Dirgahayu Tuanku

Mursyidul Am PAS turut terkejut apabila Sultan Selangor menganggap DAP dan PKR sebagai biadab dan derhaka.

Namun Tuan Guru Nik Aziz memberi reaksi kagum dengan keputusan baginda tuanku, menurut laporan Utusan hari ini bertajuk ‘PKR dan DAP tidak ada hak‘.

“Allahuakbar! Memang Raja ini Raja… Raja ialah Raja.. Raja ‘is’ Raja..,” kata Nik Aziz.

DAP biadab

“DYMM Sultan Selangor amat merasa dukacita di atas tindakan parti-parti DAP dan PKR yang engkar terhadap titah Baginda bertarikh 27 Ogos 2014.”

“Tindakan parti DAP dan parti Keadilan ini menggambarkan kebiadapan kepada institusi raja dan merupakan satu perbuatan derhaka kepada titah DYMM Sultan Selangor.”




Papa Dapster


Mama Dapster

Puan Speaker pun berbaju ungu

Puak Yahudi Yeoh

Tak kenal adat

Tak reti adab

Makhluk perosak

yang melanggar tiang-tiang negara

“Macam beri kata dua kepada raja,” kata Perdana Menteri mengulas tindakan PKR bersekongkol dengan DAP dalam mengetepikan peruntukan Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.

Parti pembangkang tidak faham pun benda yang sudah tersurat itu, kata Najib Razak kepada persidangan perwakilan Umno bahagian Pekan Ahad lalu.


Menjunjung titah

Beliau juga mengingatkan orang Umno akan betapa peri pentingnya anak-anak mereka disekolahkan tentang perkara yang bakal berlaku kalau betul Umno hilang kuasa.

“Tengok keadaan sekarang,” kata Najib ketika ucapan penggulungan perbahasannya.

Dulu Chin Peng Bintang Tiga, kini Evangelista Bintang Lima


“Apabila kita tiada kuasa, apa akan jadi kepada insitusi raja-raja?”, tanya Najib.

“Agama Islam apa akan jadi?”

“Kedudukan orang Melayu apa akan jadi dan ini semua mesti terang kepada anak-anak kita,” Najib dipetik sebagai berkata dalam laporan ‘PKR gagal fahami kuasa Sultan dalam Perlembagaan‘ (Bernama, 7 Sept 2014).

BAWAH: Orang DAP (wanita) dan PKR disiasat polis berkaitan penghinaan terhadap PM tatkala demonstrasi ‘kangkung’ di Pulau Pinang beberapa bulan lepas


PAS dibuli DAP


Asakan bertubi-tubi terhadap PAS

“Memandangkan kuasa melantik Menteri Besar Selangor terletak pada budi bicara DYMM Sultan Selangor” – lihat titah Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, bawah – tidak mustahil bahawa salah seorang exco PAS mungkin mendapat perkenan baginda tuanku dalam masa terdekat.

Sehubungan ini, presiden PAS Hadi Awang diserang bertalu-talu oleh DAP dan PKR.

Parti Islam tersebut juga dicaci, dihina dan difitnah oleh rakan-rakan “sepakatnya”.

Maki-hamun puak Yahudi Yeoh terhadap PAS nyata melampaui batas.

BAWAH: Tweet oleh bekas Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Musa Hassan baru-baru ini

Musa Hassan



 (368 patah perkataan)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

77 thoughts on “Dirgahayu Tuanku

  1. Akta hasutan adalah antara preventive action yg boleh d ambil utk jg kemaslahatan umum di malaysia. Bodoh! ramai sarjana kangkung bangkit buat solidariti utk mansuh akta demikian atas nama kebebasan akademik. mereka sudah dirasuk penyakit pluralisme. semua benda mereka halalkan utk pertikaian atas nama kebebasan.

    kita masyarakat timur, ada nilai (value laiden) yg mesti kt pertahankan seboleh mungkin dgn apa cara sekalipun. kita wajib hormati nilai yg ada pd bangsa dan agama lain tapi realiti di malaysia wajib diperingatkan…teras nilainya adalah MELAYU & ISLAM tanpa menafikan nilai bangsa & agama lain.. Itulah yg dirakamkan oleh PERLEMBAGAAN kt.

    kita wajar desak sarjana kangkung tinggalkan agama dan bangsa mereka jika mereka benar-benar mahu kebebasan berilmiah. just be atheist and pure secular. tinggalkan nilai2 ketimuran yg mereka pegang.

    kita sbg rakyat jg btgjwb utk mengingatkn selalu dgn tegas kpd sesiapa shj yg memegang tampuk kerajaan supaya menjaga nilai2 itu & tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa yg ada.

    we r facing the endtime…pluralisme is neo-imperialisme!!! the anti-christ/dajjal is smilling to us!

