Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

The Star spinning and covering up for Alvivi

The Star reported that Alvin and Vivian “sincerely regret offending religious beliefs and sensitivites in multi-cultural Malaysia.”

Is The Star being honest in reporting their “regret”? Below is a relevant Alvivi tweet — “Fuck them!!!”

Alvin and Vivian (AlviviSwingers) on Twitter 2013-07-15 09-01-30

The Star also quoted Alvin Tan as saying he and Vivian “had no intent to insult or ridicule the Muslim faith, nor incite racial conflict”.

The MCA-controlled paper reported that Alvin and Vivian had asked for “forgiveness for offending Muslims in this holy month of Ramadan”.

Below is another Alvivi tweet — “fuck them all … The butthurt Muslims…”

Argh, fuck them

The Star article yesterday was headlined ‘ Alvivi apologise for offensive ‘buka puasa’ greeting calling it their “stupidest stunt” ‘.

The MCA-owned paper is doing the same kind of  cover-up for Alvivi as it did over the Patrick Teoh’s Facebook “Quran-thumping motherf***ers”  insult, for Lim Guan Eng’s Christmas Eve kalimah Allah greeting, for the City Harvest Church CBT scandal and for the police report against Hannah Yeoh lodged by MCA Kelana Jaya alleging slander.

Below is The Star Online report today ‘Sex bloggers’ Facebook page shut down – permanently‘ that misrepresented (covered up) what Alvin and Vivian had really and actually said.

Sex bloggers' Facebook page shut down - permanently

The Star reported on the sex blogger pair:

“You may shut us down now, but we’ll be back. And we’ll be stronger & better than ever!” they wrote on Saturday.

Below is the Alvivi tweet:

“You may shut us down now, but we’ll be back. And we’ll be stronger & better than ever! NANTIKAHLAH. Enjoy your Ramadhan for now, “friends”.

The Star omitted to say that Alvivi had also ‘threatened’ (in grammatically wrong Malay): “Nanti kah lah. Enjoy your Ramadhan for now, ‘friends’.”

Alvin and Vivian (AlviviSwingers) on Twitter 2013-07-15 09-00-06

The Star report saying that Alvin and Vivian had “sincerely regretted” their Bah Kut Teh stunt is a deliberate mischaracterization.

This present piece of spindoctoring by the MCA-owned paper is just as insulting (making a mockery of Muslim readers) as the last time when The Star itself apologized for publishing a photo of pork ribs and calling the dish a “Ramadan delight”.

Alvin and Vivian (AlviviSwingers) on Twitter 2013-07-15 08-56-58

Tweet above: “Mercy please, thx” — the defiant Alvivi are really not afraid at all …


The Alvivi-MCA connection

MCA objects to making Tamadun Islam course compulsory


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

59 thoughts on “The Star spinning and covering up for Alvivi

  1. if melayu like perkasa apologize..cannot accept untill death.

    Chinese chauvinist blatantly insult us, its OKAYYYYYY and understandable.

  2. Up till now, people have yet to ask that one question. Who is behind all this ?

    We should be smart. You actually think this “15 minutes of fame” couple would be so daring with all these stunts without some people backing them ?

    Time to get real guys. These are calculated moves with the intention to provoke Muslims. Ask yourself. Who are the real masterminds ?

    1. I agree with you. It’s not just only the two youthful individuals involved.

      The episode displays an institutional, in-your-face insolence.

    2. The International Jew. As my favourited American President Harry S Truman once said,’ The buck stops at my desk’. We know who is responsible.

  3. Coming from The Star… there any good reason ( doesn’t have to be a good one, even) to believe????

    Neither tabloid ( now of scandals and sex news and advertisements) nor the main players in this episode deserves to be in harmonious Malaysia.

    Are they the Chinese voice of now? Whack, wallop, insult and then apologize and they will have many silly, stupid and glory seeking politicians running all over them…offering hearty, warm words of commendation of a truly F****** Malaysian… Sheeesh

    Maybe the new Chinese need to be taught lessons how to be civil and civic minded. Oh… maybe I forgot, the Chinese are kings in this country and they can run everybody down…..hmmm siapa makan lada dia terasa pedas…..

