Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Sebab agaknya Ong Kian Ming menyebut “Insya Allah”

Dengan izin Tuhan, kaum Cina ditakdirkan menguasai dengan sepenuhnya saluran-saluran media utama dalam negara.

Oleh kerana evangelista ialah Kelompok Terpilih (The Chosen People), maka segala yang dipertuturkan oleh mereka mesti hak dan benar walhal segala apa yang dipertuturkan oleh lawan mereka mestilah yang batil.

Semua Cina betul

Tsunami Cina, mana ada? “It’s not about Chinese, it’s about people making informed decisions now. When they voted, they did not vote on racial lines, they voted based on an informed line,” kata seorang ahli panel dalam forum The Star baru-baru ini.

Juga Bah Kut Teh tidak semestinya hidangan babi. (Penafian yang dibuat sesetengah pengomen Cina di alam maya apabila mempertahankan Alvin dan Vivian berkaitan provokasi oleh pasangan seks blogger tersebut.)

DAP menolak sistem kuota etnik tetapi melantik Nur Fitriah Abdul Halim sebagai ahli Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) atas dasar “merit” konon walaupun wanita berusia 26 tahun itu tidak dicalonkan atau ditemuduga.

DAP mengecam amalan kronisme tetapi sendiri melantik Nur Fitriah yang merupakan anak perempuan kepada Abdul Halim Hussain, bekas Speaker DUN Pulau Pinang.

Dapster sedar untung duduk di Malaysia kerana boleh buat ikut apa sahaja yang Cina suka.

Dapster bersyukur kerana pemimpin pujaan mereka boleh jadi Ahli Parlimen dan tidak dikutuk malah tokoh mereka ini digilai puak-puak pembangkang.


Dapster boleh pertikaikan kad pengenalan orang — DOKTOR (PhD) Ong Kian Ming menegaskan bahawa Chua Lai Fatt (kad pengenalan, atas) adalah seorang pungundi hantu dan bukannya seorang warga Malaysia.

Begitu bertuah Dapster boleh melemparkan tuduhan-tuduhan tanpa diambil apa-apa tindakan, contohnya DOKTOR (PhD) Ong Kian Ming yang mendakwa bahawa “3.3 juta pengundi ‘hantu’ wujud pada daftar pemilih!”!-11533-19-1.html!-11533-19-1.html


“Why is your sexy MCA man not at UTAR? The problem with MCA is that are not visible at their own products.” — begitulah komen oleh seorang pembaca I am Mulan @ 2013/07/12 at 11:30 pm

Pensyarah Utar (universiti dibina MCA) Chong Zhemin pun boleh jadi wakil pihak DAP dalam perbahasan awam.

Rezeki melimpah ruah bagi evangelista DAP yang harap-harap semua perkara boleh.

Atas sebab-sebab inilah agaknya Ong Kian Ming menyebut “Insya Allah” dalam tweetnya.

Twitter imokmanHaji_Tarbus Harap boleh, Insya-Allah 2013-07-12 22-32-27


Quote by Ong Kian Ming


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

19 thoughts on “Sebab agaknya Ong Kian Ming menyebut “Insya Allah”

  1. Si pasangan kristian erotik minoriti 9% menghina majoriti umat islam. Hanya di Malaysia.

  2. It is not about Chinese, it’s about people making informed decisions now. When they voted, they did not vote on racial lines, they voted based on an informed line,” kata seorang ahli panel dalam forum The Star baru-baru ini.

    Gossip about money politics, Bangla voters. Comments on GST bill that no one have seen. The environmental surcharge by Tenaga is an evil BN ploy. Black colored Facebook

    Is this INFORMED? Misinformation seems to be a Chinese voter trait.

    1. The true colours of dapsters and kuncu2nys slowly appearing. Also clear is the musuh2 dalam selimut. Like the song ‘ I can see clearly now that the rain is gone’.

      Yang penting ialah apakah UMNO sebagai pemerintah akan lakukan sebagai tindak balas especially to the musuh2 dalam selimut.

      Wake up UMNO.

  3. Israel aka Zionis Malaysia mana pernah mengaku kelemahan dan kesilapan sendiri.. itu pasal kena gelar ULTRA KIASU

  4. One Chinese shop sells school uniform cap “Masjid”. We see many of their products carry Malay Muslim names (one blogger has a full list of these products).

    Seems they succeeded in their sales gimmick to attract the Muslims to buy their products, now they are using same tricks for the sake of Christianity? Wonder in China, Hongkong, Taiwan and Singapore by what name do the Chinese Christians there address their God?

