Posted in Evangeliblis

Bajet Pemandu dilimpahi barakah tak terhitung-hitung

Orang Malaysia nampaknya miskin.

Lebih separuh (yakni 53%) daripada kita berpendapatan kurang RM3,000 sebulan dan layak menerima BR1M.

Seramai 21.5 peratus penduduk negara berpendapatan satu isi rumah bawah RM1,500 sebulan.

Sementara itu, sebanyak 31.2 peratus penduduk berpendapatan seisi rumah kurang RM3,000 sebulan.

Hanya satu suku (24.1%) penduduk negara berpendapatan melebihi RM5,000 sebulan.

Household Income

Sasaran pendapatan purata RM4,000

Namun Idris Jala pemandu bas Najib berkata (maaf, cakap omputih, ya, kerana Idris ni Kristian evangelis):

“The goals of the ETP are to raise Malaysia’s GNI per capita to US$15,000, create 3.3 million jobs and secure US$444 billion in investments by 2020. Our target for GNI is based on the World Bank’s GNI per capita threshold for a high income economy of US$12,276 and takes into account the organisation’s historical global inflation benchmark figure of 2 per cent until 2020.”

Disasarkannya purata pendapatan rakyat negara akan mencecah RM4,000 sebulan menjelang tahun 2020, yakni dalam masa enam tahun kelak.

Quantum leap dah nih. Adakah golongan rakyat bawahan akan berjaya meningkatkan pendapatan mereka secara mendadak?

Idris bus driver

Mean versus median income

Diberikan contoh bagi menunjukkan perbezaan di antara istilah ‘mean‘ (purata) dan ‘median‘ (penengah).


Pendapatan peribadi bulanan, katakan:

  • Tuan Sazali seorang timbalan ketua jabatan kerajaan — RM7,500 (gaji pokok tanpa dikirakan pelbagai elaun, dsb)
  • Puan Zaiton seorang jurutera — RM5,000
  • Encik Nedim seorang pegawai khas kerajaan — RM4,000
  • Cik Hashimah seorang guru — RM3,250
  • Cik Ani seorang kerani — RM1,750

Pendapatan bulanan purata (mean income) bagi kumpulan di atas ialah RM7,500 + RM5,000 + RM4,000 + RM3,250 + RM1,750 ÷ 5 = RM4,300


Pendapatan peribadi bulanan, katakan:

  • Dr Prakash seorang doktor klinik — RM10,000
  • Puan Sheila seorang peguam — RM8,500
  • Krishnan seorang drebar — RM1,700
  • Arumugam seorang pengawal (security guard) — RM1,200
  • Lakshmi seorang ‘pencuci’ (cleaner) — RM850

Nilai median pendapatan bagi lima orang anggota kumpulan di atas ialah angka yang terletak di tengah, iaitu RM1,700.






Apapun, Wahid Omar (seorang kawan akrab Idris Jala) telah memberitahu para wartawan baru-baru ini bahawa pendapatan purata bulanan orang Malaysia ialah RM5,900 manakala pendapatan median ialah RM4,258.

Sebaliknya mengikut data BR1M, kita miskin pula. Kenyataan si Wahid Menteri dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada bulan lepas bercanggah dengan data BR1M.

Memang susah nak ‘caya cakap orang politik.

Pemandu Transformation

Idris Jala

ETP pecat Najib

Rancangan Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) yang dirujuk beliau adalah di bawah kawalan Idris Jala sendiri.

Maksudnya tugas Idris selaku Menteri Pemandu juga merangkumi kerja bos GTP dan bos ETP.

ETP pernah sekali melucutkan Najib Razak daripada jawatannya – lihat tweet (screenshot bawah) oleh ETP pada 6 Jan 2014 yang menyebut PM sebagai “former Prime Minister Najib Razak”.

Idris Jala ni sebenarnya ahli firasat yang mempunyai ilmu menilik.

Najib: “Energy subsidy no longer sustainable”


Berbilyun beb!

Belanjawan bagi Pemandu

Cuba kita lihat pada bajet 2014 dan peruntukan yang diberi kepada Pemandu.

