Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Bukankah MCA pelindung masyarakat Cina, konon? (Updated: Video)

‘Ingat DAPster, ingat gangster’ (klik)

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada rakan-rakan blogger yang menyahut SOS saya kelmarin untuk menyebarkan berita.

Cikgu Simon masih lagi diganggu-gugat oleh samseng-samseng di tempat kediamannya dan juga di alam maya.

Baca catatan Cikgu Simon — Taman Kaya: The Harassment continues almost daily…

Sekali lagi beliau terpaksa memanggil polis minta bantuan.

Samseng-samseng patut didedahkan oleh The Star bukannya dimanja dan ditutup aib mereka oleh suratkhabar-membelai-DAP itu. Report the truth! Name and shame the culprits.

Hari ini The Star boleh menyiarkan sampai enam rencana tentang isu pasangan penuntut universiti yang merakamkan adegan ranjang untuk dimuat-turun ke blog mereka.

The Star nampaknya bukan sahaja akhbar kegemaran evangelis Subang Jaya tetapi merupakan kegemaran Alvin dan Vivian juga.

“Syabas Star! Way to go …”


Senior citizen bullied but The Star badmouths victim instead

“Indian pariah” reporter: Pemberita pula yang disaman RM1juta oleh orang DAP

Star silence on cyber bullying sign it’s pro-DAP


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

44 thoughts on “Bukankah MCA pelindung masyarakat Cina, konon? (Updated: Video)

  1. Helen,

    Golongan yang suka memurtadkan penganut agama lain amat mengetahui cara berkesan untuk memesongkan pegangan agama individu yang mahu di murtadkan.

    Aktiviti pemesongan agama telah lama berjalan dan masih berjalan malah akan terus berjalan. Beza antara dulu dan sekarang ialah sama ada dibuat secara terang-terangan atau sembunyi-sembunyian.

    Dalam konteks lokal, nampaknya sudah ada paper porno yang bertopengkan angel/’paper rakyat’ yang tanpa disedari pembaca, secara terang-terangan menyebarkan budaya kuning untuk tujuan yang telah lama diketahui umum iaitu pemesongan anutan.

  2. I dah beri komen sebelum ini helen.. STAR sudah jadi akhbar porno. Promosi free sex. Apa yg nak dihairankan kenapa STAR diam pasal gangster? DAPster memang gangster dulu kini dan selamanya. Teringat Eli wong evengelis.. hehehe

  3. Sorry if my writing sounds harsh but I’m a believer in the saying ‘as you make your bed so you must lie on it.’ You put them in power then suffer or reap the consequences.

    In my readings of the events, I have not found Cik Gu Simon’s request for help from MCA to assist. If you want someone to help, go and ask for it. If after asking and still no action, then it’s fair to comment. Better yet, go to state-level DAP in the first instance and ask them to assist. After all, he helped them in now cash-in on it.

    In my opinion, MCA’s inaction to Star’s reporting is strategically right because DAP can do enough damages on their own thank you very much, without any poke from outside. The fundamentals of ‘modern’ DAP (post 2008) existence are built on wrong premises (ego, anger et al.), and it’s just a matter of time before the house of cards will crumble.

    1. I agree with you, berani buat berani tanggung all the consequences of putting DAP into power. But alas, the <20% of Chinese who do not support DAP will also suffer the general backlash (poor us!)

      The Media Perak reporters did ring the DAP YBs to intervene but to no avail. I read somewhere in Cikgu Simon’s narration that an MCA man did offer to help but I’m not sure if the help was accepted. (If CS is reading this, perhaps he can clarify.)

      MCA leaving The Star to continue on its present trajectory will be lucrative for its sales (compared with NST‘s poor circulation) and at the same time, like you say, shore up DAP’s fundamentals of Ego and Anger – don’t forget the Hatred component, ya.

      When the house of cards collapse, not only will the DAPsters get buried under but so will innocent Chinese and other Chinese like me who are against the gangsters. In a race conflict, no one will stop to ask our political allegiances. We are simply what we look. I look Chinese.

  4. SoHai! you left out UMNO, Gerakan, Pekasa, Keailan, PAS, PSM also…all the parties are involved for that 2 GREAT MAN SIMON THONG and AUSTINE ANTHONY…NAIVE!!!!

    1. Apparently high on something still…

      I think that’s the average level of argument for the average Malaysian.

