Posted in Kristian

PKR menyusun strategi pikat golongan profesional Anglophile

The Malaysian Insider kelmarin menyiarkan sebuah rencana berkempen untuk PRU13 oleh penulis kolumnya Praba Ganesan.

Praba ialah juru strategi PKR bagi lapangan media sosial.

Di bawah saya memetik beberapa perenggan dari rencana Praba. Untuk membaca ‘Defeating Goliath‘ sepenuhnya, sila ke TMI.

Saya nomborkan perenggan-perenggan untuk memudahkan kita membuat rujukan nanti.

Praba telah menulis:

(1) “The majority of Malaysian professionals are unsympathetic to Barisan Nasional (BN), actually Umno.”

(2) “How to break free from the bitter present? Emigration and overseas jobs are often seen as steps away from the idiosyncrasies of Malaysian life.”

[Di bawah ialah screenshot muka depan Malaysiakini yang diambil semalam.]

Pembaca ‘Malaysiakini’ disasarkan pengiklan kerana mereka dianggap golongan yang merancang untuk berhijrah ke negara-negara barat

(3) “Is there is [sic] one organisation, one institution that is constantly seeding the problem, rendering state-sponsored disunity programmes a priority? Umno wants Malaysians to be at war with each other so that only they can rule.”

(4) “Here you [golongan profesional] are, capable, smart and sharp, and there they [Umno] are, this group continuously shifting the goalposts so that you are removed from the political equation. And you are asking if those seeking to replace Umno have everything figured out?”

(5) “They [parti pemerintah] set fire all over Rome while their minions got away with the gold, and you query those [parti pembangkang] fighting the raging flames with small pails if they should have brought in more volunteers, bought larger pails and treated the water better beforehand?”

(6) “They [Pakatan] have, and unfailingly, engaged your voice. As much as the governments of Penang and Selangor are chastised by some quarters, never before have these governments been this open to the general public pressing their will on public policies.”

[Seterusnya blah, blah, blah … Praba mencurahkan kata-kata pujian ke atas Pakatan]

Tajuk-tajuk rencana Praba dalam kolum ‘TMI’nya sepanjang bulan lepas

***   ***   ***   ***

Dalam rencananya ‘10 cute reasons to let Umno go (Happy birthday Umno!)‘ di TMI minggu lepas (Mei 10), Praba telah menulis:

[Selepas Umno berjaya ditumpaskan maka akan:]

Many men and women in The Star, Utusan Malaysia, TV3 and the other ‘approved’ media units will wake up to a Brave New World. …

“They’ve taken to the extreme ‘war reporting’ — where your troops have done everything and beyond, and your enemies done nothing and been vicious, and obviously at the end your good guys win the day.

Waking up to a Pakatan-run Malaysia they’d be on caffeine-drips as they try to recall things like balance.”

***   ***   ***   ***

(7) “The only way to a competitive political landscape is for Pakatan to assume federal power.”

(8) “Most of us came from the same public schools system and have the same reference points. Hudud, Chinese chauvinism, Umno supreme council, Court of Appeal, gerrymandering, human rights, police brutality and Bersih are just terms.”

(9) “The feudal lords launched the country in another way. They rule and talk, we watch and respect. Are you not tired of being ordered by your government?”

(10) “That is why most of you are not comfortable with the present government, you exhibit your opposition all the time. Look at your Facebook wall.”

***   ***   ***   ***

Perenggan yang saya tandakan (7) – yang dipetik dari rencana Praba Ganesan – berbunyi (terjemahan):

“Satu-satunya cara ke arah mewujudkan padang permainan politik di mana pihak-pihak yang bertanding boleh bersaing dengan lebih hebat ialah andai Pakatan [berjaya] mengambil alih kuasa.”

Ayat di atas jelas berbentuk propaganda untuk memenangkan puak pembangkang.

Bukankah gerakan Bersih menuntut supaya media bebas dan seimbang?

Kata Bersih (tuntutan ke-5 daripada 8 permintaan):

“It is no secret that the Malaysian mainstream media fails to practice proportionate, fair and objective reporting for political parties of all divide. BERSIH 2.0 calls on the EC to press for all media agencies, especially state-funded media agencies such as Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM) and Bernama to allocate proportionate and objective coverage for all political parties.”

Bersih dan para penyokongnya mengkritik RTM dan Bernama tetapi nyata terlepas pandang Selangor Times, Selangorkini, Media Selangorku dan Buletin Mutiara.

Media arus perdana didakwa mereka sebagai terlalu condong kepada kerajaan.

Praba dalam karangannya minggu lepas menuduh The Star, Utusan Malaysia dan TV3 sebagai menggambarkan diri mereka serta kerajaan sebagai orang baik (“the good guys”) manakala memomokkan “musuh” [PKR, Pakatan, dsb] sebagai buas dan bengis.

Bangsar M’sia menyelar ‘cauvinisme Cina’

Sementara itu, dalam perenggan yang saya tandakan (8) pula, Praba telah menyebut tentang sistem persekolahan di Malaysia. Beliau juga menyebut tentang “sifat perkauman Cina” dan “hudud” seolah-olah kedua-dua ciri ini sama jahat dengan Majlis Tertinggi Umno dan keganasan polis.

Praba yang menuding jari kepada hudud dan cauvinisme Cina membayangkan suatu pendekatan Anglophile.

Bangsar Malaysia memandang hina kepada cauvinisme Cina, hudud, Umno dan polis, dan sebaliknya menyanjung “hak-hak asasi manusia” yang berupa konsep barat.