Anggaran tahun 2013: RM250,000,000.00

Anggaran tahun 2014: RM39,200,000.00

Pemandu quarter billion

Kos perbelanjaan mengurus yang disenaraikan sebagai NKEA dan NKRA:

  • RM44,000,000.00 untuk NKEA Petroleum Resource Corporation
  • RM3,000,000.00 untuk NKEA Nuclear Power Corporation
  • RM200,000,000.00 untuk NKRA low income household
  • RM24,675,000.00 untuk NKRA urban public transport


Pemandu NKEA

Yang di atas pula untuk entah apa projek NKEA – kod nombor projek ialah 94000 – yang bernilai RM138,189,183.00.

Boleh tak blogger-blogger Umno tolong semak?

Apa lah kerja yang Pemandu-Pemandu drebar Najib buat nih? (lihat bawah)

Kerja Pemandu


I love new PM

Saya rasa kalau dah lah Najib dipecat sebagai Perdana Menteri oleh unit ETP, elok aje kita lantik Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim jadi PM baru.

Di bawah Najib, duit kerajaan dibazir berbilyun-bilyun di kala ramai konsultan-konsultan dan punahsihat yang masyuk.

Tapi kalau di bawah pentadbiran Khalid Kedekut, pasti kerajaan boleh jimat berbilyun-bilyun.

Yang best-nya, si Khalid orang korporat yang mampu pakai otak sendiri. Dia tak payah gaji konsultan melambak-lambak untuk minta nasihat.

Lagipun orang Pakatan dok komplen Khalid buat keputusan seorang-seorang. Maksudnya takde lah konsultan keliling pinggang.

Khalid for PM! # Ini Khalid lah


(605 patah perkataan)

Baca juga:

Tanggungjawab kerajaan Najib sub-kontrak kepada pihak luar


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

31 thoughts on “Bajet Pemandu dilimpahi barakah tak terhitung-hitung

  1. HA 10Q.

    Wahid sebagai akauntan sungguh memalukan saya kerana saya juga akauntan. Jelas Wahid tak selesa dg statistik dan tak tahu nak menggunakannya apatah lagi nak menerangkannya.

    HA 10Q. Helen dapat menerangkan jauh lebih baik dan senang difahami oleh “layman”.

    Helen. Keep on blogging and do your part to inform the public with the right information for them to digest.

  2. Masalah ini semua kerana puak Opposition Pakatan tak sepakat arah hala tuju mereka. Jijah tu pakai kipas, saya sarankan mereka register Pakatan dan guna lambang kipas.

    Sejak 2008 kelam kabut tak habis2 cari pasai. Tumpuan mereka sekadar nak tarik penyokong aje. Tsunami Cina dah memberi hasil. Awek2 Cun dan Melayu parachute agak dah mula tunjuk hasil juga.

    Sementara tu Otak2 pengikut biar kasi mereng ada yang dah sewel, kemaluan pun dengan megah dipamerkan dalam internet, betina jantan lari sana sini macam binatang telanjang bogel berkejar2 enjoy di pantai. Yang paderi2 pon tumpang kalut nak UBAH nama tuhan mereka..

    Hal ehwal perkembangan negara takde masa atau takde kepakaran nak bincang atau berdebat kat Dewan. Masuk Dewan nak tunjuk garang dan tergege’ , tempit sana sini last last protest dan walk-out. Cara depa sekadar cekap adakan demonstrasi, anjurkan road show pi dok kelentong baling kerusi sana sini.

    Apa lagi… Sementara Opposition sibuk melelong dok pikiaq pasai kajang move, bersih, negaraku, PPS dan entah apa lagi nonsense, yg dok pegang duit tunggu apa lagi? Enjoy la, belanja puas puas! Kalo budget nak dibentangkan tunjuk deficit, apa susah.. Kasi tarik aje apa subsidi yang masih ada dan lambak aje kepada rakyat.

  3. Analisa politician ni ada sikit yg betul. Tapi yg betul menipu, adalah beberapa penerima br1m. Bila saya pergi IRD hari tu fsl income tax saya, org yg dtg ambil borang brim punya la ramai.

    Kalau ikut peratus penduduk pon tak logik, satu bangsa ni memenuhi setiap ruang di jabatan tu.

    Kereta diaorang pulak menjalar panjang, saya, si pembayar cukai ni nak mnyelitkan kereta saya yg tak sebesar kereta diaorang, pon dah tak der ruang sepanjang jalan kat luar IRD tu.

    Cam ne nih? Memang semua nya bocor a.k.a. tiris ke ?

