Posted in Umno

Umno Cheras warlord detonates sticky bomb, Chinese go ballistic

Umno Cheras division chief Syed Ali Alhabshee’s reputation precedes him. He is one colourful character known for being an outspoken maverick.

Yesterday he hit the Malaysiakini headlines – see below – where the portal’s news report has thus far elicited 163 reader comments (as at time of writing).

Tuan tolerant

Chinese in identity, in culture, in language, in education stream but Hannah Banana in religion

Syed Ali had lauded Najib Razak’s reminder to the Chinese community that the Umno leadership of the Merdeka era had allowed for the retention of the minority Chinese identity, culture, language, school and religion.

In return for the concessions, the Umno president told delegates at the LDP congress in Kota Kinabalu on Sunday (Nov 16), his party only asked the Chinese for their loyalty to the government.

The Malay Mail quoted BN chairman Najib as advising that Malays and Chinese “must be sensitive to each other. That is the essence of mutual respect. Once we have that, there will be peace and harmony”.

In his Umno bahagian Cheras blog, Syed Ali yesterday wrote: “Sokong ingatan Najib kepada kaum Cina; orang Melayu pegang semangat setiakawan”.

Syed Ali’s blog posting, picked up by Malaysiakini, quite typically prompted the paying subscribers of the portal to go berserk on him.


Chinese commenters went ape shit

Syed Ali had been appointed a senator previously. It is practically impossible for an Umno division chief in Cheras to get elected to his Parliamentary area.

Cheras is a traditional DAP stronghold with 81.8 percent Chinese voters. Acting DAP national chairman Tan Kok Wai (pix below) has been Cheras MP for five consecutive terms – winning in the 2013, 2008, 2004, 1999 and 1995 general elections.

tan-kok-waiIn GE13, DAP won Cheras with a 37,409-vote majority. An Umno Cheras MP is just not going to happen and it’s for this reason that I suspect Syed Ali is really more interested in debating ideas than in scoring political points (well, because he can’t ever win the Cina pekat Cheras seat, can he?).

Syed Ali had expressed his opinion in support of Najib that the Chinese, or at least a higher percentage of the Chinese electorate, should side with the government.

What he said is worth discussing in greater depth but unfortunately – biasalah tu – the Chinese reacted with a torrent of online abuse and insults against him.

Syed Ali is furthermore accused by Malaysiakini readers of being (either) a “half Arab” or “mamak” who is trying to be more Malay than the “true” Malays.

Someone who in my view is a true Malaysian First would be Dr Chandra Muzaffar. Yet the perpetually belligerent Chinese are always saying nasty things about him. He is called a mamak by them too.

Delusional Firsters like to put words in other people’s mouth, such as their picking on Muhyiddin Yassin as a “Malay First”


Syed Ali labelled “racist” etc, etc by the Dapsters

During the period that P. Waytha Moorthy was a senator attached to the Prime Minister’s Office, Syed Ali had once extended an olive branch to the Hindraf leader by inviting Waytha to his Hari Raya open house.

Waytha (pix below) was otherwise rather cold-shouldered by the entrenched establishment of Putrajaya during his brief tenure as deputy minister.

The friendly gesture by Syed Ali, I’d think, doesn’t indicate someone who is inherently hostile to the other races.

Senator Waytha taking his oath of office

Do the Chinese want Articles 3, 152 and 153 of the Federal Constitution diluted?

In contrast to the Malaysiakini readership, I keep an open mind on what Syed Ali has to say.

According my reading, the thorny topics brought up by Syed Ali were those aspects – passages reproduced below – which likely rubbed the Chinese the wrong way and caused them to be so angry at him.

Syed Ali said:

  • “Bukan Melayu harus menerima realiti bahawa ketuanan Melayu dan bahasa kebangsaan tidak boleh persoalkan, Islam sebagai agama rasmi tidak boleh diganggu-gugat, dicela serta diperlekehkan.”
  • “Bukan Melayu tidak sepatutnya bersikap terlalu  prejudis dan iri hati terhadap orang Melayu dan umat Islam di negara ini.”
  • “Kaum Cina kadangkala sengaja membesarkan isu-isu berkaitan dengan kepentingan dan kedudukan orang Melayu termasuk dalam isu agama.”
  • “Mereka (orang Cina) kena faham bahawa Melayu adalah tuan di negara ini, mereka juga kena faham kerana sikap bertolak ansur orang Melayu maka mereka boleh menjalankan pelbagai kegiatan terutama dalam sektor perniagaan.”

