Posted in talam dua muka

Tak betul rasanya hua zong, dong zong, jiao zong tekan MCA untuk sekat hudud

Hua zong membantah hudud. Gambar bawah: Presiden hua zong (Gabungan Pertubuhan Cina Malaysia), Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah


 Dong zong dan jiao zong juga membantah hudud. 

Gambar bawah: Presiden dong zong (Persatuan Jawatankuasa Sekolah Cina Bersatu Malaysia) Yap Sin Tian

Yap Sin Tian

Gambar bawah: Pengerusi jiao zong (Gabungan Persatuan Guru-guru Cina Malaysia) Ong Chiow Chuen


ACCCIM membantah hudud. Gambar bawah: Presiden ACCCIM (Gabungan Dewan Cina Perdagangan dan Industri Malaysia) Datuk Lim Kok Cheong


Badan-badan Cina ini beserta 101 pertubuhan-pertubuhan lain Cina mahu agar MCA mencegah pelaksanaan hudud.

Ianya tidak bertepatan untuk mereka mendesak MCA supaya menegah hudud. Apa yang MCA boleh buat?

MCA adalah sekadar “anjing belaan Umno” (ungkapan ikut cakap DAP) yang hanya menunggu tuannya “bagi ia makan sisa-sisa dan tulang” (juga satu ungkapan kegemaran DAP).


MCA mewakili 10 peratus kaum Cina. Ini merupakan Cina-Cina bodoh yang telah dicucuk hidung kami oleh parti ketuanan Melayu tersebut.

Cina BN bukannya orang yang tahu apa-apa pun. Maka dengan itu, hudud bukan menjadi masalah MCA yang mewakili golongan Cina bebal yang pasti akur sahaja dengan segala kehendak Tuan Umno.

Cina pembangkang yang pandai-pandai belaka semua yakin dan percaya pada ketokohan DAP.

DAP adalah suara masyarakat Tionghua.

DAP dan PAS adalah satu gandingan enggang sama enggang, burung kenyalang sama burung kenyalang yang utuh berbanding hubungan MCA-Umno yang ibarat hamba abdi dengan tuan.

Si hamba MCA tidak mempunyai kuasa atau pengaruh ke atas Sang Tuan Umno. Justeru itu, mustahil MCA akan dapat tekan Umno untuk menolak dasar hudud.


Sebaliknya DAP yang memiliki 38 kerusi Parlimen adalah parti taiko dalam Pakatan. PAS adalah parti adik yang memegang 21 kerusi. Senang sahaja DAP beri arahan kepada PAS jangan kacau daun.

Jikalau masyarakat Cina tidak dapat menerima hudud, ia adalah tanggungjawab DAP untuk melerai kekusutan.

Tidak payah MCA 7-Eleven itu menentang hudud. Hudud ialah cabaran bagi DAP yang mewakili 90 peratus kaum Cina.

Wajar hua zong, dong zong and jiao zong pergi saja jumpa DAP untuk mengadu. Jangan bikin kacau MCA.

(316 patah perkataan)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

70 thoughts on “Tak betul rasanya hua zong, dong zong, jiao zong tekan MCA untuk sekat hudud

  1. chinaman you dig your own grave, and now you ask mca to pull you out of the grave?

    mca already non relevant, so go ask anwar, kit siang & guan eng for the solution, these dumb asses should be answerable. you play with fire expect to be singed by the fire. like they say, “what goes around comes around”

    as for the 4 chinaman above, who gives a f*** what they think, when they cant even read or write bahasa malaysia and only care about their chinaman benefits.

    1. I’ve just realised that you’re using my gravatar. You should just leave the column blank if you don’t have one and not use mine.

  2. Kenapa hudud jadi modal politik padahal byk lagi ajaran Islam yg lebih utama.

    1. Talian hayat UMNO.

      Rakan Barisan Nasional yang lain di Sabah dan Sarawak sudah mula menentang hudud. MIC juga membantah.