    1. re, (Najib) “Kedudokan orang Melayu apa akan jadi dan ini semua kena terang pada anak-anak kita”

      Eloklah didengar nasihat Najib menerangkan kapada anak-anak yang kedudokan agama Islam, bangsa Melayu dan institusi di Raja semakin tergugat setelah Najib sebagai PM telah menghapuskan ‘ISA’ dan dijangka juga ‘akta hasutan’ yang selama ini tidak dinafikan telah berjaya membendung ‘rangsangan’ bagi mengugat kedudokan-kedudokan yang sedia termaktob dalam pelembagan Malaysia.

      Eloklah diterangkan awal-awal, keadaan semakin bergolak.

  2. Mama dapster likes much and acts she is a dancing queen this time no more dawn with the tudung

  3. I am amused to read how the alternative media and even the English dailies interpreted the Sultan’s letter. They reported that the Sultan “chided”, “disappointed” with PKR and DAP and are “disloyal”. I am not sure if these reporters are from Chinese medium school but I thought “murka” and “derhaka” do not mean disappointment or disloyal but angry and treason.

    Am I the only one who think the Malay Mail is merely Malaysiakini in print ?

    BTW, I thought it will be good if you expose the latest hypocrisy in the Bangsa Malaysia-land – the MMO video “Are Malaysians racist?”.
    I find it highly humorous – for they have a perverted and very sense of what is racism. People like Ambiga and Marina are going ape-shit.

    BTW is Saifuddin now a full-time liberal and a member of the Pakatoon Club ?

    1. “I am not sure if these reporters are from Chinese medium school but I thought ‘murka’ and ‘derhaka’ do not mean disappointment or disloyal but angry and treason.”

      The Star is the one using that translation. Totally no “derhaka” or treason word on the cover. They are sugar coating the incident to pacify their readers and affiliates. I don’t think the Pakatoon expected such a response from the palace. They think they can just do what they like and get away with things.

      P/S Hannah, OKM, and Tony’s Twitter and FBs are icy cold and dull these 2 weeks. Nothing PROFOUND from them. Is it the weather too cold in Selangor?

      1. re: “Is it the weather too cold in Selangor?”

        Uh-huh. Our weather veers from one extreme to another, according to Puan Prada.


        1. Hmm. Perusing the icy cold Twitter and saw this posting by OKM. [tweet]

          What is OKM doing with my darling Tokong back in 90s? Wasn’t OKM with BN thinktanks back then?

          1. re: “Wasn’t OKM with BN think-tanks back then?”


            Same thing should be asked: What is MCA doing in the BN now?

            Umno should lend MCA the Taming Sari and compel the GDL parti to honorably disembowel itself.

            1. Well the concept of “gunting” is not so bad as “derhaka”.
              Derhaka pada majikan.

              Biting the hand that feeds you. Makan gaji BN, buddy buddy dengan DAP.
              Jop. Bukankah ada menteri yang OK dengan pekerjanya orang pembangkang.
              OK. BN OK dengan musuh-musuh ketat mereka jadi pekerja. Lupa BN tak pandai sangat.

              Treason in the Bible. Mari baca.

              1 Kings 16:20 | Read whole chapter
              Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and his treason that he wrought, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?

              2 Kings 11:14
              And when she looked, behold, the king stood by a pillar, as the manner was, and the princes and the trumpeters by the king, and all the people of the land rejoiced, and blew with trumpets: and Athaliah rent her clothes, and cried, Treason, Treason.

              2 Chronicles 23:13
              And she looked, and, behold, the king stood at his pillar at the entering in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, also the singers with instruments of musick, and such as taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.