    1. Dua orang Menteri Dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri masing-masing cakap lain.

      Idris Jala kata target – “The goals of the ETP are to raise Malaysia’s GNI per capita to US$15,000″.

      US$15,000 = RM48,877 pendapatan tahunan = lebih kurang RM4,000 sebulan. Ini sasaran yang mahu dicapai menjelang tahun 2020.

      Namun seorang lagi menteri, iaitu Wahid Omar kata pendapatan bulanan orang Malaysia pada masa kini sudah menjangkau RM5,900.

  4. Kami semua pening dah dgn mamat dari Sarawak ni… nak masuk Sarawak kena pakai IC. Tapi mamat sarawak ni kelirukan org Semenanjung dgn ETP GTP NKRA NKEA PUKIS…. Hmmm pening… Habis kena buang subsidi.

    Dia orang belanja berbilion billion. Dia org punya hal semua berbilion. Tak kan 20 Sen subsidi tak boleh sabar? Kira semua 20sen boleh jimat 1 billion je tahun 2015 ni… beratus bilion ada kat Pemandu tu…

    1 bilion = 1,000 juta.. Kalau 1 juta pun mmg sudah banyak, ni 1000 juta…1MDB hutang 38,000 juta..38 bilion….

    Biasa nya EPU.. Economic Planning Unit yg uruskan duet berbilion ni… Hmmm ni tak percaya orang melayu la ni… kena pakai Consultant… CON PEOPLE LIVE LIKE A SULTAN

    Gaji org malaysia RM3,000.. tiga RIBU sahaja beb

  5. BR1M ni pun makan berbilion jugak. Sudah menjadi satu beban negara. Kalau berdasarkan kpd penyata LHDN, ramai yg bukan makan gaji kerja dengan gomen tak bayar cukai… mungkin itu sbb nya diperlukan GST.

    Sbb ape duet BR1M tak di salurkan kepada org kampung yg miskin di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak … Kasi peruntukan betulkan rumah rumah mereka, buat sesuatu utk jangka Panjang. Di bandar kasi pada pekerja kerajaan dan swasta yg gaji nya layak terima BR1M. Atau yg tak bekerja mesti daftar dgn Jabatan Kenaikan ke? Kalau berdasarkan penyata LHDN… mmg kena tipu je…

  6. Some additional statistics from EPF themselves:-

    1. 85% of active EPF members earning less than RM3,000 a month ( I don’t know who is more accurate here; Anas Alam Faizli bandied around a 78.6% figure in his book similar as what Sultan Perak said the other day)

    2. 28.11% of its contributers earning between RM1,001 to RM2,000

    3. 23.84% of its contributers earning between RM500 and RM1,000

    4. 19.56% of its members earning less than RM500

    5. 13.03% had received between RM2,001 to RM3,000

    Other than that, I respect a lot of women nowadays. Most have to work to help pay the bills of the family. On top of that, they have to take care of the kids most of the time and juggling other household chores (admittedly most men are lazy bums). In the old days, women stay at home, but now it’s almost impossible given how expensive it is to live in an urban setting (i.e. impossible to pay house mortgage with husband’s pay alone).

    1. Thanks for the info.

      re: 23.84% of EPF contributors earning RM500-RM1,000 and 19.56% earning <RM500

      Even noting that EPF contributors are salaried individuals while household income is collective (say, with both spouses working), nonetheless Wahid Omar's figure of RM5,900 on average sounds too high.

      Again noting the caveat that EPF only covers workers and not the bosses who are running their own business or self-employed, the data you cite says that 43.4 percent of workers are earning less than RM1,000 from one job.

      Wahid claims that average household income is RM5,900. Even divided by two, that puts the Husband's income at RM3,000 and Wife's at RM2,900 (katakan lah).

      But EPF is saying that 85 percent of its active EPF contributors are earning less than RM3,000 a month.

      1. Add:

        With EPF saying that the huge majority (85%) are poor enough to qualify for BR1M i.e. income under 3k, then the figure that Wahid gives out as the AVERAGE is difficult to credit.

        It also indicates that the income gap is huge. A handful of tycoons, businessmen, Pemandu consultants and politicians (including Selangor Speaker) are rich.

        The majority – who are BN voters and complaining about the petrol price hike – are having difficulty to make ends meet.

        Well, like I said – I see pitchforks. But the beloved PM as the Tun said is surrounded by courtiers who tell the emperor he can buy chicken (a whole bird) for RM1 and he is King Canute who can stop the waves, the Makkal Sakti tide and the Chinese tsunami.