    1. Including Teh cap masjid, beras cap masjid…. I was told these too are Chinese products!

      1. The Chinese businessman knows how to exploit the trait of the kampong Malay. Malays in the rural areas are engrossed with being Muslim and Malay.

        Except for Christian music and bookshops, the trait is not seen on Christians. You will notice Christian music are sold on the Verity, EMI CMG labels are not the normal Sony, Warner, Universal labels. Charismatic Christians do not want to be poluted by secular music. They shop at Salvation bookstore.

        Taoist marketing is centred at the SMEs and the various festivals. Taoist are scarred of Christians because of the loss of income when the Chinese move to Christianity. The money spent on hungry ghost is diverted to tithes.
        At the end it is all about money.

    2. re: “One Chinese shop sells school uniform cap “Masjid”. We see many of their products carry Malay Muslim names (one blogger has a full list of these products).”

      Like Ong Kian Ming’s vocabulary of “bersahur”, “buka puasa” and “insya Allah”.

  5. I agree with LGE that the choice of Nur Fitriah is based on MERIT N TRANSPARENCY. Being the daughter of the former speaker in itself is a Merit, and , well Malays are so transparent , they can be seen thru n thru, they can be Tipu so easily, look at the PRU 13

  6. If people were making “informed” choices they would not vote for either coalitions.

    To my thinking the DAP is a racist party (as with nearly all political parties in this country with the exception being PSM, of course) but not based on the conventional thinking around here.

    Individuals like OKM, Rafizi , Nurul, Surendren , Hannah, et all are the intelligentsia of a new breed of Oppositional politics that is defining the discourse in this country.

    UMNO is either too stupid or entrenched in its ways ( most probably both), to mount a proper offensive but more importantly mired in the kind of outmoded thinking exacerbated by years of authoritarian disconnect to sustain a defensive.

  7. Hi Helen,
    Terkejut cikgu dgn tulisan ini. Rupa-rupanya Cina ni bangsa yang bodoh kerana “they voted based on an informed line” ie. information yg hanya menuju ke arah kehancuran Malaysia dan kebencian Melayu pd Cina?

    Cina pandai takkan tinggal di Malaysia sebab tu di UK, Canada dan Australia Cina boleh ikut undang2, jenayah samseng Cina hampir sifar dan boleh pulak akur dgn polisi “diskriminasi” negara maju.

    Yang tinggal di Malaysia hanyalah 97% cina bodoh, sebab tu Malaysia sangat malang mempunyai rakyat yg selfish dan mementingkan bangsa Cina dari bangsa Malaysia. Tak habis-habis menyerang Islam dan Melayu. Ajak buat sekolah dan sama2 belajar dalam satu sekolah pun ditentang puak chauvinis Cina.

    Cina perlu berterima kasih kpd tuhan kerana Melayu beragama Islam. Islam agama keadilan sejagat. Kalau Melayu mengekalkan agama hindu dalam hidup, sudah lama Cina cabut lari macam filem tamil…

    Nota: sentimen sekarang- We dont like selfish Chinese! This sentiment and distrust will prolong if the chinese not UBAH. Bukan UMNO baghal aje kena UBAH, Cina bodoh pun kena UBAH!

  8. harap on kian ming bercakap pulak “makanlah makanan yang halal” dan dia makan ,pakai,guna yang halal sahaja.


  9. ong kian meng, i dare u convert to islam..and become really pious and we shall see what u will become..

  10. Knowing the psyche of typical desperate Umno Malay who had been ostracised or rather excommunicated from their mainstream community they often use another minority race (Chinese) as bogeyman, to win back support and ‘respect’ from the Umno public – Fredtan

    This is one comment on the supposed spat between Rowena Razak and TindakMalaysia rep. I just want to draw your attention to two words, “ostracised” and “excommunicated”.

    Now why would this DAP supporter choose these two words when so many others would suffice to impart his particular intent ? Think about it.

  11. Ms H. Dr Ong Kian Ming B.A. M.A. Ph.D (MCA/Gerakan/DAP) is just following the footsteps of his colleagues (i) Tan Sri Dato Dr Lee Lam Thye (ex-DAP- Lim Kit Siang), (ii) Tan Sri Dato Dr Michael Yeoh,(MCA-Lee Kim Sai) and (iii) Dato Wong Chun Wai.(MCA/DAP). AKAN DATANG

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