Posted in Evangeliblis

Dewan Ulama PAS: Cina DAP rata-rata Kristian, lawan hukum Allah

Hannah Yeoh Ugly Pendatang

Timbalan ketua Dewan Ulama PAS Dr Nik Mohd Zawawi Salleh (gambar bawah) berkata para ahli Cina DAP yang rata-rata penganut Kristian merupakan punca kenapa tahaluf siyasi tidak lagi mampu dipertahankan.

Dewan Ulama PAS kelmarin “menyalahkan Cina Kristian sebagai kumpulan yang melakukan penentangan terhadap usaha parti itu mempertahankan kesucian Islam dan melaksanakan hukum hudud”, mengikut laporan IsmaWeb bertajuk ‘Cina Kristian penentang Islam, hudud, kata Dewan Ulama PAS‘.

nik zawawi

UBAH: Kristian ‘lahir semula’ DAP

Berucap pada pembukaan muktamar Dewan Ulama PAS di Gombak, beliau berkata masyarakat Cina yang dahulunya menganuti agama Buddha sekarang cukup ghairah berpaling kepercayaan mereka kepada ajaran Kristian.

Kata Ustaz Zawawi, “Berlaku perubahan baru dalam suasana politik di Malaysia apabila masyarakat Cina yang dahulunya penganut Buddha menukar agama mereka kepada Kristian”.


Kristian musuh Islam zaman menzaman

“Perubahan tersebut mula menyaksikan pertembungan antara PAS dan parti bukan Islam yang rata-ratanya Kristian dan diketahui seteru kepada umat Islam dari zaman berzaman”, tambah beliau.

Membandingkan masyarakat Cina Buddha yang tidak menentang dan mempersoalkan agama Islam, Ustaz Zawawi berkata, “Satu arus baharu berlaku dalam negara kita, arus masyarakat Cina penganut agama Buddha tinggalkan agama mereka mendekati Kristian”.

Wong Chun Wai mengepalai kumpulan media MCA yang berbentuk Sarang Berbisa Evangelista

Politikus Kristian berbeza dengan yang beragama Buddha

Mengikut pemerhatian Ustaz Zawawi, agenda Kristianisasi itu tidak hanya berlaku pada parti DAP namun turut menular dalam MCA.

Katanya, “Sebab itu kita lihat sikap parti politik dan apabila pemimpin mereka berhijrah kepada agama ini (Kristian), tindakan mereka amat berbeza berbanding dengan pemimpin yang kekal dengan agama Buddha mereka boleh bertahan dan tidak menyerang perjuangan Islam”.

hannahyeoh fat gemuk
Hannah Yeoh munafik yang mencemar kesucian masjid – Ada ambil wuduk atau mandi junub?
Chew Mei Fun
Naib presiden MCA Chew Mei Fun seorang penganut Buddha

Evangelista jadi Adun MCA Subang Jaya

Ada juga di kalangan politikus MCA yang berupa Kristian evangelis. Sebab itulah Lee Hwa Beng, yang sebelum ini Adun MCA tiga penggal di Subang Jaya, boleh mengada-ngada berperangai lebih DAP dari DAP.

Apapun Lee sudah dipecat oleh partinya.

BAWAH: Lee bersama Hannah Yeoh dan Elizabeth Wong; Lim Kit Siang dan Lim Guan Eng Hannah, Elizabeth and Lee Hwa Beng, the MCA former 3-term Adun for Subang Jaya

Former MCA three-term Subang Jaya Adun Datuk Lee Hwa Beng and KitSiang


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

59 thoughts on “Dewan Ulama PAS: Cina DAP rata-rata Kristian, lawan hukum Allah

    1. PAS baru tahu ke…melayu bodoh. Tu Hannah Yeoh kat Selangor siapa yang sembah.
      Tu 2000 hectar PAS Kelantan bagi Cina dap…
      bodoh..bengap..pandai pakai serban arab je..

      1. Belakun je, bagi panas ,kan ni masa mukatmar , nak cari perhatian .
        Tak kan lah selama ini tak tahu , pada mereka UMNO yang kapir ,mungkin mereka mengangap mereka semua tu ahli kitab, bak kata DR Mirza sah kawin dengan orang Islam ,tampa menguchap dua kalimah shyadah .