  3. Ya lor,
    MCA bukan kawan seperjuangan PAS. Bukan dalam Pakatan. Yang nak melaksanakan Hukum Hudud adalah PAS..

    Tak faham ke MCA dah pencen? Dah tak laghat buat kerja lagi tu pasai mereka tolak semua jawatan. Nak cakap ape pun dah takde suara. Nak gigit-gigit melalui STAR pon gigi semua dah lughoh..

    1. Kelakar kan. Bila difikirkan semula selepas apa yang mereka buat, MCA jadi tiada harga dan tiada kuasa dalam kerajaan, mereka minta pula MCA tolong mereka.

      Paling menakjubkan mereka minta MCA tolong gagalkan hudud yang diminta perlaksanaannya oleh PAS. Macam PAS ini parti komponen BN pula sedangkan hakikatnya ia adalah rakan BFF PR.

      Nampak sangat dia orang ini memang tidak bijak sangat jika perbezaan antara parti pakatan pembangkang dan parti pakatan kerajaan pun tidak tahu hehhehheh


  4. Ahh Helen..perli nampak… intonasi bahasa macam emak saya waktu saya kecik kecik dulu. Klasik dan menusuk kalbu.

    Orang Melayu akan faham, orang Cina saya tak pasti.

  5. Kes.menolong anjing tersepit sama siNajib PM mentidakan akta Pelajaran kuasa menteri menutup sjkc akhirnya keriau tsunami cina yang utusan muka tak malu tanya pulak apa lagi cina mau padan muka tulis banyak-banyak Helen wa sokong caya lu lah

  6. DAP perasan yang PAS akan tunduk kepada dia. Dalam Islam ada suatu istilah yang dipanggil taqiyah iaitu berpura-pura di hadapan orang lain tetapi menyembunyikan tujuan sebenar (selalunya dikaitkan dengan syiah).

    Pakatan mempopularkan “bersetuju dalam tidak bersetuju” dalam isu-isu yang mereka tidak bersetuju termasuk hudud. What the hell is that? Ini konsep kosong sahaja la. Maksudnya tak akan ada consensus.

    Maknanya nanti kalau ditakdirkan Putrajaya dalam genggaman Pakatan, Kelantan akan laksana hudud, tetapi negeri-negeri lain yang bukan di bawah PAS tidak. Bayangkan apa akan terjadi kepada negara kalau keadaan begini terjadi.

  7. Hi Helen,

    1. Persatuan yang di nyatakan – persatuan-persatuan cina totok. Negara menuju 2020 tetapi mereka menunu ke China! Dalam rentetan sejarah tidak pernah mereka menyokong, menambah baik perpaduan rakyat, menjunjung Perlembagaan dan Kerajaan. Jika saya seorang Cina Malaysia, sudah pasti saya berasa malu dengan jiwa jahat yang membayangi dan menyanggah perjanjian dari datuk moyang yang memohon kerakyatan demi menjamin kehidupan sebagai pendatang. Kini janji dan semangat semakin di mungkiri !

    2. Cerita sama yang berulang-ulang. Bagaimana boleh MCA dan Gerakan – satu kaki di pihak pembangkang dan satu kaki lagi menyepak kerajaan yang konon nya di anggap rakan yang telah memberi segala kemudahan ! MCA dan GERAKAN perlu telus dan membuat pernyataan – tinggalkan gabungan kerajaan dan JADI SEPENUH NYA SAYAP PEMBANGKANG DI BAWAH NAUNGAN DAP.


    Mengajar kaum India dan lain nya menjadi sia-sia. Cina selalu kata, “cari makan maaaa..” Jadi jangan terlampau banyak makan yang akhir nya akan muntah jua, lantas badan menjadi merana pula ! Belajar bersyukur dan berterima kasih. HAYATI HIDUP BERHEMAH DAN MESRA JATI MALAYSIA. BUKAN SEMUA HENDAK DI MILIKI TANPA MENGIRA MAJORITI YANG SUDAH LAMA MENJAGA.