  5. Petikan Temuramah pelakon PORNO THE STAR:

    “”Kami mula mengambil gambar bogel ketika bertemu kali kedua,” kata Tan.”Kami menghabiskan cuti di sebuah hotel di P.Pinang dan dia telah berbogel.”Dia bertanya kepada saya jika saya mahu mengambil gambar (bogel) dan saya menganggapnya sebagai suka-suka,” kata Tan, yang berkata dia tidak melakukan seks sejauh ini dengan bekas teman wanitanya.”Kebanyakan adalah pengecut. OK, saya tarik balik. Mereka tidak mencabar,” katanya.”Melakukan perkara-perkara seperti ‘bungee-jumping’ atau terjunan udara adalah perkara biasa,” katanya. “Saya mahu bergaul dengan orang-orang yang telah melakukan perkara-perkara yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelum ini.
    “Dengarkan pra-rakaman temubual dengan pasangan ini di Red FM (104.9) dan Capital FM (88.9) pada pukul 2 petang hari ini.Pendengar di Lembah Klang juga boleh mendengarnya melalui stesen berbahasa Cina 988FM (98.8) pada pukul 7.30 pagi, Selasa.Stesen radio kumpulan media The Star Red FM, Capital FM dan 988 FM turut membawakan beberapa topik termasuk:

    – Bagaimana mereka bertemu dan bagaimana dia obses dengan wanita bernama ‘Vivian’.
    – “Alvin mempunyai ‘keterujaan’ untuk nama Vivian. Kami bertemu melalui “kawan atas kawan” di Facebook, dan Alvin telah menjadikan saya sebagai kawannya.”
    – Vivian Mengenai rakaman video seks.
    “Ia sebenarnya terdapat lebih banyak. Seks lebih ghairah yang kita ada tidak direkodkan. Ia sebenarnya seperti kerja” – Alvin
    – Bagaimana jika ia adalah anak-anak mereka menyiarkan video seks?
    “Saya tidak akan menggalakkan mereka secara langsung, tetapi saya akan menggalakkan mereka untuk menyerlahkan apa jua bakat atau minat mereka.” – Alvin
    – Adakah dia menyesal apa-apa ini?
    “Kami hanya akan menyesali perkara yang kami tidak melakukannya. 20 tahun dari sekarang, saya akan melihat kembali zaman 20-an saya dan saya berfikir bahawa saya adalah begitu menakjubkan. “-. Alvin

    ADAKAH STAR SUDAH GILA mempromosikan seks bebas? Adakah masyarakat CINA sudah hilang nilai MORAL? KDN patut bertindak. Mana dia RAIS YATIM yg mengawal radio? Apakata pemimpin CINA? DAPster yg menjunjung moral? What had happened to MALAYSIA?

    1. “ADAKAH STAR SUDAH GILA mempromosikan seks bebas? Adakah masyarakat CINA sudah hilang nilai MORAL? KDN patut bertindak. Mana dia RAIS YATIM yg mengawal radio? Apakata pemimpin CINA? DAPster yg menjunjung moral? What had happened to MALAYSIA?”


      The Star perlu papar berita seumpama ni kerana lagi sensasi berita yang dilaporkan, lagi ramai orang yang akan beli akbar mereka. ini dikatakan commercial paper.

      masyarakat Cina sudah terlalu taksub mengejar wang, tak ada masa nak look after the kids, jadi apabila anak-anak muda melakukan perkara seumpama ni, ini dikatakan sebagai the kids getting back at their parents and society at large for neglecting them.

      the silence of the Chinese community leaders speaks volume of how they have come to view themselves. in other words, as a whole, they have failed the community.

      DAPsters yang moralists, now this time, they have been caught off guard, so they keep quiet. besides, the 2 “actors” are Chinese, so there’s more reason to keep quiet.

      For KDN and Rais, I think they are going through the whole thing, even if you want to take action against the 2, you need to go through the procedure.

      Malaysia, as a whole, has become permissive, too permissive. when politicians like Anwar, Azmin, Eli Wong themselves are pioneers of such culture, the young will imitate.

      1. Oh please. Ada orang suka menconteng arang di muka. Kenapa diberi perhatian terhadap pasangan tu? Sama jualah ceritanya dengan bintang pujaan mereka di HK si Edison tu.

        Anyway ini sudah disensasikan, two dumb young adults (dua-dua dah 23 tahun) don’t need more airtime to promote their liberal attitude towards pre-marital sex. Since they consider what they are doing as “art”, I strongly recommend we look back at our art programme in high schools to see what went wrong.

