Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

KJ tegur semua calon agar “jaga imej parti” / setiausaha akhbarnya kata: “Screw you guys”

Calon-calon merebut jawatan di PAU ditegur oleh Ketua Pemuda Umno.

Tweet setiausaha akhbar Khairy Jamaluddin:

reginalahSaya harap semua jaga imej

Adakah Regina membayangkan Melayu seronok cuti panjang?

Adakah tweet Regina Lee membayangkan bahawa para penjawat awam, yang kebanyakan mereka Melayu, adalah bersifat malas?

Timeline tweet-tweetnya discreenshot di bawah:

(1) Regina merungut bahawa kerjanya di pejabat Kementerian Belia dan Sukan bertimbun-timbun dan dia tidak sempat menyiapkannya semua.

(2) Rakan Twitter Regina mencadangkan bahawa setiausaha akhbar KJ itu memendekkan senarai kerja yang perlu disiapkannya serta mengagihkan sebahagian kerja kepada rakan-rakan sepejabat.

(3) Regina membalas bahawa “semua orang” (maknanya orang Melayu) sedang bercuti Raya. Dia seorang-seorang Cina sahaja yang rajin bekerja.

(4) Lalu dia mentweet: “OK that does it. Screw you guys I’m going home.”

reginalah Semorang cuti

reginalah OK that does it. Screw you


Tweet setiausaha akhbar KJ bayangkan Melayu malas (“semua orang cuti”)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

12 thoughts on “KJ tegur semua calon agar “jaga imej parti” / setiausaha akhbarnya kata: “Screw you guys”

  1. Is this the kind of language to be used by the press secretary to a minister?

    I can just as well say screw you bitch.

  2. Find some funds la KJ send her to some Time Mangement courses. Nampak kalut saja dia ni, nanti semua Pemuda dia kasi habis ceramuk!

    Boleh I panggil dia ni pulak “Regina Screw Guys” or “Regina mengelabah” which one better?

    Kalau anak2 saya siap dah kena cubit mulut. Orang tua dulu tenyeh bibir dgn cili api! Kalau tak ajar nanti terbawa2 tak sopan depan orang2 tua Melayu during UMNO meet… habis la!

  3. Helen,

    Saya nampak akan berlaku pertindihan tugas RL kelak. Lantikan RL adalah sebagai s/u akhbar Menteri KBS. Tidak mungkinkah akan berlaku dimana beliau akan juga bertindak sebagai s/u peribadi menteri dan seterusnya membolehkan beliau mengetahui atau menjadi salah saorang perancang kegiatan KJ dalam aktiviti politik Ketua Pemuda UMNO.

    Kalau ini berlaku habislah rahsia dalaman UMNO terdedah kepada parti musuh.

    Boleh kah KJ jamin yang rahsia UMNO tidak akan terbocor nanti?

  4. Bugger shouldn’t be appointed as the Press Secretary in the first place… Had the chance to make an acquaintance with Ts Rais Yatim’s former press secretary.

    Bugger’s lucky as she had all the time to tweet compared to Ts Rais’ PS, they didn’t had the chance at all to even eat nor sleep. It’s 24-7 for them you see..

  5. I became aware of KJ ever since RPK’s KJ chronicles came out & i’ve always wondered where does the silent sporean’s loyalties stand notwithstanding his Pak Lah’s nuptial credentials. Its slowly becoming obvious.

  6. Kj and Nazri are 2 × 5, 5 × 2. Both tak boleh guna and they have to go. Once KJ is purged from UMNO, RL will be a history.

    UMNO is badly in need of an overhaul to replace all those penyangak with new faces or else it will not survive before GE 14. Make sure the new faces work for the country and its people and not to enrich themselves and their cronies.

  7. Continuation from my above post:-

    Having higher education/qualification does not equal to being political savvy and socially intelligent which are paramount for leadership. KJ for example is graduated from the prestigious Oxford University but when it comes to being smart, he is far from it.

    By hiring RL is not a smart move and his father-in-law’s latest book ‘Awakening’ which I’m pretty sure KJ has his hands in it, surely will be the death kill to his political career.

    He has under calculated how popular TDM still is and how unpopular his father-in-law still is, especially amongst the Malays. Did he forget that we, the Malays hated Pak Lah so much that some of us voted for the opposition in 2008?

    The same goes with other ministers and politicians of the opposition. Nazri is a qualified lawyer but his remarks are akin to a person who does not even pass his SPM. Lim Kit Siang is a qualified lawyer but is not so smart as he still fails to take Putrajaya after all this years.

    His son, the Tokong is a CPA but has problems with counting. There are other qualified lawyers who lack integrity as leaders such as Kapal Singh, Ambiga, Zaid Ibrahim. I don’t want to touch on Anwar and some Pas Pis Pus leaders because their qualifications are was-was. I don’t even understand how they become leaders in the first place!

  8. Hey lets look at Regina’s latest postings. She “aspire to be youthful and sporty.”

    Dropped my less-than-a-week-old phone yesterday and now there’s a huge dent at the corner. My HTC One sudah termakan Rembau.

    Feel rotten. Slept through the perfect weather for a run. No more chance for an LSD til next weekend :(

    Regina Lee ‏@reginalah 14 Aug @rahmahghazali Good luck and all the best. Im sure you’ll have a good time. Strong team there in Star Online.

    Regina Lee ‏@reginalah 11 Aug Anyone who has bought a condo in Penang in the past few years who would have suffered this problem of gangster contractors.

    Regina Lee ‏@reginalah 11 Aug @elenasha Hehe. Gigi @Khairykj putih sangat.

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