Posted in Protun

Najib diktator! — Muhyiddin sudah bunyi macam Kit Siang

“Kita sebenarnya sedang menyaksikan keruntuhan institusi demokrasi dan kemunculan seorang diktator baharu,” kata Muhyiddin Yassin.

DAP pun selalu cakap demikian. Lagi-lagi Umno itu parti Nazi, tambah DAP.

Najib Razik menggunakan segala kuasa diktator yang ada padanya untuk menekan suara yang menentang dan mendiamkan pengkritik dalam beliau menghadapi kemarahan rakyat terhadap pentadbirannya, sambung Muhyiddin senada dengan DAP.

Nampaknya TSMY sudah berjaya direkrut Lim Kit Siang dah.

Muhyiddin rela sisihkan naluri ‘Malay first’nya

Dalam kenyataan akhbarnya semalam setelah digantung jawatan oleh Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Muhyiddin menggesa agar awam segera “ketepikan sentimen kaum, agama dan ideologi untuk ke arah mewujudkan sebuah kerajaan yang adil, amanah dan berintegriti”.

Beliau mahu sentimen kaum diketepikan. Juga sentimen agama ditolak ke tepi. Seraya mengkehendaki tiada belenggu atau kekangan ideologi bangsa dikenakan. Sekiranya masih ada yang memegang kepada kaum dan agama, tidak akan kita boleh ada sebuah kerajaan yang adil — ini ikut logik bekas TPM.

Apa yang disebut Muhyiddin sebiji macam yang senantiasa dan lazim dilaungkan oleh Lim Kit Siang.

Tun & his Protuns; Shafie Apdal has reiterated his support for Muhyiddin

Pemberontak Umno bersekongkol dengan DAP

Tak ada beza pendekatan Muhyiddin dan Tun Mahathir sekarang dengan retorik DAP.

Pada tempoh hari, Tun telah mengesyor kepada orangramai supaya mengetepikan juga ikatan dan rasa setia kepada parti masing-masing. Maksudnya Melayu tidak payah setia kepada Umno pimpinan Najib.

Malah baru kelmarin saja Kit Siang mencanangkan kempennya untuk ‘Selamatkan Malaysia’ — yang mana Grandpapa Dapster menjangka negara kita – andaikata kita tidak mampu melangkaui ras, agama dan ideologi politik (“transcends race, religion, region, political parties and individuals”) – pasti akan tersungkur nanti (“Malaysia to become a rogue and a failed state”).

Muhyiddin pun ikut sama menyeru rakyat “bangkit untuk menentang kezaliman dan kemungkaran [demi] Selamatkanlah Malaysia”.

Ungkapan Muhyiddin tentang hasrat menegakkan kerajaan “adil, amanah dan berintegriti” bercerminkan soundbite kegemaran “transparency, integrity and good governance” yang sering diuar-uarkan oleh Kit Siang (seperti tweetnya di bawah).

Bagai pinang dibelah dua tekad si Muhyiddin dan si Kit Siang untuk “Selamatkan Malaysia”.

Bakal muafakat Mahathir-Muhyiddin dengan pembangkang

Kerajaan baru yang adil dan saksama ini boleh dicapai menerusi suatu “konsensus rakyat”, kata Muhyiddin. Dalam pada itu, DAP sedia untuk menerima Muhyiddin, Mukhriz dan Tun sebagai sekutu baru.

Kit Siang, dalam ucapannya di hotel Le Meridien KL petang kelmarin, berkata impian perpaduan (“of an united, inclusive, moderate, democratic and prosperous Malaysia”) akan terkabul kalau pihak-pihak yang ingin melihat “perubahan” mencapai satu titik pertemuan.

Mursyidul am DAP itu tidak boleh menafikan percubaannya untuk me’rekrut’ Muhyiddin supaya bekerjasama dengan pembangkang.

Muhyiddin ibarat kembar Mahathir dalam menyelar Peguam Negara

Muhyiddin membayangkan bahawa Jabatan Peguam Negara, SPRM, PDRM dan Bank Negara kurang bebas untuk menjalankan fungsi mereka gara-gara diganggu-gugat.

