Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Lepas ‘Allah’, dema kebas istilah ‘Melayu’ pula

PPTA ialah singkatan untuk Parti Paling Tidak Apa, atau nama lainnya Umno.

Pekembar pula ialah Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu, pun Umno (United Malays National Organization) juga. … Cuba Google ‘pekembar’.

The Malay Male bermaksud lelaki Melayu. Namun The Malay Mail bukan suratkhabar orang Melayu.

Umno sebuah Parti Paling Tidak Apa (PPTA) sampai ia boleh membiarkan gelaran ‘Melayu’ itu dikebas oleh media Kristian Cina.

Lebih kurang lah dengan gelagat Ketua Pemuda Umno Khairy Jamaluddin melantik seorang Scissorati Regina Lee yang satu geng dengan evangelista itu menjadi Setiausaha Akhbarnya.

Photo by kbsmalaysiaDapster dijemput KJ masuk keluar, naik turun pejabat-pejabat kementerian-kementerian

Di bawah menteri barunya Khairy, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan baru-baru ini memperkenalkan satu logo baru dan juga lagu baru kementerian berjudul ‘Belia untuk belia’ yang digubah oleh Lim Kok Wing University.

Semua baru. Perjuangan Umno pun diperbarui oleh KJ.

Pendekatan kementerian yang sekarang ini diterajui menantu Pak Lah nampaknya ghairah menciplak gimik-gimik pemasaran licik DAP. Kita tunggu KBS untuk lancarkan seekor maskot ‘Barooo’ yang comel-comel nanti.

Lim Kok Wing bersama Hannah Yeoh

Takkan Melayu hilang di media?

Suara Melayu semakin tenggelam dalam media bahasa Inggeris tempatan, terutamanya yang berbentuk dalam talian (online).

Takde kah gambar yang lebih lawa Puan Zaharah Sulaiman? (Lihat paparannya di Malay Mail, bawah)

Teringat saya kepada gambar hodoh Shahrizat yang sengaja dipilih untuk disiarkan oleh The J-Star. Jika dilihat pada orangnya, Shahrizat sebenarnya tampak lawa, awet muda dan berbadan ramping. Hanya Scissorati di pejabat J-Star yang nekad untuk kenakan beliau.

Apapun, gambar Puan Zaharah menghiasi cerita ‘Chinese influx in Malaysia part of “southbound invasion”, says historian‘ (28 Sept 2013).

Evangelista Bintang Lima menguasai alam maya

Perkara yang hendak saya tonjolkan ialah komen-komen pembaca The Malay Mail – setakat ini ada 161 komen – kepada rencana tersebut.

Komen paling disukai diberikan +225 ‘likes’ manakala dua sahaja daripada 161 komen-komen tersebut dipangkah negatif oleh para pembaca The Malay Mail.

Komen yang paling digemari para pembaca The ‘MALAY’ Mail menyebut: “I hope she [Zaharah Sulaiman] is just a well paid ‘researcher’ spewing rubbish in UNMO conferences and in her Association, but hopefully not teaching the next generation”.

Cuba tengok kepada serangan peribadi terhadap penyelidik tersebut. Beliau dikaitkan dengan Umno serta dibayangkan telah menerima upah lumayan daripada Umno. Dan inilah komen yang mendapat sokongan paling hebat +225 ‘likes’.

Komen yang tidak disukai pembaca The Malay Mail

Menduduki tempat tercorot ialah komen oleh Farouk Zahir (negatif -81).

Komen oleh kawan blogger kita Ellese yang berbunyi “The comments above by the commentators are typical attempts to deny anything about Malay. This racist agenda must stop” telah mendapat sambutan negatif -57.

Komen Farouk Zahir di Malay Mail saya salin-tampal di bawah:

“Please look at your comments, and the comments of others where this article has been shared if you have the chance.

“She ( Zaharah ) has done some research.
In all the shouting and name calling that is going on, only a few found it necessary to consider finding out more about her research.
It would make good sense to actually find out ourselves whether other researchers have uncovered a lot of untold truths about the history of the Malay people.
What if this research was corroborated by others, especially non Malay researchers?
Have we reached a level so low, that intellectual discourse is no longer an option ?
Where anything ‘Malay’ is so hated and bound to be ridiculed?
Are we hiding from the truth?
“What if her research findings are all true?
What if this article is only the tip of the iceberg?
“Come on Malaysians. Take a good look at ourselves. Start by looking at the comments section.
We are better than this ?”

Ada apa yang berciri Melayu dalam suratkhabar The Malay Mail? Ia Melayu pada nama sahaja.

Disyorkan baca:

Akhbar arus perdana The Malay Mail adalah versi cetak kembar Malaysiakini


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

78 thoughts on “Lepas ‘Allah’, dema kebas istilah ‘Melayu’ pula

  1. ‘Komen yang paling digemari para pembaca The ‘MALAY’ Mail menyebut: “I hope she [Zaharah Sulaiman] is just a well paid ‘researcher’ spewing rubbish in UNMO conferences and in her Association, but hopefully not teaching the next generation”.’

    It was not an UMNO event, it was partly organized by ISMA.

      1. Yeah, what to do Helen, the mantra was there for all to see, and follow, ABU! Since then everything is salah UMNO, as being highlighted over and over again by some visiting ‘voice of reasons’ here!

        Apparently, somebody cheats on his wife also, SALAH UMNO!

        1. Tuan,

          In truth, they know very little. They don’t read history, they don’t read socio-politics and they don’t even read in Malay.

          And they will continue to remain ignorant because they are a vicious lynch mob against anyone who voices a contrary opinion to their belligerent and blinkered prejudices.

  2. Proved that they don’t like smart and brilliant Malay? How dare Zaharah to publish and presenting somethings that proved to be a positive outlooking for Malay. hehhehheh.

    But Helen, everythings that have a Malay name can sale. They are the biggest consumers in Malaysia, they know it so they used it lah. Others than that, a Malay have no use. Just 50 cents kinds of peoples ;D….

    :p sarah

    1. agreed… malay name pun depa kebas…. ini dah lama berlaku. Pau ‘Ahmad’… milik cina, minyak masak ‘seri murni’ pun cina pakai… macam2 lagi nama melayu depa guna dan tujuannya cuma satu…. supaya orang melayu mahu beli barangan mereka, mahu ikut cara mereka…

      terbaru, tentu aje depa nak kebas kalimah ‘Allah’ untuk depa print ‘bible bahasa melayu’ untuk diedarkan di semenanjung ini dan tujuannya sama…. supaya orang melayu mahu ikut cara depa.

      inilah kaum yang selagi orang melayu tidak mengikuti kehendak mereka, mengikuti cara hidup mereka, mengikuti cara pemikiran mereka maka mereka tidak sesekali akan berdiam diri!

      dan orang melayu yang sudahpun menjadi sebahagian dari mereka telah diberi nilai sebanyak 50 sen….jadi, berapakah nilai melayu yang lelain?

      fikir-fikirkanlah sendiri….

      1. “terbaru, tentu aje depa nak kebas kalimah ‘Allah’ untuk depa print ‘bible bahasa melayu’ untuk diedarkan di semenanjung ini dan tujuannya sama….”

        Terbaru? Orang Kristian sebenarnya telah lama menggunakan kalimah ‘Allah’.

        Yang sebenarnya terbaru ialah pihak kerajaan yang terlalu ‘overzealous’ hingga nak mengarahkan orang Bumiputera Kristian mengubah amalan mereka, tanpa memahami konteks.

              1. Sorry Saya pun tak pasti terjemahan ini betul atau tidak krn saya tak tau Arabic. Tapi kalo terjemahan ini betul ayat2 ini dah jelaskan apa yg kita bincang kat sini. Can anyone help me on it?

                ۞ وَلَا تُجَادِلُوا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْهُمْ ۖ وَقُولُوا آمَنَّا بِالَّذِي أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَأُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ وَإِلَٰهُنَا وَإِلَٰهُكُمْ وَاحِدٌ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُسْلِمُونَ

                BM Terjemahan:
                [46]Dan janganlah kamu berbahas dengan Ahli Kitab melainkan dengan cara yang lebih baik, kecuali orang-orang yang berlaku zalim di antara mereka; dan katakanlah (kepada mereka): “Kami beriman kepada (Al-Quran) yang diturunkan kepada kami dan kepada (Taurat dan Injil) yang diturunkan kepada kamu; dan Tuhan kami, juga Tuhan kamu, adalah Satu; dan kepadaNyalah, kami patuh dengan berserah diri.” (Surat Al-`Ankabut)

                And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islâmic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong, and say (to them): “We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilâh (God) and your Ilâh (God) is One (i.e. Allâh), and to Him we have

                1. 1. Agama Samawi

                  Agama samawi atau Agama Ibrahimik atau Agama Ibrahimiah merupakan agama-agama yang memasukkan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. (Bahasa Ibrani: Avraham אַבְרָהָם ) sebagai sebahagian daripada sejarahnya. Contoh ketara ialah Kristian, Islam dan Yahudi kerana dari selepas Nabi Ibrahim a.s lah lahirnya para nabi bagi ketiga-tiga agama ini.