    1. re: ” silly, stupid and glory seeking politicians running all over them…offering hearty, warm words of commendation of a truly F****** Malaysian… Sheeesh […] hmmm siapa makan lada dia terasa pedas…..”


      What to do? He hired uber Scissorati Regina Lee (initially) to be on his press secretary. Not sure about her present post in the Kementerian Belia.

  4. Hari demi hari aku lihat The Star ni bukan saja dah jadi MUSUH BN, tapi jugak MUSUH Malaysia. Dia mengapi-apikan segala pergeseran yang tercetus kini dibawah lindungan kata manis tapi bisa. Tidak ada satu pun yang benar2 beri ketenangan maupun ada keikhlasan.

  5. Next time, I can slap your face and then say sorry I have no intention to hurt you. This is how it goes.

  6. meminta maaf itu baik tetapi tidak semestinya maaf itu diterima. jika dihukum sekali pun tidak semestinya perlu dimaafkan.

    penghinaan telah berlaku kepada seluruh umat islam sedunia. benci itu telah ujud, kesalahan itu nyata.

    1. Saya bukan Muslim tapi saya marah juga kelakuan yg kurang ajar ini. Mrk harus di ajar tapi mungkin kita memberi dia terlalu byk perhatian. They are an attention-seeking couple.

      Kita belum pasti bak kut teh itu (bak dalam loghat hokkien berkamsud daging) di perbuat dari daging babi,ayam,arnab, kambing atau lembu. Mengatakan mesti daging khinzir saja mungkin circumstantial evidence je.

      Bak kut teh tu boleh guna apa jenis daging je.

      1. re: “Kita belum pasti bak kut teh itu (bak dalam loghat hokkien berkamsud bermaksud daging) diperbuat dari daging babi, ayam, arnab, kambing atau lembu.”

        “Bak” dalam bahasa Hokkien difahami sebagai daging(babi) sebagaimana “daging” dalam bahasa Melayu difahami sebagai daging(lembu) dan bukannya daging(kambing, rusa atau arnab).

        Sekiranya orang Hokkien merujuk kepada apa-apa jenis daging lain maka akan ditambah dengan satu patah perkataan lagi iaitu kay bak (daging ayam), goo bak (daging lembu), dsb. Perkataan “bak” sahaja itu dalam Hokkien adalah generic dan bermaksud babi.

        Maka Bak Kut Teh adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan Sup Tulang Babi. Pembaharuan yang digelar Chi Kut Teh adalah versi yang menggunakan ayam.

  7. You can’t offend, then “apologise” and then repeat the whole process.

    So I guess I can run you over with my car and then say sorry I didn’t mean it. I had no intention of hurthing you. Then I reverse over you again and say sorry again.

    I say take action against these people. They do not subscibe to our values and norms. If the authorities don’t, someone will.

    1. Adait. These stressed out people from the Singaporean Trojan Horse are short-circuited. This is why they behaved like this.

      1. AK47,
        Ramai ke orang Cina sedang sakit jiwa? atau
        stress mengejar hidup dunia sehingga melihat semua orang salah?

  8. Hi Helen,
    in my previous comment, cikgu mentioned ramainya CIna bodoh di Msia. This posting mengesahkan lagi kebodohan cina untuk “membakar” Malaysia. Apalah STAR atau Cina khususnya dapat bila berterusan, continuously kutuk Islam, Melayu, perlembagaan dan hak Melayu?

    Minggu lepas cikgu bertemu kawan lama dari Jakarta. Dia kata pelik sungguh Cina Msia, hidup mewah di Msia tapi masih menyakitkan hati pewaris Tanah Melayu iaitu bangsa Melayu. Kalau di Indonesia berlaku kutukan sebegini, sudah lama rakyat Indon bangun bakar kedai dan harta Cina yg kurang ajar. Kerana menurut beliau itu sahaja bahasa dan cara yg sesuai utk mengajar Cina selfish.

