Posted in Evangelis

Duit kerajaan Selangor disalurkan kepada Gereja City Harvest yang skandal itu

Ada wujud konspirasi Kristian, rasa-rasanya, di kalangan beberapa media utama bahasa Inggeris untuk sengaja menenggelamkan skandal gereja yang ada kaitan dengan Subang Jaya.

Penyelewengan berjuta-juta dolar Singapura oleh paderi Gereja City Harvest membabitkan cawangan Malaysianya yang beralamat di Subang Jaya.

Seorang kaunsilor Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) yang merupakan Pembantu Khas Hannah Yeoh juga pernah terlibat kegiatan rasminya, iaitu pendaftaran pemilih, yang diadakan di Gereja City Harvest Subang Jaya.

Hannah sendiri memberi sumbangan derma kepada gereja tersebut dengan mengambil daripada dana peruntukan kawasan DUNnya.

Lihat siapa yang berada di atas pentas – berdiri tiga dari kiri – sebaris dengan Reverend Kong Hee, pengasas Gereja City Harvest

Sudah dua minggu skandal ini meletup di Singapura namun media bahasa Inggeris tempatan – yang mempunyai pembaca beragama Kristian – memilih untuk mendiam sahaja.

Ia sebenarnya cerita besar sehingga mendapat perhatian Timbalan Perdana Menteri Singapura merangkap Menteri Dalam Negeri. Jumlah wang yang disonglap adalah S$50 juta yang kalau ditukar ringgit Malaysia ialah RM125 juta. Bukannya sedikit.

Seramai 17 individu yang terlibat dengan Gereja City Harvest disiasat polis dan lima paderi beserta orang kanan gereja didakwa di mahkamah Singapura. Ini kes yang sudah diambil tindakan oleh pihak berkuasa dan tidak setakat gosip kopitiam.

Rajiv Rishyakaran ialah Pembantu Khas Hannah Yeoh yang diberikan jawatan kaunsilor MPSJ di bawah kuota DAP. Antara pembantu-pembantu Hannah yang pernah diletakkan sebagai kaunsilor MPSJ ialah Edward Ling, dan sekarang bergilir digantikan Ken Chia atau nama penuh Chia Yew Ken.

Kalau Rajiv menjalankan kempen mendaftar pemilih baru di Gereja City Harvest, bosnya Hannah pula memberi sokongan kepada City Harvest Church Blood Donation Drive.

Mengikut butiran baucer tuntutannya pada bulan April 2009, Hannah menderma sebanyak RM2,000 kepada program tersebut dengan menggunakan peruntukan DUNnya.

Peruntukan satu-satu DUN – khabarnya sejuta ringgit setahun yang diterima setiap Adun Pakatan serta ditambah lagi imbuhan daripada Geran Selangorku – adalah sebahagian daripada belanjawan Selangor. Bermakna duit kerajaan negeri yang Hannah serahkan kepada Gereja City Harvest.

Walhal kariah di surau-surau Ijok mendakwa tidak pernah pun menerima sebarang bentuk bantuan daripada YB Ijok sejak 2008.


Skandal penyelewengan wang gereja itu dilaporkan saban hari oleh media arus perdana Singapura termasuk Straits Times dan turut mendapat liputan media serantau serta antarabangsa.

Ia begitu panas dibincangkan di media sosial Singapura (Twitter, Facebook, forum talian, dsb) tetapi ia senyap di Malaysia, negara jiran terdekat.

Biasanya kalau ada kisah sensasi, pasti ia akan hebahkan oleh media. Lagi sensasi lagi laris jualan suratkhabar.

Namun The Star pula sebaliknya!

Tak masuk akal (it makes no business sense) suratkhabar itu mahu kuburkan cerita kecuali dengan tujuan untuk menutup aib penganut Kristian.

Tekad Star tidak ubah seperti langkah menapis yang diambil oleh laman sesawang gereja evangelis Malaysia tentang perkembangan skandal Gereja City Harvest ini.

Sebenarnya sebelum ini pun ada beberapa kali The Star ketara menenggelamkan cerita negatif tentang Hannah Yeoh.

Manakala akhbar milik MCA itu sering pula mempromosi personaliti serta memberi publisiti elok kepada politikus evangelis DAP, umpamanya Teo Nie Ching iaitu rakan Selendang Squad si Hannah yang gemar menodai masjid dan surau.

