Posted in INDIA

Samseng serang ABU, seorang cedera dibelasah

Bersambung: Kalau ABU tak boleh di kawasan Melayu …

Dalam rakaman kekecohan di sebuah ceramah ‘Tamatkan Rejim Umno/BN’ semalam, kedengaran seorang Mat Rempit menengking orang kaum India dan berkali-kali menggertak “berambus”.

“Tak bagi can (chance) kat dia orang ni, bangsat nak hidup senang kat sini …” – (saya tak berapa dengar apa yang diteriak seterusnya dalam bibit ini) – “mampus bagi semua orang”.

W. Sambulingam, penyelenggara kebangsaan Hindraf, memberitahu saya bahawa kumpulan Mat Rempit itu telah menyuruh orang Melayu keluar dewan supaya mereka boleh “ajar Keling”, iaitu penyokong Hindraf yang hadir ceramah.

Acara ABU-Asal Bukan Umno tersebut terpaksa dibatalkan gara-gara tindakan menggempur oleh samseng di dewan serbaguna MBSA di Jalan Kebun, Seksyen 30, Shah Alam.

FMT melaporkan bahawa kira-kira 30 orang Mat Rempit menggertak dengan menggunakan kayu dan topi keledar. Dalam laporan Mob disrupts ABU/Hindraf event, one hurt, portal berita itu berkata Mat Rempit-Mat Rempit telah merempuh kerusi di dewan dengan motosikal mereka (tengok video).

Mereka kelihatan menendang kerusi dan mengangkat perkakas itu seolah-olah mahu menghentam kepala orang dengan kerusi.

[Kemaskini: Saya ganti video asal dengan versi baru Malaysiakini TV yang lebih tajam imej dan audionya. Video FMT (ruj. komen pembaca Nik di bawah) yang saya muat turunkan pada awalnya ada di SINI.]

E. Nalini, pengarah eksekutif Suaram, menceritakan bahawa belia-belia yang menimbulkan huru-hara itu memakai kemeja-T yang berlambangkan logo BN dan Umno.

“As we were driving to the hall, there were about six or seven men beating up a boy with sticks,” kata Nalini kepada Malaysiakini.

Gangguan berlaku pada sekitar pukul 9.15 malam di dewan yang ketika itu suku penuh. Yang hadir terdiri daripada ahli-ahli Hindraf dan PAS serta penyokong-penyokong Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM).*

Sambulingam telah dijemput untuk memberi taklimat; penceramah lain ialah Mat Sabu, Chegubard dan Haris Ibrahim.

Seorang yang dikenali sebagai Krishnan, 33, nampaknya tidak sedar selepas ditumbuk (khabarnya).

Seorang dimasukkan ke hospital kerana cedera dipukul — mungkin ‘remaja’ yang dimaksudkan Nalini tadi. (Atau mungkin dia Krishan; butir-butir kejadian masih samar.)

Sambulingam berkata lebih kurang 300 orang Melayu yang membantah kempen ABU telah berkumpul di seberang jalan di luar dewan. Beliau berpendapat anggota polis (kira-kira 4 orang) yang sampai di tempat kejadian tidak mencukupi untuk mengawal keadaan.

Tambah Sambulingam mujurlah orang PAS ada beramai-ramai untuk mengiringi para hadirin meninggalkan dewan dengan selamat.

Ketua Polis Selangor Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah nampaknya mengambil ringan serangan tersebut (baca FMT).

Tun Hisan juga dipetik Malaysiakini sebagai berkata:

“Nothing happened, the residents were unhappy, that’s all. No BN or Umno supporters who disturbed them. No police reports were lodged, not even by the victim who was said to be injured.”

Ulasan saya:

1. Syabas kepada orang PAS yang tidak meninggalkan dewan seperti yang diarah oleh samseng.

2. Tun Hisan cakap acuh tak acuh dan tidak berlogik — mangsa masih di hospital menjalani CT scan tetapi ketua polis boleh kata orang yang dipukul tidak membuat repot. Harus polis menjalankan siasatan terlebih dahulu sebelum Tun Hisan memberi komennya.

3. Orang Hindu-Tamil yang pengikut Hindraf bukannya “hidup senang” seperti didakwa Mat Rempit itu. Mereka sebenarnya hidup susah!