“Hanya kerana dilantik oleh Yang Di-Pertuan Agong atas nasihat Perdana Menteri, Peguam Negara tidak berani mendakwa Najib,” ujar Muhyiddin.

Mantan TPM juga berkata, “Jika Peguam Negara bukan seorang yang berani, maka Perdana Menteri akan menjadi seorang yang amat berkuasa dan kebal di sisi undang-undang”.

Muhyiddin khuatir Najib “boleh dengan sewenang-wenangnya melakukan apa sahaja jenayah dan terlepas daripada sebarang hukuman”.

anti Najib rally March 27

Gerakan anti-Najib oleh gabungan Dapster dan Protun

Rentak jalan Muhyiddin, Tun dan Protun kian seiring dengan Kit Siang dan DAP yang turut mendakwa bahawa Najib sedang bermaharajalela.

“Kita mestilah bersedia untuk bersama-sama menuntut perubahan,” tegur Muhyiddin. “Rakyat mesti bangkit untuk menentang kezaliman dan kemungkaran.”

Pemberontak Umno berpeluang bangkit bersama dengan DAP pada 27 Mac ini.

Anda tidak perlu hairan Protun dan Dapster kini bukan sekadar tidur sebantal tetapi mimpi pun secocok dah.

Disyorkan baca:

Tun leads uprising, urges Malays to put aside loyalty to Umno


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

43 thoughts on “Najib diktator! — Muhyiddin sudah bunyi macam Kit Siang

  1. I for one do not believe ds najib is a dictator . He always behaves like n English gentle man. Deep in his heart he knows that he has committed something very wrong. He has no choice but to find ways of overcoming it. He may suceed finally for failure is not an option anymore because d impact wld b far reaching n wide towards his entire family – past n future.

    1. “He may suceed finally for failure is not an option anymore because d impact wld b far reaching n wide towards his entire family – past n future.”

      Bro. sounds like oxymoron.

      1. Oxymoron it is for Najib, contradictory in words and deeds, saying not dictatorial but not so in deeds.

        But more importantly, will UMNO/BN win at PRU14? That’s the RM2.6 billion question. Or RM500 plus million if the RM2 plus billion was really “returned to the donor(s?)”. Or is it the RM42 million that Muhyiddin said the former Attorney General had shown him the proof it went into Najib’s personal account.

        Mr Cash Is King has doled out so much to the Ketua2 Bahagian – Shahrir Samad of Bahagian Johor Bahru had clearly admitted to the media that he received RM1 million. And to others, too – Ahmad Maslan Ketua Bahagian Pontian was said to have received RM2 million. All presumably from the RM2.6 billion. But the rank and file have been grumbling. And there are 3.4 million of them.

        Najib paid out BRIM from public funds to those entitled. Anyone has figures on those receiving BRIM? Very many of them would not be voting UMNO/BN in spite of that. So much has been said in blogs and the social media.

        UMNO should really replace Najib to ensure better chances of UMNO/BN winning at PRU14. UMNO must be led by a brave, firm, not flip-flopping leader, like Muhyiddin, who would not lose votes from both sides of the divide by trying to placate the insatiable ungrateful ingrate DAP and their kind and yet getting the Chinese tsunami.

        Muhyiddin would not have thrown out ISA and would never have wanted to discard the Sedition Act that Najib flipped flopped on. He bravely decided on making History in schools – no SPM if not passed. That had made DAP members and supporters who disliked – even opposed Muhyiddin’s decision – learn and begin to accept and respect the Constitution of the country, hence better chances of reversing the Chinese tsunami. Lift the suspension and let Muhyiddin take over.

        1. re: “Mr Cash Is King has doled out so much to the Ketua2 Bahagian – Shahrir Samad of Bahagian Johor Bahru had clearly admitted to the media that he received RM1 million.”

          Umno Johor has the most divisions (26) in the party, and Johor is the state with the most members (446,189).

          Shahrir’s division must be among the biggest in the country.

          I don’t know how many members Umno Johor Bahru has but even dividing Johor’s 446,189 Umno members evenly over its 26 divisions gives us 17,161 members.

          I should think Umno JB has more than 17,000 members.

          (And mind you, these figures cited are from some years back and not updated to current.)

