Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

MCA parti yang 83.3 peratus dilantik pengundi Melayu

MCA memperolehi 18 kerusi (7-Eleven) dalam PRU13.

Daripada 7 kerusi Parlimen MCA, 6 adalah majoriti Melayu ataupun lebih ramai pengundi Melayu daripada pengundi Cina.

Daripada 11 kerusi DUNnya, 9 adalah majoriti Melayu ataupun lebih ramai pengundi Melayu daripada pengundi Cina.

Maka sejumlah 15 daripada 18 kerusi MCA (ataupun 83.3%) adalah terletak di kawasan Melayu luar bandar yang diperli sebagai “conservative rural core” parti Umno oleh seorang kolumnis The Star baru-baru ini.

Carta pai di bawah memaparkan pecahan etnik pemilih di kerusi-kerusi yang dimenangi MCA. Warna biru menandakan kaum Melayu dan warna merah menandakan kaum Cina.

Nama tempat pun berbunyi kekampungan, umpamanya Bemban, Gurun dan Machap, dan bukan berbaur canggih macam Mont Kiara. Sudah pasti para pengundi yang telah memberi sokongan kepada MCA adalah pembaca Utusan dan bukannya pembaca The J-Star.

Kawasan-kawasan DUN dipegang MCA


Biru — Melayu

Merah – Cina

TitiTinggiCheka PulaiSebatangKulimKlebangBembanGurunDamakChenderiang

Kaum ‘Lain-lain’ di Chenderiang adalah orang asli.

Hanya dua kerusi DUN milik MCA yang mempunyai lebih ramai pengundi Cina berbanding Melayu, iaitu Machap dan Paloh.

Itupun bilangan golongan Cina mengatasi golongan Melayu 2% – 5% sahaja (lihat carta pai bawah).


Di bawah pula ialah carta pai bagi kerusi Parlimen yang dimenangi MCA.

Hanya Labis sahaja yang bukan majoriti Melayu.

Anak Chua Soi Lek yang diwasiatkan kerusi bapanya telah mendapat 15,821 undi manakala calon DAP mendapat 15,468 undi daripada sejumlah 32,026 orang Johor keluar mengundi.

Chua Tee Yong menang dengan majoriti tipis 353 undi.

Air Itam AlorGajah TanjungMalim TanjungPiaiTebrauBentong Labis

Sumber carta pai:

Bentong mempunyai 44.6 peratus pemilih Melayu dan 43.9 peratus pemilih Cina.

Bekas Menteri Kesihatan MCA Liow Tiong Lai berjaya mengalahkan calon anti-Lynas DAP, Wong Tack, dengan majoriti kecil 379 undi dan itupun kerana Menteri Besar Pahang Adnan Yaakob sayangkan telinganya.

Sementara itu kalau bukan kerana sokongan orang India, tentunya anak Dr Chua itu akan kalah juga. Itupun The Star sengaja enggan menghebahkan pesanan yang dikeluarkan Hindraf agar kaum India menyokong penuh BN. (Labis mempunyai sebanyak 15% pemilih India).

Sekarang cuba kita lihat sama ada The Star telah memberi liputan yang positif ataupun cukup memuaskan kepada kempen MCA.

Yip Sun

J-Star evangelista

Di bawah ialah jadual kekerapan disiarkan rencana di dalam akhbar The Star yang menyebut nama-nama Adun MCA / DAP.

Angka-angka yang tercatat adalah diperolehi daripada hasil carian Google untuk tempoh ‘Past Year’ dalam laman sesawang  lihat contoh screenshot, atas.


Geng Hannah dipromo oleh J-Star

Cuba lihat pada nama Datuk Lau Lee, Dr Leong Yong Kong, Fong Koong Fuee dan Lai Meng Chong. Masing-masing menjadi Adun MCA dalam kedua-dua PRU12 dan PRU13, bermaksud mereka incumbent yang berjaya mempertahankan kerusi mereka.

Dalam tempoh setahun lepas ini, nama Datuk Lau Lee hanya muncul di dada akhbar The Star sebanyak 16 kali, Dr Leong sebanyak 11 kali, Fong Koong Fuee (14) dan Lai Meng Chong (5).

Cuba bandingkan dengan politikus muda dan muka baru DAP yang pertama kali bertanding pilihanraya iaitu dua orang evangelista — Rajiv Rishyakaran dan Yeo Bee Yin.

