Posted in Evangelis

Malunya PAS! Sampai tahun Hijrah pun dah tak tahu dah

Ini gambar para pemimpin PAS yang menyampaikan keputusan parti kepada pihak media pagi tadi.

Heh-heh-heh … nampak tersengih.


Foto kredit: Minaq Jinggo

Mat Sabu telah mempengerusikan sidang akhbar tersebut di atas.

BAWAH: Mat Sabu dengan BFF beliau

(1) PAS



BAWAH: Calon Pakatan yang dicadangkan untuk dilantik sebagai MB Selangor

(2) PKR

Double yucks!!

Ehsan: Minaq Jinggo

BAWAH: Dah lah Mem Besar, kian hari kian membesar lagi

(3) DAP

Triple yucks!!


BAWAH: Ini kenyataan akhbar yang dikeluarkan PAS hari ini.

Ia menyebut tanggal 17 Ogos 2014 sebagai bersamaan “20 Syawal 1434H”.

Ish, ish, ish … 1434H?


Tahun ni dah 1435H lah, mak oii

Surat di atas itu dicatatkan tarikhnya oleh orang PAS.

Itulah, angkara dema beriya-iya mahu bertahaluf siyasi dengan puak evangelista sampai silap haribulan dan terkeliru tahun Hijrah jadinya.

Hari ini bukan “20 Syawal” tetapi 21 Syawal.

Dan bukan “1434H” tetapi 1435H.

Malunya PAS! Mana nak sorok muka, ya?

Inilah bahananya apabila golongan ulamak disingkirkan maka tarikh HIJRAH pun sudah tak tahu …“, kata setiausaha agung Muafakat, A. Karim Omar.

(161 patah perkataan)


Adakah PAS sudah luntur ISLAMnya?


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

88 thoughts on “Malunya PAS! Sampai tahun Hijrah pun dah tak tahu dah

  1. pas is the pillar of pakatan, and continue to be one. salute to tok guru nik aziz n tuan guru hadi.

    1. Bai’ah pun sudah dipersenda apatah lagi yang tidak termasuk dalam hukum.

      Tahniah kepada Nik Aziz yang dulu menyelamatkan mat sabu dalam kes khalwatnya di Kota Bharu dan hari ini orang yang sama melumur muka ulama’ dengan spenda stopa.

      1. Saya pernah menonton video u-tiub keluaran abu aqif studio tidak lama dulu dimana hadi awang dengan bangganya menyatakan bahawa PAS terbuka kepada semua, tak kira pegangan. Khawarij kita terima, syiah kita terima, etc, etc, etc. Sekarang puak2 kafir/munafiq tersebut telah menterbalikkan PAS dan menghina Hadi Awang sebagai presiden di khalayak umum. Padan muka siapa?

        Stopa Spenda yang prima facie terbukti berzina [video sex stopa adalah bukti prima facie perzinaan beliau unless proven otherwise] pun dikekalkan sebagai s/u agung parti ISLAM semalaysia. Pengekalan ni dibuat oleh Hadi Awang sendiri sebagai presiden. Stopa Spenda ni sebenarnya adalah puppet master Hadi Awang. Nik Aziz pula adalah seorang pembela kuat para penzina dikalangan pimpinan PAS. Sila lihat video pendedahan bekas ketua keselamatan PAS Kota Bahru [Rosli ke nama dia? Tak ingat dah]

        Hadi Awang, please step down. You are bringing PAS into the dark ages.

    2. Suggestion how DAP can get their own Menteri Besar.

      Move Zairil KJ to Selangor and send Dyana and mom to stand in Selangor.

      Why depend on PKR or PAS for MB? Send your own.

      So DAP got choice of 3 MB choices 1. Zairil 2. Dyana 3. Yummi

      1. I believed this is what they have been doing since Perak. Having Wan Azizah to pave the way as a women MB is always good. DAP had the decided that lelaki Melayu suka lawan tauke!

  2. At the end of the day, what does all these mean for issues which concern Selangor residents, such as the water problems, KIDEX, dengue, Iban Bible issue and other issues which directly affect us in different ways to a lesser or greater extent?