          If Shahrir uses the one million donation from Najib for his JB members – calculated as a year’s expenditure – it only works out to RM58 per pax.

          I do not believe RM1 million is all that shocking an amount (required by the Umno JB chief) to run what is probably the party’s biggest division in the country.

      2. Please be reminded that you are not talking about a family business conglomerate here. This issue is about preserving the sanctity of an entire nation of 30 million Malaysians. And I am sure a Malay gentleman would be up to the task!

    2. you are not projib but Allah places in you wisdom.

      May Allah bless you and give you barakah [i.e. kebaikan demi kebaikan (yg tidak putus) dunia & akhirat]

    3. I disagree with Abdul rahman that Najib is not a dictator but agree with most of the rest of what he said.

      When Najib behaves “like an English gentleman”, he is out of place in this country. True, discarding ISA only serves the interests of the subversives like Lim Kit Siang (who was ISA-ed during Tun’s rule) and Najib doesn’t seem to know who his enemies are. He almost chucked out the Sedition Act that protects the the sensitive Articles of the Constitution – he had decided to do so but protested to by UMNO and he flipped flopped. Many are hoping UMNO would protest his continued leadership as it’d cause UMNO/BN to lose at PRU14.

      If Najib, like an English gentleman, treats everybody as good until proven bad, he’s like Tengku A Rahman who has been cursed endlessly for giving away Spore FOC to Lee Kuan Yew who should have been placed behind bars or detained under the ISA when trying to question the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak by concocting and promoting the subversive slogan “Malaysian Malaysia”. When it was later hogged by DAP, it led to the race riots of 1969.

      Fully agree that “Deep in his heart he knows that he has committed something very wrong.” But his “ways of overcoming it” are dictatorial. To him, failure is not an option anymore and he has gone desperate, but he would not succeed because the major issues like 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion “donation” will not go away until he is no longer PM. But “the impact on his entire family” has already been felt when ALL his siblings put out a signed statement denying the “legacy of wealth” the PMO tried to use to justify his step son suddenly becoming very rich, buying up properties in New York and Los Angeles Beverly Hills.

      1. of course najib is a dictator, he ban tmi. he kick out all that oppose him, the only one that is more dictatorial than najib is mahathir, one that ban newspaper, slander his opponent, put others under isa. najib is still a pubescent if compare against mahathir. but najib will sure catch up if given more time, though I dun know what development n progress he did for msian in the last 6 years, mean to say najib at least win hands down against mahathir if talk abt regressing the nation.

  2. That Najib had to say he is not a dictator shows guilty conscience, otherwise he would have just ignored the accusation.

    That the accusation came from his former Deputy Prime Minister lends credibility to what has been said.

    The clearest example of Najib’s dictatorship was the summary and sudden dismissal of Gani Pattail, the former Attorney General. No Disciplinary Board hearing that even the lowest Division One Officer of the Civil Service gets, no Tribunal of any kind. Not even a notice of dismissal, not even a valid reason given, just an implication that the man has a kidney problem, which has been public knowledge yet he was able to perform his duties all those years.

    And there was not even a doctor’s certification that his kidney problem incapacitated him i.e making him unable to carry out his duties. He was never brought to a Medical Board of any kind, otherwise that would have been used as an excuse. So, dismissal without any valid reason or excuse. Stuffs dictators are made of.

  3. These people have been given more than ample time esp being fully involved in politics, to correct all the wrongs they now suddenly are “blabbering” around. Why didn’t they themselves make all those changes while in office? Ada involved in politics sampai lebih 50 tahun.

    Opposition pula melilau kehulu kehilir ada juga dah 50 tahun, aduhai..sampai tua pun dok macam tu. Pot kata kettle hitam, kettle kata pot black.

    Tapi yang memualkan bila bercerai. Hal rumah tangga, segala apa yang depa sendiri buat dalam kelambu pun nak cerita kat oghang. Geng Oppo lagi best. Dok tengah buat dalam kelambu tak sabaq2 nak share kasi satu dunia syiok.

      1. Pot kata kettle black
        Kettle kata pot hitam
        Ini pun nak pakai akal ke?

        Dok dalam satu kelambu dok buat apa dulu?