    Jika berterusan menjadi saka, balik lah semula ke pangkuan sanak saudara di Tanah Besar China. Di sana anda semua bebas melakukan apa saja kerana sebangsa. Bahasa anda sama. Sekolah anak-anak anda seperti di inginkan. Boleh makan apa sahaja. Boleh bina Tokong sebesar-besar nya. Boleh sambung belajar di negara yang anda suka dengan belanja sendiri juga. Boleh ‘dragon dance’ se ada nya….

    Di sini Malaysia ! KITA PERLU HIDUP SE IYA SE KATA !

    1. Re Jika berterusan menjadi saka, balik lah semula ke pangkuan sanak saudara di Tanah Besar China. Di sana anda semua bebas melakukan apa saja kerana sebangsa. Bahasa anda sama. Sekolah anak-anak anda seperti di inginkan. Boleh makan apa sahaja. Boleh bina Tokong sebesar-besar nya. Boleh sambung belajar di negara yang anda suka dengan belanja sendiri juga. Boleh ‘dragon dance’ se ada nya….

      Kerajaan China enggan terima mereka.

      1. Betoi tu – Lebur aje semua harta benda kat sini sure akan terbuka mata dan hati mereka, why not try? One child policy pun angkut semua pulang sana bayar aje denda, kan semua Cina diMalaysia kaya raya?

        UBAH jangan tak UBAH..

  8. BN cuma mewakili 47% Rakyat Malaysia, je. UMNO cuma mewakili separuh orang Melayu, je.

      1. They claim they have 51% l o l ! No wonder they have a failed accountant as their secretary general. They can’t count.

        Now they are trying to pull another stunt by saying that Pas needs 2/3 to pass the Private Member’s Bills in Parliament.

  9. Spot on! The Chinese have completely undermined and destroyed MCA and other non Muslim BN parties by voting en bloc to DAP and their strange bed fellows. Now when they have problem, they look to MCA to solve it.

    Didn’t they accuse MCA being a race-based party is so backward and being powerless in the BN set up ? Why then ask for help ? Shouldn’t they hold DAP accountable for any erosion of their rights or diversion from the so-called PR’s Common Policy Framework, which in my opinion has less value than a roll of toilet paper.

    This is what I suggest MCA do kick the ball back to the Chinese community and see how the react.

    They should contest in the Bkt Gelugor and Teluk Intan by-elections and declare that this is a referendum for Malaysians on Hudud. if they Chinese truly are against Hudud then they should reject PR/DAP and vote in MCA. It is even more so in Bkt Gelugor since it is the home of the arch opponent of Hudud – Karpal.

    And then let’s see how the Chinese respond. If they reject MCA, then MCA should quite and leave the fight vs hudud to DAP. If MCA wins then it would give the party a boost of credibility in dealing with PAS.

      1. Sorry for the typo error – should be “quit” not quite”.

        I think MCA should wise up and play DAP’s own game vs DAP by giving them a large dose of their own medicine. I suggest they use the same street fighter tactics to kill DAP on their own home ground.

        They should use Karpal’s legacy and memory and ask the voters to respect the great man and vote for MCA if they are against hudud. They should declare that they are fighting for Karpal and his legacy. That the voters should reject DAP of Lim and anak2 who never really rejected hudud but don kopiah to bodek PAS.

        They should go to town with photos of LGE with Mohd Sabu and Nik Aziz as well as his pic with captions from al Quran. They should paste posters on every lamp post accusing DAP of betraying non Muslims and failed to back up Karpal and disrespecting the man.

        They should put pics from Acheh, Saudi Arabia, Afghan, etc of people getting the stone, hands and heads chopped, etc on all Chinese majority areas.

        If MCA have the guts and vision to do that and win in Bkt Gelugor, I can tell that the party will get a shot in their arm and can finally get out of their coma. And a MCA win with such guerilla tactics will rattle DAP and put itself on defensive and make their position in Penang and elsewhere on a very shaky ground.

        1. It won’t work. The Chinese are too drunk with holy water nothing’s going to work.

          1. It might or might not work but surely it is worth a try and for once it would put PR and especially DAP on the back foot and defensive. MCA can still “win” even if they lose the by-election if they reduce DAP’s majority. But if the Chinese reject MCA, then the community should get the message that they’ll have no body to fight for in their anti-hudud cause.