        Politik ,segala-gaanya bagi mereka .

  1. Hari ini mungkin semua orang adalah kafir sebab lawan hukum Allah. Contohnya Quran 2.221 syarat nikah ialah mukmin. Tapi hari ini syarat nikah ialah muslim. Mukmin & muslim berbeza. Jadi mungkin hari ini semua nikah adalah tak sah. Betul tak.

    1. kahwin dulu nikah kemudian bro..apa la ko ni…melepas dunia..mustafa ali setiausha agung PAS lagi maju,,hehe

    1. Tenguk tu PAS kumpulan Melayu mabuk ugama. Sebenornya orang cina meluat tenguk orang bertudung dan berserban mcm orang arab. Tapi cina tak kisah asal Cina kuli jadi speaker di Tanah Melayu Selangor. Salehin duduk menganggur di rumah hehe..
      Tanah Selangor semua kontraktor Cina dapat. Melayu PAS sibuk pasang bendera.
      Apa benda yang drive Melayu PAS. Syok sendiri.
      Tak sedar miskin, Cina billionaire tapi Melayu PAS nak membantu Cina. Cina di bagan tu kaya raya seludup barang, Melayu cuma cukup makan tanah pun tergadai pada pendatang Cina dan India.
      Ini semua berkaitan dengan Kesultanan UMNO dimana Sultan Najib beraja dimata bertahta dihati mengaut kekayaan dengan Goldman Sachs, Jho Low,Ananda Krishnan.
      Sampai Timbalan Presiden UMNO pun tak tahu rompakan besar besaran oleh Ananda dan Jho Low.

      Dengan menjual nama kerajaan Malaysia sebagai penjamin, Jho Low dan Goldman Sachs pinjam berbilion untuk dibahgikan secara TUNAI diantara mereka konon beli IPP buruk Ananda Krishnan yang lesennya dibagi oleh UMNO juga.

      1. Daripada Tsauban r.a. berkata:
        Rasulullah saw. bersabda:

        “Hampir tiba suata masa di mana bangsa-bangsa dan seluruh dunia akan datang mengerumuni kamu bagaikan orang-orang yang hendak makan mengerumuni talam hidangan mereka”.

        Maka salah seorang sahabat bertanya “Apakah dari kerana kami sedikit pada hari itu?” Nabi s.a.w. menjawab, “Bahkan kamu pada hari itu banyak sekali, tetapi kamu umpama buih di waktu banjir, dan Allah s.w.t. akan mencabut rasa gerun terhadap kamu dari hati musuh-musuh kamu, dan Allah s.w.t. akan mencampakkan ke dalam hati kamu penyakit “wahan”.
        Seorang sahabat pun bertanya, “Apakah “wahan” itu hai Rasulullah?” Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. menjawab, “Cinta pada dunia dan takut pada mati”.

        (riwayat Abu Daud)