  4. MONEY drives used to be sensible bloggers to be slaves to the paymasters.

    Blind, misplaced loyalties to their paymasters are the trademarks of proJib bloggers.

    What are these people made off?

    Jijik di mata masyarakat.

  5. Protun bersekongkol dengan DAP? Salah guna perkataan “bersekongkol” itu.

    Kamus Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka kata

    bersekongkol = berkomplot (berpakat, bersubahat) dlm sesuatu pergerakan jahat. Ada muafakat, pembicaraan, perundingan.

    Mana ada komplot, muafakat dsb nya antara DAP dan Protun? Tak pernah dengar DAP ada dalam mesyuarat yang wakil DAP ada, saperti Tony Pua di mesyuarat PAC. Kalau gitu, UMNO/BN sekongkol dengan DAP di PAC ke?

    Dan Protun bukan suatu pergerakan jahat. Tun hadir 5 miinit di himpunan Bersih pun bukan untik menjatuhkan Kerajaan UMNO/BN, ha nya untuk promosikan permintaan supaya UMNO gantikan Najib tapi UMNO/BN terus merintah. Bukan sekongkol dengan DAP yang mahukan UMNO/BN tumbang.

    Kot mereka yang selalu menuduh Protun dan DAP sekongkol nanti akan dapat setongkol. Yang bau busuk, hehe.

    1. re: “DAP … mahukan Umno/BN tumbang”

      Tun pun rela Umno tumbang.

      Tun berkata beliau akan menghadiri acara anti-Najib pada 27 Mac. DAP pun akan menghadiri acara 27 Mac.

      Bersekongkol lah tu. Cara pemikiran dan hala tuju Protun dan DAP pun menunjukkan muafakat dah.

      1. UMNO tak tumbang ,masih wujud dan president tetap kekal ,tapi coming PRU 14 ,UMNO bukan lagi parti yang meneraju kerajaan kerana pechahan undi Melayu .

        Dijangka DAP akan menjadi leading party olih kerana sokongan padu kaum ,walaupon terpaksa bergabong dengan parti lain bagi menubohkan kerajaan .

        Dijangkan juga kerajaan negeri UMNO juga tidak akan kekal melainkan Perlis dan Sabah . BN akan hanya tingal dalam sejarah .

        Satu penomena baru akan belaku dalam pentabiran Malaysia .

        1. Betul tu, UMNO tak tumbang. AhJib pun pun bercita2 tingga, cukup setakat puas dapat pegang jawatan Presiden UMNO. UMNO pun bukan seikhlas dulu lagi, sudah puas setakat wang ringgit yg ada bertabur merata. Apa mau dikira maruah dan bangsa, jauh sekali agama. Itu semua wayang saja untuk dapat jawatan dan kuasa.

          Aku peduli apa sama BN, tapi kegemilangan UMNO lah yang akan tinggal dalam sejarah. Terima kasih anak Tun Razak.

          Helen, Muhyiddin sudah bunyi macam Kit Siang? Cuba tengok diri anda di cermin. Aku nampak terbayang2 bagaikan pemakan dedak. Sesiapa yg memusuhi AhJib pasti salah, pasti jahat, pasti penyokong Cina DAP, pasti penganut Kristian evangelista?

          1. re: “Sesiapa yg memusuhi AhJib pasti salah, pasti jahat, pasti penyokong Cina DAP, pasti penganut Kristian evangelista?”

            QQ yang cakap terbalik.

            Si Protun lah yang menganggap barang sesiapa mempertahankan status quo (maknanya mahu mengekalkan rejim yang sedia ada dan payah tengok DAP memegang tampuk pemerintahan) – contohnya Shamshul Anuar, Rina, Ahmad Ali Karim, dsb – semestinya “pemakan dedak”.

            Siapa yang terikut-ikut gaya Grandpapa Dapster dan senada dengan RBA yang asyik melemparkan pelbagai tuduhan liar?

            Protun juga yang asyik mendakwa sesiapa penyokong kerajaan (pentadbiran Najib) pasti dia batil, rela memejam sebelah mata terhadap rasuah ataupun dirinya sendiri bergelumang dosa, kurang bijak dan boleh ditipu/dibeli dengan sekampit beras dan dua tin Milo.