              1. Oh sorry. Saya sudah lupa adat orang UMNO.
                Ini teka-teki.

                Mama UMNO, puteri pula jadi awek cun. Mama geram, mama pun jadi awek cun.

                Papa UMNO. Papa sudah jatuh cinta. Papa ambil mama baru. Mama baru ada anak. Pula jadi orang kuat DAP.

            1. We should be proud of ourselves that we’re sinners. At least we’re not a bunch of frauds.

      2. They did not use “treason” instead used “disloyal”. The funny thing is Anwar and his minions in DAP know they are disobeying Sultan’s direct order yet they chose to submit only one name. And when the Sultan is angry, they are scrambling around to respond.

        Everyone above 12 years old know that this will happen and yet these clowns are unprepared and had to wait for Anwar to return from overseas. How can PKR cannot decide when Wan Azizah is the President and Anwar is merely the KETAM..ooops, KETUM.

        This clearly shows that Zizah is mere a proxy to Anwar and that’s why Sultan has rejected her. This episode alone proved Sultan is correct.

      3. No the weather is not too cold. The humidity is rising. That’s why they are so quiet. By the way, don’t expect anything profound from them. They are wonks. They don’t know what profound is.

    2. Calvin,

      sadly, I have to admit, that Malaysians are indeed racist. They discriminate foreign workers i.e the way they treat domestic workers, look at violence maids are subjected by their bosses.

      The construction site workers, mostly Indonesians and Bangladeshis working round the clock under extreme conditions so that we can all boast of how many skyscrapers we have in KL. The factory workers mostly Filipinos but increasingly Vietnamese laboring like ants so that the owners earn fat profits.

      Even Malays oops Malaysians are victims of racism in Malaysia. Malays and Indians in the private sector. What’s funny is that the civil sector is having difficulty in getting non Malays to join them as the non Malays complain of low wages and so on yet go around town accusing Malays of racism.

      But one group is not being discriminated by Malaysians though. The Whites. No wonder so many Malaysian First gooks want to become white. l o l

    1. Setem,

      Appointment of MB is governed by the Selangor State Constitution. The law is clear that MB must command the majority confidence of the state assembly and Sultan must appoint this person as MB.

      We can give whatever label to PKR/DAP like derhaka, khianat, kurang ajar, biadap etc etc. Ultimately, the state law must prevail and the Sultan is bound by it. Remember that the Sultan is a constitutional monarch, i.e. his powers is limited by law.

      Sultan has no power to exercise discretion when there is an Adun with a clear majority support. The request for more than one name is redundant. The Selangor state constitution is higher than the Sultan.

        1. Depa ingat Negara ni jatuh dari langit at the strike of midnite 31st August 1957 kut.

          Macam Zairil boleh jentik bangsa keturunan dia semudah gitu aje at the stroke of the pen just after mummy signed her marriage paper to a Malay.


        2. Helen said Sultan is integral part of the Selangor Assembly. Fact noted. So, what is the point that Helen is trying to convey?

          And what is your point by quoting Helen’s post?

          1. Read your earlier comments, the first paragraph. You made a hell of skewed and uninformed assumptions on the sgor constitution.

            1. You are trying to say that Sultan can appoint as MB a person who does not command the majority confidence of the assembly?

              Refer this link:-


              “However, as an example, if representative A garners the majority vote, but representative B is the Sultan’s choice, then the party can decide who becomes the Menteri Besar through the lobbying process between one another.

              “So, when representative B is elected, the representative B will meet the Sultan to seek his consent.

              “This means that the party gives in to the wishes of the Sultan. But if the party insists on the decision of the majority to choose representative A, then the Sultan cannot appoint B. This is because if B is appointed and later receives a vote of no confidence, he will eventually be removed,” he explained.

              No doubt Sultan may still appoint as MB a person who does not command the majority confidence of the assembly. But the ruling coalition in the assembly can always call for a vote of no confidence, boycott the MB, refuse the appointment of Exco etc.

              The MB will be ineffective even with a valid appointment by the Sultan. That is why the state constitution provides that MB must have the majority confidence of the assembly.

