Posted in Duri dalam Daging

Perkasa needs a new president

Five news items from this long weekend:

5. “NEVER question the loyalty and patriotism of the Malaysian Chinese towards our beloved nation, Malaysia.” – MCA (Ti Lian Ker, Religious Harmony Bureau chairman)

Bersih 4 Cina benci

4. “No doubt he was the star of the Bersih 4 rally.” – The Malaysian Insider on how the crowd wildly “applauded and cheered” Tun Mahathir

Source: TMI (‘Winners and losers in Bersih 4’ editorial)

Bersih 4 Cina sayang Tun

3. “I am here to express my anger at Najib.” – Clare Rewcastle at the Bersih assembly in London and sharing the stage with Marina Mahathir

Source: Malaysiakini (‘The irony of Najib’s 1Malaysia’)

Bersih 4 London Marina Clare

2. “Every step at Bersih is for [my daughter’s] generation!” – Hannah Yeoh, even though Grandpapa Dapster, Papa Dapster and Mama Dapster all failed to wear the Bersih T-shirt

Bersih 4 Dapster family sloganless

1. “Perkasa condemns the act by insolent Chinese youths who stepped on Hadi’s photo.” – Ibrahim Ali … but Perkasa not offended that Najib’s photo was also stepped on at the same time?

Umno should get Perkasa a new president.

Tukar angin will be beneficial for Malay unity.

Perkasa job ad


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

38 thoughts on “Perkasa needs a new president

  1. Timely reminder, Thank you…. Wonder what was he thinking of when making THAT comment…

    Likewise, DAP should also have in place a new set of leaders. Weary of aged old timer who promoted BERSIH, yet dare not wear their official T-shirt. Bunch of hypocrites.

  2. Dear Aunty Helen,
    I don’t think that Ibrahim Ali listens to UMNO. He seems to be a Dr. Mahathir’s supporter. By the way, does Aunty Helen have any idea why Dr. M attended Bersih 4 with Zaid and not Ibrahim Ali together with his PERKASA members?
    TMI is happy with Dr. Mahathir today.

    1. re: “I don’t think that Ibrahim Ali listens to UMNO.”

      No, he doesn’t. That’s why it is in Umno’s best interest to have him replaced with someone else, wink.

      re: “He seems to be a Dr. Mahathir’s supporter.”

      Yes, he is. Perkasa claims to have 500,000 members. Umno could do with these votes in GE14. Nudge, nudge.

      re: “By the way, does Aunty Helen have any idea why Dr. M attended Bersih 4 with Zaid and not Ibrahim Ali together with his PERKASA members?”

      If you look at the poster above, both Tun and Zaid are wearing blue checked shirts that look very alike. Urm, they wanted to show off their matching baju?

      re: “TMI is happy with Dr. Mahathir today.”

      I hope the new AG is looking into the police investigation paper on TMI following the police report made by the Rulers Council on the portal’s seditious article. TMI should be shut down.

      1. “Yes, he is. Perkasa claims to have 500,000 members. Umno could do with these votes in GE14. Nudge, nudge.”

        Irrelevant. Those 500,000 are probably also UMNO members or at least will vote for UMNO at the next elections. These guys are pro Malay and Islam so they will never risk the chance of the oppo taking over. Unless they become a full-fledged political party, their members will continue to be a fixed deposit for UMNO.

        And I think stepping on Najib’s photo is totally justified. Most people, and possibly even you, believe that he’s guilty of embezzlement and definitely guilty of dismantling the legal system to serve his own needs, as Dr M has said. So I say, step away!

        1. Oh my….what have your parents been teaching you? What a waste of all the man hours spent by your teachers since kindergartens up till secondary school? Is this kind of moral they produce bringing you up? And the priest….oh what did they preached during all those sermon?

          The act you prescribe is simply a futile gesture displaying the shallowness of your mind. Very infantile and quite immoral. This act will debase your goal, your ethnicity, your nation and the company you keep. Flag burning is better.

          ahmadalikarim stay away from these kind of people. Simply not fit as a role model and very less so a parent.

          Go get neutered WTJ. If you already have children send them to foster home or orphanage so they can become proper human. All the best for aussies and kiwis, i wouldn’t wish this guy upon zionist jews.