                  Note. Dalam semua agama ini hanya Allah tuhan yang satu dan maha esa. Bukan 3 in 1 seperti versi Christian sekarang.

                  2. Rukun Iman

                  Rukun Iman ada enam (6) perkara :

                  (1) Beriman kepada ALLAH SWT
                  (2) Beriman kepada Malaikat-malaikat
                  (3) Beriman kepada Kitab-kitab
                  (4) Beriman kepada Rasul-rasul
                  (5) Beriman kepada Hari Kiamat
                  (6) Beriman kepada Qada dan Qadar

                  Note. Beriman kepada kitab-kitab e.g. Al-Quran, Taurat, Injil, Zabur
                  Bagi Kitab Taurat, Injil dan Zabur ianya merujuk kepada kitab-kitab yang asal bukan versi baru yang ada sekarang ini dan diguna pakai oleh oleh Yahudi dan Kristian pada masa ini.

                  3. Ahli Kitab

                  Ahli Kitab (Bahasa Arab: أهل الكتاب‎ ′Ahl al-Kitāb) adalah sebutan dalam Al-Qur’an untuk kaum beragama Nasrani (Kristian) dan Yahudi. Dinamakan demikian kerana pada keduanya menurut ajaran Islam, Allah menurunkan Kitab Taurat melalui Nabi Musa dan Injil melalui Nabi Isa. Dengan kedatangan Nabi Muhammad dan diturunkannya Al-Quran, ahli kitab ini ada yang menerima dan ada yang menolak kerasulan Muhammad ataupun kebenaran Al-Quran dari Allah.


                  Note: Ahli-ahli kitab merujuk kepada orang Yahudi dan Nasrani ( sekarang ini dikenali sebagai Christian) yang mengamalkan kitab-kitab yang asal dan bukan versi baru.

                  Sebagai seorang Muslim kita kena berpegang pada surah-surah ini untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan dan perbalahan.

                  A. Surah Al-Ikhlas

                  1] Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “(Tuhanku) ialah Allah Yang Maha Esa;

                  [2] “Allah Yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat;

                  [3] “Ia tiada beranak, dan Ia pula tidak diperanakkan;

                  [4] “Dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang serupa denganNya”.


                  Note: Surah ini menjelaskan bahawa Allah itu Satu bukan 3 dalam satu seperti didakwa oleh orang kristian.

                  B. Surah Al Kafirun

                  1. Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Hai orang-orang kafir!

                  2. “Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah.

                  3. “Dan kamu tidak mahu menyembah (Allah) yang aku sembah.

                  4. “Dan aku tidak akan beribadat secara kamu beribadat.

                  5. “Dan kamu pula tidak mahu beribadat secara aku beribadat.

                  6. “Bagi kamu agama kamu, dan bagiku agamaku”.



                  Note: Surah ini menjelaskan tentang perbedaan yang nyata tentang Islam dan agama orang-orang kafir. Selama ini orang Islam Melayu Malaysia tidak ambil peduli tentang apa yang mereka sembah, sehinggalah mereka begitu BIADAP untuk menyamakan ALLAH dengan tuhan mereka (Jesus). Bagi kita Jesus, Isa atau Yesus adalah nabi dan persuruh Allah bukan Tuhan, Anak Tuhan dan Ruh Kudus yang dipercayai Kristian.

                  1. Saya gunakan Surah Al Ikhlas dan Al Kafirun, untuk menjelaskan lebih lagi tentang ayat 46 surah Al An-Kabut. Dalam ayat 46 ini ada menyatakan tentang Allah yang satu, Agama samawi dan Ahli Kitab.

                    Baca Al Quran tak boleh baca sekerat-sekerat terjemahannya. Mesti faham kisah dan maksud sebaliknya.

                  2. Saya rasa cik dah silap faham bahawa sejarah kitab2 yang diguna oleh ahli kitab pada masa itu(Ahli kitab yg menyebut dlm Al-Quran). BC there is no such thing call “versi asal atau Injil asal” dalam sejarah Bible.

                    Pada masa AD300 (selepas Isa ) agama kristian dah disebar ke tempat2 seluruh kawasan eropah dan Timur tengah, dalam masatu belum ada sebuah buku dikatakan Injil Kristian. Mereka masih guna Kitab Taurat dari Yahudi dan hanya beberapa rekam dari pengikut2 ISA contohnya Matius, Lukas,Yahones atau Markus yg rekod ajaran dan hidup Isa. Dan lagi ada surat2 antara pengikut2 Isa atau kristian lebih lama untuk mengajar atau menggalakan kristian2 yg baru diseluruh.

                    Tapi pada AD397, krn ideologi dan ajaran masing2 luas disebar. Untuk mengelakan ajaran salah, barulah kristian2 yg lebih tua dari seluruh mengadakan sebuah mesyuarat di Carthage utk membincangkan pekara tersebut(Council of Carthage). Mereka memilih ajaran2 dari kitab2 dan surat2 yg lebih menghampiri dengan ajaran asal dari Isa, dan mengutip dalam satu. Main purpose is to avoid some Theology like Gnosticism mixed inside.

                    Walaupun debat bahawa kitab mana yg lebih sesuai dah mula pada ad200, tapi kalo nak kira, versi ad397 lah adalah Injil yg terdekat dgn “AlKitab” yg kita ada pada masakini.

                    If that is what you claim “kitab-kitab yang asal”, Inilah kitab asal yg diguna pada masa Nabi Muhammad(Selepas ad570). Sebab tu? Apa maksud nya “Ahli Kitab ” pada zaman tu? Pastilah versi ini. Kalo ini lah yg cik kata Kitab asal…..versi ini dah tidak banyak beza dgn versi sekarang, krn tak kira versi King james atau NIV atau versi bahasa asing2 pun basically terjemah dari versi tu. Kalo ada masalah atas teologi dalam versi terjemahan tersebut, kita masih boleh rujuk ke kitab2 original versi pada ad200~397(masih boleh dpt di beberapa muzium2 eropah.) The copies is open to public for further research. Mungkin skrang dah boleh view online…saya tak pasti.

                    Satu lagi, there is no 3 in 1 (Trinity) word in the whole bible. Trinity hanya satu teologi kristian. Dalam Bible, Isa ialah Isa atau Lord atau Mesias atau Son of God atau Savior. So even bible wont claim name Isa as Yahweh atau Jehovah.
                    So tak kira Versi baru atau lama, jgn bimbang tentang Allah mix up with 3 in 1 dalam ayat2 AlKitab.

                    Lastly, Kalo Allah tidak boleh diguna dalam versi B.M. Muslim sini pernah bagitau dalam Alkitab versi BM…..”Siapakah Tuhan Ibrāhīm, Ishak dan Ismail dlm Alkitab?” Manakah kalimah yg lebih sesuai dlm BM? Yahweh Jehovah atau tuhan ….atau Allah? Sekarang masej yg cik hantar sini ialah….guna kalimah Allah sebagai tuhan Ibrahim, Ishak dan Ismail ialah diharam??!!.

                    1. Mengenal 4 Buah Kitab
                      Kitab Taurat

                      Kitab Taurat telah diturunkan oleh Allah s.w.t. kepada Nabi Musa a.s. dalam bahasa Ibrani. Dalam Kitab Taurat ini terkandung hukum syarak dan keyakinan yang betul. Ia juga menerangkan bahawa seorang nabi akhir zaman (Muhammad s.a.w.) akan lahir dari keturunan Nabi Ismail a.s. Kitab Taurat yang asli tidak ditemui lagi pada masa sekarang kerana isinya telah ditokok tambah oleh orang-orang yahudi.