      1. This may be worthy of reading. It comes from a retired Court of Appeal judge. CA is the 2nd highest court in Msia.

        The relevant part with example:-

        “However, as an example, if representative A garners the majority vote, but representative B is the Sultan’s choice, then the party can decide who becomes the Menteri Besar through the lobbying process between one another.

        “So, when representative B is elected, the representative B will meet the Sultan to seek his consent.

        “This means that the party gives in to the wishes of the Sultan. But if the party insists on the decision of the majority to choose representative A, then the Sultan cannot appoint B. This is because if B is appointed and later receives a vote of no confidence, he will eventually be removed,” he explained.

      2. ‘Ultimately, the state law must prevail and the Sultan is bound by it. Remember that the Sultan is a constitutional monarch, i.e. his powers is limited by law.

        Sultan has no power to exercise discretion when there is an Adun with a clear majority support. The request for more than one name is redundant. The Selangor state constitution is higher than the Sultan.’

        bnm, siapa cakap? Aziz Bari kah? Pakar Perlembagaan kah dia tu?

        ‘Mungkinkah, ‘Pakar Perlembagaan’ kita tidak tahu-menahu tentang latar belakang sejarah Perlembagaan. Raja-Raja Melayu mungkin mengamalkan sistem Raja Berperlembagaan, namun sistem kita tidak sama langsung dengan sistem Beraja Westminster yang diamalkan di England. Di England, sistem beraja digunapakai semula dengan permahsyuran Raja Charles II oleh Parlimen setelah Oliver Cromwell gagal menjadikan England sebagai sebuah republik dengan terbunuhnya Raja Charles I.’

        1. islam1st,

          Terlalu banyak orang memberi pandangan mengenai isu ini. Elok kita rujuk kepada orang yang berwibawa.

          Rujuk pandangan bekas hakim mahkamah rayuan. Setakat ini, pandangan ini yang dapat saya cari dan mempunyai tahap kewibawaan yang amat tinggi. Pandangan orang lain hanya percakapan yang kekurangan ‘authority’.

          Bahagian penting:-

          “However, as an example, if representative A garners the majority vote, but representative B is the Sultan’s choice, then the party can decide who becomes the Menteri Besar through the lobbying process between one another.

          “So, when representative B is elected, the representative B will meet the Sultan to seek his consent.

          “This means that the party gives in to the wishes of the Sultan. But if the party insists on the decision of the majority to choose representative A, then the Sultan cannot appoint B. This is because if B is appointed and later receives a vote of no confidence, he will eventually be removed,” he explained.

          Sekiranya kamu mempunyai pandangan yang lebih berwibawa, sila kemukakan di sini.

          1. ‘Maka, apa yang kita istilahkan sebagai “ke-Raja-an”, tidaklah ianya sekadar difahami umum kini sebagai “pemerintah”, sebaliknya yang lebih menyeluruh dan dasar ialah suatu keadaan di mana wujudnya Raja.

            Hal ini menjadi lebih jelas dan tampak dalam negeri-negeri di Malaysia yang mempunyai Institusi Kesultanan. Maka, persoalan kedaulatan seharusnya menjadi lebih jelas kerana ianya amat berkait dengan kerajaan (kingship/kingdom).

            Hatta istilah penting yang mencorak pandangan alam orang Melayu iaitu “kedaulatan” sebenarnya merujuk kepada satu keadaan di mana ada dan wujudnya “daulah” yakni satu istilah asal Bahasa Arab yang membawa maksud “wilayah dan tanah jajahan”.

            Kalau difahami benar dua istilah kunci ini, apa yang ada di negeri Selangor selama hari ini tidak boleh diperkatakan sebagai “kerajaan PR” atau “kerajaan BN” kerana yang ada hanya satu iaitu “kerajaan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Selangor”.’


            ‘ Apa yang jelas di sini ialah, dalam beberapa keadaan peruntukan Perlembagaan tidak menjelaskan dalam bentuk tulisan atau tidak menyatakan secara harfiah tentang beberapa perkara dan perincian dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen dan raja berperlembagaan tersebut. Antara persoalan yang tidak dijelaskan secara harfiah oleh Perlembagaan ialah – apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan frasa pada ‘hemat baginda’ dalam peruntukan undang-undang.

