Ibu Pin menjaja teko raksasa DAP

Ramachandran Muniandy, Hannah Yeoh dan bayi mereka yang baru lahir

Pasangan ini menafikan dengan sekeras-kerasnya bahawa si suami adalah seorang keturunan India. Si isteri lagi berkeras tidak mahu mengakui dia keturunan Cina.

Both Ramachandran and Yeoh had filled ‘Anak Malaysia’ to indicate their own race…  — Malaysiakini, 22 June 2011

Apabila mengisi borang sijil kelahiran anak mereka, pasangan suami isteri ini — sebagai Ayah dan Ibu kepada bayi tersebut — enggan memangkah kotak ‘India’ dan ‘Cina’ untuk menandakan keturunan masing-masing.

Ramachandran Muniandy telah menulis ‘Anak Malaysia’, iaitu menafi dia berbangsa India. Hannah Yeoh juga telah menulis ‘Anak Malaysia’, iaitu menafi dia berbangsa Cina.

Wadah Syuhada Hannah

Hannah Yeoh ialah Adun DAP di kawasan Subang Jaya dan salah seorang nabi agama sesat Malaysian First.

Hannah juga seorang yang lemah dalam bahasa Melayu. Dia telah diminta Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) supaya mengisi ruang kosong bagi mencatatkan keturunan.

Kata dasar perkataan ‘keturunan’ ialah ‘turun’, iaitu perihal turun-temurun — sesuatu “yang diturunkan daripada” sesuatu yang terlebih awal.

Adakah Hannah Yeoh diturunkan daripada keluarga Arab kalau masih tidak mahu mengaku dia anak cucu kepada orang Cina?

Atau apakah Hannah berasal daripada benih dan baka Turki? Atau mungkin susur-galurnya orang Kurd?

Sebenarnya Malaysian First (falsafah agama ‘Politik Baru’ DAP itu) ngak mengenal warisan nenek moyang. Nampak begitu malu mereka bilamana dikaitkan dengan salasilah Cina.

(Klik pada rajah untuk baca.)

Hannah Yeoh mendakwa dirinya keturunan Anak Malaysia.

Bukankah seorang Anak Malaysia akan bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia? Menghantar anak ke Sekolah Malaysia (bukan sekolah Cina, ya).

Mengikut [kurang] logik Hannah Yeoh, tiada wujudnya bangsa Cina di tanahair kita. Sebaik-baiknya biar semua orang bergelar Anak Malaysia — itulah ajaran agama Malaysian First yang giat disebarkan DAP. Maka tidak perlu dibina sekolah Cina kerana tidak lagi ada bangsa Cina yang duduk di sini.

Jika semua Anak Malaysia (bangsa Cina/bangsa India merupakan konsep kolot perkauman mengikut wacana pembangkang pasca-2008), buat apa kita hendak kekalkan sistem pendidikan aliran vernakular?

Panggil dia Hasnah, buang itu ‘Yeoh’

Di negara jiran, Anak Indonesia yang keturunan Cina memakai nama Indonesia.

Adakah anda kenal siapa Wang Lian Xiang? Beliau ialah jaguh Olympik sukan badminton. Namanya harum di dunia sebagai Susi Susanti.

Buah hatinya (kini suami) juga jaguh di sukan Olympik yang sama pada tahun 1992. Namanya Goey Ren Fang, memenangi pingat emas perseorangan lelaki badminton. Kita lebih mengenali beliau sebagai Alan Budi Kesuma.

Rudy Hartono adalah antara lagenda badminton yang terulung. Nama Cinanya Liang Hai Liang. Jaguh badminton Anak Indonesia yang lain: Chandra Wijaya = Chen Jia Liang, Tony Gunawan = Wu Jun Ming, Mia Audina = Zhang Hai Li, Hendrawan = Ye Cheng Wan, dll

Anak Thailand Yingluck Shinawatra juga keturunan Cina tetapi apakah beliau langsung mempunyai nama Cina?