Yang hidup tak susah berasal dari golongan profesional (doktor, loyar) yang mungkin bertutur bahasa Inggeris dan menganut agama Kristian. Terdapat jurang kelas di dalam masyarakat India itu sendiri.

4. Orang India miskin mesti dibawa masuk arus perdana dan bukannya dipinggirkan atau dikambing-hitamkan dalam usaha mencari gaduh seperti yang berlaku dalam kejadian semalam.

5. Mat Sabu, Chegubard dan Haris diundang berceramah. Mereka Melayu. ABU disokong orang Melayu, pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak, dan orang Cina selain India. Kenapa pula orang India sengaja disasarkan untuk “diberi pengajaran”?

Serangan tersebut ialah cubaan untuk menimbulkan persengketaan berciri perkauman supaya momentum ABU boleh ditumpulkan dengan menakut-nakutkan masyarakat Melayu.

6. Sama ada kita menyokong, menentang atau enggan mengendahkan ABU, namun ceramah semalam hanyalah kegiatan mengeluarkan air liur yang tidak mempromosi keganasan. Pihak yang mendalangi serangan tersebut nyata kurang matang dalam adab berpolitik.

Kemaskini: Polis dikhabarkan hanya sampai di tempat kejadian 10 minit selepas Mat Rempit-Mat Rempit itu beredar walaupun polis mengetahui ceramah tersebut telah dirancang untuk berlangsung.

Mutakhir (1): Keterangan Chegubard di FMT (Jan 22)

Mutakhir: (2): Keterangan Haris Ibrahim di blognya, The People’s Parliament (Jan 23)

Mutakhir (3): Ameno World mendakwa cam samseng — Ini lah rupa ketua geng2 pengacau majlis ABU semalam

* SABM ialah gerakan sukarelawan anti-rasis yang diilhamkan aktivis peguam Haris Ibrahim. Haris juga mempelopori ABU.


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

45 thoughts on “Samseng serang ABU, seorang cedera dibelasah

  1. Hello Helen, just read your post. I am appalled at this kind of behaviour. It has no place in our society. After reading your post, i google-d to find out more on how this came about. And what I read shocked me too. Is it true that the location of this event, which is kampung Jalan Kebun, is 100% Malay area? If that is true, why did Chegubard hold an event for Hindraf, which is about the plight of the Indian community and anti-establishment, in a Malay area? Is it done to purposely instigate or provoke the Malay community there which is predominantly pro-UMNO? Could you please clarify this? I also read that the PKR ADUN there, I.e. Suhaimi Shafie, did not even know of this event. If this is true, we are heading into very dangerous territory where certain groups of people are purposefully provoking a fight within certain community, like pitting one race against another. Is there no end to what some people would do in order to gain power?

    1. Hi Catty,

      Chegubard (SAMM) & Haris (ex-MCLM) are the main movers of ABU. Raja Petra also supports Anything But Umno.

      ABU, and hence last night’s event at which the 3 Malay guys (Mat Sabu, Chegubard & Haris) were slated to speak, is not about the Indian plight per se. And ABU is not Hindraf’s initiative.

      I’ve just been informed (I asked since you asked) that the venue was chosen/provided for by PAS’s Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud.

      About the PKR Adun there not being aware of the event, what you say is possible as Chegubard is carrying out ABU under the banner of the mahasiswa group and not his party.

      And in any case if you remember, there was some bad blood earlier when Chegubard complained about the party elections and there were even rumours at one time that he was going to quit PKR.

      Yes, pitting one race against another is a dangerous tactic. And so were the explosives outside the Jln Duta court on 901.

      I’m open to readers giving their input on this if anyone has further info. There may be other sides to the story.

      Curious also as to why the Mat Rempits purportedly or openly wore Umno T-shirts. But since it’s been recorded on video, surely the police can identify/trace the ketua samseng and find out more. Was also told that the PAS guys were able to recognise who the Mat Rempits are.

  2. Dear Helen Ang,

    Did you read HINDRAF’s memorandum in 2007 and do you agree with it? Do you agree with HINDRAF demands from the British? Do you agree with the HINDRAF meeting and demands from the Indian government and India Tamil Nadu’s state parlimentarian? Did HINDRAF retracts the memorandum or any of the demands?

    Why was it held at a 100% Malay enclave in Jalan Kebun and a HINDRAF’s National Administrator was invited?