    Please Helen tell Msian Chinese, cukup cukuplah. Hentikan kerja bodoh utk “membakar” Malaysia. Orang Melayu dah lama dan terlalu banyak bersabar.

    Sama-samalah kita bangunkan negara jangan jadikan Malaysia macam Mesir atau Syria.

    1. Cikgu Kampong ini betoi2 berfikiran orang kampong. Rosak sebiji telur nak buang sebakul yang baik2 belaka. You fikir baik2 apa yang you suggest tu,ya? You ingat negara ini boleh maju dari segi ekonomi setakat ini kalau bukan usaha orang Cina?

      Jangan seorang cikgu bersamaan mentality ngan budak2 mentah tu yg ingatkan mrk tu sgt pandai dan hebat. Kalau Cina selfish Melayu tak lah bersenang lenang pada hari ni. Dua tiga orang bodoh je tapi Cikgu Kampong ni sudah ingat semua orang Cina begitu. Ini menunjukkan tahap mentality seorg cikgu. Ptuih…

      1. “Dua tiga orang bodoh je….”

        I have deal with the Chinese students at post graduate level “memang ramai yang bodoh dan suka menipu”

      2. TheOwl

        Lu punya ludah bawa balik tongsan! Orang Malaysia kat sini kalau tak setuju pun tak ludah2. Lu dah buat perangai macam bab

        Lu ingat kalau Cina tak datang sini kita Melayu takdak makan ka? Terbalik la lu! Kalau kaya punya negeri la… mana sekolah lu?

  9. Life of Annie
    Monday, 15 July 2013Slapping the Muslims for being stupid and divided
    There are two issues which I had refrained from writing up till now,

    1. The Vatican envoy’s Kalimah Allah issue which latest updates you can read here,
    Do the right thing, Nuncio

    2. The local sex crazed bloggers’ bakuteh Ramadhan insult which latest updates you can read here,
    The Star spinning and covering up for Alvivi

    I had not wanted to write about those issues when it first started because I don’t trust myself to be objective enough in my analysis.

    Now with it well into Ramadhan, and I don’t have too much spare energy to be too angry, I think I can write a bit about those issues.

    As far as I’m concerned, both issues were actually caused by Muslims themselves.

    Their failure to unite and greed for power among their leaders were reasons why their enemies dare to insult and spit on them as it were in those issues.

    The Muslims were also too engrossed over petty things which pit themselves against one another that they failed to see the real threats faced by their community.

    They are more concerned with things such as enforcing laws to prohibit the wearing of shorts and kebaya rather then empowering their community with better economic and political clout by forming a united front.

    Remember when Malay women used to wear kebaya instead of the “more Islamic” dresses of these days during the 1960s?

    How come was it that no one dare to insult Islam in this country at that time? Why is it now that the Muslims appeared to be more pious that people who hate Islam becoming more daring? Is it because Muslims back then were more united?

    Pas for instance rather being friends of DAP which started the whole Kalimah Allah issue than being friends of Umno, a party made up of mostly Malay muslims like itself.

    In case anyone forgot, it was Lim Guan Eng who reignited the Kalimah Allah issue in his Christmas message in December last year which he had actually aimed at inciting the bumiputera Christians in Sabah and Sarawak to go against Barisan Nasional in the GE13.

    Pas had flip flopped on the matter before deciding at the end to adhere to its Majlis Syura’s decision of going against its DAP and PKR allies.

    Nonetheless, I don’t see Pas protesting too loudly now that the Vatican envoy had backed the local Catholics’ demands, probably because the party wants to menjaga hati all those evangelists who dominated their DAP ally.

    I bet they would had organized a massive rally at Dataran Merdeka if those evangelists are instead allies of BN.

    As for that sex couple bloggers, they were nothing but vermin who should just be ignored.

    However, since the Star, had promoted them into becoming some sort of celebrities, then I have this bit to say – actually the MCA-own newspaper is the one which wants to pull a fast one on the Muslims in this country.

