capitalize on gaining popularity via religious points?

    Wouldn’t all that be wonderful for Malaysians? Most West Malaysians may not agree, but I bet most East Malaysians would definitely agree since they have now seen how devastating is the West Malaysian politics on religion on them.

    Religion is more meant for all those retired and old men to spend their final days on earth cos they knew death is waiting at the door and the fear of dying will cause them to seek to become more religious as a solace to their fears. It’s also another job skill for those who have no jobs, cannot compete in real life, failure in probllem solving, despondent and in despair and read too much into the glory days of their religious empires hundreds and thousands of years ago.

    It’s also used by Kings, Emperors, leaders etc for their soldiers and followers so that the fear of dying in battles and wars would lessen and give them some hope of another life if they die in war. It’s also to lessen their greiving families when the son or husband or fathers die in fighting. It’s also an excuse to become rich in wars cos all the loot, land etc of the enemies beome theirs to keep by just joining the right side of religion.

    If religion can only be the cure for all the troubles in Malaysia and the world, how long do you think it would take to convert all the 30 million citizens to one religion or how long would it take to convert all 7 billion of human beings to one religion? It sure will be a long long time and none of the present now will be around, I bet.

    So, go get a life and make yourself useful to humanity instead of creating more problems and grieve to others.

    1. dandy

      kesemua empayer itu runtuh/hilang/jatuh sebab memang pemerintahan manusia tidak kekal yang kekal adalah kekuasaan pemerintahan Allah di dunia dan akhirat.

      itu pasal kita kena taat dan patuh kepada ALLAH.

      kehancuran sesabuah pemerintahan/kerajaan didunia ini bukan perkara yang pelik dan ganjil bagi umat islam. Pengetahuan ini telah ada dinyatakan didalam Al Quran.

      Kuasa diberi atas kehendak ALLAH begitu juga sebaliknya. Apabila kuasa yang diberi disalah gunakan dan melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi maka tibalah masa kehancurannya.

      Tidakkah anda tahu banyaknya kaum (pemerintahan) yang telah lenyap/dihapuskan dari muka bumi ini dan ada diantaranya ALLAH telah meninggalkan kesan kesan binaan mereka untuk kaum yang kemudian mengambil ikhtibar dan ada diantaranya kesannya tidak disedari walaupun manusia itu berulang alik melalui kawasan kawasan tersebut.

      Kebanyakan mereka itu sebenarnya telah diberi nikmat kekayaan, kejayaan dan sebagainya, malangnya mereka tidak bersyukur, engkar serta kufur kepada ALLAH.

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