Posted in Evangelis

Bishop Paul Tan tertawakan Hasan Ali

Hasan Ali mendakwa beliau telah diberi maklumat bahawa mubaligh Kristian sedang mendekati umat Islam dengan memasuki masjid memakai jubah.

“… frankly, on reading some of the things [Hasan] imputes to so-called Christian missionaries, my first impulse is to laugh.” — Bishop Paul Tan

— dipetik hari ini oleh ‘Malaysiakini‘ dalam
rencana ‘Bishop to Hasan: Stop joking, seriously

Bishop Paul berkata tuduhan Hasan “hilarious” (kelakar) dan tambahnya lagi “you could laugh this man to scorn”.

Namun evangelis politik ada pula mendekati pengundi Islam dengan memasuki masjid memakai tudung, wor. Malah di luar masjid dan surau pun si evangelis-evangelis DAP ini mengenakan tudung.

Jadi adakah dakwaan Hasan bahawa mubaligh Kristian masuk masjid pakai jubah begitu mustahil sekali?

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14 thoughts on “Bishop Paul Tan tertawakan Hasan Ali

  1. Hi Helen,

    Bishop tu mengambil apa yang dikatakan oleh hassan ali secara literal, pemikiran barat memang begitu, berterus terang. Tapi orang Melayu biasanya memang tak suka berterus terang. Kita bercakap dengan sindiran. Kena dengar betul-betul apa yang kita cakap, dan kena baca apa yang kita tak cakap, Awak memang pandai membaca hati budi Melayu, barangkali kerana pergaulan luas.

    peace be unto you

    Ya Allah, peliharalah keharmonian kaum di negeri kami ini

    1. Ya, saya juga ketawakan tu Hasan Ali. Solar Powered Talking Bible? Takkan dia tau anda boleh download Bible, Bagavad Gita, Torah, dll atas iPad utk free?

      Perbandingan Ridhuan Tee dgn Hanna itu tidak betul. Ah Tee sentiasa cuba mencetuskan kebencian antara Melayu dgn bkn Melayu, Islam dgn bukan Islam, serta menggalakkan penindasan terhadap minoriti.

      Hanna pula berideoloji kesaksamaan antara kaum serta persefahaman.

  2. Taking a cue from Hanah’s visits, I must be considered a multi religious freak. I have been visited every Hari Raya by my 1958 school mates and spouses of Hindu, Budhist and Christian faiths. How rediculous can one gets !!!

  3. Hannah don’t speak and write Chinese, she has no sign of Chineseness. she visited mosque and fully respect the Malay and Muslim custom, i suppose many here should praise her for being a true Malaysian, no?

    1. EXACTLY! She’s the other half of Ridhuan Tee — both serving as role models for the DAP Malaysian Firsters. I believe the Malays should hammer this message home to the DAP members & demand that they become more like Ridhuan and Hannah.

  4. Suka sangat Hanna ni bergambar….and I thought she was the publicity person for DAP….

    1. Really!!!, i did not think bourne identity so bodoh mah and you talk about politics in malaysia even if you did not know this.Jangan marah, but only brings out the real intention in you. Another discard for cakap besar asal you okay.

  5. Helen… you better get up and write a piece on last night debate!!!!!!!! Come on I wanna know your point of view.

    You mean today’s debate? — Helen

  6. Helen, you are a biased writer who slant truths . Why is there a need for Christains to wear rope in hte mosque if they are there to convert ? Does that make them too obvious for what they are doing as claim by Hassan ? You will reap what you sow , for those who spread falsehood.

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