Apa salah MB S’gor orang PAS kalau betul tiga parti itu sekawan?

Adakah pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Iskandar Abdul Samad akan mendapat perkenan Sultan untuk menjadi MB?

Dikhabarkan bahawa nama beliau telah dicalonkan oleh partinya kepada baginda tuanku.


Malaysian Insider on Twitter- Hadi mahu exco PAS jadi MB Selangor, lapor akhbar

Langkah ke depan PAS

Kajian dedahkan majoriti pengundi Melayu Selangor mahu PAS tinggalkan Pakatan‘ (The Malaysian Insider, 4 Sept 2014)

Lihat bawah carta palang hasil kajian Merdeka Center.

Pusat kaji selidik itu menjalankan tinjauan pendapat sepanjang tempoh seminggu pada pertengahan bulan lepas (11 – 17 Ogos).


Melayu Selangor mahu PAS keluar Pakatan

Empat daripada setiap lima orang Melayu yang ditemubual Merdeka Center berpendapat bahawa PAS harus terus menyokong Khalid Ibrahim.

Sebaliknya empat daripada setiap lima orang responden keturunan Cina menolak kepimpinan Khalid. Jurang di antara Melayu dan Cina begitu besar sekali.

  • Palang hijau: Melayu pro-Khalid – 81%
  • Palang merah: Cina pro-Khalid – 21%

Seterusnya, nisbah pemilih Melayu di Selangor enggan PAS kekal duduk dalam Pakatan adalah tiga kepada lima, bermaksud 58% orang Melayu yang ditemubual tidak menyenangi PAS bersekongkol dengan Pakatan.

DAP tak perlukan PAS

kata setiausaha pengelola DAP Anthony Loke

DAP yakin PAS akan hancur jika ada pilihanraya kilat

kata pengerusi DAP Selangor Tony Pua

DAP bagi kata dua kepada PAS

setiausaha agung DAP Lim Guan Eng mendesak PAS untuk menyatakan pendirian

DAP issues PAS with ultimatum over Selangor MB crisis

“PAS jangan buat kerja hina”

Mursyidul Am DAP Lim Kit Siang tidak percaya kepada parti rakannya

Memberi amaran supaya jangan cuba rampas kuasa

Pas Jangan Buat Kerja Hina – Lim Kit Siang - MYKMU.NET 2014-09-04 20-53-03

Cina tak pernah berpuas hati

Masyarakat Tionghua asyik marah-marah sahaja dan tidak berpuas hati terhadap hampir semua perkara.

Hanya 20 peratus daripada kaum Cina rasa puas hati dengan prestasi Najib Razak sebagai PM berbanding sebanyak 70 peratus responden Cina yang tidak berpuas hati (tinjauan Merdeka Center, 9-17 Jun 2014).

Natijah Perkara 153 dan Perkara 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan akhirnya dihapuskan maka barulah golongan Cina akan mengakui Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang adil dan saksama.


Yahudi Yeoh

Kalau Ah Jib Gor yang main gendang Cina itu pun mereka benci apatah lagi pemimpin dari parti Islam ulama.

Anda tengok bagaimana orang Cina terutamanya puak evangelis tak pasal-pasal menengking, memaki hamun beserta kuat memfitnah Khalid Ibrahim yang hendak dilucutkan jawatannya itu. Nasiblah PAS nanti.

Didedahkan Merdeka Center bahawa orang Selangor prihatin isu MB. Kemelut yang melanda Tan Sri Khalid dianggap paling mustahak diambilberat selepas masalah bekalan air.

press release selangor survey 2014 final.pdf 2014-09-04 21-42-28

Sumber: SelangorVoter Perception Survey (Merdeka Center, 11-17 Aug 2014)

Adakah Kristian Jerusubang yang suara mereka begitu lantang sekali akan merestui seorang pemimpin PAS diangkat sebagai Menteri Besar?