      2. Spot on n agreed. Divine intervention suddenly we have 2 by election for dap. It will be very interesting one of cos

    1. “They should contest in the Bkt Gelugor and Teluk Intan by-elections and declare that this is a referendum for Malaysians on Hudud. if they Chinese truly are against Hudud then they should reject PR/DAP and vote in MCA. It is even more so in Bkt Gelugor since it is the home of the arch opponent of Hudud – Karpal.”

      This is worth trying. But would be hard to campaign among Malays as you can’t be seen as against hudud. So perhaps that explains “MCA against PAS hudud”.

      1. Bukit Gelugor has 81,897 voters.

        Chinese 75%
        Malay 14%
        Indian 10%

        If the Chinese and Indian voters (together 85%) want MCA to fight hudud, then they should support MCA in the by-election to fill Karpal’s anti-hudud shoes.

        Malay voters only 14%. Duduk rumah tak keluar mengundi tak mengapa.

            1. But seriously, national TV is supposedly controlled by the Malay gomen.

              Umno-BN can still keep the Bukit Gelugor campaign under wraps.

      2. If you want Hudud, vote for PR candidate. If you don’t want Hudud, vote for BN candidate.

        Then the PR people will spin, saying that the BN candidate is anti Islam.

        BN has no chance of winning.

        1. MCA has to play smart – they should declare they are anti PAS-version of Hudud. This will also attract those Muslims who are uncomfortable with PAS’ wahhabi-inspired fundamentalist Islam.

            1. It is evident what the ruling government has been stating all along these decades, that the PAS hudud law enactments are products of poor scholarship; they are incomprehensive and undisciplined formulations of punitive laws, to be enforced by judges who are not susceptible to the stringent classical syariah qualifications for presiding judges.

        2. More so, the Pakatan Rakyat concentrates on ‘rice bowl’ issues such as cost of living, and the impending GST.

          1. Pakatan gomen can’t even deliver potable water. Piping air lombong to Selangor residents that’s brackish, contains heavy metal and is dangerous to our health.

            Now everybody has to buy bottled water.

  10. I have said this before. The Chinese bought the snake oil from the Iguana party. Then they found out that the snake oil is harmful. Instead of asking for a refund from the Iguana party, they are now asking a refund from the person who warned them about the harmful effects of buying and using the snake oil. This is ludicrous.

    Go ask the Iguana party for a refund. You bought the snake oil, oops sorry Iguana saliva from them.

    Why ? Too embarrassed to ask the Iguana party for a refund because you realized that if you ask them for a refund, you are admitting that you’ve been conned by the Iguana party ?

    Only the naive and gullible are prone to manipulation.

    Too embarrassed eh ? Too embarrassed to admit that you’re naive and gullible ?

    1. Brilliant analogy! Aptly put.

      I always said that people who see and hear what they want to see and hear. All the greatest conmen/salemen know this simple tactic.

    2. depa lebih takut dari too embarrassed to admit. don’t play play with bintang lima leh!. refund tak dapat, kepala pecah.

  11. Betul dan tepat saranan anda helen… gua respect you punya pemikiran.

    Sebab apa ke semua NGOs tersebut tak perasan bahawa DAP yang perlu bertanggung jawab? sebabnya ialah hudud bagi mereka tiada masaalah, tapi memburukan umno dan melagakan umno-pas adalah agenda sebenar mereka.

  12. You gotta love these people.

    They say the Malays needed the Chinese and the Chinese hold the cards.

    Then they turn the page and say the Malays are spooking the Chinese and playing the religion card makes the Chinese tow the line as proven in the past.

    Can’t help but think, where are these people coming from ? One minute you say you are powerful and beholden to no one, then the next minute you say you are fragile. What nonsense are these people paddling ?

    1. First the FMT article sniffs at “the poor intellectually challenged electorate” but then the article writer goes on to say, “I don’t think the Chinese Malaysian are going to be easily duped this time around” after “their awakening in 2008”

      Like you say, the sheeple shepherds dunno whether they’re coming or going.

