Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Memang gereja menganggap orang Melayu kurang celik dan cerdik

Sebuah rencana hari ini di Malay Mail menyebut:

“However, the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) — an umbrella body of churches nationwide — has pointed out that the word ‘Allah’ could not be replaced with ‘Tuhan’, as both words have different connotations in the Christian faith.

CFM had also pointed out that any attempts to replace “Allah” in the local translation of the phrase ‘Lord God’ in their bible would create an “absurd situation”, where the resulting phrase ‘Tuhan Tuhan’ would indicate plurality and create the impression that Christians believe in many gods.”

Dengan ringkas:

  • CFM berdegil mahu juga gunakan ‘Allah’.
  • Merujuk kepada ungkapan ‘Lord God’ dalam bible bahasa Inggeris, CFM mendakwa ungkapan tersebut mesti diterjemahkan – tidak lain dan tidak bukan – kepada frasa ‘Tuhan Allah’.
  • Mengikut hujah CFM, sekiranya ‘Allah’ dilarang penggunaanya maka ‘Lord God’ akan terpaksa dialih bahasa kepada ‘Tuhan Tuhan’ dan justeru itu, penggandaan tersebut akan menimbulkan situasi yang tidak masuk akal.
  • Kononnya CFM tidak mahu orangramai tersalah faham bahawa orang Kristian percaya akan banyak tuhan.

Evangelis asyik putar, putar, putar

(1) Kenapa perlu CFM kata ia wajib “Lord God” diterjemahkan kepada “Tuhan Allah”? Kenapa tidak ia diterjemahkan kepada “Tuhan Yahweh” / “Tuhan Jehovah” / “Tuhan Elohim” / “Tuhan Adonai”?

(2) Dalam bahagian lain Alkitab (bible Allah bahasa Melayu) boleh pula dibuat terjemahan bebas sahaja.

Contohnya, ayat Deuteronomy 10:17 —

For the Lord your God [is] God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth  not persons, nor taketh reward.

Alkitab terbitan Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) telah menterjemahkannya seperti berikut:
Tuhan, Allah kamu itu berkuasa atas semua tuhan lain dan semua kekuasaan. Dia agung dan berkuasa, dan Dia harus ditaati. Dia tidak berat sebelah dan tidak menerima rasuah.

CFM kata Lord = Tuhan dan God = Allah.

Namun dalam contoh ayat bible di atas:

  • the Lord your God = Tuhan, Allah kamu
  • God of gods = berkuasa atas semua tuhan lain
  • Lord of lords = [berkuasa atas] semua kekuasaan

Sekiranya tidak menyimpang dari rumusan rigid CFM, maka ayat “For the Lord your God [is] God of gods, and Lord of lords” harus dialih bahasa sebagai “Tuhan, Allah kamu adalah Allah segala Allah, dan Tuhan segala tuhan”.

Namun ia tidak.

Bagi ungkapan “God of gods, and Lord of lords”, penterjemah Alkitab BSM telah membuang sekali perkataan ‘Allah’ dan ‘Tuhan’ dalam ayat Deuteronomy 10:17.

Sebaliknya “God of gods, and Lord of lords” diterjemahkan secara bebas oleh BSM sebagai “kamu itu berkuasa atas semua tuhan lain dan semua kekuasaan”. [Penjelasan yang lebih terperinci boleh dibaca di blog Oik.]

Pendekatan putar-belit gereja membuktikan bahawa evangelis menganggap orang Melayu ini bukan sahaja “mudah konpius” malah mudah diperbodohkan.

Alasan yang diberikan CFM adalah tipis and hujahnya lemah.

Kenapa evangelis menganggap Melayu boleh mudah diperbodohkan? Sebab usaha mengebas ‘Allah’ dijalankan dengan begitu berani sekali, seolah-olah orang Melayu tidak tahu apa dan akan senantiasa bersangka baik terhadap si evangelis yang pandai bermuka-muka itu.

Terjemahan Alkitab oleh BSM membayangkan Allah itu tiga dan Allah beranakkan Yesus dan Allah mati disalib dan ibu Allah ialah seorang wanita bergelar Maryam.

Twitter - hannahyeoh- Selangor MB @Khalid_Ibrahim
hannah yeoh
(498 patah perkataan)


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41 thoughts on “Memang gereja menganggap orang Melayu kurang celik dan cerdik

    1. The latest is that nik aziz has made a u turn. He now says that Khalimah Allah cannot be used in the bible.

      But then again – dont hold your breath.