You can access the reader responses to Syed Ali at ‘Chinese can do business cause “tuan” tolerant‘ (Malaysiakini, 17 Nov 2014).

china-christians-revival-chinese-ministries-international11.jpg w=640

Englishmen and their excellent command of BM

Say if an orang putih marries a Malay woman, he will usually come to embrace Malay culture at least to some extent.

It is also usual for people who have lived or who served in Malaya/Malaysia to steep themselves in Malay culture.

British colonial administrator R.O. Winstedt, for example, mastered the Malay language so thoroughly that he is remembered for publishing an English-Malay dictionary in three volumes.

His fellow British colonial administrator R.J. Wilkinson was the officer who proposed the establishment of the Malay College in Kuala Kangsar (MCKK). Wilkinson wrote about Malay customs, beliefs, language (grammar) and literature and even published his collection of pantun-pantun Melayu.


Why are Chinese the odd one out?

The justices who drafted our Merdeka constitution were Lord William Reid, Sir Ivor Jennings (UK), Sir William McKell (Australia), B. Malik (India) and Halim Abdul Hamid (Pakistan).

Norwegian Tan Sri Just Faaland was the economic adviser to Tun Abdul Razak. It was Faaland who devised the NEP. Another chief architect of the NEP was Jack Parkinson.

Samuel Huntington (cartoon below) of the Clash of Civilizations fame had co-produced a confidential report to government of Malaysia in 1970 on our race relations post-May 13.

People of various ethnicities have throughout our history woven themselves into the fabric of our nation. They are able to connect with the Malay majority.

Malaysian Chinese (who are fellow citizens of the Malays) preach love-love-love and claim they want nothing better than national unity/reconciliation. But they can’t stop calling Malays “racists”, “extremists”, “religious bigots” and “haters”.

Samuel Huntington

Everyone can integrate … except the Chinese

Expats and foreign workers – be they Korean, German, Bangladeshi or Burmese – would be able to speak our national language commendably after residing here a mere few months. But not our Firster citizens though whose families have lived in Malaysia for several generations.

It seems that almost any ethnicity can blend into our local landscape. More importantly, they don’t diss Malaysia like the way Malaysians of Chinese descent are so fond of doing.

Yet these very same DAP Chinese thump their chest loudest as Malaysian Firsters. And they perpetually go all ballistic against anyone who integrates with the majority population, such as Alifah Ting Abdullah and Dr Chandra Muzaffar.

The Firsters are currently spewing a lot of vitriol at Syed Ali Alhabshee for being identified as a Malay.

They hate mamaks whom they accuse of trying to be more Malay than Malay. They hate mualaf Cina whom they accuse of trying to be more Malay than Malay. They hate the Syeds and the Sharifahs whom they accuse of trying to be more Malay than Malay.

They love Marina Mahathir who doesn’t write in Bahasa Melayu.

At the same time, they set themselves as the Bangsa Malaysia ideal that everyone else must follow.

Given this astounding anomaly, I’m curious to know what is Syed Ali Alhabshee’s magical plan to miraculously make the Chinese pro-gomen.

FMT Syed Ali


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

57 thoughts on “Umno Cheras warlord detonates sticky bomb, Chinese go ballistic

  1. Ms H. I know a Chinese guy who churned and churned for 30 years from zero to RM100 millions. He had no monopoly, corruption, cronyism etc.

  2. Helen, being a wise lady as you are, can you suggest some recommendation as to how to improve upon this integration issue.. in a realistic way of course. Those apeks and aunties will remain just like that for next 100 years i suppose. Seriously asking Malays to be moderate in everything they do will just be a one way traffic.

    1. The malignance among the Malays are the violent radicals. The malignance of the Chinese are the materialistic tai gors. Many people are spiritual amnesiacs.

      1. There a difference.

        The radicaks are not in the Malay mainstream nor Umno top leadership.

        The greedy, conniving Chinese materialists on the other hand are the DAP evangelista top echelon.

        1. Yes. The Dap radicals are greedy lot. Sarawak is under their threats – spreading lies and Dap-style evangelist “good news”.

        2. Many of the materialists support the Barisan Nasional. The timber tycoons, the property captains, the developers, the Babas to the Ali’s.

      2. Online media 101:
        Look for controversial content (else make it up).
        Make incendiary headline – this is called click bait
        Get more eyeballs on the page
        Watch the ad dollars come in
        Rinse and repeat

        Dangerous in the long run because a lot of people don’t think beyond the headline.