        1. Abdullah apa karut marut yang kamu cut and paste ni.
          Dongeng arab tu membawa kekunoaan kepada orang Arab.
          Tanah arab di bahagikan oleh kaum kaum eropah.
          Hanya kerana melayu umno yang sekular dan liberal menyokong
          kerajaan melayu maka melayu PAS ingat dia pandai.
          Kita melayu moden dan sekular mesti menguatkan sekularisma
          kerana ugama itu pada asasnya adalah madat untuk raja-raja pada
          zaman dulu kala memerintah. Sebelum itu Paderi Paderi yang boleh
          buat majik sikit untuk menipu orang ramai yang daif yang mempunyai kuasa.
          Kini konsep demokrasi mengakui tidak ada magik, itu semua tipu helah
          atau silap mata.
          Manusia perlu berfikiran rasional dan waras dengan segala ilmu dan deria
          untuk memahami situasi dunia dan tanah air kita.
          Melayu PAS bukan tak sayang dunia tapi tak tahu teknologi nak buat duit muahaha.
          Nik Aziz mundur, anak dia mundur, dipermainkan oleh Cina yang kini
          berkiblat ke Popiah di Vatican, Itali, Mafia. Dongeng Yahudi, bahwa mereka adalah
          kaum pilihan Tuhan, dan Jesus Christ bangsa Yahudi adalah anak Tuhan adalah sesuatu
          yang tak masuk akal tetapi inilah yang di ajar oleh orang eropah untuk menguasai
          harta emas, bijih timah, dan tanah orang Afrika, Fillipna, Indonesia, Malaya dsb.
          Orang Cina seperti Hanah Yeoh dan Lim Guan Eng hanya mempermainkan Melayu PAS
          yang naif, tak tahu baca inggeris di internet tak tahu mengenai Papal Bull yang
          dikeluarkan oleh Pope Augustin untuk kaum eropah membunuh manusia diseluruh
          dunian dan merampas tanah dan emas mereka.
          Hannah Yeoh tenguk Melayu PAS cukup terpedaya dengan pakaian tudung teknik
          memperdayakan ini memang diajar oleh mubaligh Eropah.
          Tenguk saja di Pulau Pinang Cina Krisitan Philip Lim Guan Eng yang menjadi Ketua Menteri kemudian melantik speaker Cina Kristian sebagai speaker. Kalau boleh
          gabenor P Pinang pun Cina juga.
          Melayu PAS gembira dapat suluh kain perempuan dan tenguk kote orang..allah huakbar.
          Itu saja yang dia tahu.
          Melayu PAS bukan tak sayang dunia tapi bahlol kelas satu. Tetapi kerana Melayu UMNO malaun macam Najib, Khairun Aseh, Kj, Zahid, Hishamudin pun melayu kokak juga maka anak anak melayu pun kehilangan arah.
          Nasib baik ada G25. Melayu G25 ini adalah melayu pandai dengan cara orang eropah dan
          boleh berfikir dengan rasional dan bukan dongeng.
          Maka kita semua kena sokong Melayu G25 ini dari Melayu G18 Mat Sabun…

    1. ADD EXPLANATION: The hate-filled commenters in SIS Facebook do not believe Take Johor for Jesus to be any threat or provocative.


      jentayu commented @ 2015/06/03 at 3:12 pm

      “what if some Pakistani goes to US and decided to hold a mass gathering of Muslims and ask Allah to take ownership of the land. I bet all those NSA, FBI, CIA or even the county police will gather round and enforcing the Patriot Act.”

      By the time the 2020 census comes around, I believe the number of Christians estimated in the population will be more reflective of the facts on the ground (reality) and way higher than the 9.2% cited in 2010.

      I believe one explanation for the under-reporting could be the silent conversions. e.g. Hannah Yeoh became a born again Christian at the age of 19. She and others like her (esp. older converts) may not have been counted as Christian in the census. Going by her birth cert, HY could have been registered by her parents back in 1979 under another religion.

      Her two Bangsa Anak Malaysia kids nonetheless tho’ will be clearly recorded as Christians in their BCs. So the next census should be more accurate.

      You can see the spike in Christianity and the drastic drop in Buddhism from the S’pore census.

      Also see the China figures. China is so worried about the explosive growth of Christianity that it’s mulling new laws to restrict the display of crosses.

      If you want some concrete figures, see Nigeria experience on how Christianity wiped out the native African beliefs.


        1. Also South Korea. They’re dedicated missionaries and it’s ironic that a Far Eastern race is going (“returning”) to the Middle East where Jesus was born to preach Christianity there. They made international headlines when they were kidnapped and held hostage in Afghanistan and Iraq.

          South Korea is a Far East country with a long Buddhist tradition. Yet Buddhists in South Korea are only 23 percent compared to Christians at 29 percent (source: Pew Research Center). There are far more Christians than Buddhists in South Korea today.

          The evangelical growth among Koreans has been simply “explosive”, reported Christianity Today.

          1. I’ve mostly held on the belief that increased religiosity is a by-product of poverty e.g. the Filipino’s utmost devotion to Catholicism as a way to “escape” from their harsh daily lives but it seems the evangelical growth is coming from developed nations with a sizable middle-class.