    The Star had highlighted the couple actually because what they said is what the newspaper wants to say itself.

    It is just using the couple as its front to tell off the Muslims – “You son of bitches are all too weak and divided to do anything to us even if we slapped your face with a slab of pork meat”.

    And true enough, there was nothing much the Muslims can do about the issue, the same as it was when the Star put that pork dish as part of it’s Ramadhan Delights pull-out about two years ago. Posted by Annie at 12:46

    1. So betul. The muslims are not united, itu sebab menjadi2 perkara seperti ini. PAS and UMNO put aside your political differences and tackle this religious issue in a concerted manner . Jangan biarkan ugama suci kita dicaci dan juga bangsa kita. Enough is enough.

    2. Dear Annie,

      As a non-Muslim allow me to address what you’ve written :-

      1) The non-unity factor among Muslims in Malaysia and in the Arab world – I think this factor is not the main reason for the kurang ajar behaviour of these kids.

      2) I believe a lot of non-Muslims in Malaysia are frustrated with the behaviour of Perkasa and people like Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin. Our govt has allowed them to get away scot-free with things Perkasa had said and done. They feel that fairness does not exist when nothing is done to people who run down another race and insult other people’s religions e.g. the cowheads issue,the churches and Bible issues etc.

      3) People’s unhappiness when they lose their children and dead spouses to the religion. The religious dept of some state fought with the relatives of some dead people to bury their dead.

      Having said the above I do not condone such rash behaviour. I’m sure you agree with me that kurang ajar people,no matter from what race or religion have to be ajar accordingly so that they know how to lie in a civil society. Thank you.

      1. “I believe a lot of non-Muslims in Malaysia are frustrated with the behaviour of Perkasa and people like Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin.”

        Here we go again, when Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin said something that is rasis but when the “CINA DAP” did it, “Oh! we are protecting our right”

        What a BULLOCK

        1. Yea. How old is Perkasa btw? And how long has Dong Zong and whatever zong outhere fanning the hatred and divide among Malaysians. Namewee us not new is it?

          The DAP jangan cakap la. What about MCA and Gerakan leaders also at times hurt the feelings of Malays and Muslims in this country.

          What about that?! The Chinese thinks the Sakai cannot think is it?

  10. Betul seruan Cikgu kat atas, please Helen advice the Chinese jangan terlalu ghairah dengan kebebasan yang mereka sedang menikmati diNegara ini sekarang. Sedar2 le sikit that the majority here are silently watching.

    I mentioned earlier, in Malaysia not only the Bumiputras (majority being Malays) are Muslims, we have so many other Nationals including foreigners working in Malaysia who are devote Muslims eg Banglas, Indons, Pakistanis, Mynmars, Filipinos, Singaporeans, Thais, Cambodians, Afrikans, Europeans, Arabs, Americans, Indians, Chinese etc etc.. Ini tak termasuk tourists from Muslim countries.

    Ref the Boston Bombings… immigrants from Russia went berserk, get details from Wiki; siapa nak sangka terpendam begitu mendalam dendam mereka dengan apa yang berlaku diIraq dan Afghanistan?

    1. There’s no way they (Chinese DAP) would heed any advise now. They feel they are just a step away from wresting control of this country. The only way is to teach them a lesson.

      Its not too difficult to start with. Boycott or buy last from their shops. Its beginning to show results. But they are fighting back by increasing prices of good. Latest being chicken. So reduce consuming chicken.

      Boycott Old Town White Coffee and the likes. Most of these cafe franchises belong to Chinese DAP type.

      I started ABC and BCL extremely immediately after GE13. I feel so happy about it. Why not you too?

  11. Helen,

    Remaja Cina sekarang ini jauh berbeza dari remaja cina dizaman saya membesar. Sehingga era 90 an, remaja Cina dilihat jauh mengatasi remaju melayu dan India terutamanya dari segi disiplin pendidikan dan perniagaan.