    2. We all know who is stupid. Christianity is an opiate for the masses to enable some one to claim power. Now the europeans have progressed while the stupid chinese and indians are being roped in as sheeple.


  1. Ianya masalah gereja tapi yg berdebat ialah melayu antara Noh dan Khalid pasal kalimah Allah. Patutnya melayu yg debat dgn gereja. tepuk tangan lah gereja, melayu berjaya diperbodohkan. dah ada melayu sukarela jadi kambing mereka.

    sekarang tanya mujahid siapa yg bodoh?

    dan sekarang gereja dah berani bagi arahan pada najib pula pasal kalimah Allah.

  2. The controversy about conceptualizing “ALLAH” compels us to re-examine the question of scriptural authority in Christianity, and the issue of the Apocrypha (or the books banned from the compiled Bible). It is the great schism between the “Unitarian” creed of the Apostles of the Church of Jerusalem [Allah is The One and Only Almighty] versus the “Trinitarian” dogma of the Catholic Church of the Roman Empire [Allah is Three Unique Persons-in-One Divinity].

    “Banned from the Bible”: [YouTube]

    {Quran 5:14}: “And with those who said: “Lo! we are Christians,” We thus made a Covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was given to them. Hence, We estranged them with enmity and hatred amongst themselves until the Day of Judgement, when Allah will inform them about what their own hands had brought forth.”

    1. Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments on Quran 5:14 :

      “The Christian Covenant may be taken to be the trust which Jesus gave to his disciples, and which they accepted, namely to welcome the arrival of Ahmad (Prophet Muhammad). Glimpses of this are to be found in the Gospel of St. John even as it exists today (John xv. 26, xvi. 7). It is those who call themselves “Christians” who reject this. True Christians { ie. the Ebionite Jewish Christians of the Jerusalem Church} have accepted it. The enmity between those who call themselves Christians
      {ie. the Roman Nicene creed Christians} and the Jews will continue till the Last Day.

  3. On the same subject, here’s another disturbing development.

    Excerpt: “Conveniently, Regina’s husband, Teh Eng Hock wrote three reports for The Star. He broke “Khairy: Seizure of bibles by Jais is a state issue” and “Explain 10-point solution in detail, Selangor state councillor tells Putrajaya” for Thursday and “Cabinet decides that seizure of Bibles by Jais a state issue” for Friday publication.”

    Did KJ not know she is married to The Star? And the CFM still hasn’t answered the most frequently-asked-question of the Muslims – WHO IS YOUR GOD? Doesn’t He have a specific name? We Muslims pray in the name of Allah, the most Merciful. We say Allah is Great! We say there is no god but Allah and in Malay we say “tiada tuhan melainkan Allah”. Who do you pray to in English, and if you were to pray in your mother-tongue, be it Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese or Tamil do you still say Allah? But I forgot, you pray in Bahasa Malaysia.

    1. The Jews call the Creator God YHWH, or “Yahweh” with vowels inserted. But modern American and British evangelical Christians are so accustomed to their anglicized bibles that, I suppose, “God” feels most comfortable to them.

    2. She needs to be released of her duties. KJ you should know better. Oxford educated – tak kan buta, pekak and bisu.

      If not he needs to vacate his position in UMNO. Dont be the traitor.

  4. Tajuk berita Malaysian Insider sebelum diedit:

    Pas leader and opponent of non-muslim use of the word ‘Allah’, Harun Taib, dies.

  5. the Allah polemic issue has indeed become a Monster, not for BN but the Pakatan Rakus.

    Will the DAP abandon stupid demands by the extremist war mongering Christian since PAS has openly declared its stand while PKR remains pragmatically quiet?

    Will DAP divorce itself from PAS just like Nurul Izzah divorce her husband [***]? or will they abandon the Malay polity and play the Allah polemic among the Sabahan and Sarawakian christians and instigate an internal islam vs christian bumi feud?

    When will Mujahid Rawa [***] murtad since he is all for the Christians?

    1. Did you listen to Mujahid’s interview at Bernama Radio 24 this evening? Naik bengang aku. How could he say that the Chinese are lebih matang in choosing their government and not racist.

      What does Najib thinks when he allow such a fool into his Majlis Perpaduan? I damn think that Najib should step down now before things get worse.

