Posted in Mama DAPster

Kempen politik Hannah Yeoh dibiayai orang gereja

Tweet oleh DAP SubangJaya telah mempromosikan sebuah rencana berjudul ‘A Christian woman in Malaysian politics – YB Hannah Yeoh‘ yang disiarkan di portal Malaysia Chronicle (6 Feb 2013).


Rencana tersebut merupakan teks khutbah yang disampaikan oleh Hannah Yeoh baru-baru ini — besar kemungkinan di Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC) pada tempoh hari.

Di antara kandungan khutbah tersebut yang diterbitkan sebagai sebuah rencana di portal berita Malaysia Chronicle adalah seperti berikut (beberapa petikan):


“… [Hannah Yeoh and her team] needed at least RM100,000 to run a successfully [sic] campaign. They did not have the money, so they just committed it to God in prayer. God sent two Christian elders from two different churches who were businessmen to support their campaign. They provided a sizeable amount to her without expecting anything in return.”


Dalam khutbahnya, Hannah menyebut ‘God’ sebanyak 55 kali (lihat screenshot di kaki halaman).

Hannah Yeoh juga menceritakan bagaimana dia masuk Kristian tatkala umurnya 19 tahun.

Hannah was saved as a Christian in 1998, and during that time her focus was on Bible studies and serving in church and in the Overseas Christian Fellowship in Australia. Since then, her desire was to preach God’s Word, to go everywhere and testify of God’s goodness in her life.”


“She wondered if entering into politics had been the right decision, because she seemed so far from her longing to be a preacher. But if she had not obeyed, she would not have had the opportunity to preach at churches, to world leaders and to private schools, like she is doing now.”


Menjawab soalan ‘Why politics?’, Hannah Yeoh membalas:

  • “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing”
  • “Fight corruption”
  • “Fight race-based politics”
  • “… if they [voters] do not want to change, if they continue to tolerate unrighteousness, they cannot enter the Promised Land. […] Vote for righteous leaders and play your part in ensuring that Malaysia is free from corruption and race-based politics.”



“We have heard so much in the last few years about the government and economic transformation programs, and many people put their hope in such programs to uplift and exalt Malaysia. However, the Bible says that there is only one thing that can exalt Malaysia, and that is righteousness alone. Not monuments, not infrastructure, not a vibrant economy, not a nice sounding slogan, but only righteousness alone. And unless we deal with issues related to righteousness, Malaysia cannot be exalted.”


“The sin of corruption is such a disgrace to them that they [youth] do not want to stay back in Malaysia and be related to this country anymore. There are many parents, even Christian parents, who have in one way or another, encouraged their kids to go overseas to find better jobs.”

Menceritakan pengalamannya di seberang laut,

  • “She made plans to return to Australia, because like many young people, she did not enjoy Malaysia.”
  • “Hannah decided to do her CLP in Tasmania so that she can work in Australia and leave Malaysia for good.”
  • “She had a job [in Australia] but the government refused to give her a PR.”


“Hannah never had any ambition that involved politics. At the age of 28, she joined DAP in PJ Utara mainly to support her friend Edward Lim* [sic, Edward Ling*]. Her role up to 2008 was to arrange for food and drinks for the opening of Tony Pua’s service centre.

She does not know many leaders or political issues. Like many young people, she was only concerned about her job and serving in church.

She did not know the difference between a Member of Parliament, a State Assemblymen and a Local Councilor.

“If you do not know the difference between these, you have to find out so that you will not vote for the wrong person and for the wrong reasons. Hannah joined politics because she wanted to fight corruption and race-based politics.


“Hannah also vowed at that time that she would not make any personal attacks on her opponent. It was quite tough, but she decided that as a Christian, if she did that, she would not be glorifying God. She will challenge them on their policies, but she will not direct any personal attacks.

Hannah Yeoh cakap dia bukan jenis yang akan melancarkan apa-apa serangan peribadi ke atas lawan.

Macam biasalah, cakap tak serupa bikin.




I have no Faceook or Twitter.

189 thoughts on “Kempen politik Hannah Yeoh dibiayai orang gereja

  1. She is not the first religious bigot to have found her ways into politic therefore there is nothing special about her in this context.

    1. Hana Yeoh cina tak laku di Australia. Mat Salleh tak nak these cinki woman in australia sebab tu mereka tak bagi PR pada Yeoh tong sang.

      Jangan fikir mat salleh tak laku kat Malaysia boleh laku.

      Kita perlu ajar Kristian ini supaya menerima Tanah Melayu dengan Raja-Raja Melayu tak tidak mengembangkan tahyul yahudi Jesus di tanah yang berdaulat ini.

      Yeah… haram undi DAP Kristian!

    2. Sultan Selangor perlu di nasihatkan mengenai usaha Hanah Yeoh Tseow Tsuan untuk mengembangkan ugama penjajah Kristian di Selangor.

      Orang-orang PAS perlu diberitahu kerana mereka sibuk ketwa dengar ceramah sedangkan Parti PAS membantu mengembangkan Kristiann dengan memilih paderi besar mereka perempuan Cina yeoh seow suan sebagai Speaker. Jawatan Speaker ini hampir sama dengan Hakim jadi adalah dilarang untuk orang Islam melantik orang kafir menjadi Hakim mereka.

      Jangan biarkan peristiwa Hakim bible thumper Lau Bee Lian yang mengembanka Kristian dengan mengelirukan orang Melayu Jesus itu allah.

      Jadi UMNo janganlah duduk diam mcm bongok. Ustaz-ustaz pas tu jangan lahsibuk pasal seks.

      Kristian dikembangkan di Selangor apakan Selangor akan jadi Selangor Darul Kristian?


    3. Atas Pagar. Some people become ‘Christian’ for gain. And how long have these people been ‘Christians’ ?

  2. If she closes one eye on the the vice dens, the “Fighting Corruption” slogan is nothing accept what a dreamer is famous about…empty rhetoric.

    1. Hanna Yeoh Tiong should be nominated by the Cardinals as the next Pope now that Benedict dont want to be Popey any more.

      What is the use of all the power and money of the Italian church mafia when the US public prosecutors has been hounding you about the altar boys? Where is the fun heh?

      This chinese woman has all the credentials. She believes 100% in the Jewish Christ mythology which no one in the europe believe anymore. Plus she likes blacks/african who are strong myth believer too.

      She may not be italian mafia material but chinese triad ok what.

      what not to like?

      Hanna sure can be the first Chinese woman Pope and be God on earth in Malaysia.

  3. Sounds exactly like PAS, if i dont vote for pas i wont go to heaven. If i dont change the gov i wont enter the promised land. Since when politicians took over God’s role in deciding who goes to heaven? Jobs and economy are less important than a vague “righteousness” hahaha ok thats funny.

    1. “Since when politicians took over God’s role in deciding who goes to heaven?”

      A golden point.

    2. The term “Promised Land” is not strictly a Christian phrase, if you really want to be technical about it and analytical about the usage of words etc (which I suppose is the general trend of this post). It’s Jewish, referring to the land of Canaan. The few times it was found in the New Testament, it was used by Jewish Christians to help Jewish Christian readers understand doctrinal propositions, using a familiar backdrop.

      Christians aren’t the only ones who use it (football commentators use it, and I won’t say all of them are Christians), and when they do, they certainly don’t always mean it literally.

      For example, “two is better than one” by Boys Like Girls is also found in the Bible (in Proverbs), except it says “two ARE better than one”. It would be a stretch to say Boys Like Girls were trying to evangelize the world, especially when the song was about romantic love. (and I hope nobody comes up with an “all Western countries are Christian countries” because that statement has been argued only too many times)

      The neighbour principle in Donoghue v. Stevenson lent its name from a story in the Bible, but Lord Atkin certainly didn’t mean to convert the poor lady who found a snail in her ginger ale and the poor manufacturer who was really in poor luck.

      “Lazarus” is the name of two men in the Bible, yet people who may not be Christians use it as a catchy / dramatic description of something which was not working before / dead coming back to life.

      The word “meaningless” is used repeatedly as a main idea in the book of Ecclesiastes at least 37 times. If a Christian politician used it and perhaps happened to say it 5 times in a speech / sermon, I suppose people would say she/he was trying to convert people also by using a Biblical reference. But I highly doubt he/she meant to do that, because it’s a rather silly and ineffective way to evangelize.

      Much has been said about Helen’s freedom to blog, and Hannah’s hypocrisy, and other people’s genuineness. I must say that since I know none of these personally, any comments on their character would be quite unfounded. As a member of the legal fraternity, I agree that Helen has her freedom to write, and in a perfect world, it would not be taken away from her. I also suppose that Hannah knew what she would have to face as a politician. After all, who really likes politicians anyway? (only when there’s a worse politician around, mostly) Everybody has flaws, but a politician is expected to be particularly flawless simply because he/she is in the limelight. That can’t be helped.

      But whether pro-Hannah or anti-Hannah or just whatever-Hannah, I think if you (not referring specifically to Helen) were to put yourself in Hannah’s shoes, some comments have been painful to read.

      And I think most people comment to get a response. If you were to just comment for fun, you would write it on a real wall in your room and not one like this for all to see.

      So let’s give Hannah and people who feel for her, some space to FEEL and to respond. Let’s not attack people for responding. With one exception – I don’t know about you, but when I read comments, I would rather read comments that help me understand an issue better, rather than reading fights and quarrels and virtual tomato-throwing.

      (and comments that the commentator has no way of substantiating. I think it is not just a proposition of LAW that “he who alleges must prove”.)

      As for me, the earlier part of my comment is to help put things in perspective. Just because a Christian says something doesn’t make it ‘Christian’. That’s far too great a pressure, because then the fate of the entire alphabet is in our hands.

      And what’s wrong with having convictions and a spirituality behind your life’s purpose / the work you do?

      Someone asked in a previous post about how to serve Allah besides just reading the Quran. A Christian is brought up to endeavour to serve God in everything he/she does, besides just reading the Bible.

      If you ask me, that’s what that article on Hannah was all about.

      For those who made it this far, thank you for reading. Feel free to respond.

      1. tsehwei: “Just because a Christian says something doesn’t make it ‘Christian’.”

        tsehwei is clearly acting the apologist (and a bad one at that) because, in that sentence, tsehwei’s deductive inference is that HY thoughts and words aren’t loaded in Christianity – to the extent of proselytizing. Always and regularly, HY doesn’t just say “something”; she says very Christian things. Then tsehwei becomes contradictory to the earlier claim: “A Christian is brought up to endeavour to serve God in everything he/she does, besides just reading the Bible.”

        Yet HY alludes to that, tsehwei’s claim. HY wants to convert sinner-Malaysians to Christianity using the bully pulpit called politics, quote: “If she had not obeyed (to be politician instead of being preacher; but obey who?), she would not have had the opportunity to preach at churches, to world leaders and to private schools, like she is doing now.”

        If that’s true then she has been deceitful, and she has been lying about her ultimate intentions. She has been elected not as a high priestess, but as a politician for a public service. Nobody, certainly not Muslims, is asking her to show them, to preach to them, the way out of hell, invented by white Christians. HY is a white imitation.

        HY, in all her sayings, doesn’t merely suggests Christian “something”; on the contrary, she insists, she demands, for example, there is only one route to heaven, the Promised Land; there’s only one way to be good. And this is to be Christian. That makes her dogmatic, hence not unlike the PAS ulamas; small wonder PAS and DAP are in the same boat – a bunch of deluded Taliban-type minds. They blow up mountain high Buddhist art pieces. Thus HY says very dogmatic things – Christian to boot, and these are offensive to the sensitives of other people not “brought up” (tsehwei’s words) Christian.

        HY, to correct tsehwei (and there is much to correct) wasn’t “brought up” Christian, as in raised from childhood. She was indoctrinated into Christianity. Poor, stupid, deluded woman, and they are many like her in the DAP middle and senior echelons.

        To again correct tsehwei: the phrase Promised Land is, of course, “not strictly” a Christian usage. But who says it is “strictly” Christian? tsehwei’s complaint is like saying the English language is not strictly a Christian language. Has tsehwei not heard of the word ‘metaphor’?

        The point is this, tsehwei, at a loss and is desperate to defend HY, clutches at straws: trite, incoherent and contradictory, pretending to be rational. Feel free to respond, tsehwei, if you’ve come this far.

        1. 1. I’m only making this reply because (a) a notification of your reply to my comment in my mail; and (b) you asked for a reply.

          2. I’m not even going to attempt to answer your “points” on religion, because:

          (a) with all due respect, you clearly have a very poor understanding of the Christian faith and worse still (because one can always gain understanding), an equally poor desire to understand it;

          (b) I posted the comment as an attempt to engage in genuine discussion, not to engage in a row with someone who can’t even use his/her own name but uses a scrambled version of my name instead; and

          (c) as such, any further explanation on your “points” on religion will be further misconstrued and inappropriately used, and I will suddenly find myself being the subject matter of this comment instead of the issue to which I replied.