                      Kitab Zabur

                      Kitab Zabur telah diturunkan oleh Allah s.e.t. kepada Nabi Daud a.s. dalam bahasa Qibthi. Kitab Zabur tidak mengandungi hukum perundangan. Kandungannya hanya mengenai perkhabaran, cerita, zikir, doa serta hikmah-hikmah. Oleh sebab itu Nabi Daud tidak mempunyai syariat tersendiri, ia dan umatnya hanya mengikut syariat yang dibawa oleh Nabi Mus

                      Kitab Injil

                      Kitab Injil diturunkan oleh Allah s.w.t. kepada Nabi Isa a.s. dalam bahasa Suryani. Diantara kandungannya yang utama ialah menyeru umat manusia agar mengEsakan Allah s.w.t. Kitab Injil juga memberitakan akan kelahiran seorang nabi dan rasul diakhir zaman iaitu Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Orang-orang Yahudi telah mengingkari akan kebenaran Allah s.w.t. Mereka telah menghimpunkan kitab-kitab ini menjadi satu yang diberi nama “bible” kemudian mereka ubah isi kandungannya mengikut kehendak hati mereka agar berkesesuaian dengan kehidupan mereka seharian. Bible ini terbahagia kepada dua bahagian besar. Pertama bahagian Taurat yang dinamakan dengan Perjanjian Lama (Old Testament). Kedua bahagia Injil yang dinamakan dengan Perjanjian baru (New Testament).

                      Kitab Suci Al Quran

                      Kitab suci Al Quran adalah sebuah kitab yang telah diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Al Quran diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab. Di dalam Al Quran mengandungi hukum-hukum serta peraturan yang lengkap meliputi seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia, sama ada untuk mencapai kemakmuran hidup di dunia mahupun untuk kebahagiaan hidup di akhirat. Ajaran yang disampaikan di dalam Al Quran sesuai untuk seluruh umat manusia dipermukaan bumi ini tidak kira bangsa dan keturunannya. Ajaran yang termuat di dalam Al Quran lengkap dan sempurna, ia tidak akan berubah dan kekal selama-lamanya bahkan ia tetap dipelihara oleh Allah s.w.t.


                    2. Sabab tu, maksudnya pada masa Nabi Muhammad, dia dah tau apakah teologi Ahli Kitab krn Kitab yg mereka guna selepas Council of Carthage pada AD397 dah tidak jauh dari versi sekarang. Walaupun bagai2 teologi like Teologi Trinity (God 3 in1) atau Son of God atau Gnosticism dan lain2, tapi semuani bukan teologi yg baru, semua tu dah lama disebarkan sebelum Nabi Muhammad. Pastilah Nabi Muhammad tau apa yg diajar dan disebar antara Ahli Kitab pada masa tu. So janganlah kata Ahli Kitab pada masa tu bukan Ahli Kitab pada masakini, beza teologi antara Kristian2 dah lama muncul since first century after Jesus left jauh lebih lama dari Nabi Muhammad. Just same as difference ideology in Islam or other religion.

                    3. Re. BC there is no such thing call “versi asal atau Injil asal” dalam sejarah Bible.

                      Itu menurut sejarah Kristian kamu. Tapi bagi kami orang Islam, Injil itu merujuk kepada Injil yang diturunkan pada Nabi Isa dan yang asal. Bagi kami setelah turunnya Al Quran, kitab injil tidak lagi diguna pakai oleh kami, tapi kami wajib mempercayainya sebagai salah satu rukun Iman.

                      Re. Satu lagi, there is no 3 in 1 (Trinity) word in the whole bible. Trinity hanya satu teologi kristian. Dalam Bible, Isa ialah Isa atau Lord atau Mesias atau Son of God atau Savior.

                      Siapa sebenarnya tuhan orang kristian disini?

                      Isa adalah Isa?
                      Isa adalah Anak Tuhan?
                      Tuhan beranak?
                      Isa adalah Tuhan?

                      Re. So tak kira Versi baru atau lama, jgn bimbang tentang Allah mix up with 3 in 1 dalam ayat2 AlKitab.

                      Memang kami bimbang dan kami akan pertahankan kalimah ini hingga ketitisan darah terakhir. The minute you step over the boundary, that’s the time we call for JIHAD.

                      Re. Lastly, Kalo Allah tidak boleh diguna dalam versi B.M. Muslim sini pernah bagitau dalam Alkitab versi BM…..”Siapakah Tuhan Ibrāhīm, Ishak dan Ismail dlm Alkitab?

                      Re. Sekarang masej yg cik hantar sini ialah….guna kalimah Allah sebagai tuhan Ibrahim, Ishak dan Ismail ialah diharam??!!.

                      Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishak, Yusof, Isa, Zakaria etc. adalah nabi-nabi kami. Tidak haram bagi kami untuk mengunakan kalimah Allah bila merujuk kepada tuhan kami dan tuhan nabi-nabi kami.

                      Bagi kami Isa itu nabi dan manusia bukan tuhan seperti yang dipercayai oleh orang Kristian. Menyamakan Isa dengan Allah adalah haram.

                      Tolong jangan campur adukkan apa yang kamu amalkan dengan apa yang kami orang Islam amalkan. Kami orang Islam mengambil pendirian untuk tidak mencampuri urusan agama kamu orang kristian, sehinggalah kamu orang kristian cuba mengunakan kalimah Allah dalam injil versi kamu.

                      Yang haramnya, bila orang Kristian hendak menyamakan Tuhan mereka @ Jesus sebagai Allah. Itu saja.

                      Rasanya kamu bukan Muslim, dan tak salah bertanya. Saya tidak suka berdebat tentang agama kerana saya berpegang teguh dengan surah Al Ikhlas dan Al Kafirun. Itu sudah cukup untuk saya mempertahankannya atas nama JIHAD.


                    4. Re. Nabi Musa

                      Yes. Musa or Moses is one of our prophet. Just like Nabi Yusof or Joseph.

                      The 25 prophets mentioned in Al Quran. [YouTube]

                    5. Dear LOL…
                      Jangan kata JIHAD2, kita hanya bincang kat sini. Isu ni bukan dimula oleh Kristian, ia dimula bila Bible2 versi bahasa melayu dirampas, Baru kita tau ada masalah ni. Dan lagi pelik ialah Bible2 bukan special edition yg guna kalimah Allah tapi dah lama diguna. So the best way is bincanglah apa2 yg konflik antara. This is why God give us brain.

                      Bolehkah saya tanya, pernahkah cik baca Alkitab versi BM? Kalo tak silap, cik takan dpt ayat macam “Isa ialah Allah”……Kalo ada…it wont be such big theology debate in the past 2 thousand years on “Is Jesus God?”

                      Sebab itu, kalimah Allah dlm AlKitab BM biasa hanya diguna dalam ayat2 sebagai “God of Ibrāhīm, Ishak dan Ismail atau Musa” sama dgn apa yg dikata dlm Al-Quran atau Kitab Taurat.

                      Apa dlm new testament…. Let me make it clear, the only problem here is…..Kalimah apa yg sepatutnya bermaksud “The only and almighty GOD, the creator” dlm bahasa Melaysia? Isu ini dimulakan krn Allah dah diguna dlm Bible arabic version, sebab tu versi bahasa Melayu hanya ikut. Kalimah bermaksud “The only and almighty GOD, the creator” kecuali Allah…. Bolehkah kalimah “Tuhan” sesuai kat sini? Saya ingat kalo terus guna GOD pun takpa.
                      Tapi kalo kerajaan really force Christian to invent a new Malay word to mean the “The only and almighty GOD” and put the word into Kamus BM pun takpa. For example like “Toaag” atau lain2…pls recommend one.
                      Saya rasa Kristian pun bukan begitu berkeras nak guna kalimah “Allah” untuk membezakan antara agama Kristian dan Islam. Hanya krn mereka dah lama mengguna versi ini.

                      And finally will become like this …
                      kalo bila cikgu ajar sejarah Yahudi dlm klas….”Who is the God of Abraham and Musa”
                      Murid Muslim kata “Allah”, dan Murid Kristian kata “Salah, GOD.” ……….Pelik betul?
                      Jangan lupa bible juga include Kitab Taurat~~
                      Re..”Kitab Injil diturunkan oleh Allah s.w.t. kepada Nabi Isa a.s. dalam bahasa Suryani. Diantara kandungannya yang utama ialah menyeru umat manusia agar mengEsakan Allah s.w.t. Kitab Injil juga memberitakan akan kelahiran seorang nabi dan rasul diakhir zaman iaitu Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Orang-orang Yahudi telah mengingkari akan kebenaran Allah s.w.t. Mereka telah menghimpunkan kitab-kitab ini menjadi satu yang diberi nama “bible””
                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(Actually….If you talk abt bible, bible yg kita baca hari ini is not compose by orang Yahudi, is by ppl all around pada AD200~AD397. Pengikut2 dari selurh Eropah dan Timur Tengah dan Afrika)

                      “…. kemudian mereka ubah isi kandungannya mengikut kehendak hati mereka agar berkesesuaian dengan kehidupan mereka seharian. ”
                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kalo Cik nak berbanding isi antara kitab yg kita ada dlm bible sekarang dgn kitab2 dulu (AD100), Fragment2 pun masih boleh dapat kat tempat2 research(muzium atau University) katolik atau kristian mungkin online pun dah ada pada masakini.