        1. Helen Ang’s website:

          Look for controversial content (else make it up) – Check
          Make incendiary headline – this is called click bait – Check
          Get more eyeballs on the page – Check
          Watch the ad dollars come in – Not ads, but something else ;-)
          Rinse and repeat – Check. Especially with Hannah Yeoh.

          1. Look for controversial content (else make it up) – 40,000 Bangladeshis, burn Bibles

            Make incendiary headline – this is called click bait – Blackout at polling stations, Anwar arsenic poisoning, VVIP at scene of Altantuya murder

            Get more eyeballs on the page – 1,000-plus abusive comments against Alifah Ting Abdullah, 100,000 abusive comments against Ridhuan Tee Abdullah

            Watch the ad dollars come in – 41 Special Officers in Penang CM’s office

            Rinse and repeat – Umno rasis, Umno rasis, Umno rasis, dulu kini dan selamanya ABU! ABU! ABU!

            1. Look for controversial content (else make it up) – fabricate issues about Christian conspiracies, Star newspaper is a secret opposition agent, Chinese threat to subjugate Malays, and so on

              Make incendiary headline – this is called click bait –
              Just this month alone:
              “Masuk tahun 2020, satu suku penduduk Asia Tenggara akan beragama Kristian”
              “No tornado in Penang because the Malays there love DAP”
              “‘Allah’ Bibles: Thank you, Our FirstLady Speaker”
              Form 5 SPM textbook: “Orang macam ini, parang panjang saja ubatnya””

              Get more eyeballs on the page – Visits from the Isma, Perkasa, UMNO crowd.

              Watch the ad dollars come in – If one thinks that long-winded rambling articles are done for free, I have a bridge in Rawang for sale.

              Rinse and repeat – The state assemblywoman of Subang features in almost every single post. Perpetual hysteria against Chinese and Christians.

              1. re: “Christian conspiracies”

                Red Rock Hotel.

                re: “Star newspaper is a secret opposition agent”

                10 tweets by Star Online in the span of 24 hours when Our FirstLady Speaker was appointed.

                re: “Chinese threat to subjugate Malays, and so on”

                ABU! ABU! ABU! Kuburkan BN, ini kali lah. “A vote for BN is a vote for the anti-Christ” (Sarawak state election), “One vote for BN means one Bible will be burnt” (Sabah general election)

                “Masuk tahun 2020, satu suku penduduk Asia Tenggara akan beragama Kristian” – FACT

                “No tornado in Penang because the Malays there love DAP” – only what your fellow DAP-supporting Penangites are saying

                “‘Allah’ Bibles: Thank you, Our FirstLady Speaker” – Lots of thanks and backslapping going around in the S’gor exco circles over Azmin’s coup

                Form 5 SPM textbook: “Orang macam ini, parang panjang saja ubatnya” – FACT, SPM exam syllabus

                re: “Get more eyeballs on the page – Visits from the Isma, Perkasa, UMNO crowds”

                Successfully crossing race, religion boundaries. Isn’t that what you all are always preaching?

                re: “If one thinks that long-winded rambling articles are done for free, I have a bridge in Rawang for sale.”

                A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing – Oscar Wilde

                You’re projecting your own money-worshipping ethos onto other people who are not like your kind. Even the name of your own God either you’re unsure or you’re willing to pawn (Ubah) through your Gospel of Prosperity.

                98.3% our soldiers who are willing to lay down their life for the country – bumiputera

                0.2% Chinese in Angkatan Tentera Malaysia … statistics don’t lie


                re: “The state assemblywoman of Subang features in almost every single post. Perpetual hysteria against Chinese and Christians.”

                The face of the DAP. But’s she’s NOT Chinese. Don’t slander her, you “racist”! She has already stressed many times – “No Malays, no Indians too and zero Chinese. All Malaysians”.

                1. “re: “Christian conspiracies”
                  Red Rock Hotel.”

                  Red Rock Hotel? Please elaborate with proof.

                  “10 tweets by Star Online in the span of 24 hours when Our FirstLady Speaker was appointed.”

                  And hundreds and thousands of pro-Barisan Nasional news, opinion columns, letters to the editors, and coverage in the past year.

                  “ABU! ABU! ABU! Kuburkan BN, ini kali lah. “A vote for BN is a vote for the anti-Christ” (Sarawak state election), “One vote for BN means one Bible will be burnt” (Sabah general election)”

                  When the Chinese, Indians and opposition Malays criticise the Barisan Nasional and Najib, they are labelled traitors, ungrateful, and told to leave the country. Now we have pro-government supporters criticising the Barisan Nasional and Najib. Sometimes they even copy the same words earlier used by the opposition.