    Namun, keadaan semakin berubah. Remaja Cina sudah mula terikut perangai dan sikap rakan rakan melayu dan India mereka. Yang menakutkan adalah remaja remaja ini tiada langsung berintegrasi sesama mereka. Mereka ini umpama bom jangka yang akan meletup pada bila bila masa. Sampai masanya nanti ketiga tiga bangsa utama ini akan berperang sesama sendiri bukan atas sebab ketamakan kuasa ataupun ekonomi tetapi atas sebab hanya perbezaan bangsa sahaja.

    Kita kena bertindak sebelum terlambat. Jangan tunggu nasi menjadi bubur. Alvin dan Vivian ini hanya satu amaran kecil untuk kita semua.

    1. Ibni Ismail,

      Saya juga risau. Mrk ini tak pandai tafsirkan. Boleh berlaku perkara2 yg kita generasi lama tak ingini. Budak2 macam ni senang dipergunakan oleh pihak2 tertentu.

  12. Ms H. Now that all the bets are off with the MCA not having the ear of the BN via the UMNO with the 13 component parties, AS LONG AS THE BN GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTS FAIR AND TRANSPARENT POLICIES, OBSERVES THE ABSOLUTE RULE OF THE LAWS, MAINTAINS A FUNCTIONAL BUREAUCRACY NORMALLY AND ESCHEWS GLC AND BUSINESS, there is nothing much the MCA and the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP can do.

  13. Just to add fuel to the fire, I present :

    Hannah Yeoh @hannahyeoh

    Pemberian sumbangan untuk Ramadan kepada Surau Nurul Hasanat di USJ

    1. The difference between the new celebrities and the old ones is that the new ones must report everything they do. They cannot have any private time. In fact there was one post of Vi in the hospital, another taking the dump.

      Hannah, OKM are the same.

      Do you see Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh tweeting everything she does? No. Neither does Angelina Jolie. The ones who don’t frequently tweet are masters of their work.

      Remember Paris Hilton. Sex videos sell products such as perfumes and CDs.

      What is Sarah Palin famous for? Environment? No. World hunger? No. Pregnant daughter yes. Playgirl centerfold with no nudity almost son in law? Yes. Sarah Levy spat? Yes. Reality show on TLC? Yes.

      Next VP? Certainly no!

      If OKM or Zairil want to stay a second term, they better start working on their community. OKM being the MP of Serdang should be the one commenting on the UPM rape case. Why the silence? I would really respect him if he took interest in something at his jurisdiction. Publicity can only work up to a certain time.

      Remember Pak Lah. His popularity turned during his second term. Do you still remember Loh Guo Burne?

      Seriously I want to see Hannah do something other than giving gifts or dressing up. Environment, traffic, crime, poverty please!

      1. Re:”Seriously I want to see Hannah do something other than giving gifts or dressing up. Environment, traffic, crime, poverty please!”

        I agree with this 100%,

        I have no seen her make any serious statements about….anything.

        OKM just goes on about how the BN system is damaging Malaysian but I have not seen him discuss any issues that involve the people he is supposed to represent.

        All his air time is taken up with his faux muhibahness and national politics.

        1. re: “faux muhibahness”

          ‘Faux’ is the operative word.

          Muhibbah-ness is one thing. But his/her (they are a pair as realised by Beliawanis in as early as 2010) evangelism wolfishness disguising itself as benign muhibbah is a very dangerous camouflage virus.

          That’s why methinks the next one will be religion (and not solely race) sparked. Hence it is with good reason that HY and OKM feature in this blog compared with any other politician.

        2. All his air time is taken up with his faux muhibahness and national politics.

          What is a PhD for when you cannot use it for bigger things? Let us look at his colleague Elizabeth Wong. At she is famous for environmental issues. In fact what is an education for. If education is good for high powered social networking then it has failed. We don’t need 20 years of education to sing Hand In Hand by Koreana from the Seoul Olympics.

          The problem with Malaysian Chinese voters is that they are angry with UMNO because they are just angry. Ask them to name what they hate about UMNO with examples and you will get a blank. Ask them what they like about DAP with examples, you too will get a blank. Education today makes use clueless about current issues?