Mungkin Chua Soi Lek harus dimaklumkan supaya MCA boleh meninjau sama ada terdapat musuh dalam selimut dalam jentera partinya.

Puak evangelistas* amat giat di alam media sosial di mana pengaruh mereka kian menular di kalangan golongan muda-mudi.

Seorang blogger bergelar Desmond (screenshot atas — mendakwa bahawa kakitangan Gereja City Harvest telah menyumbang bantuan tenaga kerja sukarela di pejabat DUN Hannah Yeoh.

Dilaporkan Hannah juga dijemput sebagai tetamu kehormat di acara pembukaan Gereja City Harvest di mana bintang DAP itu memberi ucapan ringkas kepada hadirin — lihat gambar atas sekali.

Ciri pengikut ‘cult’ yang berjaya dicuci otak diperlihatkan melalui ketaksuban mereka kepada pemimpin idola. Ciri ini jelas ada pada DAPsters.

Lebih-lebih lagi perangai evangelistas menghina orang lain sebagai “low class” sudah terbawa-bawa ke persada politik kita.

Dakwah berkesan perlu kuasa politik?

Seterusnya baca: Link between City Harvest Church and DUMC’s Dream Center


* Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Sharifah dan pembaca-pembaca lain yang memperkenalkan istilah ‘evangelistas’ di blog ini serta kepada Calvin Sankaran yang mendedahkan kaitan Hannah dengan Gereja City Harvest KL-Subang Jaya.

Bersambung daripada:

Skandal gereja Singapura-KL, murtad, superstar dan gejala cuci otak

Kiasu-ism, the secret of City Harvest Church’s success / And Hannah was there


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

37 thoughts on “Duit kerajaan Selangor disalurkan kepada Gereja City Harvest yang skandal itu

  1. Barisan Nasional have to put their house in order. This party MCA one mah, just want to tumpang other people strength. If they cannot put their newspaper to toe the line , then lets forget them. Sounds like they are a two bladed sword (pisau dua mata).

    I guess if their tactics is that whichever way who won the election (if race is their priority) then we are suckers! The electorates of the majority has to see these factors. MCA has lost the confidence of the people that they are representing.

    MCA has to be aggresive and be a formidable partner in BN to fight alongside their peers in BN. Its no point their leaders talking of issues, seemingly pro BN whereas the media they has says otherwise. Its totally does not compute!

    1. MCA sudah tidak boleh diharapkan lagi. Lebih baik UMNO berusaha dengan parti2 komponen BN yang lain.

  2. If the Selangor Govt have handed money over to a scam, Khalid Ibrahim and the ExCo members need to take responsibility and be accountable for the donation decision. Don’t wait for Tuanku to intervene again on behalf of the people.

    First question will be why the Selangor Govt provides financial backing to the Crossover Project in particular.

    1. Good question. The BN-MCA shadow team for Subang Jaya ought to take it up.

      Hannah’s 2k donation (S’gor state money allocated for Aduns) was for the City Harvest Church’s blood donation drive. Presumably it’s a local project by the Subang Jaya CH church itself.

      (1) However the question remains: Which aspect of the dodgy Crossover Project crossed the Causeway to Subang Jaya?

      (2) The most important aspect to be investigated is the S$2.1 million [RM5.25 m] laundered through the KL-Subang Jaya CH church. Were there any banking irregularities in moving such a huge amount of fake donations? Is the church registered in the first place to be a legitimate recipient of purported charitable ‘donations’?

      (3) This cult business that is propelling the DAP’s electoral good fortune; I believe that in other parts of the world, cults are monitored by the authorities.

    2. “Khalid Ibrahim and the ExCo members need to take responsibility and be accountable for the donation decision”.

      Looking at the way they responded to the Talam incident, their next course of action could be yet another round of lawsuits, that is the moment someone/some group(s) came out with even more incriminating evidence that they can’t even retort. And of course, their reason being that filling a lawsuit is necessary to protect the good name of the state government. Err…….did they say “the good name of the Pakatan state government ?”

  3. This perfect Helen. Finally you’ve put your neck out there with a very serious allegation. I hope you have facts as proof and not your usual bs. And I hope the relevant people read this.

