Posted in Evangelis

Makin ramai Melayu murtad, kata sebuah stesen TV Kristian

Christian Broadcasting Network ialah rangkaian televisyen kabel (cable TV), stesen radio dan siaran video di Amerika Syarikat.

CBN diasaskan oleh evangelis terkenal Pat Robertson.

About CBN

“CBN is a global, nonprofit ministry preparing the nations of the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ through media, prayer partnering, and humanitarian aid.”

Gary Lane ialah wartawan kanan tugasan antarabangsa CBN.

Pautan video di atas ialah klip berita diterbitkan CBN News yang kononnya telah dirakam di Malaysia.

Wartawan Gary Lane membuat lawatan sulit ke sebuah pusat pemurnian akidah kelolaan Jabatan Agama Islam yang dikatakan terletak di tengah hutan.

CBN News juga mendedahkan bahawa tinjauan mereka mendapati orang Melayu dewasa ini kian bersikap terbuka kepada dakwah Kristian.

Gary Lane menganggarkan terdapat kira-kira seribu orang Melayu yang sudah menganuti agama Kristian.

Klip terbitan CBN News tersebut dimuatnaik ke YouTube di bawah tajuk ‘Malaysia: Christians, Tortured for Their Faith‘ oleh sebuah badan NGO Kristian bergelar

Bangunan berpagar dawai duri ditunjukkan oleh CBN

Tuduhan Melayu suka melakukan ‘Christian bashing’

Beberapa lidah pengarang di laman rasmi Aliran – NGO hak asasi di Pulau Pinang yang rapat dengan pentadbiran Guan Eng – pernah menuduh akhbar Utusan sengaja menipu apabila ia melaporkan tentang usaha mubaligh yang menjalankan dakwah Kristian di Malaysia.

Wajib baca!

Presiden Aliran (ketika itu) P. Ramakrishnan menulis dalam ruangan pojoknya bertajuk ‘Unscrupulous actions, unethical behaviour‘ di majalah Aliran (19 Nov 2011)


Christian bashing has become a way of life for some unscrupulous people that their conduct seriously threatens to undermine our harmony. It would appear that these people are intent on causing chaos to promote their evil political agenda on behalf of the Barisan Nasional and Umno.

“All kinds of absurd rumours have been spread to suggest that there is a conspiracy to turn Malaysia into a Christian state. Accusations have been levelled that rampant attempts are underway to convert Muslims to Christianity. […]

“The latest claims by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) – that it had found that eight ways by which Christian missionaries are spreading the Gospel, one of which is by means of a high-tech device called a ‘Solar-Powered Handheld Talking Bible’ – is ridiculous and appalling. […]

“The very fact that no one has been charged so far would mean that Hasan [Ali] and the others of his ilk should stop talking nonsense …

“This unverified wild claim of conversions to Christianity raises a very pertinent question. Is the faith of the Muslims so weak and superficial that Muslims can be so easily swayed, induced and bribed to renounce their faith in spite of the fact “the al-Quran is disseminated through loud speakers, television, radio and at government functions,” as pointed out by former Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin?

“Doesn’t this situation call for some soul searching as to why – in spite of great efforts made and billions of ringgit spent on building mosques, suraus, madrasahs, religious instructions, al-Quran reading competitions – all this had failed to strengthen the faith of the Muslims? Does this suggest that the method of religious teachings undertaken to instil the Islamic faith among the Muslims is either totally wrong or utterly ineffective.

“The Attorney-General should have instituted action against those for spreading false information. Their act was blatant, unscrupulous and demeaning to Islam. Wasn’t Lim Guan Eng made to serve 18 months of imprisonment for ‘spreading false information’? Why didn’t he deserve the tolerance that these people seem to be enjoying and benefiting from?

“The Prime Minister should take to task these people who spread false information so that others will not be reckless in stating things that are far removed from truth. He has a moral responsibilityto safeguard truth and justice in the national interest and preserve our peace and harmony.” — digaris dan dihuruf-tebal oleh blogger ini —

<UNQUOTE> Petikan di atas adalah catatan oleh presiden Aliran

Yang hak dan yang batil

Dua hari lepas, mantan presiden Aliran P. Ramakrishnan dalam surat terbukanya kepada perdana menteri yang berjudul ‘Nation-building or undermining?‘ telah menegur:

“You [Najib Razak] have done nothing to stop Utusan from spreading its venom and lies. You have never reprimanded them or replaced the editorial staff responsible for creating discord and hatred. They seem to have a field day.”

Adakah pihak berkuasa agama sanggup mengenalpasti siapakah yang bercakap benar dan siapakah yang bercakap bohong?