          I was shot on the education issue. Nobody is commenting on the other new courses that students have to take apart from Islamic Civilization. The other new courses include Parenting (yes… sex education ), Human Rights ( I don’t see OKM, Hannah or Ambiga clapping) and Comparative Religions. Sorry I know what I am commenting. Just that everyone is focusing on the Islamic course.

          1. Re: ” Sorry I know what I am commenting. Just that everyone is focusing on the Islamic course”

            I think you are doing fine.

          2. I have one Chinese friend who own a PhD and work as Engineering-Scientist-Researcher-Entrepreneur.

            We talked about Malaysian politics one day and he highlight how each Malaysian are in debt around RM20,000 because what our Government was doing. (of course in angry tone)

            While I did not dispute the statement, I did ask him his opinion about Japan’s, US’s and Singapore’s debt. He did not have a clue.

            He was surprised and his tone is sure calmer when I told him that Japan’s debt is around 200% and if the rate is maintain, it might hit 300% by 2020. US and Singapore is better, but not debt-less.

            The point is, he hold PhD. Economics might not as difficult as PhD he did. Yet he did not try to understand and just swallow what politician said whole.

            To be fair, it also affect my Malay friend who hold PhD.

          3. “I was shot on the education issue.”

            This is dialogue where opinion varies and one may disagree or otherwise.

    1. LGE berlakon aje tu….LGE pengkhianat tanahair tercinta.
      Kami masih tercari-cari “Cina Baik”….sukar sungguh untuk mengenali Cina baik…PAS bodoh memang ramai…

  14. These are kids hanging loose and having fun. Are Malaysians so tight assed to be offended by satire? Satire is supposed to be silly and idiotic.

    1. Most Malaysians don’t even know what satire is but then again neither do these two hipsters.

      1. These 2 hipsters, you see, they are what Andy Warhol aptly described as 15 minutes of fame.

        But with the Internet, their 15 minutes of fame will surely last longer, and with much greater reach.

        As for satire, you know how pathetic Malaysia has truly become with the politicians we have, from both sides of the political divide. If people truly know what satire really is, we would not have those buffoons in parliament and state assemblies.

        Have a nice day. See you around.

        1. It’s buffoons who provide the comic relief in an otherwise “august” house hehe

    2. “Are Malaysians so tight assed to be offended by satire?”

      To you maybe. But for us Muslim making fun of religion one and other religion (I have posted this one in other thread) is off limit.

      Adapun hukum memperolok-olok agama adalah kufur dan termasuk salah satu dari sepuluh perkara yang boleh membatalkan keislaman seseorang, seperti telah disebutkan oleh para ulama. Dan ini adalah termasuk dalam sifat orang munafiq yang paling utama. Dan dalil-dalil yang menegaskan hal tersebut sangat banyak:

      Maksud firman Allah;

      “Mereka (orang-orang munafik itu) bersumpah dengan (nama (Allah,
      bahwa mereka tidak mengatakan (sesuatu yang menyakitimu).
      Sesungguhnya mereka telah mengucapkan perkataan kekafiran, dan telah
      menjadi kafir sesudah Islam, dan menginginkan apa yang mereka tidak
      dapat mencapainya”.(QS. Al-Taubah: 74)

      Allah SWT berfirman bermaksud:

      “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang berdosa, adalah mereka yang dahulunya (di dunia) menertawakan orang-orang yang beriman. Dan apabila orang-orang yang beriman lewat di hadapan mereka, mereka saling mengedip-ngedipkan matanya. Dan apabila orang-orang berdosa itu kembali kepada kaumnya, mereka kembali dengan gembira. Dan apabila mereka melihat orang-orang mukmin, mereka mengatakan: “Sesungguhnya mereka itu benar-benar orang-orang yang sesat”, (QS. Al-Muthafifin: 29-32)

      Allah SWT berfirman bermaksud;