  13. I don’t see the point in trying to get the Chinese to support MCA/Gerakan. You know what they really want. They want it both ways.

    Ninety per cent of them want to have the cake and eat it as well. They will support DAP because of their chauvinism and they will reject MCA/Gerakan because of the same.

    Tak ada jalanlah Helen. Kita semua sudah boleh baca otak mereka. Cakap lain bikin lain. Serupa bila jual barang yang sama kepada Melayu dengan harga lain Cina harga lain. Betul tak?

    MCA/Gerakan pula ding dong sahaja. Tak tahu lagi tuju arah.

    1. Tepat sekali. Cinas simply won’t blame another Cinas for their woes. If they want to blame the Malays for standing firm on their constitutional rights. They will blame UMNO. If the choose to ridicule Islam and its teachings, they will in turn blame PAS.

  14. Did you guys noticed one interesting trend in the debates about Hudud by non Muslim PR leaders and their supporters? Instead of blaming PAS for bringing up hudud, they take the Ostrich way by blaming BN/UMNO for trying to split PR! What a joke !

    Second trend is like most of these folks are secretly hoping (whisting in the dark) that UMNO will not support PAS in the hudud bid. Some of the reasons given are plain stupid like UMNO leaders will lose their limbs if hudud is introduced.

    1. The first trend. Its called playing the victim. A harsher tone would be that these PR folks have a victim’s complex. Its always the other person’s fault. Put it another way, you hit someone then you claim that you hit that person in self defense although that said person didn’t do anything to threaten you in the first place. We’ve seen over the years how PR operates. This is their MO. Their supporters will gladly buy it because it says what they want to hear rather then telling them what is actually happening. The truth is not pleasant.

      Second trend. Its wishful thinking. You hit someone, the said person is badly wounded, then you taunt him by saying that you will do it again later. You expect that person to do nothing ? You expect that person to just wait for you to hit him again ? Of course not. No sane person would. The person is not a sitting duck. He will prepare. He will make sure that this time, he’s ready.

      The well informed folks know what is going to happen next, when its all said and done, the Islamic law will be implemented and the authorities will enforced it. It will be done step by step. First pass the bill allowing for unconventional penalties. Then pass the other bill allowing for Islamic courts to mete out these unconventional penalties.

      Then the game starts. A Muslim man sexually violated a non Muslim woman. She files a report. The civil court refuses to hear the case because we now have a 2 track judicial system. The civil courts will now hear only cases involving non Muslims. Muslims on the other hand will have to follow the dictates of the Islamic courts. In this case, the non Muslim victim has no recourse to justice because the Islamic courts do not take cases involving non Muslims.

      Who are you going to blame ? You asked the monkeys to guard your banana plantations and you expect these primates to behave ?

      1. re: ” Its called playing the victim. A harsher tone would be that these PR folks have a victim’s complex.”

        1. This woman has no authority to talk on Christianity or anything else. She is uneducated and unqualified. This shows how low the level of intelligence those who support her have become. YAKATY YAK YAK !

          1. Re She is uneducated and unqualified.

            Could be the reason the Australian Immigration authority rejected her application for PR status.

            Ironic that she’s telling the people to change the government instead of changing country.

            What would have transpired had she succeeded in obtaining PR status years ago ?

            This could be her response :

            “The country is hopeless. Corrupt politicians. Corrupt civil servants. The people all corrupt.”

    2. I read somewhere that Ani Arope said those who will lose their limbs are pencuri susu tin di super market. Not big guys who bribe to get million ringgit contracts.

      This makes sense really that it is easier to prove pencuri susu tin di pasar raya than one who bribes to get contracts. You have CCTV at most supermarkets so you can’t really escape or deny that proof. On the other hand, it is very hard to prove someone in complicit in bribery.

      So my point is people who get away because of corruption can easily do so under hudud, whether UMNO people or not. It is stupid to think that UMNO afraid of hudud because their afraid their limbs will be cut.

      Look at Brunei, the Sultan has a stake in Beverly Hotel that sells alcohol. Yet does the hudud law applies to him?