Ramai orang Melayu telah dituduh dengan sewenang-wenangnya sebagai pemfitnah.

Gereja DUMC dan FGT

Apa sebenarnya yang telah berlaku di Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC) pada tempoh hari? Dan di gereja Full Gospel Tabernacle (FGT)?

Kalau tidak wujud gerakan untuk mengKristiankan orang Melayu, maka boleh disimpulkan bahawa Utusan, Dr Hasan Ali, Ustaz Nasha, Zul Nordin, blogger-blogger dan yang lainnya semua adalah pembohong belaka.

Namun jika sekiranya memang ada kegiatan Kristianisasi di kalangan orang Melayu, maka nampaknya sesetengah politikus Pakatan dan badan-badan NGO yang dibiayai mereka mungkin sedang cuba untuk menyorok kebenaran.

Baru-baru ini, Nurul Izzah mencetuskan kontroversi dengan kata-katanya yang diluahkan di sebuah gereja evangelis FGT di Subang Jaya.

Si Munafik

Apa maksud tersirat dalam retweet Hannah Yeoh yang menyebut “She [Nurul] is saying what is in a lot of people’s mind”.

Adakah kenyataan tweet tersebut bermakna Nurul sebenarnya membayangkan apa yang terpendam di benak fikiran orangramai iaitu Melayu harus diberikan kebebasan memilih agama?

Sekiranya politikus evangelis DAP membantah orang Melayu murtad dimasukkan ke pusat pemulihan akidah, maka mereka harus berterus-terang tentang niat, matlamat dan hasrat mereka kepada pengundi Melayu.

Adakah politikus pembangkang Kristian menentang undang-undang syariah negeri – termasuk di Selangor – yang membanteras tindakan murtad?

Sesetengah evangelis DAP nampaknya terlalu gemar mendampingi orang Melayu di masjid dan di surau. Dan begitu rajin bertudung pula itu.

Jangan-jangan bak perpatah Melayu ‘musang berbulu ayam’!

Wolf in sheep’s clothing


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

51 thoughts on “Makin ramai Melayu murtad, kata sebuah stesen TV Kristian

  1. itu hari diorang ajak buka puasa di gereja saja maa… mana ada ajak-ajak masuk kristian. ajak-ajak ayam, musang berbulu ayam. ptui! kalau tak ada angin masakan pokok bergoyang… kecuali ada beruk-beruk evangelista yang goncang.

    1. Roman Catholic Christian adalah penjajah Eropah. Undang-undang perlu di kenakan keatas orang Tamil dan Cina yang digunakan oleh kuasa penjajah untuk menjajah Tanah Melayu semula.

      ini bukan soal kebebasan ugama. Catholic itu sendiri dibenci oleh Eropah.

      Baru-baru ini seorang perempuan Hindu dibiarkan mati di hospital di ireland kerana kepercayaan karut Roman Katolik.

      Ini menunjukan Roman Katolik bukan satu agenda mainan tetapi adalah far right di US dan Eropah.

      Mereka kini mengunakan baruah mereka dari orang Cina dan Tamil menjatuhkan kerajaan Melayu.


      [*** disunting — Helen]

  2. One of the point in the video says that they have to go through thick jungle to reach the place. Well, when you try to peep into others house using their back door, off course you will have to go through thick jungle.

    1. If the centres are to rehabilitate Malay Christians (aside from the friends of Ayah Pin and others deemed pengikut ajaran sesat by the Islamic bureaucracy), then WHO are converting these Malays to Christianity?

        1. Remember the Sejadah Berdiri phenomenon?

          I think it is similarly the evangelical Tudung Wraiths who float into mosques and suraus.


          1. Iya ke ada sejadah berdiri? Is it in the musuem now or on an altar in some masjid somewhere? hehehehe!

        2. The magical sighting of “Sejadah berdiri” could easily been duplicated by kids and therefore no element of miracle tied to it.

          The human apparition that appeared on a windowpane (which is considered as a human made object) didn’t fulfill the definition of miracle — no miracle there either.

          So what can you say when people just can’t differentiate between magical and miracle. “Biarkan, biarkan”. Period.

  3. kepada semua pembaca blog helen yang muslim:

    Soneta #10 (Hingga Akhir Kalimat)

    Setiap detik mempamit pergi
    di kolong sunyi terpasung rasa
    selama nafas mengalir lagi
    syukur kepada Yang Maha Esa

    Hidup laksana sebatang pohon
    usai gugurnya kembali semi
    datang ujian bukan dimohon
    mujur tunjang terpasak di bumi

    ujian datang menggoncang hidup
    namun nikmatNya tidak dilupa
    iman dan Islam rendang yang redup
    tekad berlindung kemilau alpa

    bersyukur atas segala nikmat
    syahadah hingga akhir kalimat


    1. the website calls the inmates “pelatih”

      the YouTube video title implies they are torture victims in fear of being killed

      who are the sources of info for the foreign (white) news agencies? maybe that’s why the outside world believes that Christians “dizalimi” parti syaitan?