  6. Lord is Tuan in BM. God is Tuhan in BM. So Lord God is Tuan Tuhan in BM. Mana pergi pakar bahasa. Cepat2 la explain. Jangan salah terjemah berleluasa.

  7. Oh Helen, you really hit the spot there. “Tuhan, Allah kamu adalah Allah segala Allah, dan Tuhan segala tuhan”. So obviously stupid these evangelistas are.

  8. CFM kata ia wajib “Lord God” or whay not Tuhan Buddha or Tuhan Krishna.

    This issue would not forgo when Malay Muslim themselves seem split. Last time its a non issue as Pas and Anwar too don’t allow them to use it and how time and interest change so fast just for political benefits.

  9. Of late I’ve been censored again by even nutgraph on this Allah issue. I gave various suggestions for translation such as yang maha kuasa Tuhan or Yang Maha Kuasa Jesus but they didn’t even have the guts to rebut and take it through. I’ve always told them we need to look at how the word is used here and not elsewhere. Here in peninsular Malaysia just like in English, Allah has become a specific name to mean the Muslim god.

    Why is it so difficult to understand that its not only wrong to the Malays but highly offensive.

    Assuming someone who creates a new religion like tuhan harun or kerajaan langit and wants to propagate his religion effectively, can he decide at his whims and fancy to call it “christianity”. Can he argues that no one has ownership of the word christianity and thus it cannot be banned.

    Is it acceptable if he argues that it is his liberty to choose whatever words he likes to name his religion. And if he believes in special powers of the animal or teapot, can he then call the animal or teapot, lord Jesus. Surely he can’t isn’t it?. Its against how its used and understood. Its offensive and contemptible. This is how the Muslims feel when non Muslims switched the meaning of Allah to a totally different meaning.

    Now if you know this analogy is contemptible and ban my analogy, why do they insist on insulting the Muslims. Real hypocrites these pro Christians/ evangelistas.

    1. So how would Christians feel if others calls their religion christianity and their worldly diety like animal or teapot as lord Jesus? Its wrong and contemptuous.

      1. Even a so called saint from Australia was protected by law-her name that is. And yet the WORLD is laughing at us for protecting the kesuciaan of nama Allah SWT. Very funny indeed!

        ‘Pada Oktober 2010, Kerajaan Australia mewartakan undang-undang untuk mengharamkan sebarang penggunaan nama Marry Mc-Killop untuk menjaga kesucian nama itu dari dicemarkan. Marry McKillop merupakan warga Australia yang bakal diangkat sebagai seorang Santo oleh gereja Katolik Vatican. Dia merupakan Santo yang pertama untuk negara Australia.’

        Read more:

      2. I read those two paragraphs in the article. Nowhere does it have the Christian Federation of Malaysia calling the Malays as not smart, as implied by the topic of this article.

        Yet another disingenuous putar-belit mountain of a molehill. Anything to rile up a certain portion of readers for their daily dose of “Two Minutes Hate”, I suppose.

        1. Earlier we established that the Dapsters suffer from ‘echolalia’, i.e. the psychiatric syndrome of the group echoing a cue word.

          Here it looks like you’re echolalia-ing all by yourself, i.e. repeating your mantra of “Two Minutes Hate”. As I’ve conceded earlier, you’re no mere Dapster but one level above — an evangelista and hence like a master saboteur you’re able to work alone.

          You’ve already stalked my blog with more than 1,000 comments so you’re the one actually spewing Hate here. You surely spend more than two minutes daily on my blog since you’re so obsessively and compulsively here to leave your mark on every posting of mine.

          1. “Earlier we established that the Dapsters suffer from ‘echolalia’, i.e. the psychiatric syndrome of the group echoing a cue word.”

            You mean your constant mantra of the words ‘Dapster’, ‘evangelista’, ‘jerusubang’?

            “You’ve already stalked my blog with more than 1,000 comments so you’re the one actually spewing Hate here”

            Says the woman who has posted so many articles since 2008 with charts, tables, images, edited photographs (it certainly takes more than a few minutes to edit a picture, does it not?) and words that attack certain demographics and feed the hatefest of her readers.

            Picture yourself before you attack others. Thank you.

            1. My, my, isn’t your word usage so Goebbels-ish?

              What you call “edited photographs” are posters.