    Whoever, becomes the next MB of Selangor, whether Wan Azizah, Azmin or perhaps someone else, what will their action be on these issues?

    Quite frankly, I’d prefer a fresh state elections be called to elect a new State Assembly. At least, it will be a fresh start – a reboot of sorts.

    This is the best public opinion survey to gauge actual public support for different parties and the state assembly persons.

    1. A fresh state election is not in the interest of PR. Although they have a reasonably good chance of retaining the state, they could lose seats here and there. Therefore they are not going to take the risk.

      Pas naming Azmin as a candidate for the MB post is them telling PKR that they are not keen on Wan Azizah becoming MB. If there is no fresh state election, and at this juncture, this is most likely the case although things could change, you never know, with Pas’ 15 seats, Umno with 12 and Khalid, they have 28 in the state assembly and plus Azmin and a few PKR turncoats, Azmin could yet get his wish and become MB.

      Stay tuned. And one more thing, I was right about Pas. :)

      1. What was the outcome of PAS decision is very much expected , knowing PAS all this years.

        The wrong Hijrah date are in accordance to DAP calender so it was right in their eyes.

    2. actually you are only concerned about the evangelists’ agendas. don’t beat about the bush

    3. I think the drama is yet to over. Looks like some Anwar-friendly Erdogan faction hijacked the issue and made a different decision from what was agreed by the central committe. I think Hadi and Nik Aziz must be really pissed with this blatant action to appease PKR and DAP.

      Secondly, I sense that the Sultan himself does not favour Geisha Zizah that’s why he has repeatedly refused to see her. The moron Anwar, in his lust for power, simply refusing to read the signs from the palace.

      At the end of the day when Sultan returns from holidays, PKR and PR will look stupid when Geisha’s name is rejected. I would love to see Anwar and LGE’s faces when this happens.

      And I also hear that Azmin is quietly working behind the scenes to influence some sections of PKR and the palace to make him the MB.

      So folks, get more popcorns/keropoks and wait for the drama to continue on Aug 27th.

      1. Calvin,

        What options that Khalid have right now? Not any. But if I were to be in his shoes, i would advise the Sultan to dissolve the DUN.

        No doubt the move will simply mean Khalid will almost certainly lose his post as MB. But he may want to consider that. To let the rakyats to “ajar’ these jokers.

        Let us see how “rakyat” Selangors see the issue. As far as I am concern, rakyats are irritated with the issue. The sympathies are with Khalid. Not due to his overemphasized efficiency (hard to find). But rather due to him being backstabbed by his “friends” in PR.

        When i say , “rakyats”, i mean Malay voters. Let us not kidding ourselves that the Chinese will not back PR anymore. They are willing to take this nonsense.

        1. re: “Let us not kid ourselves that the Chinese will not back PR anymore.”

          They’re still ABU, ABU, ABU because nothing can mitigate the intense hatred that they have for Umno.

          So they’re willing to put up with Kajang Move, Wan Azizah as MB candidate and whatever crap Pakatan throws at them … as long as it is anti-Umno.

          1. Oh well, Khalid does have some options – One – the Nuclear Option of dissolving the Assembly. Two – the Neutron Option – this is to expose PR’s dirty deeds/corruptions during his tenure. This could include from KETUM all the way down to the bottom of the pond.

            I hear that some DAP leaders were dropped due to serious (alleged) misconduct/corruption. And PKR is hardly a paragon of honest and clean party. I would urge Khalid to come clean and expose all these shenigans. That would be the sweetest revenge and his best service to rakyat and Selangorians.

        2. Shamshul,

          My take of the situation is that all along Khalid knew his days as MB are numbered even during his first term as he was quite fed up with Azmin’s plotting, the PKR members clamouring to get their claws on the state’s coffers as well as with Anwar’s dynastic style of leadership.

          He is not interested in positions or money but he’s hanging on and making Anwar feel the pain for the way he was treated and humiliated by PKR.

          Originally Azmin was supposed to be the MB but due to strong objections from Khalid and DAP, Anwar had to let the status quo remain. Once the 13 GE was over, Anwar was back to get Azmin as MB but Khalid refused to back down.