            Could it be that societies that are too consumed in consumerism have become hollow and they need a “new” religion to fill that emptiness?

            1. re: “it seems the evangelical growth is coming from developed nations with a sizable middle-class”

              Poverty of the soul. They want a spiritual meaning to their lives and bingo! City Harvest gives them religion wrapped in Prosperity Gospel. Just the thing for the Chinese.

              Likewise, the newly middle-class and well-to-do Malays are searching harder too. Middle-aged professional, successful Malays sign up for Quran class, kan? To learn Islam in a more formalized and structured setting.

              1. “Poverty of the soul. They want a spiritual meaning to their lives and bingo! City Harvest gives them religion wrapped in Prosperity Gospel. Just the thing for the Chinese.”

                From my conversations with some Buddhist converts to Christianity I found that they left Buddhism because their only experience of it was the practice of certain rights and rituals, and veneration of images of deities which they felt were evil.

                If they had been taught the original teachings of the Buddha and had acquired a true understanding of genuine Buddhism as a way of life and had lived accordingly, they would have found much spiritual satisfaction and purpose in life and would not be such easy prey for these evangelists.

                If the Buddha were here today, he would rebuke his followers for having introduced accessories and practices into Buddhism which distract and divert devotees from its prescribed path to spiritual perfection.

                Unfortunately, Malaysia may not have another teacher like the late Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda for long time.

                Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

              2. That’s quite a good assessment of the situation.

                Regarding Malaysian Chinese, how much role do you think urbanization and social/economic movement play in favor of the evangelists? Someone once opined that the breakdown of the traditional clan structure contributed to a sense of loss among the younger, urban Chinese hence opening them up to these evangelists.

                I havent done any serious reading into this, but it’s quite an interesting topic to research one day.

                1. re: “Regarding Malaysian Chinese, how much role do you think urbanization and social/economic movement play in favor of the evangelists?”

                  Same odds as the Chinese support for MCA vis-a-vis DAP in the coming GE14.

                  Between one hour of silent Buddhist meditation and one hour of singing, which do you think the urbanites will prefer?

                  And to give credit where credit is due, the Christian hymns are imposing, e.g. The Hymn of Joy is set to Beethoven’s 9th Sym­pho­ny, Joy to the World is composed by Handel, Hark! the Herald Angels Sing by Mendelssohn. Classics.

                  Even the modern hymns are pleasant on the ear – like pop music.

                  And of course, some of the evangelical churches have dancing too although perhaps not during the worship service proper. But they do have lots of programmes for the youth.

                  What your “someone opined” would be quite correct, in my opinion.

                  What IT.Scheiss commented @ 2015/06/04 at 6:50 pm is also true.

                  Then there’s the trendiness factor. Christianity is trendy is modernization/Westernization and they have all those Christmas movies, Christmas toys, Christmas turkey, etc. We don’t see Wesak movies.

                  And fashionable. Think how Madonna made the cross earring a fashion accessory. (Dunno who this generation’s crucifix trendsetter is.)

                  Buddhism, to me, is more philosophical and contemplative. It must be a pain and boring and taxing for a Chinese teenager to be told to be mindful. (Buddhist must practise “mindfulness”).

                  1. The authentic teachings of Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus are similar in nature ……

                    Gautama Buddha:
                    “Just as a mother would protect her only child at the risk of her own life, even so, cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings. Let your thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world.”

                    Jesus the Messiah:
                    “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

                    Gautama Buddha:
                    “Hatred does not ever cease in this world by hating, but by love; this is an eternal truth. . . . Overcome anger by love, overcome evil by good, overcome the miser by giving, overcome the liar by truth.”

                    Jesus the Messiah:
                    “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”


                  2. The pleasantness and excitement part are a factor too, especially in evangelical churches.

                    You do not find dancing and singing in Roman Catholic or mainstream Protestant churches, especially not in the prayer hall, though maybe in other parts of the church for social activities but generally, all that is usually done at home.

                    Also, Wesak Day is the only day of celebration which takes place in temples. Buddhists do not celebrate Wesak with merry making, open houses and feasting like other faiths, and definitely no alcohol consumption.