          1. “Go get neutered WTJ. If you already have children send them to foster home or orphanage so they can become proper human.”

            Another UMNO lackey. Prepared to let a guy off the hook that everyone, including Dr M can see is guilty as sin, but chastises me for my suggestion on what should be done to his master. Clearly your religion has done nothing to better your moral makeup. What a hypocrite of the highest order.

            “This act will debase your goal, your ethnicity, your nation and the company you keep”

            Bwahahaha. That’s the funniest load of bs I have ever read. Have you forgotten to take your meds again?

            1. Don’t show too much of your bad side la WTJ. Show some good example to children in here.
              Your reply seemingly pointless. “Political hypocrite” for calling you a morally deprived person unfit to raise a child seems a bit inadequate. And your laughter had the effect of strengthening my view of the person you are. I wouldn’t want to be your parents. Your father is lucky he’s not legally required to put his full name behind your name like we muslim do, otherwise he would have to get the bedazzler nail polish set so he wouldn’t be bored from looking at his toenail all day long.
              And thank you for the reminder.

              1. “And your laughter had the effect of strengthening my view of the person you are”

                When posed with stupidity, what else do you expect me to do?

                “Political hypocrite” for calling you a morally deprived person unfit to raise a child seems a bit inadequate”

                Since you have clearly given support to a man who is above the law, you should be the the last person to be judging someone else’s morality. But I wouldn’t expect a hypocrite such as yourself to understand this.

                “Your father is lucky he’s not legally required to put his full name behind your name like we muslim do, otherwise he would have to get the bedazzler nail polish set so he wouldn’t be bored from looking at his toenail all day long.”

                Really mature. How old are you again? Wonder what Najib’s father thought of him?

            2. Stepping on someone’s photo is justified? Let me guess, you are one of those people who finds beating up a driver for causing an accident justifiable.

              Rude is rude. Bad bahaviour is never justified, whether stepping on someone’s face, peeing on someone’s storefront or raking in millions illegally.

              1. Agreed Orangkampung, but only when you are dealing with someone who respects the law and is subjected to it. Najib has made a mockery of the system and has displayed tyrannical behaviour to avoid a fair trial/investigation. When someone like him oversteps the mark, and there is no other way of bringing him down, sometimes one has to resort to rude behaviour.

                Anyway, whatever the case is, I still think UMNO supporters prepared to stick with him for the sake of defending the fort have essentially sold out and are no better than the opposition supporters they accuse of as being hypocrites.

                1. Agree but with exception….how very DAP EVANGELIST of you. Very transient on where your stand is. For 30+ years Tun M is firaun and the next day he is the nation savior? Watch it. You might change your tune on Najib tomorrow if he is of use to you.

                  My stand is clear. Anybody who steps on anybody’s picture in a display of hate and anger, are rude, stupid, immoral, unfit to raise a child and an embarassment to their parents. Doubly so for the hypocrite who tries to justify and defend them.

                  1. Your first mistake is to assume that I am pro opposition/DAP. But that’s a common viewpoint shared by most on here about anyone who is critical of UMNO, and I have no idea why. Just like Helen changed her mind and started supporting UMNO, I have switched over, but in my case it’s the opposition by default.

                    Don’t get me wrong, I was critical of Dr M at the time and still am, but you can never accuse the man of selling his country out the way Najib has.

                    I applaud Dr M for modernising the country but never bought into his idea of rapid population growth to achieve economic growth, and I think we are suffering for it now. In saying that, he at least seemed genuine about wanting what’s best, and there for garnered the support of all the races.

                    “My stand is clear. Anybody who steps on anybody’s picture in a display of hate and anger, are rude, stupid, immoral, unfit to raise a child and an embarassment to their parents”

                    Fair enough, but I also recall a conspicuous silence over here when Fr Lawrence’s effigy was being burnt during the whole “Allah” issue a couple of years ago. Double standards?

                    I view Najib as a thief who stole some of my money with the 1MDB fiasco and got away with it. If a thief breaks into your house and steals your money, I think stepping on his polaroid will actually be a rather kind gesture.