Rajiv sebelum itu bertugas sebagai pembantu khas Hannah Yeoh dan Bee Yin sebagai pegawai khas Tony Pua serta juru strategi media sosial DAP.

Rajiv diberi liputan menerusi 32 buah rencana dan Bee Yin, 39 rencana dalam The Star menjangkaui tempoh yang sama.


Perhimpunan agung MCA dibenamkan

Scan di atas menunjukkan muka depan The Star pada 20 Okt 2012.

Wanita yang menghiasi muka depan suratkhabar milik MCA itu ialah Vivian Lee — “seks blogger” yang dilonjakkan sebagai selebriti mi segara oleh The Star untuk dijadikan ikutan para remaja.

Memang The Star mahu mengembangkan budaya gila glamer Gereja City Harvest.

Dr Chua MCA ready and united for election battle against DAP

MCA berjanji berjuang bermati-matian

Pada hari minggu yang sama, MCA telah mengadakan perhimpunan agung mereka di mana Dr Chua telah menyeru ahli-ahli partinya supaya:

“MCA members should “talk and think about defeating Pakatan Rakyat at breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.”

Perhimpunan tahunan MCA di mana presidennya yakin “the entire party was united to go all out to defeat the DAP” tidak diberi liputan muka depan oleh The Star.


Sebaliknya terpampang di muka depan The Star ialah seks blogger Vivian Lee yang merupakan seorang penyokong pembangkang yang juga tidak segan silu untuk memperlekehkan bendera BN.

Berita perhimpunan MCA itu – yang merupakan mesyuarat agung parti terakhir sebelum pilihanraya diadakan – nyata ditenggelami oleh laporan-laporan sensasi oleh The Star tentang Vivian dan pasangannya Alvin.


Jikalau jentera media sendiri tidak mengendahkan tuanpunya tetapi sebaliknya menumpu perhatian kepada seks blogger (melambak-lambak cerita yang diolah The Star tentang pasangan Vivian dan Alvin), adakah orangramai mungkin akan boleh teruja dengan MCA?

Ketika bekas Menteri Pelancongan Ng Yen Yen melawat ke Jonker Walk pada awal tahun ini, beliau disambut dengan pekikan ‘boo’ oleh khalayak umum yang menghadiri sebuah acara keramaian Tahun Baru Cina.

Tidak syak lagi bahawa orang Cina menolak MCA secara total. Hampir semua undi yang diraih MCA datangnya daripada pengikut setia BN kaum Melayu, India mahupun orang asli.

Sedang akhbar milik MCA gila mempromo Malaysian Malaysia, adakah parti itu pula akan menampakkan lebih kesungguhan dalam menjaga hal-ehwal kelompok-kelompok yang telah memberi undi ikhlas kepada parti itu?

Wajar MCA memulakan usaha supaya kelihatan sedikit prihatin dengan menghormati penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan. Jangan asyik pasang cogankata dalam bahasa Cina dan bahasa Inggeris sahaja. Ingat, wakil-wakil kamu 83.3 peratus dilantik oleh orang Melayu.


Kalau ikut meritokrasi pun MCA tak layak


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

66 thoughts on “MCA parti yang 83.3 peratus dilantik pengundi Melayu

  1. Aku lebih seronok jika Helen letakkan tajuk artikel ini sebagai “MCA parti Cina yang 83.3 peratus dilantik pengundi Melayu”. Rasis ke tidak tajuk begitu?

    1. It so touching to see the two actress together. Nurul Izzah and Vivian Lee yeah too hot mamas… [edited]
      Birds of a feather flock together hehe…

      Will they be doing a video together?

  2. Facts speak for themselves. What else do we need to say…MCA has very very seldom come to the defence of BN/UMNO when attacked by the oppo.

    In defending Jonker Walk, are we to understand that the Chinese rich culture, as said by CSL, meant to promote all kinds of piracy, clans (read gangsterism…) and evading taxes ( as in doing business without proper registration)??. I would say that it is the smart thing to do…anything illegal and avoiding rules and regulations and you bet, the Chinese are so damn good at it….

    How good…well the Govt Chinese get into the corridors of power riding on the Malay votes and still being arrogant about it…You will know for sure how your fate will be at the next GE. The Melayus placed so much trust and now have learnt their lesson…

    PRU 14 will be a different ball game altogether And the next MCA minister will be there by virtue of a Senatorship, courtesy of BN/Malays…..and you have the right to refuse when the Chinese community wants to be represented by the DAP and gang…MCA/Gerakan can start looking for suitable graveyards for good fungshui, after death

    1. Setuju, PRU 14 its UMNO vs DAP+PAS in Semenanjung, in Sarawak and Sabah, its a sure BN win even against DAP+ its cohort.