                  “Masuk tahun 2020, satu suku penduduk Asia Tenggara akan beragama Kristian” – FACT

                  How many of these will be Filipinos?

                  “No tornado in Penang because the Malays there love DAP” – only what your fellow DAP-supporting Penangites are saying

                  Provide proof of that being uttered by the ‘DAP-supporting Penangites’, please.

                  “‘Allah’ Bibles: Thank you, Our FirstLady Speaker” – Lots of thanks and backslapping going around in the S’gor exco circles over Azmin’s coup”

                  Azmin Ali helped resolve a sticky situation.

                  Form 5 SPM textbook: “Orang macam ini, parang panjang saja ubatnya” – FACT, SPM exam syllabus

                  Fact: Incendiary headline. ;-)

                  “re: “Get more eyeballs on the page – Visits from the Isma, Perkasa, UMNO crowds”
                  Successfully crossing race, religion boundaries. Isn’t that what you all are always preaching?”

                  While alienating many non-Malay, non-Muslim readers, and moderate Malay readers. Your articles cater to the right-wing fanatical crowds.

                  re: “If one thinks that long-winded rambling articles are done for free, I have a bridge in Rawang for sale.”
                  “A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing – Oscar Wilde
                  You’re projecting your own money-worshipping ethos onto other people who are not like your kind. Even the name of your own God either you’re unsure or you’re willing to pawn (Ubah) through your Gospel of Prosperity.
                  98.3% our soldiers who are willing to lay down their life for the country – bumiputera”

                  Come the UMNO general assembly, the leaders will arrive in their exotic luxury cars from their multimillion dollar homes, bedecked in luxury tailor made fabrics to spew saliva into the microphone about agama, bangsa, negara, and the threat of other races. Then later, they would go home to make deals with businessmen. Some will get ‘surat kuning’ to make their activities easier.

                  Some of them are the leaders who allowed and abetted a Sulu militant safe haven in Sabah, which later came to bite us in the back.

                  “The face of the DAP.”

                  Most people see Lim Guan Eng as the face of the DAP.

  3. I would say go die to all those evangelist liberal Chinese. never will I or my future offspring bow to their whims. in fact it’s a waste of time reading their comment in the link you give cause it’s already scripted.

    further more your good self Helen has already unmask these unscrupulous character.

  4. Sometimes there come a time when the nation could no longer be too accommodating but it need to forge ahead.

    That would need a really strong leadership, dictatorial almost. As the government has always been at the receiving end and no matter what it does, there is no pleasing anybody… An almost dictatorial leadership would just plough thru and make sure the nation comes first and what needed to be done, be done.

    Perhaps something drastic should be done but unfortunately, the PRESENT leadership is spineless, willowy and obviously worthless.and soon lifeless.

    1. re: “the PRESENT leadership is spineless … and soon lifeless”

      Good one. I’ll remember to quote you.

      1. Helen,

        One hallmark of good leadership is being firm, decisive. and this virtue was abundant during the tenure of Tun Dr Mahathir.

        Tun simply does not care to please. His job is to rule. And he ruled firmly but with mercy too. Once a Sabah based party withdrew its support just before the election, therefore rendering Sabah to opposition.

        The Sabah party leaders felt that UMNO would collapsed. To their surprise UMNO held the fort. and the party that they betrayed remained in power.

        Had not for UMNO’s known magnaminity, it would punish the betraying party harshly. That was expected. More so, UMNO was stabbed at back. But what Tun did. He forgave them although they were completely at his mercy. He simply can be spiteful. But he did not.

        Despite nasty comments that never stop on Tun, his tenure was marked as being peaceful. No one want to cross the line. Those who dared to cross would have found in no time life under ISA. UMNO members too were not spared.

        How i wish we go back to good old days. Which is why despite having no power, Tun is still highly regarded . Many hate him but all respect him.

        1. re: “Despite nasty comments that never stop on Tun”

          Unlike Lim Guan Eng, Tun did not threaten reporters: “You print lah, you see what I do to you.”

      1. Biarlah Mahathir berihat. Kesihan dia. Sudah lanjut usia pun terpaksa berhempas pulas membela agama, bangsa dan negara kerana pemimpin pemimpin sekarang, ‘…..spineless … and soon lifeless”……’

        Yang penting kita cari bersungguh sungguh pemimpin pemimpin yang tidak, ‘,,,,,spineless … and soon lifeless”…’

        Saya yakin pemimpin yang begini ada di kalangan kita, Nobatkan mereka sebagai pemimpin . Pemimpin yang, ‘…..spineless … and soon lifeless” tendang keluar dan halau jauh jauh dari Putrajaya!