Puan Speaker bantah JAIS pantau gereja




Twitter - hannahyeoh- Selangor MB @Khalid_Ibrahim

(381 patah perkataan)

Telahan saya yang awal:

Orang PAS yang jadi MB Selangor? (27 Ogos 2014)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

39 thoughts on “Apa salah MB S’gor orang PAS kalau betul tiga parti itu sekawan?

    1. Yeah, any MB but the two “madu” bang non. Say, most chinks x puas hati? Bila nak berambus dan balik (goreng) tongsan?

      1. Dunno.

        But DAP (which claims to be multiracial) does not have any Malay or Muslim Aduns in Selangor.

  1. Ms H. I have always wondered whether the trio in PK sleep in the same bed or not. The events which have recently unfolded have revealed and proved that the trio sleep in the same bed but have different DREAMS.

    And there are guys and dolls who want this disparate crew to rule over us. They must be bonkers or worse ! And should have their heads properly examined by a head shrinker. Why ? They could not even sort out who to be MB with all the power in their hands.

  2. Hah! Tiga sekawan teringat cekarama tv 1 pelakon terdiri kaum tiongha dialog dalam bahasa melayu begitu teruja dan bersungguh nya waktu itu bagaimana kuat pengunaan bm tak gitu

    Tapi apa nama tak ingat dah yang lakonan Teresa Koo tu screenshot sambutan tahun baru cina yang lalu yang tu pun ok buat Pak Najib as now being ditergur menegur TDrM

  3. Dandy o Dandy why like dis wan. Cannot even pick up names let alone choose one to become CM of Selangor?

    Can you imagine if Pakatan takes over Putrajaya. Not only who to become your PM, Ministers and Deputies all will be out for grabs.. Macam itu McD and the toys?

    That’s why la, don’t simply pluck awek cuns, wifes or anak cucu cicit to contest for ADUN or MP next time can or not? BN rejects also don’t la.

    Now names have been forwarded to the palace. Wait ya.. The authorities will need to merisik their background first. Cannot simply just follow Wiki..

    Jijah code 71 also they tembak born she was birn in Kedah code 02. We don’t want people like Zuraida to become our leaders Okay. Adat cara hidup dan budaya org Indonesia tak sama dengan kita kita dari Negara ni tau tak?

    1. These morons don’t even talk about the fact that both Azmin and Zizah are Singapore-born which is a no-no under Selangor constitution. Hello Pakatoons, this is the state constitution and not your party constitution which you can manipulate and ignore as and when your party leaders chose to.

  4. Merdeka Center is bias. Not to be trusted. Prefer HELEN ANG poll much more accurate and reliable.

  5. In China in ancient times, bamboo-and-paper lanterns were used with candles inside. A blind man, visiting a friend one night, was offered a lantern to carry home with him.

    “I do not need a lantern,” the blind man said. “Darkness or light is all the same to me.”

    “I know you do not need a lantern to find your way,” his friend replied, “but if you don’t have one, someone else may run into you. So you must take it.”

    The blind man started off with the lantern and before he had walked very far someone ran squarely into him. “Look out where you are going!” he exclaimed to the stranger. “Can’t you see this lantern?”

    “Your candle has burned out, brother,” replied the stranger.

    * * * * *

    The Pakatan is an expedient arrangement of political ambitions devoid of ethical vision. It seems its little candle has burned out.

  6. akhirnya pas telah buat perkara betul dgn tidak tunduk kepada desakan dapsters dan anwar Ibrahim anak beranak.

    cuma isunya sekarang adakah dap dan pkr boleh terima sekiranya sultan pilih dari kalangan nama yang diberi oleh pas untuk mentadbir sama2? kalau ya maka sia2 la Anthony, tony, lks dan lain2 bingit dan nampak sangat mereka hipokrit sebab mau kuasa.

    yang kedua, adakah pas akan buat u turn dan flip flop skali lagi bila terima tekanan yang hebat? sekarang baru mereka tau langit tinggi rendah untuk tadbir Malaysia yang begitu kompleks ni. mereka ingat tadbir Malaysia ni macam tadbir Kelantan yang lebih 95% totok melayu tu.

    ada sebabnya formula bn berjaya selama ni. manakala formula tidur sebantal mimpi lain2 yang dieksperimen oleh ketiga2 parti pakatan setakat ini menampakkan huru hara saja.

