Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Dr M adalah ketua Briged DDD, dakwa DAP

DAP menuduh Dr Mahathir Mohamad adalah ketua Briged DDD (Demonize Destroy DAP), mengikut laporan Roketkini memetik ketua Biro Publisiti Tony Pua kelmarin.

Di samping itu, Lim Kit Siang juga menggaitkan suratkhabar Utusan sebagai terlibat dalam komplot DDD tersebut.

Tuduhan DAP rasis oleh Mahathir cuba perlekeh kebolehan berfikir Melayu

DAP beriya-iya menuduh lawan mereka sebagai pelampau, rasis dan pembohong.

Sekarang Dr M pula yang dituduh sebagai “ketua briged” gerakan Pelampau-Rasis-Pembohong ini.

Lee You Hin, Ketua Pemuda MCA Kelana Jaya

Iblis Kristian ganti lambang Umno yang di’ubah’

DAP menuduh Dr M kononnya mahu memusnahkan parti pembangkang tersebut walhal pada hakikatnya ia parti-parti Cina BN yang sudahpun dimusnahkan oleh DAP sendiri.

DAP juga mendakwa ada wujud sebuah briged DDD diketuai Dr M yang bertujuan memomokkan (“demonize”) parti mereka.

Padahal ianya mantan perdana menteri itu yang diberi jolokan “the devil we know” oleh parti pembangkang itu.


Sementara itu, lambang Umno di’ubah’ bentuk untuk menyerupai syaitan — lihat bawah. Wajah iblis yang bertanduk dua, berekor serta memegang ‘pitchfork’ (senjata serampang tiga) adalah berdasarkan gambaran iblis mengikut lukisan dunia seni Kristian.

DAP menuduh Utusan sebagai mengepalai briged penipu dan pembohong media tetapi sekarang yang diburu polis berhubung siasatan menghasut dan memfitnah adalah pencacai-pencacai media sosial pro-DAP.

Star Editor's Choice (TheStarEC) on Twitter 2012-12-30 21-08-17

Kurang ajar

Beberapa orang wanita Cina ditahan polis baru-baru ini kerana bersikap biadab terhadap Yang DiPertuan Agong.

Awal tahun ini di Pulau Pinang, seorang lelaki Cina menunjuk isyarat tangan lucah kepada Raja Permaisuri Agong tatkala sambutan musim perayaan Tahun Baru Cina. Lelaki tersebut adalah seorang pemilih yang mendaftar untuk mengundi di Subang Jaya.

Dr M berkata dua hari lepas di blognya: “Hatred of the Malays was whipped up through the slogan ‘Malaysian Malaysia‘ …”.

Komen oleh seorang pembaca Malaysiakini pada rencana ‘Report lodged against Dr M’s ‘racist‘ blog posting‘ – lihat screenshot bawah – berkata “C’mon la. The rural Malays must be very STUPID TO BELIEVE MAHAKUTTY.”

Pandangan pembaca Malaysiakini itu bahawa orang kampung “bukan bodoh” untuk mempercayai Dr M adalah mirip kepada kenyataan akhbar DAP yang menyebut “Mahathir cuba memperlekeh kebolehan berfikir Melayu” (lihat Roketkini, atas).

Report lodged againt Dr M's 'racist' blog posting - Malaysiakini 2013-06-07 18-09-44

Nyata sekali para penyokong DAP kurang berhemah apabila mereka meletakkan komen-komen mereka di alam siber (lihat screenshot atas).

Mereka mempelajari sikap ini daripada politikus evangelis DAP yang dikenali sebagai “DAP SuperCyber Bully”.

Dr M telah meneliti bahawa sesiapa yang cuba mempertahankan dasar-dasar kerajaan, contohnya DEB, akan dicop sebagai “rasis” oleh Cina DAP.

Twitterhannahyeoh Perkasa = UMNO = Utusan

Pendokong dakyah Jerusubang

Siapa atau pihak manakah yang berupa penyokong kuat DAP SuperCyber Bully?

Cuba dengar apa yang bekas pengarang kumpulan Utusan Zam kata: “Sikap prejudice Ketua Pengarang akhbar The Star terhadap Utusan Malaysia“.

Kenapa badan-badan kerajaan masih lagi mahu beriklan dengan The Star?

Baca juga:

The Scissorati


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

50 thoughts on “Dr M adalah ketua Briged DDD, dakwa DAP

  1. you should pay more attention the power grab that’s happening in Selangor.

    Hannah Yeoh, the state Speaker, is now in the process of pushing for the passage of a law known as *SELESA 2009 which will result in the setting up a new Legislative Assembly Service Commission which would manage the state assembly, including its jurisdiction, finances and staff, independently of the state government’s executive arm.