          3. As for your comments on my “motivations” for writing this comment, kindly refer to the comment to which I was replying to and avoid taking my comment out of context. I was obviously replying to the technicalities of the usage of words posted by “Anonymous” and “Servant of God” and nothing else.

          4. I absolutely agree that “The Promised Land” is a metaphor. Which is what I was trying to explain to “Anonymous” and “Servant of God”, in which case you have clearly misunderstood my comment. Please refer to how I began my earlier comment, and also “Anonymous”‘s comment below:

          “Sounds exactly like PAS, if i dont vote for pas i wont go to heaven. If i dont change the gov i wont enter the promised land. Since when politicians took over God’s role in deciding who goes to heaven?”

          5. If I was wrong about you and you’re up for a discussion, please feel free to reply. Otherwise, you still retain your right to reply, but you will not receive one from me.

      2. “… It’s Jewish, referring to the land of Canaan. The few times it was found in the New Testament, it …………….”

        I guess Mel Gibson is going around asking the wrong question. (i.e.: “Are you a Jew!!!?”)

        He should be asking: “Are you circumcised?” OR “Are you smegma-cheesed?”

        If you are not aware of, Jews are circumcised.
        (I think you’ve got my point here.)

        Or Me? Tor For?

  4. The Ausian Gov refused to give her PR? Why? Very straight forward. Since there is no shortage of Banana over there, they don’t need any more Banana especially the imported one. But Jerusubangites have different taste…of higher class compare to Ausie. Really?

    1. Hannah Yeoh is a liar – no surprise there. For any non-citizen non-ANZac to be offered employment legally in Oz, she either must hold a permanent residentship status in her own right; or, the employer supports visa sponsorships (subclass 457 generally) or employer sponsored PR status together with the job offer. Itu baru offer, belum boleh kerja lagi. Kalau dah kerja, makna nya mesti sudah status PR atau subclass 457. Betul ke tidak si pembohong ni kerja di syarikat guaman se masa di Tassie. Agaknya buat kerja haram cuci mangkuk kat kedai makan kata kerja jadi loyar. Balik Malaya jadi loyar buruk.:-)

      1. Input macam ni MACC or SPR patut check to verify. Kalau betul dia tak layak jadi MP. But knowing our kakitangan kerajaan I am sure they will be sleeping on this matter or some of them a closet PKR sympathize doing their part to help Anwar and letting these info to slide by.

        1. All politicians lie – it’s the nature of their business, the difference is on how big or how small are the lies. Kalau semua nak kena tindakan, memang tak cukup kakitangan. Sebab itu orang ramai kena bijak menilai. Kuasa di tanggan masing-masing.

  5. Like most of the Chinese in our country that always think that the grass are greener on the other side, they will come back after settle down for a years in overseas.

    I think they can realised that the educated & modern ‘Orang Putih’ are not really kind and welcoming the Asian in their country, unlike the Malays, can accept almost 1 million foreign during independent from British to stay here with them as 1 big family.

    Dont believe me? Ask Tommy Thomas then..

  6. That doesn’t mean she can’t defend herself from people like you and the prostitute joceline who are paid to attack her. You have switch camp, from anti to pro government. She is still with opposition.

    Who is cakap tak serupa bikin actually?

    1. (1) “defend herself”

      Supposing I have 60,000 Twitter followers – and pls do remember tweets are retweeted causing a wide ripple effect – and I tweeted:

      “Between Ravin and King Kong – who is more absurd?”

      How is that “defending myself”? That is raising a lynch mob against you.

      Defending one’s self is refuting facts. If she wanted to defend herself, she should come up with a more convincing argument than shifting blame to the NRD counter clerk or shifting blame to Najib when she was caught Facebooking during the S’gor state assembly in session.

      She should defend herself against the bloggers Dhanyaraam and Sea Demon who produced evidence that she “menipu”, blocked access to her Twitter feed by critics and deleted her tweets to erase evidence when she was caught out.

      (2) “people like you and the prostitute joceline who are paid to attack her”

      Your accusation is ambiguous. Are you suggesting that someone is paying me to attack Hannah Yeoh? If so, who? Do you have any proof that I’m being paid? Can you show any evidence that I’m enjoying the fruits of my payment, say produce a photo of me behind the wheel of a Mercedes sport?

      (3) “the prostitute joceline”

      Oh yes, that’s a widespread slur I often see being spread by Dapsters. So calling a political analyst a “prostitute” is considered a convincing defence of your idol?

      Is this also the reason Hannah deliberately coupled my name with Joceline’s?

      You’ve mentioned in previous comments that you’re a Subang Jaya resident. So hallelujah Jerusubang.

      (4) On the matter of “switching camps”.

      (a) I have NEVER ever been a member of any political party. So how is it possible for me to crossover, in the sense of cutting up any party membership card?

      (b) I started my journalism career in the NST and later worked in The Star. They are mainstream media belonging to the ruling parties. Both are owned by proxy by BN interests.

      Therefore if you want to look at it that way, I’ve been in the employ of the establishment ever since I graduated. So what ‘switch’ is there if you’re saying I sound pro-establishment today?

      (c) Ideological consistency. Who has switched?

      (i) Hannah Yeoh belongs to a party that used to refuse to wear the songkok at official functions (like the opening of Dewan sittings or during investiture). Now, the DAP women are wearing tudung which the MCA women have never done in 60 years. Siapa yang Ubah?

      (ii) DAP used to scream their objections at regulations requiring school prefects to wear songkok and female police constables to wear tudung at parade. They demand the right to freedom of dressing. Today DAP is backing up PAS on the matter of tutup aurat and will not allow stage performers at their entertainment shows to wear ‘revealing’ clothes. Siapa yang Ubah?

      (iii) On the controversies regarding the overlapping jurisdiction of the syariah and civil court, DAP used to make a deafening hoo-ha against creeping Islamisation. Today Karpal is the only prominent leader left in the party willing to wager his (dead) body to be walked over first. Today, to win the Malay votes in Penang, Guan Eng is pumping money into the Islamic enforcement infrastructure.

      If you do that, you’re no longer secular as secularism means a separation of religion and state. In a secular country, no single faith system is privileged over another and nor is the state allocating a budget for expenditure on religious activities. In secular countries, the churches fund themselves and are not run by the government.

      With DAP playing the religion card, can they rightly still call themselves a secular party? They have breached every parameter of secularism as delineated in the textbooks. So who has Ubah?

      (5) On the other hand, I’m soooo consistent. I’m anti-hudud. I see that MCA is anti-hudud although this blog is not promoting the party as I tag them “dinosaur pupus”.

      I can see that DAP is inconsistent – you can compare Guan Eng’s speeches in the past when he was in oppo and his speeches now that he’s heading a state govt – and that DAP has Ubah so much in the last handful of years and that DAP has pusing roundabout berkali-kali.

      If I take a more critical view of DAP today, it’s b’cos they’ve changed beyond recognition.

      (a) They shout meritocracy but what is the merit of Zairil’s meteoric rise? Why did Guan Eng introduce Zairil’s appointment to the press as the (record) first “setpol Melayu” to the party sec-gen? I thought they claim to be colour blind. So his merit is mainly his Malay name and the name of his famous father who was an Umno stalwart.

      (b) What is the merit of appointing Zairil to the CEC? Guan Eng said, so that he can attract more Malays to join DAP. So again his merit is on his skin colour, like the multi-level marketing schemes of Member Get Member. This one is Malay Get Malay (to join DAP).

      (c) Zairil was overnight made CEO of the state think-tank. What is his professional qualification for the job? Has he got the CV of rising up through the ranks with previous experience as a researcher and a Fellow? Remember DAP is screaming Meritocracy, Accountability and Transparency.

      Transparency would be if a PhD holder with the right qualifications in the field and who has done the lecturing circuit of other prestigious think-tanks in the region were to be appointed. Instead Penang Institute gets Zairil who is nothing more than a political appointee.

      (d) Why do I say that he is no more than Guan Eng’s budak suruhan? Well, Tunku Aziz revealed that his boss the CM sent the pol-sec to dangle the RM50,000 carrot in front of Tunku Aziz.

      So Penang Institute made the decision that they suddenly had a lucrative vacancy and for which Tunku Aziz could fill. Was the vacancy open before Tunku Aziz’s resignation from the party?

      (e) Did the Penang Institute board of directors unanimously decide that Tunku Aziz should be hired or was it Guan Eng’s unilateral political decision as Penang Institute chairman, and which he sent his budak suruhan the institute CEO to convey?

      If Guan Eng practised any accountability and transparency, then the most qualified candidate should have been taken into the Penang Institute. No offence to Tunku Aziz but the Penang DAP govt is always talking about Open Tender.

      So rather than allegedly “bribing” Tunku Aziz, the sudden ‘vacancy’ in the Penang Institute should have been openly advertised and at least half a dozen prospective applicants go through a rigorous process of vetting and interviews. Nope, what we see in the Tunku Aziz “bribe” episode was instead cronyism, the same they accuse BN of and the worse that they themselves practice.

      (f) Even the Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya also they practice cronyism. Hannah Yeoh’s personal assistants Rajiv Rishyakaran and Ken Chia and her political secretary Edward Ling have been appointed MPSJ councillors past and present.

      And they accuse BN of cronyism and claim that the DAP practises meritocracy.

      So if I object to their Ubah, and their cronyism and all their actions which are against secularism and democracy, am I being consistent to my past objections against BN’s cronyism and lack of transparency?

      How is it that I’ve “changed” or I’ve Ubah when my objections to the wrongdoings remain the same?

      (6) Look at how DAP used to tear into PAS and tear into Anwar Ibrahim before. In fact, it was Karpal who raised in Parliament the charge of Anwar’s sodomy. This is recorded in the Hansard.

      So DAP has Ubah from being the fiercest critics of Anwar and of PAS to becoming the sleeping partner who is closing one eye to PAS banning this (unisex hair salon flap) and tangkap that (two men sitting alone in a car).

      So who is the one who switched camp? You tell me.

      1. I think King Kong is pretty much more absurd. I mean what was he thinking? There was no way he could procreate with the chick right? And grabbing a girl like that & taking her up a building in the open? What was he thinking? The girl’s hair would all be ruined & her dress crushed by his huge, rough hands.

        Having said that, Ravin would run King Kong pretty close on the absurdity stakes.

      2. wow… hebatnya jawapan kamu Helen. mcm ini la barulah dikatakan berani. memang ada isi perbincangan dan jawapan awak itu tidak seperti mereka yang asyik menuduh dan memaki aje. pepatah orang Melayu yang sesuai adalah “mulut murai.”

        terbaca satu komen yang baik dalam blog Rockybru. petikannya berbunyi seperti berikut :

        … trying to apply what is termed in Legal Argument as a “DIVERSUS SUSPICIO,” that is, shifting suspicions via misdirections …

        i like your blog.

        – Hantu Siber –

        1. tambahan.

          komen yang baik dalam blog Rockybru :

          … trying to apply what is termed in Legal Argument as a “DIVERSUS SUSPICIO,” that is, shifting suspicions via misdirections …

          itulah kaedah mereka sekarang.

          – Hantu Siber –

        2. Thanks. However their incessant attacks are tiring me.

          Inipun in my own blog where I know what they’re saying. Imagine all the fitnah that’s going on in Facebook and Twitter.

          And whenever the other bloggers like BigCat, Kak Ena, Rocky, SAA pick-up stuff from my blog, the DAP Red Guards would be the first to wage their smear campaign.

          Sample comment of their stalking me — see here.

      3. Aren’t you the defensive one hell…why don’t you quickly compare…an mp…against a frustrated bitch with bad hair…

        1. Sshsn, lu belom mampus lagi ka?, by “the frustrated bitch with bad hair” are you talking about your grandmother.

          Any way wishing asshole like you “kong si fuck choy’.

    2. Mudahnya melabel joceline sebagai pelacur. Wow…..dari mulut seorang pembela ahli politik yang dibiayai oleh gereja. Hanya mengukuhkan pandangan saya bahawa ugama telah disalahgunakan untuk politik. Dalam ugama politik mencarut adalah halal sebagaimana halalnya memfitnah orang lain sebagai pelacur.

    3. HY also is being paid to attack this and that so based on Ravin definition of a prostitute, he has to agree that HY is also prostituting her religion, no?

    4. How do u know joceline is a prostitute? If it is not true, so u mist be slandering…christian evangelist ok with slandering, meh?

      So ppl can’t switch camp fro oppo to govt,while ppl who change from gov to oppo is a towering invidual?.. What a sick theory is that..?