            1. Yang jelas UMNO akan kekal ,president akan kekal , that what is important to UMNO members .

              Never say UMNO is dead ,only will be no more leading the government .

              Ini kali pasti bolih berubah .

            2. Cuba tengok diri anda di cermin…

              I am talking about you Helen. Lihat saja tajuk ini, Dan baca balik apa yang you tulis, Semakin jelas gaya RBA. Yang Zaid Ibrahim nak buat rally hari Ahad pun sengaja you nak kaitkan dia dengan Easter Sunday. Itu propaganda Goebbel. Sama juga kalau gambar Mahathir bergambar dgn Kit Siang, itu bersekongkol, kalau Zahid dengan Guan Eng, itu muhibbah Melayu-Cina…

              Untuk cucu ahmadalikarim, ni Atok nak MYSTORY sikit… dulu masa mula2 orang tu pegang jawatan PM, dia kata ‘tak payahlah letak muka saya atas banner. Tak payah buat sambutan besar2, membazir…” Sekarang kat mana dia pergi lembu2 pemakan dedak dia kena import penonton. Ada sekali tu penonton lari keluar masa dia berucap. Tau apa jadi? Pegawai yg ditugaskan kena pindah. Of course bukan orang tu yg bagi arahan. Gani Patail kena pencen pun bukan dia suruh, lembu2 dia yg pandai sendiri2. Menteri Keruak buat statement wang 2.6b tu sah datang dari Arab Saudi, tapi terlupa nak sambung ‘bukan derma peribadi tapi dana pelaburan’, pun bukan salah PM.

              Cucu ingat tak ‘rakyat di dahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan? Kat mana dia letakkan rakyat sekarang. BR1M dan segala yg berkaitan dengan 1 Malaysia. Tapi skandal dia bukan saja jadi bualan 1 dunia, duit 1MDB pun berterabur 1 dunia jugak. Dulu Atok bangga keluar negara, bagitau datang dari Malaysia. Tapi sekarang malu sangat2 bila Pengerusi UMNO buat perangai macam tu. Semua problem berakar umbi dari dia, bukan Muhyiddin.

              Tak peduli sama ada dia bersalah atau tidak, sebagai pemimpin yang bermasalah dia patut diganti. Dan itu akan jadi HISTORY untuk anak cucu dia, dan kita semua.

              1. re: “Cuba tengok diri anda di cermin…”

                You all Protuns yang wajar cerminkan diri. You are a subversive rebel group. Pemberontak yang nekad untuk jatuhkan kerajaan, porak-perandakan negara. Orangramai dah muak dengan karenah … gila talak (Tun sekali lagi keluar Umno dah). Meragam.

                re: “Lihat saja tajuk ini … Semakin jelas gaya RBA.”

                Memang ‘Muhyiddin sudah bunyi macam Kit Siang’. Tengok pada 27 Mac nanti dia ada pertemuan empat mata dengan Kit Siang atau tidak.

                re: “Yang Zaid Ibrahim nak buat rally hari Ahad pun sengaja you nak kaitkan dia dengan Easter Sunday.”

                Semaklah kalendar,

                re: “Sama juga kalau gambar Mahathir bergambar dgn Kit Siang, itu bersekongkol, kalau Zahid dengan Guan Eng, itu muhibbah Melayu-Cina…”

                Gambar Zahid dengan Guan Eng, si Menteri Dalam Negeri tonjolkan dirinya sebagai Alpha Male. Acap kali Guan Eng yang membuli orang lain tapi ini dia pula yang nampak seolah-olah sedang ‘dicekik’ oleh Zahid. Maka Guan Eng terpaksalah akur bahawa Zahid yang top dog.

              2. Setuju “Tak peduli sama ada dia bersalah atau tidak, sebagai pemimpin yang bermasalah dia patut diganti. Dan itu akan jadi HISTORY untuk anak cucu dia, dan kita semua.”

                Takkan dia tak sedar dia banyak masalah. Masalah dgn adik adik nya pun amat memalukan – PMO kata kekayaan dengan cepat anak tiri nya itu adalah “legacy of wealth” tapi SEMUA adik adik nya keluarkan kenyataan bertanda tangan menafikan bapak nya, Tun A Razak, itu kaya raya. Apa kah dia takda rasa malu? Implikasi rasuah nya amat nyata. Berjela jela boleh di tulis pasal rasuah ini.