    *SELESA = Selangor Legislative Assembly Service Commission Enactment 2009.

    what’s insidious about this new Legislative Assembly Service Commission is that it will be headed by the Speaker with the Selangor Menteri Besar, the state opposition leader and between 5 and 6 state lawmakers.

    think about this. if the DUN is free from the state government’s executive arm, what will happen ? or rather, how the DAP will benefit from this law. you should look into this.

    1. I’ve been scolded that my blog has overly focused on Hannah Yeoh wor.

      Since The Star lavish so much attention on HY (tweeting her appointment as Speaker 10 times), the paper ought by rights highlight this story neh.

      1. come on la ! you’re smart enough. just focus on SELESA 2009. focus on the law. her name appears so what ? you write about SELESA 2009. if they make noises just ignore them. focus on the implications of SELESA 2009.

        1. Come on lah. I’m doing this on my own time, as an unpaid volunteer!!

          I do not get enough rest. I do not get enough sleep. I layan reader responses at 3pm. You think I’m not TIRED, meh?

          But for my so rajin, I get what? I get insulted that I have no life.

          For all my UNPAID efforts I get called a BN prostitute and an Umno whore. I get screamed at “bitch!”

          See Qalam Qabut’s comment:

          “Sekarang ini Dr.M menjadi musuh nombor satu bagi mereka. Tetapi siapa ada dibelakang beliau? Yang menyokong dan membantunya. Adakah hanya blogger2 dan komentor picisan saja? Yang lain semuanya berkecuali?

          I’ve no issues with QQ comment’s and in fact, I’m glad that he raised this pertinent issue.

          So. Nope, I’m not going to layan you telling me what to focus on.

          In fact I’m going offline as of now. For an indefinite period of time.

          1. “I do not get enough rest. I do not get enough sleep. I layan reader responses at 3pm. You think I’m not TIRED, meh?”

            Helen, I believe you meant to say, you layan your reader responses at 3am, kan?

            You sure are tired la Helen.

            “In fact I’m going offline as of now. For an indefinite period of time.”

            Seriously Helen, again ahh?

            1. Helen
              Well it is better for you to be called a bitch rather than a lying CAT.
              Dogs and bitches guard people from harm. That is why we have watchdogs. Lying felines, Competence Accountability Transparent (CAT ). Kancil carpark etc. What a lying cat.

              From an actual cat lover, you are our favourite watchdog. Thanks

          2. Ignore them Helen. During my searching mode (before been introduce to your blog) they calling name, that if I write it here, you need to sensor it until there’s no word left but the *** *** ***.

            On that same note, I also try to follow their tune and by doing it, I lost myself for a while there. But being a hater all the times was not my things. i reather facing the fact than foolishness of some people. So just tell them go to h**** (see)….

            :] sarah

          3. Helen,
            jangan la merajuk sampai begitu sekali. I love reading your blog and the way you reply to comments made by your detractors. Keep on writing dear. But don’t forget to take a break too.

            – Hantu Siber –

          4. Helen,

            Maafkan saya jika kata2 itu menyinggung perasaan anda. Tiada niat sebesar hama pun nak perkecilkan peranan dan sumbangan anda. Yang saya harapkan dalam komen itu ialah:
            1. agar ramai lagi rakyat meluahkan sokongan kepada Dr.M.
            2. beri penghargaan yang lebih wajar kepada blogger2 seperti anda.
            Cukup sukar untuk membaca pujian atau sanjungan dari sesiapa selain komentor picisan seperti saya. Saya cukup puas dengan tulisan anda yang seimbang dan bernas, bersandarkan fakta, malah komen kami pun anda ulas lagi, tidak kira siang atau malam.

            Kita berkomunikasi, cuba mencari kesaksamaan dalam pemahaman agar saling mengenali dan memahami antara satu sama lain. Diharap offline (rajuk?) anda tidak lama.

          5. do what you want in your blog Helen. I’ve always enjoyed reading what you write regardless of the topics. As you said – it’s your blog, articles written out of your own volition and with your own effort – so keep doing what you do!

          6. dear Helen, wish you well, not for publish.

            sorry to hear about the harassment that you get which you do not deserve.

            and im very sorry for taken you for granted by asking your help in writing things that are not in your interests, sorry Helen.

            it is an extremely cruel world out there to stand against those like the rocket clan, these breed has no hesitation to kill off voices that expose their evil deeds by all means. you really stand out for able to stand these kind of shits for that long, you are courageous and persistent for the right thing to do, i respect and salute you.

            wish you all the best ahead for whatever you plan to do, enjoy and stay happy

            the blog Helen Ang will never be forgotten, definitely not from my mind.

            sorry, one last request, if you have a club or activity or something like that for public, hope you wont mind to let me know. wish to meet the heroine in person one day.

            thank you very much for everything.