    1. Kalau sultan pilih calon pas… dap akan jadi penentu mb tersebut. They hv to choose, either with pkr… and lose malay vote and stuck as cina malaysian instead of msia msian or come to reality.. stay with pas. Either way they lost. All these time they love cucuk2 org… if so, now their turn kene cucuk.

      They have to choose the lesser damage now. Choose pkr.. go to poll… pr pecah… dap wont scratch a bit in poll but dap wont get anymore malay vote for the next 50yrs or so. And dap also hv to be unit amal to help pkr to campaign. All this while pas was kind enuf to lend their hands. Now u see why pas said mcm melepas anjig tersepit. Good luck dap. Plus… if u scratch dap and pkr deeper… they are both the same.. cuma one is run by lks family and the other is by anuwar family. Same target audience also. Later they fight for same meat. No good for dap survival bcoz msia is still majority malay.

      Choose pas.. pr wont pecah.. sumbing maybe but can b patched up and pkr is cagged. No more adventurous and dangerous move by ketum. And selangor is back in pr business.

      Umno will stay sideline bcoz their number is too small to influence any outcome. But if dap switch to kopiah… then umno tau KN is bungkus.

      Anuwar will go to jail… and the shock wave will be… lgbt solved… kalimah allah solved… peguam taring claws chopped…. api perkauman senyap sekejap… bersih into rubbish bin…sbh srwk secession stop… maybe the malays get additional parlimen seats come next sitting… and best of all… aftr pru14… pkr is another s46… join beramai2 masuk umno without any syarat. Bn and pr might do a one year truce after letih with this mb issue.

  7. Reelection. I think BN will win. PKR will be wiped out and Pas will lose some seats but let Khalid be MB . Dap can go and fly kites

  8. While the state is adrift and sinking fast, these PR clowns busy playing their political games and backstabbing each other.

    It is also telling that the Dear Speaker Hannah, who has been commenting on every issue under the sun, has been on an enforced silence. She deemed to offer her unsolicited advice (or rather directive) to the MVB to order JAIS to return the Bibles yet makes no comments at all on this raging issue that is most important and relevant to her roles as the (highest paid) speaker.

  9. It is amusing to the see the antics of DAP. LKS has entered the trance and turned on his Drama Queen antics – accusing PAS of betrayal and warning of PR break-up – yet again.

    What right he has to accuse PAS when it was clear from the beginning that PKR did not get PAS’ approval for their greedy plan to install the KETUM as the MB.

    And it is a “Padan-Muka” moment for DAP for bullying PAS all the while on hudud and Islamic state. And it is also “padan-muka” moment for Anwar. They played PAS out by getting PAS’ own ADUNs to betray the party by signing SD to support Geisah Zizah as the MB. Isn’t this a bigger betrayal?

    DAP and PKR has no rights to accuse PAS of being a turncoat. It is well within the right of PAS if it chose to work with PAS. Didn’t PKR and DAP tried to recruit BN leaders and parties in Sabah & Sarawak to join them?

    Have we forgotten about the hare-brained Sept 16 plan ?

