Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Historical cycle: Every time DAP is strong, racial tensions peak

Utusan assistant chief editor Zaini Hassan wrote today:

“Dalam BN … MP Cina hanyalah 11 orang atau 8%!

Lantaran itu, adalah tidak salah jika dibuat kesimpulan bahawa orang Cina telah bersatu untuk menumbangkan kerajaan yang bertunjangkan Pribumi/Islam dan menggantikan dengan kerajaan yang bertunjangkan Bukan Islam/orang Cina!

Kerana laungan “Ini Kali Lah untuk mereka boleh merebut kuasa maka ahli-ahli MCA dan Gerakan daripada kaum Cina telah menjadi pengkhianat parti dan berduyun-duyun lari bersekongkol dengan DAP. Lalu tsunami Cina, seperti mana yang diungkapkan oleh Najib, adalah tepat sekali!”

Pondering on the question as to whether the Chinese would have grabbed the chance to topple the BN had the opportunity presented itself, Zaini answered:

“Melihat dan menilai sikap, pemikiran dan strategi orang Cina di Malaysia ini pada tahun 2008 dan 2013 maka jawapannya, tanpa melupakan tulisan pada tahun 2009 di atas dan PRU 1969, tidak lain dan tidak bukan tentulah Ya!”

Zaini suggests to evaluate “sikap, pemikiran dan strategi orang Cina” to get the real picture. [The Star, on the other hand, keeps repeating, “The Chinese tsunami did not happen“.]


Strategi, sikap, pemikiran

(1) Strategi orang Cina yang digunapakai ialah Politik Benci dan Fitnah. It was deployed in 2008 and honed to a sharp, poison-tipped scissors point in 2013.

(2) Sikap orang Cina

Prof Teo Kok Seong commented:

“Saya juga melihat apa yang berlaku selepas PRU-13 ini agak mencemaskan serta memperlihatkan permusuhan yang agak ketara. Antara buktinya apa yang kita lihat di dalam media sosial yang menggunakan bahasa kesat dan menghina. Ini cukup jelas menggambarkan perasaan marah dan emosi yang wujud di kalangan rakyat yang cuba bermusuh dengan Umno dan BN.”
— sumber: ‘Di sini langit dijunjung‘ (Utusan, 16 Jun 2013)

(3) Okay, so what about the ‘pemikiran‘ factor next?

Former Utusan group editor Zainuddin Maidin highlights the hypocrisy of Wong Chun Wai, the evangelista group editor of The Star, saying in his blog Zamkata today:

“Pandai-pandailah Datuk Wong membaling batu sembunyi tangan demi untuk hidup dan untuk Malaysian Malaysia. Masa Datuk Najib pun boleh selamat, masa DAP berkuasa kelak lagi selamat. Hidup Datuk Wong!”

Yup, the baling batu sorok tangan evangelistas gergaji dua mata.


The 20-year cycles

Raja Petra Kamarudin in his most recent column (Malaysia Today, 18 June 2013) warned that Umno moving to the right can only bring Malaysia deeper into racial politics.

He said this election’s Chinese assault and Malay backlash that is pushing Umno to the right invokes “the risk of [racial politics] exploding some time in the future to fulfill Lim Kit Siang’s prophecy of a time bomb ticking away in Malaysia”.

Let’s look at the ebb and flow of history.

Objections to the Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu were raised in 1947-48 by the Chinese. That was 65 years ago.

Race riots broke out on May 13 following the Chinese opposition’s big in the 1969 general election. That was 44 years ago.

The Ops Lalang ISA swoop took place in October 1987, which was 26 years ago. In the 1986 general election, the Chinese oppo had similarly gained in strength — DAP 24 Parliament seats, MCA 17.

Each time the DAP is much stronger than the MCA, orang Cina pun mula meragam lah.


We’re looking at a consistent 20-year interval between the series of events above.

What will happen tomorrow?

Today is full of endless provocations. The participation of Chinese in the #Black 505 rallies are reminiscent of the Chinese rallies in May 1969.


British found the Chinese to be “repulsive”

REPULSIVE chameleons …

Academic Khong Kim Hoong in his book ‘Merdeka! British Rule and the Struggle for Independence Malaya 1945-1957′ (SIRD publication, 2003), listed several reasons why the British government had preferred to negotiate with Umno on the drafting of the 1948 Malayan constitution.

“Fourth, the government found the behavior and methods of the AMCJA-Putera repulsive. The opposition seemed to be more interested in stirring up anti-British sentiments, embarrassing the government and challenging its authority than in establishing a working relationship,” wrote Khong.

The oppo is behaving in quite the same way today — stirring up anti-Malay sentiments, embarrassing the BN government and more keen to challenge its authority than to establish a working relationship.


The unholy matrimony of DAP-PKR-PAS will do everything within their means – fair or foul (mostly foul) – to obtain power. They will stop at nothing to gain Putrajaya.

Daily there are the acrimonious confrontations, especially those initiated by Lim Kit Siang and his son Guan Eng. The former is still caught in his ’69 time warp and the latter unable to shed his streetfighter ego.

Hannah Yeoh (hannahyeoh) on Twitter 2012-12-30 10-07-05

No room for the other races

What happens when the DAP is in control?

To the best of my knowledge, all of Hannah Yeoh’s personal assistants and political secretary are evangelical Christians like herself. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)

A disillusioned Aspan Alias, one of the Malay faces of the DAP, today admitted, “laungan ‘multiracialism’ itu hanya mainan lidah yang tidak bertulang itu sahaja”.

Dr Novandri Hasan Basri, who is the Unit Media Baru information chief, has advised Aspan to leave the DAP and as well called upon “kepimpinan tertinggi BN perlu bincang dengan serius tentang hala tuju akhbar The Star.”

