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Dah Ikhwan: Patutkah PAS dan Umno bekerjasama?


Ya, inilah satu topik hangat dikalangan rakyat sekarang. Patutkah kedua parti Melayu  dan Islam ini berkerjasama. Saya tidak  akan memberi pandangan kosong sahaja  tentang soal ini, tetapi seperti biasa  dalam artikel ini saya berhujah bersandarkan empirical analysis, ia  itu berasaskan kajian data sebenar dengan menggunakan pendekatan regression analisis keatas data-data PRU 13, PRU 12 dan juga PRU 11, meliputi jangkamasa 10 tahun dari tahun 2004 hingga 2013.

Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pengikut-pengikut semua artikel  PRU 13  terdahulu yang mencecah tidak kurang daripada 100,000 orang pengunjung. Terima kasih kepada blog-blog, warga internet yang memberi komen sama-ada yang membina mahu yang kritikal. Terima kasih juga kepada mereka dari kalangan  pemimpin politik dan journalist dari agensi seperti The Star dan Bernama yang telah menghubungi saya.

Untuk merungkai isu ini, ingin saya menyatakan saya bukanlah seorang ahli parti UMNO atau parti PAS tetapi hanyalah  pengkaji bebas dan memberi pandangan secara ilmiah…

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13 thoughts on “Dah Ikhwan: Patutkah PAS dan Umno bekerjasama?

  1. Bekerjasama YA, bergabung TIDAK…

    Dialaf dimana MCA dan DAP bekerjasama tidak rasmi, begitu juga PAS dan UMNO.

    Harus diingat walaupun Islam milik semua tanpa mengira kaum, diMalaysia, pendukung Islam utama adalah orang Melayu. Betapa sedihnya apabila Islam dipijak pijak oleh mereka yang begitu benci, termasuk segelintir Melayu itu sendiri.

    Diruang Islam didokong, PAS dan UMNO harus kukuh bersatu. Dalam percaturan politik, dimana ada umat Islam/Melayu yang lebih disesuatu kawasan dan dihadiahkan UMNO/BN kepada calun calun yang terang dan nyata tidak membela Islam, PAS harus mengisi ruang itu demi memberi satu pilihan kepada orang Islam/Melayu.

  2. for the sake of donation, pas under hadi sure wanna bersubahat dengan umno under najib, tis pas under hadi actually look forward the lifestyle of jorden belfort for umpteen years, they r a bunch of wolf in sheeps clothing, they wan to be the wolf of putrajaya, that is y u see their non-stop cry wolf, dap tis dap tat, chinese tis chines tat, malukan pas yang sebenar, lagi teruk dari umno.

  3. there is no shift,no wind of change according to this analysis.Politic perkauman dan keagamaan masih jadi “life line’ accordingly.
    Its seems vary difficult predicting, measuring tectonic events from build ups of stress.Its not address in this “empirical studies”.

    1. re: “It’s seems very difficult predicting, measuring tectonic events from build ups of stress.”

      I’ll stick my neck out and predict a Malay tsunami — which WILL HAPPEN in GE14 if PAS and Umno manage to align with each other (but not necessarily in any sort of formal coalition/pact on polling day itself).

      A feature of this tsunami is their wins will take Malaysia in a tanah Melayu, bumi Islam direction. Thus the holders of political power will be more polarized than ever, with the split between same race-same religion on one side and the ‘nons’ on the opposite site clearly demarcated.

      From this point, there is no path of return. We will be tanah Melayu, bumi Islam.

      On the other hand, if the Malay fence-sitters choose to stay at home or spoil their votes, then my forecast would be wrong.

      1. the so call “fence sitter” shouldn’t sits on fences. Their call for unity of all Malaysian is much more relevant and stronger in the end.Time is for a “perpaduan parti” – non religious non racial.
        Perpaduan ialah penyatuan, dan darjah serta jenis penyatuan yang dipamerkan sesebuah masyarakat ataupun kumpulan dan jiran mereka.

        1. re: “Time is for a ‘perpaduan parti’ – non religious non racial.

          Are you saying build perpaduan around the DAP?