                    Whilst Wesak Day activities at temples have become increasingly commercialised these days, still it also is a day for more devout and knowledgeable Buddhists to spend the day at the temple to receive blessings, observe additional precepts and engage in meditation.

                    Unfortunately, most youth of today want instant gratification, which is perhaps why as you pointed out, evangelical churches have more appeal.

                    That said, I certainly would not like to see Buddhists compromise our principles for numbers.

              3. Yang jadi tanda tanya, these newly converted or born again Christians, pandai betoi bab2 hukum dan ajaran Agama Islam, depa semua ni pi belajar kat mana?

                Arw Prof Dr Hamka spent years to come up with his version of Tafsiran .. Years of study and research on the Quran including the holy books of other religions, HOWEVER with humility admitted that his knowledge of Islam was still too shallow and limited.

                Tu yang pelik, anak cucu cicit keturunan pengmali2 yang baru saja memeluk Agama Christian dok bohong macam depa tu fasih sangat dengan hukum2 dan ajaran Agama Islam?

                Cerdik kelentong lebih.

                1. Hannah Yeoh yang dijemput berkhutbah di sana sini sebagai lay preacher hanya 36 tahun dan memeluk Kristian tatkala umur 19 tahun.

                  Dia dah banyak mengaji ke? Di seminary yang mana? Which Divinity School? Malah waktu zaman sekolah pun bukan di sekolah mubaligh.

                  Dah betul-betul mendalami ilmu Kristian? Berapa tahun dia dok mengaji agaknya, memandangkan dia selalu begitu sibuk dengan Facebook dan Twitter serta playing dress-up pakai tudung jejak kaki ke masjid.

              4. Does the growth of Christianity damper the spirit of liberty or violate the priciple of human rights of any citizen?

                1. The country closest to Malaysia in terms of religious demography is Lebanon.

                  Over there, they had decades of civil war.

                  1. Lebanon was the only Christian nation in the Middleast back in the 40s. Generosity of the Christian government in absorbing the influx of Palestinian refugees resulted in the increase of Muslims into their population,

                    The Muslims then declared jihad on the Christians in 1975. Christians were massacred and churches burned.

                    Lebanon is precisely the epitome of Christian liberalism and their observation of human rights. It ended badly for them tho, but it does not diminish my point.

                    1. re: “Lebanon was the only Christian nation in the Middleast back in the 40s.”

                      Lebanon was controlled by the Christians in the 1940s but the Christians were not the majority.

                      “at independence, gained in 1943, the population was one-half Christian and one-half Muslim”, Read more:

                      From Wiki,

                      “Most of the French and Italian settlers left after Lebanese independence in 1943 and only 22,000 French Lebanese and 4,300 Italian Lebanese continue to live in Lebanon.”

                      Then in 1948 (year Israel was created), and like you said, there was an influx of Palestinian refugees which “resulted in the increase of Muslims into their population”.

                      re: “The Muslims then declared jihad on the Christians in 1975. Christians were massacred and churches burned.”

                      Yes, Christians were massacred and churches burned. The Christians, although by 1975 had become the minority, were still domineering and controlling the government. The President of Lebanon was a Christian according to the country’s power-sharing formula.

                      Even though Christians are/were the minority, they held an unequal share of the power.

                      re: “Lebanon is precisely the epitome of Christian liberalism and their observation of human rights. It ended badly for them tho, but it does not diminish my point.”

                      The Christians were massacred and churches burned. And all the Middle-East countries with the exception of Israel are Muslim.

                    2. Helen

                      The Christians were massacred and churches burned. And all the Middle-East countries with the exception of Israel are Muslim.

                      I think the pertinent question is do one subscribe to the tenets of the current accepted version of human rights and does [enter name of religion] impede that belief.

                    3. HH,

                      Just a note: “The Christians were massacred and churches burned” were originally your words. I returned them to you.