      I think helen is just a devil advocate for dap..(pls translate devil advocate properly)…bt ya..who knows now..undi adalah rahsia kan…

      1. re: “devil’s advocate”

        Some of the Dapsters, for example the infamous ‘Godfather’ – found in the Reader Comment section of LKS, RockyBru, BigCat – have bestowed upon me the title of “anti-Christ” (which is a higher rank than ‘advocate’:)

        1. Congrats on your elevated status… Somehow, their brand of Christianity means all non opposition supporters are branded with one or another “anti Christ/Islam/Buddhism/Sikhism/Scientology/”… Heaven is beyond the likes of you & me if they’re to be believed… Somehow, I’ll take that risk of eternity in damnation rather than throw my support behind bigoted, hypocritical, uncouth & arrogant know-it-alls. Beyond redemption, truly

  7. Birds of a feather always flock together. Nampak persamaan dengan Anwar dan Nik Aziz yang menyalahgunakan ugama untuk kepentingan politik. Nama sahaja orang kuat beragama tetapi sering menyemaikan perasaan benci yang amat sangat terhadap orang lain.

  8. You actually sound like the Klu Klux Klan. Different platform, different target, different geographical location but the same hatred, same self glorification & same bigotry. Go ahead, pray to Our Lord (or just yours) to finish of Helen, Joceline & whoever who stands in your way of a exalted nation of righteousness. Go on, take a sword & cut someone like Simon Peter did (John 18:10)

    In conclusion, here’s something for your own reflection;

    To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable:

     “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

     The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.

    I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

    “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

    “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

    Luke18: 9-14 New International Version.

      1. Wished you’d come back refreshed and in a better mood to continue with your fight against manipulative devils in evangelist clothing. Just consider their condemnation of yourself as another credit (pahala) for your ticket to paradise.

  9. “She made plans to return to Australia, because like many young people, she did not enjoy Malaysia.”

    -Walawweh, did not enjoy Malaysia, then why so butthurt when people says you can leave this cursed country for good? Racistla apala. Go anywhere and do anything as you please. . Err wait..

    “She had a job [in Australia] but the government refused to give her a PR.”

    -Pulak dah, kata high class sgt. Ni pun org lain x sudi nak terima kao. So when you’re stuck, nak kutuk2 negara ni pulak, susahkan orang lain yg enjoy kat negara ni.

    Righteousness tang mana tu Cik Pisang?

  10. i think without the religion factor – DAP & PAS do not have a single point to attack the gomen, only DAP has one upmanship: the racial card.

    Dear HY,

    You’re not a follower of Christ, you’re just a fan – a mere groupie hoping that by associating your name with Jesus, you’ll be acknowledged as a person of righteousness. Truth is you’re a sad lost lamb, copy pasting and spinning the holy Bible according to your whims and fancies: and that my dear Hannah makes you another tragic person. If you have done bible studies (as alleged by your copywriter), and from the way you carry/exude/present yourself, you seriously do not have a clue what Christianity is all about.

  11. One of the cardinal rules that I have learnt in my life, both professionally and personally, is that never trust someone who loudly proclaim her / his religious credentials and love of God and invoke morality as their guiding principles.

    These people almost always turn out to be morally and or materially corrupted and tend to be bullies, hypocrites and liars of the highest order. To me such attachment to religion and god is a dead giveaway.

    It is quite clear that that The Lady of Jerusubang is a control freak, obviously deeply in love with her own image, fond of self promotion and a liar.

    During her early days she actually attended MPSJ council meetings and demanded certain decisions to be made based on her recommendation and to browbeat the councillors. Even though it is forbidden for ADUNs to attend these meetings. It was only after her actions were leaked to the press she backed off.

    She also lies about her candidacy and her “beliefs” too. What really happened was that she was a back-up candidate and when the original candidate pulled out, she was asked to contest. The fact was that she was a low-level DAP member who had no clue about politics but joined the party anyway like any other chauvenist Chinese who hated the Malays.

    It was through the Christian connection (Edward Ling and Tony Pua) that she was offered candidacy. Her main asset was her religion, ethnicity and her face. What kind of service a clueless twenty something Aussie reject can offer to an affluent middle class area that is SJ ? None.

    It is also a blatant lie that she stood for anti-corruption and race politics. In her election manifesto, her mission was states as fighting discrimination (ie the NEP = anti bumi). There was never any mention of corruption or race politics at all.

    Secondly, previously she never claimed that she wanted to migrate to Australia because of corruption. What she claimed was that many students wanted to stay back and work overseas to pay back student loans.

    She opposes race-based politics but has no problem with race-based school system or race-based TV/radio system. She speaks Cantonese at home and she actually studied at a Chinese school before the family moved to SJ. At SJ,since there was no Chinese school she was enrolled into SRK.

    I find it laughable that she wanted to migrate to Australia because she has given upon Malaysia but when she had to return because she was not a PR, all of suddenly she changed her mind to be a champion of anti-corruption and a crusader against evil.

    Here’s a snakeoil peddler who once given up on Malaysia because of corruption but now professes as the saviour of the country and the Guardian of Morality.

  12. Good. 10 new casino licences will be issued to Pulau Pinang, Sabah and Sarawak and all other on-line gambling goodies too when the PR comes into power. Like squeaky clean Singapore which housed the world’s biggest football fixing and rigging ops and was caught by the Interpol to the consternation of the World Community. If squeaky clean Singapore can do it why not Pulau Pinang ? This explains the tycoons fluttering around like moths around the Holy Lamp !

  13. Just wanted to wish you and your family Happy Chinese New Year. Be safe, be strong, be happy and keep on writing.

  14. Haha..tahniah kak helen, anda telah mengoreng pengikut jerusubang sehingga mereka kepanasan…pisang kalau digoreng memang sedap dimakan semasa masih panas. Selamat tawun baru cina saya ucapkan. Tk

  15. So this coming election, all of you going to vote DAP in Subang. If you do not vote, Helen Ang blog will close shop. Nothing to write and you have nothing to say about her. So there is more fun and gossip if she is still the ADUN. If you want her to lose, then Helen Ang go and take on her. Helen has so many issues with her. Otherwise Helen is just anothe armchair critics.

    1. I don’t think Helen will take on Hannah in GE. Talk is cheap and easy. Just like sitting down and blogging. Helen wouldn’t want to go through the pressure of politics right? Oh btw, Helen, you should study the word righteousness and understand what it meant before putting a subheading like “Tonngak Politik Hannah Yeoh Adalah Evangelisme”. It clearly showed you’re trying to stir up something hatred. Hm, do you work for Utusan? You sounded like them who fitnah, got sued and now have to compensate for their fitnah.

      1. Helen to lose her deposit? She has so many machais and their comments running like the great wall of china. She has many supporters so verbal in her blog otherwise, you mean they are fake ones? Talk very big but do nothing? What a pity as the impression given by the bloggers as Helen can give a very good fight against Mother Mary of Subang.

        1. Harkis – “talk very big but do nothing?”,
          what Kak Helen is doing is not nothing but something;
          writing her opinion is as big as talking. talking through the blog because she doesn’t have privileged platforms like ur YB HY.

          Kak Helen writes her opinion so readers, politician, their supporters can read, analyse what went wrong and correct it for betterment.

          problem with politicians nowadays and their fanatic political party supporter is; you don’t want to read what others write. or you just want to read good things about your side. if otherwise, you take it negative.

          ask you YB HY read more & yourself too, so all of you can provide solid, factual arguments rather than mumbling pointless. no twisting and spinning.

          if you don’t like what Kak Helen writes and other comment, just stop coming to this blog. Like I did with Malaysiakini.

          1. Helen;s opinion? Nothing is good about Hannah. You follow like a dog over some of Helen’s sayings. If Hannah is not good to be a ADUN of Selangor, then kick her out and prove that you all are better than her. Otherwise you are just gossipping and is it your religion teach you? If Helen does not have a previleged platform to speak out, then as a crony, support her for this coming election so that she as a ADUN can speak out and matters on behalf of you. Otherwise, it shows all of you are freaks.
            You do not know what is demo cracy. But as in Helen’s blog, more than 70% is devoted to saying back about this mother mary of Subang. It show she has deep grudges or maybe psycopath on this matter

          2. Harkis,

            Going by your so called logic, all the writers at MalaysiaKini or Harakah ought to take on DS Najib or other elected BNs at this coming election. Is view in your world only one sided in that, it’s okay to give opinions against the government but not for others to give against the opposition?

          3. HM, Syd
            Who is illogic and like a blind dog guide often found in croc dundee land. Can you see how much writings have been devoted to mother mary of subang like personal grudges and attack just by Helen. Why not settle the score once and for all?

            1. re: “personal grudge”

              If I’ve written anything libelous about Hannah here, you can trust that she will not hesitate to sue me.

              She has a law degree and her RM1 million DUN allocation and the DAP Dream Machine superstructure and her state-DAP office and her half dozen personal assistants & volunteers and all the church extensive networking plus the DAP trolls that nest in blogs like Rocky, SAA, STL, BigCat as well as those who stalk me here like Sshsn aka fff, Ravin & King Kong (the beruk whom I’ve told to bugger off).

              Is it fair that Hannah Yeoh is scrutinized? I think so, given the amount of publicity she courts for herself and the saturation media coverage accorded to her not only by Selangor Times, The Rocket and other Pakatan state media besides The Star with its reach to millions of readers.

              The other DAP Wanita higher office holders, for example Chong Eng (the chief of women’s wing) and CE’s fellow MP Fong Po Kuan or a number of others – e.g. the deputy chief of Wanita DAP is Mary Josephine Prittam Singh – do not get any negative mention in my blog because they do their jobs and are not lebih sudu dari kuah.

              As to who is being “personal” and dealing low blows, let’s just take the name-calling that you yourself have thrown at me.

              On 2013/02/12 at 4:56 pm, you suggested that I may be a “psychopath”, and on 2013/02/10 at 11:38 am implied that the commentators here are “faked” (meaning I’ve making up the existence of ‘HM, Syd’ or ‘Ayah’ for example, which in turn implies that I’m a cheat) as well as that all my “cronies” in this blog are “freaks”.

              So who is being personal?

          4. Helen, How do you know that other Dap Wanita like Chong and Fong do their job? Where do you get the news on them from? If they do theirt job, don’t they deserve to be praise. Anyway, mother mary of subang is just a small fart and you just pick on a small fart when the national matters deserves great atten. Again it clear show personal grudges by look into the needles and petty matters than wastages of billions and the poor remains poor.

    2. I have a few choice words for the likes of harkis, brownny and jonnymalaya.

      Helen Ang made a choice and created a blog to share her views. That takes some effort and time. This enables some cross-pollination of ideas, and of course, primarily for Helen to highlight her thoughts and interests (pet peeves even). She also made the decision to be responsible for the blog entries, giving it her name and a photo of herself. She is no stranger to the local journalism scene too, for those with long memories.

      So, for the commentators who thinks that Helen needs some credibility beyond the armchair, try to understand that some people ARE writers (they just happen to be social critics as well). Erm, is Kee Thuan Chye running for office? Do you know if he has political ambitions or interests? How about A Samad Said? How about Uncle Patrick? So they are all armchair critics-lah.

      The idea and concept of the freedom of expression is to allow the likes of Helen to put her voice out there. She could be right OR wrong, she could be petty OR generous, she could be selective OR respond only to MSM headlines. That is HER choice. It is also YOUR choice to respond or ignore whatever she writes, such is the beauty of blogs (or forums or any other form of communicative engagement).

      Since you clearly don’t like Helen “picking” on Hannah (David vs. the Goliath?), you’re free to offer your defence of your idol. I am sure we welcome your input as to what, say, Hannah’s contributions are since 2008. Or what Hannah has achieved since 2008 (other than giving birth to two children, god bless her!). perhaps your strategy is not to defend Hannah, you just want the attacks to stop. If that’s the case, I think you can suggest that Helen stop picking on the poor woman and leave her alone, but I doubt it would work. I mean, Helen’s specialization is in roasting Hannah, the Star and the ocassional LGE. She would find other things to write about of course, but since this is her blog and this is her space, I think she can damn well do what she likes.

      Besides, Helen’s writings are like needles prickling the feet of an elephant – insignificant. Now don’t go all bonkers and claim that I called Hannah an elephant, ok?


      1. Since my specialization is roasting Hannah and The Star as you say, it sure boggles the mind that some Dapsters such as Godfather, Sshsn and their ilk can claim that Umno and MCA are paying me to blog.

        After all, my other dedicated critic Jonnymalaya insists that The Star is staunchly pro-BN. Over the last few days, the paper has indeed made a pendulum swing with its spate of articles headlined “Dr Chua said” (this and that). As we enter the last lap before polling day, it does appear that The Star is beginning to function as the BN mouthpiece … MCA has cracked the whip.