    Remember how the Malaysian Malaysa was accused, humiliated and instigated prior to Mei 13th 1969. You can read it from here

    What sinister agenda is exactly the DAP/PKR/PAS cooking?


    1. Dear Man Jebat,

      1. Which part of Hindraf’s memo are you referring to?

      2. My opinion is that Hindraf made the demands to the British to force attention as Umno has been ignoring the Indians and would not entertain many, many previous memos sent to Dollah Badawi.

      3. Can you pls give me the article url wrt Hindraf meeting the Indian government?

      4. Am not sure about the meeting with – you say – the Tamil Nadu parliamentarians. Recall one of the men was DAP Adun Manoharan but can’t recollect who the other chap was.

      5. Did Hindraf retract the memo or any of the demands?

      As far as I’m aware the 18-point memo still stands. Hindraf toned down on the two controversial phrases “ethnic cleansing” and “mini genocide”, the latter in ref. to the Kg Medan killings.

      6. Why was it held in Shah Alam and Sambulingam invited?

      Are you saying that Malays cannot hold any political event in Petaling Street or Chinese cannot hold any in Brickfields? The Hindraf national coordinator was invited to speak at the ABU event but he was 1 Indian to the 3 Malay speakers. Why did the Mat Rempits make an issue threatening to “ajar” the Indians?

      7. May 13: I agree that DAP supporters were likely provocative in 1969. Personally I find them provocative even today, post-2008 tsunami. But verbal provocation then and now is nonetheless no excuse for the massacres where the victims were predominantly Chinese. It was undeniably ethnic targetting.

      8. Your Q: What sinister agenda is DAP/PKR/PAS cooking up?

      It remains to be seen how far the 3 Pakatan parties support ABU. Again, I concede that ABU’s threat (viz. Haris) to take to the streets on the EC reform issues and Anwar’s rabble-rousing background are causes for concern. Both sides, i.e. Umno & Pakatan, have sinister agenda lah.

      1. Helen,

        I have followed Hindraf and their leaders for a long time even before the now infamous rally.

        Many people are mistaken about Hindraf and its origin, our alternative media as usual glorified them when it is political convenient and then dumped them when they fell out of PR.

        Uthayakumar was just an unknown NGO agitator who specialised in fighting for Indian issues, mostly on misguided issues of no real importance, mainly to attract publicity. But Hindraf was atually started by some religious leaders who were concerned with temple demolishments. However Uthaya and some DAP leaders managed to hijack this agenda and installed them as the leaders of Hindraf.

        Man Jebat is right on several points. The problem of Hindraf is not their agenda, which has some merit (though I disagree with most of it) but their rather militant and emotional approach. Like DAP they vary their message depending on audience. To the non Indians they tend to take the human rights angle while with Indians they use a violent, militant approach,

        Their usual contact point in India is the Tamil nationalists in India at Tamil Nadu, portraying the Malaysians Indians as a victim of prosecution and ethnic cleansing like in Sri Lanka. As such this gained a lot of sympathy. In the non Tamil parts of India, they used the Hindu angle courting the fundamentalist party of BJP, which is known for its rabid anti Islamic stance.

        However, their struggle has lost much of its luster both in Malaysia and in India. In fact not too long ago, Prof Rama has been banned from Tamil Nadu.

        The problem of Hindraf is that they were used by PR leaders and after the 12GE they were discarded. Leaders like Manoharan and Gana were never been part of Hindraf, they are just parasites who used Hindraf. The same goes with people like Prof Rama.

        As for provocation, would our alternative media claim “right to assembly” if Perkasa holds its AGM in a Chinese majority areas like Cheras or Bkt Mertajam ?

        1. You see the Nov 25 rally as “infamous”, others see it as the ‘game changer’ that brought on the March 8 tsunami.

          Yes, Hindraf was first & mainly concerned with temple demolitions. It served as the umbrella for Indian religious-cultural NGOs & its leading light was/is Waythamoorthy. He’s still Hindraf chairman.

          And what’s “Prof Rama’s ban from Tamil Nadu” – your claim – got to do with Hindraf? He’s DAP. (Just curious as to your point)

          We’re both probably in agreement that the alternative media are unpredictable in their spin. However if Perkasa were to hold its AGM in “a Chinese majority area like Cheras or Bkt Mertajam”, the residents wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

          When do you ever see the Chinese joining demonstrations, right? They’re conspicuous for their absence at all the major rallies with only the exception of Bersih 2.0.