    1. The voucher number for her claim is OG 0570 and the cheque no. is 979229.

      Since you insist I usually write bullshit, why do you keep coming back for more?

      1. To clarify, the voucher I’m referring to concerns Hannah’s RM2,000 contribution for the blood donation drive by the City Harvest Church of KL-Subang Jaya.

        Yes, the S$2.1 million figure against the church is a serious claim. See screenshot of report by Asia One (a portal that is a part of the Singapore Press Holdings). Other mainstream Singapore media have reported the channelling of the secret funds wrt the Crossover Project via Malaysia with the money rerouted to the pastor and his wife in the US.

        The misappropriation of the church funds is among the multiple fraud charges laid against the pastor and his four associates in the Singapore courts.

  4. Am I missing something here ? The RM 2,000 donation happened in 2009, way before the scandal in Singapore was uncovered. It was from Hannah Yeoh’s ADUN allocation, so why drag the state government into this ?

    1. kenapa nak libatkan kerajaan negeri selangor ? kenapa tidak ? dana adun tu untuk kegunaan kawasan subang jaya. dah sah hasnah yeop meyeleweng. guna dana adun untuk aktiviti gereja. saya nak tanya kak helen, pada pendapat anda, adakan pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan akan membuka siasatan terhadap hasnah yeop ?

      1. (1) Saya berharap pihak berkuasa kita akan membuka siasatan terhadap Gereja City Harvest KL-Subang Jaya atas dakwaan-dakwaan jenayah yang dikemukakan oleh polis Singapura dan dibawa ke mahkamah Singapura – sepertimana yang telah dilaporkan media Singapura – tentang peranan gereja CH KL-SJ ini mengalih $S2.1 juta daripada akaun gelap si pastor itu ke Amerika Syarikat untuk membiayai kerjaya nyanyian pop isterinya.

        (2) Juga apakah status Gereja City Harvest KL-Subang Jaya? Adakah ia mempunyai tauliah untuk beroperasi sebagai satu badan keagamaan? Apa status bangunan mereka? ruj. acara pembukaan/pelancaran bangunan di mana Hannah Yeoh dijemput sebagai tetamu kehormat untuk memberi ucapan.

        Kita akan masih ingat bahawa bangunan Dream Centre (di mana acara DUMC itu berlangsung) tidak berstatus permit gereja tetapi sebaliknya Seksyen 13, PJ tempat letaknya dewan serbaguna itu adalah sebuah kawasan kilang dan tanah di atas mana Dream Centre dibina diwartakan untuk kegunaan perindustrian.

        Pokok pangkalnya DUMC tidak ada kelulusan (permit) untuk beroperasi di Dream Centre bagi menjalankan aktiviti gereja di premis tersebut.

        (3) Kerajaan Singapura prihatin terhadap aktiviti-aktiviti aliran cult Kristian tetapi di negeri Pakatan macam Selangor, ahli exco yang prihatin seperti Hasan Ali dipecat.

        Ini ahli Selcat Hannah Yeoh terang-terang berjinak dengan sebuah gereja skandal dan Pembantu Khasnya menjalankan aktiviti di gereja tersebut hanya beberapa bulan lepas pada Nov 2011 walhal polis Singapura telah pun menyiasat gereja ini sejak dua tahun lepas dan skandal sudah lama terbau.

        Lebih-lebih lagi, adakah apa-apa undang-undang Malaysia disalahi apabila Gereja City Harvest KL-Subang Jaya ini menerima ‘sumbangan’ jutaan Sing dolar dari negara asing (Singapura).

        (4) Saya berharap MCA akan memantau Si Gunting dalam Lipatan supaya akhbar mereka itu melaporkan segala berita perkembangan dengan telus dan jujur, dan tidak memutar-belit, tidak menenggelam serta tidak berdolak-dalih memandangkan perangai anti-BN para pemberita mereka seperti bekas pengerusi Star-NUJ itu.

      2. Selamat pagi saudari Helen, salam 1Malaysia kepada para pembaca yang lain.

        Saya sudah lama membaca artikel saudari. Ini kali pertama saya membuat komen.

        Kalau saudari Helen tidak keberatan, saya ingin kemukakan satu soalan.