                      Lagi satu point, kalo nak ubah isi……betul bukanlah suatu mission yg senang krn surat2 dan kitab2 copies dah hantar ke tempat masing2 (too much evidence around the region). Tidak ada siapa kecuali God sendiri yg tau satu hari nanti(200tahun lepas) surat2 ini akan jadi part of bible(AD397). So, kalo macam cik tunjuk kat sini :
                      “mereka ubah isi mengikut kehendakak hati”
                      Mereka pernah hapuskan semua copies surat2 dari pengikut2 Isa dan kitab2 yg dah lama(100tahun) hantar ke seluruh dunia, ini baru boleh dapat bersatukan isi yg selepas ubah jadi Bible yg cik tunjuk kat sini……Logikah? Walaupun kita dah ada kapal terbang pda hari ini pun susah nak lakukan betul?

                    6. Re. Jangan kata JIHAD2, kita hanya bincang kat sini.

                      Which part of my explanation that you don’t understand?

                      I need to put a stop to this once and for all. The matter has been put forward in court. Let the court decides. But my “JIHAD SPIRIT” remains alive and kicking once the you the CHRISTIAN cross the boundary. PERIOD

                2. Re….But my “JIHAD SPIRIT” remains alive and kicking once the you the CHRISTIAN cross the boundary. PERIOD

                  Sorry, I wont cross the boundary jst let God decide the result but as ur wish my “Die for you spirit” remain alive for you if you really want to have JIHAD on any one else……If you really want to.

                  Jst like my teacher Mr.Jesus teach me to believe, kill no one but let them have it. Just like what he did on himself.

        1. ac-dc.. awak rujuk kepada kristian mana?

          Ada berapa banyak jenis kristian kat dunia awak?

          Ada berapa banyak nama tuhan awak? pelik..

  3. Orang Cina mana berani nak ambil tahu hal Sejarah terutama sekali sejarah asal usul keluarga mereka sendiri? Perhatikan saja butir2 dalam Wiki kalau kita google pasai LKS atau anak dia tu termasuk ramai lagi Adun/MP Pakatan.

    Kubur/jerat tok moyang mereka entah ada kat mana pun ramai dari mereka tak tahu menahu atau dengan sengaja disembunyikan.

    Yang bahasa ibunda “Tamil” pun sama. Sampai ada dan ngaku tak fasih kerana kalau boleh beberapa generasi kelak, cucu cicit mereka akan dipsychokan supaya mengaku diri mereka Caucasion. Mula2 tukar nama, tukar agama, cari pasangan berkahwin supaya warna kulit anak cucu bertukar… hahaha sedihnya DNA aje buat macam mana pun tak boleh ditukar!

  4. Mereka juga kebas anak-anak India. Tengok apa yang berlaku pada anak-anak Ramachandran, suami Hasnah Yeop. Kan dia tu rakyat Malaysia keturunan India. Tapi anak-anak dia jadi “Cina”. Mereka ni akan kebas apa sahaja.

    1. Akhramsyah Sanusi: Apa lagi Cina mahu?
      Jack Lim: Apa lagi lu ada?

      Lawak popular di atas yang berdegar-degar di ruang maya adalah sebenarnya hasil tinjauan rambang pendapat oleh Akhram selepas kejadian tsunami Cina. Beliau telah mengajukan soalan tersebut kepada ramai kawan-kawan Cinanya kerana ingin mengetahui sentimen sebenar Cina.

      “Apa lagi lu ada?” yang kelakar itu adalah merupakan salah satu jawapan spontan yang diberikan kepada soalannya.

      1. Helen… jawapan spontan yang kelihatan lawak itu adalah kebenaran.

        “Apa lagi U ada?”….ialah kenyataan yang jelas mengenai orang Cina yang selagi belum ‘disapu-bersih” apa yang orang lain (melayu) ada…. maka ‘perjuangan mereka belum selesai”…..

        orang cina memang terkenal dengan budaya kerja kuat. mereka kerja kuat untuk mengumpul duit, kumpul harta sebab kos nak mati pun teramat mahal!

        orang cina tidak kenal apa-apa batasan dalam usaha mereka yang sentiasa mahu untung untuk jadi kaya….!

        jadi, “apa lagi u ada?”, memang jelas adalah budaya hidup orang cina…

        masalahnya, orang melayu yang faham tetap dengan sikap ‘tidak apa’….. kerana mereka akan kata, ‘biarlah….orang cina dah memang begitu!’.

        agaknya tunggu sampai tergadai apa baru orang melayu akan bangkit bersatu?

  5. the malay mail ertinya suratkhabar berbahasa melayu yg tak mestinya (wajib?) dimiliki & dikendali oleh orang melayu. sama la jugak dgn produk halal cik helen oi.

    kunci rumah sendiri dah diserah kat penyamun utk dikongsi & diiktiraf pulak sbg ahli keluarga. sekarang ahli keluarga demand hak kesamarataan, keadilan, bahasa & budaya dipaksanya tuan rumah menghormati, tak respect tata susila tuan rumah bahkan valify lagi. mengapa tuan rumah masih membenarkan keadaan ini? adakah tanpa ahli keluarga, tuan rumah tak mampu hidup dgn ‘selesa’?.

    to me the evangelistas are only the tool & voice of 90% chinese in malaysia. apa lagi yg melayu ada, tuan rumah yg berbudi bahasa boleh terus kasi.

    tuan rumah = umno baru
    semua tau siapa ahli keluarga.

    1. re: “the malay mail ertinya suratkhabar berbahasa melayu”

      The Malay Mail itu bukan pun suratkhabar yang menggunakan bahasa Melayu.

      1. Helen,

        I read your article on Chinese wanting UMNO to be “ditalkinkan”. I could not agree more.

        I often remind the so called “liberal Malays” who think too highly of themselves(meaning they will not admit their success, limited though, is due to government backing, called “buka jalan”) that the only thing that holding DAP’s from total control is UMNO.

        As such, venomous attack on UMNO is not surprising. I am therefore not surprise if Tian Chua said that Lahad Datu incident is a “drama”. Nor I am surprise when he termed ROS as “anjing UMNO”.

        What surprise me or more importantly irritate me is the refusal of UMNO to act. What irritate me is the refusal of Najib to get a new man in AG’s office .

        What irritate me is is Najib’s disgusting habit of trying again and again to please the chinese when everyone thinks how idiotic it could be.

        Thank God we have Dr Zahid who seems “manly” enough to act. I am not satified with “play safe” mantra.

        1. Ms H. I support Shamsual Anuar’s comments. There is no Malaysia without the UMNO which is the backbone of Malay history, politics, culture, religion, legacy, royal sultanates, etc. etc. The non-Malays will be in big trouble without strong leadership in the UMNO. Dato Seri Dr Zahid is a good and strong leader.

          As long as the BN as led by the UMNO with the 13 component parties observes the rule of the laws, implements fair and transparent policies (ISA and EO should have remained), maintains a normal and functioning bureacracy and eschews from making money through the GLCs (which raised a lot of jealousy and incurred high risks) but only to rule over us, THERE IS NOTHING MUCH THE OPPOSITION CAN DO UNTIL THE NEXT 14TH GENERAL ELECTIONS !

          1. Ms H. Please note also that our beloved Malaysia can stand alone by herself without Singapore. But Singapore cannot stand alone without us !

      2. oh yes, the malay mail ertinya suratkhabar melayu dlm bahasa melayu (meaning of malay mail in malay language). cheers!

          1. Ms H. It is known as ‘misrepresentation’ of the terms of their licence issued by the BN Government through the Minister of Home Affairs. Creating disorder and chaos ?

  6. “that intellectual discourse is no longer an option”

    hmmm u call that intellectual? read comment from one bro tariq of the same article, i doubt this tariq is a malay though :)

    n many of the comment is no diff when the topic is about the indian poor if we do read comment section of helen article in the past, just suddenly some of us take a reverse role.rse role.

  7. From the historical standpoint, it sort of checks out with the near-extinction of the Malay Champa population (which are now minority). It is said that the Malay/indo race is the endemic race in the SEA before the invasion from the North. Vietnam, Thailand, Burma is a fact that the invasion has succeeded and displaced the brown-skinned natives.

    The Historian above even researched using DNA analysis. Her facts are stone-cold and concrete. Her old paper was about how Malays were the original settlers in the Peninsula since 300,000 years ago, which debunked a book by a Singaporean author which incorrectly said “Malays are the amalgamation of Indians and Chinese”.