Sekiranya kita hendak mencontohi Anak Bangsa yang terdapat di negara-negara jiran, baik kita panggil saja Anak Malaysia kita ini Si Hasnah dan bukan Hannah.

Ratu Twitter Hannah mengada-ngada

Hannah dan partinya telah memarahi JPN sebagai rasis ekoran jabatan itu tidak meluluskan Hannah mewujudkan istilah baru ‘Anak Malaysia’.

Lalu Hannah dan partinya bercadang hendak saman JPN.

Kepada para peminat (bahasa Inggeris sebut groupies) Hannah Yeoh, dia maksum. Hannah yang diminati hampir 30,000 orang di Twitter bagai malaikat kepada mereka.

Sebarang tweet yang dibuat Hannah akan ditweet semula berkali-kali.

Di bawah ialah tweetnya yang ditujukan kepada Perdana Menteri.

Nampaknya Hannah Yeoh masih berdegil mahu bayinya didaftarkan sebagai Anak Malaysia dalam sijil kelahiran.

Jika demikian, kenapa dia mendaftar anaknya sebagai Kristian pula?

Lebih baik dia kata berpegangan Agama Malaysia, barulah boleh padan dengan istilah keturunan Anak Malaysia.

Mesti semuanya Malaysian First: Anak Malaysia, Agama Malaysia weh barulah kira konsisten.


Memperkenalkan presiden Kelab Suami Patuh Kepada Isteri

Teko raksana yang dahulunya bertapak di Sky Kingdom perkampungan Ayah Pin


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

24 thoughts on “Ibu Pin menjaja teko raksasa DAP

  1. Sinis :-D

    To Halen, you should tone down when criticizing these people. Later you might be regard as lebih melayu dari melayu (like that of Ridhuan Tee).

    Grand Marquis,

    No worries. I have always regarded myself as a Chinese, and said so clearly and consistently in my writings. Lagipun saya amat sayangkan anjing peliharaan saya.

    On the other hand, “these people” following the DAP teapot-in-the-sky religion have been more than happy to accuse me of being anti-Malay.

    To the DAP groupies, I’m anti-Malay because I criticise the kepura-puraan of their Melayu Mat Salleh Anak Malaysia celup YBs yang suka mengampu bodek (wearing selendang and obsessive surau-hopping when they so clearly tak memandang pun pada Hindu and Buddhist temples).

    Cheers & ,) 2u2

  2. Uhhh.. Helen….

    I wrote about this here in poetic most waxical. By the way, let’s bet whether the kid later on likes chapati more than duck dumplings, so that we know whether there was more female pheromones or male testosterones being secreted during the importune moment of procreation activities of both Mr and Mrs Malaysia there.

    Leman is sooooo clever, it hurts.


  3. So Helen, what is you take?

    Chinese + Vernacular School + Vernacular Culture or

    Chinese + National School + Mainstream Culture or

    Bangsa Malaysia + National School + Mainstream Culture or

    Bangsa Malaysia + Vernacular School + Vernacular Culture

    I think you stance is the first, what about those that ramble in this thread?

    1. I am not sure Helen agree with me, but this is my take.

      I don’t mine if you want to have vernacular school or vernacular culture, but don’t go around the country preaching to all Malaysian that you are the most Malaysian Malaysia while at the same time stuck in your obsession with your own vernacular school and culture.

      It is not the vernacular school that we oppose, but is the bloody hypocrite attitude.