                Pasal 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion pula, tak akan habis di tulis, di caci rakyat selagi dia pegang jawatan Presiden parti dan PM. UMNO mesti gantikan Najib, kalau tidak UMNO/BN akan ranap di PRU14 dan mungkin selama lama nya. Mungkin ada cucu cicit nya yang akan menyumpah nya di dalam kubur.

  6. the only difference DAP and UMNO are both fight for their races. how the fight are almost the same. inside turbulence almost the same. kita serupa… ohh.. to add religion and race. i guess you are right helen. the way they all want power and money.. still the same.

    1. Most people share the same life motivation which is self-centered based on their desires and fears. Religion and race just the outward character to function in society. Buddha taught that to be free of this samsara suffering, a human being must cultivate the Bodhicitta mind (thought, action, feeling and speech) resolutely dedicated to the benevolence towards humanity, and to achieve the self-enlightenment in order to benefit all sentient beings as fully as possible. Bodhicitta is often called the ‘Wish Fulfilling Jewel’, because like a magic jewel it brings true happiness to oneself and others.

  7. Dear Aunty Helen,
    Once upon a time, there was a TPM who said, “I am Malay first!”; and he was considered a hero by the Malays. But 6 years later, when he is no more a TPM, the same person wants the people to:
    “Ketepikan sentimen kaum, agama dan ideologi untuk membentuk suatu konsensus atau muafakat rakyat ke arah mewujudkan sebuah kerajaan yang adil, amanah dan berintegriti.”
    Has he forgotten the PRU13 and who had voted for BN?
    He seems to have forgotten the fight of UMNO for “demi agama, bangsa dan tanahair”. How sad :(

    1. yr mum never taught u not to take others money kah? every msian now consider muhyiddin a hero except the 1)cash is everything type 2)ego always wan to win type 3)the daft n stupid plus a new 4)mother never taught not to curi type. only tis1234 still support the pm. how pity.

      1. HY, did you know your mum in the first place? You didn’t seem to have one by the way you commented in here.

  8. Najib tak diktator sebab dia keluar dari mesyuarat MT yang buat keputusan menggantung jawatan Timbalan Presiden Muhyiddin? Amat cetek pemikiran kalau ada sesiapa yang memikir begitu.

    Dan cetek pemikiran Najib buat begitu memikir rakyat tak tuduh dia yang mahukan keputusan begitu. Setiap apa yang berlaku di MT ada lah dengan persetujuan nya. Malahan kebanyakan nya timbul dari kemahuan nya.

    MT setuju dgn yang lain lain bangkang Najib yang telah buat keputusan menghapuskan Akta Hasutan, akhir nya dia flip flop. Tapi tiada seorang pun di laporkan bangkang usul menggantung jawatan Muhyiddin. Mungkin ada, tapi tak keluar berita.

    Ha nya ada dua sebab ahli-ahli MT setuju usul menggantung jawatan Muhyiddin itu: semua dah dapat ganjaran dari Mr Cash Is King dan/atau tidak mahukan UMNO berpecah lagi supaya boleh menang PRU14. Tapi Muhyiddin tidak memecah belahkan UMNO, dia ha nya mahukan kebenaran, dan hal bahawa dia tahu dari Peguam Negara dahulu bukti wang SRC masuk ke dalam ekaun Najib pun di sebutkan nya ha nya salepas dia di gantung jawatan.

  9. People like Muhyiddin are under delusion that they have the support of the party members and the general Malaysian public. Unfortunately the average Ah Beng doesn’t give a shit about him as long as Muhyiddin continue to bark at Najib and make all sort of negative statements.

    Within 6 months, most Pakatoons and Protuns would have trouble even remembering Muyhiddin much less bother to read what he says.

    But Azalina is right in saying that based on Muhyiddin’s admission, it clearly implicates existence of a coup plotted by some high-level Protuns vs Najib.