        Dear Beloved PM, a Malay storm is brewing and it will be the Mother of All Storms to sweep BN away if you still insist on listening to the wrong people.


      2. Helen, I tends to stick with EPF’s statistic because, well, it’s EPF (they have the solid numbers in their database) and it’s a more representative of the working class (although it doesn’t represent everyone like you said).

        We don’t know where (and how) Wahid got his numbers, maybe from consultants (again?) or maybe plucked out of thin air, who knows.

        1. Bottomline: The core of the problem is that Najib trusts outsiders more than he does his own government servants.

          EPU for example have been planning and charting the course of our country ever since Merdeka. But they’re sidelined by him in favour of his billion-ringgit Advisors and Consultants and I’d presume his brother Nazir’s coterie too.

          And I do not see why Najib is giving Pemandu the power to oversee the government agencies as well as mark the report card of his senior cabinet ministers.

          Do you remember this girl? She was a senior Pemandu analyst. Imagine that she was actually given the responsibility to evaluate the KPIs of the police.


  7. As someone who used to work in the investment banking industry, I have to say that the crooks and frauds who use average income and median income to highlight the success of the government’s initiatives are snake charmers.

    Both are misleading but for those who are not familiar with the methodology these crooks and frauds use to arrive at the numbers, they think Malaysia is some kind of Wonderland inhabited by people like Alice and The Hatter.

    This is getting beyond pathetic. This is not even silly. This is something else. No wonder certain people delight in calling our nation Dumb Land. Indeed our leaders are dumb, well at least those elected into office anyway. The snake charmers are making tons of money from the dumbness of our leaders.

    I have one question though. How to sign up as a consultant for the government?

  8. Good work Helen, keep it up…but i think from now on please focus your campaign on UMNO members, the people who have the power to remove Najib as the party’s president.

    Telling najib things is like talking to a statue… no brain & no heart. Has ears but can’t hear!

  9. Seramai 21.5 peratus penduduk negara berpendapatan satu isi rumah bawah RM1,500 sebulan.
    The facts and the truth is foreign be it legal or illegal workers in MALAYSIA earn better RM1500 pm and the best part is ‘senang dapat kerja’ even BM tak boleh cakap da.

    How on Malaysia can Myanmay, Nepalese, Banglas, etc able to open shopps at Leboh Ampang? take control of Petaling Street? How easy a Nigerian can come to Malaysia and con Malaysian. Many more.

    One day we will have a PM who have a mixed blood of Nigerian, Bangla, Myanmar, Indon, Nepalese, Chinese, Indian and Malay blood. So all in he will be a WORLD class leader. That day will come one day.

    By the way, what are these GTP for when DR M have change Malaysia and set the roadmap to 2020? Why the change when it already in place?

    1. re: “How easy a Nigerian can come to Malaysia and con Malaysian.”

      They are Christians.


      1. Re: How easy for African con artists/criminals to enter and remain in Malaysia.

        1. they are christians; and

        2. our immigration dept personnel are mighty corrupt – last year, an Iraqi pilot friend of mind tried to get, and not for the first time, failed to have his visa extended. He had been staying in Malaysia for more than 10 years, renting an apartment unit. His contract was not extended by a local airliner but he had a court case against that airliner for which a trial date had been fixed, about 3 months ahead. I accompanied him to immig dept hq in Putrajaya. As usual we were pushed from one section to another.

        Finally, there was this low ranking immig officer, from the security section, dengan muka kelat macam sial, arrogantly said my friend had to leave the country before the 1 month visit pass ended & come back later for the court date & he would not hesitate to blacklist my friend… as the pass would expire within a few days, the air ticket was exorbitant. But that immig officer wd have none of it.

        I was fuming mad & told him, what about those thousands of african criminals, why did you people grant them visas? My friend was an ex-pilot of a local airliner and clean. How much bribe did you collect from those africans? my friend quickly pulled me away and out of the immig office. i really wanted to spit on that immig officer’s face that day. manusia jahannam

  10. When you ask a consultant to change a light bulb, they will end up advising you to rewire the whole house. They do not know how to do anything but somehow could come up with suggestions on how things should be done.

    1. re: “they will end up advising you to rewire the whole house”

      ROTFL. And after that, they will throw the owner out.