              If I had libellously edited any photographs, I’d have been sued already (Guan Eng is very lawsuit-happy, he sues everybody in addition to threatening “you print lah, you see what I do to you”) while Hannah Yeoh made a police report about that poster
              showing the scene in the LRT.

              Your mala fide in this blog of smearing me is becoming obvious of late.

          2. Helen this is the very guy that claims Sanskrit was from India and when I asked him to point it to me, as from which part of the republic did the language originated from and he, as usual, would goes missing. Two Minute Hate indeed!

            We thought he’s gonna be pandai lurking at your blog but then again I think not.

            1. Yes, indeed. He throws accusations like confetti. Quite deserving of the “evangelista” title bestowed on him.

    2. “Assuming someone who creates a new religion like tuhan harun or kerajaan langit and wants to propagate his religion effectively, can he decide at his whims and fancy to call it “christianity”. Can he argues that no one has ownership of the word christianity and thus it cannot be banned.”

      They can if they want. There are hundreds of sects who think they alone practise the true word of God/Allah/Buddha/Vishnu/Buddha/et.

      1. Bagus lah. To you insulting other people and their religion and belief is the right thing to do. Shame on you. People like you don’t even care and seem to have no morality. To you freedom can be exercised without restriction and it matters not whether its offensive. I suppose if one insults you, your family parents religion belief race etc its fine. Perhaps next time with you we just start with insults. You don’t even realise what you’re writing. Really rubbish Malaysian’s we have.

  10. Helen,
    Kalau dilihat kepada terjemahan di atas memang lari dari maksudnya. Sepatutnya terjemahannya seperti ini,
    “ALLAH, Dialah Tuhan kamu. Tuhan yang Esa, Yang memiliki hari pembalasan, Yang tidak beranak dan diperanakkan, Tuhan kepada segala tuhan, Raja kepada segala raja, hanya pada-Nya lah wajib kamu sembah dan hanya pada-Nya lah tempat kamu minta pertolongan.”

    1. Thanks for your superior translation.

      The Church is making a straw man argument that they MUST have the ‘Allah’ word to avoid the Tuhan x2 translation.

      However as the Deuteronomy verse above has shown, they’re quite willing to sidestep and discard both the ‘Lord’ and ‘God’ words when stuck in translation.

      This proves that the Church that wants is being duplicitous in its insistence.

      1. Helen..berapa generasi keluarga kamu dlm cristianity??? Saya fikir xlebih dari 2…

        Kamu sedar x apa yg gereja sedang buat ttg kalimah allah merendahkan lg cristian dimata muslim?

        Cristian suka2 hati mgubah sesuatu dlm bible sejak dulu dan usaha itu masih diteruskan..

        1. Anda terkhilaf. Saya bukan Kristian.

          Anda sebenarnya bermaksud untuk berkata:

          Helen HANNAH YEOH ..berapa generasi keluarga kamu dlm cristianity??? Saya fikir xlebih dari 2…

          Kamu sedar x apa yg gereja sedang buat ttg kalimah allah merendahkan lg cristian dimata muslim?

          Cristian suka2 hati mgubah sesuatu dlm bible sejak dulu dan usaha itu masih diteruskan..

          (Nota: Hannah Yeoh memeluk agama Kristian ketika umurnya 19 tahun, jadi untuk menjawab soalan, keluarga Hannah tidak lebih satu generasi pun Kristian.)

  11. Melayu (and a mamak) bodoh macam lembu!

    ‘The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) has reminded teachers not to go overboard when discharging their duties at schools.

    Its president, Hashim Adnan, said teachers should be wise when meting out punishment on students who they deemed were problematic.

    He was responding to the case of a 26-year-old English-language teacher of a Chinese vernacular primary school in Perak, who had allegedly asked two pupils to wear bells around their necks and eat grass.’

    Apa lagi Cina mahu?

    Lets hear whether the Cinas will accuse the Cina teacher did what he did because these poor students are Melayus, shall we…

    Lets hear also whether the Malay parents are taking cue from this incident as a rejection for the Muslim kids to be at a Sekolah Cinas, a Sekolah Cina, Cina cikgu mualaf was threatened with death for being a Muslim…

    Read more: Don’t go overboard, teachers told – Central – New Straits Times

  12. samada ianya diterjemah atau tidak dalam bahasa melayu ianya memang tak betul.

    orang melayu mengetahui/memahami kalimah ALLAH dari bahasa Arab.(Al Quran)

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