          My suspicion is that getting Geisha could be a stop-gap move as well to fool DAP and Khalid. Since both refused to accept Azmin. So perhaps once things cool down, Anwar might ask Geisha to step down and let Azmin take over. Perhaps that’s the reason why Azmin is not throwing any tantrums yet.

          I don’t see Geisha as a long term solution as the Selangor MB as she’s just not the person who could administer and manage a state as complex as Selangor especially with the so much issues going on. She was a wash out even as a MP, much less the leader of PKR. DAP is happy with Geisha as she can easily be bullied by the likes of Hannah and Teng.

          I agree that there’s not much Khalid can do now but I don’t see the Sultan accepting Geisha as the MB especially if Pakatan only submits one name. I don’t think Sultan is very happy with the behaviour of Pakatan leaders (except Khalid) over a number of issues. The bible issue is something that he’s very upset with PR folks.

          So if he rejects Geisha, then Anwar and Pakatan will be in real trouble. During the entire crisis, Anwar’s behaviour has irked the Sultan so I wouldn’t be surprised he rejects.
          My take is that this issue gonna be one big mess that will take a long time to resolve. Even if Zizah becomes the MB (unlikely scenario), there gonna be a civil war in the state – not between BN and PR but PKR vs PAS vs DAP.

          1. re: “there gonna be a civil war in the state – not between BN and PR but PKR vs PAS vs DAP”

            DAP came within a whisker of ruling Selangor in the 10 May 1969 election.

  3. “Itulah, angkara dema beriya-iya mahu bertahaluf siyasi dengan puak evangelista sampai silap haribulan dan terkeliru tahun Hijrah jadinya. Hari ini bukan “20 Syawal” tetapi 21 Syawal. Dan bukan “1434H” tetapi 1435H. Malunya PAS! Mana nak sorok muka, ya?”

    I commented recently Kak Helen, that the majority of the PAS fellows are not religious scholars of the traditional Malay pedigree … it’s clear the leader of the pack is not of pedigree quality. How we have all suffered for decades from his abominable dictum of heresy upon the Malays:- the “Amanat Hadi Awang”!

    Just looking at those grinning aged sex offenders in their frontline posing as spokesmen for a supposedly religious organization is sickening.

  4. Dari sini kita dapat melihat siapa wajah sebenar mereka.
    Malanglah bagi puak pas dan pkr sekiranya mereka masih lagi buta.
    Buta mata dan buta hati.

  5. PAS yg dulu bukanlah yang sekarang,
    Dulu disanjung skg dah ditendang,

    Dulu-dulu kata UMNO sudah kafir,
    Sekarang PAS bahagia dgn evengelista pula…

  6. Dah pesan, ini semua mereka yang mula, mereka yang mengelabah sendiri.. masalah rumah tangga mereka so don’t masuk campur unnecessarily, betul tak Dandy.

    Satni macam jadi kat Dandy tu, tak pasai2 tala kat BN le, Mamak Kuttu dia la, UMNO la.. instead of solving their own internal problems.

    Masyallah.. Nak pilih one leader to lead them also cannot agree. Jenuh le macam ni. Yang dah dipilih plak tu bukan ANAK SELANGOR, isssh. Kalut kalut!

    Lepaih ni depa akan bergelut sesama sendiri berebut jawatan, contract dan macam2 lagi, tunggu sudah le.

    RM2m yearly given to private Chinese schools betoi ke? Is one of the school in Klng? Pasai neigbour sya tiba2 hantar anak lepasan SJKC dia jauh pi belajar sana?

    1. Nak submit nama Jijah kenala isi borang dulu. Surat beranak asal jgn lupa ya. Kena check bbetoi je yang dicatat nama ibu dan binti bapa kandung ke. Wiki kata dia born in Kedah (02)? Isssh, ada kata dia born in Singapore, ada kata born in Korea (71).

      Jgn pi interview bawa kipas aje ya..

      1. Hat yang Zairil lahir di hawaii, USA tu kena semak juga kalau masih warganegara Amerika. Kalau begitu layak ke jadi YB lagi? Entah-entah perisik.

