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ABU bercadang hendak ke jalanan

Tiga hari lepas (Julai 27), pelopor Asal Bukan Umno/ABU Haris Ibrahim memblog tajuk ‘Manchester’s Plan B, stands and directions? Will RPK make sense of these for us?’

‘Manchester’ merujuk kepada Raja Petra Kamarudin yang menginap di kota tersebut. Haris telah memberi kata putus ’48 jam’ (“I will wait 48 hours to hear from him”) bagi RPK membalas sahutannya.

Hari ini, tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh Haris sudah berlalu. Jadi apa agaknya langkah yang akan diambil Haris seterusnya?

Haris menulis:


“I had intimated that I would wait 48 hours for RPK to respond with his clarification to the concerns I have raised in this post.

“He has purported to do so vide his posting today entitled ‘The principle behind the stand : the lesser of the evils’.

“In my view, he has not addressed those concerns.

“I will continue to wait out the 48 hours.”


Haris bukannya tidak pernah bercanggah pendapat dengan Raja Petra dalam tempoh enam bulan kebelakangan ini berkenaan beberapa isu.

Isu terbaru, Haris menggambarkan Plan B yang dikemukakan oleh Raja Petra sebagai berasaskan:


“Plan B postulates that we work to ensure that should we be faced with the prospect of a post 13th GE Umno / BN government, the same be steered by a liberal Najib, rather than a radical, ‘Malay supremacy, May 13-minded’ Umno leader. …

“The seeming rationale for Plan B is a concern, on the part of RPK, that the recent attempts by Dr M and his corner to resurrect the ghost of May 13 presents a real prospect of this happening, rather than being a mere attempt to create the spectre, and attendant fear by the middle class, of inter-racial violence gripping this nation post the 13th GE, should Umno / BN be deposed.

Haris menjelaskan pendiriannya dengan lebih lanjut:

“Let me make my stand and my direction clear.

“Unless the electoral playing field is leveled by, at the very least, implementing in full the first 5 of the Bersih demands, I am not prepared to accept and live with an Umno /BN victory post the 13th GE.

dihuruf-tebalkan oleh blogger ini

Tambah Haris lagi:

“In November, last year, I joined several others to issue an ultimatum to Najib. [YouTube: Tuntutan ABU]

“This was no idle threat.

“Do we have the numbers to see this through?

“Let Najib dissolve parliament without first implementing those reforms, and then we’ll see.

“But even if we cannot muster up the numbers after parliament is dissolved, expect an uprising after the polls if Umno / BN are declared the victors in what must plainly be a fraudulent election without those reforms demanded being first implemented.


Rumusan Haris adalah, “Short of free and fair elections, we will not endure an Umno-led government post the 13th GE, whether of the ‘liberal Najib’ or ‘radical Mahathir’ flavour.”


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

17 thoughts on “ABU bercadang hendak ke jalanan

  1. Perpetual hysteria ! On the other hand, I believe it smacks of desperation by the opposition.

  2. Selamat pagi Helen!

    Saya tak berkenan sangat dengan Haris Ibrahim. Saya cuba untuk memahami dan apa yang pasti saya hanya melihat aura kebencian dia kepada UMNO. Asal Bukan UMNO? He just made PR the laughingstock of the nation! Sebab dia buat ABU, something like that tumbuh bagai cendawan. TUKAR, TIBAI, ABAI, etc.

    I dont find his reasons why other than only lambasting his hatred towards UMNO. So emotional! Calling names to Najib, Mahathir, Muhyiddin and even pray Mashitah to be lesbian! So unmature! No wonder only streets can solve their problem. Tak gentlemen langsung. PR jadi trendsetter kepada Malaysians untuk jadi gangsters.

    1. D. Azlinda, a nation is divided by a delusion about it ancestry and a common hatred of their neighbors when we forego truth and reality for what is humane amongst us even if the sacrificies are need to be made to ensure our neighbors prosper in tandem as a nation. This is something we lack as a society as it is driven for how the politics of the day needs to survive to ensure the division exist beyond the truth and reality.

      1. Seriously, your English is too ‘gempak’ for me to handle or digest. Has ever BN killed anyone? Selain daripada fitnah Altantuya, TBH, peristiwa Memali? Sacrafices? Seriously? Demo and street fight are sacrifices? So anyone yg involve dgn Bersih, 2.0. 3.0, semua dah meninggal ke? Ini bukan kebangkitan seperi di Yemen, Syria, Mesir. Di sana mereka semua ditindas dan mereka adalah yang menindas sesama sendiri. Sebangsa. Mungkin fahaman Syiah dan Sunni yang membezakan atau juga disebabkan dictatorship mereka kerana salah guna kuasa dan harta negara untuk kepentingan diri.