            Apabila Perlembagaan dengan jelas menyebut bahawa Sultan mempunyai kuasa untuk tidak membubar Dewan Undangan Negeri apabila ada ‘permintaan’ untuk membubarkan Dewan. Persoalan berkaitan ialah, siapakah yang boleh membuat permintaan untuk membubar Dewan. Adakah hanya menteri besar yang percaya dia telah kehilangan kepercayaan sahaja, atau ada orang lain, selain menteri besar boleh membuat ‘permintaan’ membubar Dewan. Saya berpendapat, hanya menteri besar tersebut yang boleh membuat permintaan membubar Dewan. Ini jelas dalam Perkara 53(6) Perlembagaan Negeri Selangor.’


            1. islam1st,

              Saya tidak ingin merendahkan kredibiliti penulis/pemilik laman

              Bila kita berhujah mengenai persoalan yang diperuntukkan oleh undang-undang seperti isu MB Selangor, adalah penting untuk mendapatkan ulasan dari orang yang beramal undang-undang seperti ahli akademik, peguam atau hakim.

              Saya membawa hujah seorang bekas hakim mahkamah rayuan. Ingat bahawa mahkamah rayuan adalah mahkamah kedua tertinggi.

              Adakah ulasan (Wan Ahmad Fayhsal) dan (Prof. Shamrahayu Abd Aziz) lebih berwibawa daripada seorang bekas hakim mahkamah rayuan?

              1. Adakah ini bermakna DYMM Sultan Selangor tidak tahu akan haknya seperti yang termaktub dalam undang-undang tubuh negeri?

                Prof. Shamrahayu berpendapat Raja Berpelembagaan kita tidak sama seperti sistem Westminster. Begitu juga dengan blogger Seademon.

                Prof. Shamrahayu berpendapat pengisian kepada perlembagaan itu sendiri perlu mengikut keperluan kita jika ianya tidak tertulis dengan jelas.

                Perkenan Tuanku tentulah patut diputuskan oleh DYMM Tuanku sendiri. Malah UUTNS juga ada bercakap tentang kuasa mutlak Sultan dalam perlantikkan MB. Lihat Perlis, Terengganu dan juga Perak.

  4. re: “Apabila kita tiada kuasa, apa akan jadi kepada insitusi raja-raja?”, tanya Najib.
    “Agama Islam apa akan jadi?”
    “Kedudukan orang Melayu apa akan jadi dan ini semua mesti terang kepada anak-anak kita,” Najib dipetik sebagai berkata dalam laporan ‘PKR gagal fahami kuasa Sultan dalam Perlembagaan‘ (Bernama, 7 Sept 2014).

    apakah gunanya apabila diberi kuasa, penyelewengan berlaku..? apalah gunanya
    apabila diberi kuasa, telinga tidak lagi mendengar rintihan dan keluh-kesah rakyat biasa…
    apalah gunanya apabila diberi kuasa, akta atau undang-undang yang selama ini diguna untuk menjaga rakyat dan negara dimansuhkan?

    apalah gunanya apabila diberi kuasa kalimah Allah cuba dicuri oleh ‘makhluk asing’ juga mendapat reaksi segera yang tegas?

    apalah gunanya apabila diberi kuasa, layanan ‘istimewa’ tetap dan berterusan diberi kepada pihak yang tidak se’undi’pun dikongsi bersama?

    apalah gunanya apabila diberi kuasa, kuasa itu pula seolah-olah diberi kepada ‘punahsibat-punahsibat’ yang saban waktu berdampingan dengannya?

    kalau setakat nak beri nasihat, makcik-makcik kat kampung pun pandai….


    1. Lebih baik Najib daripada Anwar. Dah memang terbukti peliwat. Tak tahu malu.

      Anak bini satu keluarga tak tahu malu. Nepotisme nombor satu dalam dunia. Tak tahu malu betul, Ada kah patut nak lantik bini sendiri jadi MB. Mat-mat saleh yang tak ada moral pun tak buat perlantikan macam tu. Tak tahu malu punya lelaki. Dia ingat negeri Selangor tu syarikat mak bapak dia punya!

      Ahli2 PKR yang bodoh saja sokong parti anak beranak ni. Mintak tuhan turunkanlah bala musibah kat kelurga ni, kalau itu yang terbaik bagi mereka….