    Above all, I agree with mr Farouk’s comment. There’s a trend in hating anything ‘Malay’ these days and people are very quick to lump in politics in that. Isn’t this racism in its own right? I’m afraid that this ridiculing of native populations can result into displacement just like NZ, Fiji, Australia or Bosnia.

    1. “Orang Melayu Berasal Dari Timur Tengah – Penyelidik Sejarah”

      Proclaimed by, Ali Rustam.

      And Dr. Zaharah Sulaiman, is also on the team that came up with this findings. Clearly it contradicts her stance and her out-of-context Nam Tien conspiracy theory where she uses Vietnamese history to push her funny ideas.

      If the origins are from the Middle East as claimed by Ali Rustam and Zaharah herself, that implies a blow to the original inhabitants theory.

      1. ACDC

        ‘“Orang Melayu Berasal Dari Timur Tengah – Penyelidik Sejarah”

        Proclaimed by, Ali Rustam.

        And Dr. Zaharah Sulaiman, is also on the team that came up with this findings. ‘

        That is just a matter of their opinions. Anthropology studies, especially on the Malays, is never one straight line. I was squeamish when Ali Rustam was gung-ho to make that statement. I don’t know what his motives are, but I can assure you that, the Malays do have some Mediterranean variant.

        ‘The presence of the Mediterranean variant at a high frequency in the Malays is a rather unexpected finding.G6PD Mediterranean 563 C>T mutation was first detected in a subject from Southern Italy (Kurdi- Haidar et al.,1990). Subsequently it was shown to be widely distributed among the different populations in the Mediterranean region (Kurdi –Haidar, 1990; Cappelini et al., 1996; Nafa et al., 1994) and Middle Eastern populations (Daar etal., 1996; Bayoumi et al., 1996; Rizk et al., 2000). G6PD Mediterranean 563 C>T has been found in the contextof two haplotypes , one with a silent mutation C>T at nt 1311, common among Europeans (Beutler &Kuhl,1990; De Vita et al, 1989; Kurdi-Haidar et al 1990; Vives-Cocoran et al, 1990) and the other with nt 1311Ccommon among the people of Punjab in India (Kaeda et al, 1995). It was demonstrated that haplotypes found inthe majority of Middle Eastern G6PD-deficient Mediterranean variant are the same as those found in the Italians(Kurdi-Haidar et al., 1990).’

        But the Malays also had other variants in their DNA. ACDC please try and digest the para below.

        ‘However for G6PDMahidol, the occurence in the Malay archipelago has been reported in G6PD-deficient individuals from CentralJava (Soemantri et al., 1995) and two G6PD-deficient Malaysian Malays (Iwai et al., 2001). The presence of theViangchan variant at a relatively high frequency and the existence of the Mahidol variant in the Malays appearto reflect a common ancestral origin of the Malays with other Southeast Asian populations specifically theThais, Laotians and Cambodians. This appear to be a significant finding in the study of Malaysian ethno-history since the facts on the origin of the indigenous people of Malaysia before the 14th century have been inconclusive. The cultural, linguistics and biological differences between the comtemporary Malays and the aboriginal people have long been debated. There are evidence of strong connection between the early inhabitants of Malaysia and the neolithic societies in Southern and Central Thailand which is supported by thefact that the aboriginal people of present day Malaysia speak Mon-Khmer related languages of the Austroasiatic linguistic family spoken by people of the Southern Indochinese mainland (Hall, 1984). Some historians believed that the comtemporary Malays and the aboriginal tribes came from the same genetic pool and the cultural, linguistics and biological differences may have developed through adaptations (Andaya et al., 2001).However, the modern Malay language spoken by the comtemporary Malays belong to the Austronesian linguistic family of people who were believed to have migrated from somewhere in the region of southern China to Taiwan, outward to the Phillipines, Borneo, Indonesia and Peninsula Malaysia. Hence, other scholars suggest that it is possible that the Malays may have the originated from these Austronesian-speaking people (Andaya etal., 2001). The presence of G6PD Viangchan and Mahidol at high frequencies and the low occurrence of thecommon Chinese mutations among the Malays shown in this study do not appear to support the latter theory.Malaysia does not belong to the Indochina region, but the sharing of G6PD Viangchan and G6PD Mahidol withLaotians, Cambodians and Thais certainly lent support to the theory of genetic drifts through early population movement from the Indochina Peninsula rather than from South China.’

        ACDC, the claimed made by Ali Rustam and Zaharah Sulaiman was not a blow to the original inhabitants theory. Not at all. Its just goes to say that the Malays are pretty diverse people, genetically speaking of course.

        Anyway, if you still thinks so, whom do you think roaming Bukit Bunuh with a stone hand-axes at hand?


        ‘The oldest evidence of early human habitation in Malaysia was discovered in 2008 when stone hand-axes were unearthed in the historical site of Lenggong dating back 1.83 million years’

        ‘Scientists have found evidence of early human existence in Malaysia that dates back to 1.83 million years, which is proof of human mobility coming from Asia and Southeast Asia, and not just out of Africa.’

        ‘The suevite rock, reputedly the first found in Southeast Asia, was sent to the Geochronology Japan Laboratory three months ago and carbon dated using the fission track dating method. Mokhtar said that the results were sent back to USM two weeks ago and it showed the rock was dated to 1.83 million years ago. He said based on current studies, there was fresh evidence of human mobility coming from Asia and Southeast Asia, and not just out of Africa.’

        ACDC, the Malay DNA findings and the Bukit Bunuh stone hand-axes findings are two scientifically proven studies, I hope it will answer your question sufficiently.

        But please don’t tell me that these are UMNO lies as well, will you?!

        1. “That is just a matter of their opinions. Anthropology studies, especially on the Malays, is never one straight line. I was squeamish when Ali Rustam was gung-ho to make that statement. I don’t know what his motives are, but I can assure you that, the Malays do have some Mediterranean variant.”

          Ali Rustam was jumping into conclusions. But medical studies have also found the presence of the Mediterranean gene in Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese populations. The same gene which made Ali Rustam think Malays came from Middle East.

          From this journal article:

          Click to access 62_5_327.pdf

          “When we compare G6PD variants in the mainland of China to those in other areas, we notice gene flows between Chinese and other ethnicities. For instance, G6PD Mediterranean (563C>T), which is common in Mediterranean countries and Indo-Pakistan areas, has been detected in Chinese populations living in Singapore [27] and Malaysia [19], but not on the mainland of China”

          Regarding the Mahidol variant found in the Malay population, it is also found in certain populations in Southern China. Yunnan, to be precise:

          “The molecular analysis of G6PD gene exons 2–13 was performed by a PCR-DHPLC-Sequencing or PCR-Sequencing. Sixteen independent subjects with G6PD Mahidol (487G>A) and the new polymorphism IVS5-612 (G>C), which combined into a novel haplotype, were identified accounting for 84.2% (16/19). And 100% Achang G6PD Mahidol were linked to the IVS5-612 C. The percentage of G6PD Mahidol in the Achang group is close to that in the Myanmar population (91.3% 73/80), which implies that there are some gene flows between Achang and Myanmar populations. Interestingly, G6PD Canton (1376G>T) and G6PD Kaiping (1388G>A), which were the most common G6PD variants from other ethnic groups in China, were not found in this Achang group, suggesting that there are different G6PD mutation profiles in the Achang group and other ethnic groups in China. Our findings appear to be the first documented report on the G6PD genetics of the Achang people, which will provide important clues to the Achang ethnic group origin and will help prevention and treatment of malaria in this area.”

          Recall the theory of Malay origins from Yunnan.

          Regarding the phylogenetic affinities of aboriginal peoples in Malaysia, it was revealed that the Proto-Malay, Temuan (MY-TM) population was more related to the Chinese and Malays, especially with Jawa populations than the Negritos, represented by the Kensui (MY-KS) and Jahai (MY-JH) populations. This topology is consistent with the fact that the tribal Proto-Malays are believed to have migrated from Yunnan, China about 4,000–6,000 years ago [1]. They were once probably people of coastal Borneo who expanded into Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula as a result of their seafaring way of life [2], [31]. Thus, our results may provide a genetic evidence of the pre-historic migration of Proto-Malays from Yunnan, China.

          1. ‘But medical studies have also found the presence of the Mediterranean gene in Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese populations’

            Have you heard of Baba Nyonya? Thank God for their Malays mothers, no?

            ‘Regarding the Mahidol variant found in the Malay population, it is also found in certain populations in Southern China. Yunnan, to be precise:’

            Firstly genetically speaking, where in your quote specifically says that the variants was a testament that the Yunan theory was valid? Lu ada baca dan faham tak itu quotes? Mana?