        Seperti yang saudari katakan, saya rujuk

        “Kerajaan Singapura prihatin terhadap aktiviti-aktiviti aliran cult Kristian tetapi di negeri Pakatan macam Selangor, ahli exco yang prihatin seperti Hasan Ali dipecat”,

        saya teringat beberapa tahun yang lalu, kalau tak silap 1994, Kerajaan Pusat begitu bersungguh-sungguh memerangi kumpulan Al Arqam yang dipimpin oleh Ashaari Mohammad.

        Kenapa pada hari ini, Kerajaan Pusat boleh berdiam diri sehinggakan cult Kristian boleh jadi begitu berleluasa?

  5. I made a donation to an organisation in Singapore which was cheated by one of its office bearers and I am on trial here in Bolehland?

    1. What you do with your own money is your business. What the Selangor Govt does with public funds is everyone’s business.

  6. “If you are truly a Ahmad Ibrahim, then you cannot know more about Chinese culture than me, just as I cannot know more about Islam than you”.

    William boy, you just proved my assertion that you’re a Anglo educated, church going cesspool who knows nothing about Chinese culture.

    Is there a reason why a Malay like me cannot know more about Chinese culture than a Chinese ? No, culture is learned, nobody is born into a culture. If a Chinese who grows up in a household of Church going folks, and educated at English school and know not a single word of Chinese, then that person is not Chinese. Period.

    “just as I cannot know more about Islam than you”.

    Throughout my university days, I had come across Chinese peers, most of them with traditional Chinese education background, the deity worship type, who know more about Islam than even Malay Muslims. So you see, religious knowledge is mostly self taught, it is only when you encounter a conundrum, that you seek the help of a religious scholar, to explain to you what you find difficult to understand.

    “This is the type of lapdog I find in this blog”.

    You’re obviously The Malaysian First type, with a Chinese face, and an English name. When you can’t present a coherent argument to what I had written, you resorted to the standard, street fighter type response of calling me name(s).

    “Oi, people ask a simple question and all you can do is call me a typical Anglo educated, church going cesspool, knows nothing about Chinese culture”.

    I answered your questions, go back and read them. But obviously, you do not know or understand, or you’re just oblivious to the fact that people are free to use their discretion when answering questions. But of course, to people like you, there must be a standard format, like the Malaysian First slogan so loudly proclaimed by the you know who party.

    I look forward to you calling me a lapdog or any other name(s) that you may prefer. Because to you, any imagined slight by people like me denotes that we’re the Barisan’s lapdogs.

    Helen, sorry for using your blog in this manner. But your blog is an avenue to present my views to other readers of this blog.

    1. ahmad ibrahim, kau ni buang masa saje dengan william tu. dia tu orang pembangkang, datang sini sengaja buat hal. lain kali jangan layan dia. dah sah dia tu sepoi pembangkang. tapi, apa yang awak kata tu, semuanya benar. memang dah sifat semulajadi orang pembangkang gelar lawan2 mereka sebagai anjing dan lain2 ayat yang kesat.

  7. Friend shock sendirikah? Dengar in dulu [YouTube]

    The Indian government and many states are spending millions of US dollar each year to fund hundred of thousand of Indian Muslims to visit Mecca for Hajj pilgrimage. Last year the state government of Tamil Nadu provided subsidy to Christians to attend Jerusalem on pilgrimage.

    The Indian government subsidizes education for thousands of Islamic Madrasas and Christian educational institutions. In Kerala, and Kashmir, the education portfolio has been controlled by Muslims since independence. In Kerala, and Kashmir Muslim students enjoy special privileges, financial assistance, reservation, and quota system. They control and allocate more Tax payer money for Islamic education. Muslims League Ministers allocate special funding for Islamic colleges, refused to light a lamp at general functions, introduced special green uniform for teachers and declared special holidays for Muslims. Hindus are discriminated in every level of education.

    The government pays the salary and provide Pension to Mullah. Many of these Mullahs openly preach violence and make anti-India statements.
    India has a Minority Affairs Ministry although India claims to be a secular nation. This Ministry is responsible for the affairs of Muslims, Christians, etc. How many progressive nations including the United States have a Ministry just for minorities?

    The Indian state of Kerala was the only state government to provide financial aid to the government of Pakistan during the flood a few years ago. However, Hindu flood victims were provided with beef at the relief camps.