  7. kifarat Allah swt itu benar… bila Pas bersubahat dgn tentera2 dajjal… awas bala yg dashat menanti PAS.

  8. Sdri HA, senario yg jelas sekarang ialah Pemimpin PKR aka Anuwaristas di bawah telunjuk DAPsters dan Parti PAS telah di ‘hijack’ oleh PKR. Maka yang telah dipergunakan oleh DAPsters adalah akarumbi PKR Dan PAS melalui pemimpin yg kurang cekap dalam arena politik. Pinhai.

  9. I haven’t heard anyone asking YB Wan Azizah directly on the prevailing issues, ie Bible, KIDEX, dengue, unutilized 3 billion, etc.

    I’m just wondering how she would tackle them.

    1. re: “I’m just wondering how she would tackle them.”

      With her glove and her fan.

      1. hahahaha….. biasa kipas tu org guna sebab panas… kipas jugak sebagai tanda kuat membodek… kipas juga orang guna sebagai alat memarakkan api….!

        tak tahulah kalau nak dikipasnya Sultan Selangor sebab nak sejukkan hati…..!

  10. PAS has lost the plot of their existence, for them their religious persona is not existent any more, Guess Dap and anwar have them wrapped around their fingers…… way to go PAS.

  11. lg malu besar Helen tolong tegur perbetulkan tarih dan tahun Hijrah. Helen mereka mmg tak malu tu tanda gelojoh… terutama mat sabun, stopa spender. takbir!!!

  12. “Ulama bil khair” (ulamak saleh dan bijak) tidak akan bercampur baur dengan selok-belok puak2 berkuasa atas pemerintahan masyarakat kecuali untuk memesan dan menegakkan prinsip2 mulia “maqasid al-sharia” (tujuan undang2) agama Islam.

    Akan tetapi sini ternampak “ulama bi su’u” (ulamak buruk) yang telah mengadaikan maruah diri sendiri demi mengacuhkan “hubbud dunya” (cinta keduniaan) – apalagi wakil2 mereka yang tidak terpelajar mengambil alih pentadbiran atas alasan “tahalluf siyasah”?

  13. Keputusan U-turn PAS ini sudah di jangka. Saya melihat keputusan ini dibuat lebih untuk “menjaga air muka PAS” sahaja yang sudah termalu akibat perbuatan 2 ADUN nya yg mengingkari Parti sekaligus seolah2 memaksa PAS tunduk kpd kehendak DAP dan PKR.

    PAS sedar, kalaupun mereka buat keputusan utk kekalkan Khalid, PKR dan DAP akan terus dgn agenda mereka. Bak kata orang, PKR dan DAP dah seolah berkata kepada PAS “Either you are with us or not, it does not matter. We don’t need your support.”

    PAS malu besar. Jilat balik ludah.

    Dari sini kita tahu puak Anwarista sudah menguasai PAS.

    Selamat tinggal PAS.

  14. 2 ADUN PAS tidak boleh dikenakan tindakan dispilin kerana keputusan mereka ternyata bertepatan dan selari dgn keputusan Parti terkini. Mereka berdua sudah Berjaya mengajar pimpinan PAS bagaimana membuat keputusan politik. Syabas.

  15. Aikkkk.. Sindrom 50 Januari Anwar pun dah berjangkit kat PAS? Hehehe.. orang tua dah kata, jangan berkawan dengan penyangak, nanti kita pun jadi pencuri ;)

  16. PAS ketinggalan zaman. Tarikh dan tahun hijrah tak betul. PAS peduli apa dgn perkara kontemporari. Mereka masih nyenyak dlm zaman awal Islam. Maka tindakan mereka semuanya berlandaskan logik dan rasional zaman tersebut yg mungkin tak sesuai lagi sekarang.

    Keputusan mesyuarat PAS yg ditinggalkan Presidennya semalam menampakkan tanda2 kejatuhan DS Abd Hadi dan TGNA serta golongan ulama. Tak heranlah PAS sekarang dah jadi hamba kpd Nuar dan LKS. Kasihan mereka.