      MCA will then be called Makan Curry Ayam je, Ayam beri DAP.

      Please MCA buck up, there’s no need to show the rakyat what you want and tend to do, silence is golden, put your house or your ship in order first, where’s your 5/10 year blueprint?

      The 90 pct Malaysian Chinese are not with you. You don’t have taring anymore, the chinese are not going to listen to you, semua sudah tumpul. All the best and good luck, remember, silence is golden.

    1. Please go ahead. I hope that more folks will tweet this to thre MCA leaders as well.

      1. I am going to email your article to MCA Bandar Tun Razak.

        It’s another great piece of analysis of the GE13 results, Helen.

      2. Helen,

        And the only way to stop MCA from destroying BN from within is to stop its lifeline:the Malay votes by virtue to MCA ties with UMNO.

        It should not be a problem. The last election just proves one thing:that all the hype on the influence of Chinese voters and that the Chinese as King maker do not water.

        Without Chinese support, BN still holds the fort. without Chinese support, UMNO still manages to get 40% of parliamentary seats. Controlling more than half of parliamentary seats should not a big issue. UMNO can contest in all Malay Majority areas it graciously “loans” to MCA, Gerakan.

        Plus if UMNO enters Sarawak, another (approximation) 10 seats are there for UMNO.

        Once in a while, The “supremo:’ needs to behave exactly like the supremo. so that nobody or no racist from DAP will want to mess up with UMNO.

        MCA simply choose to be irrelevant. Let it be. There is simply no need to let say Ketua pemuda MCA to contest in malay area. Go battle Anthony loke. Earn your credibility in Chinese community the way UMNO battles PAS in Malay areas.

        1. re: “UMNO can contest in all Malay Majority areas it graciously “loans” to MCA, Gerakan.”

          Umno probably might. GE13 Umno contested in Kuantan and Wangsa Maju which in GE12 were given to MCA. (Gelang Patah is another example but special case.)

          re: “And the only way to stop MCA from destroying BN from within is to stop its lifeline: the Malay votes by virtue to MCA ties with UMNO.”

          Also to stop The Scissors from backstabbing.

          1. Helen,

            Precisely, With MCA out of govt or better still out of BN, the days of UMNO “babysitting” other parties should come to its end. To stay relevant, all political parties must do their job.

            PRU13 is sort of mental breaktrough. suddenly Malays realise that even without Chinese, UMNO still can form the government. As such, Najib must stop the irritating attitude of throwing goodies in the form of Mega Dinner, grant to chinese schools among others.

            As for MCA, it is as good as museum piece.

      3. I am tweeting directly to whoever mentioned or concerned with your posting but now for MCA CSL, I stop d because I see no point doing that. I’d rather tweet to DSN and let him (or his PA) read abt the gunting.

        btw, I am pretty sure one of the Kemen. Penerangan Officer in-charged of new media is following yr blog. (I met this guy in a convention last year) but can he make any different, I am not sure.

  3. Melayu memang ” rasis ” kerana inginkan keamanan, kedamaian dan keharmonian antara kaum di bumi Malaysia yg bertuah ini, pantang orang Melayu di” tikam dari belakang ” !

    Jangan jadi ” kacang lupakan kulit ” .

  4. Thank you Helen… lidah pengarang Utusan Malaysia cannot be writing about this sebab kena jaga hati kawan sesama BN. Walapun BintangTiga paper boleh bluntly masukkan nama Utusan dlm kritiknya tentang ‘Apa Cina Mahu’, macam ZamKata.

    The thing WCW, the Jstar, DAP & its 90% Chinese kakis hated most is that of all people, you, Helen Ang, Cina Buddha, writes about their misconducts and hypocrisies in treating the Malays.

    You are not Helen Ang Abdullah. You are not Ridhuan Tee. And worst off all you are not Utusan Malaysia to be talking about this. Otherwise you writings and point of views can be easily miscarded.

    And since they can’t be accusing you of being a Malay supremacist like the labelled Perkasa, or a Malay wannabe like Ridhuan Tee; pushing blindly the Malay Agenda, they would no other way but to pay people to ‘call you’ pelacur, anjing, liar etc, which just goes to say your little blog is effective to create awareness and drive a group of people to talk, write and comments more about their tikam belakang nature with facts and figures.