    India had/have many Muslims, Christians and women as Prime Minister, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Party Chairperson, Ministers, Chief Minister, Member of the Lok Sabha, Raj Sabha, Commanders and Officers in the military, other Defense and Space Agencies, Supreme Court Judges, Professors in many leading Educational institutions, Scientists, pioneer Entrepreneurs, national Athletes, leading Entertainers, etc. How many Hindus or Islamic women have occupied any government office or hold any portfolio in the areas mentioned above in any of the Islamic nations? Even, the leader of the Congress Party is a foreigner, Sonia Miano Gandhi.

    If India is such a discriminatory, racist, oppressive, cruel, criminal, anti-Muslim, anti-minority, etc. nation as Haroon Siddiqui, and other Jihadi Muslims allege why are more than 22 million illegal Bangladeshi Muslims living in India? Why are they risking their life to cross the border illegally to live and work in India? Why is the Indian government providing these illegal Bangladeshi Muslims with food ration cards, housing, jobs, education, voting rights, citizenship, etc.? Why aren’t these and other Muslim not migrating to Pakistan (the land of the pure), Saudi Arabia (land of paradise) or to other Islamic nations to live with their fellow Muslim brothers? Why do they want to live with Kafirs and non-believers, Hindus?

    Why did Muslims unconditionally voted in favor of partition prior to Independence in 1947, but the majority of Muslims refused to relocate to Pakistan and remained in India to live with the “Kafirs and non-believers”, Hindus? Why is India the home of the second largest Muslim population i.e., over 140 million?

    The schedule class, schedule tribes, and the other backward communities are the classified as a minority community in India. They have been allocated reservation, quotas and special privileges in political representation, education, jobs, etc. due to a long history of oppression and discrimination. Even in political representation, education, jobs, etc. some of the provisions in the Indian Constitution are more advanced than the American Constitution. In America only a disable person and veterans are allocated special privileges and given special consideration in education and career opportunities. However, Muslims came to India as invaders, murderers, rapists, traders, soldiers, etc. and were rulers for close to 1000 years, yet they want special privileges and reservation. Didn’t the British sliced one-third of India and gave it to Jinnah on a platter to live separately from Hindus? Are they trying for another slice or want the entire pie i.e., quest for Mugalsthan?

    Guru Nanak went to Arabia and was asked “are you a Hindu or a Muslim”. He replied “Muslim I’m not, but if I say I ‘m a Hindu you will kill me”. Many Hindus were still living in Arabia during his lifetime. It was Raja Vikramaditya who conquered these uncivilized and wild tribes in this region and ushered in a rule of law, civility, and culture. Today, Hindus are not even allowed to wear an AUM pendant, or any other religious pendant, take a Bhagvat Gita, Satyarth Prakash or any other religious books to Saudia Arabia or many of the other Islamic nations even on a visit. A few years ago a Hindu immigrant worker was arrested and deported in Saudi Arabia for making a make-shift temple in his private apartment. This was similar to what we had in our homes in the Caribbean.

    Why are there 57 Islamic nations today? Is there any democracy in these nations? When was the last election to elect a leader? Is there a Constitution in any of these nations? Are their laws in compliance to the Geneva Convention, UN Charter, etc? What about religious tolerance/respect and women rights/equality in these nations? Why not open the borders and allow for the free flow of information, spirituality and scientific advancement in these nations? Ask, Haroon Siddiqui if any of these Islamic nations will grant a missionary visa to any Hindu, Christian, etc? What about discrimination, oppression, slave labor and workers rights for immigrant workers in these nations?

    What about the status and human rights of the Hindu community in the Islamic nations of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia? What about discrimination of Hindus in Pakistan? Why are Hindu girls being kidnapped and raped in Pakistan and Bangladesh? Why are Hindus forced to flee Pakistan and Bangladesh? Why are Hindu Temples in Pakistan and Bangladesh being razed to the ground? Why has the Hindu population in Pakistan dropped from 25 percent to less than (1) percent since 1947? What about the Pakistani army killing more than two and half million Hindus in Bangladesh in 1971 in operation “Searchlight?” Why has the Hindu population of Bangladesh dropped from 22 percent to less than 8 percent since 1947? What about the draconian Vested Property Act in Bangladesh that seizes ownership of Hindu own properties? Some 1.2 million of the 2.7 million Hindus household in Bangladesh have been affected by this act.