    1. NTV 7 will hold their Golden Awards for Chinese language entertainment on Sept 20. Too bad LKS is not nominated in any category. What a pity. l o l

  10. PR is now called “Three” “Mune'”, “Sum” Party all meaning ‘tiga’ in english, indian and chinese. The chinese part is better when call out in hokkien, since hokkien has no written characters using mandarin is obvious. (correct me if i got this info wrong, got this from ‘teng lang pengyu’)

  11. 1. Betul, apa masalahnya MB dari PAS jika PAS memperjuangkan keadilan sejagat termasuk menjaga kepentingan bangsa Cina, India, Melayu dan Bengali (CIMB)? Rakyat Selangor TIDAK MAHU Kerajaan yang korup, melindungi penjenayah, projek ke kroni, politik anak beranak, mengalakkan samseng dan budaya kurang ajar serta bercambahnya pusat maksiat dan kehadiran ramai Chinadoll di pusat urut termasuk di sekitar Shah ALam dan Bandar Di Raja Klang.

    2. Quote: “Masyarakat Tionghua asyik marah-marah sahaja dan tidak berpuas hati terhadap hampir semua perkara”.

    Helen, Orang Cina Malaysia sedang SAKIT JIWA ke….? atau Cina DAP sahaja yang sedang dijangkiti virus SAKIT JIWA kronik….?

  12. Pas namakan tiga nama sekali gus hah lain cerita bunyi nya pulak

    Teringatkan dialog ini Filim Madu Tiga
    Jamil….Jamil aku sangka nya dua rupanya tiga…

  13. This is really disgusting. How can they allow a Pas man to become a MB ? What right do Pas have to nominate one of their assemblymen to fill the post of MB ? Truly disgusting and despicable these religious gooks !

    Only someone from the Royal Family of The Butt F****r is truly worthy of being the MB of the richest and ‘dirties’ state in Malaysia. Not even the office boy of the Royal Family of The Butt F****r a.k.a the Oral Sex in Toilet Boy should be considered, besides he has already made it clear that he will not accept the post even if he’s nominated. What a loyal subject this office boy ! Phew ! Now this is what loyalty is. Pas should emulate this office boy and stop being such a spoiler or else just kick these religious gooks out of the state.

    The Chinese are mad at Pas because they are too slow to toe the line. This has nothing to do with Pas being a Malay Muslim party. Don’t believe the nonsense paddled by the mainstream media and pro establishment bloggers. These parties are all Liars. To understand what is really happening, to uncover the truth, get your news and information from the alternative media. This is the only way to enlighten yourself.

    Hold on ? Did I really say that ?

    Sorry. I was being overtly sarcastic just now. l o l

  14. Look at this way – PAS has the most seats in the DUN so they have the right to be the MB post. And what right Anwar & DAP has to nominate his own way to be the MB when she was never even fielded as a candidate in the GE (and only because ADUN via a back door by-election).

    If you talk about justice, PAS has every right to do what they want and have the MB post.

    1. PKR have named themselves Parti KEADILAN Rakyat.

      DAP have named themselves DEMOCRATIC Action Party.

      So because they have called themselves Adil & Demokratik, everyone must believe that these paragons of virtue Anak Beranak parties doing what they preach.

      Just like how the Father, Son and Holy Hannah preach that they’re building bridges and spreading love whereas they point their finger at their opponents as racists, extremists, bigots and hate mongers.

      1. DAP is the ultimate Orwellian version of political party – preach love but foster hate, name yourself democratic but practice autocracy, support unity but work relentlessly to cause disunity and destruction, mouth slogans of justice and fairness but operate kangaroo courts, decry cronyism yet fill the party with your family members from top to bottom and take the street to demand clean election but manipulate party elections to elevate cronies and proxies.

        1. Guess you capped it in a nutshell sir: the multifarious going-ons of the power nuts. Much ado about nothing: “When you tell me a lie at least do it without a straight face!”

    1. Walaupun saya orang Pulau Pinang, saya setuju dengan Felicia Ling! Ketua pertabdir negeri Selangor patutlah orang Selangor – sama juga keadaan di Penang (sehingga kini…..)
      Wong Pow Nee – orang Penang
      Lim Chong Eu – anak orang kaya Penang, doktor Penang
      Koh Tsu Khoon – anak Penang, pensyarah Penang

      Khalifah Lim – ini pulak sama bapa ambil unta berkhalifa seluruh Sahara. Zamzam ala kazaam boleh terbang sini sana.

