Posted in Islam

Konspirasi Umno supaya Melayu jumud, kononnya

Respons-respons yang bercorak perli mengingatkan saya kepada kemelut ‘Allah’ tidak berapa lama dahulu.

Apabila tercetus perebutan kalimah tersebut, kaum Muslim telah dituduh sebagai “betapa rapuh iman”, “begitu mudah dikelirukan”, berpandangan sempit, kolot, takutkan bayang-bayang, dsb kerana ingin membendung orang Kristian menggunakan ‘Allah’.

Perkara yang sama berulang di mana ketidakselesaan masa sekarang terhadap ikonografi burung merpati didakwa sebagai satu reaksi yang tidak munasabah, melampau dan “rasis”.

Seorang pengomen di Rockybru berkata, “I bet if she [Helen Ang] came down to my local surau she would imagine that any burung merpati that landed in our grounds was out to convert us….”

Hujah-hujah yang menyeleweng

Ikonografi burung adalah asing daripada budaya tempatan dan kenapa hendak benda Kristian diletakkan pada logo hari kebangsaan.

Keprihatinan ini dituduh sebagai jumud.

Didakwa bahawa paranoia sengaja dipupuk terhadap merpati dan dikehendaki semua burung-burung itu dihapuskan di negara kita.

***   ***   ***

Komen-komen pembaca dipetik dari ‘Logo Hari Merdeka Pakatan ada elemen-elemen Kristian‘.

Tembak semua burung merpati

  • “sebelum ni saya ada membela 3 ekor burung merpati di dalam sangkar……setelah membaca blog ini saya terus membunuh burung merpati tersebut kerana takut iman dan akidah saya tergugat…”
  • in islam there are also story of dove.. so what? u think dove only a symbol for christian? pls open ur mind and read other religions story too.”
  • “so lepas nih kena wat holocaust kat sume burung merpati ats bumi Malaysia nih sbb ia simbol Kristianiti…”

Boikot Pos Malaysia

  • “and the new [Pos Malaysia] logo… jeng jeng jeng! omg, three doves! the trinity! father, son, holy spirit! must be christian conspiracy!

Haramkan Twitter

  • Jangan pakai twitter, salah. Orang dahulu berperang hantar utusan pakai burung merpati, salah. Pergi taman burung, salah. Guna burung utk melambangkan kebebasan, salah. Jangan jadi BODOH apabila anda membenci seseorang. gunakan akal yang ada (walaupun tak seberapa)”

Jangan guna huruf ‘t’ & simbol matematik +

  • “woi!! Helen trgkn kt aku, tntg hruf ‘t’ dlm abjad rumi, bkn ke hruf ‘t’ mnyrupai simbol kristian, knp org rmi dri dlu smpi skrg bla gna hruf tu dlm pnulisan xd yg bangkang, ni bnda brung mrpati ko dok bsing2…”
  • “PASAL GAMBAR BURUNG , DIKAITKAN DENGAN KRISTIAN ?? kalau macam tu , tema janji tepati pun ada unsur kristian jugak apa . “Janji Ditepati” bermula dengan huruf “J” . jESUS kan bermula dengan huruf “J”. NAMPAK TAK KONSPIRASI BN?”

Seorang pembaca mengomen:

(a) “Logo Kemerdekaan 1988 mempunyai 3 bulatan (yg mungkin selari dgn konsep Trinity kristian)
(b) Logo 1989 ada grafik Salib yang condong.
(c) Logo 1990 mempunyai grafik yang sepadan dgn respresentasi ‘roh kudus’
(d) Logo 1994 mempunyai visual ‘Hati merah suci’. So, cam ne ni?”

Racist and lousy Malaysian

  • “Also, THANK YOU for admitting you’re a lousy Malaysian by saying AKU CINA. Malaysians are to say I’m a Malaysian and not by their race. THANK YOU for admitting you are a racist person by AKU CINA. Thank you that everyone now can see, HELEN ANG ADMITTED SHE IS A RACIST PERSON.”

Sementara itu, beberapa peminat Yeopies di forum Lowyat meroyan, “Someone please kill the bitch” – merujuk kepada saya. Perbincangan talian tersebut sudah diputuskan (decativated) oleh pengendali Lowyat.


Merpati: Logo gereja yang paderinya dulu mahu bakar Quran

Boleh Pakatan tolong bagi tahu logo itu burung apa

Murtad: Syor amat pelik oleh setiausaha agung Majlis Gereja-Gereja Malaysia


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

23 thoughts on “Konspirasi Umno supaya Melayu jumud, kononnya

  1. Honestly cik Helen, i find this issue of burung merpati – logo – christianity thing kinda funny! No offense there but. … Errr… U know what i mean :-)

    Urm, you’ll have to elaborate pls. — Helen

  2. Helen, I think you hit a cord close to their black hearts. That’s why all the violent reactions. Keep up the great work Helen.

      1. OIC, baru saya nampak sekarang. Tadi dah baca posting Pak tapi tak buat ‘connection’ yang sepatutnya.


  3. Helen, please continue with the reboot thinking.

    We on the front line here find to convince these Syiah indoctrinated cadres (in PAS) an uphill battle. But the exposure has to be done – these hardcore will die for their new religion – PAS religion – what I want to achieve is to convince true muslims to uphold Islam values and for non Muslims like you – to ensure that there is no extremist.