                    1. I wonder who started to call me UMNO lackey….but now cant stand being call a DAP evangelist. If you cant take a punch, dont dish it out. Now that you had “clearly” shown to us what a lalang you are, let me rephrase and redirect. Are you going to teach your daughter that stepping on your picture/burning your effigy when she is throwing a tantrum is morally acceptable? Now, dont deflect, dont bring politics into it, leave out najib, mahathir, the lims and hannah. Just answer the question, yes or no.

                      My silence does not mean i agree with the act of burning effigy in anger. I find it rude, counter productive and cowardly, a useless act. I support the cause, not the act. That is where we differ. You are trying to justify the act by using the cause. That was your mistake.

                    2. “I wonder who started to call me UMNO lackey….but now cant stand being call a DAP evangelist.”

                      Please lah, Helen, yourself and many others on here will call anyone who is against UMNO a DAP evangelist, and it’s pretty pathetic. Some of us are just anti UMNO. Based on how you have responded to any criticism of UMNO historically however, I think me calling you a lackey of UMNO’s is somewhat justifiable. Must have hit a nerve.

                      “Now, dont deflect, dont bring politics into it, leave out najib, mahathir, the lims and hannah”

                      Who’s the lalang now? You questioned me about my support for Dr M so I obviously had to reply with an explanation.

                      “Are you going to teach your daughter that stepping on your picture/burning your effigy when she is throwing a tantrum is morally acceptable?”

                      Obviously not, but there are gray areas in life and there are always exceptions. I don’t believe in murder for example but if someone killed my mother in front of me, there’s no telling how I would react. In my opinion and many others as well, Najib is a thief and has bastardised the system, and we can’t get rid of him by using the law as the law has been thrown out the window, so…

                      And I find your holier than thou attitude sickening to be honest, and incredibly hypocritical. You accuse me as being unfit to raise a kid based on this comment I made, which tells me all I need to know about your level of intelligence and maturity.

                      Well, let me ask you something. You support a party that favours one race over the others, are you going to tell your kids that that’s ok from a moral standpoint?

                      You are also throwing your support behind a party led by a man most of us believe is a thief, are you happy to tell your children that it’s morally acceptable as the end justifies the means?

                      None of us are perfect and most of us are seriously flawed. I am willing to accept that I am. If you are going to always take the moral high ground when judging others, you’re going to come across looking like a right old twat.

                    3. Good to know that you are keeping score. Very mature indeed to preach for rudeness, a flaw in every sense,. Your anology on murder is also flawed unless you are commiting the murder. I stand by my statement that you are unfit to raise a child because we do not teach children politics of hate like DAP supporter..oops anti UMNO person does.

                      Bored already…but i’ll be around next time you slip, on my higher moral ground of course. Later snake…

                    4. ‘None of us are perfect and most of us are seriously flawed.’

                      ‘Must have hit a nerve.’ kan WTJ?

                      ‘Based on how you have responded to any criticism of UMNO historically however, I think me calling you a lackey of UMNO’s is somewhat justifiable.’

                      Ini memang satu penipuan. Memang kaki fitnah la korang. Aku yang dah ikut blog ni bertahun pun, sejak tengok AE kat sini, tak tau dia sokong UMNO ke tak? AE banyak hentam korang je, tapi aku jarang pula terbaca dia mempertahankan UMNO buta tuli??

                      Ada ke AE?

                      Atau kau memang suka tuduh semua Melayu sebagai UMNO lackey sebab kau pun pembenci Melayu tegar?!

                      Siapalah Melayu without their UMNO masters, ye dak WTJ??

                    5. “Bored already…but i’ll be around next time you slip, on my higher moral ground of course. Later snake…”

                      Haha, typical response from someone who just got his arse handed to him. Couldn’t answer any of my questions about his own hypocrisies. AE comes in with his bat swinging, but leaves the arena looking like a chump, as usual.

                      Islam1st, like other have told you, every time you speak, you keep on digging a bigger hole for yourself. I know you have been butthurt before by my comments, and hence I try to go easy on you these days. Walk away.

                    6. Layan bersihkan litterbox kucing lebih berfaedah dari melayan WTJ ni bro. X banyak beza dia dengan najib yg dia benci tu. Bila menjawab soalan berpusing pusing. Ditanya soalan direct dia mengelak. Apa bezanya mempertahankll

                    7. re: “Bila menjawab soalan berpusing pusing. Ditanya soalan direct dia mengelak.”