    2. Dictatorial leadership destroyed many nations in the end.

      many African nations
      North Korea
      China under Mao

      I agree that the current leadership lacks backbone. Rosmah’s husband does nothing to curb the right-wing conservative faction in his party who is contradicting and sabotaging his 1Malaysia public relations campaign.

  5. “his party only asked the Chinese for their loyalty to the government.”

    In Democracy you can’t askes or forced but you can “EARN’ the loyalty by doing a good JOB as elected representive for the people who voted you. Tepuk dada tanya selera.

    Sorry that a Malay leader ‘asked’ that from the one time ‘loyal’ chinese. Depa tak mau toksah buang masa lebih baik focus on developing Malaysia and ‘Non Chinese’ economic agenda and earned your respect dont beg, ask or request!

  6. If we defend, then we are accuses ex of being over-sensitive, intolerant and racist.

    But kena jentik sikit, melenting ballistic.

    Who’s the intolerant one now?

  7. Re Everyone can integrate … except the Chinese

    The Chinese can integrate. I know of some Mainland Chinese students studying in NIlai and they can carry a conversation in Bahasa Melayu very well. But of course I m talking about those from the mainland. As for our fellow Chinese citizens, the fact that most of them cannot integrate is an open secret so I don’t think there is a need to remind people of this.

    Integration is driven by necessity. If you are put in a position/situation where the only way for you to get along with other people is to immerse yourself in that people’s way of life, you will do whatever that is necessary to integrate. Just look at the Chinese and Indian diaspora and the Jews. They do integrate. Most Jews in America for instance do not speak Hebrew language.

    If you want integration, start with education. Implement the single stream system. Have all the kids irrespective of race and religion under one system with the provision that every single one of the kids be allowed to learn their mother language so that our diverse languages can be preserved.

    1. Pardon me Survivor, but I think the lack of leadership in this country has given the linguistic partisans excessive leverage in segregating themselves in Chinese and Tamil enclaves. It is laughable how so much of this racial ding-dong is being played out in the adult world, while much of it should have been teenage bickerings back in high school – we really need a national integrated curriculum to stabilize our country!

    2. Malaysian Chinese are too insecure that if they learn to speak Bahasa Melayu at National school they will become Malay.

  8. Here the Cinas want DAP so that they came thump their asses against UMNO in a Bersih move.
    Well in Singapore, the Cinas want to thump their asses against the PAP. Here is one from FB.


    “Both AMK and Tanjong Pagar are of similar geographical size as AHPETC. So why did they receive at least 80% more grants than the latter?

    Is this special privilege due to the fact that they are helmed by the PM and his father?”

    Now Bersihkan Singapura pulak?

  9. Why are there kids in the PPS wearing the UBAH bird mascot?


    Satu lagi ahli PPS yang memakai mascot Ubah
    又寻获一名PPS 队员 身穿UBAH 鳥服協助DAP 做宣传工作的实证相片 。

    Shouldn’t kids in Pulau Pyongyang be in school?

    1. Re Shouldn’t kids in Pulau Pyongyang be in school?

      Actually they go to schools operated by the DAP evangelista i.e evangelical churches :)

      Now don’t tell me you are not aware of this :)

  10. Dear Aunty Helen,

    re: “Do the Chinese want Articles 3, 152 and 153 of the Federal Constitution diluted?”

    DAP and PKR Chinese are trying hard for that. In fact they also do not want Articles 11(4), 66, 121 and 160. The weird thing is not only them but the DAP, PKR and lots of PAS Malays also agree and are behind them.

    My mom showed me a TMI article, ( “On religious authorities” by Hafidz Baharom. I pity him for his ideas and for thinking that he knows what he’s writing about.

    Chinese can integrate if they want to. Aunty Helen integrates very well :) My great grandfather spoke fluent BM, lived like the Malays and did not speak Chinese at home, but he preferred Chinese food. His parents were from China. May be because he did not like DAP.

    Anyway DAP Chinese integrates if they are in USA, England etc.

    I blame DAP and PKR for all these problems about disharmony in Malaysia. They can only win if the people are unhappy so they create trouble, spread lies, instigate, slander and others; then put the blame on UMNO and the Malays.

    Hannah Yeoh even accused the weather as being like UMNO BN but says that she loves her enemies and her Malay supporters think that she is an honest lady.