          7. I think SELESA 2009 is going to be a 2-faceted-sword.
            1) Money comes from the State purse no matter what
            2) Currently, the Speaker is an EXCO member, chaired by the MB
            and appointed by the Sultan.
            3) As an EXCO member, the Speaker’s office and business will automatically govern and manage by the State Secretary
            4) So HY wants to run as a Suruhan Jaya ( State Assembly Commission ).
            5) HY want to be a “Vice President ” , as in US is the Speaker of the Assembly
            6) So, Selangor is making themselves to be a SEMI-REPUBLIC.
            7) Be WARY my friends

  2. In line with my writting about DAP, I want to state this…..see…see….see I told you sooooo….see….see…sheezzz

    “mengata dulang paku serpih mengata orang dia yang lebih”

    :D sarah

  3. Helen,

    High time for right-thinking malaysians to act in concert and unleash a sustained torrent of replies to Dapster mobs in their blogs, fb n twitter. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

    1. OK.

      Pls also bear in mind that the Dapster mob includes a Jerusubang network supported and promoted by the Scissorati which has a reach to an audience of 5.63 million and that The Firm is spending up to RM30 million to boost their online presence.


  4. Ms Ang

    You are on the right tract and believe you me many share your views. By focusing on HY you are making them uncomfortable as the dont want to be in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. Their classic tactic is to direct a concentrated offense on their targest and demonize them to the max.

    1. I seconded to that Ms Ang. Sabar la Helen, for all your good deed, you will be rewarded handsomely, InsyaAllah.

      Let me narrate to you two stories involving good deeds yang dibuat dengan ikhlas tanpa sebarang harapan untuk mendapat balasan.

      In the Gospel of Barnabas, it is narrated that one (I’m not sure who, I cant find my copy at this instance) asked Jesus (alahissalam) on how would one be leading to God. Jesus answered by doing good deeds.

      There is also a hadis of a man asking Muhammad (sallalahualaihiswassalam), now that he is a Muslim, what would happen to all the good deeds that he did when he was a non believer? Muhammad (sallalahualaihiswassalam) told him that is exactly what that had turn him to Islam in the first place.

      God knows best.

  5. Penang Kurang Ajar Watch @ Georgetown Festival
    Dearest Tokong came late. The audience clearly did not want to sing the Negaraku but sang Selamat Pulsu Pinang loudly. Twice at the start and end.
    Tokong got a long standing ovation for his speech. It was louder than even for the performer. Judging that GE13 is not really over, his supporters can in Pakatan bush jackets.

    Helen, when the next GE13? (Since 5 May was a sham)
    Do Penang people know how to sing Negaraku? Is it taught in schools?

  6. Guess less malays are reading The Star now…
    The Star has nothing good to say about us…

    1. i still read the star…online. i always look forward to reading jocelyn’s column.

  7. “Kenapa badan-badan kerajaan masih lagi mahu beriklan dengan The Star?”

    Sebab melambak-lambak orang gomen, dari pekerja bawahan sampai ke ketua-ketua jabatan, yang pro-opposition. Having said that, we also have to look from business point of view. The Star has the largest circulation, so the advertisement can reach larger readers.

  8. Dapsters salah kalau ingat orang melayu kampung tak percaya Tun M. semua org respek Tun. orang PAS yg kutuk dia dulu pun puji balik lps dia dh pencen. Dapsters boleh jadi pandai tapi kalau nak banding dengan Tun, jauh api dari panggang.

  9. To me, certain members of the Opposition are just like KGB ‘swallows’ to be used for a singular purpose. This KGB tactic has been applied in the poliitcs of the PAP since 1957 in Malaysia Hall, London. The present antics in the Selangor State Legislature is nothing new – it is as old as the hills.

  10. Now that the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP has 80-90% Chinese, Malaysian Chinese support in its bag. And this resulted in the DAP having the DOUBLE DILEMMA as follows :-



    If anything untowards to these innocent Chinese, men, women and children, THE BRILLIANT LEE KUAN YEW AND THE DAP TOP LEADERSHIP WILL HAVE TO BEAR THE CROSS – for mucking around with the lives of these innocent men, women and children.THERE ARE ALREADY TWO PRECEDENTS IN HISTORY.