  5. re:”Beliau juga mengingatkan orang Umno akan betapa peri pentingnya anak-anak mereka disekolahkan tentang perkara yang bakal berlaku kalau betul Umno hilang kuasa.”

    Bukan saja anak2 tapi PEMIMPIN juga lebih utama disekolahkan.

    1. xynalhamzah,

      UMNO akn hilang kuasa jika Najib sendiri amalkan budaya mempercayai puak yg mahu UMNO, Islam, Melayu tumbang.

      Apa alasan Najib lantik Mujahid, Marina, sertai MKPN? kenapa tak lantik Dr Ridhuan Tee, professor Ramlah Adam, atau Ketua Pemuda UMNO wilayah En Razlan yg sibuk pertahankan Melayu?

      Apa alasan Khairi lantik Regina Lee? Apa hebatnya Regina? Bukankah Khairi jadi Menteri sebab dia Ketua Pemuda UMNO? Apa salahnya dilantik seorang pemuda UMNO? Sekurang-kurangnya Pemuda UMNO yg dilantik tu akan terdedah dengan cara kerajaan bergerak.

      Masalah Melayu marah pada UMNO kerana mereka rasa Najib lebih pentingkan orang Cina yg memang menentang beliau dari orang Melayu. Dan saya pun nampak begitu juga.

      1. SA,

        Apa maknanya MPKN jika ahlinya hanya terdiri daripada golongan yang mempunyai persamaan dari segi agama, budaya dan adat?

        Bukankah kepelbagaian adalah asas pembentukan MPKN?

  6. BTW I hear that KETAM…oops…KETUM is planning for further mischief after getting BUK missile from the Sultan.

    It seems that he’s trying to force a dissolution of the DUN and a state election. By this way he plans to install his wifey again as the MB.

    The problem is that he still needs Khalid’s and Sultan’s support to do so. And even if PR wins, Sultan still may reject the Kipas Queen.

    But I am sure if Anwar is planning to dissolve the DUN, our Madam Prada will wake up from her hibernation and play a major role.

    My suggestion – stock up on keropok – the show ain’t over yet – not even when the Fat Mama Prada sings.

    1. The problem with The Butt Man is that his wife is not MB material. The Sultan knows it, Pas know it even the evangelists know it. Heck, even his own party members know it but The Butt Man is on some pot or something he thinks he will get his way.

      PR will win a snap poll but so what? He can continue to nominate his wife and the Sultan will still say no. Yes the show ain’t over anytime soon. In fact, the show is just getting started.

        1. IT Shiess,

          Wise men said that one week is long period in politics.

          PKR and DAP can continue to cross the Sultan. In fact I will be surprise if they respect the Sultan.

          To them without saying it out loud, Raja raja Melayu “menyusahkan” as the Highnesses have moral authority in addition to reminding the world of “Malay kerajaans”.

          But how long they can cross words with the Sultan? The Sultan, though does not participate in daily administration of government, has the final say in choosing a man to lead his government.

          The mess is Anwar’s doing. All because of his “nafsu”.

          But for those worshipping him, they are willing to tolerate anything he does, says. And that includes those who uses him to bring down Malay political supremacy.

          1. ‘To them without saying it out loud, Raja raja Melayu “menyusahkan” as the Highnesses have moral authority in addition to reminding the world of “Malay kerajaans”.’

            Thus the push for a Republic. Or something like it. The problem is, some says, PM is one of them. How la?

        2. The funny thing is just a few or two ago, PR were so afraid that Khalid will dissolve the DUN and were making all kinda statements to threaten him.

          Now with the Sultan’s rejection of Zizah, they are planning to the same.

          I think Anwar’s is so consumed by his greed for power that he just doesn’t care the consequences to the party or people. But calling for a snap poll is risky and possibly he might lose the 2/3 majority. Perhaps he is still hoping that Chinese will vote blindly for PR as it was in 2013.

          Well, even if he gets 2/3, Sultan might still reject Zizah.

          1. ‘I think Anwar’s is so consumed by his greed for power that he just doesn’t care the consequences to the party or people.’

            He only cares about what his financiers are telling him. Jahanam with the rest of us!