            But it does says this.

            ‘G6PD Mahidol in the Achang group is close to that in the Myanmar population (91.3% 73/80), which implies that there are some gene flows between Achang and Myanmar populations. Interestingly, G6PD Canton (1376G>T) and G6PD Kaiping (1388G>A), which were the most common G6PD variants from other ethnic groups in China, were not found in this Achang group, suggesting that there are different G6PD mutation profiles in the Achang group and other ethnic groups in China.’


            ‘Recall the theory of Malay origins from Yunnan.


            Regarding the phylogenetic affinities of aboriginal peoples in Malaysia, it was revealed that the Proto-Malay, Temuan (MY-TM) population was more related to the Chinese and Malays, especially with Jawa populations than the Negritos, represented by the Kensui (MY-KS) and Jahai (MY-JH) populations. This topology is consistent with the fact that the tribal Proto-Malays are believed to have migrated from Yunnan, China about 4,000–6,000 years ago [1]. They were once probably people of coastal Borneo who expanded into Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula as a result of their seafaring way of life [2], [31]. Thus, our results may provide a genetic evidence of the pre-historic migration of Proto-Malays from Yunnan, China.’

            Ini wa sudah jawa dekat atas, lagi satu kali baca, wa quotes…haiya sein wo!

            ‘The presence of G6PD Viangchan and Mahidol at high frequencies and the low occurrence of thecommon Chinese mutations among the Malays shown in this study do not appear to support the latter theory.Malaysia does not belong to the Indochina region, but the sharing of G6PD Viangchan and G6PD Mahidol withLaotians, Cambodians and Thais certainly lent support to the theory of genetic drifts through early population movement from the Indochina Peninsula rather than from South China.’

            Baca itu link atas, wa sudah bagi bagus punya link sama lu, lu jangan tipu, cut sana, cut sini, pastu cakap benda lain!

            1. “Have you heard of Baba Nyonya? Thank God for their Malays mothers, no?”

              Yes I know about the Baba Nyonya. Many Chinese here have Malay, Indian, Thai, Burmese, Indonesian genes in them by the way. Ali Rustam simply claiming the Malays come from Middle East is ridiculous, since the same genes are found in Malaysian Chinese.

              “Firstly genetically speaking, where in your quote specifically says that the variants was a testament that the Yunan theory was valid? Lu ada baca dan faham tak itu quotes? Mana?”

              The link mentions the community are from Lianghe County, which is in Yunnan. Next time take a look before you shoot yourself in the foot.

              1. ‘Regarding the Mahidol variant found in the Malay population, it is also found in certain populations in Southern China. Yunnan, to be precise:


                “The molecular analysis of G6PD gene exons 2–13 was performed by a PCR-DHPLC-Sequencing or PCR-Sequencing. Sixteen independent subjects with G6PD Mahidol (487G>A) and the new polymorphism IVS5-612 (G>C), which combined into a novel haplotype, were identified accounting for 84.2% (16/19). And 100% Achang G6PD Mahidol were linked to the IVS5-612 C. The percentage of G6PD Mahidol in the Achang group is close to that in the Myanmar population (91.3% 73/80), which implies that there are some gene flows between Achang and Myanmar populations. Interestingly, G6PD Canton (1376G>T) and G6PD Kaiping (1388G>A), which were the most common G6PD variants from other ethnic groups in China, were not found in this Achang group, suggesting that there are different G6PD mutation profiles in the Achang group and other ethnic groups in China. Our findings appear to be the first documented report on the G6PD genetics of the Achang people, which will provide important clues to the Achang ethnic group origin and will help prevention and treatment of malaria in this area.”

                ERMMM, WHERE AH?

                  1. Mana ada, lu cuba baca ni…

                    ‘However for G6PDMahidol, the occurence in the Malay archipelago has been reported in G6PD-deficient individuals from CentralJava (Soemantri et al., 1995) and two G6PD-deficient Malaysian Malays (Iwai et al., 2001). The presence of theViangchan variant at a relatively high frequency and the existence of the Mahidol variant in the Malays appearto reflect a common ancestral origin of the Malays with other Southeast Asian populations specifically theThais, Laotians and Cambodians. This appear to be a significant finding in the study of Malaysian ethno-history since the facts on the origin of the indigenous people of Malaysia before the 14th century have been inconclusive. The cultural, linguistics and biological differences between the comtemporary Malays and the aboriginal people have long been debated. There are evidence of strong connection between the early inhabitants of Malaysia and the neolithic societies in Southern and Central Thailand which is supported by thefact that the aboriginal people of present day Malaysia speak Mon-Khmer related languages of the Austroasiatic linguistic family spoken by people of the Southern Indochinese mainland (Hall, 1984). Some historians believed that the comtemporary Malays and the aboriginal tribes came from the same genetic pool and the cultural, linguistics and biological differences may have developed through adaptations (Andaya et al., 2001).However, the modern Malay language spoken by the comtemporary Malays belong to the Austronesian linguistic family of people who were believed to have migrated from somewhere in the region of southern China to Taiwan, outward to the Phillipines, Borneo, Indonesia and Peninsula Malaysia. Hence, other scholars suggest that it is possible that the Malays may have the originated from these Austronesian-speaking people (Andaya etal., 2001). The presence of G6PD Viangchan and Mahidol at high frequencies and the low occurrence of thecommon Chinese mutations among the Malays shown in this study do not appear to support the latter theory. Malaysia does not belong to the Indochina region, but the sharing of G6PD Viangchan and G6PD Mahidol withLaotians, Cambodians and Thais certainly lent support to the theory of genetic drifts through early population movement from the Indochina Peninsula rather than from South China.’

                    the few last words…

                    RATHER THAN FROM SOUTH CHINA!

                  2. Of course, memang ada:


                    “The prevalence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and its gene mutations were studied in the Achang population from Lianghe County in Southwestern China. We found that 7.31% (19 of 260) males and 4.35% (10 of 230) females had G6PD deficiency. The molecular analysis of G6PD gene exons 2–13 was performed by a PCR-DHPLC-Sequencing or PCR-Sequencing. Sixteen independent subjects with G6PD Mahidol (487G>A) and the new polymorphism IVS5-612 (G>C), which combined into a novel haplotype, were identified accounting for 84.2% (16/19). And 100% Achang G6PD Mahidol were linked to the IVS5-612 C. The percentage of G6PD Mahidol in the Achang group is close to that in the Myanmar population (91.3% 73/80), which implies that there are some gene flows between Achang and Myanmar populations. Interestingly, G6PD Canton (1376G>T) and G6PD Kaiping (1388G>A), which were the most common G6PD variants from other ethnic groups in China, were not found in this Achang group, suggesting that there are different G6PD mutation profiles in the Achang group and other ethnic groups in China. Our findings appear to be the first documented report on the G6PD genetics of the AChang people, which will provide important clues to the Achang ethnic group origin and will help prevention and treatment of malaria in this area.”

                    islam1st sudah ada identiti krisis. Dah mula meroyan. :)

                    1. as usaul when one losing a debate, he reverts to ad hominem fallacies by referring hy. pity as if we dun know.

  8. There has been a bunch of funny theories being tossed around this week.

    First is Zaharah’s Nam Tien conspiracy theory claiming there is an ongoing plot by the Chinese to replace the Malays, who she mentions originated from the Southeast Asian islands, not Yunnan.

    Then we have Ali Rustam proclaiming the Malays originated from the Middle East, based on Zaharah’s team’s findings.

    Can this Zaharah make her mind up? Perhaps she can flip a coin.

    1. re: “If it was a black-white scenario, the Malay voters would have gone en-bloc for either UMNO or PAS”

      PAS received support on account of its stance, one of which was its Malay nationalism. The much vaunted strength of PAS that you keep harping on is due to the positions that PAS took on the the current issues of the day, one of which was the Chinese citizenships.

      As for the Malay voters would have gone en-bloc for either one, why don’t you wait and see the results of GE14? There was already a perceptible swing in GE13. Umno won more Melayu pekat seats while losing the mixed seats like Ali Rustam’s Parliamentary constituency in Malacca.

      re: 1999 GE results

      Okay, I’ll look at it later.

    2. ‘First is Zaharah’s Nam Tien’

      Nam Tien was not originally coined by Zaharah Sulaiman. She was incorporating the theory into her arguments.

      1. Nam Tien is Vietnamese history, but it is far fetched for Zaharah Sulaiman to use it as evidence for an organised Chinese conspiracy to invade Indochina and the Malay Archipelago. If you read up on Vietnamese history, you will find the Vietnamese are frequently in conflict with the Chinese.