  11. Ever wonder why everytime Mahathir sneezes DAP gets cold feet or rather gets the flu? Because when Mahathir speaks the silent Malay majority listens. LKS, Tony Pua and other DAP leaders are very confused and clueless. Are they sure that Mahathir is attacking DAP? His observation is for the specific consumption of the silent Malay majority. So when DAP jumps it simply means “siapa yang makan cili dia yang terasa pedas”.

    1. Manggis,

      Actually the real reason why Dr Mahathir is very influential especially among Malay community is due to his ability to speak what Malays have been thinking but not articulate enough to say.

      If one is not paranoid, One will see that Dr Mahathir has never been off tangent. He speaks well. He gives justification to what he said.

      Why DAP hates him so much is Dr Mahathir is able to say in plain language what DAP is up too. and his comments are valid, not wild accusations like what DAP is known for.

      Some of Dr Mahathir’s comments are quite ”ascerbic”. He chides the Malays. and it is true. Sometimes I wonder why Malays are so “naive”. why can they willingly be misled by DAP by simply DAP ADUN wears “baju kurung”.

      Some paranoid Malays never stop calling MirzaN “tokeh kilang arak” simply because he has shares in San Miguel. Using the sama logic, all Malays must be sinful for having Citibank CreditCard as Citibank involves in interests.

      No amount of explanation is enough . why? Because they “blocked” themselves from hearing things that they are not agrreable to. No need to read Utusan. No need to watch TV1, TV2, TV3.

      No need to think., They “franchise” their brain to Self appointed Allah’s moral guardian, PAS.

      What PAS says are deemed to be “ultimate truth”. So, we have PAS leaders like Mohd Sabu, Nizar have a firld day slandering on “pentas” to “cari makan”.


      Actually no need for DAP to destroy the political power of Malays. Many Malays willingly do that.

      1. True. The only thing is even if UMNO finally rendered useless, some other Malay entity will be in power.

        DAP mungkin menang sorak. Pemimpin DAP mungkin dapat jawatan.Tapi livelihood and nation’s progress will be halted abruptly – melayu,cina semua akan susah and cina masih tidak dapat menukar perlembagaan seperti diidam idamkan DAP.

        So you see Helen, awak adalah srikandi datang dari langit untuk menghalang ini dari terjadi. It is ordained.

      2. Shamsul…you’ve got it spot on regarding Dr. M…..he’s like the DAPsters’ bogeyman and they’re scared stiff of him!

        1. Garret,

          While i appreciate Tun’s effort to expose DAP’s “brutality”, I am equally sadden and upset with some of Malays for being “too naive’.

          They are nothing less than hypocrites. They cry out loud demanding islamic law in totality Yet at the same breath they slander, insinuate, insult, curse among others. What i cant accept is they slander while quranic verses.

          And this is the “hallmark” of PAS. And it gets away thousand times as it uses religion to justify its slandering trademark.

          DAP follows suit. In the name of Chinese interests, it prepares to pawn the future of this country. All to achieve the ambition of Lim Dynasty, camouflaged with brilliant Malaysian Malaysia (meaning anti Malay) battle cry

          AND SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT IN AG’s office.

  12. Cantik….aku nak sertai Briged DDD… mana nak dapat borang Briged DDD?? Mesti korang DAP mana nak dapatkan borang DDD tu kan? Korang yang dapat maklumat… Hidup Tun Dr M….

  13. Kalau benar Tun ketua briged destroy DAP..DDD?, maka secara otomatik saya nak join jadi ahlinya…
    takde pangkat takpe…asalkan destroy DAP…..!

  14. another personal rule of thumb I have about DAP: anything that they accuse their opponent is exactly what they’re doing themselves.

  15. I was watching the Monty Python comedy “Life of Brian” again, and one scene in particular struck me how similar it is to Malaysian politics.
    The main character, Brian was mistakenly identified as the Messiah by a group of fanatical followers.
    Watch this scene:
    The followers remind me of Pakatan/DAP (Tokong) supporters/followers who follow blindly. If only Tokong was as humble as Brian. And the old man at the end of the scene reminds me of the Pakatan/DAP critic and the followers/mob’s reaction to him is totally like the Red Bean Army.