      Yes, agree about the M’sian First-ers. They are ultimately detrimental to the Chinese/Indian communities b’cos their rank hypocrisy will blow up in our (Chinese/Indians who want to keep vernacular schools) faces. Also they’re so bodoh sombong that they’re stifling if not torpedoing the legitimate concerns of the rest (non-Christians, Chinese/Tamil speakers, etc). — Helen

  4. Helen, what the **** is up with you? Do you even read what you write? Seriously it’s people like you that **** this country up. Also stop trying with the Malay language … You dont need to **** it up further. Rocky ‘s ass kitching umno wannabe

  5. For Heaven sake! you sound and talk like that Tony vermin…and now wanna be Rocky….Not enough attenttion aearh?

  6. do u think malaysian country like indonesia or thailand…if conformtable with the both country…plz get out from malaysia and apply indonesia citizen or thailand citizien…or i think u and ur husband can choose ur (KETURUNAN) citizen china or india….u should proud and enjoy because u can still lives in malaysia with war,no tsunami,no killing other people….

  7. @Grand Marquis, I am glad you don’t oppose VS, and I am fine if you think DAP is hypocrite. But I still can’t grasp the logic with people like you and Helen, how attend of VS and to preserve my culture make me less Malaysian? I don’t think Hannah know much about Chinese language, and I guess her child will most probably goes to a national school eventually, would this make her more Malaysian than me, or in this case, Helen and you?

    1. Hua Yong,

      I support Chinese language and culture! I’m pointing out that if ‘Hasnah Yeop’ and her aggressive ilk carry out their ill-advised, hypocritical crusade to its logical conclusion, we will eventually LOSE Chinese schools because her logic (actually illogic) is insupportable and shooting the Chinese community in our foot.

      Furthermore you’re right that she “doesn’t know much about Chinese language” or for that matter Chinese ethos or Chinese philosophy. She tweets continually about Jesus (she’s no different from Chan Lilian in character) as if her mission is no different from Zul Noordin’s on the opposite side of the fence.

      Hence I hope that Malays and Umno bloggers will realise and differentiate. DAP 2.O, Hasnah and LGE do NOT represent the genuine aspirations of the Chinese.

      Saudara-saudari yang Melayu, please do not make the mistake of thinking DAP = Chinese and Chinese = DAP. That is incorrect. DAP is just spoiling for a rumble in the Bronx whereas the rest of us hendak hidup rukun damai.

      1. @Helen, it is good that you are finally willing to move into the crux: DAP is not Chinese, and the ironic (hypocrite) of the Umno blogger (my view). They are the one that press on one school and so called mainstream culture but not knowing to them (or pretend to be naïve), DAP is moving toward the same direction, hence logically speaking, they should work hand in hand with DAP to establish a Malaysian culture instead of criticize DAP.

        They are the one that push the Chinese away and now trying to tell us all or nothing? Who is the biggest hypocrite?

      2. Helen
        I hear you. Im glad I found your blog. I love my Chinese friends and this ‘race’ thing has never been an issue with us before. But when I read comments from some Chinese readers on other blogs, esp DAP- supporting ones, I am shocked at the kind of hatred (for the Malays) that they seem to be spouting. I start to wonder if secretly my Chinese friends feel the same way about me. But I realise now its mostly the ‘born-again or new’ ones who are so filled with hatred. Not my old friends whom I have known for a long time.

  8. Helen,

    DAP is representing majority Chinese now, even PM had warned ‘its either MCA or no rep’. While it’s soothing to know that people like you still exist, I still think that majority Chinese see DAP is more relevant than MCA until now.

    So DAP=Chinese. MCA? = minority chinese

    Dear Malay mind,

    Sigh … I know what you mean. Yes, most unfortunately DAP have got the Chinese votes in the bag.

    I suppose what I’m getting at is that with their Christian crusade and putting the English language on a pedestal, the DAP leaders presently in the public eye are not representative of an essential Chineseness. And their manipulative approach will not bring the poorer Chinese much gains but on the contrary.

    Chinese people are much, much better that what you see in the distorted First-ers — that’s what I’m trying to convey.


  9. I wonder if Hanna Yeoh also celebrates Chinese New Year or the hubby celebrates Deepavali….
    I think they watch toooooo much fantasy Disneyland movieslah….
    or maybe they want Malaysia to have a communist system like North Korea where everyone except the Lim Emperors are the kings?

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