      2. Hi Helen,

        This is to reply your post @ 1149 am.

        Wow, you are still busy checking your blog even during CNY !

        1. 25th Nov rally as game changer : Yes, I agree it was a game changer though I do not agree with Hindraf or the need for it. The pivotal event that was the tipping point / catalyst was the Hindu temple demolition at Padang Jawa by Khir Toyo just a few days before Deepavali. This was an act that turned the tide of public opinion to Hindraf that culminated in the 25th Nov rally.

        2. Hindraf leadership : Waythamoorthy like Uthaya was never the founder of the group but an opportunist who hijacked the NGO due to his better PR skills and English mastery. Actually there is no such thing as the chairman or leader of Hindraf as they did not have a formal structure. Eventually these issues of outsiders hijacking the agenda led to the collapse of Hindraf. By the time the Hindraf 5 were released, the movement was a pale shadow of itself.

        3. Prof Rama: When Hindraf’s struggle finally caught the attention of the Indian community and sparked anger toward BN, the politicians from PR parachuted in. There were numerous PKR and DAP leaders and even MIC leaders jumped the bandwagon.
        Prof Rama was one of the personalities considered as key leaders speaking up against the so-called marginalization of Tamils in Malaysia. Due to his long history and high profile role in helping the Tamil Tigers he had considerable credibility among the Indians. After the 25th Nov rally, DAP roped him in to exploit the sentiments created by Hindraf. Due to his position as DPM2 of Penang, heis considered as the most senior leader among Pakatan and he even wanted India to recognise him as the representative of Malaysian Indians as PR had more Indian reps than BN. In fact there was an intense struggle between PR and MIC to officially represent the Malaysian indians and for a while PR was winning. However, Hindraf and Rama over played their cards in supporting the Tamil Tigers who lost their favoured status with the Tamil Nadu and Indian governments. Hindraf’s Hindu angle also floundered as the secular Congress won the national elections. The nadir was the banning of Prof Rama from India and that’s why Hndraf now taking their fight to elsewhere.

        4. Ceramah in Chinese area : I agree the Chinese unlikely to get agitated and run amok if there was a Perkasa cermaha in their area.My point was the alternative media would certainly paint the event as an act of extreme provocation and you can bet that racist emails and SMS would start to fly around claiming Perkasa and UMNO are trying to intimidate the Chinese. I can imagine the headlines in Mkini, MInsider and MChronicles…

        Am not celebrating this CNY, Calvin. Just to add to your observation “By the time the Hindraf 5 were released, the movement was a pale shadow of itself”, quite correct, but Umno was pivotal in pummelling Hindraf into fragments for fear of its influence. — Helen

  3. 1. Nampak org bawak kayu, tak nampak org kene pukul. tetiba je gambar org pengsan kene belasah. tak nampak pulak kesan belasah. mcm cerita body guard kak wan kene pukul dan saiful anang kene belasah ngan FRU.
    2. Angkat kerusi, campak kerusi dah macam PKR punya style.
    3. mengapa tidak ada polis repot? saiful anang yg di pukul hingga patah rusuk pun ada repot. mengapa PKR tak buat repot?
    4. mengapa pulak chegubard dlm twitter.FB dan video di halaman blog yg lain dgn senang cakap ini adalah agenda UMNO? tak nampak pulak ada org menjerit “saya org UMNO”.
    5. seperti biasa. bukti video adalah besi dan tak boleh di pakai
    6. Betul ke Tun Hisan bercakap begitu? kerana kalau utusan yg menyiarkan, sudah tentu dikatakan media dalang umno. bagaimana kalau FMT dan malaysiatoday yg tulis?

    1. A. Belasah
      Video nampaknya ada disunting. Saya rasa rentetan babak tidak mengikut kronologi, yakni orang yang tidak sedar itu ditunjukkan kepada penonton pada bab awal / bibit dibawa ke depan, macam highlight atau trailer.

      Saya juga tidak pasti sama ada orang tersebut (Krishnan, umur 33 — yang didakwa “knocked senseless”) adalah orang sama yang juga disebutkan Nalini (saksi / eyewitness) yang mengatakan beliau nampak 6-7 lelaki memukul seorang ‘remaja’.