        1. ‘If you read up on Vietnamese history, you will find the Vietnamese are frequently in conflict with the Chinese.’

          They do now! Perhaps they, just like the Thais, wants to distance themselves from the Chinese altogether. They have ‘Vietnam’ now, why would they want to be referred as Chinese again?

          Chinese before they were known as Chinese also are pretty diverse tribalistic people. The weak, if not being killed by the stronger tribe, just like any tribal culture, will joined the stronger tribe and ‘become’ that tribe. That was way before the Dynasties la. Not sure whether that was before or after the 5000 years old Chinese civilization?!

          Coming back to the Vietnamese, ACDC have heard of the ethnic Kinh, who have had cultural association closer to the Chinese than the rest of the 14% of the population which originates from the earliest ‘Vietnamese’ if you must.

          Read la about 11th Century Nam Tien extensively and tell us your findings, OK?

          1. Oh yeah ACDC, BTW, I’m from the north, Kedah was my birth place and a lot of my relatives is also from Kedah, I had more similar cultural identity to the Mon/Khmer people than you could have imagined. I don’t just read about them, it is part of who I am.

            Did get to see the Malay words all over, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand?

            Try Google Maps, Zoom In and you will be surprised!

            FYI the Utara dialects are short and precise just like the way the Mon/Khmer and ‘Thais’ speaks. The Kelantanese had this traits too!

            The word ‘sebai’ alone means the same thing in Kedah up to Loas. Do you want to know what it is?

            It is the shoulder cloth that Aung San Suu Kyi famously carry with her!

            ‘Sbai, Sabai (Khmer: ស្បៃ; Thai: สไบ; Lao: ສະໄບ), or Pha biang (Lao: ຜ້າບ່ຽງ; Thai: ผ้าเบี่ยง) is shawl-like garment, or breast cloth worn in Mainland Southeast Asia. The term Sabai is used for a woman’s silk breast wrapper in Cambodia, Siam, Southern Siam, Isan and Laos while in Coastal Sumatra it described as Shouldercloth. .”[1] Sabais can also be used by men in Lao weddings or when attending religious ceremonies. The type of sabai typically worn by Lao men often has checkered patterns. Sabai also well known as a long piece of silk, about a foot wide, draped diagonally around the chest cover one shoulder which its end drop behind the back.”[2]

            The Sabai had noted as Cambodia’s national costume tie with its ancient’s Sampot and Chang Kben.’


            1. “Did get to see the Malay words all over, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand?”

              Malay words? Or more like Sanskrit-originated words? Sanskrit, you know, from India.

              I have travelled around Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and yes, I know the similarity of some Thai words with Malay. A product of Sanskrit and Hindu-Buddhist influence.

                  1. “who do you think speaks the sanskrit thousands of years ago?”

                    The ancient Hindu and Buddhist civilizations in India. The cultural influence spread east into Southeast Asia and China.

                    1. ACDC, Hindu is a 19th century term, I bet you did not know this?

                      India as in the Republic of India right now is only a ‘Bharat’ I bet you did not know this too!

                      And I assume ACDC you know where the East Hindia is, do you? Mind you it is not the same as the eastern part of the Republic of India you know?!

                      East in Sanskrit is ‘Purva’-yes you’ve guess it right it is the same word as ‘Purba’ which means antique, old, ancient, please check it yourself…

                      So assuming East Hindia is Malaysia (British East Hindia Co.) and Indonesia (Dutch East India Co.) combined, which part of ‘India’ is more ‘ancient’ than the current Republic of India?

                      ACDC dear, do you even know the different with the Republic of India and the ‘ ancient India’ that Sanskrit had originated from?


                      Do you even read the link you have given me?

                      BTW ACDC, don’t you feel rather perplexed that when a Malay speaks a full sentence ‘probably five to seven of them will be Sanskrit words and the remaining either of Arabic, Tamil, Hindi, English, Chinese, Persian or of some other origin.’?

                      How could this be? More than half of words used by us are of Sanskrit origin.

                      Do you know who speaks as much Sanskrit as the Malay (and Indonesians by the way) does in the modern times?

                      The northern Indian speaks Hindi. The south mostly Tamils, with of course Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Kannada, Telegu and Malayalee being thrown in at the middle. Of course with good measures of Sanskrit too.

                      Even in Uttarakand, where Sanskrit is the second official language people do not speaks Sanskrit, except maybe, and especially during mantras. Understandable because it was the language of the Vedas.

                      But how come the Malays (and Indonesians), still do so, without even having to resort to Hindu/Buddha, anymore, still speaks eloquently of this ancient and near extinct language?


                      By the way ACDC do you know how many Sanskrit word is there for ‘Nama Saya Dhira?’

                      And having travel to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, can you explain why the market there is called Psah or Psar? And did you get to see the words Kampung, Kampong or Kamping all over these countries? I bet you have no idea do you and please don’t tell me that these are Sanskrit words originated from India by the influence of Hindu and Buddha!

                      How do you think the word ‘Budak’ come into being?

                    2. “ACDC, Hindu is a 19th century term, I bet you did not know this?”

                      Show evidence that Hindu is a 19th century term. Anybody with basic knowledge in languages know it is an ancient word.


                      “BTW ACDC, don’t you feel rather perplexed that when a Malay speaks a full sentence ‘probably five to seven of them will be Sanskrit words and the remaining either of Arabic, Tamil, Hindi, English, Chinese, Persian or of some other origin.’?”

                      No I am not perplexed. Rather, it shows how Bahasa Melayu has been greatly influenced by Sanskrit language from ancient Hindu-Buddhist India. That is why it is hillarous when ignorant fanatics in the UMNO or Perkasa blogs talk rubbish about Hinduism and Buddhism in Malay, ignorant of the origin of Malay.

                      “ACDC dear, do you even know the different with the Republic of India and the ‘ ancient India’ that Sanskrit had originated from?”

                      You actually confused ‘ancient India’ with the ‘Republic of India’ in this discussion? You are more confused that I thought. And ancient India was the region in the subcontinent… from the area that is now modern Pakistan to modern Bangladesh.

                      “And having travel to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, can you explain why the market there is called Psah or Psar? And did you get to see the words Kampung, Kampong or Kamping all over these countries?

                      Market in Thailand and Laos is ‘Thalat’. ‘Psah’ is for Cambodia Khmer language. And yes, Khmer language is descended from Sanskrit.

                      “I bet you have no idea do you and please don’t tell me that these are Sanskrit words originated from India by the influence of Hindu and Buddha!”

                      Unfortunately for you, you bet wrongly.


                      “Khmer; or more formally, or Cambodian, is the language of the Khmer people and the official language of Cambodia. It is the second most widely spoken Austroasiatic language (after Vietnamese), with speakers in the tens of millions. Khmer has been considerably influenced by Sanskrit and Pali, especially in the royal and religious registers, through the vehicles of Hinduism and Buddhism.

                    3. ‘Show evidence that Hindu is a 19th century term. Anybody with basic knowledge in languages know it is an ancient word.’

                      The term was coin by the British in using the reference made by arabs and persians on the people of the Sind Valley, regardless of their religious affinity was.

                      1-‘the name Hinduism is relatively new, having been coined by British writers in the first decades of the 19th century’


                      2-‘”The word ‘Hindu’ occurs nowhere in the classical scriptures of Hinduism. The ancestors of the present day Hindus did not identify themselves as Hindus.”

                      “When Western scholars and Christian missionaries arrived on the scene, the Hindus found their faith tradition ‘ism’-ized and its name became ‘Hinduism’.”

                      “That even an atheist may be called a Hindu is an example of the fact that Hinduism is far beyond a simple religious system, but actually an extremely diverse and complicated river of evolving philosophies and ancient traditions.”

                      “The word Hindu is not a religious word. It is secular in origin. It is derived from the word Sindhu, which is the name of a major river that flows in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent. The ancient Greeks and Armenians used to refer the people living beyond the river Sindhu as Hindus and gradually the name stuck. When the Muslims came to the sub continent they called the people living in the region as Hindustanis to distinguish them from the foreign Muslims. Subsequently when the British established their rule, they started calling the local religions collectively under the name of Hinduism.”


                      “[There was] no such thing as Hinduism before the British invented the holdall category in the early nineteenth century, and made India seem the home of a ‘world religion’ as organised and theologically coherent as Christianity and Islam. The concepts of a ‘world religion’ and ‘religion’ as we know them now, emerged during the late 18th and early 19th century, as objects of academic study, at a time of widespread secularisation in western Europe. The idea, as inspired by the Enlightenment, was to study religion as a set of beliefs, and to open it up to rational enquiry.”