  11. ‘pantun-pantun Melayu’

    Thanks to Victor Hugo for introducing the pantuns to Europe. You can’t wait for the local Cinas with their 5000 years civilization complex to do that, can we?!

    Anyway how many of these Malaysian Firsters can recite a pantun, properly, let alone to produce one? Perhaps maybe the likes of Lim Swee Tin, the usual suspects, whom again, will be branded as the Tee’s type trying very hard to be more Malays than the Malay themselves, whatever shit that means!

    Les Orientales, Lim Guan Eng?

    1. Tu la.. Kalau kita gi travel to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam bila berjumpa some of their locals yg pernah bekerja di Malaysia, terkejut owh.. fasih berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Melayu. Sekadar tinggal dMalaysia 4tahun pun dah petah sembang dengan kita dalam Bahasa Melayu.

      Yang kononnya ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ gitu tak masuk akal kalau ramai masih tak tau berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Kebangsaan negara sendiri? Tapi bahasa kebangsaan Negara China boleh pulak walaupun ‘Mandarin’ adalah satu bahasa baru yang perlu mereka belajar kat sekolah SJKC?

  12. I want to highlight two instances of neglect by Pakatan MPs.
    First to our dearest Hannah Yeoh. PAWS have been in Subang for 28 years but only today under the Pakatan government they are evicted. BN MP did not bother, but under the Pakatan and Christian guiding light, the poor animals are evicted.

    I wonder what would Noah do, when God commanded him to build the ark? Would Hannah do they same? It seems Hannah is more interested with the MCA and Azmin and the Bible limelight.

    Please ask Hannah to read this Bible verse allowed. Can someone give the AlKitab translation just in case she does not understand? Our English standard is quite poor your know. (But no Jawi please)

    “But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”

    22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”

    Secondly is with my Pulau Pyongyang. When the UMNO tower fell and the 2nd Bridge connecting ramp fell, the Penang lang wanted blood. When an American factory’s wall fell, nobody cares a shit, including the so called Caring Penang Government.

    “GEORGE TOWN: A section of a building at Western Digital in Free Industrial Zone, Bayan Lepas has been placed off-limits to workers after a concrete wall collapsed on a worker on Wednesday night.”

    Why such silence? Is the victim less of a victim than the Chinese man who died when the UMNO tower fell? If you ask for UMNO’s blood then you should also ask for WD blood too? Or is it impolite to ask for the blood of a Mat Salleh company?


    1. re: “It seems Hannah is more interested with the MCA and Azmin and the Bible limelight.”

      Bodek bos lah tu ‘)

      1. Noah’s Bible verse talks about wickedness in the world.
        (Maybe she could read the AlKitab version rescued by her handsome boss – as her English is not very good – coming from a Kebangsaan school)

        5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”

  13. Something is wrong in the psychic of the Malaysians, don’t you think so?

    When overseas in US, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia etc, ask them who they are and they reply “Kita orang Malaysia” or “I am Malaysian” whether they are Chinese, Malays, Indians etc.

    But when in their own country, ask them and they will reply “Orang Melayu, Cina, India, Sabah, Sarawak, Iban, Kadazan, Bajau, Murut, Dusun etc.

    Why is that so? Does it not show what crass thinking Malaysians are?

    It clearly shows within the country, the system of division by races is so inbred that the current system of policies are so imbedded with definition by race that everyone then falls in line to determine who gets favoured and who are not favoured, who gets better treatment and who are not, who is eligible for this and that and who are not etc. and so indirectly the projection of oneself within the country is said out loud and clear to perpetuate this dogma.

    And blame the political parties, NGOs, civil societies, institutions etc who due to greed also enchewed this schism.

    And now another ugly phenomenon of religion is added to the equation and pretty soon, guess what will happen?

    Malaysians will start calling themselves “MELAYU Islam, CIna Kristian, Cina Buddhists, Cina Taoists, Cina Confucius, Cina Tua Pek Kong, India Kristian, India Catholic, Sarawakians Christian, Sabahan Christian, Mualaf, Mamak etc”

    It clearly shows Malaysia has developed to include a mixture of history’s failed regimes of “hitler’s Germany, Bosnia, Rwanda, South Africa, Myanmar, Fiji, Indonesia, Thailand, Yugoslavia , Zimbabwe, Greece etc.


    Because Malaysians are known as Jeykll and Hydes. All because of greed for power, money, privileges, favour dependent on the race or religion to whichever policies favoured the particular race or religion. Some are even more despotic in thinking that they are the preferred race or religion in Malaysia and the world.