      B. Angkat kerusi — “PKR punya style”
      Bila & di mana? Seingat saya, ada berlaku kekecohan sewaktu Saifuddin Nasution & gengnya mencerobohi Apcet II. Dia Pemuda Umno ketika itu.

      C. Agenda siapa?

      “mengapa pulak chegubard dlm twitter, FB dan video di halaman blog yg lain dgn senang cakap ini adalah agenda UMNO?”

      Betul, ia tuduhan melulu. Sebab itu baik polis menjalankan siasatan dulu.

      D. Kenyataan Tun Hisan

      CPO S’gor dihubungi FMT & Malaysiakini. Kenyataannya sepertimana dipetik kedua-dua media itu agak serupa. Tengoklah nanti … mungkin akan timbul alasan “misquoted”.

      1. Helen
        Cuma satu yg pelik. alasan hindraf kacau masa maghrib, tapi nampak ada pula pemuda pakai seluar singkat. mungkin kaki tak sembahyang kot.

        B. angkat kerusi, PKR punya style.
        saya tak pasti exact time, tapi dlm blog kalau tengok pilihan dalam cabang PKR, ada 2 -3 video menunjukkan mereka bergaduh sampai angakat kerusi. FYI. mungkin saifuddin nasution telah bawak amalan tu dlm PKR.

        Boleh tolong bagi link, dakwaan Hindraf kacau Maghrib? Yang Mat Rempit buat kacau tu Chegubard ada twit ‘real time’ (ruj. Twitter). — Helen

  4. saya diberitahu.
    Majlis dilakukan di kampung yg rata2 melayu. Majlis juga tiada kene mengena dengan org dikampung itu. Ok…

    Tapi majlis harus hormat waktu maghrib. Tak hormat… Org marah.Maka terjadi macam ni.

    Macam tu juga kalau org melayu masuk kampung bangsa lain. Hormat. Tak hormat… Kasik hentak je kepala org tu.

    Tapi dlm hal ni sape yg untung? Senang… DAP dan PKR. Sebab belum tahu pengundi dia ingat ini sebab org marah sebab tak hormat tempat. Yg pasti dia kata. UMNO racist. Yg untung DAP, yg rugi UMNO.

    Boleh rO tolong semak sekali lagi? Dilaporkan FMT bahawa kejadian berlaku kira-kira 9.15 mlm dan ketika itu Mat Sabu berada di pentas, iaitu majlis baru sahaja bermula. — Helen

    1. Dilaporkan FMT bahawa kejadian berlaku kira-kira 9.15 mlm,Siapa percaya FMT ? LOL

      Liputan FMT lebih seimbang berbanding media online yang lain. Lagipun ada beratus-ratus orang saksi pa, takkan perkara macam waktu kejadian pun boleh pula ditipu, lebih-lebih lagi ada polis datang. — Helen

  5. Nampak sangat seperti modus operandi Chegu Bard …..spt yg berlaku di Bersih 2.0 dan UPSI… maya diheboh kan tentang seseorang telah dibelasah hingga pengsan……maka, rakyat perlu bangkit dan melawan UMNO…..typical cara Chegu Bard.
    Haris Ibrahim pun sudah memukul gendang perang pada hari Sabtu, 21 Jan 2012…..Semua ini semacam ada koordinasi terancang untuk mengajak penentang UMNO untuk merusuh di jalanan…..
    Laporan FMT nampak sangat cuba menampilkan image polis yang tidak peduli masaalah yang menimpa orang Tamil….
    MCLM nampak sudah mahu jadi sayap agresif parti pembangkang….


  7. Helen,

    Chekgu Bard has pointed his finger to UMNO as the entity responsible for the attack. Does he really has any proof of that ? I have watched the video carefully and frame by frame, no indication on the t’shirt of those guys(the ones in the video) has any relation to UMNO.

    Chekgu Bard as leader is not a responsible leader. He accused others with out giving out the evidence or proof.

    This kind on incident is very-very rare in Malaysia. It is only rampant recently, the last 4-5 years only.

    This kind of incident that can spark a huge unrest if there is a retaliation. I have read a lot that folks at PKR has taken events in Tunisia and the rest of the Arab Spring as an example.

    Putting all these together, i am inclined to say that it is possible that PKR itself is behind this.


    I’ve updated with a screenshot in the ‘bodycopy’ (journalism jargon) i.e. posting above. It’s Nalini who told mkini about the Umno logo T-shirts & she’s credited as executive director of Suaram — a respected human rights NGO.