        Quite evidently, my detractors are contradicting logic as well as tripping each other up with their allegations.

        1. To expand on “my detractors are contradicting logic as well as tripping each other up with their allegations”,

          (a) why would Umno pay me to roast a “small fart” (according to Harkis’ description, implying that I’m petty to pick on someone who’s not a big player) when Subang Jaya is not even a seat that Umno contests due to its large Chinese population?

          (b) why would MCA pay me to roast Hannah when its own newspaper has been praising Hannah to the skies (and to the stars and to infinity and beyond)?

          See the illogic of Dapsters.

      2. Helen, How do you know that other Dap Wanita like Chong and Fong do their job?- harkis

        Well, I think at least FPK is being her true self all the time and doesn’t like to berpura-pura like the SJ Adun. Ten years ago FPK brought up the issue of non-Muslim ladies being compelled to wear tudung in IIUM.

        Now, fast forward ten years later, we have DAP ladies like HY and TNC embracing tudung! They are probably in their desperate mode to to reach out Malay electorate in their place, but do they really have to do until this extent (wearing tudung, encroaching mosques, etc)?

      3. So you admit Helen make a choice – personal grinding with mother mary of subang. See the percentage of articles devoted to her and you all Pakatan to make her Joan of Arc. Tuan Chye and many others do not devote a nuclear enery to a particular person in Dumno and BeEnd like Helen who loves to read Selangor Times to find out more about what Hannah is doing. Unfortunately Chong and Fong are not people’s represenatative in Selangor and hence limited news on them. Anyway, different MPs have different ways of looking after their area. Maybe Helen is very jealous of them. .

        1. I don’t know, we can speculate if Helen’s incessant picking on Hannah is borne out of deep and intense jealousy on her part.

          I guess tsehwei made the point that some of the things said about Hannah (and vice versa by some commentators about Helen) are not very nice (or it makes one wince).

          I am not, by nature, a nice person. Perhaps if more is like tsehwei, our politics would be less crappy.

          1. re: “borne out of deep and intense jealousy on her part.”

            He who asserts must prove.

            Nasty is one thing. Slander, libel and defamation are another.

            What proof that MCA paid me? The accusation defies logic since The Star is a favourite uncomplimentary subject here.

            Why would MCA pay me to “pick” on Hannah if its own media mouthpiece is daily full of praise for Hannah. Again such illogic.

            Why would Umno pay me to pick on such a “small fart” (as her supporters insist) when Subang Jaya has never been a constituency that Umno contests in?

            I’ve put up a lot of material in this blog. Instead of countering with fact in an open domain, they slander, defame, libel, curse and swear (and elsewhere since here is moderated) in Facebook and Twitter.

            It’s uncontrollable, just like the comments against Mahathir or Joceline or Rosmah or Chandra or Ridhuan Tee are beyond control.

            As a blog admin, I will share with you that my experience has been like Raja Petra’s. The sickest comments come in response to Jerusubang topics.

            MCA has been at the receiving end of my ‘dinosaur’ and ‘pupus’ jibes but so far, none of that kind of viciousness on any of the MCA threads.

          2. Well Helen, we cannot stop Harkis from whatever they are thinking. I mean, when I read about Hannah and the Anak Malaysia stunt, certain words came to my mind that I don’t think I can express them here.

            Perhaps to some, the very fact that you are zooming in on Hannah IS proof of deep and intense jealousy. I am still trying to come up with the possible reasons you COULD be envious of her. I am also thinking that perhaps I too AM jealous of Lim Guan Eng or other people that I have criticized, repeatedly. Just trying to apply the logic, you know? Maybe it is LGE’s hair, maybe THAT explains my dislike for the man.

            Just started on Kahneman and his System 1 and System 2 explanations. Perhaps that will shed some light into why people can develop contradictory gut feelings against factual or logical evidence, like 朝三暮四.

          3. I hear you, Helen. But such is life – you can’t reason with unreasonableness. I thought IHNS has articulated your case well but the tenacious Harkis is still blind-sided.

            It mirrors that of Hannah Yeoh who has no qualm in calling you and Joceline absurd; yet she is blind-sided by her own inappropriateness in using religion to further her power base.

            I regret giving my vote to her at the previous election. The choice then was either her or Billi ‘dare to fail’ Lim. Pak Lah’s team was wrong and Billi looked like a kook. Who would have thought, a few years later, it’s Hannah Yeoh who is a kooky-poo. Well, live and learn..:-)

  16. Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina kepada Kak Helen…enjoy ur holiday with loved ones…we all support you…

    p/s: would you consider being a candidate for this coming GE? i think you can win big time. but personally, i think if you choose to join politic, Bebas would be the perfect party for you. No BN, No PR, we need another third neutral force for check and balance.

    I think many readers misunderstood your political stance & motive in your writing, criticizing doesn’t mean hatred, complimenting not necessary love and liking.

  17. Hannah Yeoh is fighting corruption selectively.

    Her chinky DAP eyes are blinded to the corruption by DAP’s dark side Ronnie Liew, Khalid Ibrahim, Azmin Ali, … Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and Anwar IBrahim

    1. “Chinky” is :( word in this blog because the some Chinese are not only sensitive but also easily confused between the what is Indian and what is Chinese – like when they fill in the birth cert of their children They also reject that there is such a thing as “race”.

      1. We thought mentioning “chinky DAP” would be specific and not be viewed as sensitive.

        Chinky can be complimentary you know …. Chinese and sexy slinky body.

        But off course, those without slinky body would be sensitive.

      2. Ms H. I have never been sensitive to names like Chinaman, chinky, etc. because I know what I am with full confidence. I have a list of 53 names ranging down from Tengkus to Latuks to Enciks who walloped me for no reason. I did not run to the DAP. They are all dead, the youngest was 39. Man proposes. God disposes.

  18. Don’t be conned. One doctor friend after working in Vancouver a lifetime, retired back to KL and another from Penang, returned after a lifetime in Hong Kong.

  19. All Malaysians including the PKR and the PAS should reject the DAP as a foreign entity.

    Lee Kuan Yew ruled Singapore 1959 to 2013 and built a cluster of hollow modern buildings. But 40% of the indigineous Singaporean disappeared and had to be replaced by rich Indiamen and Chinamen. In 2 generations the indigenious Singaporeans will be working as servants to these rich newcomers.

    During the same period 1959 to 2013, the BN as led by the UMNO with 14 component parties created a truly Malaysian middle income group of 7.5 millions. Each family is a real or potential RM 1 Millionaire.

    Lee Kuan Yew has the impeccable starred Double First Law degree from Cambridge and probably a Third Class at the Bar Finals London. The DAP leadership is just a dot in Lee Kuan Yew’s academic credentials. The DAP leadership can only do at least 10 times worse. We do not need them to rule over us. Go home to Daddy, DAP !

    1. AK47,

      “Lee Kuan Yew ruled Singapore 1959 to 2013 and built a cluster of hollow modern buildings. But 40% of the indigineous Singaporean disappeared and had to be replaced by rich Indiamen and Chinamen. In 2 generations the indigenious Singaporeans will be working as servants to these rich newcomers.

      During the same period 1959 to 2013, the BN as led by the UMNO with 14 component parties created a truly Malaysian middle income group of 7.5 millions. Each family is a real or potential RM 1 Millionaire.”

      Please show us from where you get all these statistics.


      1. AK47,

        Dude. I am requesting for statistics, i.e. from reliable sources. Not from your personal interpretation or self-devised formula. You said “Just count the number of semi-detached and detached houses in the taman-taman all over the country.” Have you done that yourself? What is the outcome of your findings? Is your findings approved by the authorities?

        Otherwise, please let me know from where you quote these figures.

        You may want to refer to this:-
        (it says that 75.8% of the households in Malaysia earn less than RM5,000 per month)

        Click to access jadual3.pdf

        (it says that the average number of members per household is between 3-4)

        (it says that as of 2010, Malaysia has a population of 27,565,821 and 6,396,174 households)

        1. Dear Asus,

          The same EPU website you found will give you some answers. I will share the link below, but will highlight some developments in household income since 1970.

          The average household monthly income for Malaysia was RM4,025 in 2009. At that time, top 20% of the households in Malaysia earns a mean monthly gross average of RM9,987. The middle 40% earns an average RM3,631 while the bottom 40% earns an average of RM1,440. There are urban and rural differences (as well as ethnic differences), but the biggest difference is sometimes within a group itself (see Gini Coeffifient), although overall it DID improve.

          The Household Income Survey data clearly showed the rise of the middle income group since 1970 where 89.3% households earn less than RM500 per month. Yes, we are aware of the issue on inflation and loss of purchasing power, etc etc etc. However, it is evident that wealth CREATION and REDISTRIBUTION is happening. Johor, Melaka and Pulau Pinang narrowed their gap with Selangor. More Malays are now middle class, and more importantly, the Governments works hard at eradicating poverty.

          At least be fair and we cannot deny that under the stewardship of BN, all things did not go to hell as alleged.

          EPF annual report will give us some clue as to the size of millionaires. As of 31st December 2011, there are 11,174 active members with more than RM1 million in their accounts. In that year, 39,460 active members have savings between RM500,001 to RM1 million, while 86,515 have savings between RM300,001 to RM500,000. That’s 137,149 active members of all ages with contribution savings of at least RM300,000. Who can reach a savings of that amount over say, 25 working years with 25% of their salary amount? We do a crude estimate and it comes up to folks who earn about RM4k per month. That’s the absolute MINIMUM. So if you earm RM4k a month for your ENTIRE working life (assuming 25 years), you will have at least RM300k in EPF, and that’s just deducting 11% of your salary.

          Click to access 7.%20Statistik.pdf

          So, we know that on average the top 20% and top 40% of households in Malaysia earn more than RM4k, give and take. We can do the maths better with home ownership data, but the original point of the debate is about creating a strong middle class. Personally, I believe the less the government interfere with the free market, the better for capitalism. However, since capitalism is not quite the silver bullet / perfect panacea, the government needs to continue to regulate and make life better for EVERYONE – not just the Chinese or the rich or the educated.

          1. Glad to hear there is a great improvement in the income. So do we need moblie phone discount, bantuan malaysia, free school books and housing discount to higher earners? The money better spend on improving the nation’s educational and infrastructure facilities

          2. Dear Harkis,

            I am very glad that you mentioned those items in dispute. Lets see if I can respond to each on its own, very briefly.

            3G smart phone voucher RM200 for young people earning less than RM3k – I think that’s a waste. It is clear who is being targeted here for votes. Personally, I see very little need to subsidize non-essential items and encourage the horrific consumer culture of waste with underutilized smartphones (or ipads for that matter). Grade: D

            BR1M RM500 for low income households earning less thanRM3k – I think that is much better, as a one-off or annual rebate, permitted the public coffers are healthy. Singapore is doing the same, like Hongkong. Much better BR1M than the taxpayers’ money going elsewhere. The most direct form of occasional financial relief. Grade: A

            BB1M Book voucher RM200 – RM250 – I think you must remember that school textbooks are free in public schools. This is really for purchase of books for STUDENTS (primary to tertiary). This is for academic books only, although I prefer that any book would do and NO MAGAZINES. This is also a very common form of tax rebate or incentive to encourage learning. Grade: A+ (caused I am biased when it comes to books)

            PR1MA Housing for low income households and first time buyers – I don’t understand what you mean by “higher discount to higher earners”. Are you confusing this to the Bumiputera housing lot discounts? I think PR1MA is very relevant but I just think it is going to be limited in impact because of laws of scarcity and distribution. It does help, but not in a scale we would envision. Grade: B-

            You seem to think that investing in infrastructure is the only option for taxpayers’ monies. I am inclined to think that we need to do more for civil society, i.e. investing in NGOs that service the masses so that the government can focus on regulatory roles, not provision ones. If you are concerned about public transport, hopes are high for the MRT, except the folks’ whose areas are affected. Imagine, when Star and Putra LRT first started, low ridership and the economic crisis in the late 1990s almost killed it. It survived via restructuring and now we have RapidKL. Many things are being done since the early 2000s, but how many of us take note of what is going on anyway, the effort it takes to fix public transport, the realignment of routes and systems? Rapid Penang started only in 2007 and LGE doesn’t seem to hesitate to claim credit in its Budget 2013. Who heard of SPNB anyway?


            Just read it and do your maths and marvel at the pettiness of our Penang CM. Don’t even get me started on the RM100 per YEAR as “appreciation” of registered Penang senior citizen voters.

            Btw, our problem with national education is not in the infrastructure but the software (people, syllabus and system), imho.

            1. IHNS,

              If you express anything less than the greatest admiration for the YAB Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, the Dapsters will label you “Cina murtad”.