          You can’t be meaning PAS, obviously, as it is religious, and Umno which is racial. The biggest party claiming to be non-religious and non-racial is DAP although they’re just lying. It’s actually an evangelical Chinese party.

          re: “Perpaduan ialah penyatuan, dan darjah serta jenis penyatuan yang dipamerkan sesebuah masyarakat ataupun kumpulan dan jiran mereka.”

          You do realise that we live in ethnically separate neighbourhoods in Malaysia. Although there are some mixed areas but nonetheless housing estates are largely dominated by one race or another.

          1. special interest political parties championed special interests.Time for us to champion all Malaysians.How.? Look after each other , not pass each other.Losing populations are bad signs.Time to be inclusive ,time to only accept diversity.
            Help us belong.

            Ty for the attachments.

            1. re: “Time to be inclusive, time to only accept diversity. Help us belong.”

              How to be inclusive when the Chinese segment of the population adamantly refuses to learn or to speak the national language? How will they communicate with other Malaysians? This on top of the attitude problem (superiority complex).

              I do not believe the minorities in Malaysia have the maturity to navigate diversity nor to co-exist in a plurality.

              For nation-building to succeed, there must be enough cohesive elements/factors to bind the citizens together.

              The glue universally is religion. In earlier times, i.e. the countries in what was known as Christendom were almost entirely Christian (although this is no longer true today).

              But nonetheless, Christian traditions and heritage have been handed down and practised, i.e. a white guy might not be particularly observant about his church attendance but he still celebrates Christmas.

              In a vast majority of Muslim countries, Muslims are more than 9 out of every 10 residents. They are the most religiously homogeneous.

              Even the Buddhist countries like Thailand and Myanmar are strongly Buddhist. And the Burnese reject the Muslim Rohingya minority.

              In countries that are diverse, Balkanization happens, i.e. break up of Yugoslavia. Or you get the Lebanon civil war.

              In the USA today, there’s the angry white backlash riding on the Trump bandwagon. In France there is the rise of (a possible Madame President) Marine Le Pen and her far-right party, in Germany Pegida, in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’party, in Belgium Vlaams Belang and so on.

              It is the trend worldwide.

              1. this comments of mine is subjective.
                Except for Indon recently,all majority Muslim countries are failed state.Malaysia is blessed for its diversity.Yes plurality need a lot of work …but its the only way to learn and know each other.The good book even mention that.
                You are been realistic.I got that.
                There is going to be ebb and flow in the realization.

                1. UAE is modern and has a high per capita income as well as high standard of living. It’s also considered among the most developed countries in the world and can be found among the Top 20 in global competitive rankings of certain sectors.

                  Bahrain has got Formula 1 :)

                  I blogged something on Turkey before @

                  The Muslim countries nearing failed state status have been bombed back a century by the Christian sheriffs, such as Afghanistan and Iraq and now Syria. There has been Western-Christian interference that destroyed other Muslim countries like Libya and those affected by the Arab Spring.

                  The Quran was right in 2:120.

    2. Ugama mesti di fahami sebagai kepercayaan zaman dulu dari masyarakat arab dan yahudi. Begitu juga hindu dan budis masing2 memperjuangkan lembu di india atau kesucian mereka seperti di myanmar atau kristian di filipina.
      Kemajuan dan keamänan sekarang adalah sebab demokrasi di mana everyone is equal.
      Ini asas keamanan dunia skg. Jika melayu kembali kepada feudalism dengan paderinatau ulamaknya maka revolusi akan terjadi semula.
      Ikuti dan fahami Rukun Negara. Kita perlu masyarakat liberal dan menggunakan sains dan teknologi. Bukan ikuti melayu dungu macam Jamil Khir main golf indeks syariah muahahs…

  4. Islam mengajar umatnya bersaudara ,fahaman politik tidak seharusnya membezakan mereka .

    Kalau sesutu bangsa itu bolih bersatu kerana bangsa dan keturunan walaupon berlainan ugama dan pahaman politik ,lemahnya iman Melayu yang dicarik-carikan olih politik .

    Orang Melayu harus bertanya diri mereka , mereka digabongkan olih iman atau fahaman politik.

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