    Perhaps the police investigation can clear the air & cloud cast over Umno. But agree with you that Cb too quick to point finger.


  8. Helen, saya sebagai penyokong Hindraf mempunyai soalan yang sama seperti beberapa komentar diatas. Semasa kejadian kekecohan berlaku kenapa tidak ada ramai orang PAS disitu? Mereka memberi alasan bahawa mereka menunaikan sembahyang maghrib.. ok.. Jadi pemimpin tertinggi PAS iaitu Mat Sabu pula sudah terlebih dahulu sampai di dewan dan dia tak sembahyang ke? Kenapa pula komred-komred PAS sampai lambat sedangkan pemimpin mereka sudah sampai terlebih dahulu. Mungkin ke penyokong-penyokong PAS dah diberitahu lebih awal bahawa kekecohan akan berlaku? Saya rasa mesti ada messenger yang dah sampaikan mesej tersebut dan mereka sengaja sampai lambat ke dewan tersebut. Masyarakat India dijadikan kambing hitam dalam percaturan politik melayu. Audience penyokong PAS yang ada di dalam dewan yang boleh dikira dengan jari ini adalah semata-mata wayang kulit kerana biasanya ahli-ahli pAS akan sampai awal beramai-ramai sebelum pemimpin mereka sampai di sesuatu ceramah umum melainkan ceramah pas untuk muslim shj. Saya rasa dalam musim pilihanraya ini tidak mungkin melayu sama melayu akan bergaduh teruk. Ianya boleh membawa padah kepada kedua-dua pihak. Saya rasa kekecohan ini adalah rekaan semata-mata untuk mendapatkan simpati dan undi masyarakat India untuk pakatan rakyat, Maka hindraf dijadikan sebagai kambing hitam dlam percaturan politik mereka. Saya rasa amat sedih kerana pemimpin2 Hindraf termakan umpan Pakatan Rakyat dan tidak terlambat lagi untuk membuka mata dan melihat percaturan politik ini dengan perspektif yang lain.

  9. How convenient the so-called UMNO supporters barging in complete with UMNO logo T-shirts ! I wonder if they also had their UMNO membership card with them too.

    Suaram may be a respected NGO but Nalini is hardly a leader known for balanced and rational judgement. Just google and you will see what I mean.

    I think Hindraf been rather foolishly been used as a pawn in the political game that Pakatan playing (as alluded by Shankar). I have very little sympathy for Hindraf’s struggles but they better of staying off this ill-conceived ABU business.

    From the video, it is clear that nothing of the sort of violent attack as claimed by Nalini or Chegubard had happened.Looks to me like yet another UPSI-style sandiwara.

  10. 1.As usual your ignorance and blatant partisanship is obviously colouring the facts and clouding the picture as to what actually transpired pre-, while and post-ruckus and what lurks beneath. By deliberately being profligate with misinformation and frugal with the actual facts, you sketch a pro-PR picture when unbiased analysis would have been more welcome. Instead of questioning the veracity of some factual comments here, you should have acknowledged the following:

    a. Yes, chair throwing is a venerated tradition in PR as is voter-list padding, phantoms etc, ask PKR during their recent party elections.

    b. Why would a patently Hindraf function be held in a Malay majority area and around Maghrib at that?

    c. How come the Mat Rempits were stupid enough to be clad in identifiable attire linked to a “hated” party?

    d. How come no police reports were lodged by the organisers?

    The speakers lined up were basically a motley collection of social anarchist dedicated to subverting democracy and effect change through violent upheaveal. Two of them are mere foot soldiers but dangerous ones at that.

    2. You seem to be cavalierly blase about the realities of PR politics which is a veritable bubbling cauldron of rumour mongering, halfbaked truth peddling, calculated instigations, disinformation, ingenious conspiracy theories and the like, garnished by street riots masked as demonstrations. Now their loser-mentality grievances are being marinated by violence. I was in the US recently and the Arab diaspora there spoke how Arab spring was infiltrated and eventually usurped by extremist Wahabbists who marshalled their forces and resources astutely to overthrow unpopular regimes and replace them with Wahabbi and pro-Wahabbists guised as democrats.Look at what happened in Egypt, Tunisia and to a lesser extent Yemen (events still unfolding here) to get my drift .