    Why aren’t policies and laws tailored towards disadvantaged groups of whatever race or religion towards nation building and unity? Isn’t it going towards socialism and communism where everyone is equal if that is the preferred model.

    Malaysians need lots of wise leaders and not those hell bent on rhetorics of race and religion for it will finally lead to the destruction of a country and everyone loses and suffers just like what those past regimes in history has shown.

    Why is it so difficult for some to accept others for whatever race or religion they belong to and consider them as our own family, brothers, sisters, friends etc?

    What are their motives? Reincarnation of history’s previous evil satans and leaders?

    57 years of nation building and it seems has still lead Malaysia to nowhere to be proud of. Self accolades ain’t going to make the world believe Malaysia has the right model towards governing a rich diversity of races, cultures, religions, beliefs etc. Stop bluffing ourselves that we are a real model and stop comparing to worst of countries as a model. It’s just so hilarious and nauseating to read those stuff.

    Why head for destruction of a beautiful country where everyone lives peacefully, in harmony and without enmity and jealousy in the hearts and minds?

    So when will Malaysians become wiser?

    1. ‘Stop bluffing ourselves that we are a real model and stop comparing to worst of countries as a model.’

      ‘failed regimes of “hitler’s Germany, Bosnia, Rwanda, South Africa, Myanmar, Fiji, Indonesia, Thailand, Yugoslavia , Zimbabwe, Greece etc.’

      Correct. Correct. Correct. Tak boleh compare dengan worst countries!

    2. Dandy o Dandy,

      Apa salahnya we identify ourselves ikut Bangsa? We are proud of our own races la. Whats wrong if you introduce yourselves as a Chinese or an Indian? Kenapa perlu sembunyi, rasa malu ke apa ni?

      Why we identify ourselves pasai nak tau lebih mendalam asal usul mereka, adat, jenis2 makanan we can exchange, macam2 lagi.

      Thts how we integrate la.. Walaupun dari bangsa yang berlainan sama dapat memahami cara hidup masing2.

      Kamu?.. Kepala otak asyik pikiaq pasai harta dan duit aje!

    3. Kalau di kata dia Chinese, nanti takut ingat dari China/Taiwan and kalau dia kata dia Indian, nanti org ingat dia dari India/Sri Lanka pula, so thats why dia kata Malaysian.

      Tak ada masalah bagi orang melayu nak kata dia Malaysian!

    4. “Why head for destruction of a beautiful country where everyone lives peacefully, in harmony and without enmity and jealousy in the hearts and minds?”

      Ask the evangelistas. It must be their KPI to bring “love” to Malaysians and Hongkongers.

    5. bq. “When overseas in US, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia etc, ask them who they are and they reply “Kita orang Malaysia” or “I am Malaysian” whether they are Chinese, Malays, Indians etc.
      But when in their own country, ask them and they will reply “Orang Melayu, Cina, India, Sabah, Sarawak, Iban, Kadazan, Bajau, Murut, Dusun etc.”

      Hahah..ok now that’s funny :D
      It makes me think, hmm…has s/he ever asked the very same question to any expats/tourists/etc here in Malaysia? And the exact same question abroad?

      You might be disappointed though, when you found out that, every one of us human (see, no race attached :D) never want to be identified as Earthlings (well,. maybe after some kind of Martians came here visiting us… in the next Hollywoods movies). We want to be linked with something/someone/somewhere/some-etc and be proud of it. That’s us.

      So what do we do? Berpuak-puak. Jadi, jom la kita berkenal-kenalan. Baik, ambik. Kurang baik, jauhkan, Tak baik, tinggalkan. The last time I check, that’s how a civilisation grows from various tiny groups of people. When they stop doing that, that’s when they start to shrink into… smaller particles I guess :D.

      bq. “So when will Malaysians become wiser?”

      When we learn from our mistakes, struggles and achievements, perhaps? And start to listen to the wise and humble elderlys people like, this may sound too offensive for some people, our 4th PM, Dr. M( the modern day Tun Mutahir).

      Apa2 pun, maaf kalau komen bunyi macam ceramah :D. Pasal awak punya komen bunyi macam baru tersentak (epiphany). Gurau je la :D

  14. Actually Malays and Islam have been on this blessed Tanah Melayu for centuries. Ethnic races yg exist pun beratus2 jenis.