    RBA will once in a while tries to mock and ridicule you but that’s okay too because you must be saying the right thing to get them working extra hard post GE13!

        1. “When writing God Willing in Arabic/english, we should NOT write it as “inshAllah” or “inshallah” because it means create Allah.

          Whether Arabic or English please make sure we write it properly as “In shaa Allah”, this means “if Allah wills”


  5. inilah parti yang ahli-ahlinya termasuk presidennya yang bersikap ‘kacang lupakan kulit’, diberi betis hendak paha’…!

    kalau dah kata tak mahu apa-apa jawatan dalam kerajaan, maka tak perlulah ‘menyalak’ sana-sini menuntut itu dan ini….

    bukankah lebih baik segala usaha ditumpukan kepada menyokong setiap dasar kerajaan sedia-ada disamping memulihkan imej sendiri di mata orang Melayu?

    memang benarlah segala-galanya cuma sis-sia apabila disuapkan makan, tangan kita pula digigitnya…..

    1. You belong to the standard “one-liners” club like sshsn/ed/dd? How to apply for membership? They provide training and refresher courses?

  6. Hal Joker Walk dan apa-apa hal lain masyarakat cina dengan kerajaan MCA hanya perlu duduk diam sahaja kerana ia selari dengan resolusi MCA sebelum ini.

    Orang melayu lantik kamu bukan untuk buat bising. Yang itu MCA kena faham.

      1. But then again it is not their purpose to serve the constituents. They have cina only interest to serve. The taiko and law breakers included!

  7. Helen,
    Minta BN tolong sponsor you bukukan yr blog postings on the various GE13 analysis (include visitors comments) dan edar to all BN members and esp too for the benefit of our new potential BN voters.

    Charge murah2 sikit or better BN distribute FOC. Buat cepat2 sikit at least before the next GE.

    Yg bahasa Org Putih, translate so those in the rural areas yang tak berapa pandai BI pun dapat faham dengan lebih mendalam. Your charts and tables are very interesting and simple to understand.

    1. “Minta BN tolong sponsor you bukukan yr blog postings on the various GE13 analysis (include visitors comments) dan edar to all BN members and esp too for the benefit of our new potential BN voters. ”

      Not a good idea, her opinion will be viewed by many as less credible and she will be labelled as agent UMNO/BN. Plus there is a thing or two about UMNO/BN that I don’t agree with, thus we need people to highlight about it with independent analysis.

      There will come a time when Helen will need to “TARUK” BN/UMNO and if that that time comes, will all of us UMNO/BN supporters label her as pro-opposition?

      I always believe that it is our individual responsibility as UMNO/BN supporter to do our part to inform, engage and influence the people around us as much as we can to spread the truth ( the way we see it).

      1. re: “There will come a time when Helen will need to “TARUK” BN/UMNO and if that that time comes, will all of us UMNO/BN supporters label her as pro-opposition?”

        Thanks for bringing up this possibility.

        When I do that, the dedicated detractors/operatives will snatch the opportunity to be batu api, to payback kenakan aku, and to spin and lie as is their bread and butter.

        1. Tapi kalau benda tu benar most of us here will setuju.

          BN bashing pun Helen buat.. Pak syed pun buat, jmd pun, rocky bru pun etc tp kita tak buta2 taruk depa dan kita pun xbuta2 percaya depa.. kita baca dan buat kesimpulan sendiri dgn . maklumat2 lain juga… bukan baca tulisan Helen saja.

  8. What is so Malaysian of the average Malaysian Chinese? He wakes in the morning and reads the Chinese paper. He turns on the TV and he skips the RTM and Media Prima channels if he has Astro. When he watches TV, it must be the Mandarin news and TVB soaps. If he has Astro it would be Wah Lai Toi, AEC etc. What is so Malaysian about Wah Lai Toi, CTI etc? Unless Taipeh, Hong Kong or Beijing is in Malaysia.

    He speaks Malay with a strong accent. After half a decade he has not learned how to remove his accent. His children go to a school that hardly enrols any other races. He must eat pork. Even curry is too hot for him. He cannot eat with hands. He must eat pork. To him beef is the Chinese pork. He must be forced to mix with other races through the National Service ballot.

    What is so Malaysian about the 1Malaysia parties and concerts in Penang? Unless Alan Tam, George Lam are Malaysian and Mandarin and Cantonese is a dialect in Malay. There are sexy girls of stage singing Neneh (Indian songs). Pork and beer are served and hardly are there any Malays except the vendors that distribute free Nasi Kandar. Sometimes we are confused whether it is a 1Malaysia party/concert or 1Cina party/concert.