      1. and strangely .. di negara where Christians are being persecuted, dizalimi, genocided and apartheidised (I know there’s no such words but in similar fashion how the youtube text are being worded) .. bersepah-sepah gereja, mini gereja, mission school dan sebagainya.. nak kata orang putih ni bodoh, tak boleh gak sebab pada diorang the world is America and Asia is in another planet .. tapi sedikit kurang cerdik la!

  4. “in spite of great efforts made and billions of ringgit spent on building mosques, suraus, madrasahs, religious instructions, al-Quran reading competitions – all this had failed to strengthen the faith of the Muslims?”

    Pakatan Gov is also spending several millions on Selangor times alone for one primary purpose — to disseminate political ideology in which in the end the targeted readers would be hook winked into supporting opposition ideology especially at the next election. Do they (the opposition) expect 100% success rate? If it is not that successful, what Aliran’s President going to do about it? Are they going to say this to opporition: “despite the amount of energy and material used, shamefully, this people are still suing you big time”

    1. Since you bring up the topic of Selangor Times, they’re printing their 100th issue next week (this week #99).

      Were aware of the you-scratch-my-back, I-scratch-yours relationship that ST enjoys with HY (much like the Haris-Hannah Mutual Admiration Club), so here’s her publicity tweet on their behalf.

      I think BN should raise the issue of expenditure spent on promoting the DAP personality cults.

  5. Kak Helen,

    Apa pun pujian patut diberikan pada Evangelis dari AS yang kelihatan amat berusaha untuk sentiasa mengambil tahu akan keadaan dan kedudukan sedara seagama meskipun berlainan benua. Sikap positif sebegini patut dijadikan contoh dan tauladan.

    Bukan itu saja, malah, kesungguhan Evangelis AS untuk melihat populasi Evangelis terus bertambah dengan pelbagai cara dan pendekatan dengan sendirinya menaikan cabaran kepada lain-lain agama untuk mempertahankan status quo mereka.

    Lain-lain agama harus sedar bahawa perbuatan menidakkan anutan kalangan penganut sesama agama bukanlah contoh yang baik ke arah melahirkan lebih ramai penganut. Bahkan ia boleh dianggap sebagai menidakkan hak individu terhadap agama dan mementingkan diri sendiri.

    Apakah dengan mendakwa penganut sesama agama sebagai telah tergelincir dan terkeluar dari agamanya, maka sipendakwa tidak lagi perlu bersaing untuk berada dalam kuota ke syurga? Yakni, lagi sedikit penganut dalam sesebuah agama makanya lagi besar kearangkalian untuk menduduki syurga?

  6. How long until atheists enter the fray in Malaysian politics?
    Or scientologists?

    I’m not sure if Falun Gong has spread its wings into Malaysia too.

  7. ***

    This comment does not pass moderation. It is a continuance of King Kong’s series of personal attacks and verbal abuse against me.

    I consider this commenter King Kong to be part of the online smear campaign conducted against critics of DAP as illustrated by the comment screenshot from Haris Ibrahim’s blog (below).


    1. How does showing up your hypocrisy not pass moderation? [deleted / quit with the personal attacks — Helen] here you are pouring scorn on Christianity and spewing venom about Muslim apostasy. It begs the question of your motive. After all, if you are so quick to attack one of the Abrahamic faiths, what makes you so cuddly with the other? Truly, what a smelly show of MCA’s values.


      Stick to the topic of the posting, don’t venture into my personal life – you’ve never even met me – and your comment will pass. — Helen

    1. Calling the bloggers in the photo “the Jibby / UMNO ‘screw Malaysia’ cybertrooper team”, Haris wrote in his posting (screenshot above):

      “Do you know any of them in this photo? If you do, name them and shame them.”

      Below is a defamatory comment by one of Haris’s readers.


      1. No, I’m not in the photo (just in case you’re wondering).

        However whether I am or not, the blogger’s approach is still most distasteful.

  8. I find it strange that these evangelists seemed to think that people outside the USA will accept the crazed teachings of their so called “Christianity”. let’s get the facts right first. the kind of evangelism promoted by these people have been largely rejected in the USA itself.

    we may need something like a Malaysian version of the American Civil Liberties Union to protect us from these people. a Malaysian version of the ACLU to defend our individual rights and liberties, to be free from the preachings and posturing of these crazed evangelists.