    What about Hindus in Malaysia who have lived there for two centuries and are not allowed to be citizens? What about the HINDRAF leaders in Malaysia who were arrested and jailed for asserting their democratic rights? What about all the temples in Malaysia that have been dismantled by the Jihadi government?

    Now no offence, you want the truth or boleh managelah brother asalkan boleh apa yang menyesuaikan diri tanpa mengenali apa yang patut sebagai satu masyarakat. Ini tak perlu BN atau PR tapi apa yang sepatut disekalian kita

    1. apek, dah OT terlalu lama ke ? syiok sendiri ? yang syiok sendiri ialah apek. kalau apek nak perjuangkan nasib orang india, mari kat sini, balik kat malaysia. apek ni pulak duduk kat new york. apek, cakap saja memang senang.

      1. Friend, you ini giveaway. tak kesah tentang sejarah apa yang patut untuk masyarakat asal boleh kelentong. Kan kita dah biasa dan bisa dengan Malaysian macam you. Apa nak buat, heboh apa yang benar ini tak jadi masalah, yang jadi masalah kena jaga buntut diri. Inilah hakikat walaupun in benar.

        Good luck in your journey with a destination for yourself not for what is the truth and reality for the rest.

      1. Humanism can only exist if we don’t fool ourselves in drumming what is good for our individual self without a though for the other. This does not need education or low class mentality like but an aspiration for the deprived ones.

      2. apek tu buat semacam saje. dia tu anggan2 ingat dia tu ahli falsafah yang agung. kalau berani, balik kat malaysia. kenapa berselindung kat new york ? silap2 dia sendiri pendatang haram kat new york.

  8. “What about Hindus in Malaysia who have lived there for two centuries and are not allowed to be citizens?”

    A blanket statement here. Any proof? So my neighbour Nathan, a school teacher and and his family must be living illegally in Malaysia lah..

    So more than 4 to 5 Millions in Malaysia are non citizens including George Lopez ..

    1. Goodoo you say ” A blanket statement here. Any proof? Are you stupid, the crimes that you face most involves the Indians, not so in the 80’s until recent. Why, and how come the Indian who is the biggest wage earners in America these days in America has succumbed themselves to such vices in Malaysia. Thinklah brother, don’t just be talk cock as it conveniently fits the agenda.

      1. apek ni tak habis2 merepek saje. apek tak ada bukti, tapi lagak semacam saje. kalau nak bela nasib orang india, kalau nak jadi hero orang india, kenapa sembunyi kat new york ? silap2 apek ingat bangsar tu new york. apek kerja kat restoran bangsar ke ? ingat bangsar tu new york ?

        kalau apek berani, tunjuk muka apek, tunjuk nama apek. sekarang pulak cakap pasal agenda. apek ni, agenda apek ni ialah nak salahkan orang melayu atas nasib buruk orang india ke ? apek baik terus terang. itu agenda sebenar apek bukan ? betul ?

      2. What about all the temples in Malaysia that have been dismantled by the Jihadi government?

        Betul ke… all temple dismantled in Malaysia.. I am sure if that is the case sudah jadi perang saudara in Malaysia lah… Macam kat Ambon, Bosnia, India , Pakistan dan sebagainya…and a lot of Indians and Muslim killed in jihadi Malaysia

        Tak nampak pun kat any news kat CNN, BBC, Aljazeerah … sudah tentu jadi hot topik… Malaysia … religious riots ..turmoil.. slaughter …

        Maybe you dah out of touch,… comeback lah and enjoy sunny and peaceful Malaysia

      3. Indian are not allowed to be a citizen here in malaysia?isn’t that sound exaggerating?.when the truth is, most of them (who claimed they are not allowed to be citizen) can’t even understand bahasa malaysia?i bet they don’t even know the national anthem….well, i do say “most”, not all…

    2. Goodoo, the issue of stateless Indians has been in the news for few years already. That is also why we are seeing movement like Hindraf and MIC launching the MyDaftar campaign.

      Here is a link of al-Jazeera [YouTube] covering this issue last year.

  9. Anwar Penipu, takda peluru lagi kah? Saya in pedatang haram di New York bukan masalah youkan? Are you you going to take care of me?