      1. Like I said, the naive and gullible will believe anything. In this case, the PR supporters will buy all the Iguana saliva because the Iguana saliva salesmen will simply repeat the con by saying to these people that its good for them to sniff Iguana saliva.

      2. Owning a stake in a hotel that sells alcohol, so which part of the Hudud law, do you think best implicate the Sultan?

        Lets start with that before I need you to come back with statistical evidences on people easily getting away from their crime via Malaysia’s Hudud, which is of course no less interesting than the first.

        1. I always told this people who saying things about Islam
          “If you want to learn about Islam go and study Islam don’t study muslim. Islam is perfect muslim are not”

          The things about hudud here in Malaysia is not about law, it is about political support. At the end it will be a carca marba law where a lot of loop hole existing.


    3. Tu pasai bila ada makan free kaum depa ni suka tapau bawa balik makanan. Dulu MCA sekadar bawa bekas tupperware kecik aje, sekarang dah kena bawa tiffin carrier yg bertingkat2.

      Nak hadir majlis tunjuk muka makan bersama ramai2 ego tinggi tak mau, suruh MCA aje tapau apa saja yg bole dan sua kat depa kut belakang.

  15. Don’t underestimate cause PAS said they might loose Malay votes and hudud were their long struggle before PR comes into being and the difference between PR was to put aside ‘bersetju tidak bersetuju’ and fight common enemy BN/UMNO as to make Anwar Ibrahim the 7th PM of Malaysia and was agreed by the arch opponent of hudud the late Karpal

  16. ‘Badan-badan Cina ini beserta 101 pertubuhan-pertubuhan lain’

    termasuk trishaw pullers’ union &/or persatuan wayang cina/wayang tongkoi kot?. macam2 persatuan ada. semua nak jadi bos (taikor).

  17. Dont forget you are also traitor, penderhaka, to you own race, that 10% of you… LOL…

  18. Kelantan population 1.6m and 95% are Malays. Non Malays total only around 80K – bawa aje semua berhimpun kat Stadium Bukit Jalil dan biaq mereka berdebat dgn pemimpin2 PAS… celuaih semua oghang dapat duduk selesa dalam stadium tu..

    PAS Hudud Laws will only be implemented in Kelantan so why drag everyone else esp UMNO? MCA and Gerakan menyibuk sangat apa hal, how many Chinese in Kelantan voted for you – show us how many owh?

    Cina Kelantan are known to have assimilated comfortably with the locals there and even PAS encouraged their Malay students to study bahasa ibonda Teresa Kok.. Special teachers dari Negara ibonda Teresa Kok. They should understand one each other well so just let them sort this PAS Hudud Laws among themselves la..

    1. betul tu kak rina. masalahnya pengikut2 pas ni bebal mukarrab. dah terang lg bersuluh bhw hal ehwal islam letaknya di bawah negeri. cuma dlm bab hudud ni dia ada kaitan dgn penal kod, akta jenayah, dan lain2 law yg berkaitan capital punishment. so kena ada beberapa pindaan kat situ.

      bottom line, negeri kena draf dan bentang enakmen hudud elok2 dulu la di dun kelantan br peruntukan bwh akta persekutuan boleh follow suit. masalahnya kjaan pas kelantan ni malas buat keje. tu pasal liwat isteri pun boleh. gila py undang2. nama parti islam tp benda pasal liwat yg dah terang haram pun boleh lepas. dia malas buat keje dikatanya org menentang plak.

  19. Pas untuk semua, Allah untuk semua, Hudud untuk semua. Apa lagi cina dapster mahu? ambillah semua pakejnya…

  20. A very sleek and sneaky tactic indeed employed by the Chinese, and represented by these associations to push the impossible to be handled and managed by MCA.

    Jika gagal, senang nak tambah dan perkuatkan alasan yang MCA gagal membantu kaum mereka.

    1. re: ” MCA gagal membantu kaum mereka”

      MCA is being taken back into the cabinet.

      Therefore the slurs on MCA will be slurs on the BN.