        Marahkan BN kerana mereka korup, amalkan kronisme, dsb adalah tidak adil sebab PR juga sama. Malah lebih teruk lagi meluaskan penguasaan politik keluarga. Jika marahkan politik mengikut kaum pecah dan perintah yang diamalkan BN, Melayu dapat banyak habuan, Cina, India, peribumi Sabah Sarawak, dapat habuan juga. Kalau mahukan parti untuk pelbagai kaum, buat la satu parti sahaja. Mengapa perlu ada semua kaum dalam ketiga2 parti PR? Melayu liberal dalam DAP, Melayu pluralisme dalam PKR, melayu syiah dalam PAS? Tak logik. sangat tak logik. Lepas tu agung2kan betapa bersatunya mereka yg bermimpi lain2. semalam tgk berita TV3, YB DAP ingatkan PAS tentang hudud yg dibangkang daripada dilaksanakan jika PR menang Putrajaya. So sebenarnya siapa yg delusional? Takde consistency langsung. Kalau tengok perlembagaan parti PR masing2, ketiga2 mereka adalah bercanggah. Adakah selepas PR menang, mereka akan bahagi2kan Malaysia? hudud di Kelantan, Terengganu, kedah, Christian di Penang, Sabah, Sarawak, Islam sekular di perak, N9, hindu di Melaka, Buddha di perlis, johor? itu adalah lebih adil bagi mereka yang gila kuasa mahu menjadi ketua at least di peringkat negeri bagi setiap parti? so siapa akan buat pecah dan perintah dgn lebih dahsyat? two way system? blurgh.

        BN and PR tak perfect. Tapi saya memilih untuk ambik yang logik daripada semata2 memilih parti yg lebih hancur tapi ada hati nak tadbir orang lain. lagi hancur.

  3. I pray BN will win the elections, so that people like Harris will find it easier to migrate. It would not be a loss to the country for sure

    Malaysia need to create more jobs for employment not minorities who advocate to do useless things like taking to the streets and demo for whatever cause they believe in.

    1. Setuju, setuju! Lets doa that Harris migrates and live out his life elsewhere in the world. Mudah2an dalam bulan Ramadhan ni, doa ni dimakbulkan.
      I am sick of street demos!!

    2. Dear Eddy Daud,

      I thank you for how you feel for the minorities as of no contribution for the nation that you need to create. The minorities in your light maybe insignificant but if without them, you would not have existed.

      It is a pity that that Melayu like you cannot appreciate that the Non Melayus plays a role to ensure a Malaysian factor to exist. If we are so irrelevant in your life, then tell us straight in our face that we don’t matter or you don’t need us to create a Malaysians society for only how well it serves you and your own agenda.

      1. I got the feeling that MINY thinks Malay do not appreciate Non Malays. That is far from the truth. Malaysia is what it is because of the Malays, Chinese, Indians etc. Sure we have differences but to tell the Non Malays that we don’t need them is just your imagination. AIr dicincang tak akan putus, my friend.

        WIth BN, we will continue to be a family. With DAP, we will be a dysfunctional family.

      2. Encik,

        Kami memang tidak hingin anda, anak anda, ibu bapa anda, saudara mara anda, kawan2 sebangsa anda diberi hak kerakyatan jus soli kerana anda memang tidak berhak!

        Dan kami harap anda terus duduk di sana selama2nya..

        Tanpa kamu negara kami akan dipanggil Persekutuan Melayu dan kami akan bangunkan ia sebaik mungkin jika tidak semaju sekarang.. :-P

      3. Siapa “kami”?

        Anda bercakap bagi pihak siapa? Dan untuk makluman manusia yang cetek ilmu seperti saudara, ramai orang bukan Melayu di negara ini pada ambang kemerdekaan sudah pun mendapat kerakyatan di bawah Persekutuan Tanah Melayu terdahulu atau merupakan anak negeri sebelum itu. Dan prinsip jus soli telah diluputkan daripada Perlembagaan Malaysia pada tahun 1963.

        Kalau tak silap kiraan saya, moyang Helen mungkin dah ada di Tanah Melayu sebelum Mahathir’s grandfather arrived from Kerala. Mahathir is our Obama!

      4. khairul,

        kalau tu, baik sabah n sarawak memilih jalan lain kerana mereka tak sebahagian persekutuan tanah melayu.

        kalau tanpa sumbangan bangsa lain, ekonomi semenanjung sudah lama tumbang.

    3. Bagi saya, Eddy Daud bukan bermaksud minoriti adalah Non-bumi or non-malay or non-muslim. But the minorities here were they who lost in the last election. They are the real minorities! Tapi saya tak tahu la kalau dia betul2 maksudkan sebaliknya. Sebab saya pasti yg suka buat demo adalah mereka yg tak puas hati menang hanya 5 negeri di Malaysia.

  4. Pity Haris Ibrahim, all his citizenship and PR applications in other countries rejected on grounds of no particular talent, skill, know-how or capital of value to the intended country…

  5. Retro Blues,

    Malays accepted the fact that at eve of independence the “tanah melayu” was already inhabited by sizable population of Non malays.

    So, the generosity on Malay part should not be questionned. Rather, as I said many times, Malay humility is a source of beauty, and aspiration.

    En bloc citizenships, a unique phenomenon in this world until today is unmatched. That is a manifestation of generosity worth appreciated.

    the trouble with non MaLAY communities is their politicians simply refuse to accept reality. They believe that their identities will remain intact by policy of separation: that is separate school system. they lament why Malays sometimes called them “pendatang’ when their politicians behave exactly like that.

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