Posted in Agama

Amending Constitution to put a seal on Islamic state

Some Malays see the recent brouhaha over the secular state issue as both MCA and DAP getting too big for their boots.

What with the DAPsters lording it everywhere, evangelista aggression (whose prestige is burnished by the MCA media machinery) as well as the increasingly in-your-face behaviour, don’t be surprised if the ‘Something’s-Gotta-Give’ eventually does.

If the Chinese consolidate into one voting bloc as seems almost inevitable, why shouldn’t Malays do the same?

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Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Apa kata ustaz Nasha selepas mendengar suara hati Hasan Ali?

Hasan Ali berpendapat bahawa sungguhpun MCA dan DAP nampaknya mempunyai fahaman dan aliran politik yang berbeza secara luaran namun ia hanya sekadar “pementasan lakonan politik” semata-mata, menurut sebuah laporan Sinar Harian semalam.

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