      1. Listen to outsiders and throw the owners out – which is very true. e.g: “to get better English teachers, get all Malaysian teachers to sit for a British private sector’s exam – fail them all via unstable online system so you can sack them out and tell PM to hire more white teachers”

    2. Re “they will end up advising you to rewire the whole house”

      l o l some will tell you to sell your house and then buy a new one. One look at what the PM is doing right now is to abandon his supporters in the hope of getting new ones. l o l

  11. Khalid mana boleh ? Ini Khalid Lah tak sedap dengar pun. Kalau Ini KJ Lah baru sedap dengar.

    1. PKR kicked out Khalid. Khalid kicked out PKR and DAP Exco members. Just before he left, he kicked out the Economic Advisor aka Ketua Umum. Ini Khalid lah.

  12. Dear Helan,

    Saya rasa pemberian BR1M skim oleh PM kepada Rakyat Malaysia yang berpendapatan rendah ada muslihatnya.

    Ramai di-antara mereka yang berdaftar untuk menerima BR1M mempunyai bisnes-bisnes sendiri seperti kedai-kedai kopi, kedai-kedai makan, pub, restoran, workshops, salesman, agen insuran, along dan sebagainya dan kebanyakan mereka ini terdiri daripada satu bangsa dan kalau tak silap saya, mereka ini kebanyakannya tidak berdaftar dengan LHDN, jadi cara yang paling sesuai untuk mengetuai sama ada mereka membayar cukai kepada kerajaan Malaysia dengan sewajarnya adalah supaya mereka memberikan Nama dan Kad pengenalan semasa pendaftaran BR1M.

    Dengan adanya nama dan nombor kad pengenalan mereka dalam database, senanglah bagi Kerajaan untuk membuat cross reference dengan Badan-badan Kerajaan untuk mencekup mereka yang tidak membayar cukai kepada Kerajaan tetapi tinggal di rumah-rumah batu besar dan memakai kereta-kereta mewah.

    Saya bersetuju dengan BR1M walau pun jumlahnya mencecah berbiliun-biliun Ringgit tetapi kalau di kira dari pulangan yang Kerajaan akan terima dari mereka-mereka yang tersebut di-atas, saya rasa ia memang berbaloi.

    Cadangan Cik Helan supaya TSKI di-jadikan PM Malaysia mendapat sokongan penuh saya sebagai Rakyat Malaysia.

    1. Manthim Aw…kau ni pendek akal. Kalau nak trace tax defaulters perlu ke menghabiskan berbillion2 setiap tahun?

      Kau ni bodoh ke bangang? Kan kerajaan dah ada sekian banyak data penduduk? expand the data and Improvise the method sahaja. Orang macam kau ni antara sebab najib tak mahu berubah sebab dia rasa segala tindakan dia ramai rakyat yang sokong.

  13. I read someplace the number of individual tax payers is approx 3m. Therefore the other 2m individual tax payers majority must be fm those gaining income from other sources ie business, rent, interest income etc.

    We are made to understand tht businesses and properties are mainly held by the Chinese? Mustahil all those earning income derived from these sources, hardly 2m of them earned over RM3K per month! Just look at their houses, properties, cars and their ways of life.. Bole percaya ke?

    These 2m individual tax payers must be multi multi millionaires pasai, by combining their tax contributions kiraan pendapatan purata bulanan orang Malaysia boleh mencecah sebanyak RM5,900?

    Alamak.. Mana pi makluk2 yang lain? Semua sekadar gendang kosong macam Alvivi sex sewel couple and Adam Adli aje ke?. Tau tiup terumpet aje lebih tapi contribution to the country so far yeeelek?

  14. If the government wants accurate numbers on income, all they have to do is merge 3 data sets: LHDN, EPF and CCRIS by NRIC number. It will only miss out people who are paid in or deal only in cash.

    The national census relies on self reported income, and their calculation includes paper gains like asset appreciation.

    Another quick source is BNM statistics bulletin: total personal deposits inflow volume = gross income. Divided by no of adults or households for average take home pay.

  15. Kita sudah tiada masa……..untuk menjadi negara berstatus maju dan berpendapatan tinggi. -Ah Jib Gor-

    Apa sebenarnya Kepala Hotak ni nak kejar sampai dah macam tak cukup masa habis poket kita semua rabak dirobeknya.

    1. Too many men in power chase after castles in the air, while the ordinary folks are scrounging for a living.

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