Serta juga pastilah Bangsar Malaysia menyokong Bersih yang digelar Praba sebagai “the beautiful ones” dan “no ordinary people“. Penulis-penulis ‘Bangsar bubble’ seumpama ini bukan sahaja bertapak di TMI tetapi berleluasa di Star juga.

Takde kerja lain kecuali menentang

Dalam perenggan (10) pula, Praba berkata kebanyakan pembaca TMI tidak menggemari parti pemerintah.

Katanya: “Kamu (pembaca TMI) senantiasa menampakkan penentangan sepanjang masa. Lihat sahaja kepada apa yang anda semua selalu catatkan pada dinding Facebook anda”.

Saya rasa dalam hal ini penelitian Praba adalah tepat sekali. Para pembaca TMI yang pro-pembangkang asyik siang malam dok ‘menentang’ sahaja. Itulah voting pool Pakatan.

Sebagai seorang konsultan kepada parti politik yang kerjanya ialah untuk menjana strategi PKR di media sosial, apakah Praba sendiri tidak juga menggalakkan serta memupuk sikap menentang kerajaan melalui asakan bertubi-tubi?

Melihat kepada kandungan rencana ‘Mengalahkan Goliath’, nampaknya memang begitulah.

Lebih mencuit hati ialah bagaimana orang PKR boleh mudah lupa. Praba kuat menghentam Umno tetapi lupa bahawa pengasas partinya dulu pun Umno juga — orang nombor dua parti dan orang nombor dua jemaah menteri.

Anwar Ibrahim yang paling pekat ‘Umno’nya. Malah orang dalaman mendakwa si Anwarlah yang mengorak langkah untuk partinya menerapkan “gaya, mutu dan keunggulan Umno”.

Berbalik kita kepada tuntutan pendemo-pendemo Bersih yang mengkehendaki “liputan media yang objektif diberikan kepada semua parti politik”.

Sekali lagi mereka menggunapakai dwi-standard. Tak pernah pun saya dengar mereka membantah media alternatif berlaku berat sebelah.

Rencana TMI oleh penulis kolumnya, yang juga pakar runding berbayar PKR, jelas-jelas mempromo PKR.

Para DAPster tidak nampak gajah di depan mata tetapi lebih suka menyerang dan mengamok di blog-blog kecil sukarelawan.



Siapa bagi dana dan berapa mereka dapat?

Rejim Selangorku yang boros dan menyampah!


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

9 thoughts on “PKR menyusun strategi pikat golongan profesional Anglophile

  1. (2) “How to break free from the bitter present? Emigration and overseas jobs are often seen as steps away from the idiosyncrasies of Malaysian life.”

    how easy it is to overgeneralize. In a labour rich country, wages are low. In developed countries, wages are competitive to attract best talents (we really should make economics 101 compulsory). Most that leave, will be coming back because the grass is always greener on the other side.

    Thanks and keep writing Helen, an honest voice is better than a loud voice…


  2. ‘10 cute reasons to let Umno go (Happy birthday Umno!)‘ :

    I’m surprised than this Prata Ganesan did not also mention that the animals and birds will come out in full-force to celebrate…and that heaven itself will be filled with cries of “Hallelujah” to the tune of “Ode to Joy”.

    Methinks this chappy speaks through his other orifices….

  3. Praba has been whacking BN for a while now but this position as the PKR’s Social Media Strategist seems to be new one. I did not notice this before. Perhaps PKR’s on a hiring binge since the GE is coming.

    I wonder how does select their “strategists” in terms of qualification or experience. But looking at the trend, it looks though the sole qualification seems to be the ability to write bombastic,over dramatic and over-the-top commentaries hammer BN/UMNO.

    All these PR Cheerleaders have the same writing DNA. They don’t focus on facts, logic or structure but pick on any topic and then go on a diatribe like a demented demagogue. I suspect they all learned their Hate Speech 101 classes.

    As long as speak to the converted (ie the PR fanboys and gals), it doesn’t matter as these political zombies feed on these speeches like hyenas on carcasses. But such mindless attacks unlikely to sway the fence-sitters.

    1. I’m sure we will see more of these social media strategists joining PR payroll. Some likely hires would be:

      1) Mariam Mukhtar; engineer, taking the “scientific” approach to conjecture.
      2) Sabri Zain; ex MP (or is it ADUN?), going with the “in my day…” or “rehabilitated ex UMNO” modus operandi.

      I think a lot of Malaysians buy into bombastic language too easily. Maklumlah, nobody wants to be low class kan? Tak faham pun tak apa, sokong aje…

      1. joe, with #2, i think you’re thinking of the other sabri, the setongkol blogger from pahang, who recently “towered” into DAP with another malay.

        sabri zain is the former head of wwf-msia, who was wittily vocal during the 98-reformasi years, currently domicile in cambridge, uk. he was never in politics, much less an adun. [how i know? he’s a friend.] :)

  4. Social Media Strategist indeed… how does one qualify for such a position?

    Point (9) is a bit confusing – is Praba referring to PKR in Selangor or DAP in Penang?


  5. dis Praba guy..he shud make an excellent script writer

    his writings are dramatic, over-sarcasm, lots of hidden emotions and a hint of truth

    ever tried auditioning with Namewee…sir?

  6. how stupid can a social media strategist be? as stupid as this praba ganesan. flowery and bombastic word, but at the end the jist of it is full of provocation.

    guess, about time praba should pack up and go. after all the agency that will take him out of malaysia is already advertising in his column.

    may you go and never come back, praba. wish you all the best and pls go to america, the land of the free (if you are white and support jewish state)

  7. Balas, you could take a few pointers from Praba on how to think and write. The best part about Praba is that he will defend your right to an opinion. That’s not something you can claim.

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