                      “Hinduism–the word and perhaps the reality too–was born in the 19th century, a notoriously illegitimate child. The father was middle-class and British, and the mother, of course, was India. The circumstances of the conception are not altogether clear. One heard of the ‘goodly habits and observances of Hindooism’ in a Bengali-English grammar written in 1829, and the Reverend William Tennant had spoken of ‘the Hindoo system’ in a book on Indian manners and history written at the beginning of the century. Yet it was not until the inexpensive handbook ‘Hinduism’ was published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in 1877 that the term came into general English usage.”


                      So, ACDC, does this a prove enough to you that anybody with a basic knowledge in language does not know that it is not an ancient word?

                      ‘No I am not perplexed. Rather, it shows how Bahasa Melayu has been greatly influenced by Sanskrit language from ancient Hindu-Buddhist India. That is why it is hillarous when ignorant fanatics in the UMNO or Perkasa blogs talk rubbish about Hinduism and Buddhism in Malay, ignorant of the origin of Malay.’

                      Right. We are ‘greatly influenced; by Sanskrit and end up speaking up to 5 to 7 of the words in a ten-words sentence. And yet the origin speakers are nowhere to be found. Text book logic indeed.

                      So ACDC have you found the location of the origin of Sanskrit, anywhere in India? You claimed it was from India, why would you say so, can you clarify and point me to the location of its origin. It must be originating from somewhere, yes?

                      ‘You actually confused ‘ancient India’ with the ‘Republic of India’ in this discussion? You are more confused that I thought. And ancient India was the region in the subcontinent… from the area that is now modern Pakistan to modern Bangladesh’

                      Right. That is the political breakaway that you can read almost anywhere. That is contemporary history. What about the ancient India? The greater India perhaps?

                      ‘Psah’ is for Cambodia Khmer language’

                      Agree. I was referring to Psah or Psar which means market in the Cambodian language. You said it was Sanskrit. Fair enough.

                      But, what about Kampung or Kampong in Cambodia, is it Sanskrit as well?

                      Can you point me, where does it shows that Kampong or Psar/Psah was Sanskrit origin? Please provide link as well, will you?

                      And BTW, ‘Nama Saya Dhiraa’ is 100% Sanskrit. And mind, we are never foreign to Pali either. We are closely related to the Mon/Khmer/Lawa, than you can only imagine.

                      Can you show me today, apart from mantras and pujas, where in India or the world for that matter that you can still get to see or document the average population to be speaking Sanskrit as rich as the Malays/Indonesians does?

                    4. Actually, much of modern Hindi and Urdu in India is based on Sanskrit language. Cambodia’s Khmer language has been influenced by mostly by Sanskrit, Pali, and to an extant by Cham languages. Just like how the Malay language is influenced by Sanskrit, and also has Chinese influences, among other languages such as Dutch, Tamil, and English. As a response, do you know the word ‘kuih’, ‘lobak’, ‘cawan’, and ‘cukup’ came from Chinese languages?


                      “Hinduism (Sanskrit सिन्धु “Sindhu” (Indus River) + ism) is a term for a wide variety of related religious traditions native to India.[1] Historically, it encompasses the development of Religion in India since the Iron Age traditions, which in turn hark back to prehistoric religions such as that of the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilisation followed by the Iron Age Historical Vedic religion.

                      The period between 800 BC and 200 BC is “a turning point between the Vedic religion and Hindu religions”[2], and a formative period for Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

                      The Epic and Early Puranic period, from ca. 200 BC to 500 AD, saw the classical “Golden Age” of Hinduism, which coincides with the Gupta Empire.”

                      So, Hinduism religion and culture is certainly not something invented in the 19th century as you try to imply.

                    5. ‘Actually, much of modern Hindi and Urdu in India is based on Sanskrit language. Cambodia’s Khmer language has been influenced by mostly by Sanskrit, Pali, and to an extant by Cham languages.’

                      Of course it has. But still they don’t speak up to 70% of Sanskrit like the Malays did, with phonetic accuracy as well.

                      Can you explain on this, dear ACDC?

                      ‘Just like how the Malay language is influenced by Sanskrit, and also has Chinese influences, among other languages such as Dutch, Tamil, and English. As a response, do you know the word ‘kuih’, ‘lobak’, ‘cawan’, and ‘cukup’ came from Chinese languages?’

                      Right. The Malays are so lazy and inept (Bujang Valley was build buruh2 Hai San!), we can’t even be speaking with our own tongue?!

                      You must be thinking the Malays are speaking in sign languages before don’t you?

                      ‘So, Hinduism religion and culture is certainly not something invented in the 19th century as you try to imply.’

                      NO I DON’T TRY TO IMPLY. The term was a 19th century invention. It was nowhere in the religious text.

                      ‘…even a “Hindu civilisation”, in Samuel Huntington’s millenarian world-view. Yet Hinduism was a 19th-century British invention. Even the word Hindu itself is of non-Hindu origin. It was first used by the ancient Persians to refer to the people living near the River Indus (Sindhu in Sanskrit). It then became a convenient shorthand for the rulers of India; it defined those who were not Muslims or Christians.’


                      NS Essay – How the British invented Hinduism

                1. I’ve book marked the link years ago la brader.

                  As I told you, these are part of the Malays history you can only gleaned on from a far.

              1. ‘Malay words? Or more like Sanskrit-originated words? Sanskrit, you know, from India.’

                Sanskrit is from which part of India ahh? Can you get the map and point to it for me, will you?

  9. Hi Helen and all,

    Thank you for your blog. My wife and I are quite keen followers.

    I am the person who got the minus ’80 plus’ votes, on the Malay Mail comments section, mentioned above.

    We ARE in a very challenging place indeed. There is no way to circumvent these issues, neither should we look for a way around it by way of avoidance. We have to deal with it.

    There are race issues and religious issues, previously held in delicate balance, by not only the government but also most of us who chose to not explore the fringes in such an outlandish way.

    Most of us used to thread carefully with love, respect and genuine fondness for each other, within and ‘without’ our own cultural and social sphere. There were of course those who were ‘anarchist’ by design, but they always seemed to be on the back burner, with occasional sparks here and there deftly doused, while we continued with our wonderful life.

    Sadly, now all that is history. I believe we have gone back all the way to pre independence. This is a time that calls for Great Leadership and some very difficult decisions.

    Politically, I have made a 180 degree turn. The logical sounding ideal of having a formidable opposition in Parliament has all but slipped away, especially after the show of Bersih and the antics of the many personalities mentioned enough on social media.

    My wife and I have been putting ‘Malaysiana’ to the test on my once flower powered facebook account which I regretfully started to accommodate a successful schoolmates reunion.

    Its amazing how many people who have known us for more than 20 years actually think that WE, have gone all racist, even if it was for speaking up against racist remarks.

    I believe this is because we were not on the same ‘ark’ they decided to ride the ‘Massive Wave’ on. They just can’t get over the fact that the Great Flood they expected, sang about, screamed their lungs out for, pulled their hair, thumped their chest and prayed for, just didn’t happen the way they desired!

    We also chose to facebook comment freely and without favour on issues. Sometimes with a little chutzpah. What a wicked sin that was.

    Some people just don’t seem to get it that there are others out there who just DON’T share their deeply rooted institutionalised hatred and bias. It’s a fact that can no longer be cloaked. The back burner just got splashed with too much lighter fluid, and its getting all the attention it needs.

    Amusingly, the ‘minus 80’s vote down’ on my comment from The Malay Mail online article on Zaharah Sulaiman, would have come from people who actually assume but don’t know the 100% ethnically Indian Farouk Zahir, or the 100% ethnically ‘Hokkien’ (if I may) Anna, my better half ;)

    1. re: “Its amazing how many people who have known us for more than 20 years actually think that WE, have gone all racist, even if it was for speaking up against racist remarks. I believe this is because we were not on the same ‘ark’ they decided to ride the ‘Massive Wave’ on.”

      Thanks for your comment and following my blog.

      ‘They’ are passengers on the Titanic heading for the iceberg.

      The opposition does appear to be the greater of the two evils at the present time. I do not choose to be with them.

      I just hope that pro-establishment supporters will be more amenable to reason.

    2. “Some people just don’t seem to get it that there are others out there who just DON’T share their deeply rooted institutionalised hatred and bias.”

      With this statement, Farouk, you should not be too upset that many people online disagree with your comment supporting Zaharah’s half-baked theory. Zaharah added in racially tinged allegations of an ancient conspiracy by the Chinese and other foreigners to usurp the Malays, meant to cater to the deep roote institutionalised hatred and bias of her audience.

      By the way, I had a peek at your Facebook. After the Bersih protests in 2012 you said you would have used live bullets against the protesters.

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