    Our goal is similar though – to ensure Malaysia does not fall into the hands of these party religion bigots (I refuse to call them Muslim because they have deviated from Islam teachings and mix religion with party indoctrination).

  4. I have no issue with helen highlighting this as she is considered neutral, ive red her stinging articles on islamization, which some i agree and disagree but fair ,hence her criticism on the megachurches is for the sheep to answer..

  5. To those Malays who are pro-Pakatan, what do they think of this Nike Air Logo?

    It says “Air” and appears like a small flame rising in air. I am sure Nike didn’t intend to alienate their Muslim consumers!

  6. actually if the muslim in Pakatan especially PAS are solid and firm with islam, they don’t even bother about this issues. it is when they have no clue about their religion and when instigated, jump on the defensive side.

    as for the chinese christian DAP,, they felt like their secrets were being known, when knowing the secrets is nothing great at all. i think those guang eng wannabes are trying to break their heads as to figure out how the heck you know their secrets when you were just only pointing the obvious. lol

  7. MALAYSIAN of today are ultra sensitive over everything ! The main issue here is people are taking strong ideological sides much being influenced by political masters of the day. It would appear to me that we are more incline to break up and create civil unrest than to focus on unity, harmony and nation building. Situations like this was never the thinking of 1957 MERDEKA or the spirit of MALAYSIA.

  8. Masalah nye bila mereka membayangkan lagu ‘rais’ mempunyai unsur lagu gospel tu ok, tapi bila Helen kata logo tu mempunyai unsur kristian tak ok pulak….semua orang tak boleh mengeluarkan pendapat atau mempunyai pandangan yang berbedza dari mereka … elok la tu. Belum memerintah negara dah macam tu jadi kalau memerintah esok macam mana lah agaknya….

    Sebenar yang membuatkan saya terkilan adalah mengapa perbedzaan logo dan slogan antara pusat dan kerajaan negeri pr. Kedua dua bahlul ni patut nya duduk dan berbincang kalau tak setuju bukan ini cara nya…..itu saya kata dari dulu semua orang politik nie ‘anak haram’.

  9. Not a bad effort to make cheap publicity for yourself. Just like your Flom, riding on Lee Chong Wei’s hardwork and glory.

    1. Aziz, I can bet my top $ you are not a Malay. A Malay does not think like this, only an Anglophile. Take your self indulged and self professed (what is it for me besides what it is for the community) agenda somewhere else.

      1. Just because I don’t agree with this bunch of hypocrites doesn’t make me less malay than you. It is ironic and funny why some ‘ smart, but so smart after all ‘ guys like you are still blinded by the robbers and thieves of this nation and still intend to return the power to the thieves and robbers come election. Do not tell others you are from malaysian. Jangan buat malu kita orang melayu.

    2. Feel sorry for people like you Aziz, always in need to think of fake Melayu names for cybertrooping purposes. But of course it is easier for blogs to keep faking who you are unlike in FMT where we easily can see 7/10 commenters are fake.

  10. “Malaysians are to say I’m a Malaysian and not by their race”

    I have one question for people with similar line of thinking. It is a simple question.

    If you say you are “Malaysian”, why do you still insist on preserving vernacular schools ?

    I bet after people see this question, the usual response is “Racist question”, “Malay Ultra”, and other race card hurling.

    Now, would you care to answer my question ?

    1. Ahmad Ibrahim,

      Only a hypocrite will deny the influence of race in his character. in malaysia, these people will lament why we must fill up official documents on matters related to race. They say it is a waste of time and irrelevant.

      But they have no qualm in insisting that their children study in separate school system and yet they ask why Malays as suspicious on them.

  11. “Sementara itu, beberapa peminat Yeopies di forum Lowyat meroyan, “Someone please kill the bitch” – merujuk kepada saya. Perbincangan talian tersebut sudah diputuskan (decativated) oleh pengendali Lowyat.”

    “Someone please kill the bitch”

    Nothing new really. Just look at the recent shooting at a Sikhs temple in Wisconsin. When you are not with them, when you are against them, you are “fair game” meaning that you are ripe for extermination.

    Those Sikhs, being mistaken for Muslims, now constantly have to watch their backs in case some crazed white Christian supremacist show up and start shooting wantonly.

    What took this crazed ideology (killing those that are different from you, those not with you, those against you etc) so long to come to Malaysia ? Oh wait, did it get here after March 2008 ?

    Sister Helen, perhaps you could write something about this topic. I bet it will generate even greater hostility. After all, Opposition hacks thrive on hostility he he he ! Give them another bout of perpetual hysteria. I believe perpetual hysteria is the best antidote to soot their perpetual fear of failing to take over the Federal Government.

    One more thing. Do your bit folks. Come election day, please make your votes count. Vote wisely. Send the frauds, the phoneys, the charlatans, the cheats, etc back to where they came from.


  12. Dalam Islam kita dilarang menggunakan apa apa lambang menyerupai haiwan. Tak caya tanya pak lebai pas ..

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