          3. i hate n’sync,

            Allow me to share my views (in bracket) on your opinion:-

            1. BR1M RM500 for low income households earning less thanRM3k – I think that is much better, as a one-off or annual rebate, permitted the public coffers are healthy. Singapore is doing the same, like Hongkong. Much better BR1M than the taxpayers’ money going elsewhere. The most direct form of occasional financial relief. Grade: A

            (With due respect, our national debt is already near the threshold of 55% of annual GDP. The debt has doubled since Najib took over and our annual Budget has recorded a 14 consecutive years. If we can call the state of our national coffer as healthy based on these figures, then what do we call countries that have surplus budget and debts lower than 10%?) – Disagree with your grade.

            2. BB1M Book voucher RM200 – RM250 – I think you must remember that school textbooks are free in public schools. This is really for purchase of books for STUDENTS (primary to tertiary). This is for academic books only, although I prefer that any book would do and NO MAGAZINES. This is also a very common form of tax rebate or incentive to encourage learning. Grade: A+ (caused I am biased when it comes to books)

            (The voucher can be used to purchase any books and stationary in the bookstore. There is no way the bookshop can determine whether or not a book selected by a student is meant for academic purpose or otherwise.) – Agree

            3. PR1MA Housing for low income households and first time buyers – I don’t understand what you mean by “higher discount to higher earners”. Are you confusing this to the Bumiputera housing lot discounts? I think PR1MA is very relevant but I just think it is going to be limited in impact because of laws of scarcity and distribution. It does help, but not in a scale we would envision. Grade: B-

            (The government should have emulated the HDB system of Singapore where 80% of the citizens stayed in HDB units. Malaysia is never short of land for property development. But the government prefers to outsource the duty of social housing to private developers. Hence, the duty became private housing. Any empty lands were sold to private developers that turn them into expensive development. PR1MA housing came a little too late. Wish it could come earlier and the locations of houses will be nearer to city center. Prime land in good locations are all taken up by private developers.) – Agree


          4. Dear Bar,

            I am sorry, you are again confusing the issue of BR1M with the supposed national debt. I wasn’t aware that the country is in recession. And I thought BR1M would be even more important in a recession.

            I have no intention to go on and on about the national debt. I had it with people who don’t understand what it is all about. I don’t want to have to talk about capital formation, economic growth, inflation and its relationship to development. For your level of understanding, all I can say is that your 10% debt criteria would only enable direct cash transfers in Brunei, Oman, Estonia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Guinea, and Iran (Algeria and Azerbaijan if you want). I do not imply that we shouldn’t keep our debt ratio to GDP low (fiscal prudence), I just think that it is not that big a deal as long as we are growing economically. According to IMF, Singapore and Hongkong’s gross debt is 93.5% and 33.8% of their GDP. So? Finland’s is 50.2%, Switzerland’s 52.4% and Kenya is 55.2%. Your point again?


            We need to change the tax base, that’s for sure, but how many people can agree or disagree to GST without thinking along political lines?

            As for the issue of budget surplus or deficit, take a good look at the following link. Only 24 countries out of over 200 countries record a budget surplus (which in cludes your 93% gross government debt to GDP Singapore). It is rare for any country to have consistent budget surplus unless it is deliberately done so. In fact, you need to have some basic understanding on how fiscal policies work.

            Expansionary policies may result in a budget deficit, and contractionary policies can result in a budget surplus. What we need to watch for really, is the inflation. Currently, Malaysia’s economy is kept chugging by government spending, but is it overheating? I believe we have people in MoF and Bank Negara who is paid to keep track of such matters, and trust me, any government who wants to stay in office will do their damndest to ensure continued economic growth.


            BB1M allows stationery purchase of up to 10% of the total voucher value (or RM20). The bookstores can decide what are academic books, they just think it is much better for business to allow all types of purchases and our government didn’t enforce that point.

            As for your HDB idea, I think you are insane. Why should Malaysians emulate to put 80% of our people in HDBs? It is a matter of market forces, the poor WILL be crowded out of more developed / affluent areas. I didn’t say that is right, I said that is only natural as the law of economics. The more government interferes with market forces, the harder it gets to restore the equilibrium. If you expect the government to develop homes, it will take a long, long time to complete, not to mention shoddy workmanship. At least with private companies, they have got the monetary incentive to build and finish on time! Expecting the government to build more homes for everyone is typical of the average Malaysian whiners.

            When something gets expensive, we always want the government to subsidize or bail us out. I have heard so much of the so called expensive health care costs. Hello? You want it cheap you go to government hospitals and clinics lah. Too big of a crowd and long queue? What do you expect, you want it free and you want it now as your lordship likes it? Bukak klinik bapa you sendiri-lah.

      2. asus. All my comments are based on facts. I refer you to the Singapore Government White Paper on Population 2013. This Policy is now in shambles due to the Little India Riot in December 2013.

  20. asas. Just count the number of semi-detached and detached houses in the taman-taman all over the country. Plus you go and look at the EPF annual report. A household with 2 cars means 2 working persons living in a dwelling contributing to the EPF. If this household is not a millionaire household at the age of 30 years, it will be at the age of 55 years. Go and check !

  21. Asas. A person in this country who has RM 300,000 cash is a millionaire. He or she can invests RM300,000 into shares with RM100,000 cash, buy a RM300,000 house with RM100,000 cash and buy a car worth RM300,000 with RM100,000. You control RM 1 Million worth of assets. The new car purchase is not recommended. To double your money is a question of timing and allocation of your assets. Everyone can do. OK ? This was what the BN as lead by the UMNO with 14 component parties gave you the opportunity to make good since 1957 ! Vote BN ! No need monopoly or be a crony !

  22. asas. With my proposed formula, anyone can start making money even with RM10,000. It is only timing and the allocation of funds. No need to be a crony or monopolist.

  23. asas. The figures you furnished are biased and twisted. I am talking cheese and you talk chalk 1 Dud !

    1. AK47,

      Let me get it straight:-

      1. You said “During the same period 1959 to 2013, the BN as led by the UMNO with 14 component parties created a truly Malaysian middle income group of 7.5 millions. Each family is a real or potential RM 1 Millionaire.”

      From where you get the data? What is the definition of ‘middle income’ in Malaysia? From where you get the figure of 7.5 millions? Your ‘7.5 million’ refers to individual or household? Please clarify and cite the source.

      2. You said “The figures you furnished are biased and twisted.”

      Please be reminded that those are official government statistics. Unless you can prove ‘biased and twisted’, those information are valid.

      3. You said “I am talking cheese and you talk chalk”.

      Fine. I could have misunderstand your point. I concede that I am not an economist. So, please refer to point (1) above and quote your sources so that I can check.

      i hate n’sync,

      Many thanks for the long reply. Could you please assist on the issue raised above, i.e. point (1)? I seriously doubt that we have 7.5 million middle income individuals in Malaysia.

      1. Usually, the definition of middle income refers to households in the middle quintile of the income distribution. If the middle 40% earns an average RM3,631 per month (as per EPU’s data, you can roughly estimate how many people can be considered as middle class (if you accept the definition).

        Alternatively, you can pick a narrower bandwidth. Let’s say you think households with a monthly income of RM5000 to RM10,000 can be considered middle class. According to the same HIS report (DOSM see link below), 18.2% of the total households in Malaysia have a monthly income between RM5,000 to RM9,999. That translates to about 1 million households or over 4 million individuals (based on a average household size of 4).

        Click to access Jadual1.pdf

        Fact is 24.1% of households earn RM5000 and above in a month. That is easily 6 millions individuals from middle class families and over, perhaps less since we know rich people have less kids.

        It all depends where you draw the line for “middle income”.

        1. Thanks I hate n sync. You are great. There are 2 types of leaders. (i) the Tun Dr Mahathir type who leads from the front. (ii) the other types like the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed policies for Singapore, who leads from behind the consultants, the fine prints and the nitty gritty.
          Just in case you fellas don’t know. TDM is a MALAY !

      2. asas. You go to all the taman-taman in the towns of Malaysia and you will get your real figures. DIY. Do not forget if you have RM300,000 in Malaysia you can own a house worth RM 300,000, shares worth RM 300,000. You are a millionaire. You do not know how to count eh ?

  24. asas. See how the meritocratic pyramid of Singapore with Lee Kuan Yew at the top crumbled. Silly. Meritocracy excludes literally 99% of the population. A recent Ministerial announcement states that now a Singaporean’s ability should not be limited to academic qualifications alone.(after Singapore’s experience with Lee Kuan Yew’s impeccable academic credentials). ha ! ha ! ha ! Dud !

      1. m16. Of course, Malaysia is far better than Singapore. It is as clear as crystal in 2014 ! 7 1/2 poor Singaporeans came into Malaysia at the beginning of the NEP. At the end they all became billionaires. One of which is a 1/2 Korean, an offspring of a Korena soldier. Ahcheh ! No Malaysian became rich in Singapore except one by marriage !

        1. m16. I lived in Singapore for 3 1/2 years. When I found out it was all central planning by one single person, I sold everything and returned to KL in 1973 ! No regrets !

          1. They are generating money from the rich from all over the world now at the expense of their average and poor citizens. But these rich people are transient in nature, when the time is no longer right anymore they will move on to their other home (s). The Singapore government is working very hard to please them currently.

            1. LOL. If the nasi beryani at the Army Camp is like all those so called made in Singapore Malaysian dishes at the food halls, I pass.
              However, if you are free on a Sunday afternoon, please drop by at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, you will see the most number of Indians enjoying the free air and grass lawn in Singapore !

              1. The cook used to be Indian, not sure about now and they serve it on banana leave. It is quite different from the hawker center foods there.

      2. m16

        Have you lived and worked in Singapore before?

        It is like a petry dish. Yes everything seems to be primp and proper but they are NOT FREE. You have to pay for everything.

        Do you know that you have to pay tax for second toilet in your house? To make it worst, after you flush the toilet, you have to pay for “pembentungan” (can’t remember the English word for that), then the Gomen will process it into Newater and they will charge you some more.

        1. LOL. You are great. If you own a property in Singapore, you actually pay to SG to live in your own house via the assessment tax. It is as high as a rent !

  25. m16. Yes ! Malaysia is a runaway success in human terms and Singapore is a runaway failure.

    Have you ever seen a group of indigenous people demonstrating against their own Government’s White Paper on Population ? And have you, seen a Government telling its own electorate that they disappear to 25% in 2 generations. This is the biggest joke of 2013 and no one seems to notice in the fantasy island of meritocracy.

    The opportunities for Singaporeans to make good in Singapore had long since gone. There are still many many opportunities to improve your life-style in Malaysia. All are welcome including Singaporeans. The important point to remember is that you do your own Malaysian thing. Do not ape Singapore and all those huge tomes on Wall Street.

    I knew a remisier. Before the Bursa opens at 9 am, he would scrutinize what happened on Wall Street the night before and talk like those speakerines on CNBC. As soon as the Bursa opens, he would be rigging the shares. See how stupid he is ! How can Wall Street affect his rigged shares ? Of course, he never made any money ! He did’nt know what he was doing !

  26. m16. You are living and working in one of the best countries in the World ! You walk through this Malaysia only once in a lifetime. See how silly a statement by a Singaporean Minister recently. ‘ A person’s ability should not be based on his/her academic qualifications alone !’ Hey! Hey! Hey! Why not tell the Singaporeans 2 generations ago ? In 2013, now the opportunities are in the hands of the billionaires or are all gone for the average Singaporeans ! Welcome to Malaysia, all Singaporeans !

  27. ak47,

    Whether a country is better than another, we have established parameters which can be used. Let us not propound individual or self-devised arguments in our exchange of ideas. Universally accepted criteria such as GDP, income per capita, FDI inflow, corruption index etc have clearly show that Singapore is better than Malaysia. Nevertheless, I would like to share some points here:-

    1. The ranking of universities.
    Singapore universities are consistently ranked highly in the Times University Ranking every year. NUS and NTU are among the world’s top institutions. Whereas in Malaysia, local universities such as UM, UKM, UPM etc are ranked at the bottom of the list or sometimes, not even ranked at all. UM and NUS were once the same institution until Malaya and Singapore separated. Why such a huge disparity in term of quality nowadays? We have thousands of Malaysian students that study in Singapore right from the primary level until the university level. In contrast, do we have Singaporeans that study in our Malaysian education system?

    2. Currency exchange.
    Similarly, we have thousands of Malaysians that work in Singapore and earn in Singaporean dollar. Their earnings when converted into RM will elevate them into the middle to high income earners in the Malaysian context. Have you seen any Singaporeans that come to Malaysia for the same purpose?