              5. Aha a good observation of middle class malays paying ustaz to their houses to learn about arabic religion. Are people becoming more interested in 2000 years old philosophies?
                How is that so? Do these chinese really believe that God made the world in 7 days. Do these malays really believe the arab god mathe world in 6 days? How do these people reconcile these rubbish or faith with their modern views?
                I dont. I just think that its part of human history. There is no truth that the Jew Jesus Christ is the son of Allah. Say what you may. Some one must stand up and say that is rubbish. Just like Amos the Singaporean teenagers said. These are said in europe. They killed people who claimed to be Christian Kings in Russia, France etc. Because these people used the Christianity to benefit themselves worldly and enslaved black african.
                Thus, we must make more malays and chinese realised about Papal Bull, the killings of natives all over the world by Europe tribes in the name of the Jew Jesus Christ. if they were evil then Hannah Yeoh is just as evil. No two ways about it. It is not about faith. IT is about mind control by the european tribe. They do not themselves believe it any more but they find it useful to control naive natives all over the world to their benefit.

      1. “By the time the 2020 census comes around, I believe the number of Christians estimated in the population will be more reflective of the facts on the ground (reality) and way higher than the 9.2% cited in 2010.”

        Stop messing with their heads, Helen. Islam1st will be having nightmares after reading your latest offering.

        1. We can accurately predict this trend by looking at our neighbour S’pore. It’s happened in S’pore first because

          (1) they’re a more developed country and urban

          But we’re also developing and fast urbanizing. Hence we’ll follow the UBAH agama trend seen in S’pore, i.e. embracing the modern (Western is viewed as modern) culture and jettisoning the traditional Asian (Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism) religions for Christianity.

          (2) S’pore has a 3/4 Chinese majority. With the huge percentage of Chinese there, this trend of changing religion to Christianity is quite clear. And it’s reflected in the S’pore census.

          We have a 1/4 Chinese minority. With the lesser numbers, the trend of Chinese conversion did not show up in the last census but it will surely be felt in the next census.

          (3) After all, the S’pore churches (City Harvest) and patterns (mega churches) have already crossed the Causeway.

          1. Ms H, In the early 1970s, Singapore has about 4,000 registered gangsters and no evangelists. By the early 1980s, the Dictator (1959-2015) made an unappreciated comment about Johor Baru having all the crime which caused an uproar in Malaysia. The fact of the matter is that the registered Singaporean gangsters checked into Johor Baru to do their thing like hiring a bungalow or flat to do bookie operations on Singapore Race days or other illegal activities. After their work the gangsters returned home to their HDB flats and their families and abide by the Singapore laws. This is a good arrangement for Singapore whereby there are no crimes conducted by criminals in crime free Singapore. Only a Dictatorship could do this. This has now been applied to these brand new Christians. But this form of behaviour of doing their worst in Malaysia by the Singaporeans has been practised by business people well before the Dictator appeared on the scene like income tax evasion and selling B goods as A goods by Singapore traders etc. All these capers are nothing new. The trend follows the new industries that spring up because of demand – like troubled souls need salvation by fakes. Finally, it is all connected with Money Money Money.

  2. Hmmm… Apa dah jadi? Baru bulan lepas saja telinga aku sendiri dengar tazkirah maghrib dari sorang ada ustaz di MABAS (Masjid ????) yang katakan PAS bela anjing (DAP kot) untuk halau babi (UMNO le tu!). Mungkin baru terasa anjing dah tokak keting PAS.

    (UMNO biasa lah… dah berperangai babi, asyik menyondol saja, tak kira siapa…)

  3. What is this Timbalan ketua Dewan Ulama PAS trying to do? Propogate Christianity to the Chinese?

    The way he is sounding off is as if the Buddhists will submissively pave the way for hudud.

    Is that a commendation?

    1. HH.. What is wrong with Hudud, please tell me? Hang pandai sang at debut hudud.

      Look here. It is forbidden for Muslims to burn the body of their dead.
      Did any of the Muslims oppose when you people burn your body to ashes?

      Apala sibuk sangat ni?

      1. Rina

        Be reasonable.

        Non- Muslims are worried about hudud because there is no written proposal with specifications on the hudud law in details (nor the extent and its implication on the nons) earnestly being allowed to be discussed and debated prior to the proposal for implementation.

        It is like asking people to sign a piece of blank paper and tell them consent dulu, details to come later.