    What is so Malaysian about Malaysian Chinese Christians? They are so proud to be Israelites but have never set foot in Israel. They need to read the Bible in Chinese as they are poor in English and definitely cannot speak Hebrew.

    What is so Buddhist about them either? The Buddha asks his followers to be humble. Here every festival is a buffet. They are so superstitious with their demons and fear of death. Like the Christians they want to build big to reach the Tower of Babel. Go to Lorong Madras and you will see the Methodist church and his temple neighbour fighting to see which one has more than 12 stories high.

    The Chinese are spoilt like brats and like most brats they turn on their parents. Why bother what MCA has to say? In any company if you have no shares, you shut up. Only a brat will say, eat and then go against.

    The Chinese are offended when they are called immigrants. Anyone after staying so long do not want to learn the language of the land properly, eat the local food, go to the local school, still think that they are on perpetual transit. Is it wrong to call them immigrants? Strangely enough any Malaysian Chinese who studies a year in Australia will bring back a thick Aussie accent. (Some DJs on radio have that accent.) They live 18 years in Malaysia and they can’t even speak Malay without a Chinese accent.

    If you ask me whether Jonker Street or Petaling Street should close, I would say yes. What is so Malaysian about souvenirs from China and TVB DVDs? We might as well visit Ladies Market in Hong Kong. Any souvenirs and TVB DVDs bought there are authentic.
    Sometimes we must learn to ignore the brat. Fullstop.

  9. In my earlier comment, I have been harsh to the Chinese and I am right to be harsh. Let me now turn to the Indians.

    Like the Chinese, they are equally in transit. Must everything be in Tamil? Isn’t Hindi the world language? Nobody cares to ask the authorities to teach Hindi. If you want to globalise then you might need to study Hindi, Arabic, Japanese etc.

    Like the Chinese, the TV is full of the latest news, gossip and entertainment from Tamil Nadu. Even the guest singer in the 1Malaysia concert is from India.

    Like the Chinese Christian, the Indian Christian has his roots in Israel. It seems like Madras floated away from Israel in the last ice age.

    This country is half a decade old. Assimilation is hardly seen or is there any?

    1. re: “Like the Chinese Christian, the Indian Christian …”

      are the opposition vote bank.

      1. “Like the Chinese Christian, the Indian Christian has his roots in Israel. It seems like Madras floated away from Israel in the last ice age.”

        My Prof. from Indian once commented that no matter how high they are in the economy ladder in Malaysia, they are still LOW CLASS by origin.

  10. Saya sokong penuh pendapat seorang pemberi komen bahawa banyak artikel Helen Ang bukan sahaja patut di ’email’kan kepada pemimpin pemimpin MCA tetapi pemimpin tertinggi UMNO juga termasuk Presiden Parti. Ramai pemimpin UMNO ini terlalu lurus bendul!

    Saya teringat semasa konsert Psy di Penang sebelum PRU ke 13. Kalau saya tidak silap, DSN tanya, “Are you ready for BN?” Amat jelas kepada kita yang menonton TV, jawapannya “No”.

    Kemudian bila diulang ulang di RTM, saya yakin mereka memfokuskan jawapan suara kelompok kecil yang mengatakan “Yes”.

    Sepatutnya pemimpin yang bijak sudah boleh membaca trend pengundi Cina.

    Malah trend pengundi Cina telah mula boleh dibaca sejak PRK Sibu lagi. Macam macam ‘hadiah’ DSN bagi pada orang Cina, bila mengundi mereka pangkah DAP juga!

    Oleh kerana terlampau hendak mengambil hati pengundi Cina, DSN lupa kepada kepentingan Melayu Islam. Contoh yang saya ingin kemukakan, adakah bantuan diberi kepada sekolah sekolah agama rakyat (SAR). Telah selalu kita dengar berita kebakaran asrama SAR. Tidak terlintaskah di hati untuk membantu sekolah sekolah ini. Jangan gunakan alasan mereka dipengaruhi oleh PAS. Kepentingan pendidikan anak anak Islam sepatutnya mengatasi kepentingan kepartiaan!

    Mungkin ini adalah balasan Allah swt terhadap pemimpin yang kurang memberi perhatian kepada yang memerlukan. Akhirnya mereka yang dibantu menikam dari belakang dan yang diabaikan yang memberi sokongan sehingga boleh menang lagi!
    Hanya Allah swt yang Maha Mengetahui!