    1. You are right ,’within 6 month most Pakatoon and protuns would have trouble even rembering Mahyudin’ .

      By and after PRU 14 ,everybody will forget about UMNO ,cause we will have a new cabinet lineup not from UMNO of course ,and everybody live ever after .

      Semua sudah berubah .

    2. calvinsankaran,

      Delusion is not the prerogative of only a few; it also applies to you for saying, for example, “the average Ah Beng doesn’t give a shit about him as long as Muhyiddin continue to bark at Najib”.

      Are you not delusional for thinking the tsunami Chinese would forget him as barkings at Najib would be music to their ears?

      But since when has Azalina been known to be smart? She interpreting the AG reporting to the highest authority in the land of proof of wrong doing as a “coup plot”? Awwww, grow up.

      tebing tinggi,

      You can’t even spell or pronounce Muhyiddin’s name, you might soon even forget Najib’s name, perhaps remembering only Ah Jib Gor who got the disastrous Chinese tsunami.

      How are readers to believe what you say that way? And that there are Tebing Tinggi capital T, Tebing Tinggi II and tebing tinggi small t – one with good English, one with horrible English but all thinking the same way.

      “everybody will forget about UMNO”? You are daft.

      1. Correction:

        .. the AG reporting to the highest authority in the land after Najib appeared being incriminated ..

      2. Well, there is a way to test my hypothesis. Let Muhyiddin stand against UMNO leaders in Johor in the coming GE and gauge is the sentiments of the people. I’m pretty sure he’ll get a nasty surprise.

        The Dapsters never liked Muhyiddin and the Bangsar Brigade hated him guts even more than Najib for his infamous “Malay First” comment. The same goes for Tun for in participation in Perkasa and blog posts critical about the Chinese.

        However the moment they started to go against UMNO, all was forgiven and they were duly elevated to Freedom Fighters/ Super Heroes of Malaysian Politics.

        I am sure that if my neighbourhood stray dog barks at passing Najib’s limo one day, it’ll be honoured as Hero Dog by Dapsters living around here.

        As for Azalina, I am not sure if you know her well enough to judge her. You probably read her (highly edited and selective) comments in MI or MKini. This explains your ignorance. She read Law at LSE and has her Masters from there. I have been following her even before she entered politics. She has a sharp mind and it was Tun who first gave her and KJ the chance to enter politics as he wanted to bring in you blood into UMNO. She was always been the fighter and it is no different now.

        1. What they might have left out at London School of Economics and Political Science?

          “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

        2. Having Master’s from LSE (Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard are better known institutions) does not absolve one from stupidity for life. Azmi Shahrom got PhD in law (from UM?) did not seem to be aware that the last say on legal matters rests not with legal experts but with the Federal Court Judges. And Najib’s newly appointed AG withdrew the sedition case against the bloke for dun-know-what reasons.

          Come on, people, a coup is defined as “a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government”, usually done by the Military. What utter nonsense to suggest that Gani Pattail and Muhyiddin can ever dream of or be described as plotting a coup.

          She is over-stretching her argument – if any. About the only thing she doesn’t stretch is her hair – wonder why she does not wear long hair or dress like a lady. And a fighter doesn’t have to look like a man. Or a boy.

          1. Well, let’s not divert from the main points here, namely Muhyiddin. As I said, his popularity and strength of his support can be gauged in the coming GE or even in the UMNO election. I bet he won’t. Any fool can claim to be popular, the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

            As for Azalina,you can’t accuse of being stupid for just because she dated to criticise Tun and his minions.

    3. Of course some people are planning a coup. Didn’t you hear something about a RM2 billion fund with contributions from the cronies of a certain ‘stateman’ ? Then again this RM2 billion fund is just a diversion because the actual figure is higher. If these people were to fail in their attempted coup they are surely done.

      1. Figure 2++billion is becoming quite symbolic owh? Perwaja fiasco also involved 2++billion (tho some suspected figure cld well be more ie 10b).

        As I was residing away fm home those years, did not manage to follow closely, what actually happened to Perwaja after Abdullah stepped in as PM? Dapat recover tak duit Perwaja? Owh, nevermine la..itu satu cerita lama. Dah basi.

        Yg ini 2b++ apa pula? Duit ni depa guna toyol atau transacted direct into personal accounts?

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