    Melayu dah melalui dan merasai kedatangan puluhan jenis Bangsa dari negara asing yang menjelma/landing kat sini. Arabs, Indians, Caucasians, Africans, Chinese, issh Cleopatra, Alexandra the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Genghiz Khan dan Hitler mungkin depa2 ni belum sampai kat tanah ni.

    In terms of inter marriages pun macam jenis darah campuran yg ada sekarang. Depa nak tuduh kami RACIST bole jalan le. Poodah..

    Kalut terhegeh2 sekarang ni depa yang asal usul dari pendalaman ‘motherland’ tak pernah bercampur dengan bangsa2 lain. Mai sini British kepong depa tak bagi campoq dgn locals, supaya senang Britisah nak control.

    Merdeka mai pula komunis. Habis era komunis ujud pula kampung2 penempatan Cina. India dok estet.

    Baru aje dok berjinak2 belajar campoq dgn bangsa2 lain dalam Negara ini. Masih mengalami ‘culture shock’. Tu pasai depa duk kalut semacam.

  15. Yang peliknya ialah kenapa melayu bila bercakap dengan cina ikut pelat cina, bila bercakap dengan india ikut pelat india, bila bercakap dengan Indon ikut pelat indon?

    Nampak sangat kelemahan melayu, sudah hilang jatidiri.

    Dari sudut bahasa pun dah lemah, yang lain?

    1. Hahaha.

      “Yang peliknya ialah kenapa Melayu bila bercakap dengan Cina ikut pelat Cina”

      Bukan menyindir ke tu?

      1. Re Bukan menyindir ke tu?

        Kalau begitu, what about Hannah Yeoh’s soalan mulut ? Wa ha ha ha !!!

    2. ‘Nampak sangat kelemahan melayu, sudah hilang jatidiri.’

      Bukan. Salah tu. Melayu tu sangat accomodating! Dia letakkan diri dia last, orang lain dulu, takkan kut xynal hamzah lupa pepatah, ‘kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan!’ Dia tahu orang tu tatak paham bahasa, jadi dia cakap telo yang paling mudah difahami!

      Itulah Melayu. Tapi tu pun tak baik-baik juga. Entahlah…

    3. bq. “Nampak sangat kelemahan melayu, sudah hilang jatidiri.
      Dari sudut bahasa pun dah lemah, yang lain?”

      Agaknya dari pepatah ‘bahasa jiwa bangsa’ dan ‘ular menyusur akar takkan hilang bisanya’ :D.

      Dah cara kita macam tu untuk raikan orang supaya tak rasa kekok, takde salah rasanya. Lagipun, tak hilang jati diri kalau kita tahu bawak diri ke mana-manapun rasanya.

  16. Kudos to him for having the guts to speak out. It’s about time us “silent majority” (in the real sense a ‘majority’, not the Gunting’s purported moderate majority) “tells it like it is.”

    Also I must commend you, Helen, for assiduously unearthing documents to open our eyes about the unrelenting attempts by DAPsters, the Holy of Holies and their ilk to revise our history and the so-called social contract enabling citizenship for the migrant workers at Merdeka.

    For example, the church’s proselytising attempts and that Tan Cheng Lok (now being touted as an exemplary moderate by MCA and Gunting) also believed the Malays were pendatang.
    Even from then….

    Did you read in today’s Gunting, MCA’s Ti Lian Ker telling the Umno perwakilan to “mind you words.”

    Yahudi Yeohs already giving their opinion of what a “good” Muslim is. Now the party representing the country’s majority population, the custodian of Malay rights, is openly being lectured on what it should say.

    How low has UMNO sunk under Najib, for this to happen!!

    1. IRMA,

      And UMNO better watches out on ISMA. If UMNO continues to irritate the Malays by simply refusing to act on provocations by DAP lovers, then UMNO may soon find that it has to face ISMA in election.

      Members of ISMA speak fluent English, professionals. The way they articulate while blasting Marina should serve as an eye opener.

      I told my UMNO friend that no party should think that it is indispensable. Save for Prophet Muhammad SAW, no one can claim that they are indispensable. Refuse to be courageous and out you go.

  17. “Say if an orang putih marries a Malay woman, he will usually come to embrace Malay culture at least to some extent.”

    That is not quite true. Based upon my observations in the business and social world it is mostly the other way around. The woman adopts more Western habits and styles. I have noticed some even lose their taboo of beer, and pork. El Cerdo in Changkat Bukit Bintang ceases to become a no-go zone.

    “Why are Chinese the odd one out?”

    Pity those Hindu Indians for not submitting to the ‘budaya nasional’.

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