    1. Saya adalah antara hadirin pada konsert Psy dan juga konsert 1Malaysia pada bulan April. Suasana pada konsert Psy tersangat hostil. Walaupun hari itu hari ketiga Tahun Baru, pengunjung-pengunjung Cina yang muda berperangai liar dan biadap. Saya masih ingat perempuan Cina muda yang gemuk di hadapan saya memaki polis dengan carutan yang saya tak akan kemukakan di sini. Bukankah PANTANG mencarut semasa tahun baru?

      Ada seorang pula yang menggila mengboo PM tapi menari macam monyet bila Psy beraksi.

      Hari itu juga hari seorang pemuda Cina bertindak biadap terhadap DYMM Permaisuri Agong.

      Tiada siapa hari ini mempraktikan kebudayaan orang Cina. Yang Cina sekarang dah jadi Cina celup. Orang Cina gila mempertahankan seni Cina tapi hakikatnya orang gila mana yang dengar lagu Cina. Semua gila nak jadi Korea, Mat salleh dll. Saya habak dengan pekedai CD. Saya tak nak beli lagu Cina bila keluar. Bila tiba Mega Sale nescaya lagu Cina jatuh harga sampai buang dalam tong. Sebagai contoh, cuma orang Cina bodoh sahaja yang akan membeli CD Jay Chao yang RM79.90. Tunggu 3 bulan, cuma RM9.90.

      Si mak pula marah kalau tak dapat tengok TVB. Rasis kalau dihalang konon. Sebenarnya si anak malu nak tengok TVB. tengok One kan bagus.

      Sebenarnya kegilaan memelihara kebudayaan Cina dan bahasa Cina umpama wayang. Orang Cina kalau dah berpendidikan bercakap orang putih, makan orang putih. Macam jatuh dalam mesin mengeluarkan krim Fair and Lovely.

      1. Dan komplain kalau bahasa orang putih orang lain tak bagus. Bukan nak tolong baiki kan pun. Siap kata bodoh lagi. Bila orang nak belajar marah pula tu…Hai takut orang lebih pandai dari dia. Alahai……

        :D sarah

      2. “Sebagai contoh, cuma orang Cina bodoh sahaja yang akan membeli CD Jay Chao yang RM79.90. Tunggu 3 bulan, cuma RM9.90. ”

        Kalau kat Sg Wang 5 Hinngit aje….

  11. Kesan pendidikan VERNAKULAR menular dlm PARLIMEN. Mengaku warganegara tetapi….

    [YouTube: Cubaan MP Segambut yang tak fasih Bahasa Melayu ambil alih kuasa YDP Speaker]

    1. Remember once upon a time they complain about Samy Vallu, hehehehe. can we complain them now……

      :D sarah

      1. Berbahasa pun gagal, macam mana nak berbahas?

        Dah la bodoh, first time masuk Parlimen, sombong pula tu nak ajar Tuan Speaker and worst of is when he is acting like one!

        Saba la, lu belajat BM dulu, jangan jadi mcm LKS, itu orang hopeless, failed sudah tak boleh tolong!

  12. What shall UMNO/BN do about MCA now?

    Kenapa dimuakan sangat “Parti Pinggan Mangkuk” yang dah tak relevan lagi dari segi semangat setia kawan ni?

    Kalau ikut logik MELAYU tidak memerlukam CINA lagi untuk memerintah berdasarkan keputusan PRU13, sebagaimana CINA merasakan mereka tidak memerlukan penguna Melayu untuk kelangsungan ekonomi mereka dari cakap-cakap bongkak dan sombong mereka.

    Saya sokong Najib 150% setakat ini atas dasar usaha yang beliau cuba lakukan untuk menarik sokongan kaum CINA sebelum PRU13, tapi sekiranya beliau masih lagi ditakuk lama dan tidak bertegas, saya rasa nyawa politik beliau akan berakhir tidak lama lagi.

    The MAGIC word that I need to hear If Najib still remains the same is “PAS KELUAR DARI PAKATAN” dan saya rasa ramai orang Melayu akan berduyun-duyun memangkah PAS pada PRU14.

    Kebencian orang Melayu terhadap Najib sekarang ini adalah kerana beliau MEMUAKAN orang CINA sebelum PRU13. Tapi pada masa yang sama, ramai yang masih rasional dan tahu MEMANGKAH PAS dan PKR, bererti memberi kemenangan pada DAP. Jadi nak tak nak , terpaksa la juga pangkah BN.