Blog House Malaysia president Syed Akbar Ali has noted: “Without a doubt many Bloggers and many people consider Star a mouthpiece for the Opposition.”

Sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat

Bloggers touching on The Star:

Zamkata: The Star is a thorn in the flesh

OutSyed the Box: Yesterday out of nowhere The Star ran the following “ad”

Minda Intelek Melayu: Terkini! Blogger Melayu DAP dihentam pemimpin Cina DAP! terima kasihlah akhbar The Star!

Kedah ke KL: PANASS!! Banyaknya Malaun DAP Dalam Akhbar The Star!

Mesin Taip Buruk: The Star yang sejak akhir-akhir ini semakin ketara bertindak sebagai lidah tidak rasmi DAP

Medan Info Kita: Akhbar The STAR Ada Agenda CINABENG…..?

Paper Waris: Tiada beza sebenarnya antara The Star dan Malaysiakini atau Malaysian Insider

The Flying Kick: Akhbar The Star tidak saja jahat kepada Rosmah, Lebih jahat kepada Wan Azizah!!!

TDS World: Star = Chinese Tsunami Never Happen???

Pecah Palak Mikir: Aunty The Star Cina Bangunkan Malaysia Tanpa Bantuan Bumiputera?

Apanama: The Star‘s play of pictures…

The Unspinners: Boikot The Star!!!


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

20 thoughts on “Historical cycle: Every time DAP is strong, racial tensions peak

  1. kaduk naik junjung, ulat naik ke mata. itulah yg sedang berlaku bila merasa kuat. kera bagi susu pun tetap jadi kera, sudahlah najib, bagi susu kat kera, bagilah kat anak sendiri.

  2. Betul kata IDAsangkiri.
    Kalau sejak tahun 1948, mereka (orang Cina) masih tak berubah-ubah jugak…UMNO khususnya PM Najib perlu segera berubah.
    LKS sudah tua. Legasinya LGE pun bukan muda sangat tapi sikap tatap sama….dah tak boleh diajar apa lagi untuk diikut.

  3. After kerja keras dan walaupun menang battle dan lost the war, macam kata Helen, the least these racists leaders should do is to own up and be proud for a job well done!
    Why are they denying this wholesale? Its everywhere and its annoying.

    Annexe Gallery on Arts for grabs event on its web, talk about apa cina mahu as if it is a myth, The latest Timeout KL also the same, blaming Utusan Malaysia as if putting up a mere slander.

    The Chinese should not be scared of anything, they should be the lansi kakis that they are and walk tall about the Tsunami Cina! The pretence and hypocrisy is nauseating to say the least.

    So much denial, back to back is not gonna work guys!

    1. Someone should invite Madonna or other morally-decadent-western-singer to give a concert in KL.

      Then you’ll see how loud PAS can be.

  4. Our DAPster Syndrome is a worldwide problem!

    Sheikh Abdul Hakim Murad ponders Evangelical Empire-Building:


  5. Sayangnya silent majority masih tetap memilih berdiam diri. Jangan sampai dah terhantuk baru terngadah. Kesian bangsa ku

    1. Yang bertindak balas semasa 13 Mei dulu ialah the silent majority.

      The silent majority juga yang selamatkan Najib dan UMNO dalam PRU13.

      The silent majority sedang memerhati dengan teliti ketika ini. Golongan ini tidak perlu menunggu paluan gong dari Dr.M untuk muncul.

      Aku berharap sangat golongan silent majoriti ini tidak perlu bertindak. Eloklah kita, terutamanya pihak pembangkang mengambil langkah untuk menyejukkan keadaan.

  6. Make sense.

    2008 was deemed the Indian tsunami
    2013 is now deemed the Chinese tsunami

    But then again, what should be done?

    Like what RPK has said before, politics is a matter of perception.
    And PR or BN all are after the same thing. Power = Wealth

    Like how i respect RPK, your articles have made good points and i respect your writings & insights.

    But it just doesn’t make sense. It seems you are targeting and not educating. Maybe that’s what you want to achieve.

    1. re: “And PR or BN all are after the same thing. Power = Wealth”

      Those people who voted BN are under no illusions that their candidates are purer than driven snow.

      It is only those people who are the Pakatan agitators that are convinced their Dear Leaders are infallible (maksum) and walk on water.

      re: “not educating” (the masses)

      I do not have any public platform, funding nor resources. Perhaps a core readership of 5,000 here, that’s all.

      Even though I merely operate an individual blog that features my personal opinions, I’m being daily targetted by Anon character assassins who are the first to comment in other blogs that quote my writings or mention anything good about me.

      I do not think that such people (the slanderers, the general public who prefer to read Scissorati) can be educated.

      As for my readers here who are mostly pro-establishment, I prefer to chronicle. I’m one person. I cannot change the tide of events (e.g. the Abolish Vernacular School debate).

    2. postscript:

      I’m NOT among the 10 most powerful women in Malaysia.

      If the general populace prefer to elevate Hannah Yeoh and her politikus ilk, they (the Chinese public) will reap what they sow.

      1. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs Malaysian style

        Hannah Yeoh and her 7 Dwarf
        1. Tony 2. Doctor Ong 3. Tokong 4. Zairil Christopher Ross 5. Anwar 6. Tian Chua 7. Khalid

        And her black husband is Prince Charming

  7. Kepada orang Melayu Malaysia,tengok sendiri bagaimana orang Melayu Singapura ditindas dari segi politik dan lain2.Jangan mudah pada pujuk orang DAP dan pembangkang sekali dorang dah perintah orang Melayu tak ada peluang nak berkuasa lagi.

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