        Time for Malaysians to wake up and acknowledge the amount of sex going on outside the marriage institution.

  6. Ini negara Malaysia. Itu bukan lagi hak asasi… Islam teras negara. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan adalah Rukunegara. The STAR memang haram jadah mcm DAP.

  7. The Star menjadikan masyarakat Cina terlalu liberal, free sex, gangster mengikut acuan DAPster

  8. Hey!!! you Liangko. i don’t know Chinese dialect. Try to say what you say in Bahasa Melayu so that as a malaysian I can understand unless you think everyone from Taman Kaya lives in China. We can respect each other’s language but don’t intimidate Helen just because she is of Chinese ancestry. I think she is more Malaysian for the purpose of the truth and reality than most of us.

    1. For Malaysian who are not familiar with the cursing of the Malaysian Chinese in Cantonese, please visit Liangko, aren’t you stupid, you want to be Anglophile yet decide to use Cantonese dialect. What a disgrace!!!!

      Go get grip of yourself what you want to do then come back and tell us what is it you really want. For me, let me put in a simple term how to describe in a Melayu term P*****H punya binatang.

      I know I am crude but why should I compromise when you find it easy and convenient to smear to ensure the truth and reality is kept amidst for humanity to survive amongst Malaysians irrespective of their origin.

      1. u r sometimes very funny la miny, for u only i spend 2 minutes to translate into readable form, but u get someone else to translate to english if u r really interested :) what is the point to carry on this?


        1. HY, I must say I am not a Chinese literaturate, but what is humane does trigger me. Humanity does not need literacy to ensure humanity when it warrants amongst us. Don’t you think so? I love the Chinese characters, but what it is means is nothing when humanity seems abysmal for our semua tahu attitude as and when it fits us. You want to be real or artificial for the truth, reality and humanity is not my choice, it is your choice. How you make your choice, is again your choice. I know it is a double edged sword, but what can I do about it even if one speaks the truth.

          1. Note by blog admin:

            Comment held in moderation.

            This commenter using the fake e-mail addresses – AhLiangko at, Ahliankoko at yahoo, Daimacai at yahoo, damacaicai at yahoo – has been spamming my blog with profanities and vulgarities ever since I wrote up on the bullying of Simon Thong by the Taman Kaya residents.

            To date, this person has left at least a hundred comments here in transliterated Cantonese and English – all cursing, swearing and slandering me and Cikgu Simon as well as directing slurs at a few other commenters. (Search under keyword ‘Liangko’ in this blog to see dozens of samples of his nasty handiwork.)

            Such verbal harassment is reflective of DAPster cyber thuggery.

            If they (the DApsters) are not averse to behaving like samseng online, imagine what Cikgu Simon is having to go through offline in their midst.

            Cikgu Simon has apologized to me for this bully now coming to my blog, explaining that Liangko is “chasing [him Simon Thong] all over the place” and because he [Simon] won’t let his [the bully’s] vulgarities appear on his [Simon’s] blog.


            Ref. Senior citizen bullied but The Star badmouths victim instead


      2. Note by blog admin:

        Comment held in moderation.

        This commenter using the fake e-mail addresses – AhLiangko at, Ahliankoko at yahoo, Daimacai at yahoo, damacaicai at yahoo – has been spamming my blog with profanities and vulgarities ever since I wrote up on the bullying of Simon Thong by the Taman Kaya residents.

        To date, this person has left at least a hundred comments here in transliterated Cantonese and English – all cursing, swearing and slandering me and Cikgu Simon as well as directing slurs at a few other commenters. (Search under keyword ‘Liangko’ in this blog to see dozens of samples of his nasty handiwork.)

        Such verbal harassment is reflective of DAPster cyber thuggery.

        If they (the DApsters) are not averse to behaving like samseng online, imagine what Cikgu Simon is having to go through offline in their midst.

        Cikgu Simon has apologized to me for this bully now coming to my blog, explaining that Liangko is “chasing [him Simon Thong] all over the place” and because he [Simon] won’t let his [the bully’s] vulgarities appear on his [Simon’s] blog.


        Ref. Senior citizen bullied but The Star badmouths victim instead


    2. Kwan Li Kwai See. Nak K Lah.. Hei Chai…Took Tor Kei Nien She…. Toong Ngo Wan.. Mei Kow Pan….

      1. Liangko, more Cantonese!!!!. Friend, apalah,tak tahu Bahasa? Seriously I don’t know whether you are cursing or appreciating but don’t you think you owe a level of gratitude if you need to blog in a multicultural blog like this unless you think just being the Anglophile Chinese using Chinese characters will enhance your agenda.