    Najib nak harapkan taikun-taikun CINA untuk kelangsungan ekonomi negara ini? Tolong sikit, semua taikun-taikun CINA semuanya telah membawa hasil yang mereka raih keluar dari negara, tapi masih mengharapkan rakyat negara ini untuk sokong business mereka, Ini adalah realiti. Setakat ini PETRONAS, Tabung Haji, KPJ. FELDA, EPF, etc. yang dipimpin oleh orang Melayu.

    Kempen ABC, ABCD dan BCL telah membuka mata ramai orang Melayu tentang produk-produk orang Melayu dan sekiranya momentum ini berterusan, akan lebih ramai lagi orang Melayu yang berjaya. Orang Cina berjaya kerana network mereka yang luas dan meniaga itu sudah jadi darah daging mereka sejak lahir. Orang Melayu mungkin belum mampu bersaing dengan kaum Cina yang telah berjaya dalam perniagaan, tapi mereka boleh terus berusaha membunuh business Cina yang kecil-kecil dahulu dari segi sektor peruncitan. Pada masa yang sama mereka harus terus membantu menaikan business orang-orang Melayu. Contohnya saya tidak lagi pergi membeli barang keperluan harian di Giant, kalau pergi pun saya akan pastikan saya beli barang keluaran Melayu; atau baru-baru ini seorang rakan yang mengusahakan restauran meminta saya menyenaraikan produk-produk keluaran Melayu untuk kegunaan restaurannya. Saya katakan padanya yang produk keluaran Melayu mahal sedikit kerana mereka mesti membayar kos untuk logo dan pengesahan HALAL, tidak seperti kebanyakan produk keluaran Cina yang pakai COP HALAL sesuka hati mak bapak mereka.

    Jadi orang-orang MELAYU yang ada jangan hanya tahu suka berkokok dan komen dalam blog aje, praktikkan apa yang kamu katakan itu secara menyeluruh.

    1. “Setakat ini PETRONAS, Tabung Haji, KPJ. FELDA, EPF, etc. yang dipimpin oleh orang Melayu.”

      Yang membuktikan keupayaan orang MELAYU dalam pemiagaan dan mereka tidak pentingkan diri sendiri dari segi perkongsian pendapatan.

            1. Saya berpendapat terjemahan memuakan lol paling tepat. DSN terlalu memanjakan/memberi muka kepada Cina sampai melupakan kepentingan Melayu. Akhirnya Cina tikam belakang semasa PRU. Padan muka.!

              Melayu pangkah BN/UMNO bukan kerana sayangkan DSN tapi tidak ada pilihan lain. Saya salah seorang daripadanya. Hendak undi PAS atau PKR bermakna memberi kuasa Cina DAP. Cuba kalau PAS tidak bersekongkol dengan DAP, mungkin tambah lagi satu undi dari saya untuk PAS!

              So, DSN terus cabar PAS keluar dari PR, alamat ramai undi Melayu pergi PAS!

              1. kata dasar ‘mua’ adalah loghat utara yang bermaksud ‘ terlalu bagi muka’

                aku pun undi BN bukan pasal aku ‘love PM’ – aku undi BN sebab BN lebih baik sedikit dari yang lain. undi berdasarkan ‘analisis pros & cons.

                memang DSN terlalu bagi mua kepada cina sampai depa naik kepala dan kencing di sana. lepas ni depa akan berak pulak.

          1. In my family, when one of us did something bad, my late mom would say “Itulah jadinya bila dimuakan sangat budak tu……”

              1. My apology to you, the things that I wrote and some of the Malays in here sometimes maybe hurtful to you as the 5% Malaysian Chinese, but I hope you will take it the way we take it when all of us talk bad about Melayu PAS and PKR.

                It is just that, after GE13, all Chinese are considered as DAP to us, the way the Chinese view all the Malays as UMNO.

                1. We, the small minority who didn’t vote oppo, are being placed in a very difficult position currently.

                  ‘They’ (the Dapsters, Jerusubangites) are behaving so very, very badly in so many varied ways

                  (the English word ‘bad’ doesn’t cut it, a much stronger word – begitu dashyat perangai mereka, actually even stronger Parpukari-type vocab would be more appropriate), that I marvel at the Malay tolerance.

                  So I understand the anti-Chinese sentiments. Totally.