    You forget the Tea Party enjoyed a spate of success. — Helen

    1. yes the Tea Party. the Tea Party could have been even more influential in the November 2012 elections if not for the missteps of people like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock and their inflexible form of politics.

      but I must say that in terms of getting the white majority to come out and vote, in terms of getting their message to the (white)public, the Tea Party was very successful, just look at the 2010 elections.

      bottom line : had the Tea Party and the Republican (elite) establishment come to a sensible arrangement, whereby the Tea Party focuses on working the ground (grassroots) and the Republican establishment focusing on the issues and strategy, the outcome of the November 2012 elections would have been quite different.

      I m not saying that the Republicans and Romney were any better than the Democrats and Obama, but for an extended period of time Obama and the Democrats were very vulnerable.

  9. What is you intention Helen Ang for posting about the above issue ?
    Are you support Malay be MURTAD ???..but the documentary looks bias an untrue !!.. Orang Asli and Orang Melayu…ada perbedzaanya .. JANGAN JOLOK SARANG TEBUAN !

    1. The people filmed in the Kg Orang Asli are Temiar.

      The omputih reporter says the Christian worshippers singing hymns (there’s one scene in the video) – whose faces have been blurred – are Malay.

      One man interviewed whose voice was electronically synthesized is also claimed to be Malay.

      The pastor called ‘Nathan’ is Malay.

      There was also one/another man, a former inmate of the Pusat Pemurnian Akidah, who was interviewed. I’m presuming he’s Malay although I’m not sure if the CBN report reveals his ethnicity (you can double check).

      This issue has already received the attention of Jais, Mais, Jabatan Islam, and so many other enforcement agencies.

      It was asked in the Selangor DUN yesterday. Menteri Besar mengiyakan — gejala murtad memang wujud @

      Khalid jawab ada 10 kes berkaitan murtad dalam proses mahkamah.

      Enakmen negeri membenarkan murtad (didedahkan oleh sebuah laman pro-pembangkang):

      Section 141(2), Johor Enactment No. 14/1978 (wef 16.2.1979)
      Section 61, Perlis’ Enactment No. 4/2006 (wef 1.1.2010)
      Section 61, Selangor’s Enactment No. 1/2003 (wef 1.9.2003)
      Section 50, Perak’s Enactment No. 4/2004 (wef 1.6.2005)
      Section 61, Penang’s Enactment No. 4/2004 (wef 1.1.2006)
      Section 49, Malacca’s Enactment No. 7/2002 (wef 14.6.2003)
      Section 61, Negeri Sembilan’s Enactment No. 10/2003 (wef 1.3.2004)

      If you think the documentary is untrue, then your position is similar to Aliran, who says all these news is only Christian-bashing to win the evil Umno some votes.

      If you think the documentary is untrue, then your position is just like the churches such as DUMC which pandai-pandai buat tak tahu.

      If you think the documentary is untrue, then your position terikut-ikut the Pakatan pollies and how they reacted to DUMC. Do you share Nurul’s position?

      If you think the documentary is untrue, then your position is like the DAP evangelists who are in denial. Are you one of the evangelists too?

      Is that why you’re threatening me “JANGAN JOLOK SARANG TEBUAN !” Since you do not want this issue to be raised, I will balas you with a perpatah also: Ada udang di sebalik batu ke, cuba nak sorok-sorok?

      And lastly I’m not a Christian.

      The majority of Malays convert to Christianity. If you anyone knows of any Buddhist Malay, please introduce him to me.

  10. because you are buddhist no wonder that you are trying to pour fuel among Muslim and christian ?? so what is your intention again ??!!

    1. So what is your intention again to try to cover up? Because you are evangelist (assumption), no wonder that you are trying to threaten ‘Jangan jolok sarang tebuan’ like the Conquistadors, is it?

    2. Its easy.

      Umno, perkasa, and the likes of ibrahim ali, ridhuan tee, and the Sarkas Satu Sekolah demonize the nonmalays, chinese speaking chinese, chinese schools, indian culture, language, etc. They accuse them as the root cause of the political situation BN faces today.

      Helen Ang’s job is to divert their anger to the Christians and the Malaysia-firsters (def: those who have better English & Malay competency) through far fetched connections.

      The irony is those far right loonies see those Kebangsaan-schooled minorities as less of a threat than the vernacular school educated minorities who speak tamil or chinese dialect. Some of them even commented those so-called Anglophile Sekolah Kebangsaan schooled minorities are more “assimilated”.