      1. I saw picture of PM and strings of MCA leaders at College Tunku Abdul Rahman surrounded by students (young and aspiring Dapsters) in a very cheerful mood. One of those moment that makes you go huh! and hmmmmm…

        I can’t relocate the news and pic but I this is one from that event as well.

        1. The PM has a sceptical look on his face this time. Once bitten, twice shy.

    2. LOL, u baca this article compliment from Roket.

      Oghang Cina kat Kelantan punya le selesa dgn PAS kat situ, segalanya indah, berhamoni dan aman damai tiba2 tak pasai2 depa diatas tala minta MCA masuk campoq? Depa tu semua tak baca ke rajah2 keputusan GE13 dulu, kawasan Cina hampir semua undi pi kat PAS/Pakatan?

      MCA yg punya le letih tak bermaya tiba2 semangat berkobar2, nganga mulut sampai nak terkeluaq gigi MAS (gigi asal semua dah lughoh).

      What is happening owh?

      1. I have a very strong feeling that this is their next move, game plan or Plan B if you may call it:

        1. Dah termalu atas perbuatan mereka sendiri i.e. UBAH dan Tsunami Cina;

        2. Dah ludah nak jilat balik malu;

        3. MCA sememangnya bersekongkol dengan DAP ibarat talam dua muka, jadi tiada masaalah untuk MCA mengambil peluang ini;

        4. Dapat atau tidak untuk menentang/menangguh perlaksanaan Hudud tak penting;

        5. Kalau dapat menangguhkan (Menolak sama sekali sesuatu yang mustahil berlaku pada saat ini), bermakna MCA telah berjaya menjayakan hasrat kaum Cina;

        6. Kalau tak dapat menangguhkan perlaksanaan Hudud, MCA seperti biasa akan menyalahkan UMNO kerana tidak menurut kata mereka. Soal 90% masyarakat Cina menolak MCA itu satu isu basi dan tidak menjadi kudis pada mereka sebenarnya, UMNO is just an excuse for them;

        7. Soalnya sekarang apakah “game’ plan mereka? Selain Hudud, ada dua peristiwa atau isu penting yang akan dihadapi dalam masa terdekat ini yang amat rapat dan penting bagi orang Cina, Pertamanya 2 pilihanraya kecil dikawasan dikuasai DAP, dan yang keduanya quota masuk dan biasiswa ke IPTA;

        8. Adakah MCA akan memomokkan kaum Cina sekiranya mereka tidak mengundi BN, mereka terpaksa menerima Hudud dan mengalami nasib yang sama seperti tahun lepas dimana peratusan kemasukan pelajar-pelajar Cina ke IPTA akan turut terjejas?

        9. Kaedah peruntukan jutaan ringgit untuk projek itu dan ini, tidak lagi laku dan boleh diterimapakai berdasarkan 3 PRK yang lalu, dan ini telah disingkirkan semasa PRK Kajang;

        10. Kejujuran dan keikhlasan MCA amatlah diragui, apatah lagi 90% kaum Cina yang ada sekarang ini. Jadi tidaklah menghairankan kalau 2 pekara yang disebut pada para 8 diatas akan menjadi “DEAL BREAKER” diantara MCA dan pengundi- pengundi Cina pada 2 PRK yang akan datang ini;

        11. Memenuhi permintaan MCA dan kaum Cina bagi menangguhkan perlaksanaan Hudud dan kemasukan pelajar-pelajar mereka ke IPTA bukanlah satu perkara susah bagi UMNO. Itu semua boleh diatur, terutamanya perlaksanaan Hudud yang sudah semestinya akan mengambil sedikit masa, apatah lagi kalau sengaja dilambat-lambatkan. Manakala menjaga urusan kepentingan pelajar-pelajar Cina ke IPTA adalah lebih mudah dari Hudud, semudah menolak mereka mentah-mentah;

        12. How is MCA going to sell the idea now? Undi BN dan kami akan pastikan isu-isu ini diselesaikan?

        13. Bagaimana pula penerimaan pengundi-pengundi Cina pada usul tersebut? Inilah yang kita patut perhatikan dari keputusan 2 PRK akan datang ini;