                  I think many readers would similarly marvel at my forbearance in dealing with the operatives who come in here to spin their lies at me but ‘they’ should realise that even the greatest patience has its limit and they’re testing it to breaking point.

                  But of course I’m troubled and concerned sebab kami (yang minoriti-minoriti) pasti akan kena tempias juga dan tidak akan dapat dibezakan daripada kelompok sebangsa kami nanti apabila berlaku malapetaka.

                  Calculating the odds, I don’t believe that there is anything that the minority-minority of us can do to stem the tide, especially when MCA is willing to permit its machinery to be used as a WMD (Weapon of Mass Deception).

                  What will come will come. ‘They’ will be very sorry that they asked for it.

                  A lesson from history: There was a very short interregnum after the Japanese surrender and before the British troops returned to take control of Malaya. The period unleashed the demons of the Bintang Tiga, and they got the retaliation that they asked for.

                  Orang Cina yang masih buta sejarah harus celikkan mata.

                  1. Re. “Calculating the odds, I don’t believe that there is anything that the minority-minority of us can do to stem the tide, especially when MCA is willing to permit its machinery to be used as a WMD (Weapon of Mass Deception).”

                    Some of your followers here, the pro-UMNO, are very good at Baling Batu Sembunyi Tangan (in a positive way) to take any issue that your brought up and take it up further to others with higher power and means. I believe they have done so and it just that it is yet to hit the right people, at the right time with the right need; I personally know one (not socially) of this kind, who is good, still functioning, but no longer in limelight ( and desperate to come back, I think).

                    Pre and Post GE13 there is none of UMNO/BN leaders (Maybe one or two) has a strong platform to fight for as the issues are all over. They are basically doing firefighting with opposition on every single issues raised by the opposition, so much so they forget to a step back, regroup and re-strategize.

                    Just brought up the issue and we will go and “cucuk jarum”. There are things that I can’t write here, but suffice to say once upon a time “I have bombarded a minister with relentless e-mail over an issue until one day the minister acknowledged it and get my point across to the public; or had chit chat with the publicist of another and “cucuk jarum” to get my point across.

                    We should start one issue at a time with rapid and rigorous attack. For example for now the issue is whether MCA and Gerakan should remain with BN? If not, how to kick them out? (In my opinionlah ini isu yang paling penting)

                    Re. “Orang Cina yang masih buta sejarah harus celikkan mata.”

                    They are sleeping with the enemy that they thought that could overpower if the inevitable come and buy with money. One thing that they didn’t realize one of their sleeping partner (some of them) has gone to and trained as far as Afghanistan in the name of Jihad. These people are ready to give their lives in the name of Jihad; and when the time come (God Forbids), most Malays will no longer consider them as enemy but will also join force under the name of Jihad.

                    UMNO itu terlalu diplomatik dan bertoleransi dan adakala terlalu lembut hingga dianggap lemah. Contoh terbaik bagaimana mereka menangani isu Lahat Datu. Tapi itu hikmahnya, kalau tidak dah lama berantakan negara ni macam Indonesia dulu.

                    1. re: “For example for now the issue is whether MCA and Gerakan should remain with BN?”


                      re: “If not, how to kick them out?”

                      Systematic freeze out. They’re already not in govt. After 5 more years of this, they will be nowhere.

                      Start with raising issue over Ng Yen Yen’s appointment. That can be a flashpoint.

                    2. In fact the Chinese don’t realise this, when MCA and Gerakan weakens their charities like UTAR and KTAR will have no funding. They will die a natural death.

                      In five years the Chinese will come back crawling as there are no more freebies (or discounted stuff) to enjoy. The salaries of KTAR are paid by the government as the concept is similar to ITM (now UiTM). UTAR and KTAR will have to charge full fees.

                      One way the Malays can destroy the Chinese is just by ignoring them. Ignore their shops. Ignore their charities. I don’t think Jerusubang is kind enough to share their tithe money.

                      Melayu jalan paling mudah. ABAIkan Cina, Baru mereka UBAH

                    3. re: “I don’t think Jerusubang is kind enough to share their tithe money.”

                      ROTFL. It’s their hard-earned money, woh.

  13. Close Jonker walk, Petaling street, Chinese temple, Vernacular schools, Utar, TAR, ban Alcohol and wat do u get?.. IRAQ, IRAN, AFGANISTAN, TUNISIA and SYRIA. Wat a wonderful Malaysia

    1. Or maybe we can unite with People’s Republic of China and make Mandarin the official bahasa…I think this is a very good idea!

      Like please…

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