    3. Foreign population.
    The policy of Singapore is to attract foreigners who are wealthy and highly educated. Locals are compelled to compete with these foreigners and the result is Singapore has become a highly competitive nation. Our government in Malaysia also attract foreigners. Unfortunately, they came from third world countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh etc. They are doing menial and low end jobs at mamak restaurant, factories and plantations with low pay. These jobs are usually shun by the locals. As such, there is no direct competition between the foreigners and Malaysians for jobs. That is why the productivity level of Malaysia is lower than Singapore and it has caused us to lose the competitive advantage.

    1. m16. Since you are ignorant of the facts about Singapore , please let me repeat to you the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s 14 failures for Singapore with his Double Star First degree from the University of Cambridge in 1947 ! At first no one in Malaysia would believe what I presented in August 2011. Now all is as clear as crystal.
      1. The use of money as a tool of Foreign Policy. Vide. Thaksin and the Bangkok Riots 2003-2014. Singapore bought Thaksin business for US$ 1.3 billion in 2003.
      2. The 2 child family Policy of 1970-1980s. This is the killer.
      3. The loss of US$108 billion by the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of yes men with the smartest fellow on top in October 2008 of the CPF Trust money. Vide. Financial Times April 2010.
      4. Humanity and Multiculturalism never practised. Vide. the Curry Smell Tribunal, 188 bus drivers strike, the toilet fights, the Little India riots, the Rex cinema sit-in strike etc.
      5. A perfunctory Judiciary which is well known the world ove. Vide. Chee, Tan Koon Swan, Aussie, Malaysian, German drug mules. Dr Woffles Wu. Shaw. If the Police stopped at 1, he would not be in trouble. They stopped at 51. Poor girl ! etc.etc.
      6. 5,000 pigs imported daily. The flower nurseries contracts. King of the Road. The sale of Kim Eng Securities to Maybank.
      7. No world class transportation system established. In January 2014, there are already 5 breakdowns. Hong Kong has 99% efficiencty. Vide. Mahubani. distinguished diplomat and scholar.
      8. The highest paid Cabinet Ministers in the World. Vide. Warren Buffet.
      9. The creation of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP in 1966 by the retreating Singaporean PAPs. DAP was in Opposition for 48 long years without doing anything for the Malays, Chinese, Indians and all. It now has Legitimacy issues.
      10. Spying by the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew on his Malaysian abang adeks sexual peccadilloes and on his neighbours and friends.
      11. A huge full fledged military of 300,000 reservists on constant alert, aging Gurkha brigades, F-16s, Apaches, AWACS, 9 submarines, corvettes, secret caverns, bomb proofed buildings, a strategic S$2 billion water reserve, spies of swallows, ducks and tycoons, rusting tanks, very long range artillery etc.
      12. The Little India Riot and the Rex cinema sit-in. Low caste Indians were imported to mask the huge importation of Chinese.
      13. The dismantling of the much vaunted and flaunted dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of yes men with the smartest fellow on top in 2013. 2 Ministers made the announcements that not only academic qualifications but also hidden talents would be considered in promotions and jobs applications. The Government now discourages more university graduates.
      14 The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew came into power in 1959 – 55 years. He is still there. During this period, Malaysia has had 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers.

      Singapore the spiritual home of the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP and also the abode of its spiritual leader the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew is a FAILED STATE !

      1. ak47,

        re: FAILED STATE

        Relatively speaking, if Singapore is a FAILED STATE, then what we call Malaysia? More FAIL then Singapore? Or better?

        Whether a country is better than another has to be compared with certain internationally accepted parameters such as FDI, standard of living, GDP, income per capita, ranking of universities etc.

        You cite the example of “The use of money as a tool of Foreign Policy. Vide. Thaksin and the Bangkok Riots 2003-2014. Singapore bought Thaksin business for US$ 1.3 billion in 2003.”

        How the above can be compared with Malaysia in order to determine which country is better in that context? Is this one of the accepted international parameters?

        You merely cite the 14 failures of Singapore without making the similar comparison/analysis with Malaysia.

        Example, “14 The brilliant Lee Kuan Yew came into power in 1959 – 55 years. He is still there. During this period, Malaysia has had 6 democratically elected Prime Ministers.”

        You have stated a known fact. But where is the analysis/comparison between Malaysia and Singapore in terms of:-

        1. economy,
        2. standard of living,
        3. competitiveness,
        4. productivity,
        5. standard of education
        6. etc.

        and which country is better?

        re: 11. A huge full fledged military of 300,000 reservists on constant alert, aging Gurkha brigades, F-16s, Apaches, AWACS, 9 submarines, corvettes, secret caverns, bomb proofed buildings, a strategic S$2 billion water reserve, spies of swallows, ducks and tycoons, rusting tanks, very long range artillery etc.

        Ok. Also noted the above. How to meaningfully compare the above with the Malaysian military and to decide which country is better?

        1. asus. I am sorry that you are way out of line in your believe that the Republic of Singapore is great under the leadership of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed Policies for Singapore. At a Singaporean seminar in September 2013, his proxy says the brilliant Lee will defend his integrity at all costs but not his arrogance or incompetence. Sorry to say you have picked a donlkey to defend. When I first ventured as a Blogger in August 2011, there were only 7 discernible Policy failures. At the end of 2013, the figure was 14. All those figures you produced are exactly what the Singapore Government want you to match with theirs. Smart. But not professional. Your views and statistics are just perfect if you measure a State only by its buildings only. What about the flesh and blood which make up the populace ? The true spirit and soul of a Nation. This is where your brilliant Lee Kuan Yew failed miserably because he HAS NO COMPASSION ! The nitty-gritty from his ultra-legalistic mind screwed down the 100% indigenous populace when he assumed power in 1959 to 62% in 2013. 45% in 2030. Vide The Singapore Government White Paper on Population. 2013. This Policy is now in shambles after the Little India Riots.

          1. ak47,

            I am talking on the comparison of Singapore and Malaysia on certain internationally accepted parameters in order to determine which nation is better. I am not talking on the FAILED policies of Singapore per se. You can cite 14 or even 140 policy failures just by looking at Singapore. Anyone can also say the same by citing policy failures of Malaysia. But my focus here is which country is better.

            re: When I first ventured as a Blogger in August 2011, there were only 7 discernible Policy failures. At the end of 2013, the figure was 14.

            Ok. Assume what you said is correct. Let us compare Singapore and Malaysia in that timeline, i.e. Aug 2011 till Dec 2013. Question:-

            1. which country attracted more FDI in that period?
            2. which country improved the university ranking in that period?
            3. which country’s currency strengthened against the other in that period?
            4. which country has improved its corruption index in that period?

            I have not researched on the above. If you are not agreeable with the above comparison, please suggest another method.

            re: I am sorry that you are way out of line in your believe that the Republic of Singapore is great under the leadership of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed Policies for Singapore.

            I am comparing Malaysia and Singapore between the period of 1965 till today. I would say Singapore has advanced ahead of Malaysia.

            Whereas you are merely looking at the 14 failed policies per se and conclude that Singapore under the leadership of LKY is not great.

            Singapore under LKY may not be great as what you said. My question to you: Is Malaysia better than Singapore (after taking into account the 14 failed policies) based on the criteria set by international bodies?

            1. asus. I love to debate with you. You base on the success of Singapore on only 3 issues. OK. I give you my credentials. (i) My elder brother married the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failures for Singapore in October 1951 – PAP was formed in 1955. (ii) I entered the best college of the University of Cambridge through its 400 year old door with 100 marks in each of the 4 subjects I had to take (I competed all in 9 months) with a personal recommendation from Dr Raven, Chaplain to the Queen at Windsor Castle.(iii) LKY entered the bottom most non-college Fitzwilliam House by the backdoor. He know who I am. I met him only once in 1956. I do not believe in the way he conducted his politics.

              1. University rankings. You put great store in this. I refer you to There is an article which states out of 10 lecturers at the NUS only 3 are Singaporeans. The President’s relative became a Dean by squeezing out a rival who became the Dean at the better university of Hong Kong. THIS IS WHAT MONEY LKY CAN BUY – LIKE THE TABLE TENNIS, SHOOTING, FOOTBALL, SWIMMING TEAMS ETC. The brainwashing activities of the Ministry of Information is all pervasive. I refer you to the Wikipedia where in their enthusiasim they re-wrote the Soong sisters of China as Hakkas to please LKY who claims to be a Hakka.

            2. Sorry asus. I continue. The FDI cannot be used as a gauge because of so many variables concerning a country. I was told the Singapore Government also included dust-bins as their assets. When one of their Presidents asked the SG how they work out their reserves, they ignored him.

              On the Currency, Rgt vis a vis the S Dollar, I was there when the Rgt was RM1.0 = S$1.03. We had gold too. Malaysia is an export oriented nation we do not need a strong currency. You are comparing chalk and cheese. Sorry. Corruption ? You mean squeaky clean Singapore has no Corruption. WHICH TYPE OF CORRUPTION ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ? THE LEGALISED IMMORAL TYPE OF CORRUPTION PRACTISED IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OR THE NAKED CORRUPTION IN THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES ?

              I hope you are satisfied with the facts as presented and not by your skewed statistics padded with foreigners bought by Singapore – MONEY MONEY MONEY.

              1. ak47,

                Go and ask any officers from WTO, IMF, World Bank, UN etc and see how many will say Malaysia is better than Singapore based on the criteria of their respective organisations.

                1. hatch. At this point in time, you are half right and half wrong. If a rich person became rich by engaging consultants like the World Bank, IMF, WTO, it will be WORLD’S FIRST. hatch, there is no free lunch in this cruel cruel World of ours. This was how or where the Singaporeans missed the whole plot after the RETIREMENT OF DR GOH KENG SWEE AND S. RAJARATNAM. These guys had the commonsense and the courage to speak up to LKY. The rest was interested in their wonderful pay packets ! If they had been around, I doubt the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew would make all the 14 Policy failures. hatch. It is not textbooks or academic achievements. It is that 1% which we do not control after working hard 99% of the time. This is where Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a MALAY, has the edge over the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew.

                  I declare now that I received no money, medals or favours from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, A MALAY !

                  1. ak47,

                    No parameters are flawless. But there are certain indicators that are more prominent than the rest. I would say the standards set by international bodies like UN, World Bank, IMF etc etc are globally accepted in comparing which country is better than the other in defined criteria.

                    You have propounded self-serving parameters like 14 failed policies, A huge full fledged military of 300,000 reservists on constant alert…………., Singapore Government also included dust-bins as their assets…………….., 5,000 pigs imported daily. The flower nurseries contracts. King of the Road. The sale of Kim Eng Securities to Maybank etc etc etc etc.

                    What is the empirical value of your points above? Have them been thoroughly research, reviewed and accepted as a standard? Who else is using your points above? Or those are merely your personal observation?

                    Read these links for examples of ignorant self-serving declaration with blatant disregard to international standards:-


                    Muhyiddin said “Malaysian youngsters are receiving better education than children in the United States, Britain and Germany.”



                    “The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has confirmed that it had not endorsed Malacca’s developed state status, despite the declaration by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak made during a grand celebration on October 20.”

            3. asus. Amendment. My elder brother married LKY only sister in October 1951. OK. We all start at square one.

            4. asus. Mr asus. Do you know that all the billionaires in Singapore made their money outside Singapore which they only use to sleep and behave themselves ? You study the list of the 1st 8 billionaires.

              Mr asus. You are great to dare to compare the period between 1965 to 2014. I will talk as though you are a Chinaman, If you are a true Chinaman and not the Oxbridge type, you would have made your millions of ringgits in Malaysia. Pray tell me which Malaysian became a millionaire in Singapore during the same period ? SINCE YOU ASKED ME SO MANY QUESTIONS WHICH ONLY CONFIRM THE FAILURE OF THE BRILLIANT LEE KUAN YEW’S 14 POLICY FAILURES, why don’t you kindly rebut my original 14 Policy Failures of LKY one by one ? You start by telling us why he is still there since 1959 ! In my presentation I gave you independent references which were not cooked up by me. As for the legalised immoral corruption, you can do so on the ground in Singapore. Everyone knows it.

            5. asus. You are partly right to base your arguments on money, meritocracy and material wealth. There is nothing wrong with MONEY MONEY MONEY but only don’t go over the hill like in ye goode olde Singapore ! A Nation is made up of different type of peoples. Malaysia has shown the way up to 2003 and has to find its way again with whatever the BN Government can find and promote. STRANGELY, MY FORMULA FOR IMMEDIATE SUCCESS IS TO BE HUMBLE AND NORMAL AGAIN. There is a bigger cake for all of us !