    This incident and some others are just a long list of pre-planned events designed to provoke a major incident and get the crowds out on the streets ala-Arab Spring and once that happens the instruments of governance will capitulate and collapse like dominoes.

    What will ensue next, I am afraid. will not be the promised Shagnrila of social democracy but Dante’s Inferno of sectarian violence with Wahabbis squaring up against evangelicals and Chingkie extremists and liberal-secularists battling religious obscurantists.for scraps of power over the dead body of a once peaceful and harmonious Malaysia.

  11. “sporting T-shirts with BN and UMNO logos” — a bit too obvious, no?

    BN/UMNO may appear not to be filled with too many bright people, but i doubt if they could be that stupid.

    however those behind the thugs, making them sport those revealing T-shirts, do come across as blatantly stupid.

    OR patently cynical, because they think a lot of people would be stupid enough to buy it and they may be proven right. :)

  12. Hai Helen pada aku pergaduhan kt Kg Jln Kebun mungkin adalah perangkap. Pakatan skr sedar sokongan terhadap mereka dikalangan kaum India telah merosost, insiden2 seperti yg berlaku di kg jln kebun akan digunakan sepenuhnya utk mengambarkan BN anti kaum India. Mereka akan kata BN nak sekat hak kaum2 lain bergerak bebas maknanya org india xleh msk kg melayu n melayu xleh msk kg india.Dan betul ke org yg serang ceramah tu org Umno? Apa pun kita mesti mempertahankan undang2 kekerasan xkan membawa keuntungan pada negara hanya kehancuran, JGN Teperangkap

  13. It is a PKR area with a majority PAS friendly community I heard. Was told by some KEtua Pemuda that there is no such thing by them. They think it is a set up. Just to make sure to show that UMNO is anti Indian.
    All the details are really blur. Some said it was during Maghrib, some said it happened after Maghrib. I guess in politics anything is possible. Let us not forget CB claimed he was set up by his own people with the fake twitter account.

    Thanks Aidil for the info. If Seksyen 30 is a PKR area with a majority PAS friendly community, then there’s nothing sinister in the choice of venue booked by PAS. — Helen

    1. Folks, Jalan Kebun is in Klang, not Shah Alam. My sources inform me that it used to be a PKR area.

      In any case, the video recording is not clear on why these youths are riled up. It could be some of the Hindraf folks would have made a provocative remarks or gesture.

      In any case, having a movement called ABU is an immature political move that just begs for reprisal from UMNO. I am aghast that someone like Haris can contribute to such a political culture.

      There seems to be a discrepancy, yes. The FMT video was datelined ‘Klang’. However the dewan, according to the news reports, is the MBSA (Shah Alam) & the address Seksyen 30. — Helen

      Postscript: It’s on the border between Klang & Shah Alam, apparently. — Helen (Jan 24)

      1. First of all we need to know who is behind this. If it is infact UMNO we must take action. It is not right for them to have a gangster like approached. But if it is a staged by PR I am very concerned Helen. It is very irresponsible. Oppositions seems to be playing with fire and have a track record of ‘unsure’ incidents. We wait and monitor.

  14. Yang buat kacau tu bukanlah orang-orang UMNO. Mereka tak la sebegitu bodoh nak pakai baju UMNO. Mungkin ada orang lain yang menyamar sebagai orang UMNO. AKU TETAP SOKONG UMNO

    1. NO26.ABDUL…ang ni bodoh la..mamat yg bt kecoh 2 org umno ngok…ang tgok la FB dia Muhamad Razali

  15. Kalau benarlah orang UMNO yang lakukan, kenapa mereka memakai baju umno…? Pengarah drama ini telah kacau-bilau fikirannya…, telah menjadi bodoh terlampau…!

    Kalau nak buat provokasi dan nak tiru cara CIA atau KGB pun.., study laa dulu…, jangan sampai terserlah sangat bangangnya…

    Harap ada orang yang buat repot polis agar siastan rapi dapat dijalankan…

  16. Umno is deeply worried and tried to create a fissure. (Who else gains from this?) Hindraf conducted themselves in a civilised way with restraint, showing that they have no issues with Malays, who are not the enemy.

    The venue was chosen by ABU and there were too few Pas supporters. In this instance I feel Hindraf was used by ABU. The state of politics is in a flux and everybody is using everybody, and Hindraf is aware of this.