  17. Nik Aziz mentioned hypocrites. Now it is clear that the hypocrites are in his party! PAS is doomed. They survived for so long becoz of their so called “Islamic” stand. With that gone.. what’s left?

  18. my goodness pas!demi ketum and dap, u-turns and ubah pendirian becomes a norm for pas.come on selangorians,what
    the heck!the ‘wala’
    pd anwar is

    i can’t stand
    watching the
    aging sex offenders (well said keris)
    mat sabu,anwar
    stopa ali’s
    faces grinning
    yucks!what more
    with kit siang and
    guan eng smiling slyly and
    hardcore willing
    pentaksub like
    list goes on.rm3
    billion is at stake
    i hope and pray
    tuanku sultan and
    tskhalid will be able to ‘disable’ and
    them once and for
    all….for the good of our beloved Negaraku….amin

  19. Kak Helen,

    Sorry. Need to highlight this.

    Remember your posting on Bajungu (Thanks without your blog I would not even know such groups exists.) The Bajungu have started their terror.

    (Courtesy Datuk Huan Cheng Guan FB)

    “At 10:45pm (about 3 hours ago), one of my FB friends, Ong Eu Soon, got badly beaten-up by the Penang PPS (Pasukan Peronda Sukarela) – The state-sanctioned goon squad in purple.

    52 years old Ong is an environmentalist, and activist and a native Penang lang. He has also worked with the NGO, ALIRAN.

    Recently, he has been very vocal about the RM6.3 billion Penang Tunnel project.”

    “I used to respect this guy – who is more level headed than the tokong – but with this posting I am disgusted. “The Penang PPS is headed by DAP ADUN Sg Puyu, YB Phee Boon Poh, an EXCO for the Penang State Govt.”

    This is a video of YB Phee wearing the PPS purple uniform:


    Penang Gangster is real unlike KL Gangster which is fiction as it is State organized. The sad thing is that UMNO is always blamed for Mat Rempit gangsters but the real terror are the Penang Tenglang DAP Gangster.

    Ingat DAPster Ingat Gangster.

        1. You should see what the reader’s of Malaysiakini say. The Pakatoon are such brainless zombies that I belief their each side of their brains are on each side of their testicles (like their leader’s husband in Kajang)

          Vijay47 I think the biggest surprise in this article is the accompanying photo – the police officer is an Indian! And a corporal at that. Wow, what opportunities in the Malaysian Police Force! Another 20 years of faithful service, Ravesh Nair, and you might even make it to sergeant!
          2 hours ago | Report

          James_3392 He looks like a Chinese Mamak, a real trouble maker,If he really got beaten up, I guess he must had done things which irritate ppl so much that ppl just beat him up. when one accepts such a role, he is usually well paid for it, as it does go with some degree of professional hazard. He has the right to make police report,but the final analysis is: if you like to eat salted fish don’t complain if you are thirsty
          3 hours ago | Report

          concerned1 As usual, the pea brain BN politiians is paying many shameless people to do sandiwara. The more they do, the more people will despise them !! ULtimate Stupid morons!!
          3 hours ago | Report

          YF Vice as in VICE. You dont need brains to be a VICE crook for BN.
          3 hours ago | Report

          concerned1 MY advice to those people who aspire for public office, rather than trying so hard to find every oppurunity to put Penang Pakatan govt in bad light, why not focus your energy on doing good deeds? this will be more effective . You look stupid if you think PEnang ppl are stupid !
          3 hours ago | Report

          Anonymous_1396929433 Who in Penang wants attention and publicity ? Who in Penang make such a big deal raising bail for Karpal driver ? Yes you got it, after that all is quiet.after that . So kill 2 birds with one stone they get one or two Penang UMNO or Perkasa chap dress in PPS uniform and here is the give away uses helmet to whack him a bit break his spectacles and get the so call public to intervene. Look at the picture , does he look like a man who is seriously battered and assaulted? It is all part of drama Mingus ini gone badly wrong.

      1. The word is Hokkien for a Chinese person. It can also mean lantern in Hokkien depending on the intonation.

        1. It also denotes ‘orang tinggi’ as opposed to the rest of Penang langs. Thus the lansi behaviour among the Cina Penang towards the non-Cinas.