      The comic scenario is best summarized in this analogy; a black man frantically trying to divert a KKK member’s hatred to his Japanese housemate when they go on a minority-bashing spree.

      1. Ha-ha-ha, Jonny Malaya …

        but I can agree with you on the irony of the far right loonies’ love affair with the Anglophile Firsters.

        Do please share your suggestion on how to neutralize the Sarkas Satu Sekolah who demonize the non Malays. I’d like to know.

  11. I think I do know malay budhist, many of them in kampung siam in kedah, their name is like siamese name, ethnic in malay, just like many muslim malay in southern thai. im not 100% sure, but physical look is very much malay.

    1. No Bujal, they are siam. original siam (thai) are darker skin like malay (many in kedah and states neibouring to thailand). do not mistaken by phattani people who are not siam but malay. I am a phattani, myself. :)

  12. Should the Pakatan manage to form the next federal Government, this issue will die by itself. PKR’s Nurul said Malays ought to be allowed to follow whatever faith they wish. And PAS does not seem not to disagree by the fact that they’ve not contradicted Nurul thus far. As for the Evalengical DAP, converting Malays to Christianity is now their raison d’etre.

    No wonder PAS had been intent on establishing the Christian Hudud, the punishments of which are found in the Bible but not in the Quran. No wonder they supported the use of the name Allah for the Christian God.

    Who said these three parties do not gel.

  13. Apa yg nurul izzah kata adalah pandangan majoriti. .kata hannah yeoh. .berapa juta ada kristian kat malaysia. .low class and stupid politician tul. .

    1. Yang peliknya PAS buat tak dek je! Bukankah mereka ini bersubahat namanya. Apakah hukumnya ulama tak nak tegur perkara yang mereka tahu telah menjejas akidah dan boleh menyesatkan muslim lain?

      1. PAS tak mahu tegur .walaupun tahu Nurul Izzah bersalah…tetapi takut hilang undi..depa sanggup bersekongkol dgn kurafat.

  14. dear christian malays,

    why do you worship someone who looks like michael bolton? LULZ.

    what if your “jesus” died on an iron maiden? would you use that iron maiden in church? LULULULZ.

  15. Christian lebih baik drp Islam kerana tidak berpuasa, bertudung, sembahyang 5 kali, pilih makanan dll. Christian memberi sumbangan yg besar menjadi dunia ini lebih maju, pendidikan dan liberal….

  16. Melayu Bukan Islam. Non-Muslim Malays. Some are agnostic, eat pork, practise witchcraft, profess to be Pagan, Animist, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Atheist or Free Thinker. Ref: Google search.

  17. Melayu itu orang islam atau keturunan islam, ( pengakuan yg amat bodoh sekali ) kerana tidak ada agama asal bagi melayu, oleh itu kalau benar pun dimalaysia ada melayu yg memilih utk menjadi org christianity ia bukan lah perkara pelik, kerana memilih agama utk dianuti itu adalah ( hak individu ) tak ada orang yg punya hak utk menghalang nya. Walau pun dimalayia ada raja, perdana menteri, jabatan islam, apakah mereka ini adalah Tuhan?? Hingga mereka begitu berani nak menetapkan agama apa yg nak dianuti oleh melayu???

  18. Murtad itu adalah hak rakyat atau manusia atau individu… bukan hak kerajaan atau jabatan agama islam yg menentukan.

  19. tidak ada agama yg akan masuk syurga kecuali islam…walaubagaimana baik sekali pun dia….ALLAH S.W.T. yg menjadikan dunia ini seisinya dan kamu semua…ALLAH memberi agama ISLAM kpd orang MELAYU..meupakan..nikmat yg paling besar krn hanya agama ISLAM SAHAJA AKAN MASUK SYURGA …agama lain kristian , budha, hindu semua ciptaan manusia bukan agama syurga lagi…kaji betul2 sebab ianya rekaan iblis untuk memasukkan kamu ke neraka spt sumpahnya ketika ALLAH S.W.T . meminta iblis sujud kpd nabi adam…kristian bukan agama nabi isa tapi tipu muslihat seorang penentang nabi isa a.s….NABI ISA sebenar diangkat oleh ALLAH S.W.T.KE LANGIT lalu Allah merubah wajah penentang lalu pengikutnya menyangka baginda lalu disalib.NABI YG MASIH HIDUP NABI ISA A.S.,NABI IDRIS A.S.,N.ILIAS A.S., N.KHAIDIR A.S.yg muncul tiap tahun malam lailatul Qadar

  20. murtad adalah hak agama islam. jika keluar islam maka hukuman akan dikenakan kerana anda telah menghina agama islam.

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