        1. HH,
          Larangan minuman keras, berjudi dan prostitution for Muslims, non Muslims tiam2 aje itu yang saya pelik. Business monopoly?

          Hai, sibuk sangat pasai Hudud.. bersangkutan dgn apa2 perniagaan juga ke? Dah mula suspicious ni. Kalau berani buat kesalahan, tak kisah le Muslims or non Muslims, nape takut sangat in? Jangan bersubahat cukup la.

          Mandatory death sentence for drugs traffickers pasai tu tak pula kalut?

          1. ‘Be reasonable.’

            Ayat ni kelakar. Masa diaorang hina Islam. Hina Muslims. Perlekehkan budaya dan cara hidup Islam. Hina Hudud. Kita pula yang kena ‘be reasonable’.

            HH, rumah ada CERMIN tak?

      2. ‘It is forbidden for Muslims to burn the body of their dead.’

        Kebesaran Allah. Janji Allah. Kat dunia pun dah nampak dah apa jadi. Tu pun mata hati masih tertutup rapat. Asyik duk hina agama Allah.

        Jeff, cer ko baca ni, TAHU KAN? BM ko still functioning tak?

        ‘Dan kepada parti-parti sekular dan bukan Islam di Malaysia yang masih mahu menentang Hudud, suka dimaklumkan bahawa menurut kajian yang telah dikeluarkan oleh PEW Research Center itu juga mendapati bahawa menjelang tahun 2050, 7 daripada setiap 10 orang rakyat Malaysia adalah beragama Islam.’

  4. danontheroad,
    I salute you for braving the wall of commenters on the SIS facebook. There were times I felt this strong compulsion to write but I usually change my mind. I love my peace of mind.

    This is my view on the Take J4J event. I do believe that the organizers would need to get some sort of permit to hold the event. The powers-that-be should have the sense to caution them against it. But if the powers-that-be agreed then they should have stood by their decision and explained why they gave the permission for the event.

    If the organizers advertised before they obtained all the necessary permits then it is only right that the organizers take down all the promotions if they fail to get the approvals.

    I do not have a problem with the event per se. But if they claim to be a small minority, then why are they organizing on such a grand scale? Is that not some sort of proselytizing?

    That “PATHETIC” tweet by HY? If she’s referring to the article in the MalayMail, she is right. But if she’s referring to the statement that M’sia offers more religious freedom than Singapore etc, well she’s obviously not as well read as she wants people to think. There is some truth to the statement, unless you are a Malay. A Malay has relatively no religious freedom. I’m not advocating anything, just stating a fact.

    1. Did you notice the disproportionately large number of Chinese Facebookers hanging out at the SIS page?

      1. combative/belligerent and smarter-than-Muslims-wrt-Islam Chinese commenters ,)

        1. I know, that’s why I refrain from engaging there. I might start using the P word :-D

    2. Thanks orangkampung. I have been following quite a number of so-po blogs for a quite a while but have never really engaged in “keyboard-to-keyboard” combat on these Facebook pages until yesterday.

      Quite an experience being called a “clown with iman so weak” by an Indian.

  5. DAP and its supporters are now consisting of anglophilic, islamophobic, Malay-hating, bananas. They aren’t even “Chinese” to begin with. Of course while these bananas aren’t finish attacking Muslim Malays, they also set eyes on “Chinese-Chinese” as well.

  6. “STUPID” “GO TO HELL” the naked Caucasian climbers told off the Mt Kinabalu guide.

    Bunyi macam familiar aje those words? Senada seirama. Agaknya mereka ni penganut Agama apa owh?

    1. Sigh.

      Where are your grumbles coming from, Rina? At least provide some context or else it becomes off-topic.

      1. Not out of topic.

        Am thinking of the lady who is trying hard to get into West Malaysia to ‘move the mountains’. Nah Mt Kinabalu udah goncang!

        And those “Caucasian climbers supposedly uttered “BODOH” translated in Malay, a common and favourite word used by many pengmalis when referring to the Bumiputras esp the Malays.

  7. HH, June 4, 2015@8.31pm
    Does the growth of Christianity damper the spirit of liberty or violate the principle of human rights of any citizen?