  7. These people will continue to be “biadap” and “kurang ajar” as much as Ah Jib Gor’s goverment permits them to be.

  8. Betulke? Betul The Star tak kena hacking?

    “DAP apologises to Selangor Sultan ”
    PETALING JAYA: DAP has apologised to Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah for submitting only one name for the mentri besar post to the palace.

    Party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s name was submitted as the sole candidate following a consultation with PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim”

    Tokong can come down from heaven to appologise? Betul ke?

    I thought only in Singapore only ma? In Singapore god can say sorry.

    1. If there is such thing as crocodile tears, then there is such thing as “crocodile apologies”.

  9. I was reading Ah Wong’s book (which was given free – no wonder sold out coz it was given free) and I was shocked about St Xaviers teachers. I google so that you all no need to buy.

    “I had some unusual memories. One Cikgu Nordin, who rode his Vespa to school, taught me Bahasa Malaysia. He was fairly good but had the sadistic tendency of pinching the nipples of students who failed to meet his requirements. I was one of them”

    Eeeee… so ketumish.

  10. I did not know Betty Chew once worked at Utusan.

    “Betty Chew, the wife of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, was also an intern at the Penang office as a student from Universiti Sains Malaysia.

    Betty also did an internship at the Malacca office of Utusan Malaysia. As fate would have it, she would hang out at The Star’s Malacca office which was nearby to the State government buildings. It was in that office that our then Malacca bureau chief M. Veera Pandiyan introduced her to Guan Eng, who was also a regular visitor to office.”

    It was Utusan that made her meet her LOVER.
    But why now hate Utusan? What happened?
    Ah Wong got so many stories.

    1. This is very interesting indeed. Why would Veera introduce Betty to Tokong ? Is he a part time match maker ? And why would LGE visits the Star office often ? This shows that the ties between Tokong and the Star are deeper and longer than we thought.

    2. ‘But why now hate Utusan?’

      Aiyah Mulan tak boleh nampak meh, masa dekat Utusan lagi hati sudah dekat the Star maa!

      ‘Betty also did an internship at the Malacca office of Utusan Malaysia. As fate would have it, she would hang out at The Star’s Malacca office’

  11. institusi kesultanan melayu selangor dah beratus tahun ujud.

    pkr, dap dan pas berapa lama?

    setahun jagung? nak tunjuk pandai. poorah

  12. Ms H. The crass disrespect shown by the DAP and its cohorts to the Royal Sultan of Selangor is beyond belief considering the fact that these Aduns are supposed to be imbibed in the traditions and conventions of the land.

    This fiasco shows they know nothing. So deep is their brainwashed psyche in worshipping at another spiritual homeland. Openly the DAP asks the Royal Sultan for forgiveness. This is a blatant disregard for traditions and conventions. What is there to forgive? They are not 6 year olds but fully democratically elected adults.

    If they have any back-bone the DAP should resign from all the seats to show they are sincere and honourable.

    And return that Prada handbag to the second hand goods boutique !

  13. Penderhaka no.1 yang paling terang lagi bersuluh… AZIZ BARI.. malaun kurang ajar… patut kene buang negara jer… bangga dengan perkataan Expert tapi hujah macam org bodoh…

  14. Dear Aunty Helen,

    We need to understand the history of our country to love our country. My father always reminds me that the history of Malaysia started from the Malay States with the Malay Sultans as their kings – refer to old stamps of the Malay states and international stamp catalogue and see that the Malay states are actually countries on their own with their own Malay kings.

    Are those people who want foreign powers to interfere with the affairs of our country like the opposition parties, their NGOs like COMANGO really love our country? These people do not like our Sultans but are so proud of the kings and queens of other countries such as the Queen of England. They are very funny but they think that they are very cool.

    Now they are very loud and noisy, dare to call others names and seems so brave and not scared of the law? They break the law and they still loudly blame others and shouted at us. Can we be as loud as them?

    1. re: “Can we be as loud as them?”

      Can, but you need training in the wet market. Like Ah Soh Prada.

  15. Ms H. In recent years, all the actions of the DAP seem to show that juvenile minds were at work coupled with their childish utterings.