    1. This is a very serious issue since Ong Eu Soon is a main critic of the Tokong-led regime in Penang. I think this is a planned attack intended to sent a chilling message to all opponents of the Dear Leader.

      PPS is the Penang’s version of Nazi’s Brown Shirts. Thugs masquarading as people’s volunteers. This is not the first time they attack civilians – they have attacked even reporters before and tend to be personal bodyguard to the Dear Leader. Sort of the Presidential Protection Squad.

      There have been many complaints even by the police. I have heard even the police officers complaining how these thugs setting up road blocks and checking ICs and usurping the police power. They have known to contain many shady characters including criminals and triad members.

      I cannot imagine the coverage by the local media had this happened to a pro-Pakatan NGO leader by RELA. They would have gone ape shit.

      1. The Dapsters are downplaying the assault as well as trying to discredit the victim.

        Predictably, they’re also deflecting the blame to a purported Umno plot and saying that the gangsters are Umno hired guns masquerading as bajungu.

          1. But of course. “It’s all Umno’s fault”.

            Even the weather they can accuse as being “racist”.


            1. The Star is super silent. Nothing. Remember this was reported by Malaysiakini by the reporter who fell out with LGE.

              Ah Wong’s reporters of course conveniently do not report the incident.

              1. Thanks.

                Would appreciate if you could help monitor The J, and update me further on this.

                Have you come across Ong Eu Soon’s close-up photo (following the assault) in Facebook? In the Malaysiakini article, his eye looks swollen but it’s not the side of his face facing the camera, so can’t see clearly his injury.

                But the Yahudi Yeohs are really sick in their trying to defend the indefensible.

  20. too many PAS people in DAP goverment, probably got imbuhan dari DSAI or whatsoever.. receive high salary… so payback time la… sudah terhutang budi maa….

  21. The Dapsters even dragged Edmund Bon and New Sin Yew, Khalid’s lawyers, into this MB issue, calling them traitors. What are these people ?

  22. Nak bagi depa sakit hati lagi senang saja.Khalid with Sultans blessing bubarkan the majlis and have an election. With all this huha the Selangor people are fedup with Pkr and Pas, untung untung UMNO menang. Padan muka depa. Tak kan la orang SELANGOR nak bagi Jijah merentah Selangor kut, malu malu. DUIT pun depa nak balun, Islam pun depa nak jual.

  23. Ulamak2 PAS ditikam dua kali semalam berkaitan nama kedua calon MB @ Azmin Ali. Pagi ditikam oleh Anwarinas PAS, petang ditikam oleh Evalingestas DAP.

    Sebab itu tarikh hijrah semalam tidak ujud. Fatwa Mat Sabu,

  24. Undang2 Tubuh Negeri Selangor :-

    Perkara 53 (3) Menteri Besar tidak boleh dipilih dari kalangan warganegara Malaysia yang memiliki kewarganegaraan secara “naturalisasi” dan juga kewarganegaraan mengikut Perkara 17 Perlembagaan Malaysia.

    So can Wan Azizah or even Azmin Ali both born in Singapore (71) qualify as MB Selangor?

  25. Dandy busy writing suggestion to TPM to suggest a Wow factor for BN because currently all brain dead. Even with all the advisors, consultants, kaki politik hebat, govt servants, etc, at least he now knows what should have been known long long time ago.

    There are no more talented people in UMNO. Most have left overseas or joined PAS, PKR, DAP.

    Even the beautiful and cun ones are now with the opposition parties.

    Here are some WoW factors for the TPM to consider the survival of BN:

    1. Since MCA no more represent the Chinese, it would be more feasible to kick them out and invite DAP to join Barisan with LKS as one of the TPM?

    2. Invite Hadi to become a TPM and leave Pas and be BN friendly together with all his ulamas and supporters?

    3. Give the TPM post to one of the East Malaysians and give them back their autonomy? They were not states but independent countries when they decided to join Malaysia and should remain so. Otherwise, Malaysia may become Malaya again later and we will miss one more holiday ie 16 Sept when Malaysia was formed.