                      Evaneglista lah tu.

                    8. ‘Walk away.’

                      Seeing a Muslim not to your liking again WTJ?

                      BTW ko bila nak berambus? Oh wait, belum jumpa rumah kebajikan orang tua kat NZ ke? Or was it Oz?

                  2. Mempertahankan rasuah cara najib dengan cara dia justify perbuatan takde adap dia tu. Kuat fitnah pulak tu.

    1. re: “Sometimes I swear Umno is its own worst enemy.”

      Umno has a strong suicidal tendency.

      Umno is also masochistic – such a sucker for self-inflicted punishment.

      But I do have a small piece of good news. Salleh Said Keruak has hit the ground running, and so far so good! His performance has exceeded expectations.

      Two-and-half years to 2018 is a short, pressing period to try and rescue BN.

      1. Very true. I hate him but I have to admit SSK is doing what a communications minister should be doing. And at least he’s increasing exposure on Sabah and Sarawak in the media.

        1. It’s possible he is a natural born talent.

          I believe Zam was effective but Zam had got a long career in journalism prior and experience of a top position in Utusan . So for Zam to have a hang of the job is wholly understandable.

          SSK … suddenly thrown into the deep end because BN and his boss Najib are faring so badly in the war of perception. Perhaps SSK is one of those characters who thrive in adversity and chronic situations bring out the best in them.

          I hope he and Rahman Dahlan will team up to be the BN’s dynamic duo. They have something in common. ARD is the current MP Kota Belud while SSK is the former MP Kota Belud. It could be all the eels they’ve been eating – brain food.

          1. Long before the RM2.6B imbroglio, ARD was the only BN MP with a social media presence who stood up to the Dap bullies, and for that I admired him. So when he landed the strategic comms position it was long overdue.

            SSK came into the limelight when he was actively backing up Najib and became a favorite soundbite for TV3 when they were on their Tun-bashing ride, and for that I totally disliked him. When he was made the communications minister I was expecting disaster, but yeah, he’s effective.

            So now there are two people in the cabinet who I can objectively say are doing good at what they should be doing and yet I’m conflicted because I wish they were doing it under a different PM.

            1. re: “I wish they were doing it under a different PM”

              I suppose we just have to bite the bullet and accept things (situation) as they are, rather than what we desire them to be.

              1. ‘Umno has a strong suicidal tendency.’

                Yup. Najib is leading the way.

                ‘Salleh Said Keruak has hit the ground running, and so far so good! His performance has exceeded expectations.’

                Funny you’d say so. Any chance he’s been channeling you too, with this, ‘It won’t be just Datuk Seri Najib Razak who will fall, but the entire Barisan Nasional (BN) government if a no-confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds in Parliament, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak said today. – See more at:

                ‘Umno should get Perkasa a new president.’

                Ibrahim Ali is doing just fine. But then again, ‘cash is king’, kan Helen?

                1. re: “Ibrahim Ali is doing just fine.”

                  What a waste of 500,000 members. I doubt that Isma has even a fraction (5% – 10%) of the Perkasa membership but Isma is far more effective.

                  1. ‘Isma is far more effective.’

                    Yes, especially in the social media. But I would like to believe that Perkasa, with 500K members, operate in manners not privy to many of us here.

          2. Salleh moulded since very young. Even not in politics he was already very involved with his father’s people in the USNO days esp fm Kota Belud.

            I witnessed how this family interacted daily with their people, something you will never see done here by LKS, LEG, Teresa Kok, Hannah or any other DAP reps!

            Suppose that is also why Bung is very popular. Jiwa rakyat. Bantu rakyat. Berada bersama rakyat.

            I don’t know what sort of bombastic empty promises the DAP is feeding their voters.

            Kesian betoi bila pikiaq.

  3. Kenapa Ibrahim Ali berdiam dan kelihatan serba salah untuk sokong Mahathir atau Najib?

    a) Dia mahu Najib tapi sayang Mahathir
    b) Dia dapat kontrak maka tak patut untuk serang Najib
    c) Dia tidak sedar diri dan sebenarnya mahu jadi PM
    d) Dia orang Kelantan, maka jawapannya “all the above”

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