    A case in point is after baying for the repeal of the ISA, we see the absurd DAP spectacle of 10,000 purple guards for their self-protection. It is alright for them who could use public money to protect themselves. What about you and me and all the Rakyat in a scenario which is/was created by these troublemakers with their own army of 10,000.

    If each of these fellows recruit 10, at a stroke of a knife, we have 4 divisions of men armed to the teeth dressed in purple! No wonder these folks only care for themselves and their very own Prada handbags! They have their own laws of the jungle!

    1. ‘ It is alright for them who could use public money to protect themselves.’

      Satu hari RM200 some more bagi yang jena tahan dengan polis. Ish-ish banyaknya duit olang Penang kasi sama gangsters?!

  16. “”’ KUALA LUMPUR, September 9 , 2014: The DAP today asked for forgiveness from the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharaffudin Idris Shah following the ruler’s rebuke for disobeying his royal decree by submitting only one name as candidate for the post of menteri besar.

    “On behalf of DAP, I wish to seek forgiveness from DYMM Tuanku Sultan Selangor for causing displeasure to Tuanku over the DAP’s decision of submitting only the name of Kajang assemblyman Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as candidate to be the new Selangor MB,” said the party’s secretary-general, Lim Guan Eng in a statement.””’

    Anybody buying this…..when you are stuck between a rock and a hard place start digging your way out.

    Typical Dap strategy now that the palace and the Malays are involved.

    Lets ask for forgiveness, to cover this crap situation Anwar created.

    Another day another situation involving sultans/palace, Aap will want their forgiveness back 10 fold.

    Who thinks that Dap respects “”’KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA DAN NEGARA””” must be joking.

    1. You know he says he regrets and then blame Anwar for the mess. But yet he insists of submitting only one name and not following the Sultan’s orders. This is same as saying “I am sorry” with the middle finger raised high.

    2. beastofburden. Please see the financial mess the spiritual leadership in the spiritual home of the DAP, Singapore made with their citizens CPF Trust money. And here, the DAP is actsy and pompous with not much in their heads. Whatever they say cannot be believed !

      1. Ni rasanya DAP dan PKR dah dapat that one phone call, just one lotan will do to make any dog walks with tail between its legs.

        Observe how Guan Eng and Anwar stutter to seek for forgiveness!

  17. Ms H. It is unbecoming of the self-appointed ineffective and very rich opposition guardians of our established Malaysian Democracy not to know the traditions and conventions of the Royal Sultanates which have been around for centuries. And some of these fellows were even ennobled by their Royal Highnesses!
    It is also absurd for these fellows who forever want to rule over us. I definitely think they are unsuitable to hold any responsible public post.

    And with this disparate crew, there is now talk of a further walk-around by rotund, well-fed and well-dressed proxies along the hot and humid streets of KL. They could not even get their act together to keep a good and honest MB and now they want to put a dummy in his place.
    This is what we call, ‘FROM THE SUBLLIME TO THE RIDICULOUS!’

    Suffer us poor Rakyat with these clowns in Malaysian politics. They spent so much money which should be donated to the old folks homes.

    1. re: “rotund, well-fed and well-dressed proxies along the hot and humid streets of KL”

      The Prada toter was driving all around Subang looking for Bak Kut Teh.


  18. Ms H. See how they (the Opposition) run ! See how they run after the farmer’s wife sic the MB’s seat ! The whole Opposition facade of professional political job-seekers (DAP) and ultra rich PKR is just a facade.

    By the way, do see a certain physical likeness between the head honcho of the Pearl of the Orient and that Prada bag toter ?

  19. Ms H. With the inadvertent delay by DYMM Sultan Selangor on the appointment of a new replacement MB, we can only say that the DAP the party of professional political job seekers, the ultra rich PKR have no suitable candidate to rule over us at the State level.. And at the Federal level, they suck !

    1. Apa pun bila keluar masuk Negara ini, Malaysia tolong baca cover dalam passport anda..

      …..Bahawasanya atas nama Yang di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia diminta sekalian yang berkenaan supaya membenarkan pembawa paspot ini lalu dengan bebas…….etc

      You are given such protection under the name of our YDP Agong, tapi gitu masih mau bikin kurang ajar dan biadap sekali terhadap Institusi Raja negara ini?

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