    4. Finally disband UMNO and their component parties and subcontracted parties and make it one big party called BN. Throw away the outdated Agama, Bangsa, Negara slogan and adopt DAP’s
    Malaysian Malaysia slogan or 1 Malaysia.

    5. If all these fails, throw away the Constitution and disband all political parties and let the Rulers rule like Brunei, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait etc.

    6. If lagi fail, be like Thailand declare martial law and get ruled by Generals and Admirals.

    Mesti sembab Dan gagap dapat cadangan ni.

    Go get a life if you don’t like these!

    1. re: “Since MCA no more represent the Chinese, it would be more feasible to kick them out and invite DAP to join Barisan”

      Nice try, Beanie.

    2. The drama is about PKR+DAP+PAS, comedy produced and directed by Pakatan.. BN and UMNO only audience la Dandy.. Nak kasi rating or critic click on the right buttons ya..

      Bila you all nak buat scenes on road demos? Your drama is not complete without it, now PAS already back as usual can ask them to guling2 infront of Istana owh..

    3. Kalau hidup hanya bergantung kpd mimpi jgn pandai2 nak beri nasihat kpd bijak pandai dlm UMNO/BN.

    4. Let us support PAS Introduce hudud to all. Potong tangan especially yang lari cukai pendapatan and those selling pirated CDs/DVDs.

      Mandatory stoning for sodomite and nudist.

      Stoning for pig farmers who pollute the river until good citizens get JE.

      Get a life.

    5. I like no 5. we return what is theirs from the beginning. what happened here is due to the meddling of the colonials of the past era. we hv predicted the Rulers will soon restore this country back to sanity that’s what going to happen in the not so distant future. fuck-atoon gila!

    1. You’re an identity thief.

      Takde benda lain yang korang buat selain asyik menyamar, menipu, memfitnah dan mencuri.

  26. Cerita Illusi dan nasihat kepada mereka yang tak kenal kawan.

    UMNO ni memang muka tak erti malu tau tak?

    Dulu-dulu keji PAS bermacam-macam seperti anjing terutama kat Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Perak, Pahang, Johor. Lepas tu nampak peluang merampas Selangor melalui pintu belakang terus cuba berbaik balik dan cadang UG dengan kata bermuafakat lah, saudara seagama lah, sebangsa lah dll. Kan terang dan bersuluh kawan macam ni dipanggil oportunis namanya.

    Tak hormat parti PAS lansung. Apa? Dia ingatkan parti dan ahlinya semua biol dan bodoh ke? Tak de intelek ke?

    Dengan perangai macam ni, demi survival politik, UMNO sanggup buat apa pon. Jadi, tak heran suatu hari nanti , cuba pulak bergabung dengan DAP atau PKR.

    Kalau dapat kawan sabagini, agaknya berapa lama boleh menipu kawan sebelum ditinggalkan berseorangan?

    Ni cuma nasihat kepada parti-parti komponen BN yang masih berkawan dengan UMNO.

    Jangan jadi soh cai!


    1. ‘UMNO ni memang muka tak erti malu tau tak?’

      …MUKA TAK RETI MALU lah SOH HAI, tak tau ka? Go get yourself into kelas BM lah BONGOK!

      1. jangan marah dia islam 1st. dia tengah buat lawak tu. kita kena ingat dia ni serupa badut kat sarkis. hanya badut saja yang gelak tiap kali lepas cakap. jom kita gelak kesian kat dia. ha….ha…..ha….ha….ha….ha

    2. Najib tak kata apa pun, relax make donno aje siap pergi cuti lagi la Dandy.

      Sendiri bikin kalut sendiri mengelabah, berebut jawatan macam berebut Minion kat McDonald’s aje ni?

      why like that wan Dandy? Anyway belajar sabar banyak2. Negeri Selangor tak lari pi mana.

  27. pkr and pas people both have problem with figures and numbers, not forgetting dapsters. recall; 20 january, similar to 1434 hijrah. that dapster, i can’t recall their blunder.. about some projects there.

    Apa dandy cakap fasal smart people in fuck-katoon? how to rule? tunggang langgang all the numbers and figures.

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