  16. Buletin Mutiara summary
    Freeing Malaysia from BN winter
    That is why Tokong goes to Oxford

    Paid by the taxpayer that kena kong tau

  17. Have the Dappies wonder what sort of politics are being played out by its leadership which must have a total intellect less than the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore ? Where is the DAP heading by embarking on an aggressive and confrontational course ? Does the leadership realise that 80-90% of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese support or believe in them ? What is the end-game ? What is the exit ? What is the 36th step ?
    And is generally admitted that the Chinese is in a minority of 24% ! THE DAP LEADERSHIP MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS TO THE CHINESE, THE MALAYSIAN CHINESE AS REGARDS THEIR SAFETY AND LIVELIHOOD. To whip up their emotions without delivering the promised ‘change of government’. And the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew is more responsible for indirectly founding the DAP in 1966 and underlined by his ill-advised Tour of the Opposition Leaders at the age of 86 in April 2008 in anticipation of the capitulation of the BN. Who can say he is not deeply involved in Malaysian politics ?

    1. tapi tak payah risau. Melayu baik. Lepas kena ludah banyak kalipun, tak apa. Tak ada consequence.

      Sebab melayu baik lah Malaysia maju. Sama ada melayu sendiri maju ke tidak …. itu kena tanya melayu bangsawan.

  18. Pre-13 May 1969, I was there looking at the demonstrations in Foch Avenue (Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock), the lorry loads of victorious Opposition supporters passing through Imbi Road etc banging their drums etc. That was 1969. When the curfew came, thousands of Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, lost their businesses, their jobs and sometimes their lives.

    Now we have the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP using the social media for political ends. It is claimed that this reaches out to a minimum of 5 million bloggers. Great ! Let us expect the DAP to take up the responsibilty to safeguard the safety and the livelihood of the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese in our beloved Malaysia and do not walk away to Singapore !

  19. As long as the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties practises the absolute rule of the law and have fair and transparent policies with the bureaucracy operating in a NORMAL manner, like the British previously, there is nothing the Opposition especially the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP can do to the Mount Everest of BN, mighty, forbidding and immovable.

  20. My sincere advice to the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore, his Pappies and his Dappies is that since the Malaysia Hall, London days of 1957 to 2013 – 56 years, his gallant attempts at conquering Malaysia and the Malays have failed. Maybe it is time, the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew realises that MAN PROPOSES. GOD DISPOSES and let our beloved Malaysia continues its odyssey of eternity in peace, harmony and prospertiy. It is about time.

  21. haiyaa ..hari tu suruh promote u punya blog …. penat saya promote tau …kalau rasa penat ambik cuti rehat ..then sambung balik tulis …apa2 saya doakan u terus diberikan kekuatan untuk menulis ..

  22. Dapsters pandang rendah dgn orang kampung because probably that is the standard of their people living in the rural areas.

    My grandma and grandpa (in their 70’s), living in the Kampungs… connect with their cucu-cucu (my kids) in Jordan and Russia using facebook le! They themselves were once Professionals in their own line of employment before retiring.

    Siap maintain blogs (in English and BM ) lagi to keep in touch with world affairs and having many followers worldwide!. Today the rural Malays are one of a kind, educated yet very humble. PS: ramai jutawan senyap in my Kampung..

    See, where Malays are concerned ramai akan berusaha balik Kampung to settle down (esp after retirement) away from the hectic city life.. So don’t underestimate the rural folks!

    UMNO set up IT centres for our orang kampung, many Makcik jual kueh mueh dan nasi lemak by the roadside are IT litterate. Lessons are given FOC conducted voluntarily by our Kampung IT graduates.

    That is why the orang2 in the rural areas really appreciate what the BN govn have been doing for them since MERDEKA.

    Besides IT, the Kampung committee organize tons of activities for our kampung people here – mostly voluntary.. activities from belajar cake to sewing, youngsters they sponsor games like football and netballs..

    UMNO managed to bind us together closely for over 50years, kasih sayang yg dipupuk antara jiran melimpah ke anak cucu kami..

    Sad to see what DAP is doing to this Nation, the HATE culture not only among the citizens but towards the BN Govt dan institusi Raja2, teach the youngsters to show disrespect even to our RULER, the YDP Agong.

    What a shame..

    Orang Kampung Moden.

    1. they are actually afraid because the kampung malays r becoming engineers and work hard.

      the image that malays are lazy no longer hold water as they have the same aspirations as anyone..and that scares the bejeebers out of the anglophiles chinese as they see malay faces permeating even in apek dominated kilang. In mymoffice, the mat sallehs directors promoted one malay lady from engineer to HOD and ontechnician to Senior Engineer, no Cina or India have been known to bpromoted directly by the US HQ unless helped by the Chinese crony infested Human Resource…of course the Malay HOD and senior engineer gets paid less since only the Cina get the full 5 rating, but how farncan this sham go on?

      1. You need to wait only when LGE buries his father LKS. LGE will be eaten alive by other aspiring DAP leaders when LKS is gone.


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