    Hindraf/HRP’s modus operandi is multifaceted as demanded and they have their own aims. HRP’s stated goal is to contest in Selangor with or without Pakatan’s support. That is the bottom line.

  17. @ temenggong, Umno is deeply worried and tried to create a fissure. (Who else gains from this?)

    Temenggong, you think Pakatan has nothing to gain from this incidents ah?

  18. “Temenggong, you think Pakatan has nothing to gain from this incidents ah?”

    No. Nothing to gain at all. The ‘hindraf’ guys could have killed a few Malays. But luckily nothing of that sort happened. Who would have benefited from this? Pakatan? No way. Rather, it would have been a useful excuse for BN to declare Emergency.

    1. Hi Temenggong,

      You got to be kidding. BN to declare emergency ? The delusional minds of Pakatan supporters never fail to amaze me.

      PR got nothing to gain from the incident? Just look at the PR propaganda media, they are full of this news. Remember the UPSI incident ? That made international news. Strangely Adam promised video proof of police brutality but after almost a month, abuk pun tarak.

      1. Calvin Sankaran, you are just one of those batu api without an agenda except what serves you best.Your claim of knowing this and knowing that did nothing except to filter through like any other kiasu Malaysians.HINDRAF has done more good than anything in reality terms not in arm chair critic position. As Malaysian we can go around judging but to no avail as our own personal contribution is next to nil on the reality like what had been highlighted by HINDRAF except for how it serves us. So take you know how sense and live with it as you will never make the difference for your fellow humankind not that it matters to you.

  19. Calvin, you are presumptuous. I am not a Pakatan supporter.

    Remember Najib said he’ll defend Putrajaya at all costs! Assuming you are not naive, what do you think he meant?

  20. BN and PR both same… Hindraf has became a sacrificial lamb in their political game! What a pity…

  21. Hi Helen,

    Tahniah kerana bg credit free pada PAS, walhal x nampak pun orang2 PAS dalam dewan tu.. Penuh India je..
    Nak menaikkan isu racist, sape yang memulakan provokasi?
    ABU – secara terang-terangan Anything But UMNO, bukankah itu satu provokasi UMNO. Dan ianya diadakan oleh HINDRAF, satu puak pelampau India di Malaysia~~


    Saya diberitahu eyewitness dan membaca laporan kat Net, misalnya,

    “Itu pun sebab selepas itu geng2 ABU yang baru habis bersolat sampai di lokasi dan jumlah mereka jadi ramai sehingga memaksa geng2 gila tue berundur ke seberang jalan” — Amenoworld

    Dalam lagipun dalam beberapa bab sebelum ini, orang PAS memang memaparkan diri sebagai lebih sederhana berbanding orang Umno dan Perkasa.


  22. kerja jahat yg tlh dilakukan oleh chegubard amatlah ketara.ini dibuktikan apabila kejadian itu berlaku chegubard dn mat sabu senang lenang duduk dipentas sambil menyaksikan insiden tersebut.mcm tgk wayang jer…kenapa beliau sebagai seorang hero pembela bangsa tdk turun mententeramkan keadaan.terbukti kejadian ini tlh dirancang olh nye.lg satu dlm ucapan akhir chegubard ade menyebut kumpulan ‘mat rempit’ hanya ganggu org melayu shj ttp apa yg dilht di video ‘mat rempit’ hanya srg org india jer.ape criter ni….konspirasi terancang betullah…..

    1. Macam mana bukti bro?, just because you ucap.Siapa lu, another batu api, apalah faedah brother, lebih duit untuk belanjakah? Kita kan manusia yang waras, lebih lagi sebagai seorang Melayu, takan sampai meluat dan meliat. Kisah ini bukan pasal politik tapi sebagai insan yang mana patut di negara kami. Jangan menghina Bangsa Melayu atau mana-mana bangsa,kan kita semua Malaysians. Ini bukan tentang Chegubard, UMNO, PR, HINDRAF or sesiapa tapi apalah hak kami sebagai rakyat. Do you get it or you are just another imbecile that can do nothing other letting out your frustration without actual knowledge. Go play somewhere else if you cannot discourse your thoughts as an adult.

      1. tlg la bro…dh terang lg bersuluh.mesti diingat kebenaran akn muncul tdk lama lg.tgg dn lht shj……

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