        If you are looking for votes like your favorite DAP in their artificial agenda, then you are amongst the wrong crowd. Take your battle elsewhere when you can actually do something for someone else without any expectation besides what is only good for you.

        1. Note by blog admin:

          Comment held in moderation.

          This commenter using the fake e-mail addresses – AhLiangko at, Ahliankoko at yahoo, Daimacai at yahoo, damacaicai at yahoo – has been spamming my blog with profanities and vulgarities ever since I wrote up on the bullying of Simon Thong by the Taman Kaya residents.

          To date, this person has left at least a hundred comments here in transliterated Cantonese and English – all cursing, swearing and slandering me and Cikgu Simon as well as directing slurs at a few other commenters. (Search under keyword ‘Liangko’ in this blog to see dozens of samples of his nasty handiwork.)

          Such verbal harassment is reflective of DAPster cyber thuggery.

          If they (the DApsters) are not averse to behaving like samseng online, imagine what Cikgu Simon is having to go through offline in their midst.

          Cikgu Simon has apologized to me for this bully now coming to my blog, explaining that Liangko is “chasing [him Simon Thong] all over the place” and because he [Simon] won’t let his [the bully’s] vulgarities appear on his [Simon’s] blog.


          Ref. Senior citizen bullied but The Star badmouths victim instead


  9. helen,

    this Liangko fella minat u so much…and maybe this Liangko from taman kaya. sure kaya one… jeng jeng jeng….


    1. Note by blog admin:

      Comment held in moderation.

      This commenter using the fake e-mail addresses – AhLiangko at, Ahliankoko at yahoo, Daimacai at yahoo, damacaicai at yahoo – has been spamming my blog with profanities and vulgarities ever since I wrote up on the bullying of Simon Thong by the Taman Kaya residents.

      To date, this person has left at least a hundred comments here in transliterated Cantonese and English – all cursing, swearing and slandering me and Cikgu Simon as well as directing slurs at a few other commenters. (Search under keyword ‘Liangko’ in this blog to see dozens of samples of his nasty handiwork.)

      Such verbal harassment is reflective of DAPster cyber thuggery.

      If they (the DApsters) are not averse to behaving like samseng online, imagine what Cikgu Simon is having to go through offline in their midst.

      Cikgu Simon has apologized to me for this bully now coming to my blog, explaining that Liangko is “chasing [him Simon Thong] all over the place” and because he [Simon] won’t let his [the bully’s] vulgarities appear on his [Simon’s] blog.


      Ref. Senior citizen bullied but The Star badmouths victim instead


  10. Note by blog admin:

    Comment held in moderation.

    This commenter using the fake e-mail addresses – AhLiangko at, Ahliankoko at yahoo, Daimacai at yahoo, damacaicai at yahoo – has been spamming my blog with profanities and vulgarities ever since I wrote up on the bullying of Simon Thong by the Taman Kaya residents.

    To date, this person has left at least a hundred comments here in transliterated Cantonese and English – all cursing, swearing and slandering me and Cikgu Simon as well as directing slurs at a few other commenters. (Search under keyword ‘Liangko’ in this blog to see dozens of samples of his nasty handiwork.)

    Such verbal harassment is reflective of DAPster cyber thuggery.

    If they (the DApsters) are not averse to behaving like samseng online, imagine what Cikgu Simon is having to go through offline in their midst.

    Cikgu Simon has apologized to me for this bully now coming to my blog, explaining that Liangko is “chasing [him Simon Thong] all over the place” and because he [Simon] won’t let his [the bully’s] vulgarities appear on his [Simon’s] blog.


    Ref. Senior citizen bullied but The Star badmouths victim instead


  11. Incident No 9: Violence at the boomgate.
    Monday, 29 October 2012: 10.25pm

    My wife and I arrived at the boomgate. Nobody raised it. There were 6-7 people there.

    One man was very angry. His wife was also very angry. She whacked my windscreen with what appeared to be a slipper. He could not open my door. He, then, kicked my door several times, shouting and shouting. The only words I could understand were: You got no ball.

    Another car arrived, so the boomgate was lifted and that was how we got through.

    The incident lasted about 9-10 minutes.

Comments are closed.