      Sepatutnya Chow Kon Yon ataupun Mr So What lebih layak jadi ketua menteri Pulau Pinang sebab mereka anak jati Penang.

      We don’t care what the DAPsters will do to her. It is more important for her to get the support of the anak lahir Selangor.

      1. Rama also not from Penang. DCM1 also from Kedah. None of the top 3 are Penang lang. I can tell you that Rama is totally toothless and powerless in Penang. If he’s a paper tiger among the Chinese, he’s a pariah among Indians. DAP Indians hate him for parachuting straight to DCM2 and arrogant ways. He tend to mouth Bangsa Malaysia nonsense to cover his failings.

        Outward, at least in the media, he appears as a defender of Tamils by jumping to the defence of street thugs and notorious criminals like Kugan & Thamendran etc. He is also known for defending Tamil Tigers.

        Yet in Penang he is known as having done nothing for Indians despite supposedly representing Indians as DCM2. When asked, he famously said “Sorry I don’t only help Indians but all Malaysians.”. Imagine the kind of anger that provoked among Penang Indians.

        1. re: “When asked, he famously said ‘Sorry I don’t only help Indians but all Malaysians’.”

          Papa and Mama Dapster mouth words along the same lines as well.

          It was the catalyst of my withdrawing my vote from the opposition, when LGE said this in response to Hindraf pressuring the Penang gomen to help the Kg Buah Pala villagers.

          1. In fact Khalid and Felixia and all those who cannot stand Ketum dynasty should start a party. Perhaps this could be a third force in the next elections or a BN component.
            Maybe Parti Angkatan Kuning Merah for the Khalid factions and rejected PAS members.
            Judging in Penang we already have two splinters called Parti Cinta Malaysi and Penang Front Party.

            A new trend in Malaysian politics.

        2. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” — Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

          The great Indian soul speaks about self-realization of the
          One Creator God Most Merciful!


  15. lantik siapa pun rasanya tetap ada masalah.

    sebelum masalah berjangkit kat semua, jom kita mengundi.

    kita undi orang yang tak rosak, yang tak gila, yang tak biol, yang tak bahalol,yang tak tamak, yang tak bangang, yang tak rasuah, yang tak inginkan projek kerajaan, yang tak gelab mata dengan wang kerajaan, yang ada klass, yang beriman dan yang bertakwa.

    1. re kita undi orang yang tak rosak, yang tak gila, yang tak biol, yang tak bahalol,yang tak tamak, yang tak bangang, yang tak rasuah, yang tak inginkan projek kerajaan, yang tak gelab mata dengan wang kerajaan, yang ada klass, yang beriman dan yang bertakwa.

      tak jadilah pakatan nak bentuk kerajaan kalau ikut macam ni sebab semua tak lulus, semua gagal. mana mungkin mereka setuju bubar dun.

  16. Fucking turban head knows how to manage economy? Sekolah mana? Universiti ISIS?

    Kelankotek also can’t manage, wanna manage Selangor.

    Better go to Klang and have your last fucking bowl of BKT. Next month all kena tutup. Hahaha.

    All cinabeng also must wear turban when going out. No turban, ISIS police will cane you on the street itself.

    Got any complaint?

  17. While everybody is busy playing politics on Selangor, hoping to cash in on who rule Selangor or can cause breakup of PR or the demise of PKR or PAS or DAP or UMNO got the chance to rule or Sultan more powerful than State Assembly or whatever, the real winners are:

    1. Big , rich and powerful orang corporate who gets their projects going whether water, land or contracts.
    2. Pengutang bank, kerajaan Negeri semua dibereskan secara senyap.
    3. Surplus duit RM3 billion slowly going empty.
    4. UMNO Selangor dapat tidur lena, tak ada masalah. Tu masalah dia orang. Apa sibuk-sibuk jaga tepi kain orang?

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