          2. asus. To confirm what I said about glittering buildings and human resources, the real person in turning the entreport of Singapore into a metropolis was DR ALFRED WINSEMIUS, adviser to the Singapore Government 1961-1984. The fleshing out of this skeletal structure which was put together diligently by the Singapore Government, was left to the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed Policies for Singapore, In the development of Singapore indigenous human resorces, he failed miserably. You see the failures in 2014 very clearly. At least Malaysia just plodded along normally and we are still around.

    2. m16. I would not measure our beloved Malaysia on university rankings at all. The Government from the very beginning did not set out for Malaysia to be like OXBRIDGE. the urgent task at hand was to reduce poverty, provide free education, jobs etc.
      Second, do you know that the Ringgit was RM1.00 to S$1.02 during the 1970s and the early 1980s ? And we had gold in BNM ? Third, I refer you to the daily grumblings in whch is not owned by me ! on expats.and foreigners !

      1. Re. I would not measure our beloved Malaysia on university rankings at all.

        Word University Ranking Criteria:

        5 & 6. International faculty ratio (5%) & international student ratio (5%)

        Finally, the last two indicators focus on assessing how international a university is, by measuring the proportion of international students and faculty members in relation to overall numbers. Each of these contributes 5% to the overall ranking results.

        While a highly international student or faculty body is not in itself a measure of quality, there is a clear correlation between international intake and success in other areas such as academic reputation and research citations. Universities that combine high scores in the round with an international outlook tend to be those that have successfully turned themselves into international centers of excellence.

        Fyi, Malaysia Public Universities don’t open it doors to foreign students (if any there are very few of them) as there is not enough seats, plus we don’t employ foreign professor as well, thus years after years our Public Universities’ ranking faced that disadvantage. This fact has been acknowledged long ago when they reviewed the ranking system.

        1. re: Malaysia Public Universities don’t open it doors to foreign students

          Are you sure? What I knew is doors are indeed open, just that unable to attract foreign students especially those from developed nation. I graduated from a local public uni. I observed that majority of foreign students were from middle east.

          re: …………. plus we don’t employ foreign professor as well,

          Why not? So that local lecturers can keep their job? Or simply because foreign professors are reluctant to come?

          Might as well stop supplying data to the body that compiled ranking and stay out of the review.

          re: International faculty ratio (5%) & international student ratio (5%)

          The above two criteria is merely 10%. Assuming our universities scored 0 on both counts, what about the remaining 90%? Did we scored badly on the 90% hence the low ranking?

          1. Re. Are you sure? What I knew is doors are indeed open, just that unable to attract foreign students especially those from developed nation.

            It applies to all Asian Universities fyi, with the exception of Singapore where majority of Foreign Students are recruited via ASEAN Scholarship at O-Level (read: Chinese ASEAN).

            Re. I observed that majority of foreign students were from middle east.

            I know UIA has recruited more foreign students who are at undergraduate level and above, but most other Public Universities recruited at graduate and post graduate levels.

            To be fair, most students through out world prefer to go to universities in the west, even here in Malaysia they prefer foreign Universities, than local. I know for a fact students from India enroll based on budget constraint i.e. the Middle Income will normally settle here while the rich will settle in the UK , US and Australia.

            There is also a student visa issue, it is much easier for students from the Middle east to get visa here than the US, UK or Australia. The PRC Chinese students now have opted for twinning program here for easy access visa to the said countries. In the past, the Chinese, Korean and Japanese students had come here just to study English and as a gate away visa to western universities (for Chinese students), but now more and more of them have decided to stay here and enroll in foreign Universities.

            Re. Did we scored badly on the 90% hence the low ranking?

            Every single point counts. There are other criteria such citation for research work, and this is also lacking for our Public Universities.

            There are thousands of Universities through worldwide and many has been around for more 100 years, ours is barely a fraction of that. For our universities to be able in top 500 within that short span is already an achievement.

            I have commented about this in Annie’s blog; despite the low rating that Public Universities here received, multinational in Singapore still prefers Malaysian (Chinese) graduates compared to the local Singaporean. As commented by one CEO of a multinational company who worked in Singapore before, Singaporean graduates maybe book smart but they are not street smart.

            Let me throw you this question, given a choice and with financial mean would you prefer to study in Universities in the US, Australia and the UK or National University of Singapore.

          1. It is called “Open Book Exam”, the Universities in the US and the UK have that option for some courses presently. But students tend to get fool by that, for if you don’t prepare, you don’t even have time to write you answer as you are to busy flipping the pages looking for answers.

    3. m16. On 27 January 2014, I give you 100 marks for your excellent presentation on the 3 points you raised. However, you will not get a distinction because the points are not original.
      1. On unversities, it is not universitities which maketh the Man or Woman. It is the persons themselves. When we leave the university portals we throw away our books and start all over again unless you are a professional like a doctor, a lawyer etc. We do have Singaporeans studying in Malaysia.
      2. Currency Exchange. The No. 1 country in which Singaporeans make the most money including their multi-billionaires is Malaysia. YOU ASK THEM HOW ? I am not telling and spoil a beautful relationship.
      3. In 1982 at a Commemoration Dinner, a history Fellow of Jesus College told me that the fall of Rome was not caused by the barbarians at the gate but by the throngs of foreigners inside Rome years before the barbarians arrived.
      Singapore uses the low caste Indian importation to mask the huge importation of Chinese from China. Smart in a way !

      1. Re. The No. 1 country in which Singaporeans make the most money including their multi-billionaires is Malaysia.

        a. Singapore is the world biggest exporter and the supply come from Batu Pahat;

        b. One of the billionaire is Palm Oil Trader, and Malaysia is the biggest Palm Oil producer in the World;


        Re. Singapore uses the low caste Indian importation to mask the huge importation of Chinese from China. Smart in a way !

        On yearly basis 25K of them become Newcitizens.

              1. Dunno la.. but somebody mentioned not long ago that’s one of the purposes of Newcitizen i.e. to boost the Chinese population number in the event of eventuality. That’s why the majority of the Newcitizens are from PRC.

                1. A merger with Singapore is not an outlandish idea at all. The idea gives some Dapsters wet dreams.

                  There is also China’s expansionism and the new Christian century in the east (see South Korea’s and Singapore’s mega churches).

      2. re: We do have Singaporeans studying in Malaysia.

        How many of them? And what is the ratio if compare with Malaysians studying in Singapore?

        Now I want to extend the above to working. Is there any Singaporeans working in Malaysia? How many of them? What about the number of Malaysians working at Singapore?

        Now on property. How many Malaysians can afford to own properties in Singapore? What I see is properties in Iskandar are snapped up by Singaporeans.

        1. Re. How many of them? And what is the ratio if compare with Malaysians studying in Singapore?

          Malaysian students study in Singaopre are all of Chinese Decent, recruited by Singapore Government at O-Level on ASEAN Scholarship. On their own many of them can’t afford to do so fyi.

          Most Singaporean students who study here are Malay Singaporean. They normally don’t identify them in public as Singaporean (don’t know why), but among my circle of friends there 4 of them currently with Malaysian PR.

          Re.Now I want to extend the above to working. Is there any Singaporeans working in Malaysia? How many of them? What about the number of Malaysians working at Singapore?

          Malaysia labour law doesn’t open it doors to foreign professional regardless of country, although there are few exception at government discretion. Unlike Singapore which has open foreign talent policy to the irk of the local Singapore.

          Please read some of the local Singapore blogs, they are even upset with Malaysian FT for robbing their job opportunities as the Malaysian FT are cheaper and Multinational prefer them.

          Re. Now on property. How many Malaysians can afford to own properties in Singapore?

          Not even the average Singaporean nowadays can afford their HDB flat, what more the up market condo. Read the following, this is just a preview and you can find other related articles about their grievances about the escalating cost of living.

          Homeless in Singapore

          Re. What I see is properties in Iskandar are snapped up by Singaporeans.

          Because property is cheaper in Malaysia, they can get a up market condo with the same amount of money they pay for HDB. Fyi, the trend is more and more of them have moved to JB to save cost, as it is impossible to leave decently in the City State anymore and this includes Malaysian FT.

          I think you haven’t been living in Singapore before, except for leisure visiting or you are one of the rich who never travel beyond Orchard road and/or has relative in Bukit Timah (The High Class area).

          1. Just fyi info, a 3-room flat means a bedroom, A living Room and Kitchen in Singapore, not the actual 3 bedrooms like here in KL.

          2. re: Malaysian students study in Singaopre are all of Chinese Decent, recruited by Singapore Government at O-Level on ASEAN Scholarship. On their own many of them can’t afford to do so fyi.

            Most Singaporean students who study here are Malay Singaporean. They normally don’t identify them in public as Singaporean (don’t know why), but among my circle of friends there 4 of them currently with Malaysian PR.

            That is a known fact. My question is how many of them? More Malaysians in SG or more Singaporeans in Msia?

            re: Malaysia labour law doesn’t open it doors to foreign professional regardless of country

            What is the percentage of professionals in Msia relative to the entire working population? Even if you open it, why would a foreign doctor (example) would want to come to Msia but not SG? In terms of medical advancement and salary, SG is better than Msia.

            Msia opened the door to foreigners for non-professional jobs. But we are only able to attract cheap foreign labour for non-skilled work. Not at the executive or management level.

            re: Not even the average Singaporean nowadays can afford their HDB flat,

            Situation about the same as Msia. Locals here also unable to own properties in Klang Valley areas. Even areas like Klang, Semenyih, Rawang and other distant areas are getting expensive.

            re: ………… it is impossible to leave decently in the City State anymore and this includes Malaysian FT.

            Singaporeans may abandon their home in SG for better lifestyle in JB. But they still maintain their career and school in SG. JB is just a place to live due to the cheaper cost of living.

            1. Re. Msia opened the door to foreigners for non-professional jobs. But we are only able to attract cheap foreign labour for non-skilled work. Not at the executive or management level.

              Please read carefully:

              “Malaysia labour law DOESN’T open it doors to foreign professional regardless of country, although there are few exception at government discretion.”

              Please read the blog that I suggest, I am too lazy to spoon feed you with those info. Some of the questions that you are asking for are there in the Real Singapore Blog. I have written about this too many times and for a couple of years now. Too tired to entertain Newbie in here.

              Just few final comments here:

              1. Rich foreigners go to Singapore for it is tax haven for them;

              2. People from the third world countries go to Singapore because of the advantage of the exchange gain but they are paid lesser (much much lesser) than the local Singaporeans;

              3. Even so, as I mentioned many expat (not the lower end foreign workers) including Singaporean have relocated in JB while working in Singapore, due to the lower cost;

              4. As for Medical Cost, while it is true that some medical equipment and maybe service is better in Singapore but the cost is cheaper in Malaysia. In Malaysia, if you go to government hospital you only have to pay RM5 but in Singapore you have to pay minimum SGD100, that’s just for emergency, if you don’t have medical coverage, you will die standing. The SG government charges everything and nothing is for free.

              Even foreigners are flocking Malaysia for medical treatment. In some KPJ hospitals and SJMC, they even have staff who speaks Arabic, Japanese, and Korean.

              If you are saying that Singapore Healthcare is better, why did many Singaporean seeking treatment here in Malaysia especially JB, especially for heart and maternity care. Please google it yourself.

              a. Malaysia now listed on world medical tourism site


              b. IHH Healthcare (belongs to Khazanah) and KPJ Healtcare (Belongs to Johor Corp) are two leading healthcare provider in the World.

              IHH is one of the largest private healthcare providers in the world based on market share, while KPJ is third in the World. Please google the info. I am not here to spoon feed you.


              My advice to you, don’t just look with your naked eyes but read and research. Followers in here, are not here to spoon feed you, if any we exchange info, news for everyone benefits.

              Singapore is just like that LV flagship boutique in Jalan Bukit Bintang, yeah it is nice and good, but not everybody can afford it.

  28. m16. I agree with your points to gauge a country which are academic. But I have my own gauge how to judge a country’s success or failure. My 3 Golden Attributes to be a Prime Minister :-
    1. Commonsense.
    2. The Ability to Think out of the Box.
    3. Compassion.
    From my observations since 1951, Lee Kuan Yew failed all 3.
    But Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had too much compassion.

    1. ak47,

      You may have as many self-propounded ‘Golden Attributes’ to judge the success or failure of a nation which is only self-serving with little or no significance. Your 3 factors are subjective. Tell me how to measure or quantify ‘Commonsense’?

      Formality wise, international bodies like UN, IMF and World Bank have global frameworks to determine whether a country is better than another in certain context. Eg. income per capita.

      1. asus. I like you. You ask interesting questions. Commonsense for a vvip to me a layman is (i) do not take off your pants in public (ii) do not pinch buttocks in hotel lifts (iii) do not run around the hot and humid streets of KL (iv) do not do anything sexually inclined in ye olde Malaysia – we are either good friends or related. There are no secrets in this place..(v) and definitely do not do anything sexual in Singapore where the Government has been spying on the abang adeks sexual peccadilloes since 1972 and filmed in colour.or bank accounts. or condos. or keep girl friends from SIA !