      “Dan jika kamu tanyakan kepada mereka (tentang apa yang mereka lakukan itu), tentulah mereka akan menjawab: “Sesungguhnya kami hanyalah bersenda gurau dan bermain-main saja”. Katakanlah: “Apakah dengan Allah, ayat-ayat -Nya dan Rasul -Nya kamu selalu berolok-olok?”.
      (QS. Al-Taubah: 65)

      1. “Surah Al An’am ayat 108 yang bermaksud:

        “Dan janganlah kamu memaki sembahan-sembahan yang meeka sembah selain Allah, kerana mereka nanti akan memaki Allah dengan melampaui batas tanpa pengetahuan. Demikianlah Kami jadikan setiap umat menganggap baik pekerjaan mereka. Kemudian kepada Tuhan mereka (yang sebenar) lah kembalinya mereka, lalu Dia memberitakan kepada mereka apa yang dahulu mereka kerjakan.”

        “And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah , lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do.”

  15. I dont see any news report about duo in the star today while all newspaper report bout it. Did they try to protect them or did they behind them?……..

      1. Makcik Kiah, Makcik Bedah, Makcik Leha, Pakcik Seman, Pakcik Omar, Kak Jemah, Kah Joyah, Abang Long, Abang Ngah….

        Jom sama-sama gontong royong bantu MCA sekali lagi.

    1. I think the new headline is Mari Cuci Tangan.
      You would see the flak the Star is giving the duo. Last week they were poster kids.
      And the politicians are jumping into the burn Alvivi at the stake campaign. LGE condemn. Parliament debate. Bandwagon jump!
      Suddenly Alvivi is all over the news. Let’s burn the witches! Let’s burn the witches… kind of message.

      Sorry. I have to support Alvivi. Not because I condone their stupid postings but that they have become the Cuci Tangan targets of certain journalistic moralists and political moralists.

  16. sorry to say, tambah sikit, bukan ALVIVI tapi ALVIVIVAVI

    Bunga Tahi Ayam

    “Mandi di telaga di tepi jalan,
    bersunting bunga tahi ayam.”

    Apa kata kalian
    bila mereka mempersenda
    bulan suci kita. Apa rasa kalian
    bila mereka tidak gentar
    mengajak kita menjamah
    sup wangi, enak, menyelerakan.

    Tentu ada; pasti akan ada
    mentadak liberal dan kuda politik
    menelan keceluparan dengan alasan,
    “mereka tidak tahu tentang Islam”
    bukankah sejak lahir hingga dewasa,
    mereka tinggal di bumi Malaysia?

    Mereka harus diajar
    bilamana menjadi cacing
    tinggal di tanah, bukan di mata.
    Jika dibiar, kelak ada pengekor
    entah lebih berani dari mereka
    memijak-mijak agama kita.

    Batu Kawan, Pulau Pinang.
    ©Ibnu Din Assingkiri

  17. Re: “Sorry. I have to support Alvivi. Not because I condone their stupid postings but that they have become the Cuci Tangan targets of certain journalistic moralists and political moralists”

    Very well said. The only thing I would change is “journalistic moralist” to “opportunistic journalists”.

    The whole Alvivi nonsense is a disgrace. To reference the International Jew and his contention of Warholian fame, the only thing the Establishment is doing is feeding into that fame and making them martyrs of the biased sanctioning imperatives of the State.

    We have athletes who rape, a crime index which is supposedly rigged, deaths in custody, international trade agreements which would have a profound impact on the country, corruption etc. and all these are deemed unworthy of debate in the Parliament or mentioned in partisan passing.

    But two hipsters who broadcast their sexploits and take a dig at a Religion whose adherents have shown that they have no interests in applying the same standards on their behaviour is some how the zeitgeist.

    When a party like PSM raises the issue of TPPA (a conversation which should be had) they are attacked and maligned by the very same Oppositional forces which would like to see such an agreement in place if it dismantles the “apartheid like, crony system” of UMNO.

    But hey, as long as you got your entertainment, you can let the country crawl into the Bunghole of denial.

  18. Helen et al,

    Don’t read too much into what two misguided foolish youngsters did. As if there’s a conspiracy theory now? hahaha

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