    Foremost, the growth of Christianity, here in Malaysia, violates lots of things, not only the human rights of “any citizen”. The main target of the Christians is the Muslims. This is a clear violation of the federal constitution…every citizen is free to practice his or her own religion but don’t preach non-Islam religions to Muslims. In other words, leave the Muslims alone. Isn’t that understood and can’t it be respected? And as though the violation of the constitution is not bad enough, the Christians are executing their grand plan in the most provocative and menacing of manner. They used to be very discreet in the past when it came to proselytizing, employing a multitude of disguised schemes but not now. They have become so bold and brazen. They have lost all inhibitions and fear, like people high on methamphetamine.

    HH, you Christians even want to turn this country into a Kingdom of Jesus! The constitution clearly states that Islam is the religion of the Federation. You Christians have become very pesky and in fact have now become the biggest threat to national harmony. No wonder you are rabidly against the Sedition Act. Look at your behaviour even when the Act you loathe is in place. I can’t imagine what you Christians will do if the Act is abolished. That not withstanding, though, do you think Muslims will just sit back and do nothing in the face of your excessive provocation? We will perhaps witness the re-enactment of the Crusade soon.

    For us Muslims, we have bigger issues to contend with vis-à-vis you, the worshippers of a dead man, [don’t you Christians say Jesus, the man you proclaimed god, died on the cross? God a mere mortal? He died? Even a retard would have plenty of reservations accepting this proposition!] because Christianity is a fake religion and converting Muslims to Christianity is like taking the former back to dark ages. For your information, apostacy is the number one crime in Islam and is punishable with death [any wonder why the Christians are hell-bent opposed to hudud?].

    If you Christians are so proud of your religion, let me tell you that both secularism and atheism originated from the Christian west. The originator of the term secularism, George Jacob Holyoake defined it as “…a code of duty pertaining to this life founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who found theology (reads Christianity} INDEFINITE or INADEQUATE, UNRELIABLE or UNBELIEVABLE…” The secularists rejected Christianity as a body of teachings because, when put into practice by the state, they brought about horrendous results but they still believed in the fundamental beliefs in Christianity vis-à-vis god and remained Christians, albeit in name only, mostly. The atheists, on the other hand, rejected godhood altogether because they found the Christian concept of godhood totally unacceptable but unfortunately without first finding out what other religions have to offer. I have not read any book on atheism at all but I presume all atheist authors embraced atheism because they found all aspects of Christianity repulsive.

    At the height of their glory, Muslims held fast to every aspect of their religion but became decadent and almost destroyed when they abandoned Islam. On the contrary, the dark ages of Europe were during the glory years of Christian theology and their golden years came about after chucking and locking Christianity inside their churches. Any reason for you Christians to be proud and enjoin others to embrace a faith proven to be not only false but also fatal?

    The mindless actions of the evangelists in their M4J & J4J 2015 show of vanity and stupidity really defy common sense. The provocative intensity of their conducts easily surpassed the DAP’s show of arrogance and disrespect pre-May 13, 1960 race riots. These self-declared “oppressed and persecuted” minority has now become our society’s number one menace.

    I have lots more to write but this posting has already been inundated with comments.

  8. These PAS leaders have been accusing Muslims and non-Muslims of heresy and disbelief for tens of years. They are no better before the gaze of the Lord Most High.

  9. Whilst the Whites have mostly rejected Christianity, the yellow easteners, are starting to embrace it. This is quite dubious since something rejected by the ex-believers is hastily embraced by the lesser beings. Could be, unperceived status quo behind this.

    Islam is the fastest growing religion in the west, after the ex-christians found their destiny in Islam. It will be some time before the evangalist find their senses and convert to Islam, since christianity is perceived to be a stepping stone to islam(as happened in the west).

    Korea is heading towards this, first, since they are among the more cultured easteners. This follows, as the more cultured you are, the more easily you understand and thus embrace Islam.

    It will take many more years but slowly and surely it will. Thus the figure in 2050, 35 years to islamization, ameen. It is shorter than the duration for those converts to change from buddhism, (roughly 2015-1960), 55 years

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