        14. Sayugia (tak pasti samada ejaan yang betul sebab dah lama tak tenguk dan guna perkataan ini) diingatkan bahawa Hudud dan kepentingan pelajar-pelajar Cina ke IPTA adalah pekara mustahil yang dapat diselesaikan oleh DAP. Apabila DAP mula menyalak pada MCA tentang Hudud, sementah lagi dengan ketiadaan Karpal sekarang ini, menunjukkan mereka semakin terdesak, manakala musuh yang mereka tiduri iaitu PAS atau ‘Sleeping with the enemy”, telah mula membelakangkan mereka. Manakala pada tahun lepas hampir semua rayuan dan lolongan mereka tentang kemerosotan peratusan masuk pelajar Cina pada kerajaan ibarat mencurah air ke daun keladi;

        15. Kita tidak pasti apa yang sedang dan akan berlaku disebalik tabir antara MCA dan DAP untuk menjayakan agenda mereka pada 2 PRK kecil akan datang ini. Secara umumnya pengundi-pengundi Cina sekarang ini seperti lembu yang dicucuk hidung dibawah gembalaan DAP, tanpa mereka sedari. Adakah mereka akan menurut kata ketua-ketua masyarakat mereka termasuk ketua kongsi gelap untuk bertahan sebagai “status quo” iaitu mengundi DAP dan menerima padahnya, atau memilih MCA tanpa rela hati demi kepentingan masa depan mereka?

        16. Hudud merupakan satu isu yang amat menakutkan bukan saja bagi masyarakat Cina, malah terutama sekali ketua-ketua kongsi gelap mereka kerana ini akan menjejaskan mata pencarian mereka secara drastik apabila hukuman tersebut turut dikenakan pada mereka-mereka yang bukan Islam. Dalam jangkamasa pendek pula mereka akan kehilangan pelangan-pelangan Muslim juga secara drastik. Pusat-pusat perjudian dan pelacuran akan dipantau dan dibenteras habis-habisan In Syaa Allah.

        Sama-samalah kita saksikan bagaimana MCA akan mengolah langkah ini menurut kesesuaian mereka.


        Seseorang pernah memberikan komentar dalan blog ini yang mengatakan bahawa sekarang ini, ketua-ketua kongsi gelap sudah mula dilihat di majlis-majlis rasmi DAP.

        1. Adik2 sya lepasan SJKC dan beberapa tahun dulu pernah gebang pasai ‘further studies’ graduan2 comel dari SJKC. (Ramai hilang akan ketinggalan umuq 1 taun pasai kena attend peralihan moving on to SMK). Yg continue menengah Sek. Cina lepaih tu nak further studies kat ceghoq mana?

          Satunya cara yg dpt memudahkan mereka diterima masuk belajar di Institusi pengajian tinggi luaq negara spt US/ UK/ Canada/ Europe/ Russia etc (tak termasuk Negara2 macam Singapore/ Taiwan or China ya) with specified requirements (pengiktirafan kelayakan/ Qualification Accreditation) – are getting the WINGS from our IPTAs. This will GUARANTEE them to flyyyyyyyyyy further away to many many many more countries..

          You people ingat sistem pendidikan yg dipertahankan Dong Zong or whatever laku ke kat negara2 tersebut?

          Berbuih mulut tak renti2 memperlekehkan sistem education Negara ini sampai sanggup keluarkan video memperbodohkan sistem education kita – agaknya pasai apa owh? Faham2 le sendiri ya. Macam Bush famous quotation… either you are with me or…..

          Tu pasai tak habis2 dok otek DSN for the magical wings, biaq pi letih dan tebal muka kept demanding for more and more places in our IPTA – (they can afford our local IPTS anytime).

          Susah le nak panjang2 kat sini satni Cik Helen delete my comment. Baru aje lepaih solat tak baik nuuuu bagi oghang lain tak comfortable with my views ooopss sebenarnya these came from my siblings who were exSJKCians.

  21. Really Helen, Tun M just answered your comment about MCA on his blog. Look like he really read your blog.

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