    You duduk di Malaysia tak bole jaga apa yang benar dan patut nak lecture saya apa yang patut di New York. Inilah hakikat Malaysian macam you tak kesah tentang masyarakat tapi boleh jaga buntut diri.

    Learn to live a life if it worth for what you are live for others besides how it only serves only you. You nak cerita lagi boleh, tapi your cerita in transparent hanya untuk apa yang you hendak bukan apa yang patut.

    1. yang tak ade peluru tu apek. kalau awak ni pendatang haram kat new york, bila kena tangkap, jatuh nama baik malaysia. itu nanti jandi masalah malaysia. orang luar salah paham pulak, ingat malaysia ni penuh dengan orang pelarian. apek paham tak ?

      jadi ok la awak lecture kita orang kat malaysia dengan humanism awak, bila kita orang hentam kau, kau marah ? apek tak malu ke ?

      apek jangan nak main pandai, jangan nak jaga tepi kain orang lain, lihat kat diri sendiri dahulu. apek paham tak ?

      apek tak habis2 cerita topik yang sama saje. yang dah lapuk tu apek. tak ade topik lain ke ? sampai nak ungkit isu perkauman pulak.

  10. Yes I am say the Indians over here is not allowed to be citizen any proof to back-up your statement…jangan larilah brother dari soalan pertama saya? kalau tak da proof say la.. Kalau you kata ada segelintir orang India belum dapat jadi rakyat Malaysia, say so lah brother.. begitu juga orang asli, orang yang duduk dipendalaman Sarawak, Sabah dan sebagainya.. dan mungkin ada juga orang Melayu dan orang Cina.. what’s the point besarkan busut jadi gunung..

    You cakap USA bagus… tapi orang Cina dihalang ke sana mengikut Chinese Exclusion Act dari 1880 hingga tahun 1945 sedangkan di Malaysia, tiada akta rasis seperti tersebut. Tak bersyukur kerana mak bapak u berhijrah ke Malaysia, kerana di Malaysia lah satu-satu negara, bahasa ibunda u masih digunakan lagi. Kalau kat Indonesia, you hanya akan ngobrol dalam bahasa Indonesia. Bukan begitu dong, kapan mampir di Malaysia.

  11. dear Helen,

    The cyber peskies have managed, once again, to hijack your topic. All the way to India….

    I agree with you the point raised about KL/M’sia being used as a conduit for City Harvest to transfer funds to the US. In other words, they are using their KL branch(branches) to launder their funds so as to disguise the real source of the money.

    This is a common tactic used by money launderers and those who try to keep their wealth secret to avoid taxes/arrests.

    With today’s tech, however, it is not hard to follow the trail of the funds involved, since all banks are now requried to give information to the police departmetns and Interpol about about dubious money.

    I can tell all of you that Interpol and the Malaysian police should be already on the case, as requested by their S’porean counterparts.

    As for Hannah Chan, if she was a responsible MP, she should make a statement about her involvement with the sect even before the media or your good self asks her. The charges against the top management of City Harvest are serious ones, and any past or present ties should be declared.

    I suppose her supporters and the like are treating her, LGE and other DAP superstats like City Harvest worshippers treat Kong Heng. They cannot see nor fault anything wrong with them…

    And I still do not understand why the English press has shut off all news about City. All Malaysians – Christians or not – should know and learn from this case so that they are not so gullible to be tricked of their precious time and $$$ by some charismatic cult figure like Kong Hee.

    So, have the charismatic evangelicals masquerading as the DAP and vice versa taken control of the English press in Malaysia? Are pulpits now used more as platforms for party propoganda than God’s words?


  12. Sekurang-kurangnya kalau sudah tau kebenaran, maka janganlah sengajakan perbuatan salah lagi. Ta-pi seandainya terbuat juga kesalahan tak disengajakan, maka setialah dengan jujur hati mengakuinya; dengan tujuan berbalik kepada jalan yang benar. Karena itulah satu-satutnya cara pemulihan; baik akhlak kebatinan mahupun akhlak kejasmanian. Mudah-mudahan lewat semua perkara yang terjadi, cukup memadai memberi pengajaran and dapat menimbah hikmah berlimpah-limpahan!!!!!!!!!!!

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