        1. ak47,

          re: Commonsense for a vvip to me a layman is (i) do not take off your pants in public (ii) do not pinch buttocks in hotel lifts (iii) do not run around the hot and humid streets of KL (iv) do not do anything sexually inclined in ye olde Malaysia – we are either good friends or related. There are no secrets in this place..(v) and definitely do not do anything sexual in Singapore where the Government has been spying on the abang adeks sexual peccadilloes since 1972 and filmed in colour.or bank accounts. or condos. or keep girl friends from SIA !

          I don’t understand. Care to explain?

          1. asus. I do not understand all those sexual going ons either for people in high places. Now the spying by Singapore is out, Jakarta has been a good destination !

      2. asus. Only 2 graduates from OXBRIDGE in Malaysia and Singapore succeeded so far in the rough and tumble of these societies ! The rest were good in their disciplines. That’s all. They do not want to dirty their hands.

  29. m16. By having a meritocratic pyramid which produced all those wonderful statistics which misled him and his obsession with the money and sexual peccadilloes of Malaysians etc. Lee Kuan Yew performed to the applause of the international audience for over 55 years forgetting the plight of his own constituents. From October 2008 till now is the pay-off time. I refer you to the daily flatteries in the internation media before October 2008 and the book, ‘The Failure of Genius’ 1993.
    I have been an observer of the good and the great on both sides of the Causeway

  30. m16. 1) On the ranking of the universities, this is not an indication of anything. Look at UK – phone hacking, corrupt policemen, horseburger, child abuse, corrupt pols, mismanaged hospitals and NHS,etc.They have Cambridge, Oxford and much more. 2) Currency- Singapore is a financial centre. A weak currency and no 900,000 reservists keep depositors away, Trying to ape the Swiss. Malaysia is an exporting nation, a strong currency kill us. However, 1972-1982, RM1 = SDlr 1.03

    1. ak47,

      re: On the ranking of the universities, this is not an indication of anything. Look at UK – phone hacking, corrupt policemen, horseburger, child abuse, corrupt pols, mismanaged hospitals and NHS, etc. They have Cambridge, Oxford and much more

      It is an indication on the standard of education per se. I don’t see the logic of you using phone hacking, ec to disprove the rankings of UK universities. Where is the correlation? Why take mismanagement of hospitals to tabulate university ranking? I am puzzled.

      1. asus. Sir/Madam. [edited] I am puzzled also that you claim I brought in hacking etc to classify university rankings. I do not recall doing this ! I can tell you one thing. My brother cheated at the University of Cambridge and was nearly expelled. This is a fact ! And 2 relatives went bonkers !

        1. asus. To put matters into perspective, 15 members of my extended family went up to Cambridge 1925 – 2014 !

      2. Asus,

        What AK meant was, the well being of a nation doesn’t necessarily reflect based on its University Ranking.

        Plus still, if they want to cheat, they will. Here are some examples:

        1. Harvard Students in Cheating Scandal Say Collaboration Was Accepted

        Published: August 31, 2012

        Harvard students suspected in a major cheating scandal said on Friday that many of the accusations are based on innocent — or at least tolerated — collaboration among students, and with help from graduate-student teachers who sometimes gave them answers to test questions.

        2. China is Cheating the World Student Rankings System

        Enough is enough: Beijing must supply national data to assessors and not simply the results of a small minority of elite students

        Read more: World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System |

        3. A FORMER lecturer with the National University of Singapore was handed a suspended jail sentence in a Hong Kong court on Thursday.

        Vivienne Wee, 59, a Singaporean who is also a founding member of the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware), was found guilty of conspiring to cheat the City University of Hong Kong, reported Apple Daily.

        Wee was the associate director of City University’s South-east Asia Research Centre and an associate professor in the department of Asian and international studies.

        1. LOL, You are good. I forgot. A few years ago over 60% of the undergraduates of the University of Cambridge were reported to copy from the Wikipedia ! Vide FT

          1. You can google that many online companies offers research and writing service for thesis and project paper for students now too.

  31. m16. 3) Foreigners. In 1982, the history fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge told me that when I see more and more foreigners inhabiting a country or a city like ancient Rome, one could be fairly certain that this illustrates the fall of a nation. 2013, Singapore 62% local. 38% foreign. 2030. 50% local. 50% foreign. In practice, 30% local. 70% foreign. This is what I call commonsense and the ability to think out of a Box !

  32. ok la tu .. hannah dan Mujahid dah lebih kurang sama je nada mereka.. Kedua2 nya menggunakan agama untuk mempromosikan liberalisme.. konon anti korupsi bla bla bla

    1. re: “Kedua2 nya menggunakan agama untuk mempromosikan liberalisme”

      Hannah menggunakan agama untuk mempromosikan diri. Imbuhan berbaloi. Tengok gaji Speaker + Adun + elaun hampir mencecah 50k sebulan.

      Sama dengan pastor-pastor gereja evangelis yang menuntut ‘zakat’ 10% gaji bulanan sesetiap qariah. Bayangkan berapa banyak habuan yang dikaut pemimpin evangelis (sama ada gereja atau politik) bagi kerja-kerja mereka yang dibuat mereka — menghibur dan menabur fitnah.

  33. For m16 and all for the holiday. THE TRUE FACTS FRESH FROM SINGAPORE.


    I hope sowly those who think the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP is great, will reconsider their thoughts.


    1. For all Bloggers who are still enamoured with the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed Policies for Singapore and his Double Star First in Law from the University of Cambridge in 1947. Please keep reading the wwwl from today 26 January 2014. You will get all the info which you require to confirm that Malaysia is a runaway success as compared with Singapore in human terms. By the way, 2 Singaporean Ministers in 2013 announced that academic qualifications are not essential for job promotions or applications but the candidate must have hidden talents as well. At the end of 2013, Seah Chiang Nee reported that the Singapore Government discourages more graduates. AT LEAST THE SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT BIT THE BULLET, SHUTDOWN THE DYSFUNCTIONAL MERITOCRATIC PYRAMID OF YES MEN WITH THE SMARTEST FELLOW ON TOP AND MOVED ON after losing US$108 billion of the CPF’s Trust money in October 2008 on Wall Street.

      I always present facts. No bullshit or bluffology from Singapore.

      1. I suggest that those who think Singapore has the panacea to eternal materila happiness, think again from the TRUE FACTS WHICH ARE NOW EASILY AVAILABLE IN THE WEB. Unlike the old days, I had to travel to Singapore to get news which only appear 1 month later in KL.

  34. excertp. “We have heard so much in the last few years about the government and economic transformation programs, and many people put their hope in such programs to uplift and exalt Malaysia. However, the Bible says that there is only one thing that can exalt Malaysia, and that is righteousness alone. Not monuments, not infrastructure, not a vibrant economy, not a nice sounding slogan, but only righteousness alone. And unless we deal with issues related to righteousness, Malaysia cannot be exalted.”

    Gah! The same old putar-wal-belit used by PAS leaders/penceramah bebas to shove their brand of Islam. This is new (at least for me.. please excuse my ignorance on most part of Malaysian politics).

      1. pure. Why I picked on Singaporean facts only ?

        1. We should only worship ourselves and our own achievements only.

        2. Our beloved Malaysia and the Malaysians are easy to rule over if you know how. But if you don’t, it is one big mess of an unholy rojak because we Malaysians are by nature polite and intelligent.

        3. Fortunately for me, what I said about the failure of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew’s 14 Policies came true !

        4. By know the TRUE FACTS, there will be no mystery, no thick smoke and broken mirrors to deceive us. THEN WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN JUDGEMENT. It is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad a great Statesman of Asia and the World. not the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew despite his all out heavy promotion of himself. Facts are facts.

  35. That’s soliciting for favours in a holy place. Other religions detest such mannerism in their holy shrines.

    Or Me? Tor For?

  36. Ms H. I notice this name crops up all the time, Hannah Yeoh ! Who is she and what great works has she done for the Rakyat ? I only guess she is a Hainanese. Like the British, I like to know what dialect these folks use so that we can gauge their behavioural characteristics !

    1. If you’re interested to know her dialect, there are biographical articles wrt her everywhere as she is gila publisiti. Try the Rocket website or The J-Star.

      1. Ms H. It is good to know like the British to find out the dialects of the Chinese. China is such a huge place that different groups of tribes behave differently. This interesting knowledge solves a lot of misunderstanding.

  37. DAP bukan parti cina atau singh.
    DAP parti kristian.
    DAP ramai kristian.
    DAP pejuang kristian tegar.
    Semak data yg helen post dan temui baru2 ini.
    Ultraman blkg taro sedang membantu Kristian DAP menakluki malaysia.

  38. Ms H. I congratulate you in bringing back this topic. We can see very clearly that this bunch of Dapssters as you call them is just the air-conditioned digits or cohorts of the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 14 failed Policies for Singapore. Not to worry. In my whole life, I have not been taken up by powerful billiionaires of politicians. AS THE BRILLIANT LEE KUAN YEW IS AN ICON TO MANY PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED, it is very difficult for them to accept the facts that actually he is an utter failure in human terms.
    In the general interest of our beloved country Malaysia, I have to be iconoclastic in this one instance. No more. No less. Why is he an utter failure ? He rules absolutely over a tiny place with a homogenous population and yet he could not strike the right chord !

  39. Helen, it seems like trouble is brewing in the (Dapsters’) Paradise. In the last few weeks there seemed to be a lot of ceramahs going on for the Muslims with very little publicity, very hush hush. I also sense the Malays seemed to be much angrier these days here, not sure if this is due to Kalimah Allah issue or more general issue of the Malays be marganalised by the Dapsters. But the sense of anger is quite evident and the recent demo in Sebarang Jaya is just a precursor to things to come.

    I think SB would have sensed this too and reported back to the Chief Biawak. That LGE & LKS sudden urge to drop the usual agitprop and call for a PR/BN truce to cool racial tension is due to this anger in Penang than driven by genuine desire for peace and harmony. I think there is no place in Malaysia today is nearer to May 13-like racial clash than Georgetown. In particular LKS and LGE are considered the villains in chiefs.

    Strange, it seems like the worst race relation now are in PR run stastes of Penang & Selangor. wonder what happened to all the spin about being color blind and Bangsa Malaysia.

  40. “I refer you to the Wikipedia where in their enthusiasim they re-wrote the Soong sisters of China as Hakkas to please LKY who claims to be a Hakka.”

    ak the liar and joker, y wiki want to pls lky? fact is soong sisters ancestor is hakka origin. most of yr comment is full of shithole la, but definitely funnier than the circus clown.

  41. “15 members of my extended family went up to Cambridge 1925 – 2014 !”

    hmmm…..not the low rank but great um, ukm, upm ka? u really know how to turn around when it suit u huh? anglo education n perspective at it best.

    1. This is something that people with “New Money” (I assume you are one them) won’t understand. They are numerous rich people now in Malaysia, but most of them are people with “New Money” with “Wannabe” attitude. They flaunt their excesses and luxuries to let the whole world know who they are and how much they have. The likes of Ah Beng in Versace Shirt in the late 90’s.

      In contrast, people with “Old Money”, are generally proud of their breed and family tradition; this may sound corny but that’s how it is. Being proud of one Alma Mater is one them, in many cases they also contributed back to the University funds. These prestigious Universities, especially in the UK, the likes of Cambridge, Oxford, and University of St. Andrew, don’t simply accept students solely based on their academic excellence, their lineage is one of the crucial factors as well. From the track record as mentioned by AK47, his relatives are all from the same lineage, that has contributed to their ability/adavatage to be accepted into Cambridge.

      I have commented before in this blog, about a friend who went for an interview to study Mathematics at Cambridge with perfect score, only to be disappointed for the panel told him that the quota for Malaysian students has been filled and they will only consider application for Bank Negara Malaysia Scholars at that point of time.

      Another acquittance, was accepted to one prestigious University in the US long ago, but she was not happy about it, for her father and many of her relatives are products of Carnegie Mellon University. A single call from her father to the University Board changed her fate over nite. That’s to show how influential people with “Old Money” have on their Alma Mater.

      wrt “not the low rank but great um, ukm, upm ka?”

      Please don’t be a HYPOCRITE as usual, anyone of us here with the given lineage and privilege would have aimed for the same as well, unfortunately many of us in here are not in that league.

      In the same breath, why did Lee Kwan Yew, his son Lee Hsien Loong and now his son’s son (LKY’s grandson) study in Cambridge University? Why not at “the world famous” National University of Singapore?

  42. Hannah seorang berintegriti. kristien atau muslim, isa al-masih yang akan kembali menghakimi dunia.

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